int get_key_len(const char **user){ char section[50]; //nazwa sekcji char mobile[50]; //nazwa telefonu dla uzytkownika int key_len; // dlogosc klucza z konfigu int s; //iterator sekcji int b; // enabled, true/false // Szukaj uzytkownikow for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile_users) > 0; s++) { printf("get_key_len() [%s] user: %s\n", section, *user); if (!strcmp(*user, section)){ printf("user cfg exists\n"); b = ini_getbool(section, "enabled", 0, inifile_users); if(b == 1){ //pobierz nazwe telfonu przypisanego do uzytkownika ini_gets(section, "mobile", "0", mobile, sizearray(mobile), inifile_users); // pobierz dlugosc klucza i klucz key_len = ini_getl(mobile, "key_len", 1, inifile_mobiles); printf("get_key_len(): key length: %d\n", key_len); return key_len; } } } /* for */ return -1; }
void actuator_initfunc(char *cfgfile, int devno) { char cmd[255]; char *cmd_with_path; char *cmd_only; debug("[external actuator plugin] actuator_initfunc device %d\n",devno); if (devno==0) { ini_gets("actuator_plugin_external", "actuator_on", EXTACTON, ext_act_cfg.extactuatoron[0], sizearray(ext_act_cfg.extactuatoron[0]), cfgfile); ini_gets("actuator_plugin_external", "actuator_off", EXTACTOFF, ext_act_cfg.extactuatoroff[0], sizearray(ext_act_cfg.extactuatoroff[0]), cfgfile); } if (devno==1) { ini_gets("actuator_plugin_external", "stirring_device_on", EXTSTIRON, ext_act_cfg.extactuatoron[1], sizearray(ext_act_cfg.extactuatoron[1]), cfgfile); ini_gets("actuator_plugin_external", "stirring_device_off", EXTSTIRON, ext_act_cfg.extactuatoroff[1], sizearray(ext_act_cfg.extactuatoroff[1]), cfgfile); } // check if command is available in PATH strcpy(cmd,ext_act_cfg.extactuatoron[devno]); cmd_only=strtok(cmd," "); if (0==searchXfile(cmd_only,&cmd_with_path)) free(cmd_with_path); else die("[external actuator plugin] can not find command >%s<\n",cmd_only); }
// Property sheet void preferenceCreate(HWND parent) { HINSTANCE instance = FBALocaliseInstance(); PROPSHEETPAGE psp[3]; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; for (int i = 0; i < sizearray(psp); i++) { psp[i].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp[i].dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; psp[i].hInstance = instance; psp[i].lParam = 0; psp[i].pfnCallback = NULL; } psp[0].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PREF_VIDEO); psp[0].pfnDlgProc = (DLGPROC)prefVideoDlgProc; psp[1].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PREF_AUDIO); psp[1].pfnDlgProc = (DLGPROC)prefAudioDlgProc; psp[2].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PREF_MISC); psp[2].pfnDlgProc = (DLGPROC)prefMiscDlgProc; psh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW | PSH_NOCONTEXTHELP; psh.hwndParent = parent; psh.hInstance = instance; psh.pszCaption = FBALoadStringEx(IDS_PREF_SETTINGS); psh.nPages = sizearray(psp); psh.nStartPage = 0; psh.ppsp = (LPCPROPSHEETPAGE)&psp; psh.pfnCallback = NULL; PropertySheet(&psh); }
int createDatfileWindows(int type) { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilter[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(szChoice, sizearray(szChoice), _T(APP_TITLE) _T(" v%.20s (%s).dat"), szAppBurnVer, _T("clrmamepro")); _sntprintf(szTitle, sizearray(szTitle), FBALoadStringEx(IDS_DAT_GENERATE), _T("clrmamepro")); _stprintf(szFilter, FBALoadStringEx(IDS_DISK_ALL_DAT), _T(APP_TITLE)); memcpy(szFilter + _tcslen(szFilter), _T(" (*.dat)\0*.dat\0\0"), 16 * sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hScrnWnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrFile = szChoice; ofn.nMaxFile = sizearray(szChoice); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = _T("."); ofn.Flags = OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T("dat"); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn) == 0) return 1; return create_datfile(szChoice, type); }
int processPostData(char *postData) { char *token; char buf[1024]; char decodedToken[100]; char action[80]; char section[80]; char field[80]; char value[80]; int smartDnsUpdatePerformed; char smartDnsProviderPrimary[1024]; char smartDnsProviderSecondary[1024]; int n; sscanf(postData, "action=%[0-9a-zA-Z]", &action); if(compStr(action, "update", sizearray(action))) { token = strtok (postData,"&"); while (token != NULL) { //check if contains / so we know it's a var to update urldecode2(decodedToken, token); if(strstr(decodedToken, "/") != NULL) { sscanf(decodedToken, "%[0-9a-zA-Z]/%[0-9a-zA-Z]=%[0-9a-zA-Z.:/_%-]", section, field, value); //check if DNS update and allowed to perform if(compStr(section, "DNS", sizearray(section)) && !compStr(field, "useDHCP", sizearray(field)) && (smartDnsUpdatePerformed == 1)) { //do nothing } else { n = write_config_var(section, field, value); } //Check if an update for smartDNS selected which is not set to other if(compStr(section, "SmartDNS", sizearray(section)) && compStr(field, "selected", sizearray(section)) && !compStr(value, "other", sizearray(section))) { strcpy(buf, "SmartDNS-"); strcat(buf, value); //get DNS details for SmartDNS provider read_config_var(buf, "primary", smartDnsProviderPrimary); read_config_var(buf, "secondary", smartDnsProviderSecondary); //set DNS details to selected SmartDNS Provider n = write_config_var("DNS", "primary", smartDnsProviderPrimary); n = write_config_var("DNS", "secondary", smartDnsProviderSecondary); //set that DNS update has been performed so any unwanted commits don't occur after smartDnsUpdatePerformed=1; } } token = strtok (NULL, "&"); } } }
int FBAPopupAddText(int nFlags, TCHAR* pszFormat, ...) { TCHAR szString[1024] = _T(""); TCHAR* pszStringEnglish = NULL; va_list vaEnglish; va_start(vaEnglish, pszFormat); pszStringEnglish = pszFormat; // See if we need to load strings from reources if (nFlags & PUF_TEXT_TRANSLATE) { TCHAR* pszStringLocal; va_list vaLocal; va_start(vaLocal, pszFormat); pszStringLocal = pszFormat; // Add the translated string if present if (bLanguageActive && (nFlags & PUF_TEXT_TRANSLATE) && pszStringLocal && *pszStringLocal) { // Add the translated string int nLen = _vsntprintf(szString, sizearray(szString), pszStringLocal, vaLocal); if (nLen > 0) { TCHAR* pszNewBuffer = (TCHAR*)realloc(pszBufferLocal, (nLen + nBufferLocalSize + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszNewBuffer) { pszBufferLocal = pszNewBuffer; _tcsncpy(pszBufferLocal + nBufferLocalSize, szString, nLen); nBufferLocalSize += nLen; pszBufferLocal[nBufferLocalSize] = 0; } } } va_end(vaLocal); } // Add the English language string if (pszStringEnglish && *pszStringEnglish) { int nLen = _vsntprintf(szString, sizearray(szString), pszStringEnglish, vaEnglish); if (nLen > 0) { TCHAR* pszNewBuffer = (TCHAR*)realloc(pszBufferEnglish, (nLen + nBufferEnglishSize + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszNewBuffer) { pszBufferEnglish = pszNewBuffer; _tcsncpy(pszBufferEnglish + nBufferEnglishSize, szString, nLen); nBufferEnglishSize += nLen; pszBufferEnglish[nBufferEnglishSize] = 0; } } } va_end(vaEnglish); return 0; }
TCHAR* FBALoadStringEx(UINT id, bool translate) { static TCHAR loadstr[2048] = _T(""); if (translate) { FBALoadString(id, loadstr, sizearray(loadstr)); } else { LoadString(hAppInst, id, loadstr, sizearray(loadstr)); } return loadstr; }
// Wejscie: // user - login // Wyjscia // btaddr // port // mobile_id // rssi int get_user_data(const char **user, char* btaddr, int *port, char *mobile_id, float *rssi){ char section[50]; //nazwa sekcji char mobile[50]; //nazwa telefonu dla uzytkownika char addr[18]; int s; //iterator sekcji int b; // enabled, true/false int p; // port float min_rssi; // rssi //char user_login[] = *user; for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile_users) > 0; s++) { //printf(" [%s] user: %s\n", section, *user); if (!strcmp(*user, section)){ printf("user cfg exists\n"); b = ini_getbool(section, "enabled", 0, inifile_users); if(b == 1){ //pobierz nazwe telfonu przypisanego do uzytkownika ini_gets(section, "mobile", "0", mobile, sizearray(mobile), inifile_users); //pobierrz btaddr i port telefonu o ww nazwie ini_gets(mobile, "btaddr", "999", addr, sizearray(addr), inifile_mobiles); p = ini_getl(mobile, "port", 999, inifile_mobiles); // pobierz wartosc progu RSSI min_rssi = ini_getf(mobile, "min_rssi", "-5.0", inifile_users); printf("user %s enabled with mobile: %s\n", *user, mobile); printf("mobile btaddr: %s, port: %d\n", addr, p); printf("rssi threshold: %f\n", min_rssi); //printf("check_user(): key length: %d, key: %s\n", key_len, k); //zapisz btaddr, port i klucz do adresow z argumetu strcpy(btaddr,addr); strcpy(mobile_id, mobile); *port = p; *rssi = min_rssi; return 0; } //for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) { // printf("\t%s\n", str); //} /* for */ } } /* for */ return E_INI_FILE; }
int Profile_GetBoolean(const char *Section, const char *Key, int DefValue) { char buff[64]; int len = Profile_GetString(Section, Key, "", buff, sizearray(buff)); int ret = 0; // printf("int %s \n",buff); if (len == 0) { return DefValue; } if((buff[0] == 'y') || (buff[0] == 'Y') || (buff[0] == '1') || (buff[0] == 't') || (buff[0] == 'T')) { ret = 1 ; } else if((buff[0] == 'n') || (buff[0] == 'N') || (buff[0] == '0') || (buff[0] == 'f') || (buff[0] == 'F')) { ret = 0 ; } else { ret = DefValue ; } return ret; }
static void mountCartridge(const bool& mount) { if (mount) { if (BurnCartridgeGameLoaded) { memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hScrnWnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = pBurnCartridgeFileExtFilter; ofn.lpstrFile = szChoice; ofn.nMaxFile = sizearray(szChoice); ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; int bOldPause = bRunPause; bRunPause = 1; int nRet = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); bRunPause = bOldPause; if (nRet && pBurnInsertCartridgeCallBack) { pBurnInsertCartridgeCallBack(szChoice); } } } else { if (BurnCartridgeGameLoaded && pBurnInsertCartridgeCallBack) { pBurnInsertCartridgeCallBack(0); } } }
void quickLoadFile() { SplashDestroy(1); audio.stop(); memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Quick Load games"); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hScrnWnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = _T("All support types\0*.zip;*.7z;*.fr;*.fs\0") _T("Archive File (*.zip,*.7z)\0*.zip;*.7z\0\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = szChoice; ofn.nMaxFile = sizearray(szChoice); ofn.Flags = OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; int bOldPause = bRunPause; bRunPause = 1; int nRet = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); bRunPause = bOldPause;; if (nRet == 0) return; directLoadGame(szChoice); }
int ini_getbool_OpenedFile( const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, int DefValue, INI_FILETYPE* pFile ) { TCHAR LocalBuffer[2]; int ret; int pos = 0; (void) ini_seek(pFile, &pos); ini_gets_OpenedFile(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), pFile); LocalBuffer[0] = (TCHAR) toupper(LocalBuffer[0]); if (LocalBuffer[0] == 'Y' || LocalBuffer[0] == '1' || LocalBuffer[0] == 'T') ret = 1; else if (LocalBuffer[0] == 'N' || LocalBuffer[0] == '0' || LocalBuffer[0] == 'F') ret = 0; else ret = DefValue; return (ret); }
/** ini_getl() * \param Section the name of the section to search for * \param Key the name of the entry to find the value of * \param DefValue the default value in the event of a failed read * \param Filename the name of the .ini file to read from * * \return the value located at Key */ long ini_getl(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, long DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename) { TCHAR LocalBuffer[64]; int len = ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), Filename); return (len == 0) ? DefValue : ((len >= 2 && _totupper(LocalBuffer[1]) == 'X') ? _tcstol(LocalBuffer, NULL, 16) : _tcstol(LocalBuffer, NULL, 10)); }
int main() { sizearray(); char * text = pointertest(); printf("\nOutput of pointer: %s\n",text); printf("3x3x3=%d",do_pow(3)); return 0; }
static void localiseMakeOfn() { memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hScrnWnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = _T("Language (*.dll)\0*.dll\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = szChoice; ofn.nMaxFile = sizearray(szChoice); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = _T("lang"); ofn.Flags = OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T("dll"); }
/** Profile_GetInteger() * \param Section the name of the section to search for * \param Key the name of the entry to find the value of * \param DefValue the default value in the event of a failed read * * \return the value located at Key */ long Profile_GetInteger(const char *Section, const char *Key, long DefValue) { char buff[64]; int len = Profile_GetString(Section, Key, "", buff, sizearray(buff)); // printf("int %s \n",buff); if (len == 0) return DefValue; if (buff[0] == '0' && String_ToUpperCase(buff[1]) == 'X') return String_AParseHexU32(buff); else return _tcstol(buff,NULL,10); }
long ini_getl_OpenedFile( const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, long DefValue, INI_FILETYPE* pFile) { TCHAR LocalBuffer[64]; int pos = 0; // (void) ini_seek(pFile, &pos); int len = ini_gets_OpenedFile(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), pFile); return (len == 0) ? DefValue : ((len >= 2 && _totupper(LocalBuffer[1]) == 'X') ? _tcstol(LocalBuffer, NULL, 16) : _tcstol(LocalBuffer, NULL, 10)); }
static void audioFrameInit() { if (!hAudioDlg) { return; } // Initialise slider TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(szText, sizearray(szText), FBALoadStringEx(IDS_NUMDLG_FRAME), nAudSegCount, int(1000.0 * (nAudSegCount - 1.0) / 60)); SetDlgItemText(hAudioDlg, IDC_PREF_AUDFRAME_TEXT, szText); // limit in 2 - 10 SendDlgItemMessage(hAudioDlg, IDC_PREF_AUDFRAME, TBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(2, 10)); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudioDlg, IDC_PREF_AUDFRAME, TBM_SETTIC, 0, (LPARAM)6); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudioDlg, IDC_PREF_AUDFRAME, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)nAudSegCount); }
static void WaveMakeOfn(TCHAR* pszFilter) { _stprintf(pszFilter, FBALoadStringEx(IDS_DISK_FILE_SOUND), _T(APP_TITLE)); memcpy(pszFilter + _tcslen(pszFilter), _T(" (*.wav)\0*.wav\0\0"), 16 * sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hScrnWnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = pszFilter; ofn.lpstrFile = szChoice; ofn.nMaxFile = sizearray(szChoice); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = _T(".\\wav"); ofn.Flags = OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T("wav"); return; }
/** ini_getbool() * \param Section the name of the section to search for * \param Key the name of the entry to find the value of * \param DefValue default value in the event of a failed read; it should * zero (0) or one (1). * \param Buffer a pointer to the buffer to copy into * \param BufferSize the maximum number of characters to copy * \param Filename the name and full path of the .ini file to read from * A true boolean is found if one of the following is matched: - A string starting with 'y' - A string starting with 'Y' - A string starting with 't' - A string starting with 'T' - A string starting with '1' A false boolean is found if one of the following is matched: - A string starting with 'n' - A string starting with 'N' - A string starting with 'f' - A string starting with 'F' - A string starting with '0' * * \return the true/false flag as interpreted at Key */ int ini_getbool(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, int DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename) { TCHAR buff[2]; int ret; ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), buff, sizearray(buff), Filename); buff[0] = toupper(buff[0]); if (buff[0]=='Y' || buff[0]=='1' || buff[0]=='T') ret = 1; else if (buff[0]=='N' || buff[0]=='0' || buff[0]=='F') ret = 0; else ret = DefValue; return(ret); }
