コード例 #1
ファイル: bezier.cpp プロジェクト: BestRCH/magicseteditor
Bounds bezier_bounds(const Vector2D& origin, const Matrix2D& m, const ControlPoint& p1, const ControlPoint& p2) {
	assert(p1.segment_after == SEGMENT_CURVE);
	// Transform the control points
	Vector2D r1 = origin + p1.pos * m;
	Vector2D r2 = origin + (p1.pos + p1.delta_after)  * m;
	Vector2D r3 = origin + (p2.pos + p2.delta_before) * m;
	Vector2D r4 = origin + p2.pos * m;
	// First of all, the corners should be in the bounding box
	Bounds bounds(r1);
	// Solve the derivative of the bezier curve to find its extremes
	// It's only a quadtratic equation :)
	BezierCurve curve(r1,r2,r3,r4);
	double roots[4];
	UInt count;
	count  = solve_quadratic(3*curve.a.x, 2*curve.b.x, curve.c.x, roots);
	count += solve_quadratic(3*curve.a.y, 2*curve.b.y, curve.c.y, roots + count);
	// now check them for min/max
	for (UInt i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
		double t = roots[i];
		if (t >=0 && t <= 1) {
	return bounds;
コード例 #2
int main() {
    std::vector<double> value;
    try {
        value = solve_quadratic(1, 2, 3);
        std::cout << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << "\n";
    } catch(Negative_delta const & e) {
        std::cout << "negative delta value" << "\n";
    try {
        value = solve_quadratic(3, 20, 3);
        std::cout << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << "\n";
    } catch(Negative_delta const & e) {
        std::cout << "negative delta value" << "\n";

    std::cout << "second one" << "\n";

    try {
        value = solve_quadratic(1, 2, 3);
        std::cout << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << "\n";
        value = solve_quadratic(3, 20, 3);
        std::cout << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << "\n";
    } catch(Negative_delta const & e) {
        std::cout << "negative delta value" << "\n";
コード例 #3
ファイル: cylinder_shape.cpp プロジェクト: honzasp/dort
bool CylinderShape::solve_hit_t(const Ray& ray, float& out_t_hit) const {
    const auto& o = ray.orig.v;
    const auto& d = ray.dir.v;
    float a = square(d.x) + square(d.y);
    float b = 2.f * (o.x * d.x + o.y * d.y);
    float c = square(o.x) + square(o.y) - square(this->radius);
    float t0, t1;
    if(!solve_quadratic(a, b, c, t0, t1)) {
        return false;

    if(t1 < t0) {
        std::swap(t0, t1);

    if(ray.t_min <= t0 && t0 <= ray.t_max) {
        float z0 = o.z + d.z * t0;
        if(this->z_min <= z0 && z0 <= this->z_max) {
            out_t_hit = t0;
            return true;

    if(ray.t_min <= t1 && t1 <= ray.t_max) {
        float z1 = o.z + d.z * t1;
        if(this->z_min <= z1 && z1 <= this->z_max) {
            out_t_hit = t1;
            return true;

    return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: polynomial.cpp プロジェクト: BestRCH/magicseteditor
UInt solve_cubic(double a, double b, double c, double d, double* roots) {
	if (a == 0) {
		return solve_quadratic(b, c, d, roots);
	} else {
		return solve_cubic(b/a, c/a, d/a, roots);
コード例 #5
ファイル: intersections.c プロジェクト: thumavu/RT
t_bool	cylinder_intersection(t_ray *r, t_sphere *s, double *t0, double *t1)
	t_vec3f	diff;
	t_vec3f	dir;
	t_f64	b;
	t_f64	c;
	t_f64	a;
	t_f64	y0;
	t_f64	y1;

