コード例 #1
bool CActiveStormnode::SendStormnodePing(std::string& errorMessage) {
    if(status != ACTIVE_STORMNODE_STARTED) {
        errorMessage = "Stormnode is not in a running status";
        return false;

    CPubKey pubKeyStormnode;
    CKey keyStormnode;

    if(!sandStormSigner.SetKey(strStormNodePrivKey, errorMessage, keyStormnode, pubKeyStormnode))
        errorMessage = strprintf("Error upon calling SetKey: %s\n", errorMessage);
        return false;

    LogPrintf("CActiveStormnode::SendStormnodePing() - Relay Stormnode Ping vin = %s\n", vin.ToString());

    CStormnodePing snp(vin);
    if(!snp.Sign(keyStormnode, pubKeyStormnode))
        errorMessage = "Couldn't sign Stormnode Ping";
        return false;

    // Update lastPing for our stormnode in Stormnode list
    CStormnode* psn = snodeman.Find(vin);
    if(psn != NULL)
        if(psn->IsPingedWithin(STORMNODE_PING_SECONDS, snp.sigTime)){
            errorMessage = "Too early to send Stormnode Ping";
            return false;

        psn->lastPing = snp;
        snodeman.mapSeenStormnodePing.insert(make_pair(snp.GetHash(), snp));

        //snodeman.mapSeenStormnodeBroadcast.lastPing is probably outdated, so we'll update it
        CStormnodeBroadcast snb(*psn);
        uint256 hash = snb.GetHash();
        if(snodeman.mapSeenStormnodeBroadcast.count(hash)) snodeman.mapSeenStormnodeBroadcast[hash].lastPing = snp;


        return true;
        // Seems like we are trying to send a ping while the Stormnode is not registered in the network
        errorMessage = "Sandstorm Stormnode List doesn't include our Stormnode, shutting down Stormnode pinging service! " + vin.ToString();
        notCapableReason = errorMessage;
        return false;

コード例 #2
bool CActiveStormnode::Register(CTxIn vin, CService service, CKey keyCollateralAddress, CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress, CKey keyStormnode, CPubKey pubKeyStormnode, std::string &errorMessage) {
    CStormnodeBroadcast snb;
    CStormnodePing snp(vin);
    if(!snp.Sign(keyStormnode, pubKeyStormnode)){
        errorMessage = strprintf("Failed to sign ping, vin: %s", vin.ToString());
        LogPrintf("CActiveStormnode::Register() -  %s\n", errorMessage);
        return false;
    snodeman.mapSeenStormnodePing.insert(make_pair(snp.GetHash(), snp));

    LogPrintf("CActiveStormnode::Register() - Adding to Stormnode list\n    service: %s\n    vin: %s\n", service.ToString(), vin.ToString());
    snb = CStormnodeBroadcast(service, vin, pubKeyCollateralAddress, pubKeyStormnode, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
    snb.lastPing = snp;
        errorMessage = strprintf("Failed to sign broadcast, vin: %s", vin.ToString());
        LogPrintf("CActiveStormnode::Register() - %s\n", errorMessage);
        return false;
    snodeman.mapSeenStormnodeBroadcast.insert(make_pair(snb.GetHash(), snb));

    CStormnode* psn = snodeman.Find(vin);
    if(psn == NULL)
        CStormnode sn(snb);
    } else {

    //send to all peers
    LogPrintf("CActiveStormnode::Register() - RelayElectionEntry vin = %s\n", vin.ToString());

    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: genotype.0.cpp プロジェクト: sriramsr/dating
void genotype::read_vcf (string genofile, bool isgenoytpe) { 
    igzstream ig (genofile.c_str());
    string line;
	vector<snp> tmp;
	int j = 0 ;
	maxgpos = unordered_map<string, double> ();
	mingpos = unordered_map<string, double>();
	maxppos = unordered_map<string, double> ();
	minppos = unordered_map<string, double>();
	chrs = vector<string> ();
	double prevgpos ;
	double prevppos;
	string prevchr="";
    int size =  10000;
    int inc = 10000;
    int linenum = 0 ;
    bool setind = false;
    int numhap = 2;
    if (isgenotype)
        numhap = 1;
    while (std::getline (ig, line) ) {
        linenum ++;
        char c = line[0];
        if (c=='#') { 
            if (line.find ("CHROM")!=string::npos) {
                if (!givenind)  {
                    vector<string> toks;
                    functions::tokenize (line.c_str(), toks, " \t");
                    nind = toks.size() - 9 ;
                    nind *= numhap;
                    for (int i = 9 ; i < toks.size(); i++){
                        string id = toks[i];
                        indiv.push_back (ind(id,'U',"G"));
                        if (!isgenotype)
                            indiv.push_back (ind(id,'U',"G"));

                    setind = true;
        } else { 
            vector<string> toks;
            functions::tokenize (line.c_str(), toks, " \t");
            string id = toks[2];
            string chr = toks[0];
            double physpos =  atof(toks[1].c_str());
            double genpos = physpos*1.3/1e8;
            if (id.compare (".")==0) { 
                id = chr+":"+toks[1];
            string ref = toks[3];
            string var = toks[4];
            string pass = toks[6];
            string desc = toks[7];
            string format = toks[8];
            if (pass.compare("PASS")!=0)
            if (ref.compare (".")==0)
            if (desc.compare (".") == 0 ) {
                cout << "Warning: No INFO field found. Assuming site is a SNP " << endl;
            vector<string> tok1;
            functions::tokenize (desc.c_str(), tok1, ";");
            if (tok1[0].compare("SNP")!=0)