static void miscSliderInit() { if (!hMiscDlg) { return; } // Initialise slider TCHAR szText[16]; _sntprintf(szText, sizearray(szText), _T("%d"), nAppThreadPriority); SetDlgItemText(hMiscDlg, IDC_PREF_THREADPRIORITY_TEXT, szText); // thread priority, limit in -15 ~ 1 SendDlgItemMessage(hMiscDlg, IDC_PREF_THREADPRIORITY, TBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(-15, 1)); SendDlgItemMessage(hMiscDlg, IDC_PREF_THREADPRIORITY, TBM_SETTIC, 0, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hMiscDlg, IDC_PREF_THREADPRIORITY, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)nAppThreadPriority); }
/** ini_getbool() * \param Section the name of the section to search for * \param Key the name of the entry to find the value of * \param DefValue default value in the event of a failed read; it should * zero (0) or one (1). * \param Buffer a pointer to the buffer to copy into * \param BufferSize the maximum number of characters to copy * \param Filename the name and full path of the .ini file to read from * * A true boolean is found if one of the following is matched: * - A string starting with 'y' or 'Y' * - A string starting with 't' or 'T' * - A string starting with '1' * * A false boolean is found if one of the following is matched: * - A string starting with 'n' or 'N' * - A string starting with 'f' or 'F' * - A string starting with '0' * * \return the true/false flag as interpreted at Key */ int ini_getbool(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, int DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename) { TCHAR LocalBuffer[2]; int ret; ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), Filename); LocalBuffer[0] = (TCHAR)toupper(LocalBuffer[0]); if (LocalBuffer[0] == 'Y' || LocalBuffer[0] == '1' || LocalBuffer[0] == 'T') ret = 1; else if (LocalBuffer[0] == 'N' || LocalBuffer[0] == '0' || LocalBuffer[0] == 'F') ret = 0; else ret = DefValue; return(ret); }
int FBALocaliseInit(TCHAR* lanaugae) { FBALocaliseExit(); if (!lanaugae || !lanaugae[0]) { return 0; } hLanguage = LoadLibrary(lanaugae); if (!hLanguage) { FBAPopupAddText(PUF_TYPE_WARNING, _T("Language dll load failed!")); FBAPopupDisplay(PUF_TYPE_WARNING); return 1; } _tcsncpy(szLanguage, lanaugae, sizearray(szLanguage)); bLanguageActive = true; return 0; }
/* Inserts a subtree into the given expression tree, with pos being * the index of where to add the child branch. */ static int addchild(struct exptree *t, struct exptree *sub, int pos) { int n; if (t->childcount == sizearray(t->child) || !sub) return FALSE; if (pos < -1 || pos > t->childcount) return FALSE; if (pos == -1 || pos == t->childcount) { t->child[t->childcount] = sub; } else { for (n = t->childcount ; n > pos ; --n) t->child[n] = t->child[n - 1]; t->child[pos] = sub; } ++t->childcount; return TRUE; }
int scrnTitle() { TCHAR szText[1024] = _T(""); // Create window title if (bDrvOkay) { TCHAR* pszPosition = szText; TCHAR* pszName = transGameName(BurnDrvGetText(DRV_FULLNAME)); if (bShowFPS) { extern TCHAR fpsString[]; pszPosition += _sntprintf(szText, sizearray(szText), _T("%s"), pszName); _stprintf(pszPosition, _T(" ") _T("[") _T("%s") _T("]"), fpsString); } else { _stprintf(szText, _T("%s"), pszName); } } else { _stprintf(szText, _T(APP_TITLE) _T( " v%.20s"), szAppBurnVer); } SetWindowText(hScrnWnd, szText); return 0; }
cell amx_exec_run(AMX *amx,cell *retval,unsigned char *data) { static const void * const amx_opcodelist[] = { /* core set */ &&op_nop, &&op_load_pri, &&op_load_alt, &&op_load_s_pri, &&op_load_s_alt, &&op_lref_s_pri, &&op_lref_s_alt, &&op_load_i, &&op_lodb_i, &&op_const_pri, &&op_const_alt, &&op_addr_pri, &&op_addr_alt, &&op_stor, &&op_stor_s, &&op_sref_s, &&op_stor_i, &&op_strb_i, &&op_align_pri, &&op_lctrl, &&op_sctrl, &&op_xchg, &&op_push_pri, &&op_push_alt, &&op_pushr_pri, &&op_pop_pri, &&op_pop_alt, &&op_pick, &&op_stack, &&op_heap, &&op_proc, &&op_ret, &&op_retn, &&op_call, &&op_jump, &&op_jzer, &&op_jnz, &&op_shl, &&op_shr, &&op_sshr, &&op_shl_c_pri, &&op_shl_c_alt, &&op_smul, &&op_sdiv, &&op_add, &&op_sub, &&op_and, &&op_or, &&op_xor, &&op_not, &&op_neg, &&op_invert, &&op_eq, &&op_neq, &&op_sless, &&op_sleq, &&op_sgrtr, &&op_sgeq, &&op_inc_pri, &&op_inc_alt, &&op_inc_i, &&op_dec_pri, &&op_dec_alt, &&op_dec_i, &&op_movs, &&op_cmps, &&op_fill, &&op_halt, &&op_bounds, &&op_sysreq, &&op_switch, &&op_swap_pri, &&op_swap_alt, &&op_break, &&op_casetbl, /* patched instructions */ /* if op_sysreq_d and/or op_sysreq_nd are not implemented, their entries * in this table must be NULL */ &&op_sysreq_d, &&op_sysreq_nd, /* overlay instructions */ &&op_call_ovl, &&op_retn_ovl, &&op_switch_ovl, &&op_casetbl_ovl, /* supplemental and macro instructions */ #if !defined AMX_NO_MACRO_INSTR &&op_lidx, &&op_lidx_b, &&op_idxaddr, &&op_idxaddr_b, &&op_push_c, &&op_push, &&op_push_s, &&op_push_adr, &&op_pushr_c, &&op_pushr_s, &&op_pushr_adr, &&op_jeq, &&op_jneq, &&op_jsless, &&op_jsleq, &&op_jsgrtr, &&op_jsgeq, &&op_sdiv_inv, &&op_sub_inv, &&op_add_c, &&op_smul_c, &&op_zero_pri, &&op_zero_alt, &&op_zero, &&op_zero_s, &&op_eq_c_pri, &&op_eq_c_alt, &&op_inc, &&op_inc_s, &&op_dec, &&op_dec_s, &&op_sysreq_n, &&op_pushm_c, &&op_pushm, &&op_pushm_s, &&op_pushm_adr, &&op_pushrm_c, &&op_pushrm_s, &&op_pushrm_adr, &&op_load2, &&op_load2_s, &&op_const, &&op_const_s, #endif #if !defined AMX_NO_PACKED_OPC &&op_load_p_pri, &&op_load_p_alt, &&op_load_p_s_pri,&&op_load_p_s_alt, &&op_lref_p_s_pri,&&op_lref_p_s_alt,&&op_lodb_p_i, &&op_const_p_pri, &&op_const_p_alt, &&op_addr_p_pri, &&op_addr_p_alt, &&op_stor_p, &&op_stor_p_s, &&op_sref_p_s, &&op_strb_p_i, &&op_lidx_p_b, &&op_idxaddr_p_b, &&op_align_p_pri, &&op_push_p_c, &&op_push_p, &&op_push_p_s, &&op_push_p_adr, &&op_pushr_p_c, &&op_pushr_p_s, &&op_pushr_p_adr, &&op_pushm_p_c, &&op_pushm_p, &&op_pushm_p_s, &&op_pushm_p_adr, &&op_pushrm_p_c, &&op_pushrm_p_s, &&op_pushrm_p_adr, &&op_stack_p, &&op_heap_p, &&op_shl_p_c_pri, &&op_shl_p_c_alt, &&op_add_p_c, &&op_smul_p_c, &&op_zero_p, &&op_zero_p_s, &&op_eq_p_c_pri, &&op_eq_p_c_alt, &&op_inc_p, &&op_inc_p_s, &&op_dec_p, &&op_dec_p_s, &&op_movs_p, &&op_cmps_p, &&op_fill_p, &&op_halt_p, &&op_bounds_p, #endif }; AMX_HEADER *hdr; cell pri,alt,stk,frm,hea; cell reset_stk, reset_hea, *cip; cell offs,val; int num,i; #if !defined AMX_NO_PACKED_OPC int op; #endif assert(amx!=NULL); /* HACK: return label table and opcode count (for VerifyPcode()) if amx * structure has the flags set to all ones (see amx_exec_list() above) */ if (amx->flags==~0) { assert(sizeof(cell)==sizeof(void *)); assert(data==NULL); assert(retval!=NULL); *retval=(cell)amx_opcodelist; return sizearray(amx_opcodelist); } /* if */ /* set up the registers */ hdr=(AMX_HEADER *)amx->base; assert(hdr->magic==AMX_MAGIC); assert(hdr->file_version>=11); cip=(cell*)amx->cip; hea=amx->hea; stk=amx->stk; reset_stk=stk; reset_hea=hea; alt=frm=pri=0;/* just to avoid compiler warnings */ num=0; /* just to avoid compiler warnings */ /* start running */ assert(amx->code!=NULL); assert(data!