コード例 #1
ファイル: lmfdrv_.c プロジェクト: jnorthrup/jmodelica
void fcn(const int *m, const int *n, const real *x, real *fvec, int *iflag)
/*     ********** */

/*     the calling sequence of fcn should be identical to the */
/*     calling sequence of the function subroutine in the nonlinear */
/*     least-squares solver. fcn should only call the testing */
/*     function and jacobian subroutines ssqfcn and ssqjac with */
/*     the appropriate value of problem number (nprob). */

/*     subprograms called */

/*       minpack-supplied ... ssqfcn,ssqjac */

/*     argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. */
/*     burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more */

/*     ********** */
    if (*iflag == 1) {
    if (*iflag == 2) {
} /* fcn_ */
コード例 #2
int fcn(void *p, int m, int n, const real *x, real *fvec, real *fjrow, int iflag)
    /* Local variables */
    int j;

/*     ********** */

/*     the calling sequence of fcn should be identical to the */
/*     calling sequence of the function subroutine in the nonlinear */
/*     least squares solver. if iflag = 1, fcn should only call the */
/*     testing function subroutine ssqfcn. if iflag = i, i .ge. 2, */
/*     fcn should only call subroutine ssqjac to calculate the */
/*     (i-1)-st row of the jacobian. (the ssqjac subroutine provided */
/*     here for testing purposes calculates the entire jacobian */
/*     matrix and is therefore called only when iflag = 2.) each */
/*     call to ssqfcn or ssqjac should specify the appropriate */
/*     value of problem number (nprob). */

/*     subprograms called */

/*       minpack-supplied ... ssqfcn,ssqjac */

/*     argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. */
/*     burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more */

/*     ********** */
    struct refnum *lmstrtest = (struct refnum *)p;
    if (iflag == 1) {
    if (iflag >= 2) {
        if (iflag == 2) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            fjrow[j] = temp[(iflag - 2) + j * 65];

    return 0;
} /* fcn_ */
コード例 #3
ファイル: lmfdrv_.c プロジェクト: jnorthrup/jmodelica
/* Main program */
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    int i,ic,k,m,n,ntries;
    int info;

    int ma[60];
    int na[60];
    int nf[60];
    int nj[60];
    int np[60];
    int nx[60];

    real factor,fnorm1,fnorm2,tol;

    real fnm[60];
    real fvec[65];
    real x[40];

    int iwa[40];
    real wa[65*40+5*40+65];
    const int lwa = 65*40+5*40+65;
    const int i1 = 1;

    tol = sqrt(__minpack_func__(dpmpar)(&i1));

    ic = 0;

    for (;;) {
        scanf("%5d%5d%5d%5d\n", &lmdiftest.nprob, &n, &m, &ntries);
         read (nread,50) nprob,n,m,ntries
   50 format (4i5)
        if (lmdiftest.nprob <= 0.)
        factor = 1.;

        for (k = 0; k < ntries; ++k, ++ic) {


            fnorm1 = __minpack_func__(enorm)(&m,fvec);

            printf("\n\n\n\n      problem%5d      dimensions%5d%5d\n\n", lmdiftest.nprob, n, m);
            write (nwrite,60) nprob,n,m
   60 format ( //// 5x, 8h problem, i5, 5x, 11h dimensions, 2i5, 5x //
     *         )

            lmdiftest.nfev = 0;
            lmdiftest.njev = 0;



            fnorm2 = __minpack_func__(enorm)(&m,fvec);

            np[ic] = lmdiftest.nprob;
            na[ic] = n;
            ma[ic] = m;
            nf[ic] = lmdiftest.nfev;
            lmdiftest.njev /= n;
            nj[ic] = lmdiftest.njev;
            nx[ic] = info;

            fnm[ic] = fnorm2;

            printf("\n      initial l2 norm of the residuals%15.7e\n"
                   "\n      final l2 norm of the residuals  %15.7e\n"
                   "\n      number of function evaluations  %10d\n"
                   "\n      number of Jacobian evaluations  %10d\n"
                   "\n      exit parameter                  %10d\n"
                   "\n      final approximate solution\n\n",
                   (double)fnorm1, (double)fnorm2, lmdiftest.nfev, lmdiftest.njev, info);
            printvec(n, x);
            write (nwrite,70)
     *            fnorm1,fnorm2,nfev,njev,info,(x(i), i = 1, n)
   70 format (5x, 33h initial l2 norm of the residuals, d15.7 // 5x,
     *        33h final l2 norm of the residuals  , d15.7 // 5x,
     *        33h number of function evaluations  , i10 // 5x,
     *        33h number of jacobian evaluations  , i10 // 5x,
     *        15h exit parameter, 18x, i10 // 5x,
     *        27h final approximate solution // (5x, 5d15.7))

            factor *= 10.;



    printf("\f summary of %d calls to lmdif1: \n\n", ic);
      write (nwrite,80) ic
   80 format (12h1summary of , i3, 16h calls to lmdif1 /)
    printf("\n\n nprob   n    m   nfev  njev  info  final L2 norm \n\n");
      write (nwrite,90)
   90 format (49h nprob   n    m   nfev  njev  info  final l2 norm /)

    for (i = 0; i < ic; ++i) {
               np[i], na[i], ma[i], nf[i], nj[i], nx[i], (double)fnm[i]);
         write (nwrite,100) np(i),na(i),ma(i),nf(i),nj(i),nx(i),fnm(i)
  100 format (3i5, 3i6, 1x, d15.7)
