コード例 #1
ファイル: k3bmediacopydialog.cpp プロジェクト: franhaufer/k3b
void K3b::MediaCopyDialog::loadSettings( const KConfigGroup& c )
    m_writerSelectionWidget->loadConfig( c );
    m_comboSourceDevice->setSelectedDevice( k3bcore->deviceManager()->findDevice( c.readEntry( "source_device" ) ) );
    m_writingModeWidget->loadConfig( c );
    m_checkSimulate->setChecked( c.readEntry( "simulate", false ) );
    m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( !c.readEntry( "on_the_fly", false ) );
    m_checkDeleteImages->setChecked( c.readEntry( "delete_images", true ) );
    m_checkOnlyCreateImage->setChecked( c.readEntry( "only_create_image", false ) );
    m_comboParanoiaMode->setCurrentIndex( c.readEntry( "paranoia_mode", 0 ) );
    m_checkVerifyData->setChecked( c.readEntry( "verify data", false ) );

    m_spinCopies->setValue( c.readEntry( "copies", 1 ) );

    m_tempDirSelectionWidget->readConfig( c );

    if( c.readEntry( "copy mode", "normal" ) == "normal" )
        m_comboCopyMode->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
        m_comboCopyMode->setCurrentIndex( 1 );

    m_checkReadCdText->setChecked( c.readEntry( "copy cdtext", true ) );
    m_checkIgnoreDataReadErrors->setChecked( c.readEntry( "ignore data read errors", false ) );
    m_checkIgnoreAudioReadErrors->setChecked( c.readEntry( "ignore audio read errors", true ) );
    m_checkNoCorrection->setChecked( c.readEntry( "no correction", false ) );

    m_spinDataRetries->setValue( c.readEntry( "data retries", 128 ) );
    m_spinAudioRetries->setValue( c.readEntry( "audio retries", 5 ) );

コード例 #2
K3b::ImageWritingDialog::ImageWritingDialog( QWidget* parent )
    : K3b::InteractionDialog( parent,
                            i18n("Burn Image"),
                            "iso cue toc",
                            "image writing" ) // config group
    d = new Private();
    const KColorScheme colorScheme( QPalette::Normal, KColorScheme::View );
    d->infoTextColor = palette().color( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text );
    d->negativeTextColor = colorScheme.foreground( KColorScheme::NegativeText ).color();
    d->normalTextColor = colorScheme.foreground( KColorScheme::NormalText ).color();

    setAcceptDrops( true );


    d->md5Job = new K3b::Md5Job( 0, this );
    connect( d->md5Job, SIGNAL(finished(bool)),
             this, SLOT(slotMd5JobFinished(bool)) );
    connect( d->md5Job, SIGNAL(percent(int)),
             this, SLOT(slotMd5JobPercent(int)) );

    connect( d->writerSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(writerChanged()),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( d->writerSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(writingAppChanged(K3b::WritingApp)),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( d->writerSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(writerChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)),
             d->writingModeWidget, SLOT(setDevice(K3b::Device::Device*)) );
    connect( d->comboImageType, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( d->writingModeWidget, SIGNAL(writingModeChanged(WritingMode)),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( d->editImagePath, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
             this, SLOT(slotUpdateImage(QString)) );
    connect( d->checkDummy, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( d->checkCacheImage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
コード例 #3
void K3b::ImageWritingDialog::loadSettings( const KConfigGroup& c )
    d->writingModeWidget->loadConfig( c );
    d->checkDummy->setChecked( c.readEntry("simulate", false ) );
    d->checkNoFix->setChecked( c.readEntry("multisession", false ) );
    d->checkCacheImage->setChecked( !c.readEntry("on_the_fly", true ) );


    d->spinCopies->setValue( c.readEntry( "copies", 1 ) );

    d->checkVerify->setChecked( c.readEntry( "verify_data", false ) );

    d->writerSelectionWidget->loadConfig( c );

    if( !d->imageForced ) {
        QString image = c.readPathEntry( "image path", c.readPathEntry( "last written image", QString() ) );
        if( QFile::exists( image ) )
            d->editImagePath->setUrl( image );

    QString imageType = c.readEntry( "image type", "auto" );
    int x = 0;
    if( imageType == "iso9660" )
        x = d->imageTypeSelectionMapRev[IMAGE_ISO];
    else if( imageType == "cue-bin" )
        x = d->imageTypeSelectionMapRev[IMAGE_CUE_BIN];
    else if( imageType == "audio-cue" )
        x = d->imageTypeSelectionMapRev[IMAGE_AUDIO_CUE];
    else if( imageType == "cdrecord-clone" )
        x = d->imageTypeSelectionMapRev[IMAGE_CDRECORD_CLONE];
    else if( imageType == "cdrdao-toc" )
        x = d->imageTypeSelectionMapRev[IMAGE_CDRDAO_TOC];

    d->comboImageType->setCurrentIndex( x );

    d->tempDirSelectionWidget->setTempPath( K3b::defaultTempPath() );

コード例 #4
    setWindowTitle(tr("Event Filter"));
    QGridLayout *metagrid = new QGridLayout;
    QWidget *mainWidget = new QWidget(this);
    QVBoxLayout *mainWidgetLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
    metagrid->addWidget(mainWidget, 0, 0);

    //----------[ Note Filter Widgets ]-------------------------

    // Frame
    QGroupBox* noteFrame = new QGroupBox(tr("Note Events"));
    noteFrame->setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20);
    QGridLayout* noteFrameLayout = new QGridLayout;

    // Labels
    QLabel* pitchFromLabel = new QLabel(tr("lowest:"), noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(pitchFromLabel, 0, 2);

    QLabel* pitchToLabel = new QLabel(tr("highest:"), noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(pitchToLabel, 0, 4);

    QLabel* pitchLabel = new QLabel(tr("Pitch:"), noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(pitchLabel, 1, 1);

    QLabel* velocityLabel = new QLabel(tr("Velocity:"), noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(velocityLabel, 2, 1);

    QLabel* durationLabel = new QLabel(tr("Duration:"), noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(durationLabel, 3, 1);

    m_useNotationDuration = new QCheckBox();
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_useNotationDuration, 4, 1);

    m_selectRests = new QCheckBox();
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_selectRests, 5, 1);

    // Include Boxes
    m_notePitchIncludeComboBox = new QComboBox(noteFrame);

    QSettings settings;
    settings.beginGroup( EventFilterDialogConfigGroup );

    m_notePitchIncludeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( qStrToBool( settings.value("pitchinclude", "0" ) ) );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_notePitchIncludeComboBox, 1, 0);

    m_noteVelocityIncludeComboBox = new QComboBox(noteFrame);

    m_noteVelocityIncludeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( qStrToBool( settings.value("velocityinclude", "0" ) ) );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_noteVelocityIncludeComboBox, 2, 0);

    m_noteDurationIncludeComboBox = new QComboBox(noteFrame);

    m_noteDurationIncludeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( qStrToBool( settings.value("durationinclude", "0" ) ) );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_noteDurationIncludeComboBox, 3, 0);

    QLabel* durationCheckBoxLabel = new QLabel(tr("Use notation duration"));
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(durationCheckBoxLabel, 4, 2);
    m_useNotationDuration->setChecked(settings.value("usenotationduration", "0").toBool());

    QLabel* useRestsLabel = new QLabel(tr("Select rests"));
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(useRestsLabel, 5, 2);
    m_selectRests->setChecked(settings.value("selectrests", "0").toBool());

    // Pitch From
    m_pitchFromSpinBox = new QSpinBox(noteFrame);

    m_pitchFromSpinBox->setValue( settings.value("pitchfrom", 0).toUInt() );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_pitchFromSpinBox, 1, 2);
    connect(m_pitchFromSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),

    m_pitchFromChooserButton = new QPushButton(tr("edit"), noteFrame);
    m_pitchFromChooserButton->setToolTip(tr("choose a pitch using a staff"));
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_pitchFromChooserButton, 1, 3);
    connect(m_pitchFromChooserButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),

    // Pitch To
    m_pitchToSpinBox = new QSpinBox(noteFrame);

    m_pitchToSpinBox->setValue( settings.value("pitchto", 127).toUInt() );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_pitchToSpinBox, 1, 4);
    connect(m_pitchToSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),

    m_pitchToChooserButton = new QPushButton(tr("edit"), noteFrame);
    m_pitchToChooserButton->setToolTip(tr("choose a pitch using a staff"));
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_pitchToChooserButton, 1, 5);
    connect(m_pitchToChooserButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),

