コード例 #1
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: ngerstle/OpenChronos
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          altitude_accumulator_start
// @brief       Initialises the altitude accumulator function
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void altitude_accumulator_start (void)
    s32 temp;

    alt_accum__accumtotal = 0;		// So far total upwards vertical accumulation is zero
    alt_accum_direction = 1;		// start off by assuming we're heading uphill

    // Now let's get 4 altitude readings, then average them, to obtain our current altitude
    temp = sAlt.altitude;				// first reading
    /* start_altitude_measurement();
       temp += sAlt.altitude;			// second reading
       temp += sAlt.altitude;			// third reading
       temp += sAlt.altitude;			// fourth reading
       temp = temp >> 2;				// divide result by 4 = our current altitude */

    alt_accum_startpoint = temp;		// the altitude the user zeroed the accumulator at
    alt_accum_lastpeakdip = temp;		// altitude of the last dip (in this case, as we assume we're going uphill)
    alt_accum_prevalt = temp;		// previous altitude value
    alt_accum_max = temp;			// maximum altitude we've encountered so far
コード例 #2
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: alkin/tidecc
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          reset_altitude_measurement
// @brief       Reset altitude measurement.
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void reset_altitude_measurement(void)
   // Set default values
   sAlt.on = 0;
   sAlt.altitude = 0;
   sAlt.temperature_C = 0;
   sAlt.temperature_C_offset = 0;

   // Pressure sensor ok?
   if (ps_ok)
      // Initialise pressure table

      // Do single conversion

      // Apply calibration offset and recalculate pressure table
      if (sAlt.altitude_offset != 0)
         sAlt.altitude += sAlt.altitude_offset;
         update_pressure_table(sAlt.altitude, sAlt.pressure, sAlt.temperature_K);
コード例 #3
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: ngerstle/OpenChronos
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          reset_altitude_measurement
// @brief       Reset altitude measurement.
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void reset_altitude_measurement(void)
    // Menu item is not visible
    sAlt.state 		= MENU_ITEM_NOT_VISIBLE;

    // Clear timeout counter
    sAlt.timeout	= 0;

    // Set default altitude value
    sAlt.altitude		= 0;

    // Pressure sensor ok?
    if (ps_ok)
        // Initialise pressure table

        // Do single conversion

        // Apply calibration offset and recalculate pressure table
        if (sAlt.altitude_offset != 0)
            sAlt.altitude += sAlt.altitude_offset;
            update_pressure_table(sAlt.altitude, sAlt.pressure, sAlt.temperature);
コード例 #4
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          reset_altitude_measurement
// @brief       Reset altitude measurement.
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void reset_altitude_measurement(void)
    // Show altitude
    PressDisplay = DISPLAY_DEFAULT_VIEW;
    // Offset for Ambient pressure
    // Menu item is not visible
    sAlt.state      = MENU_ITEM_NOT_VISIBLE;

    // Clear timeout counter
    sAlt.timeout    = 0;
    // Set default altitude value
    sAlt.altitude       = 0;
    // Pressure sensor ok?
    if (ps_ok)
        // Initialise pressure table
        // Do single conversion

        // Apply calibration offset and recalculate pressure table
        if (sAlt.altitude_offset != 0)
            sAlt.altitude += sAlt.altitude_offset;
            update_pressure_table(sAlt.altitude, sAlt.pressure, sAlt.temperature);
コード例 #5
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: aulanov/OpenChronos
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          reset_altitude_measurement
// @brief       Reset altitude measurement.
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void reset_altitude_measurement(void)
	sAlt.timeout = 0;
	sAlt.altitude = 0;

	// Pressure sensor ok?
	if (ps_ok)
		// Do single conversion
コード例 #6
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: KarolTx/openchronos-ng
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          reset_altitude_measurement
// @brief       Reset altitude measurement.
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void reset_altitude_measurement(void)

    // Clear timeout counter
    sAlt.timeout = 0;
    // Set default altitude value
    // Pressure sensor ok?
    if (ps_ok)
        // Initialise pressure table

