int32_t smem_putc(StateMem *st, int value) { uint8_t tmpval = value; if(smem_write(st, &tmpval, 1) != 1) return(-1); return(1); }
static int WriteStateChunk(StateMem *st, const char *sname, SFORMAT *sf) { int32_t data_start_pos; int32_t end_pos; uint8_t sname_tmp[32]; memset(sname_tmp, 0, sizeof(sname_tmp)); strncpy((char *)sname_tmp, sname, 32); if(strlen(sname) > 32) printf("Warning: section name is too long: %s\n", sname); smem_write(st, sname_tmp, 32); smem_write32le(st, 0); // We'll come back and write this later. data_start_pos = st->loc; if(!SubWrite(st, sf)) return(0); end_pos = st->loc; smem_seek(st, data_start_pos - 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, end_pos - data_start_pos); smem_seek(st, end_pos, SEEK_SET); return(end_pos - data_start_pos); }
int MDFNSS_SaveSM(StateMem *st, int wantpreview, int data_only, uint32 *fb, MDFN_Rect *LineWidths) { static uint8 header[32]="MEDNAFENSVESTATE"; int neowidth, neoheight; neowidth = MDFNGameInfo->ss_preview_width; neoheight = MDFNGameInfo->DisplayRect.h; if(!data_only) { memset(header+16,0,16); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 12, currFrameCounter); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, pcejin.lagFrameCounter); // MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, MEDNAFEN_VERSION_NUMERIC); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 24, neowidth); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 28, neoheight); smem_write(st, header, 32); } if(wantpreview) { uint8 *previewbuffer = (uint8 *)malloc(17 * neowidth * neoheight); // MakeStatePreview(previewbuffer, fb, LineWidths); smem_write(st, fb, 17 * neowidth * neoheight); free(previewbuffer); } // State rewinding code path hack, FIXME //if(data_only) //{ // if(!MDFN_RawInputStateAction(st, 0, data_only)) // return(0); //} if(!MDFNGameInfo->StateAction(st, 0, data_only)) return(0); if(!data_only) { uint32 sizy = smem_tell(st); smem_seek(st, 16 + 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, sizy); } return(1); }
int smem_write32le(StateMem *st, uint32_t b) { uint8_t s[4]; s[0]=b; s[1]=b>>8; s[2]=b>>16; s[3]=b>>24; return((smem_write(st, s, 4)<4)?0:4); }
void MDFNMOV_RecordState(void) { gzFile fp = slots[current - 1]; StateMem sm; memset(&sm, 0, sizeof(StateMem)); MDFNSS_SaveSM(&sm, 0, 0); if(MDFN_StateEvilIsRunning()) { smem_putc(&RewindBuffer, MDFNNPCMD_LOADSTATE); smem_putc(&RewindBuffer, sm.len & 0xFF); smem_putc(&RewindBuffer, (sm.len >> 8) & 0xFF); smem_putc(&RewindBuffer, (sm.len >> 16) & 0xFF); smem_putc(&RewindBuffer, (sm.len >> 24) & 0xFF); smem_write(&RewindBuffer,, sm.len); } else {
static int WriteStateChunk(StateMem *st, const char *sname, SFORMAT *sf, int data_only) { int bsize; if(!data_only) smem_write(st, (uint8 *)sname, 4); bsize=SubWrite(0,sf, data_only, NULL); if(!data_only) smem_write32le(st, bsize); if(!SubWrite(st,sf, data_only, NULL)) return(0); if(data_only) return(bsize); else return (bsize + 4 + 4); }
int MDFNSS_SaveSM(void *st_p, int, int, const void*, const void*, const void*) { uint8_t header[32]; StateMem *st = (StateMem*)st_p; static const char *header_magic = "MDFNSVST"; int neowidth = 0, neoheight = 0; memset(header, 0, sizeof(header)); memcpy(header, header_magic, 8); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, MEDNAFEN_VERSION_NUMERIC); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 24, neowidth); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 28, neoheight); smem_write(st, header, 32); if(!StateAction(st, 0, 0)) return(0); uint32_t sizy = st->loc; smem_seek(st, 16 + 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, sizy); return(1); }
static int WriteStateChunk(StateMem *st, const char *sname, SFORMAT *sf, int data_only) { int32 data_start_pos; int32 end_pos; if(!data_only) { uint8 sname_tmp[32]; memset(sname_tmp, 0, sizeof(sname_tmp)); strncpy((char *)sname_tmp, sname, 32); if(strlen(sname) > 32) MDFN_printf("Warning: section name is too long: %s\n", sname); smem_write(st, sname_tmp, 32); smem_write32le(st, 0); // We'll come back and write this later. } data_start_pos = smem_tell(st); if(!SubWrite(st, sf, data_only)) return(0); end_pos = smem_tell(st); if(!data_only) { smem_seek(st, data_start_pos - 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, end_pos - data_start_pos); smem_seek(st, end_pos, SEEK_SET); } return(end_pos - data_start_pos); }
static bool SubWrite(StateMem *st, SFORMAT *sf, const char *name_prefix = NULL) { while(sf->size || sf->name) // Size can sometimes be zero, so also check for the text name. These two should both be zero only at the end of a struct. { if(!sf->size || !sf->v) { sf++; continue; } if(sf->size == (uint32_t)~0) /* Link to another struct. */ { if(!SubWrite(st, (SFORMAT *)sf->v, name_prefix)) return(0); sf++; continue; } int32_t bytesize = sf->size; char nameo[1 + 256]; int slen; slen = snprintf(nameo + 1, 256, "%s%s", name_prefix ? name_prefix : "", sf->name); nameo[0] = slen; if(slen >= 255) { printf("Warning: state variable name possibly too long: %s %s %s %d\n", sf->name, name_prefix, nameo, slen); slen = 255; } smem_write(st, nameo, 1 + nameo[0]); smem_write32le(st, bytesize); #ifdef MSB_FIRST /* Flip the byte order... */ if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { } else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint64_t)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32_t)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16_t)); else if(sf->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize); #endif // Special case for the evil bool type, to convert bool to 1-byte elements. // Don't do it if we're only saving the raw data. if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { for(int32_t bool_monster = 0; bool_monster < bytesize; bool_monster++) { uint8_t tmp_bool = ((bool *)sf->v)[bool_monster]; //printf("Bool write: %.31s\n", sf->name); smem_write(st, &tmp_bool, 1); } } else smem_write(st, (uint8_t *)sf->v, bytesize); #ifdef MSB_FIRST /* Now restore the original byte order. */ if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { } else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint64_t)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32_t)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16_t)); else if(sf->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize); #endif sf++; } return true; }
static int SubWrite(StateMem *st, SFORMAT *sf, int data_only, gzFile fp) { uint32 acc=0; // FIXME? It's kind of slow, and we definitely don't want it on with state rewinding... //ValidateSFStructure(sf); while(sf->s || sf->desc) // Size can sometimes be zero, so also check for the text description. These two should both be zero only at the end of a struct. { if(!sf->s || !sf->v) { sf++; continue; } if(sf->s == (uint32)~0) /* Link to another struct. */ { uint32 tmp; if(!(tmp=SubWrite(st,(SFORMAT *)sf->v, data_only, fp))) return(0); acc+=tmp; sf++; continue; } if(!data_only) acc+=32 + 4; /* Description + size */ int32 bytesize = sf->s&(~(MDFNSTATE_RLSB32 | MDFNSTATE_RLSB16 | RLSB)); acc += bytesize; //printf("%d %d %d\n", bytesize, data_only, fp); if(st || fp) /* Are we writing or calculating the size of this block? */ { if(!data_only) { char desco[32]; int slen = strlen(sf->desc); memset(desco, 0, 32); if(slen > 32) { printf("Warning: state variable name too long: %s %d\n", sf->desc, slen); slen = 32; } memcpy(desco, sf->desc, slen); smem_write(st, desco, 32); smem_write32le(st, bytesize); /* Flip the byte order... */ if(sf->s & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32)); else if(sf->s & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16)); else if(sf->s&RLSB) Endian_V_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize); } if(fp) { //printf("Wrote: %d\n", bytesize); gzwrite(fp, sf->v, bytesize); } else { smem_write(st, (uint8 *)sf->v, bytesize); } if(!data_only) { /* Now restore the original byte order. */ if(sf->s & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32)); else if(sf->s & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16)); else if(sf->s&RLSB) Endian_V_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize); } } sf++; } return(acc); }
