int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint8_t *hsc; uint32_t lp; hsc=hsc_load("TECHNO.HSC"); if(hsc==NULL) { printf("lostship.hsc not found. \n"); return 3; } SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER); sound_init(); start_opl_emulation(); hsc_play(hsc,1); while(hsc_get_status()) { if(lp!=hsc_get_pattpos()) { printf("status - %d; pos - %d; pattpos - %d \r",hsc_get_status(),hsc_get_pos(),hsc_get_pattpos()); lp=hsc_get_pattpos(); fflush(stdout); usleep(100000); } } sound_end(); return 0; }
int eo_init( CONFIG* cfg ) { /* From main_.cpp */ ATA_Init(); sound_init(); load_config(); zx81.cwd[ 0 ] = 0; zx81.temppath[ 0 ] = 0; zx81.inipath[ 0 ] = 0; zx81.configpath[ 0 ] = 0; //RenderInit(); SP0256_Init(); AnimTimer1_Interval = 20; Timer2_Interval = 1000; //AccurateInit(); int res = internal_init( cfg ); AnimTimer1_Interval *= 1000; Timer2_Interval *= 1000; AnimTimer1_Count = AnimTimer1_Interval; return res; }
void neogeo_main(void) { Loop = LOOP_RESET; while (Loop >= LOOP_RESTART) { Loop = LOOP_EXEC; ui_popup_reset(); fatal_error = 0; video_clear_screen(); if (memory_init()) { if (sound_init()) { if (input_init()) { if (neogeo_init()) { neogeo_run(); } neogeo_exit(); } input_shutdown(); } sound_exit(); } memory_shutdown(); show_fatal_error(); } }
int init() { srand(time(0) ^ getpid()); if (SDL_Init(0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } if (config_init() == -1 || input_init() == -1 || graphics_init() == -1 || sound_init() == -1 || level_init() == -1 || bomber_init() == -1 || bomb_init() == -1) { return -1; } // load images/animations - its done up ^ in init's // init calc_delta_time calc_delta_time(); return 0; }
bool emu_load_cart(const char *file_name) { FILE *f = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (f) { // Détermine la taille du fichier unsigned size = get_file_size(f); // Garde pour les sauvegardes d'état strcpy(emu_file_name, file_name); // Au moins un tableau couvrant la map 0000-7FFF... size = max(size, 0x8000); // Et multiple d'une page (arrondissement à la page supérieure) size = ((size + 0x3FFF) / 0x4000) * 0x4000; mem_rom = malloc(size); // La cartouche préparée, prépare le CPU cpu_init(); lcd_init(); sound_init(); mem_init(); // Charge le contenu fread(mem_rom, size, 1, f); fclose(f); // Démarrage mbc_init(size); load_sram(); // Color-It ColorIt_init(file_name, mem_rom); return true; } return false; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char bar_length=50; dro_status drost; const char spin[]="-\\|/"; int spin_index=0; int i; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER); sound_init(); start_opl_emulation(); dro_load(data,data_length); dro_play(2); do { dro_get_status(&drost); printf("%c[",spin[spin_index]); for(i=0; i<bar_length-3; i++) { if (i<((float)drost.position/drost.length)*(bar_length-3)) printf("="); else printf("."); } printf("]\r"); fflush(stdout); usleep(100000); spin_index=(spin_index+1) % 4; } while(drost.playing); usleep(1000000); dro_stop(); sound_end(); return 0; }
void system_sound_chipreset(void) { sound_init(samplerate); return; }
int BIKPlayer::doPlay() { int done = 0; //bink is always truecolor g_truecolor = 1; frame_wait = 0; timer_last_sec = 0; video_frameskip = 0; if (sound_init( core->GetAudioDrv()->CanPlay())) { //sound couldn't be initialized return 1; } //last parameter is to enable YUV overlay outputwidth = (int) header.width; outputheight= (int) header.height; video->InitMovieScreen(outputwidth,outputheight, true); if (video_init(outputwidth,outputheight)) { return 2; } while (!done && next_frame()) { done = video->PollMovieEvents(); } return 0; }
