コード例 #1
void OsiSpxSolverInterfaceUnitTest( const std::string & mpsDir, const std::string & netlibDir )
  // Test default constructor
    OsiSpxSolverInterface m;
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.soplex_      != NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.getNumCols() == 0,    {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.rowsense_    == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.rhs_         == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.rowrange_    == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.colsol_      == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.rowsol_      == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.matrixByRow_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.matrixByCol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(m.getApplicationData() == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "default constructor");
    int i=2346;
    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(*((int *)(m.getApplicationData())) == i, {}, "SoPlex", "set application data");

    CoinRelFltEq eq;
    OsiSpxSolverInterface m;
    std::string fn = mpsDir+"exmip1";
//    int ad = 13579;
//    m.setApplicationData(&ad);
//    OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(*((int *)(m.getApplicationData())) == ad, {}, "SoPlex", "set application data");

      const CoinPackedMatrix * colCopy = m.getMatrixByCol();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(colCopy->getNumCols()  == 8, {}, "SoPlex", "exmip1 matrix");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(colCopy->getMajorDim() == 8, {}, "SoPlex", "exmip1 matrix");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(colCopy->getNumRows()  == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "exmip1 matrix");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(colCopy->getMinorDim() == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "exmip1 matrix");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(colCopy->getVectorLengths()[7] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "exmip1 matrix");
      CoinPackedMatrix revColCopy;
      CoinPackedMatrix rev2ColCopy;      
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(rev2ColCopy.getNumCols()  == 8, {}, "SoPlex", "twice reverse matrix copy");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(rev2ColCopy.getMajorDim() == 8, {}, "SoPlex", "twice reverse matrix copy");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(rev2ColCopy.getNumRows()  == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "twice reverse matrix copy");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(rev2ColCopy.getMinorDim() == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "twice reverse matrix copy");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(rev2ColCopy.getVectorLengths()[7] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "twice reverse matrix copy");

    // Test copy constructor and assignment operator
      OsiSpxSolverInterface lhs;
        OsiSpxSolverInterface im(m);   
        OsiSpxSolverInterface imC1(im);
        OsiSpxSolverInterface imC2(im);
        lhs = imC2;
      // Test that lhs has correct values even though rhs has gone out of scope
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.getNumCols() == m.getNumCols(), {}, "SoPlex", "copy constructor");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.getNumRows() == m.getNumRows(), {}, "SoPlex", "copy constructor");
    // Test clone
      OsiSpxSolverInterface soplexSi(m);
      OsiSolverInterface * siPtr = &soplexSi;
      OsiSolverInterface * siClone = siPtr->clone();
      OsiSpxSolverInterface * soplexClone = dynamic_cast<OsiSpxSolverInterface*>(siClone);
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(soplexClone != NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "clone");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(soplexClone->getNumRows() == soplexSi.getNumRows(), {}, "SoPlex", "clone");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(soplexClone->getNumCols() == m.getNumCols(), {}, "SoPlex", "clone");
      delete siClone;
    // test infinity
      OsiSpxSolverInterface si;
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(si.getInfinity() == soplex::infinity, {}, "SoPlex", "value for infinity");

      OsiSpxSolverInterface soplexSi(m);
      int nc = soplexSi.getNumCols();
      int nr = soplexSi.getNumRows();
      const double * cl = soplexSi.getColLower();
      const double * cu = soplexSi.getColUpper();
      const double * rl = soplexSi.getRowLower();
      const double * ru = soplexSi.getRowUpper();

      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(nc == 8, return, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(nr == 5, return, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cl[0],2.5), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cl[1],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cu[1],4.1), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cu[2],1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(rl[0],2.5), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(rl[4],3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ru[1],2.1), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ru[4],15.), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      double newCs[8] = {1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.};
      const double * cs = soplexSi.getColSolution();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cs[0],1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "set col solution");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cs[7],8.0), {}, "SoPlex", "set col solution");
        OsiSpxSolverInterface solnSi(soplexSi);
        const double * cs = solnSi.getColSolution();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cs[0],1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "set col solution and copy");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(cs[7],8.0), {}, "SoPlex", "set col solution and copy");