	dir = r->dir;
	diff = sub_vec3f(&r->origin, &s->pos);
	diff.y = 0;
	dir.y = 0;
	a = dot_vec3f(&dir, &dir);
	b = 2 * (dot_vec3f(&diff, &dir));
	c = dot_vec3f(&diff, &diff) - pow(s->radius, 2);
	if (!solve_quadratic(dot_vec3f(&dir, &dir), b, c, t0, t1))
		return (FALSE);
	y0 = fabs(r->origin.y + r->dir.y * (*t0));
	y1 = fabs(r->origin.y + r->dir.y * (*t1));
	if (((y0 > (s->pos.y + 4)) && (y1 > (4 + s->pos.y))) ||
			((y0 < s->pos.y) && (y1 < s->pos.y)))
		return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);
コード例 #6
ファイル: polygon.c プロジェクト: andrewrk/azimuth
bool az_arc_ray_hits_line(
    az_vector_t p1, az_vector_t p2,
    az_vector_t start, az_vector_t spin_center, double spin_angle,
    double *angle_out, az_vector_t *point_out, az_vector_t *normal_out) {
  // Calculate start, and the line, relative to spin_center.  We will use
  // parametric form for the line; it is the locus of points p0 + t * delta for
  // all values of t.
  const az_vector_t p0 = az_vsub(p1, spin_center);
  const az_vector_t delta = az_vsub(p2, p1);
  const az_vector_t rel_start = az_vsub(start, spin_center);
  // Next we need to calculate the two points on the circle in which the ray
  // travels that intersect the line.  Derivation:
  //   Let sr = spin_radius (that is, vnorm(rel_start))
  //       (x0, y0) = p0
  //       (dx, dy) = delta
  //   Given a point on the line determined by t, we set the distance between
  //   that point and the origin (i.e. spin_center) equal to the spin_radius.
  //   Then we solve for t:
  //     sr^2 = (x0 + dx*t)^2 + (y0 + dy*t)^2
  //     sr^2 = x0^2 + 2*x0*dx*t + dx^2*t^2 + y0^2 + 2*y0*dy*t + dy^2*t^2
  //     0 = (dx^2 + dy^2)*t^2 + (2*x0*dx + 2*y0*dy)*t + x0^2 + y0^2 - sr^2
  //   This is a simple quadratic equation.  If there is no solution, that
  //   means that the ray can never hit the line, and we are done.
  double t1, t2;
  if (!solve_quadratic(az_vdot(delta, delta), 2.0 * az_vdot(p0, delta),
                       az_vdot(p0, p0) - az_vdot(rel_start, rel_start),
                       &t1, &t2)) return false;
  // We now know the two points on the line that intersect the ray's circle.
  // Next we find the ray angles that correspond to those two points:
  const double start_theta = az_vtheta(rel_start);
  const double angle1 =
    az_vtheta(az_vadd(p0, az_vmul(delta, t1))) - start_theta;
  const double angle2 =
    az_vtheta(az_vadd(p0, az_vmul(delta, t2))) - start_theta;
  // Pick the first angle at which we hit the circle (which depends on the sign
  // of spin_angle):
  const double angle =
    (spin_angle > 0.0 ?
     fmin(az_mod2pi_nonneg(angle1), az_mod2pi_nonneg(angle2)) :
     fmax(az_mod2pi_nonpos(angle1), az_mod2pi_nonpos(angle2)));
  // If the angle is within spin_angle (note that the two will have the same
  // sign), then we hit the circle, otherwise we don't.
  if (fabs(angle) > fabs(spin_angle)) return false;
  if (angle_out != NULL) *angle_out = angle;
  if (point_out != NULL) {
    *point_out = az_vadd(spin_center,
                         az_vrotate(az_vsub(start, spin_center), angle));
  if (normal_out != NULL) {
    *normal_out = az_vflatten(az_vsub(start, p1), delta);
  return true;
コード例 #7
 // Cubic solver
 int solve_cubic(double c[4], double x0[3])
   int num_roots;
   if (is_zero(c[3])) return solve_quadratic(c, x0);
   // normalize to  x^3 + Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0
   const double c3inv = 1.0/c[3];
   const double A = c[2] * c3inv;
   const double B = c[1] * c3inv;
   const double C = c[0] * c3inv;
   // substitute x = t - A/3 so t^3 + pt + q = 0
   const double A2 = A*A;
   const double p = (1.0/3.0)*((-1.0/3.0)*A2 + B);
   const double q = 0.5*((2.0/27.0)*A*A2 - (1.0/3.0)*A*B + C);
   // Cardano's fomula
   const double p3 = p*p*p;
   const double D  = q*q + p3;
   if (is_zero(D)) {
     if (is_zero(q)) { // one triple soln
       x0[0] = 0.0;
       num_roots = 1;
     else {            // one single and one double soln
       const double u  = pow(fabs(q), 1.0/3.0)*sign(q);
       x0[0] = -2.0*u;
       x0[1] = u;
       num_roots = 2;
   else {
     if (D < 0.0) {    // three real roots
       const double phi = 1.0/3.0 * acos(-q/sqrt(-p3));
       const double t   = 2.0 * sqrt(-p);
       x0[0] =  t * cos(phi);
       x0[1] = -t * cos(phi + PI_OVER_3);
       x0[2] = -t * cos(phi - PI_OVER_3);
       num_roots = 3;
     else {            // one real root
       const double sqrt_D = sqrt(D);
       const double u      = pow(sqrt_D + fabs(q), 1.0/3.0);
       if (q > 0) x0[0] = -u + p / u;
       else       x0[0] =  u - p / u;
       num_roots = 1;
   double sub = (1.0/3.0)*A;
   for (int i=0; i<num_roots; i++) x0[i] -= sub;
   return num_roots;
コード例 #8
ファイル: polygon.c プロジェクト: andrewrk/azimuth
bool az_lead_target(az_vector_t rel_position, az_vector_t rel_velocity,
                    double proj_speed, az_vector_t *rel_impact_out) {
  assert(proj_speed > 0.0);
  double t1, t2;
  if (!solve_quadratic(
          az_vdot(rel_velocity, rel_velocity) - proj_speed * proj_speed,
          2.0 * az_vdot(rel_position, rel_velocity),
          az_vdot(rel_position, rel_position), &t1, &t2)) return false;
  if (t1 < 0.0 && t2 < 0.0) return false;
  if (rel_impact_out != NULL) {
    const double t = (0.0 <= t1 && (t1 <= t2 || t2 < 0.0) ? t1 : t2);
    *rel_impact_out = az_vadd(rel_position, az_vmul(rel_velocity, t));
  return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: eq.cpp プロジェクト: Ranakhamis/godot
void EQ::recalculate_band_coefficients() {