=NULL); cip=(cell *)(amx->code+(int)amx->cip); NEXT(cip,op); op_nop: NEXT(cip,op); op_load_pri: GETPARAM(offs); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_alt: GETPARAM(offs); alt=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_s_pri: GETPARAM(offs); pri=_R(data,frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_s_alt: GETPARAM(offs); alt=_R(data,frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_lref_s_pri: GETPARAM(offs); offs=_R(data,frm+offs); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_lref_s_alt: GETPARAM(offs); offs=_R(data,frm+offs); alt=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_i: /* verify address */ if (pri>=hea && pri<stk || (ucell)pri>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); pri=_R(data,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_lodb_i: GETPARAM(offs); __lodb_i: /* verify address */ if (pri>=hea && pri<stk || (ucell)pri>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); switch (offs) { case 1: pri=_R8(data,pri); break; case 2: pri=_R16(data,pri); break; case 4: pri=_R32(data,pri); break; } /* switch */ NEXT(cip,op); op_const_pri: GETPARAM(pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_const_alt: GETPARAM(alt); NEXT(cip,op); op_addr_pri: GETPARAM(pri); pri+=frm; NEXT(cip,op); op_addr_alt: GETPARAM(alt); alt+=frm; NEXT(cip,op); op_stor: GETPARAM(offs); _W(data,offs,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_stor_s: GETPARAM(offs); _W(data,frm+offs,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_sref_s: GETPARAM(offs); offs=_R(data,frm+offs); _W(data,offs,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_stor_i: /* verify address */ if (alt>=hea && alt<stk || (ucell)alt>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); _W(data,alt,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_strb_i: GETPARAM(offs); __strb_i: /* verify address */ if (alt>=hea && alt<stk || (ucell)alt>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); switch (offs) { case 1: _W8(data,alt,pri); break; case 2: _W16(data,alt,pri); break; case 4: _W32(data,alt,pri); break; } /* switch */ NEXT(cip,op); op_align_pri: GETPARAM(offs); #if BYTE_ORDER==LITTLE_ENDIAN if (offs<(int)sizeof(cell)) pri ^= sizeof(cell)-offs; #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_lctrl: GETPARAM(offs); switch (offs) { case 0: pri=hdr->cod; break; case 1: pri=hdr->dat; break; case 2: pri=hea; break; case 3: pri=amx->stp; break; case 4: pri=stk; break; case 5: pri=frm; break; case 6: pri=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip - amx->code); break; } /* switch */ NEXT(cip,op); op_sctrl: GETPARAM(offs); switch (offs) { case 0: case 1: case 3: /* cannot change these parameters */ break; case 2: hea=pri; break; case 4: stk=pri; break; case 5: frm=pri; break; case 6: cip=(cell *)(amx->code + (int)pri); break; } /* switch */ NEXT(cip,op); op_xchg: offs=pri; /* offs is a temporary variable */ pri=alt; alt=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_push_pri: PUSH(pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_push_alt: PUSH(alt); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_pri: PUSH(data+pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_pop_pri: POP(pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_pop_alt: POP(alt); NEXT(cip,op); op_pick: GETPARAM(offs); pri=_R(data,stk+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_stack: GETPARAM(offs); alt=stk; stk+=offs; CHKMARGIN(); CHKSTACK(); NEXT(cip,op); op_heap: GETPARAM(offs); alt=hea; hea+=offs; CHKMARGIN(); CHKHEAP(); NEXT(cip,op); op_proc: PUSH(frm); frm=stk; CHKMARGIN(); NEXT(cip,op); op_ret: POP(frm); POP(offs); /* verify the return address */ if ((long)offs>=amx->codesize) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); cip=(cell *)(amx->code+(int)offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_retn: POP(frm); POP(offs); /* verify the return address */ if ((long)offs>=amx->codesize) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); cip=(cell *)(amx->code+(int)offs); stk+= _R(data,stk) + sizeof(cell); /* remove parameters from the stack */ NEXT(cip,op); op_call: PUSH(((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code)+sizeof(cell));/* push address behind instruction */ cip=JUMPREL(cip); /* jump to the address */ NEXT(cip,op); op_jump: /* since the GETPARAM() macro modifies cip, you cannot * do GETPARAM(cip) directly */ cip=JUMPREL(cip); NEXT(cip,op); op_jzer: if (pri==0) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_jnz: if (pri!=0) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_shl: pri<<=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_shr: pri=(ucell)pri >> (ucell)alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_sshr: pri>>=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_shl_c_pri: GETPARAM(offs); pri<<=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_shl_c_alt: GETPARAM(offs); alt<<=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_smul: pri*=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_sdiv: if (pri==0) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_DIVIDE); /* use floored division and matching remainder */ offs=pri; #if defined TRUNC_SDIV pri=alt/offs; alt=alt%offs; #else val=alt; /* portable routine for truncated division */ pri=IABS(alt)/IABS(offs); if ((cell)(val ^ offs)<0) pri=-pri; alt=val-pri*offs; /* calculate the matching remainder */ #endif /* now "fiddle" with the values to get floored division */ if (alt!=0 && (cell)(alt ^ offs)<0) { pri--; alt+=offs; } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); op_add: pri+=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_sub: pri=alt-pri; NEXT(cip,op); op_and: pri&=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_or: pri|=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_xor: pri^=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_not: pri=!pri; NEXT(cip,op); op_neg: pri=-pri; NEXT(cip,op); op_invert: pri=~pri; NEXT(cip,op); op_eq: pri= pri==alt ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_neq: pri= pri!=alt ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_sless: pri= pri<alt ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_sleq: pri= pri<=alt ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_sgrtr: pri= pri>alt ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_sgeq: pri= pri>=alt ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_inc_pri: pri++; NEXT(cip,op); op_inc_alt: alt++; NEXT(cip,op); op_inc_i: #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)pri) += 1; #else val=_R(data,pri); _W(data,pri,val+1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_dec_pri: pri--; NEXT(cip,op); op_dec_alt: alt--; NEXT(cip,op); op_dec_i: #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)pri) -= 1; #else val=_R(data,pri); _W(data,pri,val-1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_movs: GETPARAM(offs); __movs: /* verify top & bottom memory addresses, for both source and destination * addresses */ if (pri>=hea && pri<stk || (ucell)pri>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if ((pri+offs)>hea && (pri+offs)<stk || (ucell)(pri+offs)>(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if (alt>=hea && alt<stk || (ucell)alt>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if ((alt+offs)>hea && (alt+offs)<stk || (ucell)(alt+offs)>(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); #if defined _R_DEFAULT memcpy(data+(int)alt, data+(int)pri, (int)offs); #else for (i=0; i+4<offs; i+=4) { val=_R32(data,pri+i); _W32(data,alt+i,val); } /* for */ for ( ; i<offs; i++) { val=_R8(data,pri+i); _W8(data,alt+i,val); } /* for */ #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_cmps: GETPARAM(offs); __cmps: /* verify top & bottom memory addresses, for both source and destination * addresses */ if (pri>=hea && pri<stk || (ucell)pri>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if ((pri+offs)>hea && (pri+offs)<stk || (ucell)(pri+offs)>(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if (alt>=hea && alt<stk || (ucell)alt>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if ((alt+offs)>hea && (alt+offs)<stk || (ucell)(alt+offs)>(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); #if defined _R_DEFAULT pri=memcmp(data+(int)alt, data+(int)pri, (int)offs); #else pri=0; for (i=0; i+4<offs && pri==0; i+=4) pri=_R32(data,alt+i)-_R32(data,pri+i); for ( ; i<offs && pri==0; i++) pri=_R8(data,alt+i)-_R8(data,pri+i); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_fill: GETPARAM(offs); __fill: /* verify top & bottom memory addresses */ if (alt>=hea && alt<stk || (ucell)alt>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); if ((alt+offs)>hea && (alt+offs)<stk || (ucell)(alt+offs)>(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); for (i=(int)alt; offs>=(int)sizeof(cell); i+=sizeof(cell), offs-=sizeof(cell)) _W32(data,i,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_halt: GETPARAM(offs); __halt: if (retval!