コード例 #1
ファイル: Proof.C プロジェクト: shengyushen/compsyn
void resolve(vec<Lit>& main, vec<Lit>& other, Var x)
    Lit     p;
    bool    ok1 = false, ok2 = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < main.size(); i++){
        if (var(main[i]) == x){
            ok1 = true, p = main[i];
            main[i] = main.last();

    for (int i = 0; i < other.size(); i++){
        if (var(other[i]) != x)
            if (p != ~other[i])
                printf("PROOF ERROR! Resolved on variable with SAME polarity in both clauses: %d\n", x+1);
            ok2 = true;

    if (!ok1 || !ok2)
        printf("PROOF ERROR! Resolved on missing variable: %d\n", x+1);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Proof.C プロジェクト: shengyushen/compsyn
ClauseId Proof::addRoot(vec<Lit>& cl)

    if (trav != NULL)
    if (!fp.null()){
        putUInt(fp, index(clause[0]) << 1);
        for (int i = 1; i < clause.size(); i++)
            putUInt(fp, index(clause[i]) - index(clause[i-1]));
        putUInt(fp, 0);     // (0 is safe terminator since we removed duplicates)

    return id_counter++;
コード例 #3
ファイル: helper.cpp プロジェクト: donch1989/DSnP-HW1.1
|  newClause : (ps : const vec<Lit>&) (learnt : bool)  ->  [void]
|  Description:
|    Allocate and add a new clause to the SAT solvers clause database. If a conflict is detected,
|    the 'ok' flag is cleared and the solver is in an unusable state (must be disposed).
|  Input:
|    ps     - The new clause as a vector of literals.
|    learnt - Is the clause a learnt clause? For learnt clauses, 'ps[0]' is assumed to be the
|             asserting literal. An appropriate 'enqueue()' operation will be performed on this
|             literal. One of the watches will always be on this literal, the other will be set to
|             the literal with the highest decision level.
|  Effect:
|    Activity heuristics are updated.
void Solver::newClause(const vec<Lit>& ps_, bool learnt)
    if (!ok) return;

    vec<Lit>    qs;
    if (!learnt){
        assert(decisionLevel() == 0);
        ps_.copyTo(qs);             // Make a copy of the input vector.

        // Remove duplicates:

        // Check if clause is satisfied:
        for (int i = 0; i < qs.size()-1; i++){
            if (qs[i] == ~qs[i+1])
                return; }
        for (int i = 0; i < qs.size(); i++){
            if (value(qs[i]) == l_True)
                return; }

        // Remove false literals:
        int     i, j;
        for (i = j = 0; i < qs.size(); i++)
            if (value(qs[i]) != l_False)
                qs[j++] = qs[i];
        qs.shrink(i - j);
    const vec<Lit>& ps = learnt ? ps_ : qs;     // 'ps' is now the (possibly) reduced vector of literals.

    if (ps.size() == 0){
        ok = false;

    }else if (ps.size() == 1){
        // NOTE: If enqueue takes place at root level, the assignment will be lost in incremental use (it doesn't seem to hurt much though).
        if (!enqueue(ps[0]))
            ok = false;

    }else if (ps.size() == 2){
        // Create special binary clause watch:

        if (learnt){
            check(enqueue(ps[0], GClause_new(~ps[1])));
            stats.learnts_literals += ps.size();
            stats.clauses_literals += ps.size();

        // Allocate clause:
        Clause* c   = Clause_new(learnt, ps);

        if (learnt){
            // Put the second watch on the literal with highest decision level:
            int     max_i = 1;
            int     max   = level[var(ps[1])];
            for (int i = 2; i < ps.size(); i++)
                if (level[var(ps[i])] > max)
                    max   = level[var(ps[i])],
                    max_i = i;
            (*c)[1]     = ps[max_i];
            (*c)[max_i] = ps[1];

            // Bump, enqueue, store clause:
            claBumpActivity(c);         // (newly learnt clauses should be considered active)
            check(enqueue((*c)[0], GClause_new(c)));
            stats.learnts_literals += c->size();
            // Store clause:
            stats.clauses_literals += c->size();
        // Watch clause: