コード例 #1
ファイル: random.cpp プロジェクト: jayhesselberth/valr
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame random_impl(DataFrame genome, int length, int n, int seed = 0) {
  CharacterVector chroms = genome["chrom"] ;
  NumericVector sizes = genome["size"] ;
  int nchrom = chroms.size() ;
  if (seed == 0)
    seed = round(R::runif(0, RAND_MAX)) ;

  // seed the generator
  auto generator = ENG(seed) ;

  // calculate weights for chrom distribution
  float mass = sum(sizes) ;
  NumericVector weights = sizes / mass ;
  Range chromidx(0, nchrom) ;
  PDIST chrom_dist(chromidx.begin(), chromidx.end(), weights.begin()) ;
  // make and store a DIST for each chrom size
  std::vector< UDIST > size_rngs ;
  for (int i=0; i<nchrom; ++i) {
    auto size = sizes[i] ;
    // sub length to avoid off-chrom coordinates
    UDIST size_dist(1, size - length) ;
    size_rngs.push_back(size_dist) ;
  CharacterVector rand_chroms(n) ;
  IntegerVector rand_starts(n) ;
  for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
     auto chrom_idx = chrom_dist(generator) ;
     rand_chroms[i] = chroms[chrom_idx] ;
     UDIST size_dist = size_rngs[chrom_idx] ;
     auto rand_start = size_dist(generator) ;
     rand_starts[i] = rand_start ;
  IntegerVector rand_ends = rand_starts + length ; 
  return DataFrame::create( Named("chrom") = rand_chroms,
                            Named("start") = rand_starts,
                            Named("end") = rand_ends,
                            Named("stringsAsFactors") = false) ;
コード例 #2
char* packet_gen_socket(int src, int dst, int state, int ctime){ 

	int size;
	char *payload=NULL;

	LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: num_nodes_tx:: %d , seed:: %d \n", g_otg->num_nodes, g_otg->seed);

	LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: NODE_INFO (Source= %d, Destination= %d,State= %d) ctime %d \n", src, dst, state, otg_info->ctime);

	LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: INFO_SIM (src=%d, dst=%d, state=%d) application=%d, idt dist =%d, pkts dist= %d\n", src, dst, state, g_otg->application_type[src][dst], g_otg->idt_dist[src][dst][state], g_otg->size_dist[src][dst][state]);

	LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: Transmission info: idt=%d, simulation time=%d \n", otg_info->idt[src][dst], ctime); 
	// do not generate packet for this pair of src, dst : no app type and/or idt are defined	
	if ((g_otg->application_type[src][dst] == 0) && (g_otg->idt_dist[src][dst][0] == 0)){
        	LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: Do not generate packet for this pair of src=%d, dst =%d: no app type and/or idt are defined\n", src, dst); 
		return 0;	 

//pre-config for the standalone
	if (ctime<otg_info->ptime[src][dst][state]) //it happends when the emulation was finished
	if (ctime==0)
	otg_info->idt[src][dst]=0; //for the standalone mode: the emulation is run several times, we need to initialise the idt to 0 when ctime=0
//end pre-config

	if ((otg_info->idt[src][dst]==(ctime-otg_info->ptime[src][dst][state])) || (otg_info->idt[src][dst]==0)) {
		   LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: Time To Transmit (Source= %d, Destination= %d,State= %d) , (IDT= %d ,simu time= %d, previous packet time= %d) \n", src, dst, state ,otg_info->idt[src][dst], ctime, otg_info->ptime[src][dst][state]); 
		   otg_info->idt[src][dst]=time_dist(src, dst, state); // update the idt for the next otg_tx
		else {
		   LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: It is not the time to transmit (ctime= %d, previous time=%d, packet idt=%d),  node( %d,%d) \n", ctime,otg_info->ptime[src][dst][state], otg_info->idt[src][dst], src, dst);  
		   return 0; // do not generate the packet, and keep the idt


	size=size_dist(src, dst, state);	
	LOG_I(OTG,"SOCKET :: Generate Packet for (Source= %d, Destination= %d,State= %d) , pkt size dist= %d, simu time= %d ,packet size=%d \n",
	src, dst, state, g_otg->size_dist[src][dst][state], otg_info->ctime, size);

	if (size>(5* sizeof(int)))		
		size=size-(5* sizeof(int));
		size=(5* sizeof(int))+10;



コード例 #3
ファイル: kruskal.cpp プロジェクト: ttalvitie/libcontest
int main() {
	mt19937 rng;
	uniform_int_distribution<int> size_dist(0, 40);
	for(int t = 0; t < 10000; ++t) {
		int n = size_dist(rng);
		uniform_int_distribution<int> edgecount_dist(0, 5 * n);
		int edgecount = edgecount_dist(rng);
		if(n < 2) edgecount = 0;
		uniform_int_distribution<int> weight_dist(0, 12);
		vector<pair<double, pair<int, int> > > edges;
		for(int i = 0; i < edgecount; ++i) {
			uniform_int_distribution<int> vertex_dist(0, n - 1);
			int v1 = vertex_dist(rng);
			int v2 = v1;
			while(v1 == v2) v2 = vertex_dist(rng);
			edges.push_back(pair<double, pair<int, int> >(
				pair<int, int>(v1, v2)
		vector<vector<int> > graph(n);
		for(int i = 0; i < edgecount; ++i) {
			int v1 = edges[i].second.first;
			int v2 = edges[i].second.second;
		pair<vector<vector<int> >, double> p = kruskal(n, edges);
		if(!sameComponents(graph, p.first)) fail();
		for(int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
			failIfNotTreeComponent(p.first, v);
		double weight = 0.0;
		for(int x = 0; x < n; ++x) {
			for(int i = 0; i < p.first[x].size(); ++i) {
				int y = p.first[x][i];
				double best = 1.0 / 0.0;
				for(int ei = 0; ei < edges.size(); ++ei) {
						(edges[ei].second.first == x && edges[ei].second.second == y) ||
						(edges[ei].second.first == y && edges[ei].second.second == x)
					) {
						best = min(best, edges[ei].first);
				weight += best;
		if(weight != 2.0 * p.second) fail();
	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: tnct-spc/procon2014
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // スコープ長いけれど……
    std::string const output_filename = "report_movement";

    if(argc != 2 || argc != 4)\
    if(argc != 2 && argc != 4)
        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " 試行回数 [分割数タテ 分割数ヨコ]" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    bool const is_fixed  = argc == 4;
    int  const try_num   = std::atoi(argv[1]);
    auto const split_num = is_fixed ? std::make_pair(std::atoi(argv[3]), std::atoi(argv[2])) : std::make_pair(-1, -1);

    std::mt19937 mt;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> select_dist(1, 20); // 選択可能回数生成器
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> size_dist  (2, 16); // サイズ生成器
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> cost_dist  (1, 50); // コスト生成器

    for(int n=0; n<try_num; ++n)
        int const problem_id = 0; // 仮
        std::string const player_id = "0"; //仮
        std::pair<int,int> const size = is_fixed ? split_num : std::make_pair(size_dist(mt), size_dist(mt));
        int const selectable = select_dist(mt);
        int const cost_select = cost_dist(mt);
        int const cost_change = cost_dist(mt);

        std::vector<std::vector<point_type>> block(
            std::vector<point_type>(size.first, {-1, -1})

        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> x_dist(0, size.first  - 1);
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int> y_dist(0, size.second - 1);
        for(int i=0; i<size.second; ++i)
            for(int j=0; j<size.first; ++j)
                int x, y;
                    x = x_dist(mt);
                    y = y_dist(mt);
                while(!(block[y][x] == point_type{-1, -1}));

                block[y][x] = point_type{j, i};

        // テストデータ発行
        question_data question{

        // 実行から評価まで
        algorithm algo;
        algo.reset(question);     // テストデータのセット

        // エミュレータ起動
        test_tool::emulator emu(question);

        // 評価保存先ファイルを開き,問題データを書き込む
        std::ofstream ofs(output_filename + std::to_string(n) + ".csv");
        ofs << "[Question]\n";
        for(auto const& line : block)
            for(auto const& elem : line)
                ofs << R"(")" << elem.x << "," << elem.y << R"(", )";
            ofs << "\n";
        ofs << "\n";

        ofs << "[Answer]\n";
        ofs << "回数,間違い位置数,コスト\n";

        int counter = 0;
        while(auto first_result = algo.get())  // 解答が受け取れる間ループ
            // 評価
            auto const evaluate = emu.start(first_result.get());

            // 書出
            ofs << counter+1 << "," <<evaluate.wrong << "," << evaluate.cost << "\n";

            ++counter; // テストなので解答回数をカウントする必要あるかなと

    return 0;