      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(!eq(cl[3],1.2345), {}, "SoPlex", "set col lower");
      soplexSi.setColLower( 3, 1.2345 );
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR( eq(cl[3],1.2345), {}, "SoPlex", "set col lower");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(!eq(cu[4],10.2345), {}, "SoPlex", "set col upper");
      soplexSi.setColUpper( 4, 10.2345 );
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR( eq(cu[4],10.2345), {}, "SoPlex", "set col upper");

      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[0], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[1], 0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[2], 0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[3], 0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[4], 2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[5], 0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[6], 0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(soplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[7],-1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "read and copy exmip1");
    // Test getMatrixByRow method
      const OsiSpxSolverInterface si(m);
      const CoinPackedMatrix * smP = si.getMatrixByRow();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(smP->getMajorDim()    ==  5, return, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: major dim");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(smP->getNumElements() == 14, return, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: num elements");

      CoinRelFltEq eq;
      const double * ev = smP->getElements();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[0],   3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[1],   1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[2],  -2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[3],  -1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[4],  -1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[5],   2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[6],   1.1), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[7],   1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[8],   1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[9],   2.8), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[10], -1.2), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[11],  5.6), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[12],  1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[13],  1.9), {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: elements");
      const int * mi = smP->getVectorStarts();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[0] ==  0, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[1] ==  5, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[2] ==  7, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[3] ==  9, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[4] == 11, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[5] == 14, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: vector starts");
      const int * ei = smP->getIndices();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 0] == 0, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 1] == 1, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 2] == 3, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 3] == 4, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 4] == 7, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 5] == 1, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 6] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 7] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 8] == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 9] == 3, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[10] == 6, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[11] == 0, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[12] == 4, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[13] == 7, {}, "SoPlex", "getMatrixByRow: indices");
    // Test rowsense, rhs, rowrange, getMatrixByRow
      OsiSpxSolverInterface lhs;
        OsiSpxSolverInterface siC1(m);
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1.rowrange_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "row range");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1.rowsense_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1.rhs_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1.matrixByRow_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1.colsol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "col solution");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1.rowsol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "row solution");

        const char   * siC1rs  = siC1.getRowSense();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[0] == 'G', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[1] == 'L', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[2] == 'E', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[3] == 'R', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[4] == 'R', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        const double * siC1rhs = siC1.getRightHandSide();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[0],2.5), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[1],2.1), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[2],4.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[3],5.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[4],15.), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        const double * siC1rr  = siC1.getRowRange();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[0],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[1],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[2],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[3],5.0-1.8), {}, "SoPlex", "row range");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[4],15.0-3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range");
        const CoinPackedMatrix * siC1mbr = siC1.getMatrixByRow();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1mbr != NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1mbr->getMajorDim()    ==  5, return, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: major dim");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1mbr->getNumElements() == 14, return, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: num elements");
        const double * ev = siC1mbr->getElements();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 0], 3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 1], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 2],-2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 3],-1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 4],-1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 5], 2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 6], 1.1), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 7], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 8], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 9], 2.8), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[10],-1.2), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[11], 5.6), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[12], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[13], 1.9), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: elements");

        const CoinBigIndex * mi = siC1mbr->getVectorStarts();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[0] ==  0, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: vector starts");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[1] ==  5, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: vector starts");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[2] ==  7, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: vector starts");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[3] ==  9, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: vector starts");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[4] == 11, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: vector starts");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[5] == 14, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: vector starts");
        const int * ei = siC1mbr->getIndices();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 0] == 0, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 1] == 1, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 2] == 3, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 3] == 4, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 4] == 7, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 5] == 1, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 6] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 7] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 8] == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 9] == 3, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[10] == 6, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[11] == 0, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[12] == 4, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[13] == 7, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row: indices");

        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1rs  == siC1.getRowSense(), {}, "SoPlex", "row sense");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1rhs == siC1.getRightHandSide(), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_WARNING(siC1rr  == siC1.getRowRange(), {}, "SoPlex", "row range");

