コード例 #1
ファイル: m_matrix_sparse.c プロジェクト: adsr/agar
M_BacksubstLU_SP(void *pA, void *pV)
	M_MatrixSP *A = pA;
	M_Vector *v = pV;
	/* this makes SPARSE solve in place */
	spSolve(A->d, v->v, v->v);
コード例 #2
 * lusolve1  >>> Solves fmat*x=b
 *   *fmat : a pointer to the sparse matrix factored by lufact
 *   b,v
 *      two arrays of size n the matrix size
void C2F(lusolve1)(int *fmatindex, double *b, double *x, int *ierr)
    char *fmat;
    if (getluptr((int)*fmatindex, &fmat) == -1)
        *ierr = 1;
    *ierr = 0;
    spSolve(fmat, (spREAL*)b, (spREAL*)x);
コード例 #3
NUMDconductance(ONEdevice *pDevice, BOOLEAN tranAnalysis,
                double *intCoeff, double *gd)
    ONEelem *pElem = pDevice->elemArray[pDevice->numNodes - 1];
    ONEnode *pNode;
    ONEedge *pEdge;
    int index;
    double dPsiDv, dNDv, dPDv, *incVpn;

    *gd = 0.0;

    /* zero the rhs before loading in the new rhs */
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
        pDevice->rhs[index] = 0.0;
    /* compute incremental changes due to N contact */
    pNode = pElem->pLeftNode;
    pDevice->rhs[pNode->psiEqn] = pElem->epsRel * pElem->rDx;
    if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
        pEdge = pElem->pEdge;
        pDevice->rhs[pNode->nEqn] = -pEdge->dJnDpsiP1;
        pDevice->rhs[pNode->pEqn] = -pEdge->dJpDpsiP1;
    incVpn = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, pDevice->rhs, incVpn, NIL(spREAL), NIL(spREAL));

    pElem = pDevice->elemArray[1];
    pNode = pElem->pRightNode;
    pEdge = pElem->pEdge;
    dPsiDv = incVpn[pNode->psiEqn];
    if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
        dNDv = incVpn[pNode->nEqn];
        dPDv = incVpn[pNode->pEqn];
        *gd += pEdge->dJnDpsiP1 * dPsiDv + pEdge->dJnDnP1 * dNDv +
               pEdge->dJpDpsiP1 * dPsiDv + pEdge->dJpDpP1 * dPDv;
    /* For transient analysis, add the displacement term */
    if (tranAnalysis) {
        *gd -= intCoeff[0] * pElem->epsRel * pElem->rDx * dPsiDv;
    *gd *= -GNorm * pDevice->area;

コード例 #4
pgDCAnalysis(Circuit *ckt)
	FILE *pf;
	char line[1024];
	/* build the MNA matrix */
	if( pgBuildMNAEquation(ckt) == -1)
		return -1;
	/* print the matrix in asiic form */
	  spPrint(theMatrix, 0, 1, 1);
	printf("External size of the matrix: %d\n",spGetSize(theMatrix,1));
	printf("Internal size of the matrix: %d\n",spGetSize(theMatrix,0));
	/* LU decomposition */
	if( spFactor(theMatrix) != spOKAY )
		error_mesg(INT_ERROR,"Matrix factorization error.");
		return -1;
	/* solve it */
	spSolve(theMatrix, theRhs, theSol);
	/* store the outcome */

	pgPrintResult(theSol, ckt->nMatrixSize);
	// Following statements will cause crash in linux 7/9/02 Sheldon
コード例 #5
ファイル: twosolve.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
/* nu-Norm calculation based upon work done at Stanford. */
TWOnuNorm(TWOdevice *pDevice)
  double norm = 0.0;
  double temp;
  int index;

  /* the LU Decomposed matrix is available. use it to calculate x */

  spSolve(pDevice->matrix, pDevice->rhs, pDevice->rhsImag,
      NULL, NULL);

  /* the solution is in the rhsImag vector */
  /* compute L2-norm of the rhsImag vector */

  for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
    temp = pDevice->rhsImag[index];
    norm += temp * temp;
  norm = sqrt(norm);
  return (norm);
コード例 #6
ファイル: spsmp.c プロジェクト: aesop972/ngspice-gss
 * SMPsolve()
SMPsolve(SMPmatrix *Matrix, double RHS[], double Spare[])
    spSolve( (void *)Matrix, RHS, RHS, (spREAL*)NULL, (spREAL*)NULL );
コード例 #7
ファイル: spsmp.c プロジェクト: aesop972/ngspice-gss
 * SMPcSolve()
SMPcSolve(SMPmatrix *Matrix, double RHS[], double iRHS[],
	  double Spare[], double iSpare[])
    spSolve( (void *)Matrix, RHS, RHS, iRHS, iRHS );
コード例 #8
ファイル: twoadmit.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
TWOsorSolve(TWOdevice *pDevice, double *xReal, double *xImag, 
            double omega)
  double dxdy;
  double wRelax = 1.0;		/* SOR relaxation parameter */
  double *rhsReal = pDevice->rhs;
  double *rhsSOR = pDevice->rhsImag;
  int numEqns = pDevice->numEqns;
  int iterationNum;
  int indexN, indexP;
  int index, eIndex;
  TWOnode *pNode;
  TWOelem *pElem;