        // Do single conversion
        sAlt.accu_threshold = CONFIG_MOD_ALTITUDE_ACCU_THRESHOLD;
        sAlt.altitude_calib =  sAlt.raw_altitude;
        sAlt.altitude_offset = sAlt.raw_altitude - sAlt.altitude_calib;
        sAlt.raw_minAltitude = sAlt.raw_altitude;
        sAlt.raw_maxAltitude = sAlt.raw_altitude;
        oldAccuAltitude = sAlt.raw_altitude;
        sAlt.accuClimbDown = 0;
        sAlt.accuClimbUp = 0;
        sAlt.minAltitude = sAlt.raw_minAltitude - sAlt.altitude_offset;
        sAlt.maxAltitude = sAlt.raw_maxAltitude - sAlt.altitude_offset;
        sAlt.altitude = sAlt.raw_altitude - sAlt.altitude_offset;

        sAlt.first_pressure = sAlt.pressure;
        sAlt.climb = 0;
        for (sAlt.history_pos = 0; sAlt.history_pos < ALT_HISTORY_LEN; sAlt.history_pos++) {
                sAlt.history[sAlt.history_pos] = 0;
        sAlt.history_pos = 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: ngerstle/OpenChronos
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          display_alt_accumulator
// @brief       Display altitude accumulator routine. Supports display in meters and feet.
// @param       u8 line			LINE1
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void display_alt_accumulator (u8 line, u8 update)
    s32 temp;
    u8 * str;

    // show our altitude accumulator numbers on the second line
        // Show "ALtA" on top line
        display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8*)"ALTA", SEG_ON);

        // if the altitude accumulator is currently disabled, we've got nothing else to display so exit
        if (alt_accum_enable == 0) {
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L2_4_0, (u8*)" OFF ", SEG_ON);	// display "OFF" on bottom line

        // Otherwise the accumulator is running, so display on the second line whatever alt_accum_displaycode
        // says to display, in metres or feet as appropriate.
        if (alt_accum_displaycode>2) alt_accum_displaycode=0;		// sanity check

        // light up "m" or "ft" display symbol as appropriate
        if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_ON);			// metres symbol
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_ON);			// or feet symbol

        if (alt_accum_displaycode==0)
            // Display current altitude relative to the accumulator's starting point
            // "DIFF" means difference between starting elevation & current elevation
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8*)"DIFF", SEG_ON);		// top line display message

            stop_altitude_measurement();					// grab our current altitude

            temp = sAlt.altitude - alt_accum_startpoint;	// difference between starting altitude & current altitude
            if (sys.flag.use_metric_units==0) temp = (temp*328)/100;	// convert to feet if necessary

            clear_line(LINE2);						// clear the bottom line of the display
            if (temp < 0) {							// if altitude is a negative number...
                display_char(LCD_SEG_L2_4, '-', SEG_ON);		// display - (negative sign) character at start of second line
                temp = 0 - temp;					// make altitude a positive number again so we can display it
                if (temp>9999) temp = 9999;				// we can only display 4 digits for a negative number
                str = _itoa(temp, 4, 3);					// 4 digits, up to 3 leading blank digits
                display_chars(LCD_SEG_L2_3_0, str, SEG_ON);		// display altitude difference on bottom line (4 digits)
            else								// otherwise altitude difference is a positive number
                str = _itoa(temp, 5, 4);					// 5 digits, up to 4 leading blank digits
                display_chars(LCD_SEG_L2_4_0, str, SEG_ON);		// display altitude difference on bottom line (5 digits)

        else if (alt_accum_displaycode==1)
            // Display total accumulated elevation gain. Remember we might currently be going uphill
            // so we need to check for, and include, any current elevation gain
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8*)"ACCA", SEG_ON);		// top line display message
            clear_line(LINE2);						// clear the bottom line of the display

            if (alt_accum__accumtotal<0) alt_accum__accumtotal = 0;	// accumulated total should never be negative!
            temp = alt_accum__accumtotal;				// local copy of accumulated total