/* in case UserDef was read, we re-initialize all, and do versioning */ static void wm_init_userdef(bContext *C, const bool from_memory) { /* versioning is here */ UI_init_userdef(); MEM_CacheLimiter_set_maximum(((size_t)U.memcachelimit) * 1024 * 1024); sound_init(CTX_data_main(C)); /* needed so loading a file from the command line respects user-pref [#26156] */ if (U.flag & USER_FILENOUI) G.fileflags |= G_FILE_NO_UI; else G.fileflags &= ~G_FILE_NO_UI; /* set the python auto-execute setting from user prefs */ /* enabled by default, unless explicitly enabled in the command line which overrides */ if ((G.f & G_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_PREF) == 0) { if ((U.flag & USER_SCRIPT_AUTOEXEC_DISABLE) == 0) G.f |= G_SCRIPT_AUTOEXEC; else G.f &= ~G_SCRIPT_AUTOEXEC; } /* avoid re-saving for every small change to our prefs, allow overrides */ if (from_memory) { UI_init_userdef_factory(); } /* update tempdir from user preferences */ BLI_init_temporary_dir(U.tempdir); BKE_userdef_state(); }
void PICvision_init(void) { HardwareConfig(); timers_init(TICK_FREQ); video_init(); sound_init(1000/TICK_FREQ); splash_screen(); }//f()
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO); SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(SCREEN_WIDTH+232, SCREEN_HEIGHT+16, 0, &displayWindow, &displayRenderer); SDL_GetRendererInfo(displayRenderer, &displayRendererInfo); SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(displayRenderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SCREEN_SHIFT_X = 8; SCREEN_SHIFT_Y = 8; #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(null_loop_iter, 60, 1); #endif srand(time(NULL)); sound_init(); resizeWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); load_resources(); last_time = clock(); #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(loop_iter, 60, 1); #else while (!done) { loop_iter(); } #endif sound_exit(); Quit(0); return (0); }
int ygInit(GameConfig *cfg) { static int t; /* Init parseurs */ CHECK_AND_RET(t = ydJsonInit(), -1, -1, "json init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(jsonManager = ydNewManager(t), NULL, -1, "json init failed"); parsers[t] = jsonManager; /* Init scripting */ /* TODO init internal lua function */ CHECK_AND_RET(t = ysLuaInit(), -1, -1, "lua init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(luaManager = ysNewManager(NULL, t), NULL, -1, "lua init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(yesLuaRegister(luaManager), -1, -1, "lua init failed"); /* Init widgets */ CHECK_AND_RET(ywidInitCallback(), -1, -1, "can not init callback"); CHECK_AND_RET(ywinAddCallback(ywinCreateNativeCallback("FinishGame", ygTerminateCallback)), -1, -1, "can not add game's callback"); CHECK_AND_RET(ywMenuInit(), -1, -1, "Menu init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ywMapInit(), -1, -1, "Map init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ywTextScreenInit(), -1, -1, "Text Screen init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ywContenerInit(), -1, -1, "Contener init failed"); /* Init sound */ sound_init(LIB_VLC); for (GList *tmp = cfg->rConf; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { //TODO check which render to use :) if (yuiStrEqual(TO_RC(tmp->data)->name, "curses")) { #ifdef WITH_CURSES ycursInit(); CHECK_AND_RET(ycursRegistreMenu(), -1, -1, "Menu init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ycursRegistreTextScreen(), -1, -1, "Text Screen init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ycursRegistreMap(), -1, -1, "Map init failed"); #else /* print error */ #endif } else if (yuiStrEqual(TO_RC(tmp->data)->name, "sdl2")) { #ifdef WITH_SDL ysdl2Init(); CHECK_AND_RET(ysdl2RegistreTextScreen(), -1, -1, "Text Screen init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ysdl2RegistreMenu(), -1, -1, "Menu init failed"); CHECK_AND_RET(ysdl2RegistreMap(), -1, -1, "Map init failed"); #else /* print error */ #endif } } init = 1; return 0; }
void AY8910_InitAll(int nClock, unsigned long nSampleRate) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<MAX_8910; i++) { sound_init(&g_AY8910[i], NULL, nSampleRate); // Inits mainly static members (except ay_tick_incr) sound_ay_init(&g_AY8910[i]); } }
void AY8910_InitClock(int nClock, unsigned long nSampleRate) { SetCLK( (double)nClock ); for (unsigned int i=0; i<MAX_8910; i++) { sound_init(&g_AY8910[i], NULL, nSampleRate); // ay_tick_incr is dependent on AY_CLK } }
void sounds_init(void) { sound_init(); sound_burning = sound_load_sample(BURN_FILE); sound_bulbul = sound_load_sample(BULBUL_FILE); sound_sinked = sound_load_sample(SINKED_FILE); sound_missed = sound_load_sample(MISSED_FILE); }
int coleco_init(int video_system) { int i; float tmp; int region = SMS_REGION_EXPORT; if(video_system == SMS_VIDEO_NTSC) { tmp = NTSC_Z80_CLOCK / PSG_DIVISOR / NTSC_FPS / NTSC_LINES_PER_FRAME / NTSC_CLOCKS_PER_SAMPLE; for(i = 0; i < NTSC_LINES_PER_FRAME; ++i) { psg_samples[i] = (uint32) (tmp * (i + 1)) - (uint32) (tmp * i); } /* We end up generating 734 samples per frame @ 44100 Hz, 60fps, but we need 735. */ psg_samples[261] += 1; region |= SMS_VIDEO_NTSC; sn76489_init(&psg, NTSC_Z80_CLOCK, 44100.0f, SN76489_NOISE_BITS_NORMAL, SN76489_NOISE_TAPPED_NORMAL); } else { tmp = PAL_Z80_CLOCK / PSG_DIVISOR / PAL_FPS / PAL_LINES_PER_FRAME / PAL_CLOCKS_PER_SAMPLE; for(i = 0; i < PAL_LINES_PER_FRAME; ++i) { psg_samples[i] = (uint32) (tmp * (i + 1)) - (uint32) (tmp * i); } /* We need 882 samples per frame @ 44100 Hz, 50fps. */ region |= SMS_VIDEO_PAL; sn76489_init(&psg, PAL_Z80_CLOCK, 44100.0f, SN76489_NOISE_BITS_NORMAL, SN76489_NOISE_TAPPED_NORMAL); } sms_region = region; gui_set_console((console_t *)&colecovision_cons); coleco_mem_init(); sms_vdp_init(video_system, 0); sms_z80_init(); sound_init(2, video_system); sms_z80_set_pread(&coleco_port_read); sms_z80_set_pwrite(&coleco_port_write); cycles_run = cycles_to_run = scanline = 0; colecovision_cons._base.initialized = 1; return 0; }
void sound_unpause( void ) { /* No sound if fastloading in progress */ if( settings_current.fastload && tape_is_playing() ) return; sound_init( settings_current.sound_device ); }
static int machine_select_machine( fuse_machine_info *machine ) { int width, height, i; int capabilities; machine_current = machine; settings_set_string( &settings_current.start_machine, machine->id ); tstates = 0; /* Reset the event stack */ event_reset(); if( event_add( 0, timer_event ) ) return 1; if( event_add( machine->timings.tstates_per_frame, spectrum_frame_event ) ) return 1; sound_end(); if( uidisplay_end() ) return 1; capabilities = libspectrum_machine_capabilities( machine->machine ); /* Set screen sizes here */ if( capabilities & LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_CAPABILITY_TIMEX_VIDEO ) { width = DISPLAY_SCREEN_WIDTH; height = 2*DISPLAY_SCREEN_HEIGHT; } else { width = DISPLAY_ASPECT_WIDTH; height = DISPLAY_SCREEN_HEIGHT; } if( uidisplay_init( width, height ) ) return 1; sound_init( settings_current.sound_device ); /* Mark RAM as not-present/read-only. The machine's reset function will * mark available pages as present/writeable. */ for( i = 0; i < 2 * SPECTRUM_RAM_PAGES; i++ ) memory_map_ram[i].writable = 0; /* Do a hard reset */ if( machine_reset( 1 ) ) return 1; /* And the dock menu item */ if( capabilities & LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_CAPABILITY_TIMEX_DOCK ) { ui_menu_activate( UI_MENU_ITEM_MEDIA_CARTRIDGE_DOCK_EJECT, 0 ); } /* Reset any dialogue boxes etc. which contain machine-dependent state */ ui_widgets_reset(); return 0; }
void system_init(void) { sms_init(); pio_init(); vdp_init(); render_init(); sound_init(); = 0; }
blargg_err_t Music_Player::init( long rate ) { sample_rate = rate; int min_size = sample_rate * 2 / fill_rate; int buf_size = 512; while ( buf_size < min_size ) buf_size *= 2; return sound_init( sample_rate, buf_size, fill_buffer, this ); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gfx_width=640; gfx_height=480; gfx_fullscreen=0; c_minx=0; c_miny=0; c_maxx=gfx_width; c_maxy=gfx_height; fprintf(stderr, "Strange Adventures in Infinite Space - v" SAIS_VERSION_STRING "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Unofficial fork by Philip Boulain et. al. (see\n"); if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER | SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem initialising SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } SDL_WM_SetCaption("Strange Adventures In Infinite Space", "Strange Adventures In Infinite Space"); // Enable UNICODE so we can emulate getch() in text input SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); // init SDL mixer if (Mix_OpenAudio(22050, AUDIO_S16, 2, 1024) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem initialising Audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } Mix_AllocateChannels(16); sound_init(); // Must find the native resolution *before* setting the video mode const SDL_VideoInfo* video_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); g_native_resolution.w = video_info->current_w; g_native_resolution.h = video_info->current_h; g_virtual_resolution.x = 0; g_virtual_resolution.y = 0; g_virtual_resolution.w = gfx_width; g_virtual_resolution.h = gfx_height; sdlsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, gfx_width, gfx_height, 8, 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff); g_scaled_video = NULL; gfx_window_width = gfx_width; // Start at 1:1 size gfx_window_height = gfx_height; gfx_resize(); my_main(); return 0; }
void localinit(void) { falloc_init(); /* probe_init(true);*/ sound_init(); #ifdef CMTSTUFF seqext_init(); #endif sine_init(); stk_init(); }
/* C64-specific initialization. */ int machine_specific_init(void) { #if defined(USE_SDLUI) || defined(USE_SDLUI2) if (console_mode) { video_disabled_mode = 1; } #else video_disabled_mode = 1; #endif c64_log = log_open("C64"); if (mem_load() < 0) { return -1; } if (vicii_init(VICII_STANDARD) == NULL && !video_disabled_mode) { return -1; } c64_mem_init(); cia1_init(machine_context.cia1); cia2_init(machine_context.cia2); c64_monitor_init(); /* Initialize vsync and register our hook function. */ vsync_init(machine_vsync_hook); vsync_set_machine_parameter(machine_timing.rfsh_per_sec, machine_timing.cycles_per_sec); /* Initialize native sound chip */ sid_sound_chip_init(); /* Initialize sound. Notice that this does not really open the audio device yet. */ sound_init(machine_timing.cycles_per_sec, machine_timing.cycles_per_rfsh); /* Initialize keyboard buffer. */ kbdbuf_init(631, 198, 10, (CLOCK)(machine_timing.rfsh_per_sec * machine_timing.cycles_per_rfsh)); /* Initialize the C64-specific part of the UI. */ if (!console_mode) { vsid_ui_init(); } /* Initialize glue logic. */ c64_glue_init(); machine_drive_stub(); return 0; }
/* Initilaise sound subsystem */ static int do_init(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[]) { int ret; ret = sound_init(gd->fdt_blob); if (ret) { printf("Initialise Audio driver failed\n"); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } return 0; }
void sound_playback_thread(void) { /* To get smooth playback, two buffers are needed, which are queued for * playback. (There can still be glitches though.) */ HWAVEOUT wave_out; WAVEHDR header1; WAVEHDR header2; HANDLE event; int result = -1; if ((event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL))) { result = sound_init(&wave_out, event); } while(-1 == result || !event) { Sleep(100000); /* Wait forever, can't play sound! */ } while (true) { while (!sound_get_pcm) { /* TODO: fix a fine thread-synch mechanism here */ Sleep(100); } DEBUGF("starting simulator playback\n"); header1.dwFlags = WHDR_DONE; header2.dwFlags = WHDR_DONE; sound_play_chunk(wave_out, &header1, event); sound_play_chunk(wave_out, &header2, event); while (sound_get_pcm && (WAIT_FAILED != WaitForSingleObject(event, 1000))) { sound_play_chunk(wave_out, &header1, event); sound_play_chunk(wave_out, &header2, event); } pcm_play_stop(); DEBUGF("stopping simulator playback\n"); waveOutReset(wave_out); } }
