/* * status = readerSetup(&out_daemon_mode, probe_vector, options); * * Invoked by input_mode_type->setup_fn(); */ static int readerSetup( fp_daemon_mode_t *is_daemon, const sk_vector_t *probe_vec, reader_options_t *options) { size_t count = skVectorGetCount(probe_vec); const char *netflow_file = options->pdu_file.netflow_file; skpc_probe_t *p; /* this function should only be called if we actually have probes * to process */ if (count == 0) { skAppPrintErr("readerSetup() called with zero length probe vector"); return 1; } if (count > 1) { skAppPrintErr("The " INPUT_MODE_TYPE_NAME "only supports one file-based probe."); return -1; } if (NULL != netflow_file) { /* Modify the probe to have the file name given on the command * line. */ if (0 == skVectorGetValue(&p, probe_vec, 0)) { if (skpcProbeSetFileSource(p, netflow_file)) { skAppPrintErr("Cannot change file source of probe"); return 1; } } } /* Not a deamon */ *is_daemon = FP_DAEMON_OFF; return 0; }
/* * appSetup(argc, argv); * * Perform all the setup for this application include setting up * required modules, parsing options, etc. This function should be * passed the same arguments that were passed into main(). * * Returns to the caller if all setup succeeds. If anything fails, * this function will cause the application to exit with a FAILURE * exit status. */ static void appSetup( int argc, char **argv) { SILK_FEATURES_DEFINE_STRUCT(features); unsigned int optctx_flags; sk_file_header_t *silk_hdr; int logmask; int rv; /* verify same number of options and help strings */ assert((sizeof(appHelp)/sizeof(char *)) == (sizeof(appOptions)/sizeof(struct option))); /* register the application */ skAppRegister(argv[0]); skAppVerifyFeatures(&features, NULL); skOptionsSetUsageCallback(&appUsageLong); optctx_flags = (SK_OPTIONS_CTX_INPUT_BINARY | SK_OPTIONS_CTX_XARGS); /* register the options */ if (skOptionsCtxCreate(&optctx, optctx_flags) || skOptionsCtxOptionsRegister(optctx) || skOptionsRegister(appOptions, &appOptionsHandler, NULL) || skOptionsNotesRegister(NULL) || skCompMethodOptionsRegister(&comp_method)) { skAppPrintErr("Unable to register options"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* enable the logger */ sklogSetup(0); sklogSetDestination("stderr"); sklogSetStampFunction(&logprefix); /* register the teardown handler */ if (atexit(appTeardown) < 0) { skAppPrintErr("Unable to register appTeardown() with atexit()"); appTeardown(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* parse the options */ rv = skOptionsCtxOptionsParse(optctx, argc, argv); if (rv < 0) { skAppUsage(); /* never returns */ } if ('\0' == log_destination[0]) { strncpy(log_destination, LOG_DESTINATION_DEFAULT, sizeof(log_destination)); } else { sklogSetLevel("debug"); } sklogSetDestination(log_destination); /* default output is "stdout" */ if (!silk_output) { if ((rv =skStreamCreate(&silk_output,SK_IO_WRITE,SK_CONTENT_SILK_FLOW)) || (rv = skStreamBind(silk_output, "-"))) { skStreamPrintLastErr(silk_output, rv, &skAppPrintErr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* get the header */ silk_hdr = skStreamGetSilkHeader(silk_output); /* open the output */ if ((rv = skHeaderSetCompressionMethod(silk_hdr, comp_method)) || (rv = skOptionsNotesAddToStream(silk_output)) || (rv = skHeaderAddInvocation(silk_hdr, 1, argc, argv)) || (rv = skStreamOpen(silk_output)) || (rv = skStreamWriteSilkHeader(silk_output))) { skStreamPrintLastErr(silk_output, rv, &skAppPrintErr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (skpcSetup()) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (skpcProbeCreate(&probe, PROBE_ENUM_NETFLOW_V5)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } skpcProbeSetName(probe, skAppName()); skpcProbeSetFileSource(probe, "/dev/null"); if (parseLogFlags(log_flags)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (skpcProbeVerify(probe, 0)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* set level to "warning" to avoid the "Started logging" message */ logmask = sklogGetMask(); sklogSetLevel("warning"); sklogOpen(); sklogSetMask(logmask); return; /* OK */ }