int MDFNSS_SaveSM(StateMem *st, int wantpreview, int data_only, const MDFN_Surface *surface, const MDFN_Rect *DisplayRect, const MDFN_Rect *LineWidths) { static uint8 header[32]="MEDNAFENSVESTATE"; int neowidth = 0, neoheight = 0; if(wantpreview) { bool is_multires = FALSE; // We'll want to use the nominal width if the source rectangle is > 25% off on either axis, or the source image has // multiple horizontal resolutions. neowidth = MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width; neoheight = MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height; if(LineWidths[0].w != ~0) { uint32 first_w = LineWidths[DisplayRect->y].w; for(int y = 0; y < DisplayRect->h; y++) if(LineWidths[DisplayRect->y + y].w != first_w) { puts("Multires!"); is_multires = TRUE; } } if(!is_multires) { if(((double)DisplayRect->w / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width) > 0.75 && ((double)DisplayRect->w / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width) < 1.25) neowidth = DisplayRect->w; if(((double)DisplayRect->h / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height) > 0.75 && ((double)DisplayRect->h / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height) < 1.25) neoheight = DisplayRect->h; } } if(!data_only) { memset(header+16,0,16); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 12, currFrameCounter); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, pcejin.lagFrameCounter); // MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, MEDNAFEN_VERSION_NUMERIC); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 24, neowidth); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 28, neoheight); smem_write(st, header, 32); } if(wantpreview) { /* uint8 *previewbuffer = (uint8 *)malloc(4 * neowidth * neoheight); MDFN_Surface *dest_surface = new MDFN_Surface((uint32 *)previewbuffer, neowidth, neoheight, neowidth, surface->format.colorspace, surface->format.Rshift, surface->format.Gshift, surface->format.Bshift, surface->format.Ashift); MDFN_Rect dest_rect; dest_rect.x = 0; dest_rect.y = 0; dest_rect.w = neowidth; dest_rect.h = neoheight; // MDFN_ResizeSurface(surface, DisplayRect, (LineWidths[0].w != ~0) ? LineWidths : NULL, dest_surface, &dest_rect); { uint32 a, b = 0; for(a = 0; a < neowidth * neoheight * 4; a+=4) { uint32 c = *(uint32 *)&previewbuffer[a]; int nr, ng, nb; surface->DecodeColor(c, nr, ng, nb); previewbuffer[b + 0] = nr; previewbuffer[b + 1] = ng; previewbuffer[b + 2] = nb; b += 3; } }*/ //PREVIEWIMAGE smem_write(st, surface->pixels, 4 * neowidth * neoheight); // free(previewbuffer); // delete dest_surface; } // State rewinding code path hack, FIXME if(data_only) { // if(!MDFN_RawInputStateAction(st, 0, data_only)) return(0); } if(!MDFNGameInfo->StateAction(st, 0, data_only)) return(0); if(!data_only) { uint32 sizy = smem_tell(st); smem_seek(st, 16 + 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, sizy); } return(1); }
static bool SubWrite(StateMem *st, SFORMAT *sf, int data_only, const char *name_prefix = NULL) { // FIXME? It's kind of slow, and we definitely don't want it on with state rewinding... //if(!data_only) // ValidateSFStructure(sf); while(sf->size || sf->name) // Size can sometimes be zero, so also check for the text name. These two should both be zero only at the end of a struct. { if(!sf->size || !sf->v) { sf++; continue; } if(sf->size == (uint32)~0) /* Link to another struct. */ { if(!SubWrite(st, (SFORMAT *)sf->v, data_only, name_prefix)) return(0); sf++; continue; } int32 bytesize = sf->size; // If we're only saving the raw data, and we come across a bool type, we save it as it is in memory, rather than converting it to // 1-byte. In the SFORMAT structure, the size member for bool entries is the number of bool elements, not the total in-memory size, // so we