static void test_resampler(void) { std::string fbody("sweep_440-3520_1s"); mcon::Vector<double> input; mfio::Wave wave; wave.Read(fbody + std::string(".wav"), input); const int baseFs = wave.GetSamplingRate(); const int targetFs = 16000; const double fp = 0.35; const double fs = 0.45; masp::Resampler resampler(targetFs, baseFs, fp, fs); resampler.MakeFilterByWindowType(masp::Resampler::HANNING); { mcon::Vector<double> coefs; resampler.GetCoefficients(coefs); LOG("Length=%d\n", static_cast<int>(coefs.GetLength())); } { mcon::Vector<double> output; resampler.Convert(output, input); output *= 32767.0/output.GetMaximumAbsolute(); mfio::Wave w(targetFs, wave.GetNumChannels(), wave.GetBitDepth()); w.Write(fbody + std::string("_resampled1.wav"), output); } const double ripple = 0.01; const double decay = 80; resampler.MakeFilterBySpec(ripple, decay); { mcon::Vector<double> coefs; resampler.GetCoefficients(coefs); LOG("Length=%d\n", static_cast<int>(coefs.GetLength())); } { mcon::Vector<double> output; resampler.Convert(output, input); output *= 32767.0/output.GetMaximumAbsolute(); mfio::Wave w(targetFs, wave.GetNumChannels(), wave.GetBitDepth()); w.Write(fbody + std::string("_resampled2.wav"), output); } // サンプルの数を変更する // ==> 実質的に周波数変換? // ==> 違う気がする... { const int N = 100; const double ratio = 1.5; const double fp = 0.35; const double fs = 0.45; const double ripple = 0.01; const double decay = 80; mcon::Vector<double> src(N); for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) { src[k] = k; } resampler.Initialize(static_cast<int>(ratio * N), N, fp, fs); resampler.MakeFilterBySpec(ripple, decay); mcon::Vector<double> dst; resampler.Convert(dst, src); mfio::Csv::Write("sample_count_convert.csv", dst); } }
extern "C" Lz4MtResult lz4mtDecompress(Lz4MtContext* lz4MtContext, Lz4MtStreamDescriptor* sd) { assert(lz4MtContext); assert(sd); Context ctx_(lz4MtContext); Context* ctx = &ctx_; std::atomic<bool> quit(false); ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_OK); while(!quit && !ctx->error() && !ctx->readEof()) { const auto magic = ctx->readU32(); if(ctx->error()) { if(ctx->readEof()) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_OK); } else { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_HEADER); } break; } if(isSkippableMagicNumber(magic)) { const auto size = ctx->readU32(); if(ctx->error()) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_HEADER); break; } const auto s = ctx->readSkippable(magic, size); if(s < 0 || ctx->error()) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_HEADER); break; } continue; } if(LZ4S_MAGICNUMBER != magic) { ctx->readSeek(-4); ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_MAGIC_NUMBER); break; } char d[LZ4S_MAX_HEADER_SIZE] = { 0 }; auto* p = d; const auto* sumBegin = p; if(2 != ctx->read(p, 2)) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_HEADER); break; } sd->flg = charToFlg(*p++); sd->bd = charToBc(*p++); const auto r = validateStreamDescriptor(sd); if(LZ4MT_RESULT_OK != r) { ctx->setResult(r); break; } const int nExInfo = (sd->flg.streamSize ? sizeof(uint64_t) : 0) + (sd->flg.presetDictionary ? sizeof(uint32_t) : 0) + 1 ; if(nExInfo != ctx->read(p, nExInfo)) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_HEADER); break; } if(sd->flg.streamSize) { sd->streamSize = loadU64(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); } if(sd->flg.presetDictionary) { sd->dictId = loadU32(p); p += sizeof(uint32_t); } const auto sumSize = static_cast<int>(p - sumBegin); const auto calHash32 = Lz4Mt::Xxh32(sumBegin, sumSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED).digest(); const auto calHash = static_cast<char>(getCheckBits_FromXXH(calHash32)); const auto srcHash = *p++; assert(p <= std::end(d)); if(srcHash != calHash) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_INVALID_HEADER_CHECKSUM); break; } const auto nBlockMaximumSize = getBlockSize(sd->bd.blockMaximumSize); const auto nBlockCheckSum = sd->flg.blockChecksum ? 4 : 0; const bool streamChecksum = 0 != sd->flg.streamChecksum; const bool singleThread = 0 != (ctx->mode() & LZ4MT_MODE_SEQUENTIAL); const auto nConcurrency = Lz4Mt::getHardwareConcurrency(); const auto nPool = singleThread ? 1 : nConcurrency + 1; const auto launch = singleThread ? Lz4Mt::launch::deferred : std::launch::async; Lz4Mt::MemPool srcBufferPool(nBlockMaximumSize, nPool); Lz4Mt::MemPool dstBufferPool(nBlockMaximumSize, nPool); std::vector<std::future<void>> futures; Lz4Mt::Xxh32 xxhStream(LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED); const auto f = [ &futures, &dstBufferPool, &xxhStream, &quit , ctx, nBlockCheckSum, streamChecksum, launch ] (int i, Lz4Mt::MemPool::Buffer* srcRaw, bool incompressible, uint32_t blockChecksum) { BufferPtr src(srcRaw); if(ctx->error() || quit) { return; } const auto* srcPtr = src->data(); const auto srcSize = static_cast<int>(src->size()); std::future<uint32_t> futureBlockHash; if(nBlockCheckSum) { futureBlockHash = std::async(launch, [=] { return Lz4Mt::Xxh32(srcPtr, srcSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED).digest(); }); } if(incompressible) { if(i > 0) { futures[i-1].wait(); } std::future<void> futureStreamHash; if(streamChecksum) { futureStreamHash = std::async( launch , [&xxhStream, srcPtr, srcSize] { xxhStream.update(srcPtr, srcSize); } ); } ctx->writeBin(srcPtr, srcSize); if(futureStreamHash.valid()) { futureStreamHash.wait(); } } else { BufferPtr dst(dstBufferPool.alloc()); auto* dstPtr = dst->data(); const auto dstSize = dst->size(); const auto decSize = ctx->decompress( srcPtr, dstPtr, srcSize, static_cast<int>(dstSize)); if(decSize < 0) { quit = true; ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_DECOMPRESS_FAIL); return; } if(i > 0) { futures[i-1].wait(); } std::future<void> futureStreamHash; if(streamChecksum) { futureStreamHash = std::async( launch , [&xxhStream, dstPtr, decSize] { xxhStream.update(dstPtr, decSize); } ); } ctx->writeBin(dstPtr, decSize); if(futureStreamHash.valid()) { futureStreamHash.wait(); } } if(futureBlockHash.valid()) { auto bh = futureBlockHash.get(); if(bh != blockChecksum) { quit = true; ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_BLOCK_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH); return; } } return; }; for(int i = 0; !quit && !ctx->readEof(); ++i) { const auto srcBits = ctx->readU32(); if(ctx->error()) { quit = true; ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_READ_BLOCK_SIZE); break; } if(LZ4S_EOS == srcBits) { break; } const auto incompMask = (1 << 31); const bool incompressible = 0 != (srcBits & incompMask); const auto srcSize = static_cast<int>(srcBits & ~incompMask); BufferPtr src(srcBufferPool.alloc()); const auto readSize = ctx->read(src->data(), srcSize); if(srcSize != readSize || ctx->error()) { quit = true; ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_READ_BLOCK_DATA); break; } src->resize(readSize); const auto blockCheckSum = nBlockCheckSum ? ctx->readU32() : 0; if(ctx->error()) { quit = true; ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_READ_BLOCK_CHECKSUM); break; } if(singleThread) { f(0, src.release(), incompressible, blockCheckSum); } else { futures.emplace_back(std::async( launch , f, i, src.release(), incompressible, blockCheckSum )); } } for(auto& e : futures) { e.wait(); } if(!ctx->error() && streamChecksum) { const auto srcStreamChecksum = ctx->readU32(); if(ctx->error()) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_READ_STREAM_CHECKSUM); break; } if(xxhStream.digest() != srcStreamChecksum) { ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_STREAM_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH); break; } } } return ctx->result(); }
/* ================ rvGEWorkspace::NewWindow Create a new window ================ */ idWindow* rvGEWorkspace::NewWindow ( idDict* state, rvGEWindowWrapper::EWindowType type ) { idWindow* window = new idWindow ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->GetDC(), mInterface ); rvGEWindowWrapper* wrapper; int count; idStr baseName; switch ( type ) { case rvGEWindowWrapper::WT_NORMAL: window = new idWindow ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->GetDC(), mInterface ); break; case rvGEWindowWrapper::WT_BIND: window = new idBindWindow ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->GetDC(), mInterface ); break; case rvGEWindowWrapper::WT_RENDER: window = new idRenderWindow ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->GetDC(), mInterface ); break; case rvGEWindowWrapper::WT_CHOICE: window = new idChoiceWindow ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->GetDC(), mInterface ); break; case rvGEWindowWrapper::WT_EDIT: window = new idEditWindow ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->GetDC(), mInterface ); break; default: assert ( false ); return NULL; } baseName = state ? state->GetString("name","unnamed") : "unnamed"; baseName.StripQuotes ( ); count = 0; if ( mInterface->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName ( baseName ) ) { count = 1; while ( 1 ) { drawWin_t* dw = mInterface->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName ( va("%s%d",baseName.c_str(),count) ); if ( !dw ) { break; } assert ( dw->win ); wrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper ( dw->win ); if ( wrapper && wrapper->IsDeleted ( ) ) { break; } count++; } } idStr winName; idStr winTemplate; if ( count ) { winName = va("%s%d", baseName.c_str(), count ); } else { winName = baseName; } winTemplate = winName + " { }"; idParser src( winTemplate, winTemplate.Length(), "", LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT ); window->Parse ( &src ); wrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper ( window ); if ( state ) { wrapper->SetState ( *state ); } wrapper->SetStateKey ( "name", winName ); wrapper->Finish ( ); SetModified ( true ); return window; }
X509_CRL::X509_CRL(const std::string& fsname) { DataSource_Stream src(fsname, true); load_data(src); }
void pix_opencv_patreco :: loadMess (t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom* argv) { t_symbol* filename; int id; if ( argc != 2 ) { error("wrong arguments : load <id> <filename>"); return; } else if ( argv[0].a_type != A_FLOAT || argv[1].a_type != A_SYMBOL ) { error("wrong arguments : load <id> <filename>"); return; } else { id = atom_getfloat(&argv[0]); filename = atom_getsymbol(&argv[1]); } if ( filename->s_name[0] == 0 ) { error("no filename passed to load message"); return; } if ( filename == NULL ) { error("%s is not a valid matrix", filename->s_name); return; } Mat img = imread(filename->s_name,0); if ( == NULL ){ error("failed to load image '%s'", filename->s_name); puts("failed to laod images"); return; } if(img.cols!=img.rows){ error("%s is not a square pattern", filename->s_name); puts("not a square pattern"); return; } cv::Mat src(m_pattern_size, m_pattern_size, CV_8UC1); Point2f center((m_pattern_size-1)/2.0f,(m_pattern_size-1)/2.0f); Mat rot_mat(2,3,CV_32F); //~ std::map<int PatternLib>::iterator it; //~ it = m_patternLibrary.find(id); //~ if ( m_patternLibrary.find(id) != m_patternLibrary.end() ){ // TODO remove item from the map //~ } PatternLib pattern; = id; cv::resize(img, src, Size(m_pattern_size,m_pattern_size)); if ( m_detector->m_ART_pattern ) { Mat subImg = src(cv::Range(m_pattern_size/4,3*m_pattern_size/4), cv::Range(m_pattern_size/4,3*m_pattern_size/4)); pattern.pattern[0] = subImg; pattern.mean[0] = cvMean(&((CvMat)subImg)); pattern.norm[0] = cv::norm(subImg, NORM_L1); //~ m_patternLibrary.push_back(subImg); } else { //~ m_patternLibrary.push_back(src); pattern.pattern[0] = src; pattern.mean[0] = cvMean(&((CvMat)src)); pattern.norm[0] = cv::norm(src, NORM_L1); } rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D( center, 90, 1.0); for (int i=1; i<4; i++){ Mat dst= Mat(m_pattern_size, m_pattern_size, CV_8UC1); rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D( center, -i*90, 1.0); cv::warpAffine( src, dst , rot_mat, Size(m_pattern_size,m_pattern_size)); if ( m_detector->m_ART_pattern ) { Mat subImg = dst(cv::Range(m_pattern_size/4,3*m_pattern_size/4), cv::Range(m_pattern_size/4,3*m_pattern_size/4)); // AV crop 25% on each side -> specific to AR tag ? pattern.pattern[i]; pattern.mean[i] = cvMean(&((CvMat)subImg)); pattern.norm[i] = cv::norm(subImg, NORM_L1); //~ m_patternLibrary.push_back(subImg); } else { pattern.pattern[i] = dst; pattern.mean[i] = cvMean(&((CvMat)dst)); pattern.norm[i] = cv::norm(dst, NORM_L1); //~ m_patternLibrary.push_back(dst); } } t_atom data_out; SETFLOAT(&data_out, m_patternLibrary.size()); outlet_anything( m_dataout, gensym("patternCount"), 1, &data_out); }
