コード例 #1
 * @brief	Get a specified chunk (mime part) of a multipart mime message.
 * @param	message		a managed string containing the mime message to be parsed.
 * @param	boundary	a managed string containing the boundary used to split the multipart mime message.
 * @param	chunk		the one-index based chunk to be retrieved from the multipart message
 * @return	NULL on failure or a placer containing the specified chunk on success.
stringer_t * mail_get_chunk(stringer_t *message, stringer_t *boundary, int_t chunk) {

	int_t found = 0;
	stringer_t *result;
	size_t start = 0, length = 0, input = 0;

	while (chunk != 0) {

		// So on repeats we don't have to start all over again.
		if (length != 0) {
			start += length - 1;

		found = 0;

		while (found == 0) {

			// Get the start of the MIME message part.
			if (!st_search_cs(PLACER(st_char_get(message) + start, st_length_get(message) - start), boundary, &input)) {
				log_pedantic("The boundary doesn't appear to be part of this message.");
				return NULL;

			// Skip the boundary before searching again.
			start += input + st_length_get(boundary);

			// This will detect the section ending.
			if (st_length_get(message) - start >= 2 && mm_cmp_cs_eq(st_char_get(message) + start, "--", 2) == 1) {
				return NULL;
			// Some broken implementations use similar boundaries. This should detect those.
			else if (st_length_get(message) - start > 0 && (*(st_char_get(message) + start) < '!' || *(st_char_get(message) + start) > '~')) {
				found = 1;

		found = 0;

		while (found == 0) {

			// Get the end.
			if (!st_search_cs(PLACER(st_char_get(message) + start, st_length_get(message) - start), boundary, &length)) {
				length = st_length_get(message) - start;
				found = 1;
			else if (st_length_get(message) - start - length > 0 && (*(st_char_get(message) + start) < '!' || *(st_char_get(message) + start) > '~')) {
				found = 1;



	// Setup a placer with the chunk.
	result = PLACER(st_char_get(message) + start, length);

	return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: token.c プロジェクト: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Retrieve a specified string-split token from a null-terminated string.
 * @param	block		a pointer to the block of memory to be tokenized.
 * @param	length		the maximum number of characters to be scanned from the input data.
 * @param	token		the token string that will be used to split the data.
 * @param	toklen		the length, in bytes, of the token string.
 * @param	fragment	the zero-indexed token number to be extracted from the data.
 * @param	value		a pointer to a placer that will receive the value of the extracted token on success, or pl_null() on failure.
 * @return	-1 on failure, 0 on success, or 1 if the token was extracted successfully, but was the last one in the string.
int str_tok_get_bl(char *block, size_t length, chr_t *token, size_t toklen, uint64_t fragment, placer_t *value) {

	placer_t haystack, needle;
	size_t hptr, skipped = 0;
	bool_t found;

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty strings.
	if (!value || mm_empty(block, length) || mm_empty(token, toklen)) {
		*value = pl_null();
		return -1;

	haystack = pl_init(block, length);
	needle = pl_init(token, toklen);

	while (fragment) {

		if (!(found = st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr))) {
			*value = pl_null();
			return -1;

		// Haystack becomes the entire block after the token.
		skipped += pl_length_get (needle) + hptr;
		haystack = pl_init(pl_char_get(haystack) + skipped, length-skipped);

	// If no more tokens are present, return everything we have left
	if (!st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr)) {
		*value = haystack;
		return 1;

	*value = pl_init(pl_char_get(haystack), hptr);

	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: token.c プロジェクト: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Count the number of times a string token is found in a specified block of memory.
 * @param	block	a pointer to a block of memory to be scanned.
 * @param	length	the length, in bytes, of the block of memory to be scanned.
 * @param	token	a pointer to the string token being used to split the input data.
 * @param	toklen	the length, in bytes, of the specified token.
 * @return	the number of times the string token was found in the block of memory, or 0 on failure.
uint64_t str_tok_get_count_bl(void *block, size_t length, chr_t *token, size_t toklen) {

	uint64_t count = 0;
	placer_t haystack, needle;
	size_t hptr, skipped = 0;

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty strings.
	if (mm_empty(block, length) || mm_empty(token, toklen)) {
		return 0;

	haystack = pl_init(block, length);
	needle = pl_init(token, toklen);

	while ((skipped < length) && st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr)) {
		skipped += pl_length_get (needle) + hptr;
		haystack = pl_init((char *) block + skipped, length-skipped);

	return count;