adjust it here. if(data_only && (sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL)) { bytesize *= sizeof(bool); } if(!data_only) { char nameo[1 + 256]; int slen; slen = snprintf(nameo + 1, 256, "%s%s", name_prefix ? name_prefix : "", sf->name); nameo[0] = slen; if(slen >= 255) { printf("Warning: state variable name possibly too long: %s %s %s %d\n", sf->name, name_prefix, nameo, slen); slen = 255; } smem_write(st, nameo, 1 + nameo[0]); smem_write32le(st, bytesize); /* Flip the byte order... */ if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { } else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint64)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16)); else if(sf->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize); } // Special case for the evil bool type, to convert bool to 1-byte elements. // Don't do it if we're only saving the raw data. if((sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) && !data_only) { for(int32 bool_monster = 0; bool_monster < bytesize; bool_monster++) { uint8 tmp_bool = ((bool *)sf->v)[bool_monster]; //printf("Bool write: %.31s\n", sf->name); smem_write(st, &tmp_bool, 1); } } else smem_write(st, (uint8 *)sf->v, bytesize); if(!data_only) { /* Now restore the original byte order. */ if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { } else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint64)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16)); else if(sf->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize); } sf++; } return(TRUE); }
int sbv_patch_enable_lmb() { u8 buf[256]; slib_exp_lib_t *modload_lib = (slib_exp_lib_t *)buf; smod_mod_info_t *loadfile_info = (smod_mod_info_t *)buf; void *pStartModule, *pLoadModuleBuffer, *lf_text_start, *patch_addr; u32 lf_rpc_dispatch, lf_jump_table, result; int nexps, id, i; memset(&_slib_cur_exp_lib_list, 0, sizeof(slib_exp_lib_list_t)); /* Locate the modload export library - it must have at least 16 exports. */ if ((nexps = slib_get_exp_lib("modload", modload_lib)) < 16) return -1; pStartModule = modload_lib->exports[8]; pLoadModuleBuffer = modload_lib->exports[10]; /* Now we need to find the loadfile module. */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(smod_mod_info_t)); if (!(id = smod_get_mod_by_name("LoadModuleByEE", loadfile_info))) return -1; /* Locate the loadfile RPC dispatch code, where the first 4 instructions look like: 27bdffe8 addiu $sp, -24 2c820006 sltiu $v0, $a0, 6 14400003 bnez $v0, +12 afbf0010 sw $ra, 0x10($sp) */ lf_text_start = (void *)(loadfile_info->text_start + 0x400); smem_read(lf_text_start, buf, sizeof buf); for (i = 0; i < sizeof buf; i += 4) { if ((*(u32 *)(buf + i) == 0x27bdffe8) && (*(u32 *)(buf + i + 4) == 0x2c820006) && (*(u32 *)(buf + i + 8) == 0x14400003) && (*(u32 *)(buf + i + 12) == 0xafbf0010)) break; } /* This is a special case: if the IOP was reset with an image that contains a LOADFILE that supports LMB, we won't detect the dispatch routine. If we even got this far in the code then we can return success. */ if (i >= sizeof buf) return 0; /* We need to extract the address of the jump table, it's only 40 bytes in. */ lf_rpc_dispatch = (u32)lf_text_start + i; smem_read((void *)lf_rpc_dispatch, buf, 40); lf_jump_table = (*(u16 *)(buf + 0x1c) << 16) + *(s16 *)(buf + 0x24); /* Now we can patch our subversive LoadModuleBuffer RPC call. */ SifInitIopHeap(); if (!(patch_addr = SifAllocIopHeap(sizeof lmb_patch))) return -1; /* result is where the RPC return structure is stored. */ result = (u32)patch_addr + 96; lmb_patch[5] = JAL((u32)pLoadModuleBuffer); lmb_patch[7] = HI16(result); lmb_patch[9] = LO16(result); lmb_patch[15] = JAL((u32)pStartModule); SyncDCache(lmb_patch, (void *)(lmb_patch + 24)); smem_write(patch_addr, lmb_patch, sizeof lmb_patch); /* Finally. The last thing to do is to patch the loadfile RPC dispatch routine so that it will jump to entry #6 in it's jump table, and to patch the jump table itself. */ ee_kmode_enter(); *(u32 *)(SUB_VIRT_MEM + lf_rpc_dispatch + 4) = 0x2c820007; *(u32 *)(SUB_VIRT_MEM + lf_jump_table + 0x18) = (u32)patch_addr; ee_kmode_exit(); return 0; }
// Donuts are a tasty treat and delicious with powdered sugar. void MDFNMOV_AddJoy(void *donutdata, uint32 donutlen) { gzFile fp; if(!current) return; /* Not playback nor recording. */ if(current < 0) /* Playback */ { int t; fp = slots[-1 - current]; while((t = gzgetc(fp)) >= 0 && t) { if(t == MDFNNPCMD_LOADSTATE) { uint32 len; StateMem sm; len = gzgetc(fp); len |= gzgetc(fp) << 8; len |= gzgetc(fp) << 16; len |= gzgetc(fp) << 24; if(len >= 5 * 1024 * 1024) // A sanity limit of 5MiB { StopPlayback(); return; } memset(&sm, 0, sizeof(StateMem)); sm.len = len; = (uint8 *)malloc(len); if(gzread(fp,, len) != len) { StopPlayback(); return; } if(!MDFNSS_LoadSM(&sm, 0, 0)) { StopPlayback(); return; } } else MDFN_DoSimpleCommand(t); } if(t < 0) { StopPlayback(); return; } if(gzread(fp, donutdata, donutlen) != donutlen) { StopPlayback(); return; } } else /* Recording */ { if(MDFN_StateEvilIsRunning()) { smem_putc(&RewindBuffer, 0); smem_write(&RewindBuffer, donutdata, donutlen); } else { fp = slots[current - 1]; gzputc(fp, 0); gzwrite(fp, donutdata, donutlen); } } }
int MDFNSS_SaveSM(StateMem *st, int wantpreview_and_ts, int data_only, const MDFN_Surface *surface, const MDFN_Rect *DisplayRect, const MDFN_Rect *LineWidths) { static const char *header_magic = "MDFNSVST"; uint8 header[32]; int neowidth = 0, neoheight = 0; memset(header, 0, sizeof(header)); if(wantpreview_and_ts) { bool is_multires = FALSE; // We'll want to use the nominal width if the source rectangle is > 25% off on either axis, or the source image has // multiple horizontal resolutions. neowidth = MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width; neoheight = MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height; if(LineWidths[0].w != ~0) { uint32 first_w = LineWidths[DisplayRect->y].w; for(int y = 0; y < DisplayRect->h; y++) if(LineWidths[DisplayRect->y + y].w != first_w) { MDFN_printf("Multires!"); is_multires = TRUE; } } if(!is_multires) { if(((SysDDec)DisplayRect->w / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width) > 0.75 && ((SysDDec)DisplayRect->w / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width) < 1.25) neowidth = DisplayRect->w; if(((SysDDec)DisplayRect->h / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height) > 0.75 && ((SysDDec)DisplayRect->h / MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height) < 1.25) neoheight = DisplayRect->h; } } if(!data_only) { memcpy(header, header_magic, 8); if(wantpreview_and_ts) MDFN_en64lsb(header + 8, time(NULL)); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, MEDNAFEN_VERSION_NUMERIC); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 24, neowidth); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 28, neoheight); smem_write(st, header, 32); } if(wantpreview_and_ts) { uint8 *previewbuffer = (uint8 *)malloc(4 * neowidth * neoheight); MDFN_Surface *dest_surface = new MDFN_Surface((uint32 *)previewbuffer, neowidth, neoheight, neowidth, surface->format); MDFN_Rect dest_rect; dest_rect.x = 0; dest_rect.y = 0; dest_rect.w = neowidth; dest_rect.h = neoheight; MDFN_ResizeSurface(surface, DisplayRect, (LineWidths[0].w != ~0) ? LineWidths : NULL, dest_surface, &dest_rect); { uint32 a, b = 0; for(a = 0; a < neowidth * neoheight * 4; a+=4) { uint32 c = *(uint32 *)&previewbuffer[a]; int nr, ng, nb; surface->DecodeColor(c, nr, ng, nb); previewbuffer[b + 0] = nr; previewbuffer[b + 1] = ng; previewbuffer[b + 2] = nb; b += 3; } } smem_write(st, previewbuffer, 3 * neowidth * neoheight); free(previewbuffer); delete dest_surface; } // State rewinding code path hack, FIXME if(data_only) { if(!MDFN_RawInputStateAction(st, 0, data_only)) return(0); } if(!MDFNGameInfo->StateAction(st, 0, data_only)) return(0); if(!data_only) { uint32 sizy = smem_tell(st); smem_seek(st, 16 + 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, sizy); } return(1); }