コード例 #1
ファイル: setConfig.c プロジェクト: monmarzia/appweb-4
    This replace will replace the given pattern and the next word on the same line with the given replacement.
static char *replace(cchar *str, cchar *pattern, cchar *fmt, ...)
    va_list     args;
    MprBuf      *buf;
    cchar       *s, *replacement;
    ssize       plen;

    va_start(args, fmt);
    replacement = sfmtv(fmt, args);
    buf = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1);
    plen = slen(pattern);
    for (s = str; *s; s++) {
        if (*s == *pattern && sncmp(s, pattern, plen) == 0) {
            mprPutStringToBuf(buf, replacement);
            for (s += plen; *s && isspace((uchar) *s) && *s != '\n'; s++) ;
            for (; *s && !isspace((uchar) *s) && *s != '\n' && *s != '>'; s++) ;
        if (*s == '\n' && s[-1] != '\r') {
            mprPutCharToBuf(buf, '\r');
        mprPutCharToBuf(buf, *s);
    return sclone(mprGetBufStart(buf));
コード例 #2
ファイル: testAppweb.c プロジェクト: cwhis/appweb
static int parseArgs(int argc, char **argv)
    char    *argp, *ip, *cp;
    int     nextArg;

    nextArg = 0;
    argp = argv[nextArg++];

    if (scmp(argp, "--host") == 0 || scmp(argp, "-h") == 0) {
        ip = argv[nextArg++];
        if (ip == 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
        if (sncmp(ip, "http://", 7) == 0) {
            ip += 7;
        if ((cp = strchr(ip, ':')) != 0) {
            *cp++ = '\0';
            app->port = atoi(cp);
        } else {
            app->port = 80;
        app->host = sclone(ip);
    return nextArg - 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cmd.c プロジェクト: embedthis/mpr
    Start the command to run (stdIn and stdOut are named from the client's perspective)
PUBLIC int startProcess(MprCmd *cmd)
    MprCmdTaskFn    entryFn;
    MprModule       *mp;
    char            *entryPoint, *program, *pair;
    int             pri, next;

    mprLog("info mpr cmd", 4, "Program %s", cmd->program);
    entryPoint = 0;
    if (cmd->env) {
        for (ITERATE_ITEMS(cmd->env, pair, next)) {
            if (sncmp(pair, "entryPoint=", 11) == 0) {
                entryPoint = sclone(&pair[11]);
    program = mprGetPathBase(cmd->program);
    if (entryPoint == 0) {
        program = mprTrimPathExt(program);
        entryPoint = program;
        A leading underscore is required on some architectures
    entryPoint = sjoin("_", entryPoint, NULL);
    if (mprFindVxSym(sysSymTbl, entryPoint, (char**) (void*) &entryFn) < 0) {
        if ((mp = mprCreateModule(cmd->program, cmd->program, NULL, NULL)) == 0) {
            mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot create module");
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
        if (mprLoadModule(mp) < 0) {
            mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot load DLL %s, errno %d", program, mprGetOsError());
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ;
        if (mprFindVxSym(sysSymTbl, entryPoint, (char**) (void*) &entryFn) < 0) {
            mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot find symbol %s, errno %d", entryPoint, mprGetOsError());
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS;
    taskPriorityGet(taskIdSelf(), &pri);

    cmd->pid = taskSpawn(entryPoint, pri, VX_FP_TASK | VX_PRIVATE_ENV, ME_STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR) cmdTaskEntry,
        (int) cmd->program, (int) entryFn, (int) cmd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    if (cmd->pid < 0) {
        mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Cannot create task %s, errno %d", entryPoint, mprGetOsError());
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
    if (semTake(cmd->startCond, MPR_TIMEOUT_START_TASK) != OK) {
        mprLog("error mpr cmd", 0, "Child %s did not initialize, errno %d", cmd->program, mprGetOsError());
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
    cmd->startCond = 0;
    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: string.c プロジェクト: Zilby/Stuy-Stuff
char *sstr(char *s, char *key){
  int x=0;
    return &s[x];
    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: mprString.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/mpr-4
int scmp(cchar *s1, cchar *s2)
    if (s1 == s2) {
        return 0;
    } else if (s1 == 0) {
        return -1;
    } else if (s2 == 0) {
        return 1;
    return sncmp(s1, s2, max(slen(s1), slen(s2)));
コード例 #6
ファイル: espTemplate.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-4
static bool matchToken(cchar **str, cchar *token)
    ssize   len;