#define BAND_LOG(m_f) (log((m_f)) / log(2.))

	for (int i = 0; i < band.size(); i++) {

		double octave_size;

		double frq = band[i].freq;

		if (i == 0) {

			octave_size = BAND_LOG(band[1].freq) - BAND_LOG(frq);
		} else if (i == (band.size() - 1)) {

			octave_size = BAND_LOG(frq) - BAND_LOG(band[i - 1].freq);
		} else {

			double next = BAND_LOG(band[i + 1].freq) - BAND_LOG(frq);
			double prev = BAND_LOG(frq) - BAND_LOG(band[i - 1].freq);
			octave_size = (next + prev) / 2.0;

		double frq_l = round(frq / pow(2.0, octave_size / 2.0));

		double side_gain2 = POW2(Math_SQRT12);
		double th = 2.0 * Math_PI * frq / mix_rate;
		double th_l = 2.0 * Math_PI * frq_l / mix_rate;

		double c2a = side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th)) - 2.0 * side_gain2 * cos(th_l) * cos(th) + side_gain2 - POW2(sin(th_l));

		double c2b = 2.0 * side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th_l)) + side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th)) - 2.0 * side_gain2 * cos(th_l) * cos(th) - side_gain2 + POW2(sin(th_l));

		double c2c = 0.25 * side_gain2 * POW2(cos(th)) - 0.5 * side_gain2 * cos(th_l) * cos(th) + 0.25 * side_gain2 - 0.25 * POW2(sin(th_l));

		//printf("band %i, precoefs = %f,%f,%f\n",i,c2a,c2b,c2c);

		double r1, r2; //roots
		int roots = solve_quadratic(c2a, c2b, c2c, &r1, &r2);

		ERR_CONTINUE(roots == 0);

		band[i].c1 = 2.0 * ((0.5 - r1) / 2.0);
		band[i].c2 = 2.0 * r1;
		band[i].c3 = 2.0 * (0.5 + r1) * cos(th);
		//printf("band %i, coefs = %f,%f,%f\n",i,(float)bands[i].c1,(float)bands[i].c2,(float)bands[i].c3);
コード例 #10
ファイル: cylinder.c プロジェクト: aempisse/42
static int		intersect_cylinder(t_vector ray, t_object *cylinder,
	t_double2 *distance)
	double		a;
	double		b;
	double		c;

	a = ray.dir.x * ray.dir.x + ray.dir.y * ray.dir.y;
	b = 2 * (ray.pos.x * ray.dir.x + ray.pos.y *
	c = ray.pos.x * ray.pos.x + ray.pos.y * ray.pos.y -
		cylinder->radius * cylinder->radius;
	if (solve_quadratic(a, b, c, distance))
		return (1);
	return (0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: sphere.cpp プロジェクト: pacebl/luaray
 * Calculates whether a ray intersects with a sphere. Returns true or false,
 * storing the collision point in result if true.
bool Sphere::intersection(Ray prim_ray, Vec3 &result) {
  double t0, t1;
  Vec3 obj_center(pos);

  Vec3 L = (*prim_ray.p1) - obj_center;

  double a = prim_ray.p2->dot(*prim_ray.p2);
  double b = 2 * prim_ray.p2->dot(L);
  double c = L.dot(L) - (radius * radius);

  if(!solve_quadratic(a, b, c, t0, t1)) {
    return false;
  } else {
    prim_ray.eval(t0, result);
    return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: q8.c プロジェクト: jerrylu8888/Programming-C
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int a = 1;
	int b = 2;
	int c = 3;
	double answer;
	if (check_discriminant(a, b, c) == true)
		printf("Roots are imaginary.\n");
	return 0;
コード例 #13
ファイル: polygon.c プロジェクト: andrewrk/azimuth
// Like az_ray_hits_circle, but if the ray starts inside the circle, it isn't
// counted as an immediate impact.
static bool ray_hits_hollow_circle(
    double radius, az_vector_t center, az_vector_t start, az_vector_t delta,
    az_vector_t *pos_out) {
  assert(radius >= 0.0);
  // Set up a quadratic equation modeling when the ray will hit the circle
  // (assuming it travels t*delta from start at time t).  If there is no
  // solution, the ray misses the circle; otherwise, we still need to check
  // if the solution is in range.
  const az_vector_t rel_start = az_vsub(start, center);
  double t1, t2;
  if (!solve_quadratic(az_vdot(delta, delta), 2.0 * az_vdot(rel_start, delta),
                       az_vdot(rel_start, rel_start) - radius * radius,
                       &t1, &t2)) return false;
  const double t = (0.0 <= t1 && (t1 <= t2 || t2 < 0.0) ? t1 : t2);
  if (0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0) {
    if (pos_out != NULL) *pos_out = az_vadd(start, az_vmul(delta, t));
    return true;
  } else return false;
コード例 #14
ファイル: shader_ellipse.c プロジェクト: JohanByttner/rt
s_res		ellipse_dst(s_geo sp, s_cam cam, s_res prev)
	vec3	dir;
	vec3	centre;
	s_res	ret;