            // Fill the snps
            if (chr.compare(prevchr)==0) {
                if (physpos >= prevppos){
                    prevgpos = genpos;
                    prevppos = physpos;
                } else {
                    cerr << "Invalid snps in  " << genofile <<" : Line " << linenum  << "\t Must have non-decreasing physical positions" << endl;
            //				exit (1);
            } else {
                prevchr = chr;
                prevgpos = genpos;
                prevppos = physpos;
                if (snps.find(chr) != snps.end ()) {
                    cerr << "Invalid snps in "<< genofile << " : Line " << linenum << "\t SNPs on a chromosome must be consecutive" << endl;
                    exit (1);
                snps[chr] = vector<snp>();
//                snps[chr].reserve (size);

/*            if (j==size){ 
                size += inc;

            if ( maxppos.find(chr) == maxppos.end()) {
                maxppos[chr] = physpos;
            } else if (physpos > maxppos[chr])
                maxppos[chr] = physpos;

            if ( minppos.find(chr) == minppos.end()) {
                minppos[chr] = physpos;
            } else if (physpos < minppos[chr])
                minppos[chr] = physpos;

            if ( maxgpos.find(chr) == maxgpos.end()) {
                maxgpos[chr] = genpos;
            } else if (genpos > maxgpos[chr])
                maxgpos[chr] = genpos;

            if ( mingpos.find(chr) == mingpos.end()) {
                mingpos[chr] = genpos;
            } else if (genpos < mingpos[chr])
                mingpos[chr] = genpos;

            // Fill in the genotypes
            tok1.resize (0);
            functions::tokenize (format.c_str(), tok1,":");
            int gind = -1;

            for (int i = 0 ; i < tok1.size(); i++){
                if (tok1[i].compare ("GT")==0) { 
                    gind = i;
            if (gind == -1)

            snps[chr].push_back (snp(id,chr,physpos,genpos,var,ref));
            vector<int> &gtype = snps[chr].back().gtype;

            if (setind) {
                if (nind != numhap*(toks.size()-9)){
					cerr << "Bad genotype in " << genofile << ": Line "<< linenum  << endl;
            } else {
                nind = toks.size() - 9;
                nind *= numhap;
                setind = true;

            gtype.resize(nind, 9);
            for (int i = 9, k = 0; i < toks.size(); i++, k++){ 
                functions::tokenize(toks[i], tok1,",");
                if (isgenotype)  {
                    int a1 =  tok1[gind][0];
                    int a2 =  tok1[gind][2];
                    gtype[k] = (a1-48) + (a2-48);
                } else { 
                    int a1 =  tok1[gind][0];
                    int a2 =  tok1[gind][2];
                    gtype[2*k] = a1-48;
                    gtype[2*k+1] = a2-48;
        if (j%10000==0) {
            io::println ("Read " + tostring (j) + " lines" ,0);
    nchr = chrs.size ();
    nsnps = j;
    if (io::debug >= 2 ) {
        cout << "genotype = " << to_string ();

    ig.close ();

コード例 #4
ファイル: genotype.0.cpp プロジェクト: sriramsr/dating
void genotype::read_snps (string filename){
	ifstream inp (filename.c_str());
	if (!inp.is_open()){
		cerr << "Error reading file "<< filename <<endl;
	string line;
	vector<snp> tmp;
	int j = 0 ;
	maxgpos = unordered_map<string, double> ();
	mingpos = unordered_map<string, double>();
	maxppos = unordered_map<string, double> ();
	minppos = unordered_map<string, double>();
	chrs = vector<string> ();
	double prevgpos ;
	double prevppos;
	string prevchr="";
	int linenum  = 0;
	while ( std::getline (inp, line)){
		linenum ++;
		char c = line[0];
		if (c=='#')
		istringstream ss (line);
		if (line.empty())

		string id;
		string chr;
		double genpos;
		double physpos;
		string var;
		string ref;

		ss >> id;
		ss >> chr;
		ss >> genpos;
		ss >> physpos;
		ss >> var;
		ss >> ref;