    // Velocity From/To
    m_velocityFromSpinBox = new QSpinBox(noteFrame);

    m_velocityFromSpinBox->setValue( settings.value("velocityfrom", 0).toUInt() );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_velocityFromSpinBox, 2, 2);
    connect(m_velocityFromSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),

    m_velocityToSpinBox = new QSpinBox(noteFrame);

    m_velocityToSpinBox->setValue( settings.value("velocityto", 127).toUInt() );
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget( m_velocityToSpinBox, 2, 4 );
    connect(m_velocityToSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),

    // Duration From/To
    m_noteDurationFromComboBox = new QComboBox(noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_noteDurationFromComboBox, 3, 2);
    connect(m_noteDurationFromComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)),

    m_noteDurationToComboBox = new QComboBox(noteFrame);
    noteFrameLayout->addWidget(m_noteDurationToComboBox, 3, 4);
    connect(m_noteDurationToComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)),


    //---------[ Buttons ]--------------------------------------
    QFrame* privateLayoutWidget = new QFrame(mainWidget);
    privateLayoutWidget->setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20);
    QGridLayout* buttonLayout = new QGridLayout;

    m_buttonAll = new QPushButton(tr("Include all"), privateLayoutWidget);
    m_buttonAll->setToolTip(tr("Include entire range of values"));
    buttonLayout->addWidget( m_buttonAll, 0, 0 );

    m_buttonNone = new QPushButton(tr("Exclude all"), privateLayoutWidget);
    m_buttonNone->setToolTip(tr("Exclude entire range of values"));
    buttonLayout->addWidget( m_buttonNone, 0, 1 );

    connect(m_buttonAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()));
    connect(m_buttonNone, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotToggleNone()));



    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox
        = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
    metagrid->addWidget(buttonBox, 1, 0);
    metagrid->setRowStretch(0, 10);
    connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));
    connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
コード例 #5
void K3b::ImageWritingDialog::slotUpdateImage( const QString& )
    QString path = d->imagePath();

    // check the image types

    d->haveMd5Sum = false;
    //d->infoView->header()->resizeSection( 0, 20 );
    d->md5SumItem = 0;
    d->foundImageType = IMAGE_UNKNOWN;

    QFileInfo info( path );
    if( info.isFile() ) {

        // ------------------------------------------------
        // Test for iso9660 image
        // ------------------------------------------------
        K3b::Iso9660 isoF( path );
        if( isoF.open() ) {
#ifdef K3B_DEBUG

            d->createIso9660InfoItems( &isoF );
            calculateMd5Sum( path );

            d->foundImageType = IMAGE_ISO;
            d->imageFile = path;

        if( d->foundImageType == IMAGE_UNKNOWN ) {

            // check for cdrecord clone image
            // try both path and path.toc as tocfiles
            K3b::CloneTocReader cr;

            if( path.right(4) == ".toc" ) {
                cr.openFile( path );
                if( cr.isValid() ) {
                    d->tocFile = path;
                    d->imageFile = cr.imageFilename();
            if( d->imageFile.isEmpty() ) {
                cr.openFile( path + ".toc" );
                if( cr.isValid() ) {
                    d->tocFile = cr.filename();
                    d->imageFile = cr.imageFilename();

            if( !d->imageFile.isEmpty() ) {
                // we have a cdrecord clone image
                d->createCdrecordCloneItems( d->tocFile, d->imageFile );
                calculateMd5Sum( d->imageFile );

                d->foundImageType = IMAGE_CDRECORD_CLONE;

        if( d->foundImageType == IMAGE_UNKNOWN ) {

            // check for cue/bin stuff
            // once again we try both path and path.cue
            K3b::CueFileParser cp;

            if( path.right(4).toLower() == ".cue" )
                cp.openFile( path );
            else if( path.right(4).toLower() == ".bin" )
                cp.openFile( path.left( path.length()-3) + "cue" );

            if( cp.isValid() ) {
                d->tocFile = cp.filename();
                d->imageFile = cp.imageFilename();