  /* clear xReal and xImag arrays */
  for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
    xReal[index] = 0.0;
    xImag[index] = 0.0;

  iterationNum = 1;
  for (; (!SORConverged) &&(!SORFailed); iterationNum++) {
    for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
      rhsSOR[index] = 0.0;
    for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
      pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
      dxdy = 0.25 * pElem->dx * pElem->dy;
      for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	if ((pNode->nodeType != CONTACT) && (pElem->elemType == SEMICON)) {
	  if (!OneCarrier) {
	    indexN = pNode->nEqn;
	    indexP = pNode->pEqn;
	    rhsSOR[indexN] -= dxdy * omega * xImag[indexN];
	    rhsSOR[indexP] += dxdy * omega * xImag[indexP];
	  } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	    indexN = pNode->nEqn;
	    rhsSOR[indexN] -= dxdy * omega * xImag[indexN];
	  } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	    indexP = pNode->pEqn;
	    rhsSOR[indexP] += dxdy * omega * xImag[indexP];

    /* now add the terms from rhs to rhsImag */
    for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
      rhsSOR[index] += rhsReal[index];

    /* compute xReal(k+1). solution stored in rhsImag */
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsSOR, rhsSOR, NULL, NULL);
    /* modify solution when wRelax is not 1 */
    if (wRelax != 1) {
      for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
	rhsSOR[index] = (1 - wRelax) * xReal[index] +
	    wRelax * rhsSOR[index];
    if (iterationNum > 1) {
      SORConverged = hasSORConverged(xReal, rhsSOR, numEqns);
    /* copy real solution into xReal */
    for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
      xReal[index] = rhsSOR[index];

    /* now compute the imaginary part of the solution xImag */
    for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
      rhsSOR[index] = 0.0;
    for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
      pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
      dxdy = 0.25 * pElem->dx * pElem->dy;
      for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	if ((pNode->nodeType != CONTACT) && (pElem->elemType == SEMICON)) {
	  if (!OneCarrier) {
	    indexN = pNode->nEqn;
	    indexP = pNode->pEqn;
	    rhsSOR[indexN] += dxdy * omega * xReal[indexN];
	    rhsSOR[indexP] -= dxdy * omega * xReal[indexP];
	  } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	    indexN = pNode->nEqn;
	    rhsSOR[indexN] += dxdy * omega * xReal[indexN];
	  } else if (OneCarrier ==  P_TYPE) {
	    indexP = pNode->pEqn;
	    rhsSOR[indexP] -= dxdy * omega * xReal[indexP];
    /* compute xImag(k+1) */
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsSOR, rhsSOR, NULL, NULL);
    /* modify solution when wRelax is not 1 */
    if (wRelax != 1) {
      for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
	rhsSOR[index] = (1 - wRelax) * xImag[index] +
	    wRelax * rhsSOR[index];
    if (iterationNum > 1) {
      SORConverged = SORConverged && hasSORConverged(xImag, rhsSOR, numEqns);
    /* copy imag solution into xImag */
    for (index = 1; index <= numEqns; index++) {
      xImag[index] = rhsSOR[index];
    if ((iterationNum > 4) && !SORConverged) {
      SORFailed = TRUE;
    if (TWOacDebug)
      printf("SOR iteration number = %d\n", iterationNum);
  return (SORFailed);
コード例 #9
ファイル: twoadmit.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
NUMOSadmittance(TWOdevice *pDevice, double omega, struct mosAdmittances *yAc)
  TWOcontact *pDContact = pDevice->pFirstContact;
  TWOcontact *pGContact = pDevice->pFirstContact->next;
  TWOcontact *pSContact = pDevice->pFirstContact->next->next;
/*  TWOcontact *pBContact = pDevice->pLastContact; */
  TWOnode *pNode;
  TWOelem *pElem;
  int index, eIndex;
  double width = pDevice->width;
  double dxdy;
  double *solnReal, *solnImag;
  double *rhsReal, *rhsImag;
  SPcomplex *y, cOmega;
  double startTime;

  /* Each time we call this counts as one AC iteration. */
  pDevice->pStats->numIters[STAT_AC] += 1;

  pDevice->solverType = SLV_SMSIG;
  rhsReal = pDevice->rhs;
  rhsImag = pDevice->rhsImag;
  solnReal = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
  solnImag = pDevice->copiedSolution;