        // Change SOPLEX Model by adding free row
        OsiRowCut rc;
        rc.setUb( COIN_DBL_MAX);
        OsiCuts cuts;
        // Since model was changed, test that cached data is now freed.
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.rowrange_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.rowsense_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.rhs_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.matrixByRow_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.matrixByCol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.colsol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1.rowsol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "free cached data after adding row");

        siC1rs  = siC1.getRowSense();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[0] == 'G', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[1] == 'L', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[2] == 'E', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[3] == 'R', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[4] == 'R', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(siC1rs[5] == 'N', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after adding row");

        siC1rhs = siC1.getRightHandSide();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[0],2.5), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[1],2.1), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[2],4.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[3],5.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[4],15.), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rhs[5],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after adding row");

        siC1rr  = siC1.getRowRange();
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[0],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[1],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[2],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[3],5.0-1.8), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[4],15.0-3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after adding row");
        OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(siC1rr[5],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after adding row");
        lhs = siC1;
      // Test that lhs has correct values even though siC1 has gone out of scope    
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.rowrange_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.rowsense_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.rhs_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.matrixByRow_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.matrixByCol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.colsol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhs.rowsol_ == NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "freed origin after assignment");

      const char * lhsrs  = lhs.getRowSense();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsrs[0] == 'G', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsrs[1] == 'L', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsrs[2] == 'E', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsrs[3] == 'R', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsrs[4] == 'R', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsrs[5] == 'N', {}, "SoPlex", "row sense after assignment");
      const double * lhsrhs = lhs.getRightHandSide();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrhs[0],2.5), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrhs[1],2.1), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrhs[2],4.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrhs[3],5.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrhs[4],15.), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrhs[5],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "right hand side after assignment");
      const double *lhsrr = lhs.getRowRange();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrr[0],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrr[1],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrr[2],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrr[3],5.0-1.8), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrr[4],15.0-3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(lhsrr[5],0.0), {}, "SoPlex", "row range after assignment");
      const CoinPackedMatrix * lhsmbr = lhs.getMatrixByRow();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsmbr != NULL, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsmbr->getMajorDim()    ==  6, return, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: major dim");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(lhsmbr->getNumElements() == 14, return, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: num elements");

      const double * ev = lhsmbr->getElements();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 0], 3.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 1], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 2],-2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 3],-1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 4],-1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 5], 2.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 6], 1.1), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 7], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 8], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[ 9], 2.8), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[10],-1.2), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[11], 5.6), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[12], 1.0), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(eq(ev[13], 1.9), {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: elements");
      const CoinBigIndex * mi = lhsmbr->getVectorStarts();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[0] ==  0, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[1] ==  5, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[2] ==  7, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[3] ==  9, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[4] == 11, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: vector starts");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(mi[5] == 14, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: vector starts");
      const int * ei = lhsmbr->getIndices();
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 0] == 0, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 1] == 1, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 2] == 3, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 3] == 4, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 4] == 7, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 5] == 1, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 6] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 7] == 2, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 8] == 5, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[ 9] == 3, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[10] == 6, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[11] == 0, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[12] == 4, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");
      OSIUNITTEST_ASSERT_ERROR(ei[13] == 7, {}, "SoPlex", "matrix by row after assignment: indices");

  // Do common solverInterface testing by calling the
  // base class testing method.
    OsiSpxSolverInterface m;
    OsiSolverInterfaceCommonUnitTest(&m, mpsDir,netlibDir);
コード例 #2
void OsiCpxSolverInterfaceUnitTest( const std::string & mpsDir, const std::string & netlibDir )
  // Test default constructor
    OsiCpxSolverInterface m;
    assert( m.obj_==NULL );
    assert( m.collower_==NULL );
    assert( m.colupper_==NULL );
    assert( m.coltype_==NULL );
    assert( m.rowsense_==NULL );
    assert( m.rhs_==NULL );
    assert( m.rowrange_==NULL );
    assert( m.rowlower_==NULL );
    assert( m.rowupper_==NULL );
    assert( m.colsol_==NULL );
    assert( m.rowsol_==NULL );
    assert( m.matrixByRow_==NULL );
    assert( m.matrixByCol_==NULL );
    assert( m.coltype_==NULL );
    assert( m.coltypesize_==0 );
    assert( m.getApplicationData() == NULL );
    int i=2346;
    assert( *((int *)(m.getApplicationData())) == i );