            if( d->imageFile.isEmpty() ) {
                cp.openFile( path + ".cue" );
                if( cp.isValid() ) {
                    d->tocFile = cp.filename();
                    d->imageFile = cp.imageFilename();

            if( !d->imageFile.isEmpty() ) {
                // we have a cue file
                if( cp.toc().contentType() == K3b::Device::AUDIO ) {
                    d->foundImageType = IMAGE_AUDIO_CUE;
                    d->createAudioCueItems( cp );
                else {
                    d->foundImageType = IMAGE_CUE_BIN;  // we cannot be sure if writing will work... :(
                    d->createCueBinItems( d->tocFile, d->imageFile );
                    calculateMd5Sum( d->imageFile );

        if( d->foundImageType == IMAGE_UNKNOWN ) {
            // TODO: check for cdrdao tocfile

        if( d->foundImageType == IMAGE_UNKNOWN ) {
            QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( d->infoView );
            if ( !info.isReadable() ) {
                item->setText( 0, i18n("Unable to read image file") );
            } else {
                item->setText( 0, i18n("Seems not to be a usable image") );
            item->setForeground( 0, d->negativeTextColor );
            item->setIcon( 0, KIcon( "dialog-error") );
        else {
            // remember as recent image
            int i = 0;
            while ( i < d->comboRecentImages->count() && d->comboRecentImages->itemText(i) != path )
            if ( i == d->comboRecentImages->count() )
                d->comboRecentImages->insertItem( 0, path );
    else {
        QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( d->infoView );
        item->setText( 0, i18n("File not found") );
        item->setForeground( 0, d->negativeTextColor );
        item->setIcon( 0, KIcon( "dialog-error") );

コード例 #6
ファイル: k3bmediacopydialog.cpp プロジェクト: franhaufer/k3b
K3b::MediaCopyDialog::MediaCopyDialog( QWidget *parent )
    : K3b::InteractionDialog( parent,
                            i18n("Disk Copy"),
                            i18n("and CD Cloning"),
                            "Disk Copy" )
    QWidget* main = mainWidget();

    QGridLayout* mainGrid = new QGridLayout( main );
    mainGrid->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    QGroupBox* groupSource = new QGroupBox( i18n("Source Medium"), main );
    m_comboSourceDevice = new K3b::MediaSelectionComboBox( groupSource );
    m_comboSourceDevice->setWantedMediumType( K3b::Device::MEDIA_ALL );
    m_comboSourceDevice->setWantedMediumState( K3b::Device::STATE_COMPLETE|K3b::Device::STATE_INCOMPLETE );
    QHBoxLayout* groupSourceLayout = new QHBoxLayout( groupSource );
    groupSourceLayout->addWidget( m_comboSourceDevice );

    m_writerSelectionWidget = new K3b::WriterSelectionWidget( main );
    m_writerSelectionWidget->setWantedMediumState( K3b::Device::STATE_EMPTY );

    // tab widget --------------------
    QTabWidget* tabWidget = new QTabWidget( main );

    // option tab --------------------
    QWidget* optionTab = new QWidget( tabWidget );
    QGridLayout* optionTabGrid = new QGridLayout( optionTab );

    QGroupBox* groupCopyMode = new QGroupBox( i18n("Copy Mode"), optionTab );
    m_comboCopyMode = new QComboBox( groupCopyMode );
    m_comboCopyMode->addItem( i18n("Normal Copy") );
    m_comboCopyMode->addItem( i18n("Clone Copy") );
    QHBoxLayout* groupCopyModeLayout = new QHBoxLayout( groupCopyMode );
    groupCopyModeLayout->addWidget( m_comboCopyMode );

    QGroupBox* groupWritingMode = new QGroupBox( i18n("Writing Mode"), optionTab );
    m_writingModeWidget = new K3b::WritingModeWidget( groupWritingMode );
    QHBoxLayout* groupWritingModeLayout = new QHBoxLayout( groupWritingMode );
    groupWritingModeLayout->addWidget( m_writingModeWidget );

    QGroupBox* groupCopies = new QGroupBox( i18n("Copies"), optionTab );
    QLabel* pixLabel = new QLabel( groupCopies );
    pixLabel->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "tools-media-optical-copy", KIconLoader::SizeMedium ) );
    pixLabel->setScaledContents( false );
    m_spinCopies = new QSpinBox( groupCopies );
    m_spinCopies->setRange( 1, 999 );
    QHBoxLayout* groupCopiesLayout = new QHBoxLayout( groupCopies );
    groupCopiesLayout->addWidget( pixLabel );
    groupCopiesLayout->addWidget( m_spinCopies );