bool CxImageRAW::Decode(CxFile *hFile) { if (hFile==NULL) return false; DCRAW dcr; cx_try { // initialization dcr_init_dcraw(&dcr); dcr.opt.user_qual = GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW) & 0x03; // setup variables for debugging char szClass[] = "CxImageRAW"; dcr.ifname = szClass; dcr.sz_error = info.szLastError; // setup library options, see dcr_print_manual for the available switches // call dcr_parse_command_line_options(&dcr,0,0,0) to set default options // if (dcr_parse_command_line_options(&dcr,argc,argv,&arg)) if (dcr_parse_command_line_options(&dcr,0,0,0)){ cx_throw("CxImageRAW: unknown option"); } // set return point for error handling if (setjmp (dcr.failure)) { cx_throw(""); } // install file manager CxFileRaw src(hFile,&dcr); // check file header dcr_identify(&dcr); if(!dcr.is_raw){ cx_throw("CxImageRAW: not a raw image"); } if (dcr.load_raw == NULL) { cx_throw("CxImageRAW: missing raw decoder"); } // verify special case if (dcr.load_raw == dcr_kodak_ycbcr_load_raw) { dcr.height += dcr.height & 1; dcr.width += dcr.width & 1; } if (info.nEscape == -1){ head.biWidth = dcr.width; head.biHeight= dcr.height; info.dwType = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW; cx_throw("output dimensions returned"); } // shrinked decoding available and requested? dcr.shrink = dcr.filters && (dcr.opt.half_size || dcr.opt.threshold || dcr.opt.aber[0] != 1 || dcr.opt.aber[2] != 1); dcr.iheight = (dcr.height + dcr.shrink) >> dcr.shrink; dcr.iwidth = (dcr.width + dcr.shrink) >> dcr.shrink; // install custom camera matrix if (dcr.opt.use_camera_matrix && dcr.cmatrix[0][0] > 0.25) { memcpy (dcr.rgb_cam, dcr.cmatrix, sizeof dcr.cmatrix); dcr.raw_color = 0; } else { dcr.opt.use_camera_wb = 1; } // allocate memory for the image dcr.image = (ushort (*)[4]) calloc (dcr.iheight*dcr.iwidth, sizeof *dcr.image); dcr_merror (&dcr, dcr.image, szClass); if (dcr.meta_length) { dcr.meta_data = (char *) malloc (dcr.meta_length); dcr_merror (&dcr, dcr.meta_data, szClass); } // start image decoder hFile->Seek(dcr.data_offset, SEEK_SET); (*dcr.load_raw)(&dcr); // post processing if (dcr.zero_is_bad) dcr_remove_zeroes(&dcr); dcr_bad_pixels(&dcr,dcr.opt.bpfile); if (dcr.opt.dark_frame) dcr_subtract (&dcr,dcr.opt.dark_frame); dcr.quality = 2 + !dcr.fuji_width; if (dcr.opt.user_qual >= 0) dcr.quality = dcr.opt.user_qual; if (dcr.opt.user_black >= 0) = dcr.opt.user_black; if (dcr.opt.user_sat >= 0) dcr.maximum = dcr.opt.user_sat; #ifdef COLORCHECK dcr_colorcheck(&dcr); #endif #if RESTRICTED if (dcr.is_foveon && !dcr.opt.document_mode) dcr_foveon_interpolate(&dcr); #endif if (!dcr.is_foveon && dcr.opt.document_mode < 2) dcr_scale_colors(&dcr); // pixel interpolation and filters dcr_pre_interpolate(&dcr); if (dcr.filters && !dcr.opt.document_mode) { if (dcr.quality == 0) dcr_lin_interpolate(&dcr); else if (dcr.quality == 1 || dcr.colors > 3) dcr_vng_interpolate(&dcr); else if (dcr.quality == 2) dcr_ppg_interpolate(&dcr); else dcr_ahd_interpolate(&dcr); } if (dcr.mix_green) { int32_t i; for (dcr.colors=3, i=0; i < dcr.height*dcr.width; i++) { dcr.image[i][1] = (dcr.image[i][1] + dcr.image[i][3]) >> 1; } } if (!dcr.is_foveon && dcr.colors == 3) dcr_median_filter(&dcr); if (!dcr.is_foveon && dcr.opt.highlight == 2) dcr_blend_highlights(&dcr); if (!dcr.is_foveon && dcr.opt.highlight > 2) dcr_recover_highlights(&dcr); if (dcr.opt.use_fuji_rotate) dcr_fuji_rotate(&dcr); #ifndef NO_LCMS if (dcr.opt.cam_profile) dcr_apply_profile (dcr.opt.cam_profile, dcr.opt.out_profile); #endif // final conversion dcr_convert_to_rgb(&dcr); if (dcr.opt.use_fuji_rotate) dcr_stretch(&dcr); dcr.iheight = dcr.height; dcr.iwidth = dcr.width; if (dcr.flip & 4) SWAP(dcr.height,dcr.width); // ready to transfer data from dcr.image if (!Create(dcr.width,dcr.height,24,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW)){ cx_throw(""); } uchar *ppm = (uchar *) calloc (dcr.width, dcr.colors*dcr.opt.output_bps/8); ushort *ppm2 = (ushort *) ppm; dcr_merror (&dcr, ppm, szClass); uchar lut[0x10000]; if (dcr.opt.output_bps == 8) dcr_gamma_lut (&dcr, lut); int32_t c, row, col, soff, rstep, cstep; soff = dcr_flip_index (&dcr, 0, 0); cstep = dcr_flip_index (&dcr, 0, 1) - soff; rstep = dcr_flip_index (&dcr, 1, 0) - dcr_flip_index (&dcr, 0, dcr.width); for (row=0; row < dcr.height; row++, soff += rstep) { for (col=0; col < dcr.width; col++, soff += cstep) { if (dcr.opt.output_bps == 8) for (c=0; c < dcr.colors; c++) ppm [col*dcr.colors+c] = lut[dcr.image[soff][c]]; else for (c=0; c < dcr.colors; c++) ppm2[col*dcr.colors+c] = dcr.image[soff][c]; } if (dcr.opt.output_bps == 16 && !dcr.opt.output_tiff && htons(0x55aa) != 0x55aa) #if defined(_LINUX) || defined(__APPLE__) swab ((char*)ppm2, (char*)ppm2, dcr.width*dcr.colors*2); #else _swab ((char*)ppm2, (char*)ppm2, dcr.width*dcr.colors*2); #endif uint32_t size = dcr.width * (dcr.colors*dcr.opt.output_bps/8); RGBtoBGR(ppm,size); memcpy(GetBits(dcr.height - 1 - row), ppm, min(size,GetEffWidth())); } free (ppm); dcr_cleanup_dcraw(&dcr); } cx_catch {
bool LoadOggVorbisFromFileInMemory(const u8 *fileData, size_t numBytes, std::vector<u8> &dst, bool *isStereo, bool *is16Bit, int *frequency) { if (!fileData || numBytes == 0) { LogError("Null input data passed in"); return false; } if (!isStereo || !is16Bit || !frequency) { LogError("Outputs not set"); return false; } #ifndef TUNDRA_NO_AUDIO OggVorbis_File vf; OggMemDataSource src(fileData, numBytes); ov_callbacks cb; cb.read_func = &OggReadCallback; cb.seek_func = &OggSeekCallback; cb.tell_func = &OggTellCallback; cb.close_func = 0; int ret = ov_open_callbacks(&src, &vf, 0, 0, cb); if (ret < 0) { LogError("Not ogg vorbis format"); ov_clear(&vf); return false; } vorbis_info* vi = ov_info(&vf, -1); if (!vi) { LogError("No ogg vorbis stream info"); ov_clear(&vf); return false; } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Decoding ogg vorbis stream with " << vi->channels << " channels, frequency " << vi->rate; // LogDebug(msg.str()); *frequency = vi->rate; *isStereo = (vi->channels > 1); if (vi->channels != 1 && vi->channels != 2) LogWarning("Warning: Loaded Ogg Vorbis data contains an unsupported number of channels: " + QString::number(vi->channels)); uint decoded_bytes = 0; dst.clear(); for(;;) { static const int MAX_DECODE_SIZE = 16384; dst.resize(decoded_bytes + MAX_DECODE_SIZE); int bitstream; long ret = ov_read(&vf, (char*)&dst[decoded_bytes], MAX_DECODE_SIZE, 0, 2, 1, &bitstream); if (ret <= 0) break; decoded_bytes += ret; } dst.resize(decoded_bytes); { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Decoded " << decoded_bytes << " bytes of ogg vorbis sound data"; // LogDebug(msg.str()); } ov_clear(&vf); return true; #else return false; #endif }
MStatus slopeShaderBehavior::connectNodeToNode( MObject &sourceNode, MObject &destinationNode, bool force ) // // Description: // Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior // this method will handle the connection between the slopeShader and the shader it is // assigned to as well as any meshes that it is assigned to. // { MStatus result = MS::kFailure; MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode); //if we are dragging from a lambert //we want to check what we are dragging //onto. if(sourceNode.hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) { MObject shaderNode; MPlugArray connections; MObjectArray shaderNodes; shaderNodes.clear(); //if the source node was a lambert //than we will check the downstream connections to see //if a slope shader is assigned to it. // src.getConnections(connections); unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < connections.length(); i++) { //check the incoming connections to this plug // MPlugArray connectedPlugs; connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false); for(unsigned j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length(); j++) { //if the incoming node is a slope shader than //append the node to the shaderNodes array // MObject currentnode = connectedPlugs[j].node(); if(MFnDependencyNode(currentnode).typeName() == "slopeShader") { shaderNodes.append(currentnode); } } } //if we found a shading node //than check the destination node //type to see if it is a mesh // if(shaderNodes.length() > 0) { MFnDependencyNode dest(destinationNode); if(destinationNode.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) { //if the node is a mesh than for each slopeShader //connect the worldMesh attribute to the dirtyShaderPlug //attribute to force an evaluation of the node when the mesh //changes // for(i = 0; i < shaderNodes.length(); i++) { MPlug srcPlug = dest.findPlug("worldMesh"); MPlug destPlug = MFnDependencyNode(shaderNodes[i]).findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug"); if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destPlug.isNull()) { MString cmd = "connectAttr -na "; cmd += + " "; cmd +=; MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd); } } //get the shading engine so we can assign the shader //to the mesh after doing the connection // MObject shadingEngine = findShadingEngine(sourceNode); //if there is a valid shading engine than make //the connection // if(!shadingEngine.isNull()) { MString cmd = "sets -edit -forceElement "; cmd += MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).name() + " "; cmd += MFnDagNode(destinationNode).partialPathName(); result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd); } } } } else if(src.typeName() == "slopeShader") //if we are dragging from a slope shader //than we want to see what we are dragging onto // { if(destinationNode.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) { //if the user is dragging onto a mesh //than make the connection from the worldMesh //to the dirtyShader plug on the slopeShader // MFnDependencyNode dest(destinationNode); MPlug srcPlug = dest.findPlug("worldMesh"); MPlug destPlug = src.findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug"); if(!srcPlug.isNull() && !destPlug.isNull()) { MString cmd = "connectAttr -na "; cmd += + " "; cmd +=; result = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd); } } } return result; }
bool slopeShaderBehavior::shouldBeUsedFor( MObject &sourceNode, MObject &destinationNode, MPlug &sourcePlug, MPlug &destinationPlug) // // Description: // Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior // this method will return true if it is going to handle the connection // between the two nodes given. // { bool result = false; if(sourceNode.hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) { //if the source node was a lambert //than we will check the downstream connections to see //if a slope shader is assigned to it. // MObject shaderNode; MFnDependencyNode src(sourceNode); MPlugArray connections; src.getConnections(connections); for(unsigned i = 0; i < connections.length(); i++) { //check the incoming connections to this plug // MPlugArray connectedPlugs; connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false); for(unsigned j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length(); j++) { //if the incoming node is a slope shader than //set shaderNode equal to it and break out of the inner //loop // if(MFnDependencyNode(connectedPlugs[j].node()).typeName() == "slopeShader") { shaderNode = connectedPlugs[j].node(); break; } } //if the shaderNode is not null //than we have found a slopeShader // if(!shaderNode.isNull()) { //if the destination node is a mesh than we will take //care of this connection so set the result to true //and break out of the outer loop // if(destinationNode.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) result = true; break; } } } if(MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode).typeName() == "slopeShader") //if the sourceNode is a slope shader than check what we //are dropping on to // { if(destinationNode.hasFn(MFn::kLambert)) result = true; else if(destinationNode.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) result = true; } return result; }