    len = slen(token);
    if (sncmp(*str, token, len) == 0) {
        *str += len;
        return 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: mprString.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/mpr-4
char *sreplace(cchar *str, cchar *pattern, cchar *replacement)
    MprBuf      *buf;
    cchar       *s;
    ssize       plen;

    buf = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1);
    if (pattern && *pattern && replacement) {
        plen = slen(pattern);
        for (s = str; *s; s++) {
            if (sncmp(s, pattern, plen) == 0) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, replacement);
                s += plen - 1;
            } else {
                mprPutCharToBuf(buf, *s);
    return sclone(mprGetBufStart(buf));
コード例 #8
ファイル: auth.c プロジェクト: DavidQuan/http
    Verify the user password for the "config" store based on the users defined via configuration directives.
    Password may be NULL only if using auto-login.
static bool configVerifyUser(HttpConn *conn, cchar *username, cchar *password)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpAuth    *auth;
    bool        success;
    char        *requiredPassword;

    rx = conn->rx;
    auth = rx->route->auth;
    if (!conn->user && (conn->user = mprLookupKey(auth->userCache, username)) == 0) {
        httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg: 'Unknown user', username:'******'", username);
        return 0;
    if (password) {
        if (auth->realm == 0 || *auth->realm == '\0') {
            mprLog("error http auth", 0, "No AuthRealm defined");
        requiredPassword = (rx->passwordDigest) ? rx->passwordDigest : conn->user->password;
        if (sncmp(requiredPassword, "BF", 2) == 0 && slen(requiredPassword) > 4 && isdigit(requiredPassword[2]) &&
                requiredPassword[3] == ':') {
            /* Blowifsh */
            success = mprCheckPassword(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, auth->realm, password), conn->user->password);

        } else {
            if (!conn->encoded) {
                password = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, auth->realm, password));
                conn->encoded = 1;
            success = smatch(password, requiredPassword);
        if (success) {
            httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.authenticated", "context", "msg:'User authenticated', username:'******'", username);
        } else {
            httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg:'Password failed to authenticate', username:'******'", username);
        return success;
    return 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: espTemplate.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-4
    Convert an ESP web page into C code

        <%@ include "file"  Include an esp file
        <%@ layout "file"   Specify a layout page to use. Use layout "" to disable layout management
        <%@ content         Mark the location to substitute content in a layout pag

        <%                  Begin esp section containing C code
        <%^ global          Put esp code at the global level
        <%^ start           Put esp code at the start of the function
        <%^ end             Put esp code at the end of the function

        <%=                 Begin esp section containing an expression to evaluate and substitute
        <%= [%fmt]          Begin a formatted expression to evaluate and substitute. Format is normal printf format.
                            Use %S for safe HTML escaped output.
        %>                  End esp section
        -%>                 End esp section and trim trailing newline

        @@var               Substitue the value of a variable. Var can also be simple expressions (without spaces)
        @#field             Lookup the current record for the value of the field.

char *espBuildScript(HttpRoute *route, cchar *page, cchar *path, cchar *cacheName, cchar *layout, char **err)
    EspParse    parse;
    char        *control, *incBuf, *incText, *global, *token, *body, *where;
    char        *rest, *start, *end, *include, *line, *fmt, *layoutPage, *layoutBuf;
    ssize       len;
    int         tid;


    body = start = end = global = "";
    *err = 0;

    memset(&parse, 0, sizeof(parse));
    parse.data = (char*) page;
    parse.next = parse.data;

    if ((parse.token = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    tid = getEspToken(&parse);
    while (tid != ESP_TOK_EOF) {
        token = mprGetBufStart(parse.token);
        if (parse.lineNumber != lastLine) {
            body = sfmt("\n# %d \"%s\"\n", parse.lineNumber, path);
        switch (tid) {
        case ESP_TOK_CODE:
            if (*token == '^') {
                for (token++; *token && isspace((int) *token); token++) ;
                where = stok(token, " \t\r\n", &rest);
                if (rest == 0) {
                } else if (scmp(where, "global") == 0) {
                    global = sjoin(global, rest, NULL);

                } else if (scmp(where, "start") == 0) {
                    if (*start == '\0') {
                        start = "  ";
                    start = sjoin(start, rest, NULL);