    QGroupBox* groupOptions = new QGroupBox( i18n("Settings"), optionTab );
    m_checkSimulate = K3b::StdGuiItems::simulateCheckbox( groupOptions );
    m_checkCacheImage = K3b::StdGuiItems::createCacheImageCheckbox( groupOptions );
    m_checkOnlyCreateImage = K3b::StdGuiItems::onlyCreateImagesCheckbox( groupOptions );
    m_checkDeleteImages = K3b::StdGuiItems::removeImagesCheckbox( groupOptions );
    m_checkVerifyData = K3b::StdGuiItems::verifyCheckBox( groupOptions );
    QVBoxLayout* groupOptionsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( groupOptions );
    groupOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkSimulate );
    groupOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkCacheImage );
    groupOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkOnlyCreateImage );
    groupOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkDeleteImages );
    groupOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkVerifyData );
    groupOptionsLayout->addStretch( 1 );

    optionTabGrid->addWidget( groupCopyMode, 0, 0 );
    optionTabGrid->addWidget( groupWritingMode, 1, 0 );
    optionTabGrid->addWidget( groupOptions, 0, 1, 3, 1 );
    optionTabGrid->addWidget( groupCopies, 2, 0 );
    optionTabGrid->setRowStretch( 2, 1 );
    optionTabGrid->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 );

    tabWidget->addTab( optionTab, i18n("&Options") );

    // image tab ------------------
    QWidget* imageTab = new QWidget( tabWidget );
    QGridLayout* imageTabGrid = new QGridLayout( imageTab );

    m_tempDirSelectionWidget = new K3b::TempDirSelectionWidget( imageTab );

    imageTabGrid->addWidget( m_tempDirSelectionWidget, 0, 0 );

    tabWidget->addTab( imageTab, i18n("&Image") );

    // advanced tab ------------------
    QWidget* advancedTab = new QWidget( tabWidget );
    QGridLayout* advancedTabGrid = new QGridLayout( advancedTab );

    m_groupAdvancedDataOptions = new QGroupBox( i18n("Data"), advancedTab );
    QGridLayout* groupAdvancedDataOptionsLayout = new QGridLayout( m_groupAdvancedDataOptions );
    m_spinDataRetries = new QSpinBox( m_groupAdvancedDataOptions );
    m_spinDataRetries->setRange( 1, 128 );
    m_checkIgnoreDataReadErrors = K3b::StdGuiItems::ignoreAudioReadErrorsCheckBox( m_groupAdvancedDataOptions );
    m_checkNoCorrection = new QCheckBox( i18n("No error correction"), m_groupAdvancedDataOptions );
    groupAdvancedDataOptionsLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Read retries:"), m_groupAdvancedDataOptions ), 0, 0 );
    groupAdvancedDataOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_spinDataRetries, 0, 1 );
    groupAdvancedDataOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkIgnoreDataReadErrors, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
    groupAdvancedDataOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkNoCorrection, 2, 0, 1, 2 );
    groupAdvancedDataOptionsLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 1 );

    m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions = new QGroupBox( i18n("Audio"), advancedTab );
    QGridLayout* groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout = new QGridLayout( m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions );
    m_spinAudioRetries = new QSpinBox( m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions );
    m_spinAudioRetries->setRange( 1, 128 );
    m_checkIgnoreAudioReadErrors = K3b::StdGuiItems::ignoreAudioReadErrorsCheckBox( m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions );
    m_comboParanoiaMode = K3b::StdGuiItems::paranoiaModeComboBox( m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions );
    m_checkReadCdText = new QCheckBox( i18n("Copy CD-Text"), m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Read retries:"), m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions ), 0, 0 );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_spinAudioRetries, 0, 1 );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkIgnoreAudioReadErrors, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Paranoia mode:"), m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions ), 2, 0 );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_comboParanoiaMode, 2, 1 );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->addWidget( m_checkReadCdText, 3, 0, 1, 2 );
    groupAdvancedAudioOptionsLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 1 );