    CoinRelFltEq eq;
    OsiCpxSolverInterface m;
    std::string fn = mpsDir+"exmip1";
    int ad = 13579;
    assert( *((int *)(m.getApplicationData())) == ad );

      assert( m.getNumCols()==8 );
      const CoinPackedMatrix * colCopy = m.getMatrixByCol();
      assert( colCopy->getNumCols() == 8 );
      assert( colCopy->getMajorDim() == 8 );
      assert( colCopy->getNumRows() == 5 );
      assert( colCopy->getMinorDim() == 5 );
      assert (colCopy->getVectorLengths()[7] == 2 );
      CoinPackedMatrix revColCopy;
      CoinPackedMatrix rev2ColCopy;      
      assert( rev2ColCopy.getNumCols() == 8 );
      assert( rev2ColCopy.getMajorDim() == 8 );
      assert( rev2ColCopy.getNumRows() == 5 );
      assert( rev2ColCopy.getMinorDim() == 5 );
      assert( rev2ColCopy.getVectorLengths()[7] == 2 );
      OsiCpxSolverInterface im;    
      assert( im.getNumCols() == 0 ); 
    // Test copy constructor and assignment operator
      OsiCpxSolverInterface lhs;
        assert( *((int *)(m.getApplicationData())) == ad );
        OsiCpxSolverInterface im(m);   
        assert( *((int *)(im.getApplicationData())) == ad );

        OsiCpxSolverInterface imC1(im);
	assert( imC1.lp_ != im.lp_ );
        assert( imC1.getNumCols() == im.getNumCols() );
        assert( imC1.getNumRows() == im.getNumRows() );   
        assert( *((int *)(imC1.getApplicationData())) == ad ); 
        OsiCpxSolverInterface imC2(im);
	assert( imC2.lp_ != im.lp_ );
        assert( imC2.getNumCols() == im.getNumCols() );
        assert( imC2.getNumRows() == im.getNumRows() );  
        assert( *((int *)(imC2.getApplicationData())) == ad ); 
	assert( imC2.lp_ != imC1.lp_ );
      // Test that lhs has correct values even though rhs has gone out of scope

      assert( lhs.lp_ != m.lp_ );
      assert( lhs.getNumCols() == m.getNumCols() );
      assert( lhs.getNumRows() == m.getNumRows() );      
      assert( *((int *)(lhs.getApplicationData())) == ad );
    // Test clone
      OsiCpxSolverInterface cplexSi(m);
      OsiSolverInterface * siPtr = &cplexSi;
      OsiSolverInterface * siClone = siPtr->clone();
      OsiCpxSolverInterface * cplexClone = dynamic_cast<OsiCpxSolverInterface*>(siClone);
      assert( cplexClone != NULL );
      assert( cplexClone->lp_ != cplexSi.lp_ );
      assert( cplexClone->getNumRows() == cplexSi.getNumRows() );
      assert( cplexClone->getNumCols() == m.getNumCols() );
      assert( *((int *)(cplexClone->getApplicationData())) == ad );
      delete siClone;
    // test infinity
      OsiCpxSolverInterface si;
      assert( eq( si.getInfinity(), CPX_INFBOUND ) );
    // Test setting solution
      OsiCpxSolverInterface m1(m);
      int i;

      double * cs = new double[m1.getNumCols()];
      for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumCols();  i++ ) 
        cs[i] = i + .5;
      for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumCols();  i++ ) 
        assert(m1.getColSolution()[i] == i + .5);
      double * rs = new double[m1.getNumRows()];
      for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumRows();  i++ ) 
        rs[i] = i - .5;
      for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumRows();  i++ ) 
        assert(m1.getRowPrice()[i] == i - .5);