/* =============== idMapFile::Parse =============== */ bool idMapFile::Parse( const char *filename, bool ignoreRegion, bool osPath ) { // no string concatenation for epairs and allow path names for materials idLexer src( LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES ); idToken token; idStr fullName; idMapEntity *mapEnt; int i, j, k; name = filename; name.StripFileExtension(); fullName = name; hasPrimitiveData = false; if ( !ignoreRegion ) { // try loading a .reg file first fullName.SetFileExtension( "reg" ); src.LoadFile( fullName, osPath ); } if ( !src.IsLoaded() ) { // now try a .map file fullName.SetFileExtension( "map" ); src.LoadFile( fullName, osPath ); if ( !src.IsLoaded() ) { // didn't get anything at all return false; } } version = OLD_MAP_VERSION; fileTime = src.GetFileTime(); entities.DeleteContents( true ); if ( src.CheckTokenString( "Version" ) ) { src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ); version = token.GetFloatValue(); } while( 1 ) { mapEnt = idMapEntity::Parse( src, ( entities.Num() == 0 ), version ); if ( !mapEnt ) { break; } entities.Append( mapEnt ); } SetGeometryCRC(); // if the map has a worldspawn if ( entities.Num() ) { // "removeEntities" "classname" can be set in the worldspawn to remove all entities with the given classname const idKeyValue *removeEntities = entities[0]->epairs.MatchPrefix( "removeEntities", NULL ); while ( removeEntities ) { RemoveEntities( removeEntities->GetValue() ); removeEntities = entities[0]->epairs.MatchPrefix( "removeEntities", removeEntities ); } // "overrideMaterial" "material" can be set in the worldspawn to reset all materials idStr material; if ( entities[0]->epairs.GetString( "overrideMaterial", "", material ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ ) { mapEnt = entities[i]; for ( j = 0; j < mapEnt->GetNumPrimitives(); j++ ) { idMapPrimitive *mapPrimitive = mapEnt->GetPrimitive( j ); switch( mapPrimitive->GetType() ) { case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH: { idMapBrush *mapBrush = static_cast<idMapBrush *>(mapPrimitive); for ( k = 0; k < mapBrush->GetNumSides(); k++ ) { mapBrush->GetSide( k )->SetMaterial( material ); } break; } case idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH: { static_cast<idMapPatch *>(mapPrimitive)->SetMaterial( material ); break; } } } } } // force all entities to have a name key/value pair if ( entities[0]->epairs.GetBool( "forceEntityNames" ) ) { for ( i = 1; i < entities.Num(); i++ ) { mapEnt = entities[i]; if ( !mapEnt->epairs.FindKey( "name" ) ) { mapEnt->epairs.Set( "name", va( "%s%d", mapEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname", "forcedName" ), i ) ); } } } // move the primitives of any func_group entities to the worldspawn if ( entities[0]->epairs.GetBool( "moveFuncGroups" ) ) { for ( i = 1; i < entities.Num(); i++ ) { mapEnt = entities[i]; if ( idStr::Icmp( mapEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname" ), "func_group" ) == 0 ) { entities[0]->primitives.Append( mapEnt->primitives ); mapEnt->primitives.Clear(); } } } } hasPrimitiveData = true; return true; }
/* ======================================================================================================================= Map_SaveFile ======================================================================================================================= */ bool Map_SaveFile(const char *filename, bool use_region, bool autosave) { entity_t *e, *next; idStr temp; int count; brush_t *b; idStr status; int len = strlen(filename); WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; if (FindFirstFile(filename, &FileData) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // the file exists; if (len > 0 && GetFileAttributes(filename) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { g_pParentWnd->MessageBox("File is read only", "Read Only", MB_OK); return false; } } if (filename == NULL || len == 0 || (filename && stricmp(filename, "") == 0)) { CFileDialog dlgSave(FALSE,"map",NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"Map Files (*.map)|*.map||",AfxGetMainWnd()); if (dlgSave.DoModal() == IDOK) { filename = dlgSave.m_ofn.lpstrFile; strcpy(currentmap, filename); } else { return false; } } MEMORYSTATUSEX statex; statex.dwLength = sizeof(statex); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&statex); if (statex.dwMemoryLoad > 95) { g_pParentWnd->MessageBox("Physical memory is over 95% utilized. Consider saving and restarting", "Memory"); } CWaitDlg dlg; Pointfile_Clear(); temp = filename; temp.BackSlashesToSlashes(); if (!use_region) { idStr backup; backup = temp; backup.StripFileExtension(); backup.SetFileExtension(".bak"); if (_unlink(backup) != 0 && errno != 2) { // errno 2 means the file doesn't exist, which we don't care about g_pParentWnd->MessageBox(va("Unable to delete %s: %s", backup.c_str(), strerror(errno)), "File Error"); } if (rename(filename, backup) != 0) { g_pParentWnd->MessageBox(va("Unable to rename %s to %s: %s", filename, backup.c_str(), strerror(errno)), "File Error"); } } common->Printf("Map_SaveFile: %s\n", filename); idStr mapFile; bool localFile = (strstr(filename, ":") != NULL); if (autosave || localFile) { mapFile = filename; } else { mapFile = fileSystem->OSPathToRelativePath(filename); } if (use_region) { AddRegionBrushes(); } idMapFile map; world_entity->origin.Zero(); idMapEntity *mapentity = EntityToMapEntity(world_entity, use_region, &dlg); dlg.SetText("Saving worldspawn..."); map.AddEntity(mapentity); if (use_region) { idStr buf; sprintf(buf, "{\n\"classname\" \"info_player_start\"\n\"origin\"\t \"%i %i %i\"\n\"angle\"\t \"%i\"\n}\n", (int)g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[0], (int)g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[1], (int)g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().origin[2], (int)g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->Camera().angles[YAW]); idLexer src(LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES); src.LoadMemory(buf, buf.Length(), "regionbuf"); idMapEntity *playerstart = idMapEntity::Parse(src); map.AddEntity(playerstart); } count = -1; for (e =; e != &entities; e = next) { count++; next = e->next; if (e->brushes.onext == &e->brushes) { Entity_Free(e); // no brushes left, so remove it } else { if (use_region) { for (b = e->brushes.onext; b != &e->brushes; b = b->onext) { if (!Map_IsBrushFiltered(b)) { break; // got one } } if (b == &e->brushes) { continue; // nothing visible } } idVec3 origin; if (!GetVectorForKey(e, "origin", origin)) { idStr text; VectorSubtract(e->brushes.onext->mins, e->eclass->mins, origin); sprintf(text, "%i %i %i", (int)origin[0], (int)origin[1], (int)origin[2]); SetKeyValue(e, "origin", text); } if (use_region && !idStr::Icmp(ValueForKey(e, "classname"), "info_player_start")) { continue; } idStr classname = e->epairs.GetString("classname"); sprintf(status, "Saving entity %i (%s)...", count, classname.c_str()); dlg.SetText(status); map.AddEntity(EntityToMapEntity(e, use_region, &dlg)); count++; } } mapFile.StripFileExtension(); idStr mapExt = (use_region) ? ".reg" : ".map"; sprintf(status, "Writing file %s.%s...", mapFile.c_str(), mapExt.c_str()); dlg.SetText(status); map.Write(mapFile, mapExt, !(autosave || localFile)); mapModified = 0; if (use_region) { RemoveRegionBrushes(); } if (!strstr(temp, "autosave")) { Sys_SetTitle(temp); } Sys_Status("Saved.\n", 0); return true; }
bool CxImageJAS::Decode(CxFile *hFile, uint32_t imagetype) { if (hFile == NULL) return false; jas_image_t *image=0; jas_stream_t *in=0; jas_matrix_t **bufs=0; int32_t i,error=0; int32_t fmt; //jas_setdbglevel(0); cx_try { if (jas_init()) cx_throw("cannot initialize jasper"); in = jas_stream_fdopen(0, "rb"); if (!in) cx_throw("error: cannot open standard input"); CxFileJas src(hFile,in); fmt = jas_image_getfmt(in); if (fmt<0) cx_throw("error: unknowm format"); image = jas_image_decode(in, fmt, 0); if (!image){ fmt = -1; cx_throw("error: cannot load image data"); } char szfmt[4]; *szfmt = '\0'; strncpy(szfmt,jas_image_fmttostr(fmt),3); szfmt[3] = '\0'; fmt = -1; #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JP2 if (strcmp(szfmt,"jp2")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2; #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPC if (strcmp(szfmt,"jpc")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPC; #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAS if (strcmp(szfmt,"ras")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAS; #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNM if (strcmp(szfmt,"pnm")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNM; #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PGX if (strcmp(szfmt,"pgx")==0) fmt = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PGX; #endif //if (fmt<0) // cx_throw("error: unknowm format"); int32_t x,y,w,h,depth,cmptno; w = jas_image_cmptwidth(image,0); h = jas_image_cmptheight(image,0); depth = jas_image_cmptprec(image,0); if (info.nEscape == -1){ head.biWidth = w; head.biHeight= h; info.dwType = fmt<0 ? 0 : fmt; cx_throw("output dimensions returned"); } if (image->numcmpts_ > 64 || image->numcmpts_ < 0) cx_throw("error: too many components"); // <LD> 01/Jan/2005: Always force conversion to sRGB. Seems to be required for many types of JPEG2000 file. // if (depth!=1 && depth!=4 && depth!=8) if (image->numcmpts_>=3 && depth <=8) { jas_image_t *newimage; jas_cmprof_t *outprof; //jas_eprintf("forcing conversion to sRGB\n"); outprof = jas_cmprof_createfromclrspc(JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB); if (!outprof) { cx_throw("cannot create sRGB profile"); } newimage = jas_image_chclrspc(image, outprof, JAS_CMXFORM_INTENT_PER); if (!newimage) { jas_cmprof_destroy(outprof); // <LD> 01/Jan/2005: Destroy color profile on error. cx_throw("cannot convert to sRGB"); } jas_image_destroy(image); jas_cmprof_destroy(outprof); image = newimage; } bufs = (jas_matrix_t **)calloc(image->numcmpts_, sizeof(jas_matrix_t**)); for (i = 0; i < image->numcmpts_; ++i) { bufs[i] = jas_matrix_create(1, w); if (!bufs[i]) { cx_throw("error: cannot allocate memory"); } } int32_t nshift = (depth>8) ? (depth-8) : 0; if (image->numcmpts_==3 && image->cmpts_[0]->width_ == image->cmpts_[1]->width_ && image->cmpts_[1]->width_ == image->cmpts_[2]->width_ && image->cmpts_[0]->height_ == image->cmpts_[1]->height_ && image->cmpts_[1]->height_ == image->cmpts_[2]->height_ && image->cmpts_[0]->prec_ == image->cmpts_[1]->prec_ && image->cmpts_[1]->prec_ == image->cmpts_[2]->prec_ ) { if(!Create(w,h,24,fmt)) cx_throw(""); RGBQUAD c; for (y=0; y<h; y++) { for (cmptno = 0; cmptno < image->numcmpts_; ++cmptno) { jas_image_readcmpt(image, cmptno, 0, y, w, 1, bufs[cmptno]); } for (x=0; x<w; x++){ c.rgbRed = (uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[0], x)>>nshift)); c.rgbGreen = (uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[1], x)>>nshift)); c.rgbBlue = (uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[2], x)>>nshift)); SetPixelColor(x,h-1-y,c); } } } else { info.nNumFrames = image->numcmpts_; if ((info.nFrame<0)||(info.nFrame>=info.nNumFrames)){ cx_throw("wrong frame!"); } for (cmptno=0; cmptno<=info.nFrame; cmptno++) { w = jas_image_cmptwidth(image,cmptno); h = jas_image_cmptheight(image,cmptno); depth = jas_image_cmptprec(image,cmptno); if (depth>8) depth=8; if(!Create(w,h,depth,imagetype)) cx_throw(""); SetGrayPalette(); for (y=0; y<h; y++) { jas_image_readcmpt(image, cmptno, 0, y, w, 1, bufs[0]); for (x=0; x<w; x++){ SetPixelIndex(x,h-1-y,(uint8_t)((jas_matrix_getv(bufs[0], x)>>nshift))); } } } } } cx_catch {
/** * Compute full data (averages,histograms buffer and selection buffer) * @param clipSrc source of the plugin * @param time current time * @param renderScale current renderScale */ void OverlayData::computeFullData( OFX::Clip* clipSrc, const OfxTime time, const OfxPointD& renderScale, const bool selectionOnly ) { _isComputing = true; resetHistogramData(); resetHistogramSelectionData(); if( ! clipSrc->isConnected() ) { _isComputing = false; return; } //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( "computeHistogramBufferData - fetchImage " << time ); boost::scoped_ptr<OFX::Image> src( clipSrc->fetchImage(time, clipSrc->getCanonicalRod(time)) ); //scoped pointer of current source clip //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( clipSrc->getPixelRod(time, renderScale) ); //TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( clipSrc->getCanonicalRod(time, renderScale) ); // Compatibility tests if( !src.get() ) // source isn't accessible { _isComputing = false; std::cout << "src is not accessible" << std::endl; return; } // TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( src->getBounds() ); // TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( src->getRegionOfDefinition() ); if( src->getRowBytes() == 0 )//if source is wrong { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( exception::WrongRowBytes() ); } OfxRectI srcPixelRod = clipSrc->getPixelRod( time, renderScale ); //get current RoD if( (clipSrc->getPixelDepth() != OFX::eBitDepthFloat) || (!clipSrc->getPixelComponents()) ) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( exception::Unsupported() << exception::user() + "Can't compute histogram data with the actual input clip format." ); return; } // TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod == src->getBounds() ); if( srcPixelRod != src->getBounds() ) { // the host does bad things ! // remove overlay... but do not crash. TUTTLE_COUT_WARNING( "Image RoD and image bounds are not the same (rod=" << srcPixelRod << " , bounds:" << src->getBounds() << ")." ); return; } // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.x1 == src->getBounds().x1 ); // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.y1 == src->getBounds().y1 ); // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.x2 == src->getBounds().x2 ); // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.y2 == src->getBounds().y2 ); // Compute if source is OK SView srcView = tuttle::plugin::getView<SView>( src.get(), srcPixelRod ); // get current view from source clip OfxPointI imgSize; imgSize.x = srcView.width(); imgSize.y = srcView.height(); // TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; if( isImageSizeModified( imgSize ) ) { //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; clearAll( imgSize ); } //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //Compute histogram buffer this->computeHistogramBufferData( _data, srcView, time); //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //Compute selection histogram buffer this->computeHistogramBufferData( _selectionData, srcView, time, true ); //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //Compute averages this->computeAverages(); _isComputing = false; _currentTime = time; //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; }
