BOOL LLToolGrab::handleObjectHit(const LLPickInfo& info) { mGrabPick = info; LLViewerObject* objectp = mGrabPick.getObject(); if (gDebugClicks) { llinfos << "LLToolGrab handleObjectHit " << info.mMousePt.mX << "," << info.mMousePt.mY << llendl; } if (NULL == objectp) // unexpected { llwarns << "objectp was NULL; returning FALSE" << llendl; return FALSE; } //if (objectp->isAvatar()) // [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2009-07-10 (RLVa-1.0.0g) | Modified: RLVa-0.2.0f if ( (objectp->isAvatar()) || ( (gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_FARTOUCH)) && ((!objectp->isAttachment()) || (!objectp->permYouOwner())) && (dist_vec_squared(gAgent.getPositionAgent(), mGrabPick.mIntersection) > 1.5f * 1.5f) ) ) // [/RLVa:KB] { if (gGrabTransientTool) { gBasicToolset->selectTool( gGrabTransientTool ); gGrabTransientTool = NULL; } return TRUE; } setMouseCapture( TRUE ); // Grabs always start from the root // objectp = (LLViewerObject *)objectp->getRoot(); LLViewerObject* parent = objectp->getRootEdit(); BOOL script_touch = (objectp->flagHandleTouch()) || (parent && parent->flagHandleTouch()); // Clicks on scripted or physical objects are temporary grabs, so // not "Build mode" mHideBuildHighlight = script_touch || objectp->usePhysics(); if (!objectp->usePhysics()) { // In mouselook, we shouldn't be able to grab non-physical, // non-touchable objects. If it has a touch handler, we // do grab it (so llDetectedGrab works), but movement is // blocked on the server side. JC if (gAgent.cameraMouselook() && !script_touch) { mMode = GRAB_LOCKED; gViewerWindow->hideCursor(); gViewerWindow->moveCursorToCenter(); } else { mMode = GRAB_NONPHYSICAL; } // Don't bail out here, go on and grab so buttons can get // their "touched" event. } else if( !objectp->permMove() ) { // if mouse is over a physical object without move permission, show feedback if user tries to move it. mMode = GRAB_LOCKED; // Don't bail out here, go on and grab so buttons can get // their "touched" event. } else { // if mouse is over a physical object with move permission, // select it and enter "grab" mode (hiding cursor, etc.) mMode = GRAB_ACTIVE_CENTER; gViewerWindow->hideCursor(); gViewerWindow->moveCursorToCenter(); } // Always send "touched" message mLastMouseX = gViewerWindow->getCurrentMouseX(); mLastMouseY = gViewerWindow->getCurrentMouseY(); mAccumDeltaX = 0; mAccumDeltaY = 0; mHasMoved = FALSE; mOutsideSlop = FALSE; mVerticalDragging = (info.mKeyMask == MASK_VERTICAL) || gGrabBtnVertical; startGrab(); if ((info.mKeyMask == MASK_SPIN) || gGrabBtnSpin) { startSpin(); } LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->updateSelectionCenter(); // update selection beam // update point at LLViewerObject *edit_object = info.getObject(); if (edit_object && info.mPickType != LLPickInfo::PICK_FLORA) { LLVector3 local_edit_point = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(info.mPosGlobal); local_edit_point -= edit_object->getPositionAgent(); local_edit_point = local_edit_point * ~edit_object->getRenderRotation(); gAgent.setPointAt(POINTAT_TARGET_GRAB, edit_object, local_edit_point ); gAgent.setLookAt(LOOKAT_TARGET_SELECT, edit_object, local_edit_point ); } // on transient grabs (clicks on world objects), kill the grab immediately if (!gViewerWindow->getLeftMouseDown() && gGrabTransientTool && (mMode == GRAB_NONPHYSICAL || mMode == GRAB_LOCKED)) { gBasicToolset->selectTool( gGrabTransientTool ); gGrabTransientTool = NULL; } return TRUE; }
void QKeyButton::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e) { QPushButton::focusInEvent(e); startGrab(); }