      delete [] cs;
      delete [] rs;
    // Test fraction Indices
      OsiCpxSolverInterface fim;
      std::string fn = mpsDir+"exmip1";
      // exmip1.mps has 2 integer variables with index 2 & 3
      assert(  fim.isContinuous(0) );
      assert(  fim.isContinuous(1) );
      assert( !fim.isContinuous(2) );
      assert( !fim.isContinuous(3) );
      assert(  fim.isContinuous(4) );
      assert( !fim.isInteger(0) );
      assert( !fim.isInteger(1) );
      assert(  fim.isInteger(2) );
      assert(  fim.isInteger(3) );
      assert( !fim.isInteger(4) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(0) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(1) );
      assert(  fim.isBinary(2) );
      assert(  fim.isBinary(3) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(4) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(0) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(1) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(2) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(3) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(4) );

      // Test fractionalIndices
	// Set a solution vector
	double * cs = new double[fim.getNumCols()];
	for ( int i = 0;  i < fim.getNumCols();  cs[i++] = 0.0 );
	cs[2] = 2.9;
	cs[3] = 3.0;

        OsiVectorInt fi = fim.getFractionalIndices();
        assert( fi.size() == 1 );
        assert( fi[0]==2 );
        // Set integer variables very close to integer values
        cs[2] = 5 + .00001/2.;
        cs[3] = 8 - .00001/2.;
        fi = fim.getFractionalIndices(1e-5);
        assert( fi.size() == 0 );
        // Set integer variables close, but beyond tolerances
        cs[2] = 5 + .00001*2.;
        cs[3] = 8 - .00001*2.;
        fi = fim.getFractionalIndices(1e-5);
        assert( fi.size() == 2 );
        assert( fi[0]==2 );
        assert( fi[1]==3 );

	delete [] cs;
      // Change data so column 2 & 3 are integerNonBinary
      fim.setColUpper(2, 5);
      fim.setColUpper(3, 6.0);
      assert( !fim.isBinary(0) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(1) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(2) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(3) );
      assert( !fim.isBinary(4) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(0) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(1) );
      assert(  fim.isIntegerNonBinary(2) );
      assert(  fim.isIntegerNonBinary(3) );
      assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(4) );
    // Test apply cuts method
      OsiCpxSolverInterface im(m);
      OsiCuts cuts;
      // Generate some cuts 
        // Get number of rows and columns in model
        int nr=im.getNumRows();
        int nc=im.getNumCols();
        assert( nr == 5 );
        assert( nc == 8 );
        // Generate a valid row cut from thin air
        int c;
          int *inx = new int[nc];
          for (c=0;c<nc;c++) inx[c]=c;
          double *el = new double[nc];
          for (c=0;c<nc;c++) el[c]=((double)c)*((double)c);
          OsiRowCut rc;
        // Generate valid col cut from thin air
          const double * cplexColLB = im.getColLower();
          const double * cplexColUB = im.getColUpper();
          int *inx = new int[nc];
          for (c=0;c<nc;c++) inx[c]=c;
          double *lb = new double[nc];
          double *ub = new double[nc];
          for (c=0;c<nc;c++) lb[c]=cplexColLB[c]+0.001;
          for (c=0;c<nc;c++) ub[c]=cplexColUB[c]-0.001;
          OsiColCut cc;
          delete [] ub;
          delete [] lb;
          delete [] inx;
          // Generate a row and column cut which have are ineffective
          OsiRowCut * rcP= new OsiRowCut;
          OsiColCut * ccP= new OsiColCut;
          //Generate inconsistent Row cut
          OsiRowCut rc;
          const int ne=1;
          int inx[ne]={-10};
          double el[ne]={2.5};
          //Generate inconsistent col cut
          OsiColCut cc;
          const int ne=1;
          int inx[ne]={-10};
          double el[ne]={2.5};
          // Generate row cut which is inconsistent for model m
          OsiRowCut rc;
          const int ne=1;
          int inx[ne]={10};
          double el[ne]={2.5};
          // Generate col cut which is inconsistent for model m
          OsiColCut cc;
          const int ne=1;
          int inx[ne]={30};
          double el[ne]={2.0};
          // Generate col cut which is infeasible
          OsiColCut cc;
          const int ne=1;
          int inx[ne]={0};
          double el[ne]={2.0};
      OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = im.applyCuts(cuts);
      assert( rc.getNumIneffective() == 2 );
      assert( rc.getNumApplied() == 2 );
      assert( rc.getNumInfeasible() == 1 );
      assert( rc.getNumInconsistentWrtIntegerModel() == 2 );
      assert( rc.getNumInconsistent() == 2 );
      assert( cuts.sizeCuts() == rc.getNumIneffective() +
        rc.getNumApplied() +
        rc.getNumInfeasible() +
        rc.getNumInconsistentWrtIntegerModel() +
        rc.getNumInconsistent() );
      OsiCpxSolverInterface cplexSi(m);
      int nc = cplexSi.getNumCols();
      int nr = cplexSi.getNumRows();
      const double * cl = cplexSi.getColLower();
      const double * cu = cplexSi.getColUpper();
      const double * rl = cplexSi.getRowLower();
      const double * ru = cplexSi.getRowUpper();