/* ================ rvGEWorkspace::WriteWindow Writes the contents of the given window to the file ================ */ bool rvGEWorkspace::WriteWindow( idFile *file, int depth, idWindow *window ) { idStr out; rvGEWindowWrapper *wrapper; int i; wrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper( window ); if( !wrapper ) { return true; } if( wrapper->IsDeleted( ) ) { return true; } // Window def header WriteTabs( file, depth - 1 ); out = wrapper->WindowTypeToString( wrapper->GetWindowType( ) ); out.Append( " " ); file->Write( out, out.Length() ); out = window->GetName( ); file->Write( out, out.Length() ); file->Write( "\r\n", 2 ); WriteTabs( file, depth - 1 ); out = "{\r\n"; file->Write( out, out.Length() ); file->ForceFlush( ); for( i = 0; i < wrapper->GetStateDict().GetNumKeyVals(); i ++ ) { const idKeyValue *key = wrapper->GetStateDict().GetKeyVal( i ); // Dont write name to the files if( !key->GetKey().Icmp( "name" ) ) { continue; } WriteTabs( file, depth ); out = key->GetKey(); out.Append( "\t" ); file->Write( out, out.Length() ); const char *p; for( p = key->GetValue().c_str(); *p; p ++ ) { switch( *p ) { case '\n': file->Write( "\\n", 2 ); break; default: file->Write( p, 1 ); break; } } file->Write( "\r\n", 2 ); } for( i = 0; i < wrapper->GetVariableDict().GetNumKeyVals(); i ++ ) { const idKeyValue *key = wrapper->GetVariableDict().GetKeyVal( i ); WriteTabs( file, depth ); out = key->GetKey(); out.Append( "\t" ); out.Append( key->GetValue() ); out.Append( "\r\n" ); file->Write( out, out.Length() ); } if( wrapper->GetScriptDict().GetNumKeyVals() ) { file->Write( "\r\n", 2 ); } for( i = 0; i < wrapper->GetScriptDict().GetNumKeyVals(); i ++ ) { const idKeyValue *key = wrapper->GetScriptDict().GetKeyVal( i ); WriteTabs( file, depth ); file->Write( key->GetKey(), key->GetKey().Length() ); file->Write( " ", 1 ); idLexer src( key->GetValue(), key->GetValue().Length(), "", LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT ); src.ParseBracedSectionExact( out, depth + 1 ); file->Write( out, out.Length() ); file->Write( "\r\n", 2 ); file->Write( "\r\n", 2 ); } for( i = 0; i < wrapper->GetChildCount(); i ++ ) { idWindow *child = wrapper->GetChild( i ); WriteWindow( file, depth + 1, child ); } // Window def footer WriteTabs( file, depth - 1 ); out = "}\r\n"; file->Write( out, out.Length() ); file->ForceFlush( ); return true; }
inline std::string read_file(std::string const& path) { boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source src(path); return std::string(, src.size()); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Define nonlinear thermal conductivity lambda(u) via a cubic spline. // Step 1: Fill the x values and use lambda_macro(u) = 1 + u^4 for the y values. #define lambda_macro(x) (1 + Hermes::pow(x, 4)) Hermes::vector<double> lambda_pts(-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0); Hermes::vector<double> lambda_val; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lambda_pts.size(); i++) lambda_val.push_back(lambda_macro(lambda_pts[i])); // Step 2: Create the cubic spline (and plot it for visual control). double bc_left = 0.0; double bc_right = 0.0; bool first_der_left = false; bool first_der_right = false; bool extrapolate_der_left = true; bool extrapolate_der_right = true; CubicSpline lambda(lambda_pts, lambda_val, bc_left, bc_right, first_der_left, first_der_right, extrapolate_der_left, extrapolate_der_right); info("Saving cubic spline into a Pylab file spline.dat."); double interval_extension = 3.0; // The interval of definition of the spline will be // extended by "interval_extension" on both sides. lambda.plot("spline.dat", interval_extension); // Load the mesh. Mesh mesh; MeshReaderH2D mloader; mloader.load("square.mesh", &mesh); // Perform initial mesh refinements. for(int i = 0; i < INIT_GLOB_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements(); mesh.refine_towards_boundary("Bdy", INIT_BDY_REF_NUM); // Initialize boundary conditions. CustomEssentialBCNonConst bc_essential("Bdy"); EssentialBCs<double> bcs(&bc_essential); // Create an H1 space with default shapeset. H1Space<double> space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT); int ndof = space.get_num_dofs(); info("ndof: %d", ndof); // Initialize the weak formulation. Hermes2DFunction<double> src(-heat_src); DefaultWeakFormPoisson<double> wf(HERMES_ANY, &lambda, &src); // Initialize the FE problem. DiscreteProblem<double> dp(&wf, &space); // Project the initial condition on the FE space to obtain initial // coefficient vector for the Newton's method. // NOTE: If you want to start from the zero vector, just define // coeff_vec to be a vector of ndof zeros (no projection is needed). info("Projecting to obtain initial vector for the Newton's method."); double* coeff_vec = new double[ndof]; CustomInitialCondition init_sln(&mesh); OGProjection<double>::project_global(&space, &init_sln, coeff_vec, matrix_solver); // Initialize Newton solver. NewtonSolver<double> newton(&dp, matrix_solver); // Perform Newton's iteration. bool freeze_jacobian = false; if (!newton.solve(coeff_vec, NEWTON_TOL, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, freeze_jacobian)) error("Newton's iteration failed."); // Translate the resulting coefficient vector into a Solution. Solution<double> sln; Solution<double>::vector_to_solution(newton.get_sln_vector(), &space, &sln); // Get info about time spent during assembling in its respective parts. //dp.get_all_profiling_output(std::cout); // Clean up. delete [] coeff_vec; // Visualise the solution and mesh. ScalarView s_view("Solution", new WinGeom(0, 0, 440, 350)); s_view.show_mesh(false);; OrderView<double> o_view("Mesh", new WinGeom(450, 0, 400, 350));; // Wait for all views to be closed. View::wait(); return 0; }
/* static jobject NativeDecimalFormat_parse(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint addr, jstring text, jobject position, jboolean parseBigDecimal) { */ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_ibm_icu4jni_text_NativeDecimalFormat_parse(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint addr, jstring text, jobject position, jboolean parseBigDecimal) { jclass parsePositionClass = env->FindClass("java/text/ParsePosition"); static jmethodID gPP_getIndex = env->GetMethodID(parsePositionClass, "getIndex", "()I"); static jmethodID gPP_setIndex = env->GetMethodID(parsePositionClass, "setIndex", "(I)V"); static jmethodID gPP_setErrorIndex = env->GetMethodID(parsePositionClass, "setErrorIndex", "(I)V"); // make sure the ParsePosition is valid. Actually icu4c would parse a number // correctly even if the parsePosition is set to -1, but since the RI fails // for that case we have to fail too int parsePos = env->CallIntMethod(position, gPP_getIndex, NULL); if (parsePos < 0 || parsePos > env->GetStringLength(text)) { return NULL; } Formattable res; ParsePosition pp(parsePos); ScopedJavaUnicodeString src(env, text); DecimalFormat* fmt = toDecimalFormat(addr); fmt->parse(src.unicodeString(), res, pp); if (pp.getErrorIndex() == -1) { env->CallVoidMethod(position, gPP_setIndex, (jint) pp.getIndex()); } else { env->CallVoidMethod(position, gPP_setErrorIndex, (jint) pp.getErrorIndex()); return NULL; } if (parseBigDecimal) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; StringPiece str = res.getDecimalNumber(status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { int len = str.length(); const char* data =; if (strncmp(data, "NaN", 3) == 0 || strncmp(data, "Inf", 3) == 0 || strncmp(data, "-Inf", 4) == 0) { double resultDouble = res.getDouble(status); return doubleValueOf(env, (jdouble) resultDouble); } return newBigDecimal(env, data, len); } return NULL; } Formattable::Type numType = res.getType(); switch (numType) { case Formattable::kDouble: { double resultDouble = res.getDouble(); return doubleValueOf(env, (jdouble) resultDouble); } case Formattable::kLong: { long resultLong = res.getLong(); return longValueOf(env, (jlong) resultLong); } case Formattable::kInt64: { int64_t resultInt64 = res.getInt64(); return longValueOf(env, (jlong) resultInt64); } default: { return NULL; } } }
//======================================================================== void AHexEditorActor::SaveMap(const FString& name) { if (FPaths::FileExists(name)) { //if file exists copy it to backup file to prevent overriding some maps auto newName = name; std::stringstream ss; auto t = std::time(nullptr); ss << t; newName.Append(ss.str().c_str()); std::ifstream src(*name, std::ios::binary); std::ofstream dst(*newName, std::ios::binary); dst << src.rdbuf(); src.close(); dst.close(); } std::ofstream file;*name, std::ofstream::binary); auto& gridStorage = m_Grid.GetStorage(); binary_write(file, (unsigned)gridStorage.size()); this->Save(file); //editor tile first for (auto& pair : gridStorage) { if (pair.second != this) { pair.second->Save(file); } } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllBarriers.size()); for (auto* barrier : m_AllBarriers) { barrier->Save(file); } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllPlatforms.size()); for (auto* platform : m_AllPlatforms) { platform->Save(file); } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllCompanions.size()); for (auto* companion : m_AllCompanions) { companion->Save(file); } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllBlockers.size()); for (auto* blocker : m_AllBlockers) { blocker->Save(file); } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllBridges.size()); for (auto* bridges : m_AllBridges) { bridges->Save(file); } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllTurrets.size()); for (auto* turret : m_AllTurrets) { turret->Save(file); } binary_write(file, (unsigned)m_AllTeleports.size()); for (auto* t : m_AllTeleports) { t->Save(file); } binary_write(file, m_Finish); m_Finish->Save(file); file.close(); }
void file_cpi_impl::sync_copy (saga::impl::void_t & ret, saga::url dest, int flags) { adaptor_data_t adata (this); file_instance_data_t idata (this); // check preconditions // We can only check coditions for local targets if ( saga::adaptors::utils::is_local_address (dest) ) { saga::filesystem::directory loc ("/"); if ( loc.exists (dest.get_path ()) ) { if ( ! (flags & saga::name_space::Overwrite) ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Target exists: " << dest; SAGA_ADAPTOR_THROW (ss.str (), saga::AlreadyExists); } } } std::string src (u_.get_string ()); std::string tgt (dest.get_string ()); CURLcode code; // get handle for input and output curl ops (see README) CURL * in = adata->get_curl_handle_in (); CURL * out = adata->get_curl_handle_out (); // create buffer file FILE * buf = ::fopen ("/tmp/curl-cache.dat", "w+"); ensure (NULL != buf, "fopen() failed: ", ::strerror (errno)); // read data into buffer code = curl_easy_setopt (in, CURLOPT_URL, src.c_str ()); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_setopt (in, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, buf); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_perform (in); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); // data are in buffer - now rewind buffer, and copy data to target location ::rewind (buf); code = curl_easy_setopt (out, CURLOPT_URL, tgt.c_str ()); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_setopt (out, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, "true"); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_setopt (out, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "merzky:Z(I)nfandel"); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_setopt (out, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, "true"); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_setopt (out, CURLOPT_READDATA, buf); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); code = curl_easy_perform (out); ensure (0 == code, "Curl Error: ", curl_easy_strerror (code)); ::fclose (buf); // done :-) }