=NULL) *retval=pri; /* store complete status (stk and hea are already set in the ABORT macro) */ amx->frm=frm; amx->pri=pri; amx->alt=alt; amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char*)cip-amx->code); if (offs==AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { amx->stk=stk; amx->hea=hea; amx->reset_stk=reset_stk; amx->reset_hea=reset_hea; return (int)offs; } /* if */ ABORT(amx,(int)offs); op_bounds: GETPARAM(offs); if ((ucell)pri>(ucell)offs) { amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code); ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_BOUNDS); } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); op_sysreq: GETPARAM(offs); /* save a few registers */ amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code); amx->hea=hea; amx->frm=frm; amx->stk=stk; num=amx->callback(amx,offs,&pri,(cell *)(data+(int)stk)); if (num!=AMX_ERR_NONE) { if (num==AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { amx->pri=pri; amx->alt=alt; amx->reset_stk=reset_stk; amx->reset_hea=reset_hea; return num; } /* if */ ABORT(amx,num); } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); op_switch: { cell *cptr=JUMPREL(cip)+1; /* +1, to skip the "casetbl" opcode */ cip=JUMPREL(cptr+1); /* preset to "none-matched" case */ num=(int)*cptr; /* number of records in the case table */ for (cptr+=2; num>0 && *cptr!=pri; num--,cptr+=2) /* nothing */; if (num>0) cip=JUMPREL(cptr+1); /* case found */ NEXT(cip,op); } op_swap_pri: offs=_R(data,stk); _W(data,stk,pri); pri=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_swap_alt: offs=_R(data,stk); _W(data,stk,alt); alt=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_break: assert((amx->flags & AMX_FLAG_VERIFY)==0); if (amx->debug!=NULL) { /* store status */ amx->frm=frm; amx->stk=stk; amx->hea=hea; amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char*)cip-amx->code); num=amx->debug(amx); if (num!=AMX_ERR_NONE) { if (num==AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { amx->pri=pri; amx->alt=alt; amx->reset_stk=reset_stk; amx->reset_hea=reset_hea; return num; } /* if */ ABORT(amx,num); } /* if */ } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); op_casetbl: assert(0); /* this should not occur during execution */ ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_INVINSTR); op_sysreq_d: /* see op_sysreq */ #if !defined AMX_DONT_RELOCATE GETPARAM(offs); /* save a few registers */ amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code); amx->hea=hea; amx->frm=frm; amx->stk=stk; pri=((AMX_NATIVE)offs)(amx,(cell *)(data+(int)stk)); if (amx->error!=AMX_ERR_NONE) { if (amx->error==AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { amx->pri=pri; amx->alt=alt; amx->reset_stk=reset_stk; amx->reset_hea=reset_hea; return AMX_ERR_SLEEP; } /* if */ ABORT(amx,amx->error); } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); #else ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_INVINSTR); #endif op_sysreq_nd: /* see op_sysreq_n */ #if !defined AMX_NO_MACRO_INSTR && !defined AMX_DONT_RELOCATE GETPARAM(offs); GETPARAM(val); PUSH(val); /* save a few registers */ amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code); amx->hea=hea; amx->frm=frm; amx->stk=stk; pri=((AMX_NATIVE)offs)(amx,(cell *)(data+(int)stk)); stk+=val+4; if (amx->error!=AMX_ERR_NONE) { if (amx->error==AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { amx->pri=pri; amx->alt=alt; amx->stk=stk; amx->reset_stk=reset_stk; amx->reset_hea=reset_hea; return AMX_ERR_SLEEP; } /* if */ ABORT(amx,amx->error); } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); #else ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_INVINSTR); #endif /* overlay instructions */ #if !defined AMX_NO_OVERLAY op_call_ovl: offs=(unsigned char *)cip-amx->code+sizeof(cell); /* skip address */ assert(offs>=0 && offs<(1<<(sizeof(cell)*4))); PUSH((offs<<(sizeof(cell)*4)) | amx->ovl_index); amx->ovl_index=(int)*cip; assert(amx->overlay!=NULL); if ((num=amx->overlay(amx,amx->ovl_index))!=AMX_ERR_NONE) ABORT(amx,num); cip=(cell*)amx->code; NEXT(cip,op); op_retn_ovl: assert(amx->overlay!=NULL); POP(frm); POP(offs); amx->ovl_index=offs & (((ucell)~0)>>4*sizeof(cell)); offs=(ucell)offs >> (sizeof(cell)*4); /* verify the index */ stk+=_R(data,stk)+sizeof(cell); /* remove parameters from the stack */ num=amx->overlay(amx,amx->ovl_index); /* reload overlay */ if (num!=AMX_ERR_NONE || (long)offs>=amx->codesize) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); cip=(cell *)(amx->code+(int)offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_switch_ovl: { cell *cptr=JUMPREL(cip)+1; /* +1, to skip the "icasetbl" opcode */ amx->ovl_index=*(cptr+1); /* preset to "none-matched" case */ num=(int)*cptr; /* number of records in the case table */ for (cptr+=2; num>0 && *cptr!=pri; num--,cptr+=2) /* nothing */; if (num>0) amx->ovl_index=*(cptr+1); /* case found */ assert(amx->overlay!=NULL); if ((num=amx->overlay(amx,amx->ovl_index))!=AMX_ERR_NONE) ABORT(amx,num); cip=(cell*)amx->code; NEXT(cip,op); } #else op_call_ovl: op_retn_ovl: op_switch_ovl: ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_INVINSTR); #endif op_casetbl_ovl: assert(0); /* this should not occur during execution */ ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_INVINSTR); /* supplemental and macro instructions */ #if !defined AMX_NO_MACRO_INSTR op_lidx: offs=pri*sizeof(cell)+alt; /* implicit shift value for a cell */ /* verify address */ if (offs>=hea && offs<stk || (ucell)offs>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_lidx_b: GETPARAM(offs); offs=(pri << (int)offs)+alt; /* verify address */ if (offs>=hea && offs<stk || (ucell)offs>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_idxaddr: pri=pri*sizeof(cell)+alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_idxaddr_b: GETPARAM(offs); pri=(pri << (int)offs)+alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_push_c: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_push: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(_R(data,offs)); NEXT(cip,op); op_push_s: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(_R(data,frm+offs)); NEXT(cip,op); op_push_adr: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_c: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_s: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+_R(data,frm+offs)); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_adr: GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_jeq: if (pri==alt) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_jneq: if (pri!=alt) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_jsless: if (pri<alt) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_jsleq: if (pri<=alt) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_jsgrtr: if (pri>alt) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_jsgeq: if (pri>=alt) cip=JUMPREL(cip); else SKIPPARAM(1); NEXT(cip,op); op_sdiv_inv: if (alt==0) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_DIVIDE); /* use floored division and matching remainder */ offs=alt; #if defined TRUNC_SDIV pri=pri/offs; alt=pri%offs; #else val=pri; /* portable routine for truncated division */ pri=IABS(pri)/IABS(offs); if ((cell)(val ^ offs)<0) pri=-pri; alt=val-pri*offs; /* calculate the matching remainder */ #endif /* now "fiddle" with the values to get floored division */ if (alt!