  /* use a normalized radian frequency */
  omega *= TNorm;
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(cOmega, 0.0, omega);

  if ((AcAnalysisMethod == SOR) || (AcAnalysisMethod == SOR_ONLY)) {
    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    /* zero the rhs before loading in the new rhs */
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
      rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
    storeNewRhs(pDevice, pDContact);
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    SORFailed = TWOsorSolve(pDevice, solnReal, solnImag, omega);
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
    if (SORFailed && AcAnalysisMethod == SOR) {
      AcAnalysisMethod = DIRECT;
      printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, switching to direct-method ac analysis.\n",
	  omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
    } else if (SORFailed) {	/* Told to only do SOR, so give up. */
      printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, returning null admittance.\n",
	  omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
      return (AcAnalysisMethod);
    } else {
      /* MISC */
      startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
      y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, TRUE,
	  solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVdb, y->real, y->imag);
      y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, FALSE,
	  solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVdb, y->real, y->imag);
      y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, FALSE,
	  solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVdb, y->real, y->imag);
      pDevice->pStats->miscTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

      /* LOAD */
      startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
      /* load in the source contribution to the rhs */
      for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
	rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
      storeNewRhs(pDevice, pSContact);
      pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

      /* SOLVE */
      startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
      SORFailed = TWOsorSolve(pDevice, solnReal, solnImag, omega);
      pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] +=
	  SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
      if (SORFailed && AcAnalysisMethod == SOR) {
	AcAnalysisMethod = DIRECT;
	printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, switching to direct-method ac analysis.\n",
	    omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
      } else if (SORFailed) {	/* Told to only do SOR, so give up. */
	printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, returning null admittance.\n",
	    omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
	return (AcAnalysisMethod);
      } else {
	/* MISC */
	startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
	y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, FALSE,
	    solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVsb, y->real, y->imag);
	y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, TRUE,
	    solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVsb, y->real, y->imag);
	y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, FALSE,
	    solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
	CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVsb, y->real, y->imag);
	pDevice->pStats->miscTime[STAT_AC] +=
	    SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

	/* LOAD */
	startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
	/* load in the gate contribution to the rhs */
	for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
	  rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
	storeNewRhs(pDevice, pGContact);
	pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] +=
	    SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

	/* SOLVE */
	startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
	SORFailed = TWOsorSolve(pDevice, solnReal, solnImag, omega);
	pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] +=
	    SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
	if (SORFailed && AcAnalysisMethod == SOR) {
	  AcAnalysisMethod = DIRECT;
	  printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, switching to direct-method ac analysis.\n",
	      omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
	} else if (SORFailed) {	/* Told to only do SOR, so give up. */
	  printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, returning null admittance.\n",
	      omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVdb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVsb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVgb, 0.0, 0.0);
	  return (AcAnalysisMethod);
  if (AcAnalysisMethod == DIRECT) {
    /* solve the system of equations directly */
    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
      rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
    storeNewRhs(pDevice, pDContact);

    /* Need to load & factor jacobian once. */
    if (!OneCarrier) {
    } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
    } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
    for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
      pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
      if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
	dxdy = 0.25 * pElem->dx * pElem->dy;
	for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	  pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	  if (pNode->nodeType != CONTACT) {
	    if (!OneCarrier) {
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, 0.0, -dxdy * omega);
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, 0.0, dxdy * omega);
	    } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, 0.0, -dxdy * omega);
	    } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, 0.0, dxdy * omega);
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* FACTOR */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    pDevice->pStats->factorTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* MISC */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, TRUE,
	solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
    CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVdb, y->real, y->imag);
    y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, FALSE,
	solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
    CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVdb, y->real, y->imag);
    y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, FALSE,
	solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
    CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVdb, y->real, y->imag);
    pDevice->pStats->miscTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
      rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
    storeNewRhs(pDevice, pSContact);
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* FACTOR: already done, no need to repeat. */

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* MISC */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, FALSE,
	solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
    CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVsb, y->real, y->imag);
    y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, TRUE,
	solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
    CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVsb, y->real, y->imag);
    y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, FALSE,
	solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
    CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVsb, y->real, y->imag);
    pDevice->pStats->miscTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
      rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
    storeNewRhs(pDevice, pGContact);
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* FACTOR: already done, no need to repeat. */

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
  /* MISC */
  startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVgb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVgb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, TRUE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVgb, y->real, y->imag);

  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIdVdb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIdVsb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIdVgb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIsVdb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIsVsb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIsVgb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIgVdb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIgVsb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIgVgb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  pDevice->pStats->miscTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

  return (AcAnalysisMethod);
コード例 #10
ファイル: twoadmit.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
NUMD2admittance(TWOdevice *pDevice, double omega, SPcomplex *yd)
  TWOnode *pNode;
  TWOelem *pElem;
  int index, eIndex;
  double dxdy;
  double *solnReal, *solnImag;
  double *rhsReal, *rhsImag;
  SPcomplex yAc, cOmega, *y;
  BOOLEAN deltaVContact = FALSE;
  double startTime;

  /* Each time we call this counts as one AC iteration. */
  pDevice->pStats->numIters[STAT_AC] += 1;

   * change context names of solution vectors for ac analysis dcDeltaSolution
   * stores the real part and copiedSolution stores the imaginary part of the
   * ac solution vector
  pDevice->solverType = SLV_SMSIG;
  rhsReal = pDevice->rhs;
  rhsImag = pDevice->rhsImag;
  solnReal = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
  solnImag = pDevice->copiedSolution;

  /* use a normalized radian frequency */
  omega *= TNorm;
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(cOmega, 0.0, omega);

  if ((AcAnalysisMethod == SOR) || (AcAnalysisMethod == SOR_ONLY)) {
    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    /* zero the rhsImag */
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
      rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
    /* store the new rhs vector */
    storeNewRhs(pDevice, pDevice->pLastContact);
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    SORFailed = TWOsorSolve(pDevice, solnReal, solnImag, omega);
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
    if (SORFailed && AcAnalysisMethod == SOR) {
      AcAnalysisMethod = DIRECT;
      printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, switching to direct-method ac analysis.\n",
	  omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
    } else if (SORFailed) {	/* Told to only do SOR, so give up. */
      printf("SOR failed at %g Hz, returning null admittance.\n",
	  omega / (TWO_PI * TNorm) );
      CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(*yd, 0.0, 0.0);
      return (AcAnalysisMethod);
  if (AcAnalysisMethod == DIRECT) {
    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
      rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
    /* solve the system of equations directly */
    if (!OneCarrier) {
    } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
    } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
    storeNewRhs(pDevice, pDevice->pLastContact);

    for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
      pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
      if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
	dxdy = 0.25 * pElem->dx * pElem->dy;
	for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	  pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	  if (pNode->nodeType != CONTACT) {
	    if (!OneCarrier) {
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, 0.0, -dxdy * omega);
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, 0.0, dxdy * omega);
	    } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, 0.0, -dxdy * omega);
	    } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	      spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, 0.0, dxdy * omega);
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* FACTOR */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    pDevice->pStats->factorTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
  /* MISC */
  startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDevice->pFirstContact, deltaVContact,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc, -y->real, -y->imag);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN(*yd, yAc);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(*yd, GNorm * pDevice->width * LNorm);
  pDevice->pStats->miscTime[STAT_AC] += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

  return (AcAnalysisMethod);
コード例 #11
ファイル: twoadmit.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
NUMOSys(TWOdevice *pDevice, SPcomplex *s, struct mosAdmittances *yAc)
  TWOcontact *pDContact = pDevice->pFirstContact;
  TWOcontact *pGContact = pDevice->pFirstContact->next;
  TWOcontact *pSContact = pDevice->pFirstContact->next->next;
/*  TWOcontact *pBContact = pDevice->pLastContact; */
  TWOnode *pNode;
  TWOelem *pElem;
  int index, eIndex;
  double width = pDevice->width;
  double dxdy;
  double *rhsReal, *rhsImag;
  double *solnReal, *solnImag;
  SPcomplex *y;
  SPcomplex temp, cOmega;

  pDevice->solverType = SLV_SMSIG;
  rhsReal = pDevice->rhs;
  rhsImag = pDevice->rhsImag;
  solnReal = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
  solnImag = pDevice->copiedSolution;

  /* use a normalized radian frequency */
  CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(cOmega, *s, TNorm);
  for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
    rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
  /* solve the system of equations directly */
  if (!OneCarrier) {
  } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
  } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
  storeNewRhs(pDevice, pDContact);

  for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
    pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
    if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
      dxdy = 0.25 * pElem->dx * pElem->dy;
      for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	if (pNode->nodeType != CONTACT) {
	  if (!OneCarrier) {
	    CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(temp, cOmega, dxdy);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, -temp.real, -temp.imag);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, temp.real, temp.imag);
	  } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	    CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(temp, cOmega, dxdy);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, -temp.real, -temp.imag);
	  } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	    CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(temp, cOmega, dxdy);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, temp.real, temp.imag);

  spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);

  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, TRUE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVdb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVdb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVdb, y->real, y->imag);

  for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
    rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
  storeNewRhs(pDevice, pSContact);
  /* don't need to LU factor the jacobian since it exists */
  spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVsb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, TRUE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVsb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVsb, y->real, y->imag);
  for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
    rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
  storeNewRhs(pDevice, pGContact);
  spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIdVgb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pSContact, FALSE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIsVgb, y->real, y->imag);
  y = GateTypeAdmittance(pDevice, pGContact, TRUE,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc->yIgVgb, y->real, y->imag);

  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIdVdb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIdVsb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIdVgb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIsVdb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIsVsb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIsVgb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIgVdb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIgVsb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(yAc->yIgVgb, GNorm * width * LNorm);
コード例 #12
ファイル: twoadmit.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
NUMD2ys(TWOdevice *pDevice, SPcomplex *s, SPcomplex *yIn)
  TWOnode *pNode;
  TWOelem *pElem;
  int index, eIndex;
  double dxdy;
  double *solnReal, *solnImag;
  double *rhsReal, *rhsImag;
  SPcomplex yAc, *y;
  BOOLEAN deltaVContact = FALSE;
  SPcomplex temp, cOmega;

   * change context names of solution vectors for ac analysis dcDeltaSolution
   * stores the real part and copiedSolution stores the imaginary part of the
   * ac solution vector
  pDevice->solverType = SLV_SMSIG;
  rhsReal = pDevice->rhs;
  rhsImag = pDevice->rhsImag;
  solnReal = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
  solnImag = pDevice->copiedSolution;

  /* use a normalized radian frequency */
  CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(cOmega, *s, TNorm);
  for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
    rhsImag[index] = 0.0;
  /* solve the system of equations directly */
  if (!OneCarrier) {
  } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
  } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
  storeNewRhs(pDevice, pDevice->pLastContact);

  for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
    pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
    if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
      dxdy = 0.25 * pElem->dx * pElem->dy;
      for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	if (pNode->nodeType != CONTACT) {
	  if (!OneCarrier) {
	    CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(temp, cOmega, dxdy);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, -temp.real, -temp.imag);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, temp.real, temp.imag);
	  } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	    CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(temp, cOmega, dxdy);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fNN, -temp.real, -temp.imag);
	  } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	    CMPLX_MULT_SCALAR(temp, cOmega, dxdy);
	    spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(pNode->fPP, temp.real, temp.imag);

  spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhsReal, solnReal, rhsImag, solnImag);
  y = contactAdmittance(pDevice, pDevice->pFirstContact, deltaVContact,
      solnReal, solnImag, &cOmega);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN_VALUE(yAc, y->real, y->imag);
  CMPLX_ASSIGN(*yIn, yAc);
  CMPLX_MULT_SELF_SCALAR(*yIn, GNorm * pDevice->width * LNorm);
コード例 #13
NBJTconductance(ONEdevice *pDevice, BOOLEAN tranAnalysis, double *intCoeff,
                double *dIeDVce, double *dIcDVce, double *dIeDVbe, double *dIcDVbe)
    ONEelem *pLastElem = pDevice->elemArray[pDevice->numNodes - 1];
    ONEelem *pBaseElem = pDevice->elemArray[pDevice->baseIndex - 1];
    ONEelem *pElem;
    ONEnode *pNode;
    ONEedge *pEdge;
    int index;
    double dPsiDVce, dPsiDVbe, dNDVce, dNDVbe, dPDVce, dPDVbe;
    double *incVce, *incVbe;
    double nConc, pConc;
    double area = pDevice->area;

    *dIeDVce = 0.0;
    *dIcDVce = 0.0;
    *dIeDVbe = 0.0;
    *dIcDVbe = 0.0;

    /* zero the rhs before loading in the new rhs */
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
        pDevice->rhs[index] = 0.0;
    /* store the new rhs for computing CE incremental quantities */
    pNode = pLastElem->pLeftNode;
    pDevice->rhs[pNode->psiEqn] = pLastElem->epsRel * pLastElem->rDx;
    if (pLastElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
        pEdge = pLastElem->pEdge;
        pDevice->rhs[pNode->nEqn] = -pEdge->dJnDpsiP1;
        pDevice->rhs[pNode->pEqn] = -pEdge->dJpDpsiP1;
    incVce = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, pDevice->rhs, incVce, NIL(spREAL), NIL(spREAL));

    /* zero the rhs before loading in the new rhs base contribution */
    for (index = 1; index <= pDevice->numEqns; index++) {
        pDevice->rhs[index] = 0.0;
    pNode = pBaseElem->pRightNode;

    if (pNode->baseType == N_TYPE) {
        nConc = *(pDevice->devState0 + pNode->nodeN);
        pDevice->rhs[pNode->nEqn] = nConc * pNode->eg;
    } else if (pNode->baseType == P_TYPE) {
        pConc = *(pDevice->devState0 + pNode->nodeP);
        pDevice->rhs[pNode->pEqn] = pConc * pNode->eg;
    } else {
        printf("NBJTconductance: unknown base type\n");

    incVbe = pDevice->copiedSolution;
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, pDevice->rhs, incVbe, NIL(spREAL), NIL(spREAL));

    pElem = pDevice->elemArray[1];/* first element */
    pEdge = pElem->pEdge;
    pNode = pElem->pRightNode;

    dPsiDVce = incVce[pNode->psiEqn];
    dPsiDVbe = incVbe[pNode->psiEqn];
    if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
        dNDVce = incVce[pNode->nEqn];
        dPDVce = incVce[pNode->pEqn];
        dNDVbe = incVbe[pNode->nEqn];
        dPDVbe = incVbe[pNode->pEqn];
        *dIeDVce += pEdge->dJnDpsiP1 * dPsiDVce + pEdge->dJnDnP1 * dNDVce +
                    pEdge->dJpDpsiP1 * dPsiDVce + pEdge->dJpDpP1 * dPDVce;
        *dIeDVbe += pEdge->dJnDpsiP1 * dPsiDVbe + pEdge->dJnDnP1 * dNDVbe +
                    pEdge->dJpDpsiP1 * dPsiDVbe + pEdge->dJpDpP1 * dPDVbe;
    /* For transient analysis add the displacement term */
    if (tranAnalysis) {
        *dIeDVce -= intCoeff[0] * pElem->epsRel * dPsiDVce * pElem->rDx;
        *dIeDVbe -= intCoeff[0] * pElem->epsRel * dPsiDVbe * pElem->rDx;
    pElem = pDevice->elemArray[pDevice->numNodes - 1];	/* last element */
    pEdge = pElem->pEdge;
    pNode = pElem->pLeftNode;
    dPsiDVce = incVce[pNode->psiEqn];
    dPsiDVbe = incVbe[pNode->psiEqn];
    if (pElem->elemType == SEMICON) {
        dNDVce = incVce[pNode->nEqn];
        dPDVce = incVce[pNode->pEqn];
        dNDVbe = incVbe[pNode->nEqn];
        dPDVbe = incVbe[pNode->pEqn];
        *dIcDVce += -pEdge->dJnDpsiP1 * dPsiDVce + pEdge->dJnDn * dNDVce +
                    -pEdge->dJpDpsiP1 * dPsiDVce + pEdge->dJpDp * dPDVce +
                    /* add terms since adjacent to boundary */
                    pEdge->dJnDpsiP1 + pEdge->dJpDpsiP1;
        *dIcDVbe += -pEdge->dJnDpsiP1 * dPsiDVbe + pEdge->dJnDn * dNDVbe +
                    -pEdge->dJpDpsiP1 * dPsiDVbe + pEdge->dJpDp * dPDVbe;
    if (tranAnalysis) {
        *dIcDVce += intCoeff[0] * pElem->epsRel * (dPsiDVce - 1.0) * pElem->rDx;
        *dIcDVbe += intCoeff[0] * pElem->epsRel * dPsiDVbe * pElem->rDx;
    *dIeDVce *= -GNorm * area;
    *dIcDVce *= -GNorm * area;
    *dIeDVbe *= -GNorm * area;
    *dIcDVbe *= -GNorm * area;
コード例 #14
ファイル: twosolve.c プロジェクト: Anastien/ngspice
/* the iteration driving loop and convergence check */
TWOdcSolve(TWOdevice *pDevice, int iterationLimit, BOOLEAN newSolver, 
           BOOLEAN tranAnalysis, TWOtranInfo *info)
  TWOnode *pNode;
  TWOelem *pElem;
  int size = pDevice->numEqns;
  int index, eIndex, error;
  int timesConverged = 0;
  BOOLEAN quitLoop;
  BOOLEAN debug;
  BOOLEAN negConc = FALSE;
  double *rhs = pDevice->rhs;
  double *solution = pDevice->dcSolution;
  double *delta = pDevice->dcDeltaSolution;
  double poissNorm, contNorm;
  double startTime, totalStartTime;
  double totalTime, loadTime, factorTime, solveTime, updateTime, checkTime;
  double orderTime = 0.0;

  totalTime = loadTime = factorTime = solveTime = updateTime = checkTime = 0.0;
  totalStartTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();

  quitLoop = FALSE;
  debug = (!tranAnalysis && TWOdcDebug) || (tranAnalysis && TWOtranDebug);
  pDevice->iterationNumber = 0;
  pDevice->converged = FALSE;

  if (debug) {
    if (pDevice->poissonOnly) {
      fprintf(stdout, "Equilibrium Solution:\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stdout, "Bias Solution:\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "Iteration  RHS Norm\n");
  while (!(pDevice->converged || (pDevice->iterationNumber > iterationLimit)
	  || quitLoop)) {

    if ((!pDevice->poissonOnly) && (iterationLimit > 0)
	&&(!tranAnalysis)) {
      TWOjacCheck(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);

    /* LOAD */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    if (pDevice->poissonOnly) {
    } else if (!OneCarrier) {
      TWO_sysLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
    } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
      TWONsysLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
    } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
      TWOPsysLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
    pDevice->rhsNorm = maxNorm(rhs, size);
    loadTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
    if (debug) {
      fprintf(stdout, "%7d   %11.4e%s\n",
	  pDevice->iterationNumber - 1, pDevice->rhsNorm,
	  negConc ? "   negative conc encountered" : "");
      negConc = FALSE;

    /* FACTOR */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    error = spFactor(pDevice->matrix);
    factorTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
    if (newSolver) {
      if (pDevice->iterationNumber == 1) {
	orderTime = factorTime;
      } else if (pDevice->iterationNumber == 2) {
	orderTime -= factorTime - orderTime;
	factorTime -= orderTime;
	if (pDevice->poissonOnly) {
	  pDevice->pStats->orderTime[STAT_SETUP] += orderTime;
	} else {
	  pDevice->pStats->orderTime[STAT_DC] += orderTime;
	newSolver = FALSE;
    if (foundError(error)) {
      if (error == spSINGULAR) {
	int badRow, badCol;
	spWhereSingular(pDevice->matrix, &badRow, &badCol);
	printf("*****  singular at (%d,%d)\n", badRow, badCol);
      pDevice->converged = FALSE;
      quitLoop = TRUE;

    /* SOLVE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    spSolve(pDevice->matrix, rhs, delta, NULL, NULL);
    solveTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    /* UPDATE */
    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    /* Use norm reducing Newton method for DC bias solutions only. */
    if ((!pDevice->poissonOnly) && (iterationLimit > 0)
	&& (!tranAnalysis) && (pDevice->rhsNorm > 1e-1)) {
      error = TWOnewDelta(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
      if (error) {
	pDevice->converged = FALSE;
	quitLoop = TRUE;
	updateTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
    for (index = 1; index <= size; index++) {
      solution[index] += delta[index];
    updateTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;

    startTime = SPfrontEnd->IFseconds();
    /* Check if updates have gotten sufficiently small. */
    if (pDevice->iterationNumber != 1) {
      pDevice->converged = TWOdeltaConverged(pDevice);
    /* Check if the residual is smaller than abstol. */
    if (pDevice->converged && (!pDevice->poissonOnly)
	&& (!tranAnalysis)) {
      if (!OneCarrier) {
	TWO_rhsLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
      } else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	TWONrhsLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
      } else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	TWOPrhsLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
      pDevice->rhsNorm = maxNorm(rhs, size);
      if (pDevice->rhsNorm > pDevice->abstol) {
	pDevice->converged = FALSE;
      if ((++timesConverged >= 2)
	  && (pDevice->rhsNorm < 1e3 * pDevice->abstol)) {
	pDevice->converged = TRUE;
      } else if (timesConverged >= 5) {
	pDevice->converged = FALSE;
	quitLoop = TRUE;
    } else if (pDevice->converged && pDevice->poissonOnly) {
      pDevice->rhsNorm = maxNorm(rhs, size);
      if (pDevice->rhsNorm > pDevice->abstol) {
	pDevice->converged = FALSE;
      if (++timesConverged >= 5) {
	pDevice->converged = TRUE;
    /* Check if the carrier concentrations are negative. */
    if (pDevice->converged && (!pDevice->poissonOnly)) {
      /* Clear garbage entry since carrier-free elements reference it. */
      solution[0] = 0.0;
      for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
	pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
	for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	  if (pElem->evalNodes[index]) {
	    pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	    if (solution[pNode->nEqn] < 0.0) {
	      pDevice->converged = FALSE;
	      negConc = TRUE;
	      if (tranAnalysis) {
		quitLoop = TRUE;
	      } else {
		solution[pNode->nEqn] = 0.0;
	    if (solution[pNode->pEqn] < 0.0) {
	      pDevice->converged = FALSE;
	      negConc = TRUE;
	      if (tranAnalysis) {
		quitLoop = TRUE;
	      } else {
		solution[pNode->pEqn] = 0.0;
      if (!pDevice->converged) {
	if (!OneCarrier) {
	  TWO_rhsLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
	} else if (OneCarrier == N_TYPE) {
	  TWONrhsLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
	} else if (OneCarrier == P_TYPE) {
	  TWOPrhsLoad(pDevice, tranAnalysis, info);
	pDevice->rhsNorm = maxNorm(rhs, size);
    checkTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - startTime;
  totalTime += SPfrontEnd->IFseconds() - totalStartTime;

  if (tranAnalysis) {
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_TRAN] += loadTime;
    pDevice->pStats->factorTime[STAT_TRAN] += factorTime;
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_TRAN] += solveTime;
    pDevice->pStats->updateTime[STAT_TRAN] += updateTime;
    pDevice->pStats->checkTime[STAT_TRAN] += checkTime;
    pDevice->pStats->numIters[STAT_TRAN] += pDevice->iterationNumber;
  } else if (pDevice->poissonOnly) {
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_SETUP] += loadTime;
    pDevice->pStats->factorTime[STAT_SETUP] += factorTime;
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_SETUP] += solveTime;
    pDevice->pStats->updateTime[STAT_SETUP] += updateTime;
    pDevice->pStats->checkTime[STAT_SETUP] += checkTime;
    pDevice->pStats->numIters[STAT_SETUP] += pDevice->iterationNumber;
  } else {
    pDevice->pStats->loadTime[STAT_DC] += loadTime;
    pDevice->pStats->factorTime[STAT_DC] += factorTime;
    pDevice->pStats->solveTime[STAT_DC] += solveTime;
    pDevice->pStats->updateTime[STAT_DC] += updateTime;
    pDevice->pStats->checkTime[STAT_DC] += checkTime;
    pDevice->pStats->numIters[STAT_DC] += pDevice->iterationNumber;

  if (debug) {
    if (!tranAnalysis) {
      pDevice->rhsNorm = maxNorm(rhs, size);
      fprintf(stdout, "%7d   %11.4e%s\n",
	  pDevice->iterationNumber, pDevice->rhsNorm,
	  negConc ? "   negative conc in solution" : "");
    if (pDevice->converged) {
      if (!pDevice->poissonOnly) {
	poissNorm = contNorm = 0.0;
	rhs[0] = 0.0;		/* Make sure garbage entry is clear. */
	for (eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++) {
	  pElem = pDevice->elements[eIndex];
	  for (index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
	    if (pElem->evalNodes[index]) {
	      pNode = pElem->pNodes[index];
	      poissNorm = MAX(poissNorm,ABS(rhs[pNode->psiEqn]));
	      contNorm = MAX(contNorm,ABS(rhs[pNode->nEqn]));
	      contNorm = MAX(contNorm,ABS(rhs[pNode->pEqn]));
	    "Residual: %11.4e C/um poisson, %11.4e A/um continuity\n",
	    poissNorm * EpsNorm * VNorm * 1e-4,
	    contNorm * JNorm * LNorm * 1e-4);
      } else {
	fprintf(stdout, "Residual: %11.4e C/um poisson\n",
	    pDevice->rhsNorm * EpsNorm * VNorm * 1e-4);
コード例 #15
ファイル: directsolve.c プロジェクト: GeethaE/SimVascular
int StanfordSolveSparseMatrix(Kentry* Kentries, double b[],
                     int numUniqueEntries, int size, double soln[]) {
   int i;
   int row;
   int col;
   double value;

   spMatrix A;
   spError err, Error;
   spREAL AbsThreshold,RelThreshold;
   spREAL *pElement;
   FILE *fp;
   fp = NULL;
   fp = fopen("nonzero-inside-solver-call","w");
   fprintf(fp,"title goes here (%i nonzero)\n",numUniqueEntries);
   fprintf(fp,"%i        real\n",size);
   for (i = 0; i < numUniqueEntries; i++) {
       /* we add 1 to row and col numbers for sparse */
      fprintf(fp,"%i %i %lf\n",Kentries[i].row+SPARSE_OFFSET,Kentries[i].col+SPARSE_OFFSET,
   fprintf(fp,"0 0 0.0\n"); 
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
   /* create the matrix */
   debugprint(stddbg,"  allocate A matrix.\n");
   A = spCreate(size, 0, &err);
   if( err >= spFATAL || A == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"error allocating matrix.\n");   
   for (i = 0; i < numUniqueEntries; i++) {
       if (!(i % (int)(numUniqueEntries/50.0))) {
        debugprint(stddbg,"inserting into A: %i of %i\n",i,numUniqueEntries); 
     row   = Kentries[i].row+SPARSE_OFFSET;
     col   = Kentries[i].col+SPARSE_OFFSET;
     value = Kentries[i].value;
     pElement = spGetElement(A,row,col);
     if (pElement == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "error: insufficient memory available.\n");
     *pElement = value;

   debugprint(stddbg,"  free memory for Kentries\n");  
   spSetReal( A );
   spMNA_Preorder( A );

   RelThreshold = 0;
   AbsThreshold = 0;
   debugprint(stddbg,"  order and factor matrix.\n"); 
   Error = spOrderAndFactor( A, b, RelThreshold, AbsThreshold,
                             1 );
   if ( Error >= spFATAL ) {
      fprintf(stdout,"Fatal error (%i)\n",Error);
   /* spPrint( A,1,1,1); */

   for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
       soln[0] = 0;

   debugprint(stddbg,"  call spSolve.\n");
   spSolve( A, b, soln);

   debugprint(stddbg,"  destroy A.\n");
   return 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: directsolve.c プロジェクト: GeethaE/SimVascular
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    int i;  
    char title[1024];
    char line[1024]; 
    int size;
    int row;
    int col;
    double value;
    spMatrix A;
    spREAL x[4096];
    spREAL b[4096];
    spError err, Error;
    spREAL AbsThreshold,RelThreshold;
    spREAL *pElement;
    FILE *fp = NULL;

    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"usage: sptest <matrix_filename>\n");

    fprintf(stdout,"Reading file [%s]\n",argv[1]);

    if ((fp = fopen(argv[1],"r")) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file [%s]\n",argv[1]);

    if (sscanf(line,"%i real",&size) !=  1) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error reading size.\n");

    // create the matrix

    A = spCreate(size, 0, &err);
    if( err >= spFATAL || A == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"error allocating matrix.\n");   

    while (0 == 0) {
        if (sscanf(line,"%i %i %lf",&row,&col,&value) !=  3) {
          fprintf(stderr,"Error reading matrix.\n");
        if (row == 0 && col == 0) break;

        //spElement *pElement;
        pElement = spGetElement(A,row,col);
        if (pElement == NULL)
        {   fprintf(stderr, "error: insufficient memory available.\n");
        *pElement = value;
        pElement = spGetElement(A,row,col);

    b[0] = 0;  
    for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
        if (sscanf(line,"%lf",&value) !=  1) {
          fprintf(stderr,"Error reading RHS.\n");
        b[i] = value;
    spSetReal( A );

    /*spPrint( A,1,1,1);*/

    spMNA_Preorder( A );
    RelThreshold = 0;
    AbsThreshold = 0;
  Error = spOrderAndFactor( A, b, RelThreshold, AbsThreshold,
                            1 );
  if ( Error >= spFATAL ) {
      fprintf(stdout,"Fatal error (%i)\n",Error);
  /*spPrint( A,1,1,1);*/

  for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
      x[0] = 0;
  spSolve( A, b, x);

  /* Print the Solution. */
  for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
      fprintf(stdout,"diplacement[%i] = %lg\n",i,x[i]);
  return 0;