コード例 #1
ファイル: AudioStream.cpp プロジェクト: logicoftekk/cyberfox
static FILE*
OpenDumpFile(AudioStream* aStream)
    if (!getenv("MOZ_DUMP_AUDIO"))
        return nullptr;
    char buf[100];
    snprintf_literal(buf, "dumped-audio-%d.wav", gDumpedAudioCount);
    FILE* f = fopen(buf, "wb");
    if (!f)
        return nullptr;

    uint8_t header[] = {
        // RIFF header
        0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45,
        // fmt chunk. We always write 16-bit samples.
        0x66, 0x6d, 0x74, 0x20, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x00,
        // data chunk
        0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F
    static const int CHANNEL_OFFSET = 22;
    static const int SAMPLE_RATE_OFFSET = 24;
    static const int BLOCK_ALIGN_OFFSET = 32;
    SetUint16LE(header + CHANNEL_OFFSET, aStream->GetChannels());
    SetUint32LE(header + SAMPLE_RATE_OFFSET, aStream->GetRate());
    SetUint16LE(header + BLOCK_ALIGN_OFFSET, aStream->GetChannels()*2);
    fwrite(header, sizeof(header), 1, f);

    return f;
コード例 #2
ファイル: nsPosixLocale.cpp プロジェクト: MekliCZ/positron
nsPosixLocale::GetXPLocale(const char* posixLocale, nsAString& locale)
  char  country_code[MAX_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN+1];
  char  lang_code[MAX_LANGUAGE_CODE_LEN+1];
  char  extra[MAX_EXTRA_LEN+1];
  char  posix_locale[MAX_LOCALE_LEN+1];

  if (posixLocale!=nullptr) {
    if (strcmp(posixLocale,"C")==0 || strcmp(posixLocale,"POSIX")==0) {
      return NS_OK;
    if (strcmp(posixLocale,"C.UTF-8")==0) {
      return NS_OK;
    if (!ParseLocaleString(posixLocale,lang_code,country_code,extra,'_')) {
//      * locale = "x-user-defined";
      // use posix if parse failed
      CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsDependentCString(posixLocale), locale);
      return NS_OK;

    // Special case: substitute "nb" (Norwegian Bokmal) for macrolanguage
    // code "no" (Norwegian)
    if (nsDependentCString(lang_code).LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("no")) {
      lang_code[1] = 'b';

    if (*country_code) {
    else {

    CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsDependentCString(posix_locale), locale);
    return NS_OK;


    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

コード例 #3
ファイル: nsID.cpp プロジェクト: MekliCZ/positron
nsID::ToProvidedString(char (&aDest)[NSID_LENGTH]) const
  snprintf_literal(aDest, gIDFormat,
                   m0, (uint32_t)m1, (uint32_t)m2,
                   (uint32_t)m3[0], (uint32_t)m3[1], (uint32_t)m3[2],
                   (uint32_t)m3[3], (uint32_t)m3[4], (uint32_t)m3[5],
                   (uint32_t)m3[6], (uint32_t)m3[7]);
コード例 #4
ファイル: nsPosixLocale.cpp プロジェクト: MekliCZ/positron
nsPosixLocale::GetPlatformLocale(const nsAString& locale, nsACString& posixLocale)
  char  country_code[MAX_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN+1];
  char  lang_code[MAX_LANGUAGE_CODE_LEN+1];
  char  extra[MAX_EXTRA_LEN+1];
  char  posix_locale[MAX_LOCALE_LEN+1];
  NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII xp_locale(locale);

  if (!xp_locale.IsEmpty()) {
    if (!ParseLocaleString(xp_locale.get(),lang_code,country_code,extra,'-')) {
//      strncpy(posixLocale,"C",length);
      posixLocale = xp_locale;  // use xp locale if parse failed
      return NS_OK;

    if (*country_code) {
      if (*extra) {
      else {
    else {
      if (*extra) {
      else {

    posixLocale = posix_locale;
    return NS_OK;

コード例 #5
CrashReporterParent::GenerateChildData(const AnnotationTable* processNotes)

    if (mChildDumpID.IsEmpty()) {
      NS_WARNING("problem with GenerateChildData: no child dump id yet!");
      return false;

    nsAutoCString type;
    switch (mProcessType) {
        case GeckoProcessType_Content:
            type = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("content");
        case GeckoProcessType_Plugin:
        case GeckoProcessType_GMPlugin:
            type = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("plugin");
            NS_ERROR("unknown process type");
    mNotes.Put(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("ProcessType"), type);

    char startTime[32];
    snprintf_literal(startTime, "%lld", static_cast<long long>(mStartTime));
    mNotes.Put(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("StartupTime"), nsDependentCString(startTime));

    if (!mAppNotes.IsEmpty()) {
        mNotes.Put(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Notes"), mAppNotes);