    advancedTabGrid->addWidget( m_groupAdvancedDataOptions, 0, 1 );
    advancedTabGrid->addWidget( m_groupAdvancedAudioOptions, 0, 0 );

    tabWidget->addTab( advancedTab, i18n("&Advanced") );

    mainGrid->addWidget( groupSource, 0, 0  );
    mainGrid->addWidget( m_writerSelectionWidget, 1, 0  );
    mainGrid->addWidget( tabWidget, 2, 0 );
    mainGrid->setRowStretch( 2, 1 );

    connect( m_comboSourceDevice, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_comboSourceDevice, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)),
             this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_writerSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(writerChanged()), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_writerSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(writerChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)),
             m_writingModeWidget, SLOT(setDevice(K3b::Device::Device*)) );
    connect( m_writingModeWidget, SIGNAL(writingModeChanged(WritingMode)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_checkCacheImage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_checkSimulate, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_checkOnlyCreateImage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_comboCopyMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_checkReadCdText, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );

    m_checkIgnoreDataReadErrors->setToolTip( i18n("Skip unreadable data sectors") );
    m_checkNoCorrection->setToolTip( i18n("Disable the source drive's error correction") );
    m_checkReadCdText->setToolTip( i18n("Copy CD-Text from the source CD if available.") );

    m_checkNoCorrection->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>If this option is checked K3b will disable the "
                                            "source drive's ECC/EDC error correction. This way sectors "
                                            "that are unreadable by intention can be read."
                                            "<p>This may be useful for cloning CDs with copy "
                                            "protection based on corrupted sectors.") );
    m_checkReadCdText->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>If this option is checked K3b will search for CD-Text on the source CD. "
                                          "Disable it if your CD drive has problems with reading CD-Text or you want "
                                          "to stick to CDDB info.") );
    m_checkIgnoreDataReadErrors->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>If this option is checked and K3b is not able to read a data sector from the "
                                                    "source medium it will be replaced with zeros on the resulting copy.") );

        "<p><b>" + i18n("Normal Copy") + "</b>"
       + i18n("<p>This is the normal copy mode for DVD, Blu-ray, and most CD media types. "
               "It allows copying Audio CDs, multi and single session Data Media, and "
               "Enhanced Audio CDs (an Audio CD containing an additional data session)."
               "<p>For Video CDs please use the CD Cloning mode.")
        + "<p><b>" + i18n("Clone Copy") + "</b>"
        + i18n("<p>In CD Cloning mode K3b performs a raw copy of the CD. That means it does "
               "not care about the content but simply copies the CD bit by bit. It may be used "
               "to copy Video CDs or CDs which contain erroneous sectors."
               "<p><b>Caution:</b> Only single session CDs can be cloned.") );
コード例 #7
ファイル: k3bmediacopydialog.cpp プロジェクト: franhaufer/k3b
void K3b::MediaCopyDialog::init()
コード例 #8
ファイル: k3binteractiondialog.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/k3b
void K3b::InteractionDialog::slotInternalInit()
コード例 #9
ファイル: k3bmixedburndialog.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/k3b
K3b::MixedBurnDialog::MixedBurnDialog( K3b::MixedDoc* doc, QWidget *parent )
    : K3b::ProjectBurnDialog( doc, parent ),

    setTitle( i18n("Mixed Project"), i18np("1 track (%2 minutes)",
                                           "%1 tracks (%2 minutes)",
                                           m_doc->numOfTracks(),m_doc->length().toString()) );


    // create cd-text page
    m_cdtextWidget = new K3b::AudioCdTextWidget( this );
    addPage( m_cdtextWidget, i18n("CD-Text") );

    // create image settings tab
    m_imageSettingsWidget = new K3b::DataImageSettingsWidget( this );
    addPage( m_imageSettingsWidget, i18n("Filesystem") );


    QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    m_optionGroupLayout->addItem( spacer );

    connect( m_checkNormalize, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotNormalizeToggled(bool)) );
    connect( m_checkCacheImage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotCacheImageToggled(bool)) );
    connect( m_writerSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(writingAppChanged(K3b::WritingApp)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
    connect( m_writingModeWidget, SIGNAL(writingModeChanged(WritingMode)), this, SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );