/* Walk all references for an ObjectIndex and construct the hprof CLASS dump. */ static void dump_class_and_supers(JNIEnv *env, ObjectIndex object_index, RefIndex list) { SiteIndex site_index; SerialNumber trace_serial_num; RefIndex index; ClassIndex super_cnum; ObjectIndex super_index; LoaderIndex loader_index; ObjectIndex signers_index; ObjectIndex domain_index; FieldInfo *fields; jvalue *fvalues; jint n_fields; jboolean skip_fields; jint n_fields_set; jlong size; ClassIndex cnum; char *sig; ObjectKind kind; TraceIndex trace_index; Stack *cpool_values; ConstantPoolValue *cpool; jint cpool_count; HPROF_ASSERT(object_index!=0); kind = object_get_kind(object_index); if ( kind != OBJECT_CLASS ) { return; } site_index = object_get_site(object_index); HPROF_ASSERT(site_index!=0); cnum = site_get_class_index(site_index); HPROF_ASSERT(cnum!=0); if ( class_get_status(cnum) & CLASS_DUMPED ) { return; } class_add_status(cnum, CLASS_DUMPED); size = (jlong)object_get_size(object_index); super_index = 0; super_cnum = class_get_super(cnum); if ( super_cnum != 0 ) { super_index = class_get_object_index(super_cnum); if ( super_index != 0 ) { dump_class_and_supers(env, super_index, object_get_references(super_index)); } } trace_index = site_get_trace_index(site_index); HPROF_ASSERT(trace_index!=0); trace_serial_num = trace_get_serial_number(trace_index); sig = string_get(class_get_signature(cnum)); loader_index = class_get_loader(cnum); signers_index = 0; domain_index = 0; /* Get field information */ n_fields = 0; skip_fields = JNI_FALSE; n_fields_set = 0; fields = NULL; fvalues = NULL; if ( class_get_all_fields(env, cnum, &n_fields, &fields) == 1 ) { /* Problems getting all the fields, can't trust field index values */ skip_fields = JNI_TRUE; /* Class with no references at all? (ok to be unprepared if list==0?) */ if ( list != 0 ) { /* It is assumed that the reason why we didn't get the fields * was because the class is not prepared. */ if ( gdata->debugflags & DEBUGFLAG_UNPREPARED_CLASSES ) { dump_ref_list(list); debug_message("Unprepared class with references: %s\n", sig); } HPROF_ERROR(JNI_FALSE, "Trouble with unprepared classes"); } /* Why would an unprepared class contain references? */ } if ( n_fields > 0 ) { fvalues = (jvalue*)HPROF_MALLOC(n_fields*(int)sizeof(jvalue)); (void)memset(fvalues, 0, n_fields*(int)sizeof(jvalue)); } /* We use a Stack just because it will automatically expand as needed */ cpool_values = stack_init(16, 16, sizeof(ConstantPoolValue)); cpool = NULL; cpool_count = 0; index = list; while ( index != 0 ) { RefInfo *info; jvalue ovalue; static jvalue empty_value; info = get_info(index); switch ( info->flavor ) { case INFO_OBJECT_REF_DATA: switch ( info->refKind ) { case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_FIELD: case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_ARRAY_ELEMENT: /* Should never be seen on a class dump */ HPROF_ASSERT(0); break; case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_STATIC_FIELD: if ( skip_fields == JNI_TRUE ) { break; } ovalue = empty_value; ovalue.i = info->object_index; fill_in_field_value(list, fields, fvalues, n_fields, info->index, ovalue, 0); n_fields_set++; HPROF_ASSERT(n_fields_set <= n_fields); break; case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_CONSTANT_POOL: { ConstantPoolValue cpv; ObjectIndex cp_object_index; SiteIndex cp_site_index; ClassIndex cp_cnum; cp_object_index = info->object_index; HPROF_ASSERT(cp_object_index!=0); cp_site_index = object_get_site(cp_object_index); HPROF_ASSERT(cp_site_index!=0); cp_cnum = site_get_class_index(cp_site_index); cpv.constant_pool_index = info->index; cpv.sig_index = class_get_signature(cp_cnum); cpv.value.i = cp_object_index; stack_push(cpool_values, (void*)&cpv); cpool_count++; break; } case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_SIGNERS: signers_index = info->object_index; break; case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_PROTECTION_DOMAIN: domain_index = info->object_index; break; case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_CLASS_LOADER: case JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_INTERFACE: default: /* Ignore, not needed */ break; } break; case INFO_PRIM_FIELD_DATA: if ( skip_fields == JNI_TRUE ) { break; } HPROF_ASSERT(info->primType!=0); HPROF_ASSERT(info->length==-1); HPROF_ASSERT(info->refKind==JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_STATIC_FIELD); ovalue = get_key_value(index); fill_in_field_value(list, fields, fvalues, n_fields, info->index, ovalue, info->primType); n_fields_set++; HPROF_ASSERT(n_fields_set <= n_fields); break; case INFO_PRIM_ARRAY_DATA: default: /* Should never see these */ HPROF_ASSERT(0); break; } index = info->next; } /* Get constant pool data if we have any */ HPROF_ASSERT(cpool_count==stack_depth(cpool_values)); if ( cpool_count > 0 ) { cpool = (ConstantPoolValue*)stack_element(cpool_values, 0); } io_heap_class_dump(cnum, sig, object_index, trace_serial_num, super_index, loader_object_index(env, loader_index), signers_index, domain_index, (jint)size, cpool_count, cpool, n_fields, fields, fvalues); stack_term(cpool_values); if ( fvalues != NULL ) { HPROF_FREE(fvalues); } }