static int machine_select_machine( fuse_machine_info *machine ) { int width, height; int capabilities; machine_current = machine; settings_set_string( &settings_current.start_machine, machine->id ); tstates = 0; /* Reset the event stack */ event_reset(); event_add( 0, timer_event ); event_add( machine->timings.tstates_per_frame, spectrum_frame_event ); sound_end(); if( uidisplay_end() ) return 1; capabilities = libspectrum_machine_capabilities( machine->machine ); /* Set screen sizes here */ if( capabilities & LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_CAPABILITY_TIMEX_VIDEO ) { width = DISPLAY_SCREEN_WIDTH; height = 2*DISPLAY_SCREEN_HEIGHT; } else { width = DISPLAY_ASPECT_WIDTH; height = DISPLAY_SCREEN_HEIGHT; } if( uidisplay_init( width, height ) ) return 1; sound_init( settings_current.sound_device ); /* Do a hard reset */ if( machine_reset( 1 ) ) return 1; /* And the dock menu item */ if( capabilities & LIBSPECTRUM_MACHINE_CAPABILITY_TIMEX_DOCK ) { ui_menu_activate( UI_MENU_ITEM_MEDIA_CARTRIDGE_DOCK_EJECT, 0 ); } /* Reset any dialogue boxes etc. which contain machine-dependent state */ ui_widgets_reset(); return 0; }
/** * @param load_callback Responsible for registering all the VFS callbacks * required for the game. After load_callback has been * run, assets are immediately loaded. * @param init_callback Runs after assets are loaded, and should set up game * objects to their initial state. * @param release_callback Runs just before the game quits, and should release * all assets and free dynamically allocated memory. */ void core_setup(const char *title, float view_width, float view_height, int window_width, int window_height, int window_mode, size_t game_memory_size) { lodge_window_initialize(); /* Store global references. */ core_global->view_width = view_width; core_global->view_height = view_height; /* Set up sound */ sound_init(&core_global->sound, (float *)core_global->sound_listener, core_global->sound_distance_max); /* Allocate game memory */ core_global->shared_memory.game_memory = malloc(game_memory_size); core_global->shared_memory.core = core_global; core_global->shared_memory.sound = &core_global->sound; core_global->shared_memory.assets = assets; core_global->shared_memory.vfs = vfs_global; core_global->shared_memory.input = &core_global->input; core_global->init_memory_callback(&core_global->shared_memory, 0); /* Seed random number generator. */ srand(time(NULL)); /* Set up window. */ core_global->graphics.view_width = view_width; core_global->graphics.view_height = view_height; core_global->graphics.window = lodge_window_create(title, window_width, window_height, window_mode, &core_window_create); if (!core_global->graphics.window) { core_error("Could not create window\n"); return; } /* Setup input. */ int ret = input_init(&core_global->input, core_global->graphics.window, &core_key_callback, &core_char_callback, &core_mousebutton_callback); if (ret != GRAPHICS_OK) { core_error("Input initialization failed (%d)\n", ret); graphics_free(&core_global->graphics); exit(ret); } lodge_window_set_resize_callback(core_global->graphics.window, &core_resize_callback); /* Load all assets */ core_load(); }
int board_init() { gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_OPENPHONE; gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM_1 + 0x100; #if 0 ADI_init(); chip_init(); LDO_Init(); sprd_gpio_init(); //board_gpio_init(); #endif pin_init(); sprd_gpio_init(sprd_gpio_resource); sound_init(); return 0; }
int board_init() { gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_OPENPHONE; gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM_1 + 0x100; misc_init(); ADI_init(); LDO_Init(); ADC_Init(); pin_init(); sprd_eic_init(); sprd_gpio_init(); sound_init(); TDPllRefConfig(1); return 0; }
int board_init() { gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_OPENPHONE; gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM_1 + 0x100; ADI_init(); misc_init(); LDO_Init(); ADC_Init(); pin_init(); sprd_eic_init(); sprd_gpio_init(); sound_init(); init_ldo_sleep_gr(); //cp2_rfctl_init(); return 0; }