コード例 #1
ファイル: sknuth.c プロジェクト: Marc-B-Reynolds/TestU01x
void sknuth_DeleteRes2 (sknuth_Res2 *res)
   if (res == NULL)
   sres_DeleteBasic (res->Bas);
   sres_DeletePoisson (res->Pois);
   util_Free (res);
コード例 #2
ファイル: sknuth.c プロジェクト: Marc-B-Reynolds/TestU01x
void sknuth_DeleteRes1 (sknuth_Res1 *res)
	if (res != NULL) {
コード例 #3
void sspectral_DeleteRes (sspectral_Res *res)
   if (res == NULL)
   sres_DeleteBasic (res->Bas);
   util_Free (res->Coef);
   util_Free (res);
コード例 #4
ファイル: sentrop.c プロジェクト: Marc-B-Reynolds/TestU01x
void sentrop_DeleteRes (sentrop_Res *res)
   if (res == NULL)
   sres_DeleteBasic (res->Bas);
   util_Free (res->Count);
   util_Free (res);
コード例 #5
ファイル: svaria.c プロジェクト: JamesHirschorn/TestU01-CMake
void svaria_SampleProd (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res,
   long N, long n, int r, int t)
   long i;
   int j;
   long Seq;
   double *P;
   double temp;
   double Par[1];
   lebool localRes = FALSE;
   chrono_Chrono *Timer;
   char *TestName = "svaria_SampleProd test";

   Timer = chrono_Create ();
   if (swrite_Basic) {
      swrite_Head (gen, TestName, N, n, r);
      printf (",   t = %d\n\n", t);

   if (res == NULL) {
      localRes = TRUE;
      res = sres_CreateBasic ();
   sres_InitBasic (res, N, "svaria_SampleProd");

   P = util_Calloc ((size_t) n + 1, sizeof (double));
   statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1, "SampleProd sVal1:   Uniform [0, 1]");
   Par[0] = t;

   for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) {
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
         temp = unif01_StripD (gen, r);
         for (j = 2; j <= t; j++)
            temp *= unif01_StripD (gen, r);
         P[i] = temp;
      gofw_ActiveTests1 (P, n, FDistProd, Par, res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
      statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, res->pVal2[gofw_AD]);

   gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Unif,
      (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
   res->pVal1->NObs = N;

   if (swrite_Collectors)
      statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3);

   if (swrite_Basic) {
      gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2,
         "Anderson-Darling statistic            :");
      swrite_Final (gen, Timer);
   util_Free (P);
   if (localRes)
      sres_DeleteBasic (res);
   chrono_Delete (Timer);
コード例 #6
ファイル: svaria.c プロジェクト: JamesHirschorn/TestU01-CMake
void svaria_SampleCorr (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res,
   long N, long n, int r, int k)
   long i;
   long Seq;
   double U;
   double Sum;
   double *Pre;                   /* Previous k generated numbers */
   int pos;                       /* Circular index to element at lag k */
   lebool localRes = FALSE;
   chrono_Chrono *Timer;
   char *TestName = "svaria_SampleCorr test";

   Timer = chrono_Create ();
   if (swrite_Basic) {
      swrite_Head (gen, TestName, N, n, r);
      printf (",   k = %d\n\n", k);
   util_Assert (n > 2, "svaria_SampleCorr:   n <= 2");

   if (res == NULL) {
      localRes = TRUE;
      res = sres_CreateBasic ();
   sres_InitBasic (res, N, "svaria_SampleCorr");
   statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1,
      "SampleCorr sVal1:   asymptotic standard normal");

   Pre = util_Calloc ((size_t) (k + 1), sizeof (double));

   for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) {
      /* Generate first k numbers U and keep them in Pre */
      for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
         Pre[i] = unif01_StripD (gen, r);

      Sum = 0.0;
      pos = 0;
      /* Element Pre[pos] is at lag k from U */
      for (i = k; i < n; i++) {
         U = unif01_StripD (gen, r);
         Sum += Pre[pos] * U - 0.25;
         Pre[pos] = U;
         pos %= k;
      /* Save standardized correlation */
      statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, Sum * sqrt (12.0 / (n - k)));

   gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal,
       (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
   res->pVal1->NObs = N;
   sres_GetNormalSumStat (res);

   if (swrite_Collectors)
      statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3);

   if (swrite_Basic) {
      gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2,
         "Normal statistic                      :");
      swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res);
      swrite_Final (gen, Timer);
   util_Free (Pre);
   if (localRes)
      sres_DeleteBasic (res);
   chrono_Delete (Timer);
コード例 #7
ファイル: svaria.c プロジェクト: JamesHirschorn/TestU01-CMake
void svaria_SampleMean (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res,
   long N, long n, int r)
   long i;
   long Seq;
   double Sum;
   double Coef[SAM_LIM + 1];
   lebool localRes = FALSE;
   chrono_Chrono *Timer;
   char *TestName = "svaria_SampleMean test";