      assert( nc == 8 );
      assert( nr == 5 );
      assert( eq(cl[0],2.5) );
      assert( eq(cl[1],0.0) );
      assert( eq(cu[1],4.1) );
      assert( eq(cu[2],1.0) );

      assert( eq(rl[0],2.5) );
      assert( eq(rl[4],3.0) );
      assert( eq(ru[1],2.1) );
      assert( eq(ru[4],15.0) );
      double newCs[8] = {1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.};
      const double * cs = cplexSi.getColSolution();
      assert( eq(cs[0],1.0) );
      assert( eq(cs[7],8.0) );
        OsiCpxSolverInterface solnSi(cplexSi);
        const double * cs = solnSi.getColSolution();
        assert( eq(cs[0],1.0) );
        assert( eq(cs[7],8.0) );

      assert( !eq(cl[3],1.2345) );
      cplexSi.setColLower( 3, 1.2345 );
      assert( eq(cplexSi.getColLower()[3],1.2345) );
      assert( !eq(cu[4],10.2345) );
      cplexSi.setColUpper( 4, 10.2345 );
      assert( eq(cplexSi.getColUpper()[4],10.2345) );

      assert( eq(cplexSi.getObjValue(),0.0) );

      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[0],  1.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[1],  0.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[2],  0.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[3],  0.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[4],  2.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[5],  0.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[6],  0.0) );
      assert( eq( cplexSi.getObjCoefficients()[7], -1.0) );
    // Test getMatrixByRow method
      const OsiCpxSolverInterface si(m);
      const CoinPackedMatrix * smP = si.getMatrixByRow();
      //const CoinPackedMatrix * osmP = dynamic_cast(const OsiCpxPackedMatrix*)(smP);
      //assert( osmP!=NULL );
      CoinRelFltEq eq;
      const double * ev = smP->getElements();
      assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[1],   1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[2],  -2.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[3],  -1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[4],  -1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[5],   2.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[6],   1.1) );
      assert( eq(ev[7],   1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[8],   1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[9],   2.8) );
      assert( eq(ev[10], -1.2) );
      assert( eq(ev[11],  5.6) );
      assert( eq(ev[12],  1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
      const int * mi = smP->getVectorStarts();
      assert( mi[0]==0 );
      assert( mi[1]==5 );
      assert( mi[2]==7 );
      assert( mi[3]==9 );
      assert( mi[4]==11 );
      assert( mi[5]==14 );
      const int * ei = smP->getIndices();
      assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
      assert( ei[1]  ==  1 );
      assert( ei[2]  ==  3 );
      assert( ei[3]  ==  4 );
      assert( ei[4]  ==  7 );
      assert( ei[5]  ==  1 );
      assert( ei[6]  ==  2 );
      assert( ei[7]  ==  2 );
      assert( ei[8]  ==  5 );
      assert( ei[9]  ==  3 );
      assert( ei[10] ==  6 );
      assert( ei[11] ==  0 );
      assert( ei[12] ==  4 );
      assert( ei[13] ==  7 );    
      assert( smP->getMajorDim() == 5 ); 
      assert( smP->getNumElements() == 14 );
    // Test rowsense, rhs, rowrange, getMatrixByRow
      OsiCpxSolverInterface lhs;
#if 0
	assert( m.obj_==NULL );
	assert( m.collower_==NULL );
	assert( m.colupper_==NULL );
        assert( m.rowrange_==NULL );
        assert( m.rowsense_==NULL );
        assert( m.rhs_==NULL );
	assert( m.rowlower_==NULL );
	assert( m.rowupper_==NULL );
	assert( m.colsol_==NULL );
	assert( m.rowsol_==NULL );
        assert( m.getMatrixByRow_==NULL );
        OsiCpxSolverInterface siC1(m);     
	assert( siC1.obj_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.collower_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.colupper_==NULL );
	// assert( siC1.coltype_==NULL );
        assert( siC1.rowrange_==NULL );
        assert( siC1.rowsense_==NULL );
        assert( siC1.rhs_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.rowlower_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.rowupper_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.colsol_!=NULL );
	assert( siC1.rowsol_!=NULL );
        assert( siC1.matrixByRow_==NULL );