		if (chr.compare(prevchr)==0) {
			if (physpos >= prevppos){
				prevgpos = genpos;
				prevppos = physpos;
			} else {
				cerr << "Invalid snp file " << filename <<" : Line " << linenum  << "\t Must have non-decreasing physical positions" << endl;
//				exit (1);
		} else {
			prevchr = chr;
			prevgpos = genpos;
			prevppos = physpos;
			if (snps.find(chr) != snps.end ()) {
				cerr << "Invalid snp file "<<filename << " : Line " << linenum << "\t SNPs on a chromosome must be consecutive" << endl;
				exit (1);
			snps[chr] = vector<snp>();

		snps[chr].push_back (snp(id,chr,physpos,genpos,var,ref));

		if ( maxppos.find(chr) == maxppos.end()) {
			maxppos[chr] = physpos;
		} else if (physpos > maxppos[chr])
			maxppos[chr] = physpos;

		if ( minppos.find(chr) == minppos.end()) {
			minppos[chr] = physpos;
		} else if (physpos < minppos[chr])
			minppos[chr] = physpos;

		if ( maxgpos.find(chr) == maxgpos.end()) {
			maxgpos[chr] = genpos;
		} else if (genpos > maxgpos[chr])
			maxgpos[chr] = genpos;

		if ( mingpos.find(chr) == mingpos.end()) {
			mingpos[chr] = genpos;
		} else if (genpos < mingpos[chr])
			mingpos[chr] = genpos;
	nsnps = j;
	nchr = chrs.size();

    int cumnum = 0;
    cumnumsnps.resize (nchr);
	for (int i  = 0 ; i < nchr; i++) { 
		numsnps[chrs[i]] = snps[chrs[i]].size();
        cumnumsnps[i] = cumnum;
        cumnum += numsnps[chrs[i]];
		allsnps.insert ( snps[chrs[i]].begin(),snps[chrs[i]].end());
		vector<snp> &tmpsnps = snps[chrs[i]];
		for (int j = 0 ; j < tmpsnps.size(); j++){ 
			snp &s= tmpsnps[j];
			if (allsnpsmap.find(s.id) != allsnpsmap.end()){
				cerr << "Duplicate SNP ids " << s.id <<endl;
			allsnpsmap[s.id] = pair<string,int>(s.chr,j);

コード例 #5
ファイル: nbody.cpp プロジェクト: egaburov/vmath
const real iterate(
    const int n,
    real4 pos[],
    real4 vel[],
    real4 acc[],
    real4 jrk[],
    const real eta,
    const real eps2,
    const real dt) 
  std::vector<real4> acc0(n), jrk0(n);
  const real dt2 = dt*(1.0/2.0);
  const real dt3 = dt*(1.0/3.0);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    acc0[i] = acc[i];
    jrk0[i] = jrk[i];

    pos[i].x += dt*(vel[i].x + dt2*(acc[i].x + dt3*jrk[i].x));
    pos[i].y += dt*(vel[i].y + dt2*(acc[i].y + dt3*jrk[i].y));
    pos[i].z += dt*(vel[i].z + dt2*(acc[i].z + dt3*jrk[i].z));

    vel[i].x += dt*(acc[i].x + dt2*jrk[i].x);
    vel[i].y += dt*(acc[i].y + dt2*jrk[i].y);
    vel[i].z += dt*(acc[i].z + dt2*jrk[i].z);

  forces(n, pos, vel, acc, jrk, eps2);

  if (dt > 0.0)
    const real h    = dt*0.5;
    const real hinv = 1.0/h;
    const real f1   = 0.5*hinv*hinv;
    const real f2   = 3.0*hinv*f1;

    const real dt2  = dt *dt * (1.0/2.0);
    const real dt3  = dt2*dt * (1.0/3.0);
    const real dt4  = dt3*dt * (1.0/4.0);
    const real dt5  = dt4*dt * (1.0/5.0);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

      /* compute snp & crk */

      const real4 Am(   acc[i].x - acc0[i].x,     acc[i].y - acc0[i].y,     acc[i].z - acc0[i].z);
      const real4 Jm(h*(jrk[i].x - jrk0[i].x), h*(jrk[i].y - jrk0[i].y), h*(jrk[i].z - jrk0[i].z));
      const real4 Jp(h*(jrk[i].x + jrk0[i].x), h*(jrk[i].y + jrk0[i].y), h*(jrk[i].z + jrk0[i].z));
      real4 snp(f1* Jm.x,         f1* Jm.y,         f1* Jm.z        );
      real4 crk(f2*(Jp.x - Am.x), f2*(Jp.y - Am.y), f2*(Jp.z - Am.z));

      snp.x -= h*crk.x;
      snp.y -= h*crk.y;
      snp.z -= h*crk.z;

      /* correct */

      pos[i].x += dt4*snp.x + dt5*crk.x;
      pos[i].y += dt4*snp.y + dt5*crk.y;
      pos[i].z += dt4*snp.z + dt5*crk.z;

      vel[i].x += dt3*snp.x + dt4*crk.x;
      vel[i].y += dt3*snp.y + dt4*crk.y;
      vel[i].z += dt3*snp.z + dt4*crk.z;

  return timestep(n, vel, acc, eta, eps2);