=0 && (cell)(alt ^ offs)<0) { pri--; alt+=offs; } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); op_sub_inv: pri-=alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_add_c: GETPARAM(offs); pri+=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_smul_c: GETPARAM(offs); pri*=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_zero_pri: pri=0; NEXT(cip,op); op_zero_alt: alt=0; NEXT(cip,op); op_zero: GETPARAM(offs); _W(data,offs,0); NEXT(cip,op); op_zero_s: GETPARAM(offs); _W(data,frm+offs,0); NEXT(cip,op); op_eq_c_pri: GETPARAM(offs); pri= pri==offs ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_eq_c_alt: GETPARAM(offs); pri= alt==offs ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_inc: GETPARAM(offs); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)offs) += 1; #else val=_R(data,offs); _W(data,offs,val+1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_inc_s: GETPARAM(offs); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)(frm+offs)) += 1; #else val=_R(data,frm+offs); _W(data,frm+offs,val+1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_dec: GETPARAM(offs); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)offs) -= 1; #else val=_R(data,offs); _W(data,offs,val-1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_dec_s: GETPARAM(offs); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)(frm+offs)) -= 1; #else val=_R(data,frm+offs); _W(data,frm+offs,val-1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_sysreq_n: GETPARAM(offs); GETPARAM(val); PUSH(val); /* save a few registers */ amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code); amx->hea=hea; amx->frm=frm; amx->stk=stk; num=amx->callback(amx,offs,&pri,(cell *)(data+(int)stk)); stk+=val+4; if (num!=AMX_ERR_NONE) { if (num==AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { amx->pri=pri; amx->alt=alt; amx->stk=stk; amx->reset_stk=reset_stk; amx->reset_hea=reset_hea; return num; } /* if */ ABORT(amx,num); } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_c: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(_R(data,offs)); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_s: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(_R(data,frm+offs)); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_adr: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(frm+offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushrm_c: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushrm_s: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+_R(data,frm+offs)); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushrm_adr: GETPARAM(val); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+frm+offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_load2: GETPARAM(offs); pri=_R(data,offs); GETPARAM(offs); alt=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load2_s: GETPARAM(offs); pri=_R(data,frm+offs); GETPARAM(offs); alt=_R(data,frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_const: GETPARAM(offs); GETPARAM(val); _W(data,offs,val); NEXT(cip,op); op_const_s: GETPARAM(offs); GETPARAM(val); _W(data,frm+offs,val); NEXT(cip,op); #endif #if !defined AMX_NO_PACKED_OPC op_load_p_pri: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_p_alt: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); alt=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_p_s_pri: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri=_R(data,frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_load_p_s_alt: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); alt=_R(data,frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_lref_p_s_pri: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); offs=_R(data,frm+offs); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_lref_p_s_alt: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); offs=_R(data,frm+offs); alt=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_lodb_p_i: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); goto __lodb_i; op_const_p_pri: GETPARAM_P(pri,op); NEXT(cip,op); op_const_p_alt: GETPARAM_P(alt,op); NEXT(cip,op); op_addr_p_pri: GETPARAM_P(pri,op); pri+=frm; NEXT(cip,op); op_addr_p_alt: GETPARAM_P(alt,op); alt+=frm; NEXT(cip,op); op_stor_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); _W(data,offs,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_stor_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); _W(data,frm+offs,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_sref_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); offs=_R(data,frm+offs); _W(data,offs,pri); NEXT(cip,op); op_strb_p_i: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); goto __strb_i; op_lidx_p_b: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); offs=(pri << (int)offs)+alt; /* verify address */ if (offs>=hea && offs<stk || (ucell)offs>=(ucell)amx->stp) ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS); pri=_R(data,offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_idxaddr_p_b: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri=(pri << (int)offs)+alt; NEXT(cip,op); op_align_p_pri: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); #if BYTE_ORDER==LITTLE_ENDIAN if ((size_t)offs<sizeof(cell)) pri ^= sizeof(cell)-offs; #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_push_p_c: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_push_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(_R(data,offs)); NEXT(cip,op); op_push_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(_R(data,frm+offs)); NEXT(cip,op); op_push_p_adr: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_p_c: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(data+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(data+_R(data,frm+offs)); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushr_p_adr: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); PUSH(data+frm+offs); NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_p_c: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_p: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(_R(data,offs)); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_p_s: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(_R(data,frm+offs)); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushm_p_adr: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(frm+offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushrm_p_c: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushrm_p_s: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+_R(data,frm+offs)); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_pushrm_p_adr: GETPARAM_P(val,op); while (val--) { GETPARAM(offs); PUSH(data+frm+offs); } /* while */ NEXT(cip,op); op_stack_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); alt=stk; stk+=offs; CHKMARGIN(); CHKSTACK(); NEXT(cip,op); op_heap_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); alt=hea; hea+=offs; CHKMARGIN(); CHKHEAP(); NEXT(cip,op); op_shl_p_c_pri: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri<<=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_shl_p_c_alt: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); alt<<=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_add_p_c: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri+=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_smul_p_c: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri*=offs; NEXT(cip,op); op_zero_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); _W(data,offs,0); NEXT(cip,op); op_zero_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); _W(data,frm+offs,0); NEXT(cip,op); op_eq_p_c_pri: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri= pri==offs ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_eq_p_c_alt: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); pri= alt==offs ? 