        const char   * siC1rs  = siC1.getRowSense();
        assert( siC1rs[0]=='G' );
        assert( siC1rs[1]=='L' );
        assert( siC1rs[2]=='E' );
        assert( siC1rs[3]=='R' );
        assert( siC1rs[4]=='R' );
        const double * siC1rhs = siC1.getRightHandSide();
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[0],2.5) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[1],2.1) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[2],4.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[3],5.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[4],15.) ); 
        const double * siC1rr  = siC1.getRowRange();
        assert( eq(siC1rr[0],0.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[1],0.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[2],0.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[3],5.0-1.8) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[4],15.0-3.0) );
        const CoinPackedMatrix * siC1mbr = siC1.getMatrixByRow();
        assert( siC1mbr != NULL );
        const double * ev = siC1mbr->getElements();
        assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[1],   1.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[2],  -2.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[3],  -1.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[4],  -1.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[5],   2.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[6],   1.1) );
        assert( eq(ev[7],   1.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[8],   1.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[9],   2.8) );
        assert( eq(ev[10], -1.2) );
        assert( eq(ev[11],  5.6) );
        assert( eq(ev[12],  1.0) );
        assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
        const int * mi = siC1mbr->getVectorStarts();
        assert( mi[0]==0 );
        assert( mi[1]==5 );
        assert( mi[2]==7 );
        assert( mi[3]==9 );
        assert( mi[4]==11 );
        assert( mi[5]==14 );
        const int * ei = siC1mbr->getIndices();
        assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
        assert( ei[1]  ==  1 );
        assert( ei[2]  ==  3 );
        assert( ei[3]  ==  4 );
        assert( ei[4]  ==  7 );
        assert( ei[5]  ==  1 );
        assert( ei[6]  ==  2 );
        assert( ei[7]  ==  2 );
        assert( ei[8]  ==  5 );
        assert( ei[9]  ==  3 );
        assert( ei[10] ==  6 );
        assert( ei[11] ==  0 );
        assert( ei[12] ==  4 );
        assert( ei[13] ==  7 );    
        assert( siC1mbr->getMajorDim() == 5 ); 
        assert( siC1mbr->getNumElements() == 14 );

        assert( siC1rs  == siC1.getRowSense() );
        assert( siC1rhs == siC1.getRightHandSide() );
        assert( siC1rr  == siC1.getRowRange() );

        // Change CPLEX Model by adding free row
        OsiRowCut rc;
        rc.setUb( COIN_DBL_MAX);
        OsiCuts cuts;
        // Since model was changed, test that cached
        // data is now freed.
	assert( siC1.obj_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.collower_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.colupper_==NULL );
	// assert( siC1.coltype_==NULL );
        assert( siC1.rowrange_==NULL );
        assert( siC1.rowsense_==NULL );
        assert( siC1.rhs_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.rowlower_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.rowupper_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.colsol_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.rowsol_==NULL );
	assert( siC1.matrixByRow_==NULL );
        siC1rs  = siC1.getRowSense();
        siC1rhs = siC1.getRightHandSide();
        siC1rr  = siC1.getRowRange();