   Timer = chrono_Create ();
   if (swrite_Basic) {
      swrite_Head (gen, TestName, N, n, r);
      printf ("\n\n");
   util_Assert (n > 1, "svaria_SampleMean:   n < 2");

   if (res == NULL) {
      localRes = TRUE;
      res = sres_CreateBasic ();
   sres_InitBasic (res, N, "svaria_SampleMean");
   if (n < SAM_LIM)
      InitFDistMeans (n, Coef);

   if (n < SAM_LIM)
      statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1, "SampleMean sVal1:   n*<U>");
      statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1, "SampleMean sVal1:   standard normal");

   for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) {
      Sum = 0.0;
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         Sum += unif01_StripD (gen, r);

      if (n < SAM_LIM)
         statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, Sum);
         statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, sqrt (12.0 / n) * (Sum - 0.5 * n));

   if (n < SAM_LIM) {
      gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, FDistMeans, Coef,
                         res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
   } else {
      /* Normal approximation */
      gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal,
         (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
   res->pVal1->NObs = N;

   if (swrite_Collectors)
      statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3);

   if (swrite_Basic) {
      gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2,
         "Statistic value                       :");
      swrite_Final (gen, Timer);
   if (localRes)
      sres_DeleteBasic (res);
   chrono_Delete (Timer);
コード例 #8
ファイル: svaria.c プロジェクト: JamesHirschorn/TestU01-CMake
void svaria_AppearanceSpacings (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res,
   long N, long Q, long K, int r, int s, int L)
   double E[AS_DIM + 1];          /* Theoretical mean of the log (Base2) of
                                     the most recent occurrence of a block */
   double KV[AS_DIM + 1];         /* K times the theoretical variance of the
                                     same */
   long Seq;
   long block;
   long Nblocks;                  /* 2^L = total number of distinct blocks */
   long K2;
   long Q2;
   long i;
   long sBits;                    /* Numerical value of the s given bits */
   long d;                        /* 2^s */
   const int SdivL = s / L;
   const int LdivS = L / s;
   const int LmodS = L % s;
   long sd;                       /* 2^LmodS */
   long rang;
   double n;                      /* Total number of bits in a sequence */
   double sigma;                  /* Standard deviation = sqrt (Variance) */
   double somme;
   double ARang;                  /* Most recent occurrence of block */
   long *Count;                   /* Index of most recent occurrence of
                                     block */
   double FactMoy;
   lebool localRes = FALSE;
   chrono_Chrono *Timer;

   Timer = chrono_Create ();
   n = ((double) K + (double) Q) * L;
   if (swrite_Basic)
      WriteDataAppear (gen, N, r, s, L, Q, K, n);
   util_Assert (s < 32, "svaria_AppearanceSpacings:   s >= 32");
   InitAppear (r, s, L, Q, E, KV);
   sigma = CalcSigma (L, K, KV);
   d = num_TwoExp[s];
   Nblocks = num_TwoExp[L];
   FactMoy = 1.0 / (num_Ln2 * K);

   if (res == NULL) {
      localRes = TRUE;
      res = sres_CreateBasic ();
   sres_InitBasic (res, N, "svaria_AppearanceSpacings");
   Count = util_Calloc ((size_t) Nblocks + 2, sizeof (long));

   statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1,
      "AppearanceSpacings sVal1:   standard normal");

   if (LdivS > 0) {
      sd = num_TwoExp[LmodS];

      for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) {
         for (i = 0; i < Nblocks; i++)
            Count[i] = 0;

         /* Initialization with Q blocks */
         for (rang = 0; rang < Q; rang++) {
            block = 0;
            for (i = 1; i <= LdivS; i++) {
               sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s);
               block = block * d + sBits;
            if (LmodS > 0) {
               sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, LmodS);
               block = block * sd + sBits;
            Count[block] = rang;