            // Now we need to add on any vertical gained recently, that hasn't yet been included in alt_accum__accumtotal
            // This only happens if we're currently going uphill, and we've above our last valley / dip elevation
            if (alt_accum_direction && (sAlt.altitude>alt_accum_lastpeakdip))	// if we're going up, and we're higher than our last dip (valley) altitude
                temp += sAlt.altitude - alt_accum_lastpeakdip;			// then add the vertical we've gained so far above that last dip / valley point

            // display the result
            str = _itoa(temp, 5, 4);					// 5 digits, up to 4 leading blank digits
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L2_4_0, str, SEG_ON);		// display peak altitude on bottom line (5 digits)

            // Display maximum altitude found so far
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8*)"PEAK", SEG_ON);	// top line display message
            clear_line(LINE2);					// clear the bottom line of the display

            temp = alt_accum_max;					// local copy of peak altitude
            if (temp < 0) temp = 0;					// I can't be bothered displaying a negative number! So make it zero if it is.
            str = _itoa(temp, 5, 4);					// 5 digits, up to 4 leading blank digits
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L2_4_0, str, SEG_ON);		// display peak altitude on bottom line (5 digits)

    // clear out - we're finished
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR)
        clear_line(LINE2);			// clear off the altitude display from the second line
        // should really try to get the date displayed here again

        // Clean up function-specific segments before leaving function
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
コード例 #8
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: ngerstle/OpenChronos
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          altitude_accumulator_periodic
// @brief       Is called periodically, reads altitude and accumulates upwards vertical
// @param       none
// @return      none
// This function is called once a minute. It reads the current altitude, then uses that to accumulate
// upwards altitude only (it does not measure or accumulate downwards altitude - only altitude gains.
// It functions as follows. Current direction (either up or down) is given in alt_accum_direction.
// If we're currently going up, then alt_accum_lastpeakdip contains the altitude of the last dip (valley)
// we encountered and we're rising up above that. If the current altimeter value is greater than the
// previous altimeter reading alt_accum_prevalt, then update alt_accum_prevalt with the current altitude
// and we're done. If however we've dropped below the previous value, then if we've exceeded our
// "direction change threshold" ALT_ACCUM_DIR_THRESHOLD, then it appears we've peaked and have started
// heading downhill. So add (alt_accum_prevalt - alt_accum_lastpeakdip) to alt_accum__accumtotal to
// collect that recently-finished uphill into our accumulated uphill total. Then reverse course:
// set alt_accum_lastpeakdip equal to alt_accum_prevalt so that lastpeakdip contains the altitude of the
// top of that recently-crossed hill (it's now a peak altitude rather than a dip (valley) altitude),
// change the alt_accum_direction flag to downhill, and as usual set the alt_accum_prevalt to our current
// altitude.
// On the other hand, if our current altitude is only slightly less than the previous altitude, then
// do nothing - not even update our "previous" altitude. When we're going uphill, only 2 things matter to
// us: either we've gone uphill some more, or we've gone downhill enough to trigger the change-or-direction
// threshold.
// If we're going downhill (direction flag alt_accum_direction says downhill), there's little to do except
// keep updating alt_accum_prevalt with the current altitude if we've dropped lower, and watch for a
// change of direction to an uphill. Much the same as the uphill case, but we don't accumulate downhills
// once the change of direction occurs.
// In addition, independently of all this, we also update alt_accum_max with the highest altitude
// we've found.
// All measurements are recorded & stored in metres.
// Yes it's a bit convoluted. That's OK. The basic thing to understand is that a "simple" accumulator
// simply adds altitude every time we take an altimeter reading. However every reading has an error, so
// adding a bunch of readings results in a lot of error. For that reason we have this more complicated
// system whereby we look for peaks and dips, and only add to the accumulator when we find the next peak.
// In that way we obtain the best accumulator accuracy possible. It does make for a more complicated
// system though.
// *************************************************************************************************
void altitude_accumulator_periodic (void)
    s32 currentalt;					// our current altitude

    // First a quick sanity check. If we're not supposed to be running, something's wrong, so just exit
    if (alt_accum_enable==0) return;

    // First thing we need to know is our current altitude. Take 4 measurements & average them.
    currentalt = sAlt.altitude;			// first reading

    // Now it's comparisions time. First we'll quickly update the maximum altitude tracker
    if (currentalt > alt_accum_max)
        alt_accum_max = currentalt;		// update max altitude if we're at a new high

    // Now our convoluted altitude accumulator, looking for peaks and valleys, etc.
    if (alt_accum_direction) {
        // Execute here if we're supposedly going upwards
        if (currentalt >= alt_accum_prevalt) {
            // Execute here if we're still going upwards - current alt is greater than previous alt
            alt_accum_prevalt = currentalt;	// just update our "previous" value for next time
            return;								// and that's it - we're done
        else {
            // Execute here if our current altitude is below our previous - have we crested the hill and
            // started to descend? If we've exceeded the threshold altitude drop we need to deal with that.
            if ((alt_accum_prevalt - currentalt) >= ALT_ACCUM_DIR_THRESHOLD) {
                // Execute here if we've descended enough off the hillcrest to exceed the threshold - we've just
                // gone through a change of direction, so we need to accumulate the previously gained altitude,
                // then set things up for going downhill now.
                alt_accum__accumtotal += alt_accum_prevalt - alt_accum_lastpeakdip;	// accumulate the vertical from that last hill climb
                alt_accum_lastpeakdip = alt_accum_prevalt;				// peakdip is now a peak elevation
                alt_accum_direction = 0;						// indicate we're tracking downhill now
            else	// we've dropped a little, but not enough to trigger any action yet
    else {
        // Execute here if we're supposedly going downwards
        if (currentalt <= alt_accum_prevalt) {
            // Execute here if we're still going downwards - current alt is less than previous alt
            alt_accum_prevalt = currentalt;		// just update our "previous" value for next time
            return;					// and that's it - we're done
        else {
            // Execute here if our current altitude is above our previous - have we bottomed the valley and
            // started to ascend? If we've exceeded the threshold altitude increase we need to deal with that.
            if ((currentalt - alt_accum_prevalt) >= ALT_ACCUM_DIR_THRESHOLD) {
                // Execute here if we've ascended enough above the valley floor to exceed the threshold - we've just
                // gone through a change of direction, so we need to set things up for going uphill now.
                alt_accum_lastpeakdip = alt_accum_prevalt;	// peakdip is now a dip (valley) elevation
                alt_accum_direction = 1;			// indicate we're tracking uphill now
            else	// we've ascended a little, but not enough to trigger any action yet
コード例 #9
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: ngerstle/OpenChronos
void display_altitude(u8 line, u8 update)
    u8 * str;
    s16 ft;

    // redraw whole screen
    if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_FULL)
        // Enable pressure measurement
        sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_VISIBLE;

        // Start measurement
        display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8*)"ALT ", SEG_ON);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_ON);
        if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
            // Display "m" symbol
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_ON);
            // Display "ft" symbol
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_ON);
        // Display altitude
        display_altitude(LINE1, DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL);
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL)
        // Update display only while measurement is active
        if (sAlt.timeout > 0)
            if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
                // Display altitude in xxxx m format, allow 3 leading blank digits
                if (sAlt.altitude >= 0)
                    str = _itoa(sAlt.altitude, 5, 4);
                    str = _itoa(sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                    str = _itoa(sAlt.altitude*(-1), 4, 3);
                    str = _itoa(sAlt.altitude*(-1), 5, 4);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
                // Convert from meters to feet
                ft = convert_m_to_ft(sAlt.altitude);
                // Limit to 9999ft (3047m)
                if (ft > 9999) ft = 9999;
                // Display altitude in xxxx ft format, allow 3 leading blank digits
                if (ft >= 0)
                    str = _itoa(ft, 4, 3);
                    str = _itoa(ft, 5, 4);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                    str = _itoa(ft*(-1), 4, 3);
                    str = _itoa(ft*(-1), 5, 4);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
            // display altitude on bottom line (5 digits)
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L2_4_0, str, SEG_ON);
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR)
        // Disable pressure measurement
        sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_NOT_VISIBLE;

        // Stop measurement

        // Clean up function-specific segments before leaving function
        // clear off the altitude display from the second line
        // should really try to get the date displayed here again too
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
コード例 #10
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: alkin/tidecc
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          display_altitude
// @brief       Display routine. Supports display in meters and feet. 
// @param       u8 line                 LINE1
//                              u8 update               DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_FULL, DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL, DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void display_altitude(u8 line, u8 update)
   u8 *str;
   s16 ft;

   // Start measurement

   // redraw whole screen
   if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_FULL)
      if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
         // Display "m" symbol
         display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_ON);
         // Display "ft" symbol
         display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_ON);

      // Display altitude
      display_altitude(LINE1, DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL);
   else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL)
      if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
         // Display altitude in xxxx m format, allow 3 leading blank digits
         if (sAlt.altitude >= 0)
            str = int_to_array(sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
            str = int_to_array(sAlt.altitude * (-1), 4, 3);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
         // Convert from meters to feet
         ft = convert_m_to_ft(sAlt.altitude);

         // Limit to 9999ft (3047m)
         if (ft > 9999)
            ft = 9999;

         // Display altitude in xxxx ft format, allow 3 leading blank digits
         if (ft >= 0)
            str = int_to_array(ft, 4, 3);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
            str = int_to_array(ft * (-1), 4, 3);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
      display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
   else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR)
      // Stop measurement

      // Clean up function-specific segments before leaving function
      display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
      display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
      display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
      display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
コード例 #11
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          start_simpliciti_sync
// @brief       Start SimpliciTI (sync mode).
// @param       none
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void start_simpliciti_sync(void)
    // Clear LINE1
    fptr_lcd_function_line1(LINE1, DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR);

    // Stop acceleration sensor

    // Get updated altitude

    // Get updated temperature

    // Turn on beeper icon to show activity
    display_symbol(LCD_ICON_BEEPER1, SEG_ON_BLINK_ON);
    display_symbol(LCD_ICON_BEEPER2, SEG_ON_BLINK_ON);
    display_symbol(LCD_ICON_BEEPER3, SEG_ON_BLINK_ON);

    // Debounce button event

    // Prepare radio for RF communication

    // Set SimpliciTI mode
    sRFsmpl.mode = SIMPLICITI_SYNC;

    // Set SimpliciTI timeout to save battery power
    sRFsmpl.timeout = SIMPLICITI_TIMEOUT;

    // Start SimpliciTI stack. Try to link to access point.
    // Exit with timeout or by a button DOWN press.
    if (simpliciti_link())
        // Enter sync routine. This will send ready-to-receive packets at regular intervals to the
        // access point.
        // The access point replies with a command (NOP if no other command is set)

    // Set SimpliciTI state to OFF
    sRFsmpl.mode = SIMPLICITI_OFF;

    // Powerdown radio

    // Clear last button events
    BUTTONS_IFG = 0x00;
    button.all_flags = 0;

    // Clear icons
    display_symbol(LCD_ICON_BEEPER1, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);
    display_symbol(LCD_ICON_BEEPER2, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);
    display_symbol(LCD_ICON_BEEPER3, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);

    // Force full display update
    display.flag.full_update = 1;
コード例 #12
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: aulanov/OpenChronos
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          display_altitude
// @brief       Display routine. Supports display in meters and feet.
// @param       u8 line			LINE1
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void display_altitude(u8 line, u8 update)
		sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_VISIBLE;

		u8 m, ft;
		if (sys.flag.use_metric_units) {
		       m = SEG_ON; ft = SEG_OFF;
		} else {
		       m = SEG_OFF; ft = SEG_ON;
		m = SEG_ON; ft = SEG_OFF;
		m = SEG_OFF; ft = SEG_ON;
	       // Display "m" or "ft" symbol
	       display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, m);
	       display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, ft);
		// Update display only while measurement is active
		if (sAlt.timeout > 0) {
			u8 *str;
			if (sAlt.mode == ALTITUDE_SKYDIVING && sAlt.altitude > 1000) {
				u16 altitude = (sAlt.altitude + 50) / 100;
				str = _itoa(altitude, 3, 1);
				display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_1, str, SEG_ON);
				display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_0, NULL, SEG_OFF);
				display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_ON);
				display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
			} else {
				// Display altitude in xxxx m format, allow 3 leading blank digits
				if (sAlt.altitude >= 0) {
					str = _itoa(sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
					display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
				} else {
					str = _itoa(-sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
					display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);

				display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
				display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_OFF);
	} else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR) {
		// Disable pressure measurement

		// Stop measurement

		// Clean up function-specific segments before leaving function
		display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
		display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
		display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
		display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_OFF);
コード例 #13
ファイル: altitude.c プロジェクト: KarolTx/openchronos-ng
void read_altitude(void)
	// Start measurement
コード例 #14
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          display_altitude
// @brief       Display routine. Supports display in meters and feet.
// @param       u8 line                 LINE1
//                              u8 update               DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_FULL,
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void display_altitude(u8 line, u8 update)
    u8 *str;
    s16 ft;

    // redraw whole screen
    if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_FULL)
        // Enable pressure measurement
        sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_VISIBLE;

        // Start measurement

        // Display altitude
        display_altitude(LINE1, DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL);
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL)
        // Update display only while measurement is active
        if (sAlt.timeout > 0)
          if (sAlt.display == DISPLAY_DEFAULT_VIEW)
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_OFF);            
            if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
               // Display "m" symbol
               display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_ON);
              // Display "ft" symbol
              display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_ON);
            if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
                // Display altitude in xxxx m format, allow 3 leading blank digits
                if (sAlt.altitude >= 0)
                    str = int_to_array(sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                    str = int_to_array((-1)*sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
                    //const u8 neg_txt[3] ="NEG";
                    //str = (u8 *)neg_txt;
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
                // Convert from meters to feet
                ft = convert_m_to_ft(sAlt.altitude);

                // Limit to 9999ft (3047m)
                if (ft > 9999)
                    ft = 9999;

                // Display altitude in xxxx ft format, allow 3 leading blank digits
                if (ft >= 0)
                    str = int_to_array(ft, 4, 3);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                    str = int_to_array(ft * (-1), 4, 3);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                    display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
            display_symbol(LCD_ICON_RECORD, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
          else if (sAlt.display == DISPLAY_ALTERNATIVE_VIEW)
            // Display Pressure in hPa
            u16 PressureToDisp = (u16) (((float)sAlt.pressure + 100.00 * (float) sAlt.pressure_offset) / 100.00 + 0.5);
            str = int_to_array(PressureToDisp, 4, 3);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_OFF);            
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_ON_BLINK_OFF);
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
          else if (sAlt.display == DISPLAY_ALTERNATIVE_VIEW1)
            // Display Pressure in mmHg
            u16 PressureToDisp = (u16) (3.0 * ((float)sAlt.pressure + 100.00 * (float)sAlt.pressure_offset) / 400.00  + 0.5);            
            str = int_to_array(PressureToDisp, 4, 3);
//            str = int_to_array(sAlt.pressure_delta, 4, 3);            
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_ICON_RECORD, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_ON);            
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
          else if (sAlt.display == DISPLAY_ALTERNATIVE_VIEW2)
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);              
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_OFF);            
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);            
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_ICON_RECORD, SEG_ON_BLINK_ON);
            s16 dp = sAlt.pressure_delta;            
            if (dp > 250)
              // unstable high pressure
              display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8 *) "UN H", SEG_ON);
            else if ((dp >= 50) && (dp <= 250))
              // stable good weather
              display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8 *) " SUN", SEG_ON);
            else if ((dp >= -50) && (dp < 50))
              // stable              
              display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8 *) "STAB", SEG_ON);
            else if ((dp > -250) && (dp < -50))
              // stable rainy
              display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8 *) "RAIN", SEG_ON);
              // unstable low
              display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, (u8 *) "UN L", SEG_ON);
            u32 Temp = (u32)((float) sAlt.pressure_sum / ((float) sAlt.pressure_counter * 100.0) + 0.5);
            str = int_to_array(Temp, 4, 3);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);              
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_OFF);            
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_ON_BLINK_ON); 
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);            
            if (sAlt.pressure_delta >= 0)
              str = int_to_array(sAlt.pressure_delta, 4, 3);           
              display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
              display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
              str = int_to_array(sAlt.pressure_delta * (-1), 4, 3);                        
              display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
              display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);              
            display_symbol(LCD_ICON_RECORD, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_OFF);            
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
            display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_ON); 
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR)
        // Disable pressure measurement
        sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_NOT_VISIBLE;

        // Stop measurement

        // Clean up function-specific segments before leaving function
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_PER_H, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);    
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_AM, SEG_OFF);         
        display_symbol(LCD_ICON_RECORD, SEG_OFF_BLINK_OFF);
        sAlt.display = DISPLAY_DEFAULT_VIEW;
コード例 #15
// *************************************************************************************************
// @fn          display_altitude
// @brief       Display routine. Supports display in meters and feet. 
// @param       u8 line         LINE1
// @return      none
// *************************************************************************************************
void display_altitude(u8 line, u8 update)
    u8 * str;
    s16 ft;
    // redraw whole screen
    if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_FULL) 
        // Enable pressure measurement
        sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_VISIBLE;

        // Start measurement
        // Display altitude
        display_altitude(LINE1, DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL);
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_UPDATE_PARTIAL)
        // Update display only while measurement is active
        if (sAlt.timeout > 0)
            // Altitude view
            if (PressDisplay == DISPLAY_DEFAULT_VIEW)
                display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_OFF);
                if (sys.flag.use_metric_units)
                    // Display "m" symbol
                    display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_ON);
                    // Display altitude in xxxx m format, allow 3 leading blank digits
                    if (sAlt.altitude >= 0)
                        str = itoa(sAlt.altitude, 4, 3);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                        str = itoa(sAlt.altitude*(-1), 4, 3);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
                    // Display "ft" symbol
                    display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_ON);                 
                    // Convert from meters to feet
                    ft = convert_m_to_ft(sAlt.altitude);
                    // Limit to 9999ft (3047m)
                    if (ft > 9999) ft = 9999;
                    // Display altitude in xxxx ft format, allow 3 leading blank digits
                    if (ft >= 0)
                        str = itoa(ft, 4, 3);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_ON);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                        str = itoa(ft*(-1), 4, 3);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_ON);
            // Pressure view, unit: milliBar = hectoPascal
            else if (PressDisplay == DISPLAY_ALTERNATIVE_VIEW)
                display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_OFF);
                display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
                display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
                display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
                display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);
                str = itoa(AmbientPressure, 4, 3);
            // Pressure view, unit: PSI (Pound-force per square inch absolute) 1mbar = 0.01450377 PSI
            else  // DISPLAY_ALTERNATIVE_VIEW_2
                str = itoa((u32)AmbientPressure * 10000L / 6895L, 4, 3);
                display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_ON);
            display_chars(LCD_SEG_L1_3_0, str, SEG_ON);
    else if (update == DISPLAY_LINE_CLEAR)
        // Disable pressure measurement
        sAlt.state = MENU_ITEM_NOT_VISIBLE;

        // Stop measurement
        // Clean up function-specific segments before leaving function
        display_symbol(LCD_SEG_L1_DP1, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_M, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_UNIT_L1_FT, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_UP, SEG_OFF);
        display_symbol(LCD_SYMB_ARROW_DOWN, SEG_OFF);