        assert( siC1rs[0]=='G' );
        assert( siC1rs[1]=='L' );
        assert( siC1rs[2]=='E' );
        assert( siC1rs[3]=='R' );
        assert( siC1rs[4]=='R' );
        assert( siC1rs[5]=='N' );

        assert( eq(siC1rhs[0],2.5) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[1],2.1) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[2],4.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[3],5.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[4],15.) ); 
        assert( eq(siC1rhs[5],0.0) ); 

        assert( eq(siC1rr[0],0.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[1],0.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[2],0.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[3],5.0-1.8) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[4],15.0-3.0) );
        assert( eq(siC1rr[5],0.0) );
      // Test that lhs has correct values even though siC1 has gone out of scope    
      assert( lhs.obj_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.collower_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.colupper_==NULL );
      // assert( lhs.coltype_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.rowrange_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.rowsense_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.rhs_==NULL ); 
      assert( lhs.rowlower_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.rowupper_==NULL );
      assert( lhs.colsol_!=NULL );
      assert( lhs.rowsol_!=NULL );
      assert( lhs.matrixByRow_==NULL ); 
      const char * lhsrs  = lhs.getRowSense();
      assert( lhsrs[0]=='G' );
      assert( lhsrs[1]=='L' );
      assert( lhsrs[2]=='E' );
      assert( lhsrs[3]=='R' );
      assert( lhsrs[4]=='R' );
      assert( lhsrs[5]=='N' );
      const double * lhsrhs = lhs.getRightHandSide();
      assert( eq(lhsrhs[0],2.5) );
      assert( eq(lhsrhs[1],2.1) );
      assert( eq(lhsrhs[2],4.0) );
      assert( eq(lhsrhs[3],5.0) );
      assert( eq(lhsrhs[4],15.) ); 
      assert( eq(lhsrhs[5],0.0) ); 
      const double *lhsrr  = lhs.getRowRange();
      assert( eq(lhsrr[0],0.0) );
      assert( eq(lhsrr[1],0.0) );
      assert( eq(lhsrr[2],0.0) );
      assert( eq(lhsrr[3],5.0-1.8) );
      assert( eq(lhsrr[4],15.0-3.0) );
      assert( eq(lhsrr[5],0.0) );      
      const CoinPackedMatrix * lhsmbr = lhs.getMatrixByRow();
      assert( lhsmbr != NULL );       
      const double * ev = lhsmbr->getElements();
      assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[1],   1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[2],  -2.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[3],  -1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[4],  -1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[5],   2.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[6],   1.1) );
      assert( eq(ev[7],   1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[8],   1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[9],   2.8) );
      assert( eq(ev[10], -1.2) );
      assert( eq(ev[11],  5.6) );
      assert( eq(ev[12],  1.0) );
      assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
      const int * mi = lhsmbr->getVectorStarts();
      assert( mi[0]==0 );
      assert( mi[1]==5 );
      assert( mi[2]==7 );
      assert( mi[3]==9 );
      assert( mi[4]==11 );
      assert( mi[5]==14 );
      const int * ei = lhsmbr->getIndices();
      assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
      assert( ei[1]  ==  1 );
      assert( ei[2]  ==  3 );
      assert( ei[3]  ==  4 );
      assert( ei[4]  ==  7 );
      assert( ei[5]  ==  1 );
      assert( ei[6]  ==  2 );
      assert( ei[7]  ==  2 );
      assert( ei[8]  ==  5 );
      assert( ei[9]  ==  3 );
      assert( ei[10] ==  6 );
      assert( ei[11] ==  0 );
      assert( ei[12] ==  4 );
      assert( ei[13] ==  7 );    
      int md = lhsmbr->getMajorDim();
      assert(  md == 6 ); 
      assert( lhsmbr->getNumElements() == 14 );

  // Do common solverInterface testing by calling the
  // base class testing method.
    OsiCpxSolverInterface m;
    OsiSolverInterfaceCommonUnitTest(&m, mpsDir,netlibDir);