コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: frankzzcn/M2_SE_RTOS_Project
error_t smtpClientTest(void)
   error_t error;

   //Authentication information
   static SmtpAuthInfo authInfo =
       NULL,             //Network interface
       "smtp.gmail.com", //SMTP server name
       25,               //SMTP server port
       "username",       //User name
       "password",       //Password
       FALSE,            //Use STARTTLS rather than implicit TLS
       YARROW_PRNG_ALGO, //PRNG algorithm
       &yarrowContext    //PRNG context

   static SmtpMailAddr recipients[2] =
       {"Alice", "*****@*****.**", SMTP_RCPT_TYPE_TO}, //First recipient
       {"Bob", "*****@*****.**", SMTP_RCPT_TYPE_CC}      //Second recipient

   //Mail contents
   static SmtpMail mail =
      {"Charlie", "*****@*****.**"},  //From
      recipients,                        //Recipients
      2,                                 //Recipient count
      "",                                //Date
      "SMTP Client Demo",                //Subject
      "Hello World!"                     //Body

   //Send mail
   error = smtpSendMail(&authInfo, &mail);

   //Return status code
   return error;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: woo2/gatekeeper-v2
error_t httpServerUriNotFoundCallback(HttpConnection *connection,
   const char_t *uri)
   error_t error;
   size_t n;
   char_t *buffer;

   //Process data.xml file?
   if(!strcasecmp(uri, "/data.xml"))
      //Point to the scratch buffer
      buffer = connection->buffer + 384;

      //Format XML data
      n = sprintf(buffer, "<data>\r\n");
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <ax>%d</ax>\r\n", ax);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <ay>%d</ay>\r\n", ay);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <az>%d</az>\r\n", az);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <adc>%u</adc>\r\n", adcValue);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <joystick>%u</joystick>\r\n", joystickState);

      //End of XML data
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "</data>\r\n");

      //Format HTTP response header
      connection->response.version = connection->request.version;
      connection->response.statusCode = 200;
      connection->response.keepAlive = connection->request.keepAlive;
      connection->response.noCache = TRUE;
      connection->response.contentType = mimeGetType(".xml");
      connection->response.chunkedEncoding = FALSE;
      connection->response.contentLength = n;

      //Send the header to the client
      error = httpWriteHeader(connection);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) return error;

      //Send response body
      error = httpWriteStream(connection, buffer, n);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) return error;

      //Properly close output stream
      error = httpCloseStream(connection);
      //Return status code
      return error;
   //Process send_mail.xml file?
   else if(!strcasecmp(uri, "/send_mail.xml"))
      char_t *separator;
      char_t *property;
      char_t *value;
      char_t *p;
      SmtpAuthInfo authInfo;
      SmtpMail mail;
      SmtpMailAddr recipients[4];

      //Initialize structures to zero
      memset(&authInfo, 0, sizeof(authInfo));
      memset(&mail, 0, sizeof(mail));
      memset(recipients, 0, sizeof(recipients));

      //Set the relevant PRNG algorithm to be used
      authInfo.prngAlgo = YARROW_PRNG_ALGO;
      authInfo.prngContext = &yarrowContext;

      //Set email recipients
      mail.recipients = recipients;
      //Point to the scratch buffer
      buffer = connection->buffer;

      //Start of exception handling block
         //Process HTTP request body
            //Read the HTTP request body until an ampersand is encountered
            error = httpReadStream(connection, buffer,
               HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, &n, HTTP_FLAG_BREAK('&'));
            //End of stream detected?
            if(error) break;

            //Properly terminate the string with a NULL character
            buffer[n] = '\0';

            //Remove the trailing ampersand
            if(n > 0 && buffer[n - 1] == '&')
               buffer[--n] = '\0';

            //Decode the percent-encoded string
            httpDecodePercentEncodedString(buffer, buffer, HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);
            //Check whether a separator is present
            separator = strchr(buffer, '=');

            //Separator found?
               //Split the line
               *separator = '\0';
               //Get property name and value
               property = strTrimWhitespace(buffer);
               value = strTrimWhitespace(separator + 1);

               //Check property name
               if(!strcasecmp(property, "server"))
                  //Save server name
                  authInfo.serverName = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "port"))
                  //Save the server port to be used
                  authInfo.serverPort = atoi(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "userName"))
                  //Save user name
                  authInfo.userName = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "password"))
                  //Save password
                  authInfo.password = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "useTls"))
                  //Open a secure SSL/TLS session?
                  authInfo.useTls = TRUE;
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "recipient"))
                  //Split the recipient address list
                  value = strtok_r(value, ", ", &p);

                  //Loop through the list
                  while(value != NULL)
                     //Save recipient address
                     recipients[mail.recipientCount].name = NULL;
                     recipients[mail.recipientCount].addr = strDuplicate(value);
                     recipients[mail.recipientCount].type = SMTP_RCPT_TYPE_TO;
                     //Get the next item in the list
                     value = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &p);

                     //Increment the number of recipients
                     if(++mail.recipientCount >= arraysize(recipients))
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "from"))
                  //Save sender address
                  mail.from.name = NULL;
                  mail.from.addr = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "date"))
                  //Save current time
                  mail.dateTime = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "subject"))
                  //Save mail subject
                  mail.subject = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "body"))
                  //Save mail body
                  mail.body = strDuplicate(value);

         //Propagate exception if necessary
         if(error != ERROR_END_OF_STREAM)

         //Send mail
         error = smtpSendMail(&authInfo, &mail);

         //Point to the scratch buffer
         buffer = connection->buffer + 384;
         //Format XML data
         n = sprintf(buffer, "<data>\r\n  <status>");

         if(error == NO_ERROR)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Mail successfully sent!\r\n");
         else if(error == ERROR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Cannot resolve SMTP server name!\r\n");
         else if(error == ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Authentication failed!\r\n");
         else if(error == ERROR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Unexpected response from SMTP server!\r\n");
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Failed to send mail (error %d)!\r\n", error);

         n += sprintf(buffer + n, "</status>\r\n</data>\r\n");

         //Format HTTP response header
         connection->response.version = connection->request.version;
         connection->response.statusCode = 200;
         connection->response.keepAlive = connection->request.keepAlive;
         connection->response.noCache = TRUE;
         connection->response.contentType = mimeGetType(".xml");
         connection->response.chunkedEncoding = FALSE;
         connection->response.contentLength = n;

         //Send the header to the client
         error = httpWriteHeader(connection);
         //Any error to report?
         if(error) break;

         //Send response body
         error = httpWriteStream(connection, buffer, n);
         //Any error to report?
         if(error) break;

         //Properly close output stream
         error = httpCloseStream(connection);
         //Any error to report?
         if(error) break;

         //End of exception handling block
      } while(0);

      //Free previously allocated memory
      osFreeMem((void *) authInfo.serverName);
      osFreeMem((void *) authInfo.userName);
      osFreeMem((void *) authInfo.password);
      osFreeMem((void *) recipients[0].addr);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.from.addr);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.dateTime);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.subject);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.body);

      //Return status code
      return error;
      return ERROR_NOT_FOUND;