1 : 0; NEXT(cip,op); op_inc_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)offs) += 1; #else val=_R(data,offs); _W(data,offs,val+1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_inc_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)(frm+offs)) += 1; #else val=_R(data,frm+offs); _W(data,frm+offs,val+1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_dec_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)offs) -= 1; #else val=_R(data,offs); _W(data,offs,val-1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_dec_p_s: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); #if defined _R_DEFAULT *(cell *)(data+(int)(frm+offs)) -= 1; #else val=_R(data,frm+offs); _W(data,frm+offs,val-1); #endif NEXT(cip,op); op_movs_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); goto __movs; op_cmps_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); goto __cmps; op_fill_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); goto __fill; op_halt_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); goto __halt; op_bounds_p: GETPARAM_P(offs,op); if ((ucell)pri>(ucell)offs) { amx->cip=(cell)((unsigned char *)cip-amx->code); ABORT(amx,AMX_ERR_BOUNDS); } /* if */ NEXT(cip,op); #endif } void amx_exec_list(const AMX *amx,const cell **opcodelist,int *numopcodes) { /* since the opcode list of the GNU GCC version of the abstract machine core * must be a local variable (as it references code labels, which are local * too), we use a trick to get the opcode list: call amx_Exec() while a * special flags value is set in the AMX header. */ int orgflags; AMX *amxptr=(AMX*)amx; assert(amx!=NULL); assert(opcodelist!=NULL); assert(numopcodes!=NULL); orgflags=amx->flags; amxptr->flags=~0; *numopcodes=amx_exec_run(amxptr, (cell*)opcodelist, NULL); amxptr->flags=orgflags; }
/* error * * Outputs an error message (note: msg is passed optionally). * If an error is found, the variable "errflag" is set and subsequent * errors are ignored until lex() finds a semicolon or a keyword * (lex() resets "errflag" in that case). * * Global references: inpfname (reffered to only) * fline (reffered to only) * fcurrent (reffered to only) * errflag (altered) */ SC_FUNC int error(long number,...) { static char *prefix[3]={ "error", "fatal error", "warning" }; static int lastline,errorcount; static short lastfile; char *msg,*pre,*filename; va_list argptr; char string[256]; int notice; /* split the error field between the real error/warning number and an optional * "notice" number */ notice=number >> (sizeof(long)*4); number&=((unsigned long)~0) >> (sizeof(long)*4); assert(number>0 && number<300); /* errflag is reset on each semicolon. * In a two-pass compiler, an error should not be reported twice. Therefore * the error reporting is enabled only in the second pass (and only when * actually producing output). Fatal errors may never be ignored. */ if ((errflag || sc_status!=statWRITE) && (number<100 || number>=200)) return 0; /* also check for disabled warnings */ if (number>=200) { int index=(number-200)/8; int mask=1 << ((number-200)%8); if ((warndisable[index] & mask)!=0) { errline=-1; errfile=-1; return 0; } /* if */ } /* if */ if (number<100){ assert(number>0 && number<sizearray(errmsg)); msg=errmsg[number]; pre=prefix[0]; errflag=TRUE; /* set errflag (skip rest of erroneous expression) */ errnum++; } else if (number<200) { assert((number-100)>=0 && (number-100)<sizearray(fatalmsg)); msg=fatalmsg[number-100]; pre=prefix[1]; errnum++; /* a fatal error also counts as an error */ } else { assert((number-200)>=0 && (number-200)<sizearray(warnmsg)); msg=warnmsg[number-200]; pre=prefix[2]; warnnum++; } /* if */ strexpand(string,(unsigned char *)msg,sizeof string-2,SCPACK_TABLE); if (notice>0) { int len; assert(notice<sizearray(noticemsg)); strcat(string,"; "); len=strlen(string); strexpand(string+len,(unsigned char *)noticemsg[notice],sizeof string-len-1,SCPACK_TABLE); } /* if */ strcat(string,"\n"); if (errline>0) errstart=errline; /* forced error position, set single line destination */ else errline=fline; /* normal error, errstart may (or may not) have been marked, endpoint is current line */ if (errstart>errline) errstart=errline; /* special case: error found at end of included file */ if (errfile>=0) { filename=get_inputfile(errfile);/* forced filename */ } else { filename=inpfname; /* current file */ if (filename==NULL || strlen(filename)==0) filename=get_sourcefile(0); if (filename==NULL || strlen(filename)==0) filename="(none)"; } /* if */ assert(filename!=NULL); va_start(argptr,number); if (strlen(errfname)==0) { int start= (errstart==errline) ? -1 : errstart; if (pc_error((int)number,string,filename,start,errline,argptr)) { if (outf!=NULL) { pc_closeasm(outf,TRUE); outf=NULL; } /* if */ longjmp(errbuf,3); /* user abort */ } /* if */ } else { FILE *fp=fopen(errfname,"a"); if (fp!=NULL) { if (errstart>=0 && errstart!=errline) fprintf(fp,"%s(%d -- %d) : %s %03d: ",filename,errstart,errline,pre,(int)number); else fprintf(fp,"%s(%d) : %s %03d: ",filename,errline,pre,(int)number); vfprintf(fp,string,argptr); fclose(fp); } /* if */ } /* if */ va_end(argptr); if (number>=100 && number<200 || errnum>25){ if (strlen(errfname)==0) { va_start(argptr,number); pc_error(0,"\nCompilation aborted.",NULL,0,0,argptr); va_end(argptr); } /* if */ if (outf!=NULL) { pc_closeasm(outf,TRUE); outf=NULL; } /* if */ longjmp(errbuf,2); /* fatal error, quit */ } /* if */ errline=-1; errfile=-1; /* check whether we are seeing many errors on the same line */ if ((errstart<0 && lastline!=fline) || lastline<errstart || lastline>fline || fcurrent!=lastfile) errorcount=0; lastline=fline; lastfile=fcurrent; if (number<200) errorcount++; if (errorcount>=3) error(107); /* too many error/warning messages on one line */ return 0; }
bool CXFFont::Read(const char *path) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) return false; bool result = true; char line[128]; /* lines in CXF fonts are short */ while (fgets(line, sizearray(line), fp) != NULL && result) { if (line[0] == '#') { /* parse header line */ char *ptr = line + 1; while (*ptr != '\0' && *ptr <= ' ') ptr++; if (strncasecmp(ptr, "LetterSpacing", 13) == 0) { ptr += 13; if (*ptr == ':') ptr++; m_LetterSpacing = (float)strtod(ptr, NULL); } else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "WordSpacing", 11) == 0) { ptr += 11; if (*ptr == ':') ptr++; m_WordSpacing = (float)strtod(ptr, NULL); } else if (strncasecmp(ptr, "LineSpacingFactor", 17) == 0) { ptr += 17; if (*ptr == ':') ptr++; m_LineSpacingFactor = (float)strtod(ptr, NULL); } } else if (line[0] == '[') { /* parse glyph */ char *ptr; unsigned short code; if (line[1] == '#' && line[2] != ']') { /* Unicode character as a hexadecimal code */ code = (unsigned short)strtol(line + 2, &ptr, 16); } else { /* ASCII character */ code = line[1]; ptr = line + 2; } if (*ptr != ']') { result = false; /* invalid (or unsupported) file format */ break; } unsigned short count = (unsigned short)strtol(ptr + 1, NULL, 10); if (count == 0) { result = false; /* invalid (or unsupported) file format */ break; } /* now parse the line segments, and collect consecutive segments into a polyline */ CXFGlyph glyph(code); CXFPolyLine stroke; float xp = -1, yp = -1; /* force new stroke for the first coordinates */ float width = 0; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (fgets(line, sizearray(line), fp) == 0) break; assert(line[0] == 'L'); float x1, y1, x2, y2; sscanf(line, "L %f,%f,%f,%f", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); /* see whether we can continue the stroke, or whether a new one must be added */ if (xp < x1 - EPSILON || xp > x1 + EPSILON || yp < y1 - EPSILON || yp > y1 + EPSILON) { /* non-continuous line segments, finish this polyline and start a new one */ if (stroke.GetCount() > 0) { glyph.AddStroke(stroke); stroke.Clear(); } stroke.AddPoint(CXFPoint(x1, y1)); if (width < x1) width = x1; } stroke.AddPoint(CXFPoint(x2, y2)); xp = x2; yp = y2; if (width < x2) width = x2; } if (stroke.GetCount() > 0) glyph.AddStroke(stroke); /* add the final stroke */ glyph.SetWidth(width); m_Glyphs.push_back(glyph); } } fclose(fp); /* analyze a few characters to find the typical font metrics */ float dummy; GetGlyphVSize('A', &m_CapsHeight, &dummy); GetGlyphVSize('x', &m_XHeight, &dummy); GetGlyphVSize('h', &m_Ascender, &dummy); GetGlyphVSize('p', &dummy, &m_Descender); return result; }