bool CxImageJPG::Decode(CxFile * hFile) { bool is_exif = false; #if CXIMAGEJPG_SUPPORT_EXIF is_exif = DecodeExif(hFile); #endif CImageIterator iter(this); /* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers to * working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library). */ struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; /* We use our private extension JPEG error handler. <CSC> */ struct jpg_error_mgr jerr; jerr.buffer=info.szLastError; /* More stuff */ JSAMPARRAY buffer; /* Output row buffer */ int row_stride; /* physical row width in output buffer */ /* In this example we want to open the input file before doing anything else, * so that the setjmp() error recovery below can assume the file is open. * VERY IMPORTANT: use "b" option to fopen() if you are on a machine that * requires it in order to read binary files. */ /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */ /* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */ cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&; = ima_jpeg_error_exit; /* Establish the setjmp return context for my_error_exit to use. */ if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) { /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. * We need to clean up the JPEG object, close the input file, and return. */ jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); return 0; } /* Now we can initialize the JPEG decompression object. */ jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); /* Step 2: specify data source (eg, a file) */ //jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile); CxFileJpg src(hFile); cinfo.src = &src; /* Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header() */ (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); /* Step 4 <chupeev> handle decoder options*/ if ((GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG) & DECODE_GRAYSCALE) != 0) cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE; if ((GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG) & DECODE_QUANTIZE) != 0) { cinfo.quantize_colors = TRUE; cinfo.desired_number_of_colors = info.nQuality; } if ((GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG) & DECODE_DITHER) != 0) cinfo.dither_mode = m_nDither; if ((GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG) & DECODE_ONEPASS) != 0) cinfo.two_pass_quantize = FALSE; if ((GetCodecOption(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG) & DECODE_NOSMOOTH) != 0) cinfo.do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE; //<DP>: Load true color images as RGB (no quantize) /* Step 4: set parameters for decompression */ /* if (cinfo.jpeg_color_space!=JCS_GRAYSCALE) { * cinfo.quantize_colors = TRUE; * cinfo.desired_number_of_colors = 128; *} */ //</DP> // Set the scale <ignacio> cinfo.scale_denom = GetJpegScale(); // Borrowed the idea from GIF implementation <ignacio> if (info.nEscape == -1) { // Return output dimensions only jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(&cinfo); head.biWidth = cinfo.output_width; head.biHeight = cinfo.output_height; jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); return true; } /* Step 5: Start decompressor */ jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); /* We may need to do some setup of our own at this point before reading * the data. After jpeg_start_decompress() we have the correct scaled * output image dimensions available, as well as the output colormap * if we asked for color quantization. */ //Create the image using output dimensions <ignacio> //Create(cinfo.image_width, cinfo.image_height, 8*cinfo.output_components, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG); Create(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, 8*cinfo.output_components, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG); if (!pDib) longjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer, 1); //<DP> check if the image has been created if (is_exif){ #if CXIMAGEJPG_SUPPORT_EXIF if ((m_exifinfo.Xresolution != 0.0) && (m_exifinfo.ResolutionUnit != 0)) SetXDPI((long)(m_exifinfo.Xresolution/m_exifinfo.ResolutionUnit)); if ((m_exifinfo.Yresolution != 0.0) && (m_exifinfo.ResolutionUnit != 0)) SetYDPI((long)(m_exifinfo.Yresolution/m_exifinfo.ResolutionUnit)); #endif } else { if (cinfo.density_unit==2){ SetXDPI((long)floor(cinfo.X_density * 254.0 / 10000.0 + 0.5)); SetYDPI((long)floor(cinfo.Y_density * 254.0 / 10000.0 + 0.5)); } else { SetXDPI(cinfo.X_density); SetYDPI(cinfo.Y_density); } } if (cinfo.out_color_space==JCS_GRAYSCALE){ SetGrayPalette(); head.biClrUsed =256; } else { if (cinfo.quantize_colors==TRUE){ SetPalette(cinfo.actual_number_of_colors, cinfo.colormap[0], cinfo.colormap[1], cinfo.colormap[2]); head.biClrUsed=cinfo.actual_number_of_colors; } else { head.biClrUsed=0; } } /* JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer */ row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components; /* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */ buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray) ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1); /* Step 6: while (scan lines remain to be read) */ /* jpeg_read_scanlines(...); */ /* Here we use the library's state variable cinfo.output_scanline as the * loop counter, so that we don't have to keep track ourselves. */ iter.Upset(); while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) { if (info.nEscape) longjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer, 1); // <vho> - cancel decoding (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1); // info.nProgress = (long)(100*cinfo.output_scanline/cinfo.output_height); //<DP> Step 6a: CMYK->RGB */ if ((cinfo.num_components==4)&&(cinfo.quantize_colors==FALSE)){ BYTE k,*dst,*src; dst=iter.GetRow(); src=buffer[0]; for(long x3=0,x4=0; x3<(long)info.dwEffWidth && x4<row_stride; x3+=3, x4+=4){ k=src[x4+3]; dst[x3] =(BYTE)((k * src[x4+2])/255); dst[x3+1]=(BYTE)((k * src[x4+1])/255); dst[x3+2]=(BYTE)((k * src[x4+0])/255); } } else { /* Assume put_scanline_someplace wants a pointer and sample count. */ iter.SetRow(buffer[0], row_stride); } iter.PrevRow(); } /* Step 7: Finish decompression */ (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible * with the stdio data source. */ //<DP> Step 7A: Swap red and blue components // not necessary if swapped red and blue definition in jmorecfg.h;ln322 <W. Morrison> if ((cinfo.num_components==3)&&(cinfo.quantize_colors==FALSE)){ BYTE* r0=GetBits(); for(long y=0;y<head.biHeight;y++){ if (info.nEscape) longjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer, 1); // <vho> - cancel decoding RGBtoBGR(r0,3*head.biWidth); r0+=info.dwEffWidth; } } /* Step 8: Release JPEG decompression object */ /* This is an important step since it will release a good deal of memory. */ jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); /* At this point you may want to check to see whether any corrupt-data * warnings occurred (test whether is nonzero). */ /* And we're done! */ return true; }
X509_CRL::X509_CRL(const std::vector<uint8_t>& vec) { DataSource_Memory src(, vec.size()); load_data(src); }
//============================================================================== void Material::parseMaterialTag(const XmlElement& materialEl, ResourceInitializer& rinit) { // levelsOfDetail // XmlElement lodEl = materialEl.getChildElementOptional("levelsOfDetail"); if(lodEl) { I tmp = lodEl.getInt(); m_lodsCount = (tmp < 1) ? 1 : tmp; } else { m_lodsCount = 1; } // shadow // XmlElement shadowEl = materialEl.getChildElementOptional("shadow"); if(shadowEl) { m_shadow = shadowEl.getInt(); } // blendFunctions // XmlElement blendFunctionsEl = materialEl.getChildElementOptional("blendFunctions"); if(blendFunctionsEl) { // sFactor m_blendingSfactor = blendToEnum( blendFunctionsEl.getChildElement("sFactor").getText()); // dFactor m_blendingDfactor = blendToEnum( blendFunctionsEl.getChildElement("dFactor").getText()); } else { m_passesCount = 2; } // depthTesting // XmlElement depthTestingEl = materialEl.getChildElementOptional("depthTesting"); if(depthTestingEl) { m_depthTesting = depthTestingEl.getInt(); } // wireframe // XmlElement wireframeEl = materialEl.getChildElementOptional("wireframe"); if(wireframeEl) { m_wireframe = wireframeEl.getInt(); } // shaderProgram // MaterialProgramCreator mspc( materialEl.getChildElement("programs"), rinit.m_tempAlloc); m_tessellation = mspc.hasTessellation(); U tessCount = m_tessellation ? 2 : 1; // Alloc program vector U progCount = 0; progCount += m_passesCount * m_lodsCount * tessCount; if(m_tessellation) { progCount += m_passesCount * m_lodsCount * 2; } progCount += m_passesCount * m_lodsCount; m_progs.resize(progCount); // Aloc progam descriptors m_pplines.resize(m_passesCount * m_lodsCount * tessCount); m_hash = 0; for(U shader = 0; shader < 5; shader++) { if(!m_tessellation && (shader == 1 || shader == 2)) { continue; } if(shader == 3) { continue; } for(U level = 0; level < m_lodsCount; ++level) { for(U pid = 0; pid < m_passesCount; ++pid) { for(U tess = 0; tess < tessCount; ++tess) { TempResourceString src(rinit.m_tempAlloc); src.sprintf("#define LOD %u\n" "#define PASS %u\n" "#define TESSELLATION %u\n", level, pid, tess); TempResourceString filename = createProgramSourceToChache(src); RenderingKey key((Pass)pid, level, tess); ProgramResourcePointer& progr = getProgram(key, shader); progr.load(filename.toCString(), &rinit.m_resources); // Update the hash m_hash ^= computeHash(&src[0], src.getLength()); } } } } populateVariables(mspc); // Get uniform block size ANKI_ASSERT(m_progs.size() > 0); m_shaderBlockSize = m_progs[0]->getGlProgram().findBlock("bDefaultBlock").getSize(); }
void Sys_Init( void ) { CoInitialize( NULL ); // make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise // NT gets 18ms resolution timeBeginPeriod( 1 ); // get WM_TIMER messages pumped every millisecond // SetTimer( NULL, 0, 100, NULL ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "in_restart", Sys_In_Restart_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "restarts the input system" ); #ifdef DEBUG cmdSystem->AddCommand( "createResourceIDs", CreateResourceIDs_f, CMD_FL_TOOL, "assigns resource IDs in _resouce.h files" ); #endif #if 0 cmdSystem->AddCommand( "setAsyncSound", Sys_SetAsyncSound_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "set the async sound option" ); #endif // // Windows user name // win32.win_username.SetString( Sys_GetCurrentUser() ); // // Windows version // win32.osversion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( win32.osversion ); if ( !GetVersionEx( (LPOSVERSIONINFO)&win32.osversion ) ) Sys_Error( "Couldn't get OS info" ); if ( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion < 4 ) { Sys_Error( GAME_NAME " requires Windows version 4 (NT) or greater" ); } if ( win32.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s ) { Sys_Error( GAME_NAME " doesn't run on Win32s" ); } if( win32.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { if( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion <= 4 ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "WinNT (NT)" ); } else if( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 5 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win2K (NT)" ); } else if( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 5 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 1 ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "WinXP (NT)" ); } else if ( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 6 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "WinVista (NT)" ); } else if ( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 6 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 1 ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win7 (NT)" ); } else if ( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 6 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 2 ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win8 (NT)" ); } else { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Unknown NT variant" ); } } else if( win32.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS ) { if( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) { // Win95 if( win32.osversion.szCSDVersion[1] == 'C' ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win95 OSR2 (95)" ); } else { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win95 (95)" ); } } else if( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 10 ) { // Win98 if( win32.osversion.szCSDVersion[1] == 'A' ) { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win98SE (95)" ); } else { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Win98 (95)" ); } } else if( win32.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 && win32.osversion.dwMinorVersion == 90 ) { // WinMe win32.sys_arch.SetString( "WinMe (95)" ); } else { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "Unknown 95 variant" ); } } else { win32.sys_arch.SetString( "unknown Windows variant" ); } // // CPU type // if ( !idStr::Icmp( win32.sys_cpustring.GetString(), "detect" ) ) { idStr string; common->Printf( "%1.0f MHz ", Sys_ClockTicksPerSecond() / 1000000.0f ); win32.cpuid = Sys_GetCPUId(); string.Clear(); if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_AMD ) { string += "AMD CPU"; } else if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_INTEL ) { string += "Intel CPU"; } else if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_UNSUPPORTED ) { string += "unsupported CPU"; } else { string += "generic CPU"; } string += " with "; if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_MMX ) { string += "MMX & "; } if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_3DNOW ) { string += "3DNow! & "; } if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_SSE ) { string += "SSE & "; } if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_SSE2 ) { string += "SSE2 & "; } if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_SSE3 ) { string += "SSE3 & "; } if ( win32.cpuid & CPUID_HTT ) { string += "HTT & "; } string.StripTrailing( " & " ); string.StripTrailing( " with " ); win32.sys_cpustring.SetString( string ); } else { common->Printf( "forcing CPU type to " ); idLexer src( win32.sys_cpustring.GetString(), idStr::Length( win32.sys_cpustring.GetString() ), "sys_cpustring" ); idToken token; int id = CPUID_NONE; while( src.ReadToken( &token ) ) { if ( token.Icmp( "generic" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_GENERIC; } else if ( token.Icmp( "intel" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_INTEL; } else if ( token.Icmp( "amd" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_AMD; } else if ( token.Icmp( "mmx" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_MMX; } else if ( token.Icmp( "3dnow" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_3DNOW; } else if ( token.Icmp( "sse" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_SSE; } else if ( token.Icmp( "sse2" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_SSE2; } else if ( token.Icmp( "sse3" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_SSE3; } else if ( token.Icmp( "htt" ) == 0 ) { id |= CPUID_HTT; } } if ( id == CPUID_NONE ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: unknown sys_cpustring '%s'\n", win32.sys_cpustring.GetString() ); id = CPUID_GENERIC; } win32.cpuid = (cpuid_t) id; } common->Printf( "%s\n", win32.sys_cpustring.GetString() ); common->Printf( "%d MB System Memory\n", Sys_GetSystemRam() ); common->Printf( "%d MB Video Memory\n", Sys_GetVideoRam() ); }
