int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sol_oic_client client; struct sol_network_link_addr cliaddr = { .family = AF_INET, .port = 5683 }; const char *resource_type; sol_init(); if (inet_pton(, "", &cliaddr.addr) < 0) { printf("could not convert multicast ip address to sockaddr_in\n"); return 1; } client.server = sol_coap_server_new(0); if (argc < 2) { printf("No rt filter specified, assuming everything\n"); resource_type = NULL; } else { printf("Finding resources with resource type %s\n", argv[1]); resource_type = argv[1]; } sol_oic_client_find_resource(&client, &cliaddr, resource_type, found_resource, NULL); sol_run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r = 0; if (sol_init() < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; printf("Initial platform state: %d\n", sol_platform_get_state()); sol_platform_add_state_monitor(on_state_change, NULL); if (argc > 2) { cmds = argv + 1; n_cmds = argc - 1; timeout_handle = sol_timeout_add(CMD_TICK, on_timeout_cmd, NULL); } sol_run(); if (timeout_handle) sol_timeout_del(timeout_handle); sol_platform_del_state_monitor(on_state_change, NULL); sol_shutdown(); return r; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sol_mqtt *mqtt; int port; sol_init(); if (argc < 4) { SOL_INF("Usage: %s <ip> <port> <topic>", argv[0]); return 0; } port = atoi(argv[2]); topic = argv[3]; mqtt = sol_mqtt_connect(argv[1], port, &config, NULL); if (!mqtt) { SOL_WRN("Unable to create MQTT session"); return -1; } sol_run(); sol_mqtt_disconnect(mqtt); sol_shutdown(); return 0; }
int TEST_MAINLOOP_MAIN_FN(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err, i; struct sol_timeout *timeout_to_del; struct sol_idle *idler_to_del; err = sol_init(); ASSERT(!err); timeout_to_del = sol_timeout_add(100, timeout_never_called, NULL); sol_timeout_add(20, on_timeout_del_and_new, timeout_to_del); sol_timeout_add(1, on_timeout_renew_twice, NULL); sol_idle_add(on_idler_renew_twice, NULL); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) sol_idle_add(on_idler, (void *)(intptr_t)i); sol_idle_add(on_idler_del_another, &idler_to_del); idler_to_del = sol_idle_add(on_idler_never_called, NULL); sol_run(); ASSERT_INT_EQ(timeout_called, 3); ASSERT_INT_EQ(timeout_renewed, 2); ASSERT_INT_EQ(idler_renewed, 2); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) ASSERT_INT_EQ(idler_sequence[i], i); sol_shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err; err = sol_init(); ASSERT(!err); sol_idle_add(perform_tests, NULL); sol_run(); sol_shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct light_context context = { .resource = &light }; struct sol_coap_server *server; char old_led_state; struct sol_network_link_addr servaddr = { .family = SOL_NETWORK_FAMILY_INET6, .port = DEFAULT_UDP_PORT }; sol_init(); server = sol_coap_server_new(&servaddr); if (!server) { SOL_WRN("Could not create a coap server using port %d.", DEFAULT_UDP_PORT); return -1; } if (sol_coap_server_register_resource(server, &light, NULL) < 0) { SOL_WRN("Could not register light resource"); return -1; } console_fd = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR); if (console_fd < 0) { perror("Could not open '/dev/console'"); return -1; } if (ioctl(console_fd, KDGETLED, (char *)&old_led_state)) { perror("Could not get the keyboard leds state"); return -1; } context.server = server; sol_timeout_add(5000, update_light, &context); sol_run(); sol_coap_server_unref(server); if (ioctl(console_fd, KDSETLED, old_led_state)) { perror("Could not return the leds to the old state"); return -1; } return 0; }
static void uv_idle_callback() { SOL_DBG("Entering with state %s", RESOLVE_MAINLOOP_STATE(mainloopState)); if (mainloopState == MAINLOOP_HIJACKING_STARTED) { SOL_DBG("running sol_run()"); mainloopState = MAINLOOP_HIJACKED; sol_run(); SOL_DBG("sol_run() has returned. state is %s", RESOLVE_MAINLOOP_STATE(mainloopState)); if (mainloopState == MAINLOOP_RELEASING_STARTED) { mainloopState = MAINLOOP_RELEASED; } } else if ( mainloopState == MAINLOOP_HIJACKED) { SOL_DBG("main loop already hijacked. Stopping idler"); uv_idle_stop(&uv_idle); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r; if (!parse_args(argc, argv)) { usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (sol_init() < 0) { SOL_CRI("Cannot initialize soletta."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } sol_idle_add(startup, NULL); r = sol_run(); shutdown(); sol_shutdown(); return r; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sol_coap_server *server; struct sol_str_slice *path; struct sol_network_link_addr cliaddr = { }; struct sol_coap_packet *req; uint8_t observe = 0; int i, r; struct sol_network_link_addr servaddr = { .family = SOL_NETWORK_FAMILY_INET6, .port = 0 }; uint8_t token[4] = { 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44 }; sol_init(); if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s <address> <path> [path]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } server = sol_coap_server_new(&servaddr); if (!server) { SOL_WRN("Could not create a coap server."); return -1; } req = sol_coap_packet_request_new(SOL_COAP_METHOD_GET, SOL_COAP_TYPE_CON); if (!req) { SOL_WRN("Could not make a GET request to resource %s", argv[2]); return -1; } r = sol_coap_header_set_token(req, token, sizeof(token)); if (r < 0) { SOL_WRN("Could not set coap header token."); return -1; } path = calloc(argc - 1, sizeof(*path)); if (!path) { sol_coap_packet_unref(req); return -1; } for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { path[i - 2] = sol_str_slice_from_str(argv[i]); } sol_coap_add_option(req, SOL_COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE, &observe, sizeof(observe)); for (i = 0; path[i].data; i++) sol_coap_add_option(req, SOL_COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH, path[i].data, path[i].len); = SOL_NETWORK_FAMILY_INET6; if (!sol_network_link_addr_from_str(&cliaddr, argv[1])) { SOL_WRN("%s is an invalid IPv6 address", argv[1]); free(path); sol_coap_packet_unref(req); return -1; } cliaddr.port = DEFAULT_UDP_PORT; /* Takes the ownership of 'req'. */ sol_coap_send_packet_with_reply(server, req, &cliaddr, reply_cb, path); sol_run(); sol_coap_server_unref(server); free(path); return 0; }