         /* Test proper with K blocks */
         somme = 0.0;
         for (rang = Q; rang < Q + K; rang++) {
            block = 0;
            for (i = 1; i <= LdivS; i++) {
               sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s);
               block = block * d + sBits;
            if (LmodS > 0) {
               sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, LmodS);
               block = block * sd + sBits;
            ARang = rang - Count[block];
            somme += log (ARang);
            Count[block] = rang;
         statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, (somme * FactMoy - E[L]) / sigma);

   } else {                       /* s > L */
      Q2 = Q / SdivL;
      K2 = K / SdivL;
      for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) {
         for (i = 0; i < Nblocks; i++)
            Count[i] = 0;

         /* Initialization: Q blocks */
         for (rang = 0; rang < Q2; rang++) {
            sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s);
            for (i = 0; i < SdivL; i++) {
               block = sBits % Nblocks;
               Count[block] = SdivL * rang + i;
               sBits /= Nblocks;
         /* Test proper with K blocks */
         somme = 0.0;
         for (rang = Q2; rang < Q2 + K2; rang++) {
            sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s);
            for (i = 0; i < SdivL; i++) {
               block = sBits % Nblocks;
               ARang = SdivL * rang + i - Count[block];
               somme += log (ARang);
               Count[block] = SdivL * rang + i;
               sBits /= Nblocks;
         statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, (somme * FactMoy - E[L]) / sigma);

   gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal,
      (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
   res->pVal1->NObs = N;
   sres_GetNormalSumStat (res);

   if (swrite_Collectors)
      statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 12, 4, 3);

   if (swrite_Basic) {
      gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2,
         "Normal statistic                      :");
      swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res);
      swrite_Final (gen, Timer);
   util_Free (Count);
   if (localRes)
      sres_DeleteBasic (res);
   chrono_Delete (Timer);
コード例 #9
ファイル: sentrop.c プロジェクト: Marc-B-Reynolds/TestU01x
void sentrop_EntropyDMCirc (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res,
   long N, long n, int r, long m)
   long i;                        /* Index */
   double I0, x;
   long Seq;                      /* Replication number */
   double Entropy;                /* Value of the statistic H(m, n) */
   double LnEntropy;
   double SumR;                   /* 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/(2m-1) */
   double nLR = n;
   double Twom;                   /* 2m */
   double *AU;
   lebool localRes = FALSE;
   chrono_Chrono *Timer;
   char *TestName = "sentrop_EntropyDMCirc test";

   Timer = chrono_Create ();
   if (swrite_Basic)
      WriteDataDM (gen, TestName, N, n, r, m);

   Twom = 2 * m;
   I0 = Twom - 1.0;
   SumR = 0.0;
   for (i = 2 * m - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
      SumR += 1.0 / I0;
      I0 -= 1.0;

   if (res == NULL) {
      localRes = TRUE;
      res = sres_CreateBasic ();
   sres_InitBasic (res, N, "sentrop_EntropyDMCirc");
   AU = util_Calloc ((size_t) (n + 1), sizeof (double));
   statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1,
      "The N statistic values (a standard normal)");

   for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) {
      /* Generate the sample and sort */
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         AU[i] = unif01_StripD (gen, r);
      tables_QuickSortD (AU, 1, n);

      /* Compute empirical entropy */
      Entropy = 1.0;
      LnEntropy = 0.0;
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
         if (i - m < 1) {
            Entropy *= (AU[i + m] - AU[n + i - m] + 1.0);
         } else if (i + m > n) {
            Entropy *= (AU[i + m - n] - AU[i - m] + 1.0);
         } else
            Entropy *= (AU[i + m] - AU[i - m]);

         if (Entropy < Epsilon) {
            LnEntropy += log (Entropy);
            Entropy = 1.0;

      Entropy = (LnEntropy + log (Entropy)) / nLR + log (nLR / Twom);

      /* Compute standardized statistic */
      x  = sqrt (3.0 * Twom * nLR) * ((Entropy + log (Twom) + Euler) - SumR);
      statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, x);

   gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal,
                     (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2);
   res->pVal1->NObs = N;
   sres_GetNormalSumStat (res);

   if (swrite_Collectors)
      statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3);

   if (swrite_Basic) {
      gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2,
         "Normal statistic                      :");
      swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res);
      swrite_Final (gen, Timer);

   util_Free (AU);
   if (localRes)
      sres_DeleteBasic (res);
   chrono_Delete (Timer);