/* Walk all references for an ObjectIndex and construct the hprof CLASS dump. */ static void dump_class_and_supers(JNIEnv *env, ObjectIndex object_index, RefIndex list) { SiteIndex site_index; SerialNumber trace_serial_num; RefIndex index; ClassIndex super_cnum; ObjectIndex super_index; LoaderIndex loader_index; ObjectIndex signers_index; ObjectIndex domain_index; FieldInfo *fields; jvalue *fvalues; jint n_fields; jlong size; ClassIndex cnum; char *sig; ObjectKind kind; TraceIndex trace_index; Stack *cpool_values; ConstantPoolValue *cpool; jint cpool_count; jboolean skip_fields; HPROF_ASSERT(object_index!=0); kind = object_get_kind(object_index); if ( kind != OBJECT_CLASS ) { return; } site_index = object_get_site(object_index); HPROF_ASSERT(site_index!=0); cnum = site_get_class_index(site_index); HPROF_ASSERT(cnum!=0); if ( class_get_status(cnum) & CLASS_DUMPED ) { return; } class_add_status(cnum, CLASS_DUMPED); size = (jlong)object_get_size(object_index); super_index = 0; super_cnum = class_get_super(cnum); if ( super_cnum != 0 ) { super_index = class_get_object_index(super_cnum); if ( super_index != 0 ) { dump_class_and_supers(env, super_index, object_get_references(super_index)); } } trace_index = site_get_trace_index(site_index); HPROF_ASSERT(trace_index!=0); trace_serial_num = trace_get_serial_number(trace_index); sig = string_get(class_get_signature(cnum)); n_fields = 0; fields = NULL; fvalues = NULL; skip_fields = JNI_TRUE; if ( class_get_all_fields(env, cnum, &n_fields, &fields) == 0 ) { if ( n_fields > 0 ) { skip_fields = JNI_FALSE; fvalues = (jvalue*)HPROF_MALLOC(n_fields*(int)sizeof(jvalue)); (void)memset(fvalues, 0, n_fields*(int)sizeof(jvalue)); } } /* We use a Stack just because it will automatically expand as needed */ cpool_values = stack_init(16, 16, sizeof(ConstantPoolValue)); cpool = NULL; cpool_count = 0; loader_index = class_get_loader(cnum); signers_index = 0; domain_index = 0; index = list; while ( index != 0 ) { RefInfo *info; info = get_info(index); /* Process reference objects, many not used right now. */ switch ( info->kind ) { case JVMTI_REFERENCE_STATIC_FIELD: /* If the class_tag is 0, it is possible for * info->element_index to be >= n_fields * and when this happens we just skip this field ref * for now. We probably have a java.lang.Object class * with n_fields==0, which is probably the wrong class. */ if (info->class_tag == (jlong)0 || skip_fields == JNI_TRUE ) { break; } HPROF_ASSERT(info->element_index < n_fields); if (info->element_index < n_fields) { ObjectIndex field_object_index; /* Field index is referrer_index from referrer_tag */ field_object_index = tag_to_object_index(info->object_tag); fvalues[info->element_index].i = field_object_index; } break; case JVMTI_REFERENCE_CONSTANT_POOL: { ConstantPoolValue cpv; ObjectIndex cp_object_index; SiteIndex cp_site_index; ClassIndex cp_cnum; cp_object_index = tag_to_object_index(info->object_tag); HPROF_ASSERT(cp_object_index!=0); cp_site_index = object_get_site(cp_object_index); HPROF_ASSERT(cp_site_index!=0); cp_cnum = site_get_class_index(cp_site_index); cpv.constant_pool_index = info->element_index; cpv.sig_index = class_get_signature(cp_cnum); cpv.value.i = cp_object_index; stack_push(cpool_values, (void*)&cpv); cpool_count++; break; } default: break; } index = info->next; } /* FIXUP: Fill rest of static primitive fields? If requested? */ /* Use: value = getStaticFieldValue(env, klass, field, field_sig); ? */ HPROF_ASSERT(cpool_count==stack_depth(cpool_values)); if ( cpool_count > 0 ) { cpool = (ConstantPoolValue*)stack_element(cpool_values, 0); } io_heap_class_dump(cnum, sig, object_index, trace_serial_num, super_index, loader_index, signers_index, domain_index, (jint)size, cpool_count, cpool, n_fields, fields, fvalues); stack_term(cpool_values); if ( fvalues != NULL ) { HPROF_FREE(fvalues); } }