	centre = (cam.pos - sp.pos) / sp.a.xyz;
	dir = cam.ray / sp.a.xyz;
	if ((ret.dst = solve_quadratic(dot(dir, dir),
			dot(dir, centre) * 2, dot(centre, centre) - 1)) == -1)
		return (prev);
	if (ret.dst > 0 && (prev.dst <= 0 || ret.dst < prev.dst))
		ret.mat = sp.mat;
		ret.cam = cam;
		ret.normal = ellipse_norm(cam, ret, sp);
		return (ret);
	return (prev);
コード例 #15
ファイル: sphere_shape.cpp プロジェクト: honzasp/dort
  bool SphereShape::solve_hit_t(const Ray& ray, float& out_t_hit) const {
    float a = dot(ray.dir.v, ray.dir.v);
    float b = 2.f * dot(ray.orig.v, ray.dir.v);
    float c = dot(ray.orig.v, ray.orig.v) - this->radius * this->radius;
    float t0, t1;
    if(!solve_quadratic(a, b, c, t0, t1)) {
      return false;

    if(t1 < t0) {
      std::swap(t0, t1);

    if(ray.t_min <= t0 && t0 <= ray.t_max) {
      out_t_hit = t0;
    } else if(ray.t_min <= t1 && t1 <= ray.t_max) {
      out_t_hit = t1;
    } else {
      return false;
    return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: solve_cubic.c プロジェクト: kokaz/raytracer
int		solve_cubic(t_sol obj, double *results)
  double	var[13];

  var[12] = obj.coef[3];
  if (fabs(var[12]) < EPSILON)
    return (solve_quadratic(obj, results));
      if (!double_are_same(var[12], 1.0))
	  var[9] = obj.coef[2] / var[12];
	  var[10] = obj.coef[1] / var[12];
	  var[11] = obj.coef[0] / var[12];
	  var[9] = obj.coef[2];
	  var[10] = obj.coef[1];
	  var[11] = obj.coef[0];
  return (solve_exp_tree(var, results));
コード例 #17
ファイル: trajectory.cpp プロジェクト: p1heidary/pybsimu
int TrajectoryRep1D::solve( double K[3], double x, int extrapolate )
    std::cout << "solve( x = " << x << " ):\n";
    switch( _rep ) {
    case TRAJ_EMPTY:
	std::cout << "  rep = TRAJ_EMPTY\n";
    case TRAJ_LINEAR:
	std::cout << "  rep = TRAJ_LINEAR\n";
	std::cout << "  rep = TRAJ_QUADRATIC\n";
    case TRAJ_CUBIC:
	std::cout << "  rep = TRAJ_CUBIC\n";

    switch( _rep ) {
    case TRAJ_EMPTY:
	throw( Error( ERROR_LOCATION, "empty representation" ) );
    case TRAJ_LINEAR:
	if( _A == 0.0 )
	    return( 0 );
	// Some tests fail here of spotting K equal to one
	// Rounding to 64-bit from 80-bit help
	// This is really not the way to go... temporary
	volatile double KT = (x-_B) / _A;
	K[0] = KT;
	if( in( K[0], extrapolate ) )
	    return( 1 );
	int nroots = solve_quadratic( _A, _B, _C-x, &K[0], &K[1] );
	std::cout << "  nroots = " << nroots << "\n";
	for( int a = 0; a < nroots; a++ )
	    std::cout << "  K[" << a << "] = " << K[a] <<"\n";
	if( nroots == 0 ) {
	    return( 0 );
	} else if( nroots == 1 ) {
	    if( in( K[0], extrapolate ) ) {
		return( 1 );
	    } else {
		return( 0 );
	} else /* nroots = 2 */ {
	    if( in( K[0], extrapolate ) ) {
		if( in( K[1], extrapolate ) ) {
		    return( 2 );
		} else {
		    return( 1 );
	    } else {
		if( in( K[1], extrapolate ) ) {
		    K[0] = K[1];
		    return( 1 );
		} else {
		    return( 0 );
    case TRAJ_CUBIC:
	int nroots = solve_cubic( _A, _B, _C, _D-x, &K[0], &K[1], &K[2] );
	std::cout << "  nroots = " << nroots << "\n";
	for( int a = 0; a < nroots; a++ )
	    std::cout << "  K[" << a << "] = " << K[a] <<"\n";
	if( nroots == 0 ) {
	    return( 0 );
	} else if( nroots == 1 ) {
	    if( in( K[0], extrapolate ) ) {
		return( 1 );
	} else if( nroots == 2 ) {
	    if( in( K[0], extrapolate ) ) {
		if( in( K[1], extrapolate ) ) {
		    return( 2 );
		} else {
		    return( 1 );
	    } else {
		if( in( K[1], extrapolate ) ) {
		    K[0] = K[1];
		    return( 1 );
		} else {
		    return( 0 );
	} else /* nroots = 3 */ {
	    if( in( K[0], extrapolate ) ) {
		if( in( K[1], extrapolate ) ) {
		    if( in( K[2], extrapolate ) ) {
			return( 3 );
		    } else {
			return( 2 );
		} else {
		    if( in( K[2], extrapolate ) ) {
			K[1] = K[2];
			return( 2 );
		    } else {
			return( 1 );
	    } else {
		if( in( K[1], extrapolate ) ) {
		    if( in( K[2], extrapolate ) ) {
			K[0] = K[1];
			K[1] = K[2];
			return( 2 );
		    } else {
			K[0] = K[1];
			return( 1 );
		} else {
		    if( in( K[2], extrapolate ) ) {
			K[0] = K[2];
			return( 1 );
		    } else {
			return( 0 );

    return( 0 );
コード例 #18
ファイル: IpRestoRestoPhase.cpp プロジェクト: BRAINSia/calatk
    Jnlst().Printf(J_DETAILED, J_MAIN,
                   "Performing second level restoration phase for current constriant violation %8.2e\n", IpCq().curr_constraint_violation());


    // Get a grip on the restoration phase NLP and obtain the pointers
    // to the original NLP data
    SmartPtr<RestoIpoptNLP> resto_ip_nlp =
      static_cast<RestoIpoptNLP*> (&IpNLP());
    DBG_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<RestoIpoptNLP*> (&IpNLP()));
    SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> orig_ip_nlp =
      static_cast<IpoptNLP*> (&resto_ip_nlp->OrigIpNLP());
    DBG_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<IpoptNLP*> (&resto_ip_nlp->OrigIpNLP()));

    // Get the current point and create a new vector for the result
    SmartPtr<const CompoundVector> Ccurr_x =
      static_cast<const CompoundVector*> (GetRawPtr(IpData().curr()->x()));
    SmartPtr<Vector> new_x = IpData().curr()->x()->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<CompoundVector> Cnew_x =
      static_cast<CompoundVector*> (GetRawPtr(new_x));

    // The x values remain unchanged
    SmartPtr<Vector> x = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(0);

    // ToDo in free mu mode - what to do here?
    Number mu = IpData().curr_mu();

    // Compute the initial values for the n and p variables for the
    // equality constraints
    Number rho = resto_ip_nlp->Rho();
    SmartPtr<Vector> nc = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(1);
    SmartPtr<Vector> pc = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(2);
    SmartPtr<const Vector> cvec = orig_ip_nlp->c(*Ccurr_x->GetComp(0));
    SmartPtr<Vector> a = nc->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Vector> b = nc->MakeNew();
    a->Axpy(-0.5, *cvec);
    solve_quadratic(*a, *b, *nc);
    pc->Axpy(1., *nc);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "nc", *nc);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "pc", *pc);

    // initial values for the n and p variables for the inequality
    // constraints
    SmartPtr<Vector> nd = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(3);
    SmartPtr<Vector> pd = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(4);
    SmartPtr<Vector> dvec = pd->MakeNew();
    dvec->Axpy(-1., *IpData().curr()->s());
    a = nd->MakeNew();
    b = nd->MakeNew();
    a->Axpy(-0.5, *dvec);
    solve_quadratic(*a, *b, *nd);
    pd->Axpy(1., *nd);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "nd", *nd);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "pd", *pd);

    // Now set the trial point to the solution of the restoration phase
    // s and all multipliers remain unchanged
    SmartPtr<IteratesVector> new_trial = IpData().curr()->MakeNewContainer();


    return true;
コード例 #19
static int solve_cubic(DBL *x, DBL  *y)
  DBL Q, R, Q3, R2, sQ, d, an, theta;
  DBL A2, a0, a1, a2, a3;

  a0 = x[0];

  if (a0 == 0.0)
    return(solve_quadratic(&x[1], y));
    if (a0 != 1.0)
      a1 = x[1] / a0;
      a2 = x[2] / a0;
      a3 = x[3] / a0;
      a1 = x[1];
      a2 = x[2];
      a3 = x[3];

  A2 = a1 * a1;

  Q = (A2 - 3.0 * a2) / 9.0;

  /* Modified to save some multiplications and to avoid a floating point
     exception that occured with DJGPP and full optimization. [DB 8/94] */

  R = (a1 * (A2 - 4.5 * a2) + 13.5 * a3) / 27.0;

  Q3 = Q * Q * Q;

  R2 = R * R;

  d = Q3 - R2;

  an = a1 / 3.0;

  if (d >= 0.0)
    /* Three real roots. */

    d = R / sqrt(Q3);

    theta = acos(d) / 3.0;

    sQ = -2.0 * sqrt(Q);

    y[0] = sQ * cos(theta) - an;
    y[1] = sQ * cos(theta + TWO_M_PI_3) - an;
    y[2] = sQ * cos(theta + FOUR_M_PI_3) - an;

    sQ = pow(sqrt(R2 - Q3) + fabs(R), 1.0 / 3.0);

    if (R < 0)
      y[0] = (sQ + Q / sQ) - an;
      y[0] = -(sQ + Q / sQ) - an;

コード例 #20
int Solve_Polynomial(int n, DBL *c0, DBL *r, int sturm, DBL epsilon)
  int roots, i;
  DBL *c;


  roots = 0;

   * Determine the "real" order of the polynomial, i.e.
   * eliminate small leading coefficients.

  i = 0;

  while ((fabs(c0[i]) < SMALL_ENOUGH) && (i < n))

  n -= i;

  c = &c0[i];

  switch (n)
    case 0:


    case 1:

      /* Solve linear polynomial. */

      if (c[0] != 0.0)
        r[roots++] = -c[1] / c[0];


    case 2:

      /* Solve quadratic polynomial. */

      roots = solve_quadratic(c, r);


    case 3:

      /* Root elimination? */

      if (epsilon > 0.0)
        if ((c[2] != 0.0) && (fabs(c[3]/c[2]) < epsilon))

          roots = solve_quadratic(c, r);


      /* Solve cubic polynomial. */

      if (sturm)
        roots = polysolve(3, c, r);
        roots = solve_cubic(c, r);


    case 4:

      /* Root elimination? */

      if (epsilon > 0.0)
        if ((c[3] != 0.0) && (fabs(c[4]/c[3]) < epsilon))

          if (sturm)
            roots = polysolve(3, c, r);
            roots = solve_cubic(c, r);


      /* Test for difficult coeffs. */

      if (difficult_coeffs(4, c))
        sturm = true;

      /* Solve quartic polynomial. */

      if (sturm)
        roots = polysolve(4, c, r);
        roots = solve_quartic(c, r);



      if (epsilon > 0.0)
        if ((c[n-1] != 0.0) && (fabs(c[n]/c[n-1]) < epsilon))

          roots = polysolve(n-1, c, r);

      /* Solve n-th order polynomial. */

      roots = polysolve(n, c, r);


コード例 #21
  bool RestoIterateInitializer::SetInitialIterates()

    // Get a grip on the restoration phase NLP and obtain the pointers
    // to the original NLP data
    SmartPtr<RestoIpoptNLP> resto_ip_nlp =
      static_cast<RestoIpoptNLP*> (&IpNLP());
    SmartPtr<IpoptNLP> orig_ip_nlp =
      static_cast<IpoptNLP*> (&resto_ip_nlp->OrigIpNLP());
    SmartPtr<IpoptData> orig_ip_data =
      static_cast<IpoptData*> (&resto_ip_nlp->OrigIpData());
    SmartPtr<IpoptCalculatedQuantities> orig_ip_cq =
      static_cast<IpoptCalculatedQuantities*> (&resto_ip_nlp->OrigIpCq());

    // Set the value of the barrier parameter
    Number resto_mu;
    resto_mu = Max(orig_ip_data->curr_mu(),
                   "Initial barrier parameter resto_mu = %e\n", resto_mu);

    //                   Initialize primal varialbes                   //

    // initialize the data structures in the restoration phase NLP
    IpData().InitializeDataStructures(IpNLP(), false, false, false,
                                      false, false);

    SmartPtr<Vector> new_x = IpData().curr()->x()->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<CompoundVector> Cnew_x =
      static_cast<CompoundVector*> (GetRawPtr(new_x));

    // Set the trial x variables from the original NLP

    // Compute the initial values for the n and p variables for the
    // equality constraints
    Number rho = resto_ip_nlp->Rho();
    DBG_PRINT((1,"rho = %e\n", rho));
    SmartPtr<Vector> nc = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(1);
    SmartPtr<Vector> pc = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(2);
    SmartPtr<const Vector> cvec = orig_ip_cq->curr_c();
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "cvec", *cvec);
    SmartPtr<Vector> a = nc->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Vector> b = nc->MakeNew();
    a->Axpy(-0.5, *cvec);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "a", *a);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "b", *b);
    solve_quadratic(*a, *b, *nc);
    pc->Axpy(1., *nc);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "nc", *nc);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "pc", *pc);

    // initial values for the n and p variables for the inequality
    // constraints
    SmartPtr<Vector> nd = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(3);
    SmartPtr<Vector> pd = Cnew_x->GetCompNonConst(4);
    cvec = orig_ip_cq->curr_d_minus_s();
    a = nd->MakeNew();
    b = nd->MakeNew();
    a->Axpy(-0.5, *cvec);
    solve_quadratic(*a, *b, *nd);
    pd->Axpy(1., *nd);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "nd", *nd);
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "pd", *pd);

    // Leave the slacks unchanged
    SmartPtr<const Vector> new_s = orig_ip_data->curr()->s();

    // Now set the primal trial variables
    SmartPtr<IteratesVector> trial = IpData().curr()->MakeNewContainer();
    trial->Set_primal(*new_x, *new_s);

    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "resto_c", *IpCq().trial_c());
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "resto_d_minus_s", *IpCq().trial_d_minus_s());

    //                   Initialize bound multipliers                  //

    SmartPtr<Vector> new_z_L = IpData().curr()->z_L()->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<CompoundVector> Cnew_z_L =
      static_cast<CompoundVector*> (GetRawPtr(new_z_L));
    SmartPtr<Vector> new_z_U = IpData().curr()->z_U()->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Vector> new_v_L = IpData().curr()->v_L()->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Vector> new_v_U = IpData().curr()->v_U()->MakeNew();

    // multipliers for the original bounds are
    SmartPtr<const Vector> orig_z_L = orig_ip_data->curr()->z_L();
    SmartPtr<const Vector> orig_z_U = orig_ip_data->curr()->z_U();
    SmartPtr<const Vector> orig_v_L = orig_ip_data->curr()->v_L();
    SmartPtr<const Vector> orig_v_U = orig_ip_data->curr()->v_U();