                } else if (scmp(where, "end") == 0) {
                    if (*end == '\0') {
                        end = "  ";
                    end = sjoin(end, rest, NULL);
            } else {
                body = sjoin(body, token, NULL);

        case ESP_TOK_CONTROL:
            /* NOTE: layout parsing not supported */
            control = stok(token, " \t\r\n", &token);
            if (scmp(control, "content") == 0) {
                body = sjoin(body, CONTENT_MARKER, NULL);

            } else if (scmp(control, "include") == 0) {
                if (token == 0) {
                    token = "";
                token = strim(token, " \t\r\n\"", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
                token = mprNormalizePath(token);
                if (token[0] == '/') {
                    include = sclone(token);
                } else {
                    include = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(path), token);
                if ((incText = mprReadPathContents(include, &len)) == 0) {
                    *err = sfmt("Can't read include file: %s", include);
                    return 0;
                /* Recurse and process the include script */
                incBuf = 0;
                if ((incBuf = espBuildScript(route, incText, include, NULL, NULL, err)) == 0) {
                    return 0;
                body = sjoin(body, incBuf, NULL);

            } else if (scmp(control, "layout") == 0) {
                token = strim(token, " \t\r\n\"", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
                if (*token == '\0') {
                    layout = 0;
                } else {
                    token = mprNormalizePath(token);
                    if (token[0] == '/') {
                        layout = sclone(token);
                    } else {
                        layout = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(path), token);
                    if (!mprPathExists(layout, F_OK)) {
                        *err = sfmt("Can't access layout page %s", layout);
                        return 0;

            } else {
                *err = sfmt("Unknown control %s at line %d", control, parse.lineNumber);
                return 0;                

        case ESP_TOK_ERR:
            return 0;

        case ESP_TOK_EXPR:
            /* <%= expr %> */
            if (*token == '%') {
                fmt = stok(token, ": \t\r\n", &token);
                if (token == 0) { 
                    token = "";
            } else {
                fmt = "%s";
            token = strim(token, " \t\r\n;", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            body = sjoin(body, "  espRender(conn, \"", fmt, "\", ", token, ");\n", NULL);

        case ESP_TOK_FIELD:
            /* @#field */
            token = strim(token, " \t\r\n;", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            body = sjoin(body, "  espRender(conn, getField(\"", token, "\"));\n", NULL);

        case ESP_TOK_LITERAL:
            line = joinLine(token, &len);
            body = sfmt("%s  espRenderBlock(conn, \"%s\", %d);\n", body, line, len);

        case ESP_TOK_VAR:
            /* @@var */
            token = strim(token, " \t\r\n;", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            /* espRenderParam uses espRenderSafeString */
            body = sjoin(body, "  espRenderParam(conn, \"", token, "\");\n", NULL);

            return 0;
        tid = getEspToken(&parse);
    if (cacheName) {
            CacheName will only be set for the outermost invocation
        if (layout && mprPathExists(layout, R_OK)) {
            if ((layoutPage = mprReadPathContents(layout, &len)) == 0) {
                *err = sfmt("Can't read layout page: %s", layout);
                return 0;
            layoutBuf = 0;
            if ((layoutBuf = espBuildScript(route, layoutPage, layout, NULL, NULL, err)) == 0) {
                return 0;
            body = sreplace(layoutBuf, CONTENT_MARKER, body);
        if (start && start[slen(start) - 1] != '\n') {
            start = sjoin(start, "\n", NULL);
        if (end && end[slen(end) - 1] != '\n') {
            end = sjoin(end, "\n", NULL);
        mprAssert(slen(path) > slen(route->dir));
        mprAssert(sncmp(path, route->dir, slen(route->dir)) == 0);
        if (sncmp(path, route->dir, slen(route->dir)) == 0) {
            path = &path[slen(route->dir) + 1];
        body = sfmt(\
            "/*\n   Generated from %s\n */\n"\
            "#include \"esp-app.h\"\n"\
            "static void %s(HttpConn *conn) {\n"\
            "%s int esp_%s(HttpRoute *route, MprModule *module) {\n"\
            "   espDefineView(route, \"%s\", %s);\n"\
            "   return 0;\n"\
            path, global, cacheName, start, body, end, ESP_EXPORT_STRING, cacheName, mprGetPortablePath(path), cacheName);
        mprLog(6, "Create ESP script: \n%s\n", body);
    return body;