void idListWindow::PostParse() { idWindow::PostParse(); InitScroller( horizontal ); idList<int> tabStops; idList<int> tabAligns; if( tabStopStr.Length() ) { idParser src( tabStopStr, tabStopStr.Length(), "tabstops", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ); idToken tok; while( src.ReadToken( &tok ) ) { if( tok == "," ) { continue; } tabStops.Append( atoi( tok ) ); } } if( tabAlignStr.Length() ) { idParser src( tabAlignStr, tabAlignStr.Length(), "tabaligns", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ); idToken tok; while( src.ReadToken( &tok ) ) { if( tok == "," ) { continue; } tabAligns.Append( atoi( tok ) ); } } idList<int> tabVAligns; if( tabVAlignStr.Length() ) { idParser src( tabVAlignStr, tabVAlignStr.Length(), "tabvaligns", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ); idToken tok; while( src.ReadToken( &tok ) ) { if( tok == "," ) { continue; } tabVAligns.Append( atoi( tok ) ); } } idList<int> tabTypes; if( tabTypeStr.Length() ) { idParser src( tabTypeStr, tabTypeStr.Length(), "tabtypes", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ); idToken tok; while( src.ReadToken( &tok ) ) { if( tok == "," ) { continue; } tabTypes.Append( atoi( tok ) ); } } idList<idVec2> tabSizes; if( tabIconSizeStr.Length() ) { idParser src( tabIconSizeStr, tabIconSizeStr.Length(), "tabiconsizes", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ); idToken tok; while( src.ReadToken( &tok ) ) { if( tok == "," ) { continue; } idVec2 size; size.x = atoi( tok ); src.ReadToken( &tok ); //"," src.ReadToken( &tok ); size.y = atoi( tok ); tabSizes.Append( size ); } } idList<float> tabIconVOffsets; if( tabIconVOffsetStr.Length() ) { idParser src( tabIconVOffsetStr, tabIconVOffsetStr.Length(), "tabiconvoffsets", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ); idToken tok; while( src.ReadToken( &tok ) ) { if( tok == "," ) { continue; } tabIconVOffsets.Append( atof( tok ) ); } } int c = tabStops.Num(); bool doAligns = ( tabAligns.Num() == tabStops.Num() ); for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { idTabRect r; r.x = tabStops[i]; r.w = ( i < c - 1 ) ? tabStops[i + 1] - r.x - tabBorder : -1; r.align = ( doAligns ) ? tabAligns[i] : 0; if( tabVAligns.Num() > 0 ) { r.valign = tabVAligns[i]; } else { r.valign = 0; } if( tabTypes.Num() > 0 ) { r.type = tabTypes[i]; } else { r.type = TAB_TYPE_TEXT; } if( tabSizes.Num() > 0 ) { r.iconSize = tabSizes[i]; } else { r.iconSize.Zero(); } if( tabIconVOffsets.Num() > 0 ) { r.iconVOffset = tabIconVOffsets[i]; } else { r.iconVOffset = 0; } tabInfo.Append( r ); } flags |= WIN_CANFOCUS; }
extern "C" Lz4MtResult lz4mtCompress(Lz4MtContext* lz4MtContext, const Lz4MtStreamDescriptor* sd) { assert(lz4MtContext); assert(sd); Context ctx_(lz4MtContext); Context* ctx = &ctx_; { char d[LZ4S_MAX_HEADER_SIZE] = { 0 }; auto p = &d[0]; const auto r = validateStreamDescriptor(sd); if(LZ4MT_RESULT_OK != r) { return ctx->setResult(r); } p += storeU32(p, LZ4S_MAGICNUMBER); const auto* sumBegin = p; *p++ = flgToChar(sd->flg); *p++ = bdToChar(sd->bd); if(sd->flg.streamSize) { assert(sd->streamSize); p += storeU64(p, sd->streamSize); } if(sd->flg.presetDictionary) { p += storeU32(p, sd->dictId); } const auto sumSize = static_cast<int>(p - sumBegin); const auto h = Lz4Mt::Xxh32(sumBegin, sumSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED).digest(); *p++ = static_cast<char>(getCheckBits_FromXXH(h)); assert(p <= std::end(d)); const auto writeSize = static_cast<int>(p - d); if(writeSize != ctx->write(d, writeSize)) { return ctx->setResult(LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_WRITE_HEADER); } } const auto nBlockMaximumSize = getBlockSize(sd->bd.blockMaximumSize); const auto nBlockSize = 4; const auto nBlockCheckSum = sd->flg.blockChecksum ? 4 : 0; const auto cIncompressible = 1 << (nBlockSize * 8 - 1); const bool streamChecksum = 0 != sd->flg.streamChecksum; const bool singleThread = 0 != (ctx->mode() & LZ4MT_MODE_SEQUENTIAL); const auto nConcurrency = Lz4Mt::getHardwareConcurrency(); const auto nPool = singleThread ? 1 : nConcurrency + 1; const auto launch = singleThread ? Lz4Mt::launch::deferred : std::launch::async; Lz4Mt::MemPool srcBufferPool(nBlockMaximumSize, nPool); Lz4Mt::MemPool dstBufferPool(nBlockMaximumSize, nPool); std::vector<std::future<void>> futures; Lz4Mt::Xxh32 xxhStream(LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED); const auto f = [&futures, &dstBufferPool, &xxhStream , ctx, nBlockCheckSum, streamChecksum, launch, cIncompressible ] (int i, Lz4Mt::MemPool::Buffer* srcRawPtr, int srcSize) { BufferPtr src(srcRawPtr); if(ctx->error()) { return; } const auto* srcPtr = src->data(); BufferPtr dst(dstBufferPool.alloc()); auto* cmpPtr = dst->data(); const auto cmpSize = ctx->compress(srcPtr, cmpPtr, srcSize, srcSize); const bool incompressible = (cmpSize <= 0); const auto* cPtr = incompressible ? srcPtr : cmpPtr; const auto cSize = incompressible ? srcSize : cmpSize; std::future<uint32_t> futureBlockHash; if(nBlockCheckSum) { futureBlockHash = std::async(launch, [=] { return Lz4Mt::Xxh32(cPtr, cSize, LZ4S_CHECKSUM_SEED).digest(); }); } if(incompressible) { dst.reset(); } if(i > 0) { futures[i-1].wait(); } std::future<void> futureStreamHash; if(streamChecksum) { futureStreamHash = std::async(launch, [=, &xxhStream] { xxhStream.update(srcPtr, srcSize); }); } if(incompressible) { ctx->writeU32(cSize | cIncompressible); ctx->writeBin(srcPtr, srcSize); } else { ctx->writeU32(cSize); ctx->writeBin(cmpPtr, cmpSize); } if(futureBlockHash.valid()) { ctx->writeU32(futureBlockHash.get()); } if(futureStreamHash.valid()) { futureStreamHash.wait(); } }; for(int i = 0;; ++i) { BufferPtr src(srcBufferPool.alloc()); auto* srcPtr = src->data(); const auto srcSize = src->size(); const auto readSize = ctx->read(srcPtr, static_cast<int>(srcSize)); if(0 == readSize) { break; } if(singleThread) { f(0, src.release(), readSize); } else { futures.emplace_back(std::async(launch, f, i, src.release(), readSize)); } } for(auto& e : futures) { e.wait(); } if(!ctx->writeU32(LZ4S_EOS)) { return LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_WRITE_EOS; } if(streamChecksum) { const auto digest = xxhStream.digest(); if(!ctx->writeU32(digest)) { return LZ4MT_RESULT_CANNOT_WRITE_STREAM_CHECKSUM; } } return LZ4MT_RESULT_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CDX7SubPic::AlphaBlt(RECT* pSrc, RECT* pDst, SubPicDesc* pTarget) { ASSERT(pTarget == nullptr); if (!m_pD3DDev || !m_pSurface || !pSrc || !pDst) { return E_POINTER; } CRect src(*pSrc), dst(*pDst); HRESULT hr; DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; INITDDSTRUCT(ddsd); if (FAILED(hr = m_pSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd))) { return E_FAIL; } float w = (float)ddsd.dwWidth; float h = (float)ddsd.dwHeight; // Be careful with the code that follows. Some compilers (e.g. Visual Studio 2012) used to miscompile // it in some cases (namely x64 with optimizations /O2 /Ot). This bug led pVertices not to be correctly // initialized and thus the subtitles weren't shown. struct { float x, y, z, rhw; float tu, tv; } pVertices[] = { {(float)dst.left, (float), 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.left / w, (float) / h}, {(float)dst.right, (float), 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.right / w, (float) / h}, {(float)dst.left, (float)dst.bottom, 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.left / w, (float)src.bottom / h}, {(float)dst.right, (float)dst.bottom, 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.right / w, (float)src.bottom / h}, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(pVertices); i++) { pVertices[i].x -= 0.5f; pVertices[i].y -= 0.5f; } hr = m_pD3DDev->SetTexture(0, m_pSurface); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_LIGHTING, FALSE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_BLENDENABLE, TRUE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE); // pre-multiplied src and ... m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND, m_bInvAlpha ? D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA : D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA); // ... inverse alpha channel for dst m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); if (src == dst) { m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DTFG_POINT); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTFG_POINT); } else { m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DTFG_LINEAR); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTFG_LINEAR); } m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MIPFILTER, D3DTFP_NONE); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ADDRESS, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP); /*// D3DDEVICEDESC7 d3ddevdesc; m_pD3DDev->GetCaps(&d3ddevdesc); if (d3ddevdesc.dpcTriCaps.dwAlphaCmpCaps & D3DPCMPCAPS_LESS) { m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAREF, (DWORD)0x000000FE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHATESTENABLE, TRUE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAFUNC, D3DPCMPCAPS_LESS); } */// if (FAILED(hr = m_pD3DDev->BeginScene())) { return E_FAIL; } hr = m_pD3DDev->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX1, pVertices, 4, D3DDP_WAIT); m_pD3DDev->EndScene(); m_pD3DDev->SetTexture(0, nullptr); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CDX7SubPic::AlphaBlt(RECT* pSrc, RECT* pDst, SubPicDesc* pTarget) { ASSERT(pTarget == NULL); if (!m_pD3DDev || !m_pSurface || !pSrc || !pDst) { return E_POINTER; } CRect src(*pSrc), dst(*pDst); HRESULT hr; do { DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; INITDDSTRUCT(ddsd); if (FAILED(hr = m_pSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd))) { break; } float w = (float)ddsd.dwWidth; float h = (float)ddsd.dwHeight; struct { float x, y, z, rhw; float tu, tv; } pVertices[] = { {(float)dst.left, (float), 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.left / w, (float) / h}, {(float)dst.right, (float), 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.right / w, (float) / h}, {(float)dst.left, (float)dst.bottom, 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.left / w, (float)src.bottom / h}, {(float)dst.right, (float)dst.bottom, 0.5f, 2.0f, (float)src.right / w, (float)src.bottom / h}, }; /* for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < _countof(pVertices); i++) { pVertices[i].x -= 0.5; pVertices[i].y -= 0.5; } */ hr = m_pD3DDev->SetTexture(0, m_pSurface); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_LIGHTING, FALSE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_BLENDENABLE, TRUE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE); // pre-multiplied src and ... m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA); // ... inverse alpha channel for dst m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DTFG_LINEAR); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTFN_LINEAR); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_MIPFILTER, D3DTFP_LINEAR); m_pD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ADDRESS, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP); /*// D3DDEVICEDESC7 d3ddevdesc; m_pD3DDev->GetCaps(&d3ddevdesc); if (d3ddevdesc.dpcTriCaps.dwAlphaCmpCaps & D3DPCMPCAPS_LESS) { m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAREF, (DWORD)0x000000FE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHATESTENABLE, TRUE); m_pD3DDev->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAFUNC, D3DPCMPCAPS_LESS); } */// if (FAILED(hr = m_pD3DDev->BeginScene())) { break; } hr = m_pD3DDev->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX1, pVertices, 4, D3DDP_WAIT); m_pD3DDev->EndScene(); // m_pD3DDev->SetTexture(0, NULL); return S_OK; } while (0); return E_FAIL; }
/* int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { File src(argv[1], File::READ, File::OPEN); string x =; DWORD y = GetTickCount(); SimpleXML xml; xml.fromXML(x); printf("%d\n", GetTickCount() - y); return 0; } */ int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc < 3) { return 0; } try { string tmp; File src(argv[1], File::READ, File::OPEN, File::BUFFER_SEQUENTIAL, false); File tgt(argv[2], File::WRITE, File::CREATE | File::TRUNCATE, File::BUFFER_SEQUENTIAL, false); File example(argv[3], File::WRITE, File::CREATE | File::TRUNCATE, File::BUFFER_SEQUENTIAL, false); string x =; x = Text::acpToUtf8(x); string::size_type k; while((k = x.find('\r')) != string::npos) { x.erase(k, 1); } StringList l = StringTokenizer<string>(x, '\n').getTokens(); StringIter i; string varStr; string varName; string start; SimpleXML ex; for(i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ) { if( (k = i->find("// @Strings: ")) != string::npos) { varStr = i->substr(k + 13); i = l.erase(i); } else if( (k = i->find("// @Names: ")) != string::npos) { varName = i->substr(k + 11); i = l.erase(i); } else if(i->find("// @DontAdd") != string::npos) { i = l.erase(i); } else if( (k = i->find("// @Prolog: ")) != string::npos) { start += i->substr(k + 12) + "\r\n"; i = l.erase(i); } else if(i->size() < 5) { i = l.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } if(varStr.empty() || varName.empty()) { printf("No @Strings or @Names\n"); return 0; } varStr += " = {\r\n"; varName += " = {\r\n"; /*ex.addTag("Language"); ex.addChildAttrib("Name", string("Example Language")); ex.addChildAttrib("Author", string("AirDC++ Team")); ex.addChildAttrib("Version", string(VERSIONSTRING)); ex.addChildAttrib("Revision", string("1")); ex.stepIn(); ex.addTag("Strings"); ex.stepIn();*/ ex.addTag("resources"); ex.stepIn(); string name; string def; string xmldef; string s; for(i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++) { name.clear(); s = *i; bool u = true; for(k = s.find_first_not_of(" \t"); s[k] != ','; k++) { if(s[k] == '_') { u = true; } else if(u) { name+=s[k]; u = false; } else { name+=(char)tolower(s[k]); } } k = s.find("// "); def = s.substr(k + 3); xmldef = def.substr(1, def.size() - 2); while( (k = xmldef.find("\\t")) != string::npos) { xmldef.replace(k, 2, "\t"); } while( (k = xmldef.find("\\r")) != string::npos) { xmldef.replace(k, 2, "\r"); } while( (k = xmldef.find("\\n")) != string::npos) { xmldef.replace(k, 2, "\n"); } while( (k = xmldef.find("\\\\")) != string::npos) { xmldef.replace(k, 2, "\\"); } while( (k = xmldef.find("\\\"")) != string::npos) { xmldef.replace(k, 2, "\""); } //ex.addTag("String", xmldef); //ex.addChildAttrib("Name", name); ex.addTag("string", xmldef); ex.addChildAttrib("name", name); varStr += def + ", \r\n"; varName += '\"' + name + "\", \r\n"; /*if(((++a) % 5) == 0) { varStr += "\r\n"; varName += "\r\n"; }*/ } varStr.erase(varStr.size()-2, 2); varName.erase(varName.size()-2, 2); varStr += "\r\n};\r\n"; varName += "\r\n};\r\n"; tgt.write(start); tgt.write(varStr); tgt.write(varName); example.write(SimpleXML::utf8Header); example.write(ex.toXML()); } catch(Exception e) { printf("%s\n", e.getError().c_str()); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { //! Number of cells in x direction int l_nX = 0; //! Number of cells in y direction int l_nY = 0; //! coarseness factor float l_coarseness = 1.0; //! l_baseName of the plots. std::string l_baseName; //! bathymetry input file name std::string l_bathymetryFileName; //! displacement input file name std::string l_displacementFileName; //! checkpoint input file name std::string l_checkpointFileName; //! the total simulation time int l_simulationTime = 0.0; #ifdef USEOPENCL //! Maximum number of computing devices to be used (OpenCL specific, 0 = unlimited) unsigned int l_maxDevices = 0; //! Maximum kernel group size size_t l_maxGroupSize = 1024; //! Chosen kernel optimization type KernelType l_kernelType = MEM_GLOBAL; #endif //! type of boundary conditions at LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, and BOTTOM boundary BoundaryType l_boundaryTypes[4]; //! whether to override the scenario-defined conditions (true) or not (false) bool l_overwriteBoundaryTypes = false; //! List of defined scenarios typedef enum { SCENARIO_TSUNAMI, SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI, SCENARIO_ARTIFICIAL_TSUNAMI, SCENARIO_PARTIAL_DAMBREAK } ScenarioName; //! the name of the chosen scenario ScenarioName l_scenarioName; #ifdef WRITENETCDF l_scenarioName = SCENARIO_TSUNAMI; #else l_scenarioName = SCENARIO_PARTIAL_DAMBREAK; #endif //! number of checkpoints for visualization (at each checkpoint in time, an output file is written). int l_numberOfCheckPoints = 20; // Option Parsing // REQUIRED // -x <num> // Number of cells in x-dir // -y <num> // Number of cells in y-dir // -o <file> // Output file basename // OPTIONAL (may be required for certain scenarios) // -i <file> // initial bathymetry data file name (REQUIRED for certain scenarios) // -d <file> // input displacement data file name (REQUIRED for certain scenarios) // -c <file> // checkpoints data file name // -f <float> // output coarseness factor // -l <num> // maximum number of computing devices // -m <code> // Kernel memory optimization type // -g <num // Kernel work group size // -n <num> // Number of checkpoints // -t <float> // Simulation time in seconds // -s <scenario> // Artificial scenario name ("artificialtsunami", "partialdambreak") // -b <code> // Boundary conditions, "w" or "o" // // 1 value: for all // // 2 values: first is left/right, second is top/bottom // // 4 values: left, right, bottom, top int c; int showUsage = 0; std::string optstr; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "x:y:o:i:d:c:n:t:b:s:f:l:m:g:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'x': l_nX = atoi(optarg); break; case 'y': l_nY = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': l_baseName = std::string(optarg); break; #ifdef WRITENETCDF case 'i': l_bathymetryFileName = std::string(optarg); break; case 'd': l_displacementFileName = std::string(optarg); break; case 'c': l_checkpointFileName = std::string(optarg); break; #endif case 'l': #ifdef USEOPENCL l_maxDevices = atoi(optarg); #endif break; case 'g': #ifdef USEOPENCL l_maxGroupSize = atoi(optarg); #endif break; case 'm': #ifdef USEOPENCL optstr = std::string(optarg); if(optstr == "g" || optstr == "global") l_kernelType = MEM_GLOBAL; else l_kernelType = MEM_LOCAL; #endif break; case 'n': l_numberOfCheckPoints = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': l_simulationTime = atof(optarg); break; case 'b': optstr = std::string(optarg); l_overwriteBoundaryTypes = true; switch(optstr.length()) { case 1: // one option for all boundaries for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) l_boundaryTypes[i] = (optstr[0] == 'w') ? WALL : OUTFLOW; break; case 2: // first: left/right, second: top/bottom for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) l_boundaryTypes[i] = (optstr[0] == 'w') ? WALL : OUTFLOW; for(int i = 2; i < 4; i++) l_boundaryTypes[i] = (optstr[1] == 'w') ? WALL : OUTFLOW; break; case 4: // left right bottom top for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) l_boundaryTypes[i] = (optstr[i] == 'w') ? WALL : OUTFLOW; break; default: std::cerr << "Invalid option argument: Invalid boundary specification (-b)" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; break; } break; case 's': optstr = std::string(optarg); if(optstr == "artificialtsunami") { l_scenarioName = SCENARIO_ARTIFICIAL_TSUNAMI; } else if(optstr == "partialdambreak") { l_scenarioName = SCENARIO_PARTIAL_DAMBREAK; } else { std::cerr << "Invalid option argument: Unknown scenario (-s)" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } break; case 'f': l_coarseness = atof(optarg); break; default: showUsage = 1; break; } } // Do several checks on supplied options if(!showUsage) { // Check for required arguments x and y cells unless we can get the info from a checkpoint file if((l_nX == 0 || l_nY == 0) && l_checkpointFileName.empty()) { std::cerr << "Missing required arguments: number of cells in X (-x) and Y (-y) direction" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } // Check for required output base file name if(l_baseName.empty() && l_checkpointFileName.empty()) { std::cerr << "Missing required argument: base name of output file (-o)" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } // Check for valid number of checkpoints if(l_numberOfCheckPoints <= 0) { std::cerr << "Invalid option argument: Number of checkpoints must be greater than zero (-n)" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } if(l_coarseness < 1.0) { std::cerr << "Invalid option argument: The coarseness factor must be greater than or equal to 1.0 (-f)" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } // Check if a checkpoint-file is given as input. If so, switch to checkpoint scenario if(!l_checkpointFileName.empty()) { l_scenarioName = SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI; // We handle the file name of checkpoint and output data files without the ".nc" // extension internally, so we're removing the extension here in case it is supplied int cpLength = l_checkpointFileName.length(); if(l_checkpointFileName.substr(cpLength-3, 3).compare(".nc") == 0) { l_checkpointFileName.erase(cpLength-3, 3); } if(l_nX > 0 || l_nY > 0) std::cerr << "WARNING: Supplied number of grid cells will be ignored (reading from checkpoint)" << std::endl; if(l_simulationTime > 0.0) std::cerr << "WARNING: Supplied simulation time will be ignored (reading from checkpoint)" << std::endl; } if(l_scenarioName == SCENARIO_TSUNAMI) { // We've got no checkpoint and no artificial scenario // => Bathymetry and displacement data must be supplied if(l_bathymetryFileName.empty() || l_displacementFileName.empty()) { std::cerr << "Missing required argument: bathymetry (-i) and displacement (-d) files must be supplied" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } } else { if(!l_bathymetryFileName.empty() || !l_displacementFileName.empty()) std::cerr << "WARNING: Supplied bathymetry and displacement data will be ignored" << std::endl; } #ifdef USEOPENCL if(l_maxGroupSize == 0 || (l_maxGroupSize & (l_maxGroupSize - 1))) { std::cout << "Group size must be greater than zero and a power of two!" << std::endl; showUsage = 1; } #endif } if(showUsage) { std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl; std::cout << "Simulating a tsunami with bathymetry and displacement input:" << std::endl; std::cout << " ./SWE_<opt> -i <bathymetryfile> -d <displacementfile> [OPTIONS]" << std::endl; std::cout << "Resuming a crashed simulation from checkpoint file:" << std::endl; std::cout << " ./SWE_<opt> -c <checkpointfile> [-o <outputfile>]" << std::endl; std::cout << "Simulating an artificial scenario:" << std::endl; std::cout << " ./SWE_<opt> -s <scenarioname> [OPTIONS]" << std::endl; std::cout << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl; std::cout << " -o <filename> The output file base name" << std::endl; std::cout << " Note: If the file already exists it is assumed to be a checkpointfile" << std::endl; std::cout << " from which to resume simulation. Input options are ignored then." << std::endl; std::cout << " -x <num> The number of cells in x-direction" << std::endl; std::cout << " -y <num> The number of cells in y-direction" << std::endl; std::cout << " -n <num> Number of checkpoints to be written" << std::endl; std::cout << " -t <time> Total simulation time" << std::endl; std::cout << " -f <num> Coarseness factor (> 1.0)" << std::endl; std::cout << " -l <num> Maximum number of computing devices (OpenCL only)" << std::endl; std::cout << " -b <code> Boundary Conditions" << std::endl; std::cout << " Codes: Combination of 'w' (WALL) and 'o' (OUTFLOW)" << std::endl; std::cout << " One char: Option for ALL boundaries" << std::endl; std::cout << " Two chars: Options for left/right and top/bottom boundaries" << std::endl; std::cout << " Four chars: Options for left, right, bottom, top boundaries" << std::endl; std::cout << " -i <filename> Name of bathymetry data file" << std::endl; std::cout << " -d <filename> Name of displacement data file" << std::endl; std::cout << " -c <filename> Name of checkpointfile" << std::endl; std::cout << " -s <scenario> Name of artificial scenario" << std::endl; std::cout << " Scenarios: 'artificialtsunami', 'partialdambreak'" << std::endl; std::cout << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "Notes when using a checkpointfile:" << std::endl; std::cout << " -x, -y, -n, -t, -b, -i, -d, -s are ignored (values are read from checkpointfile)" << std::endl; std::cout << " An output file (-o) can be specified. In that case, the checkpointfile" << std::endl; std::cout << " is copied to that location and output is appended to the output file." << std::endl; std::cout << " If no output file is specified, output is appended to the checkpointfile." << std::endl; std::cout << "" << std::endl; std::cout << "Example: " << std::endl; std::cout << "./SWE_<compiler>_<build>_none_dimsplit -x 100 -y 200 -o out -i -d -n 50 -b owwo" << std::endl; std::cout << " will simulate a tsunami scenario using bathymetry from '' and displacements "; std::cout << "from '' on a grid of size 100 x 200 using outflow conditions for left and "; std::cout << "top boundary and wall conditions for right and bottom boundary, writing 50 checkpoints "; std::cout << "to out_<num>.nc" << std::endl; return 0; } //! output file basename (with block coordinates) std::string l_outputFileName = generateBaseFileName(l_baseName,0,0); #ifdef WRITENETCDF if(l_scenarioName != SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI) { // This is a tsunami scenario, check if the output file (with .nc-extension) exists // In that case switch to checkpoint scenario int ncOutputFile; int status = nc_open((l_outputFileName + ".nc").c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &ncOutputFile); if(status == NC_NOERR) { // Output file exists and is a NetCDF file => switch to checkpointing l_scenarioName = SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI; l_checkpointFileName = l_outputFileName; nc_close(ncOutputFile); } } #endif //! Pointer to instance of chosen scenario SWE_Scenario *l_scenario; // Create scenario according to chosen options switch(l_scenarioName) { #ifdef WRITENETCDF case SCENARIO_TSUNAMI: l_scenario = new SWE_TsunamiScenario(l_bathymetryFileName, l_displacementFileName); // overwrite boundary conditions from scenario in case they have // been explicitly set using command line arguments if(l_overwriteBoundaryTypes) ((SWE_TsunamiScenario *)l_scenario)->setBoundaryTypes(l_boundaryTypes); break; case SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI: l_scenario = new SWE_CheckpointTsunamiScenario(l_checkpointFileName + ".nc"); // Read number if grid cells from checkpoint ((SWE_CheckpointTsunamiScenario *)l_scenario)->getNumberOfCells(l_nX, l_nY); if(l_overwriteBoundaryTypes) std::cerr << "WARNING: Loading checkpointed Simulation does not support " << "explicitly setting boundary conditions" << std::endl; break; #endif case SCENARIO_ARTIFICIAL_TSUNAMI: l_scenario = new SWE_ArtificialTsunamiScenario(); // overwrite boundary conditions from scenario in case they have // been explicitly set using command line arguments if(l_overwriteBoundaryTypes) ((SWE_ArtificialTsunamiScenario *)l_scenario)->setBoundaryTypes(l_boundaryTypes); break; case SCENARIO_PARTIAL_DAMBREAK: l_scenario = new SWE_PartialDambreak(); if(l_overwriteBoundaryTypes) std::cerr << "WARNING: PartialDambreak-Scenario does not support " << "explicitly setting boundary conditions" << std::endl; break; default: std::cerr << "Invalid Scenario" << std::endl; exit(1); break; } //! size of a single cell in x- and y-direction float l_dX, l_dY; // compute the size of a single cell l_dX = (l_scenario->getBoundaryPos(BND_RIGHT) - l_scenario->getBoundaryPos(BND_LEFT) )/l_nX; l_dY = (l_scenario->getBoundaryPos(BND_TOP) - l_scenario->getBoundaryPos(BND_BOTTOM) )/l_nY; //! Dimensional Splitting Block #ifndef USEOPENCL SWE_DimensionalSplitting l_dimensionalSplitting(l_nX, l_nY, l_dX, l_dY); #else SWE_DimensionalSplittingOpenCL l_dimensionalSplitting(l_nX, l_nY, l_dX, l_dY, 0, l_maxDevices, l_kernelType, l_maxGroupSize); l_dimensionalSplitting.printDeviceInformation(); #endif //! origin of the simulation domain in x- and y-direction float l_originX, l_originY; // get the origin from the scenario l_originX = l_scenario->getBoundaryPos(BND_LEFT); l_originY = l_scenario->getBoundaryPos(BND_BOTTOM); // initialize the wave propagation block l_dimensionalSplitting.initScenario(l_originX, l_originY, *l_scenario); //! time when the simulation ends. float l_endSimulation; if(l_simulationTime <= 0.0) { // We haven't got a valid simulation time as arguments, use the pre-defied one from scenario l_endSimulation = l_scenario->endSimulation(); } else { // Use time given from command line l_endSimulation = l_simulationTime; } //! simulation time. float l_t = 0.0; //! checkpoint counter int l_checkpoint = 1; #ifdef WRITENETCDF if(l_scenarioName == SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI) { // read total number of checkpoints l_numberOfCheckPoints = ((SWE_CheckpointTsunamiScenario *)l_scenario)->getNumberOfCheckpoints(); // load last checkpoint and timestep from scenario (checkpoint-file) ((SWE_CheckpointTsunamiScenario *)l_scenario)->getLastCheckpoint(l_checkpoint, l_t); l_checkpoint++; // forace coarseness of 1 if reading from checkpoint data l_coarseness = 1.0; } #endif // read actual boundary types (command line merged with scenario) l_boundaryTypes[BND_LEFT] = l_scenario->getBoundaryType(BND_LEFT); l_boundaryTypes[BND_RIGHT] = l_scenario->getBoundaryType(BND_RIGHT); l_boundaryTypes[BND_BOTTOM] = l_scenario->getBoundaryType(BND_BOTTOM); l_boundaryTypes[BND_TOP] = l_scenario->getBoundaryType(BND_TOP); //! checkpoints when output files are written. float* l_checkPoints = new float[l_numberOfCheckPoints+1]; // compute the checkpoints in time for(int cp = 0; cp <= l_numberOfCheckPoints; cp++) { l_checkPoints[cp] = cp*(l_endSimulation/l_numberOfCheckPoints); } // Init fancy progressbar tools::ProgressBar progressBar(l_endSimulation); // write the output at time zero tools::Logger::logger.printOutputTime((float) l_t); progressBar.update(l_t); //boundary size of the ghost layers io::BoundarySize l_boundarySize = {{1, 1, 1, 1}}; // Delete scenarioto free resources and close opened files delete l_scenario; #ifdef WRITENETCDF if(l_scenarioName == SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI) { if(l_baseName.empty()) { // If there is no output file name given, use the checkpoint file l_outputFileName = l_checkpointFileName; } else if( != 0) { // output file name given and it is not equal to the checkpoint file // therefore, we have to make a copy of our checkpointfile // in order to continue the simulation std::ifstream src((l_checkpointFileName + ".nc").c_str()); std::ofstream dst((l_outputFileName + ".nc").c_str()); dst << src.rdbuf(); } } //construct a NetCdfWriter io::NetCdfWriter l_writer( l_outputFileName, l_dimensionalSplitting.getBathymetry(), l_boundarySize, l_nX, l_nY, l_dX, l_dY, l_originX, l_originY, l_coarseness); l_writer.writeSimulationInfo(l_numberOfCheckPoints, l_endSimulation, l_boundaryTypes); #else // consturct a VtkWriter io::VtkWriter l_writer( l_outputFileName, l_dimensionalSplitting.getBathymetry(), l_boundarySize, l_nX, l_nY, l_dX, l_dY, 0, 0, l_coarseness); #endif if(l_scenarioName != SCENARIO_CHECKPOINT_TSUNAMI) { // Write zero time step l_writer.writeTimeStep( l_dimensionalSplitting.getWaterHeight(), l_dimensionalSplitting.getDischarge_hu(), l_dimensionalSplitting.getDischarge_hv(), (float) 0.); } /** * Simulation. */ // print the start message and reset the wall clock time progressBar.clear(); tools::Logger::logger.printStartMessage(); tools::Logger::logger.initWallClockTime(time(NULL)); progressBar.update(l_t); unsigned int l_iterations = 0; // loop over checkpoints while(l_checkpoint <= l_numberOfCheckPoints) { // do time steps until next checkpoint is reached while( l_t < l_checkPoints[l_checkpoint] ) { // set values in ghost cells: l_dimensionalSplitting.setGhostLayer(); // reset the cpu clock tools::Logger::logger.resetCpuClockToCurrentTime(); // compute numerical flux on each edge l_dimensionalSplitting.computeNumericalFluxes(); //! maximum allowed time step width. float l_maxTimeStepWidth = l_dimensionalSplitting.getMaxTimestep(); // update the cell values l_dimensionalSplitting.updateUnknowns(l_maxTimeStepWidth); // update the cpu time in the logger tools::Logger::logger.updateCpuTime(); // update simulation time with time step width. l_t += l_maxTimeStepWidth; l_iterations++; // print the current simulation time progressBar.clear(); tools::Logger::logger.printSimulationTime(l_t); progressBar.update(l_t); } // print current simulation time of the output progressBar.clear(); tools::Logger::logger.printOutputTime(l_t); progressBar.update(l_t); // write output l_writer.writeTimeStep( l_dimensionalSplitting.getWaterHeight(), l_dimensionalSplitting.getDischarge_hu(), l_dimensionalSplitting.getDischarge_hv(), l_t); l_checkpoint++; } /** * Finalize. */ // write the statistics message progressBar.clear(); tools::Logger::logger.printStatisticsMessage(); // print the cpu time tools::Logger::logger.printCpuTime(); // print the wall clock time (includes plotting) tools::Logger::logger.printWallClockTime(time(NULL)); // printer iteration counter tools::Logger::logger.printIterationsDone(l_iterations); // print average time per cell per iteration tools::Logger::logger.printAverageCPUTimePerCellPerIteration(l_iterations, l_nX*(l_nY+2)); #ifdef USEOPENCL // print opencl stats l_dimensionalSplitting.printProfilingInformation(); #endif return 0; }
/* ============== idSessionLocal::HandleSaveGameMenuCommands ============== */ bool idSessionLocal::HandleSaveGameMenuCommand( idCmdArgs &args, int &icmd ) { const char *cmd = args.Argv(icmd-1); if ( !idStr::Icmp( cmd, "loadGame" ) ) { int choice = guiActive->State().GetInt("loadgame_sel_0"); if ( choice >= 0 && choice < loadGameList.Num() ) { sessLocal.LoadGame( loadGameList[choice] ); } return true; } if ( !idStr::Icmp( cmd, "saveGame" ) ) { const char *saveGameName = guiActive->State().GetString("saveGameName"); if ( saveGameName && saveGameName[0] ) { // First see if the file already exists unless they pass '1' to authorize the overwrite if ( icmd == args.Argc() || atoi(args.Argv( icmd++ )) == 0 ) { idStr saveFileName = saveGameName; sessLocal.ScrubSaveGameFileName( saveFileName ); saveFileName = "savegames/" + saveFileName; saveFileName.SetFileExtension(".save"); idStr game = cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "fs_game" ); idFile *file; if(game.Length()) { file = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( saveFileName, true, game ); } else { file = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( saveFileName ); } if ( file != NULL ) { fileSystem->CloseFile( file ); // The file exists, see if it's an autosave saveFileName.SetFileExtension(".txt"); idLexer src(LEXFL_NOERRORS|LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT); if ( src.LoadFile( saveFileName ) ) { idToken tok; src.ReadToken( &tok ); // Name src.ReadToken( &tok ); // Map src.ReadToken( &tok ); // Screenshot if ( !tok.IsEmpty() ) { // NOTE: base/ gui doesn't handle that one guiActive->HandleNamedEvent( "autosaveOverwriteError" ); return true; } } guiActive->HandleNamedEvent( "saveGameOverwrite" ); return true; } } sessLocal.SaveGame( saveGameName ); SetSaveGameGuiVars( ); guiActive->StateChanged( com_frameTime ); } return true; } if ( !idStr::Icmp( cmd, "deleteGame" ) ) { int choice = guiActive->State().GetInt( "loadgame_sel_0" ); if ( choice >= 0 && choice < loadGameList.Num() ) { fileSystem->RemoveFile( va("savegames/", loadGameList[choice].c_str()) ); fileSystem->RemoveFile( va("savegames/%s.tga", loadGameList[choice].c_str()) ); fileSystem->RemoveFile( va("savegames/%s.txt", loadGameList[choice].c_str()) ); SetSaveGameGuiVars( ); guiActive->StateChanged( com_frameTime ); } return true; } if ( !idStr::Icmp( cmd, "updateSaveGameInfo" ) ) { int choice = guiActive->State().GetInt( "loadgame_sel_0" ); if ( choice >= 0 && choice < loadGameList.Num() ) { const idMaterial *material; idStr saveName, description, screenshot; idLexer src(LEXFL_NOERRORS|LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT); if ( src.LoadFile( va("savegames/%s.txt", loadGameList[choice].c_str()) ) ) { idToken tok; src.ReadToken( &tok ); saveName = tok; src.ReadToken( &tok ); description = tok; src.ReadToken( &tok ); screenshot = tok; } else { saveName = loadGameList[choice]; description = loadGameList[choice]; screenshot = ""; } if ( screenshot.Length() == 0 ) { screenshot = va("savegames/%s.tga", loadGameList[choice].c_str()); } material = declManager->FindMaterial( screenshot ); if ( material ) { material->ReloadImages( false ); } guiActive->SetStateString( "loadgame_shot", screenshot ); saveName.RemoveColors(); guiActive->SetStateString( "saveGameName", saveName ); guiActive->SetStateString( "saveGameDescription", description ); ID_TIME_T timeStamp; fileSystem->ReadFile( va("savegames/", loadGameList[choice].c_str()), NULL, &timeStamp ); idStr date = Sys_TimeStampToStr(timeStamp); int tab = date.Find( '\t' ); idStr time = date.Right( date.Length() - tab - 1); guiActive->SetStateString( "saveGameDate", date.Left( tab ) ); guiActive->SetStateString( "saveGameTime", time ); } return true; } return false; }