    // Append these notes to the end of the extra file based on the current
    // dump id we obtained from CreatePairedMinidumps.
    bool ret = CrashReporter::AppendExtraData(mChildDumpID, mNotes);
    if (ret && processNotes) {
        ret = CrashReporter::AppendExtraData(mChildDumpID, *processNotes);

    if (!ret) {
        NS_WARNING("problem appending child data to .extra");

    return ret;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Logging.cpp プロジェクト: spatenotte/gecko
     * Loads config from env vars if present.
    void Init()
        bool shouldAppend = false;
        bool addTimestamp = false;
        bool isSync = false;
        const char* modules = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_LOG_MODULES");
                             [&shouldAppend, &addTimestamp, &isSync]
        (const char* aName, LogLevel aLevel) mutable {
            if (strcmp(aName, "append") == 0) {
                shouldAppend = true;
            } else if (strcmp(aName, "timestamp") == 0) {
                addTimestamp = true;
            } else if (strcmp(aName, "sync") == 0) {
                isSync = true;
            } else {

        mAddTimestamp = addTimestamp;
        mIsSync = isSync;

        const char* logFile = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_LOG_FILE");
        if (logFile && logFile[0]) {
            static const char kPIDToken[] = "%PID";
            const char* pidTokenPtr = strstr(logFile, kPIDToken);
            char buf[2048];
            if (pidTokenPtr &&
                    snprintf_literal(buf, "%.*s%d%s",
                                     static_cast<int>(pidTokenPtr - logFile), logFile,
                                     pidTokenPtr + strlen(kPIDToken)) > 0)
                logFile = buf;

            mOutFile = fopen(logFile, shouldAppend ? "a" : "w");
コード例 #7
ファイル: AudioStream.cpp プロジェクト: SJasoria/gecko-dev
static FILE*
OpenDumpFile(uint32_t aChannels, uint32_t aRate)
   * When MOZ_DUMP_AUDIO is set in the environment (to anything),
   * we'll drop a series of files in the current working directory named
   * dumped-audio-<nnn>.wav, one per AudioStream created, containing
   * the audio for the stream including any skips due to underruns.
  static Atomic<int> gDumpedAudioCount(0);

  if (!getenv("MOZ_DUMP_AUDIO"))
    return nullptr;
  char buf[100];
  snprintf_literal(buf, "dumped-audio-%d.wav", ++gDumpedAudioCount);
  FILE* f = fopen(buf, "wb");
  if (!f)
    return nullptr;

  uint8_t header[] = {
    // RIFF header
    0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45,
    // fmt chunk. We always write 16-bit samples.
    0x66, 0x6d, 0x74, 0x20, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
    0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x00,
    // data chunk
    0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F
  static const int CHANNEL_OFFSET = 22;
  static const int SAMPLE_RATE_OFFSET = 24;
  static const int BLOCK_ALIGN_OFFSET = 32;
  SetUint16LE(header + CHANNEL_OFFSET, aChannels);
  SetUint32LE(header + SAMPLE_RATE_OFFSET, aRate);
  SetUint16LE(header + BLOCK_ALIGN_OFFSET, aChannels * 2);
  fwrite(header, sizeof(header), 1, f);

  return f;
コード例 #8
const char*
ThreadStackHelper::AppendJSEntry(const volatile StackEntry* aEntry,
                                 intptr_t& aAvailableBufferSize,
                                 const char* aPrevLabel)
  // May be called from another thread or inside a signal handler.
  // We assume querying the script is safe but we must not manupulate it.
  // Also we must not allocate any memory from heap.

  const char* label;
  if (IsChromeJSScript(aEntry->script())) {
    const char* filename = JS_GetScriptFilename(aEntry->script());
    const unsigned lineno = JS_PCToLineNumber(aEntry->script(), aEntry->pc());

    char buffer[128]; // Enough to fit longest js file name from the tree

    // Some script names are in the form "foo -> bar -> baz".
    // Here we find the origin of these redirected scripts.
    const char* basename = GetPathAfterComponent(filename, " -> ");
    if (basename) {
      filename = basename;

    basename = GetFullPathForScheme(filename, "chrome://");
    if (!basename) {
      basename = GetFullPathForScheme(filename, "resource://");
    if (!basename) {
      // If the (add-on) script is located under the {profile}/extensions
      // directory, extract the path after the /extensions/ part.
      basename = GetPathAfterComponent(filename, "/extensions/");
    if (!basename) {
      // Only keep the file base name for paths outside the above formats.
      basename = strrchr(filename, '/');
      basename = basename ? basename + 1 : filename;
      // Look for Windows path separator as well.
      filename = strrchr(basename, '\\');
      if (filename) {
        basename = filename + 1;

    size_t len = snprintf_literal(buffer, "%s:%u", basename, lineno);
    if (len < sizeof(buffer)) {
      if (mStackToFill->IsSameAsEntry(aPrevLabel, buffer)) {
        return aPrevLabel;

      // Keep track of the required buffer size
      aAvailableBufferSize -= (len + 1);
      if (aAvailableBufferSize >= 0) {
        // Buffer is big enough.
        return mStackToFill->InfallibleAppendViaBuffer(buffer, len);
      // Buffer is not big enough; fall through to using static label below.
    // snprintf failed or buffer is not big enough.
    label = "(chrome script)";
  } else {
    label = "(content script)";

  if (mStackToFill->IsSameAsEntry(aPrevLabel, label)) {
    return aPrevLabel;
  return label;
コード例 #9
ファイル: urltest.cpp プロジェクト: MekliCZ/positron
nsresult writeoutto(const char* i_pURL, char** o_Result, int32_t urlFactory = URL_FACTORY_DEFAULT)
    if (!o_Result || !i_pURL)
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    *o_Result = 0;
    nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> pURL;
    nsresult result = NS_OK;

    switch (urlFactory) {
        case URL_FACTORY_STDURL: {
            nsIURI* url;
            result = CallCreateInstance(kStdURLCID, &url);
            if (NS_FAILED(result))
                printf("CreateInstance failed\n");
                return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
            pURL = url;
        case URL_FACTORY_DEFAULT: {
            nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> pService = 
                     do_GetService(kIOServiceCID, &result);
            if (NS_FAILED(result)) 
                printf("Service failed!\n");
                return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
            result = pService->NewURI(nsDependentCString(i_pURL), nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(pURL));

    nsCString output;
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result))
        nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> tURL = do_QueryInterface(pURL);
        nsAutoCString temp;
        int32_t port;
        nsresult rv;

#define RESULT() NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? temp.get() : ""

        rv = tURL->GetScheme(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetUsername(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetPassword(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetHost(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetPort(&port);
        char portbuffer[40];
        snprintf_literal(portbuffer, "%d", port);
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetDirectory(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetFileBaseName(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetFileExtension(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        // removed with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=665706
        // rv = tURL->GetParam(temp); 
        // output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetQuery(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetRef(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        output += ',';
        rv = tURL->GetSpec(temp);
        output += RESULT();
        *o_Result = ToNewCString(output);
    } else {
        output = "Can not create URL";
        *o_Result = ToNewCString(output);
    return NS_OK;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Logging.cpp プロジェクト: spatenotte/gecko
    void Print(const char* aName, LogLevel aLevel, const char* aFmt, va_list aArgs)
        const size_t kBuffSize = 1024;
        char buff[kBuffSize];

        char* buffToWrite = buff;

        // For backwards compat we need to use the NSPR format string versions
        // of sprintf and friends and then hand off to printf.
        va_list argsCopy;
        va_copy(argsCopy, aArgs);
        size_t charsWritten = PR_vsnprintf(buff, kBuffSize, aFmt, argsCopy);

        if (charsWritten == kBuffSize - 1) {
            // We may have maxed out, allocate a buffer instead.
            buffToWrite = PR_vsmprintf(aFmt, aArgs);
            charsWritten = strlen(buffToWrite);

        // Determine if a newline needs to be appended to the message.
        const char* newline = "";
        if (charsWritten == 0 || buffToWrite[charsWritten - 1] != '\n') {
            newline = "\n";

        FILE* out = mOutFile ? mOutFile : stderr;

        // This differs from the NSPR format in that we do not output the
        // opaque system specific thread pointer (ie pthread_t) cast
        // to a long. The address of the current PR_Thread continues to be
        // prefixed.
        // Additionally we prefix the output with the abbreviated log level
        // and the module name.
        PRThread *currentThread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
        const char *currentThreadName = (mMainThread == currentThread)
                                        ? "Main Thread"
                                        : PR_GetThreadName(currentThread);

        char noNameThread[40];
        if (!currentThreadName) {
            snprintf_literal(noNameThread, "Unnamed thread %p", currentThread);
            currentThreadName = noNameThread;

        if (!mAddTimestamp) {
                           "[%s]: %s/%s %s%s",
                           currentThreadName, ToLogStr(aLevel),
                           aName, buffToWrite, newline);
        } else {
            PRExplodedTime now;
            PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_GMTParameters, &now);
                "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d UTC - [%s]: %s/%s %s%s",
                now.tm_year, now.tm_month + 1, now.tm_mday,
                now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, now.tm_usec,
                currentThreadName, ToLogStr(aLevel),
                aName, buffToWrite, newline);

        if (mIsSync) {

        if (buffToWrite != buff) {