    // Set the new multipliers to the min of the penalty parameter Rho
    // and their current value
    SmartPtr<Vector> Cnew_z_L0 = Cnew_z_L->GetCompNonConst(0);

    // Set the multipliers for the p and n bounds to the "primal" multipliers
    SmartPtr<Vector> Cnew_z_L1 = Cnew_z_L->GetCompNonConst(1);
    SmartPtr<Vector> Cnew_z_L2 = Cnew_z_L->GetCompNonConst(2);
    SmartPtr<Vector> Cnew_z_L3 = Cnew_z_L->GetCompNonConst(3);
    SmartPtr<Vector> Cnew_z_L4 = Cnew_z_L->GetCompNonConst(4);

    // Set those initial values to be the trial values in Data
    trial = IpData().trial()->MakeNewContainer();
    trial->Set_bound_mult(*new_z_L, *new_z_U, *new_v_L, *new_v_U);

    //           Initialize equality constraint multipliers            //

      Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(), IpCq(),
      resto_eq_mult_calculator_, constr_mult_init_max_);

    // upgrade the trial to the current point

    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "y_c", *IpData().curr()->y_c());
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "y_d", *IpData().curr()->y_d());

    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "z_L", *IpData().curr()->z_L());
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "z_U", *IpData().curr()->z_U());
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "v_L", *IpData().curr()->v_L());
    DBG_PRINT_VECTOR(2, "v_U", *IpData().curr()->v_U());

    return true;
コード例 #22
ファイル: polynomials.C プロジェクト: ChengLiOSU/OSUFlow
int solve_cubic ( float a, float b, float c, float d,
				 float* x1, float* x2, float* x3 )
	*         3     2
	* Solve ax  + bx  + cx + d = 0
	* Return values: 0 - no solution 
	*               -1 - infinite number of solutions
	*                1 - only one distinct root, real, possibly of multiplicity 2 or 3.
	*                    returned in *x1
	*		    2 - only two distinct roots, both real, one possibly of multiplicity 2,
	*                    returned in *x1 and *x2
	*		   -2 - only two distinct roots (complex conjugates),
	*		        real part returned in *x1,
	*			imaginary part returned in *x2
	*                3 - three distinct real roots of multiplicity 1
	*                    returned in *x1, *x2, and *x3.
	*               -3 - one real root and one complex conjugate pair.
	*                    real root in *x1, real part of complex conjugate root
	*                    in *x2, imaginary part in *x3.
	*                XXX - this whole scheme is wrong.  
	*                      Each root should be returned along with its multiplicity.

	double p, q, r, a2, b2, z1, z2, z3, des;

	*x1 = *x2 = *x3 = 0.0;

	if (a == 0.0)
		return (solve_quadratic (b, c, d, x1, x2));
		p = b/a;			/* reduce to y^3 + py^2 + qy + r = 0 */
		q = c/a;			/* by dividing through by a */
		r = d/a;

		a2 = (3*q - p*p)/3;	        /* reduce to z^3 + a2*z + b2 = 0 */
		Zero_test2 (a2, 3*q, p*p);

		b2 = (2*p*p*p - 9*p*q + 27*r)/27;	/* using y = z - p/3 */
		Zero_test3 (b2, 2*p*p*p, 9*p*q, 27*r);

		des = (b2*b2/4 + a2*a2*a2/27);
		Zero_test2 (des, b2*b2/4, a2*a2*a2/27);

		if (des == 0.0)	/* three real roots, at least two equal */ 
			double a3 = cube_root (-b2/2);
			if (a3 == 0.0)	/* one distinct real root of multiplicity three */
				z1 = 0.0;
				*x1 = z1 - p/3;
				Zero_test2 (*x1, z1, p/3);
				*x2 = 0.0;
				*x3 = 0.0;
				return (1);
			else			/* one real root multiplicity one, another of multiplicity two */
				z1 = 2*a3;
				z2 = -a3;
				*x1 = z1 - p/3;
				Zero_test2 (*x1, z1, p/3);
				*x2 = z2 - p/3;
				Zero_test2 (*x2, z2, p/3);
				*x3 = 0.0;
				return (2);
		else if (des > 0.0)		/* one real root, one complex conjugate pair */
			double d2 = sqrt(des);
			double t1 = -b2/2 + d2;
			double t2 = -b2/2 - d2;
			double a3;
			double b3;
			Zero_test2 (t1, b2/2, d2);
			Zero_test2 (t2, b2/2, d2);
			a3 = cube_root (t1);
			b3 = cube_root (t2);
			z1 = a3 + b3;
			Zero_test2 (z1, a3, b3);
			z2 = - z1/2;
			t1 = a3-b3;
			Zero_test2 (t1, a3, b3);
			z3 = sqrt(3.0) * t1/2;
			*x1 = z1 - p/3;
			Zero_test2 (*x1, z1, p/3);
			*x2 = z2 - p/3;
			Zero_test2 (*x2, z2, p/3);
			*x3 = z3;
			return (-3);
		else if (des < 0.0)	/* three unequal real roots */
			double temp_r, theta, cos_term, sin_term, t1;

			t1 = b2*b2/4 - des;
			Zero_test2 (t1, b2*b2/4, des);
			temp_r = cube_root (sqrt (b2*b2/4 - des));
			theta = atan2 (sqrt(-des), (-b2/2));
			cos_term = temp_r * cos (theta/3);
			sin_term = temp_r * sin (theta/3) * sqrt(3.0);
			z1 = 2 * cos_term;
			z2 = - cos_term - sin_term;
			Zero_test2 (z2, cos_term, sin_term);
			z3 = - cos_term + sin_term;
			Zero_test2 (z3, cos_term, sin_term);