/** ini_puts() * \param Section the name of the section to write the string in * \param Key the name of the entry to write, or NULL to erase all keys in the section * \param Value a pointer to the buffer the string, or NULL to erase the key * \param Filename the name and full path of the .ini file to write to * * \return 1 if successful, otherwise 0 */ int ini_puts(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *Value, const TCHAR *Filename) { INI_FILETYPE rfp; INI_FILETYPE wfp; INI_FILEPOS mark; TCHAR *sp, *ep; TCHAR LocalBuffer[INI_BUFFERSIZE]; int len, match, flag, cachelen; assert(Filename != NULL); if (!ini_openread(Filename, &rfp)) { /* If the .ini file doesn't exist, make a new file */ if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) { if (!ini_openwrite(Filename, &wfp)) return 0; writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp); writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp); (void)ini_close(&wfp); } /* if */ return 1; } /* if */ /* If parameters Key and Value are valid (so this is not an "erase" request) * and the setting already exists and it already has the correct value, do * nothing. This early bail-out avoids rewriting the INI file for no reason. */ if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) { (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark); match = getkeystring(&rfp, Section, Key, -1, -1, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer)); if (match && _tcscmp(LocalBuffer,Value) == 0) { (void)ini_close(&rfp); return 1; } /* if */ /* key not found, or different value -> proceed (but rewind the input file first) */ (void)ini_seek(&rfp, &mark); } /* if */ /* Get a temporary file name to copy to. Use the existing name, but with * the last character set to a '~'. */ ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE); if (!ini_openwrite(LocalBuffer, &wfp)) { (void)ini_close(&rfp); return 0; } /* if */ (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark); cachelen = 0; /* Move through the file one line at a time until a section is * matched or until EOF. Copy to temp file as it is read. */ len = (Section != NULL) ? _tcslen(Section) : 0; if (len > 0) { do { if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) { /* Failed to find section, so add one to the end */ flag = cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) { if (!flag) (void)ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp); /* force a new line behind the last line of the INI file */ writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp); writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp); } /* if */ return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer); /* clean up and rename */ } /* if */ /* Copy the line from source to dest, but not if this is the section that * we are looking for and this section must be removed */ sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer); ep = _tcschr(sp, ']'); match = (*sp == '[' && ep != NULL && (int)(ep-sp-1) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp + 1,Section,len) == 0); if (!match || Key != NULL) { if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) { cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp); cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE); } /* if */ } /* if */ } while (!match); } /* if */ cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); /* when deleting a section, the section head that was just found has not been * copied to the output file, but because this line was not "accumulated" in * the cache, the position in the input file was reset to the point just * before the section; this must now be skipped (again) */ if (Key == NULL) { (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp); (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark); } /* if */ /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry. Stop searching * upon leaving the section's area. Copy the file as it is read * and create an entry if one is not found. */ len = (Key!=NULL) ? _tcslen(Key) : 0; for( ;; ) { if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) { /* EOF without an entry so make one */ flag = cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) { if (!flag) (void)ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp); /* force a new line behind the last line of the INI file */ writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp); } /* if */ return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer); /* clean up and rename */ } /* if */ sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer); ep = _tcschr(sp, '='); /* Parse out the equal sign */ if (ep == NULL) ep = _tcschr(sp, ':'); match = (ep != NULL && (int)(skiptrailing(ep,sp)-sp) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) == 0); if ((Key != NULL && match) || *sp == '[') break; /* found the key, or found a new section */ /* copy other keys in the section */ if (Key == NULL) { (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark); /* we are deleting the entire section, so update the read position */ } else { if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) { cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp); cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE); } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* for */ /* the key was found, or we just dropped on the next section (meaning that it * wasn't found); in both cases we need to write the key, but in the latter * case, we also need to write the line starting the new section after writing * the key */ flag = (*sp == '['); cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp); /* cache_flush() reset the "read pointer" to the start of the line with the * previous key or the new section; read it again (because writekey() destroyed * the buffer) */ (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp); if (flag) { /* the new section heading needs to be copied to the output file */ cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE); } else { /* forget the old key line */ (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark); } /* if */ /* Copy the rest of the INI file */ while (ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) { if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) { cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp); cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE); } /* if */ } /* while */ cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark); return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer); /* clean up and rename */ }
/** ini_getf() * \param Section the name of the section to search for * \param Key the name of the entry to find the value of * \param DefValue the default value in the event of a failed read * \param Filename the name of the .ini file to read from * * \return the value located at Key */ INI_REAL ini_getf(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, INI_REAL DefValue, const TCHAR *Filename) { TCHAR LocalBuffer[64]; int len = ini_gets(Section, Key, __T(""), LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer), Filename); return (len == 0) ? DefValue : ini_atof(LocalBuffer); }