			*x1 = z1 - p/3;
			Zero_test2 (*x1, z1, p/3);
			*x2 = z2 - p/3;
			Zero_test2 (*x2, z2, p/3);
			*x3 = z3 - p/3;
			Zero_test2 (*x3, z3, p/3);
			return (3);
		else			/* cannot happen */
			fprintf (stderr, "impossible descriminant in solve_cubic\n");
			return (0);

コード例 #23
ファイル: move.cpp プロジェクト: wangyongcong/fancystar
xcollision_agent* xmove::fall (float &t, xvec2f_t &speed, float accy, unsigned extra_filter, unsigned max_iteration)
	if( m_terrain || speed.y>0 || (speed.y==0 && accy==0) ) {
		return 0;
	float tfall, tleft = 0; 
		tfall = -speed.y / accy;
			tleft = t-tfall;
			t = tfall;
	xvec2f_t pos = m_agent->get_position(), offset, collide_normal;
	float dt;
	xcollision_agent *collidee = 0;
	unsigned group_filter = ms_standon_filter | extra_filter;
	bool is_on_ground = false;
	for(unsigned iteration = 0; iteration<max_iteration; ++iteration)
		offset.x = speed.x * t;
		offset.y = speed.y * t + 0.5f * accy * t * t;

		collidee = _detect_collision(offset,group_filter,dt,collide_normal,ms_platform_filter);
		{ // hit something
			offset.x *= dt;
			offset.y *= dt;
			pos += offset;
			tfall = solve_quadratic(0.5f*accy, speed.y, -offset.y);
			t -= tfall;
			speed.y += accy * tfall;
			if(collidee->get_mask() & ms_standon_filter)
			{ // hit terrain
				speed.x = 0;
				if(collide_normal.y < EPSILON)
					pos.x += ms_drawback * collide_normal.x;
					pos.y += ms_drawback * collide_normal.y;
					m_agent->set_position(pos.x, pos.y);
					PUSH_KPOS_WITH_SPEED(m_kpos, tfall, pos.x, pos.y, speed.x, speed.y);
				// fall on ground
				pos.y += ms_drawback;
				speed.y= 0;
				is_on_ground = true;
			speed.y += accy * t;
			pos += offset;
			tfall = t;
			t = 0;
		PUSH_KPOS_WITH_SPEED(m_kpos, tfall, pos.x, pos.y, speed.x, speed.y);
	} // for
	t += tleft;
	return collidee;
コード例 #24
ファイル: QuadraticSolver.hpp プロジェクト: bracket/handsome
		void solve(T const & a , T const & b, T const & c) {
			if (a == 0) { solve_linear(b, c); }
			else { solve_quadratic(a, b, c); }
コード例 #25
ファイル: move.cpp プロジェクト: wangyongcong/fancystar
xcollision_agent* xmove::jump (float &t, xvec2f_t &speed, float accy, unsigned extra_filter, unsigned max_iteration)
	if(speed.y<0 || (speed.y==0 && accy<=0))
		return 0;
	float tjump, tleft = 0; 
		tjump = -speed.y / accy;
			tleft = t-tjump;
			t = tjump;
	xvec2f_t offset, collide_normal;
	xcollision_agent *collidee = 0;
	float dt;
	unsigned group_filter = ms_terrain_filter | extra_filter;
	// leave ground
	m_terrain = 0;
	for(unsigned iteration = 0; iteration<max_iteration; ++iteration)
		offset.x = speed.x * t;
		offset.y = speed.y * t + 0.5f * accy * t * t;
		collidee = _detect_collision(offset, group_filter, dt, collide_normal);
		xvec2f_t pos = m_agent->get_position();
			offset *= dt;
			pos += offset;
			tjump = solve_quadratic(0.5f*accy, speed.y, -offset.y); 
			t -= tjump;
			if(!(collidee->get_mask() & extra_filter))
				pos.x += collide_normal.x * ms_drawback;
				pos.y += collide_normal.y * ms_drawback;
					speed.x = 0;
					speed.y += tjump*accy;
					m_agent->set_position(pos.x, pos.y);
					PUSH_KPOS_WITH_SPEED(m_kpos, tjump, pos.x, pos.y, speed.x, speed.y);
				speed.y = 0;
			pos += offset;
			speed.y = tleft>0 ? 0 : speed.y+accy*t;
			tjump = t;
			t = 0;
		m_agent->set_position(pos.x, pos.y);
		PUSH_KPOS_WITH_SPEED(m_kpos, tjump, pos.x, pos.y, speed.x, speed.y);
	} // for
	t += tleft;
	return collidee;