コード例 #1
ファイル: plotxy.c プロジェクト: HarvardPHATSY/astrometry.net
int plot_xy_plot(const char* command, cairo_t* cairo,
				 plot_args_t* pargs, void* baton) {
	plotxy_t* args = (plotxy_t*)baton;
	// Plot it!
	xylist_t* xyls;
	starxy_t myxy;
	starxy_t* xy = NULL;
	starxy_t* freexy = NULL;
	int Nxy;
	int i;
#if 0
	double t0;

	plotstuff_builtin_apply(cairo, pargs);

	if (args->fn && dl_size(args->xyvals)) {
		ERROR("Can only plot one of xylist filename and xy_vals");
		return -1;
	if (!args->fn && !dl_size(args->xyvals)) {
		ERROR("Neither xylist filename nor xy_vals given!");
		return -1;

	if (args->fn) {
#if 0
		t0 = timenow();
		// Open xylist.
		xyls = xylist_open(args->fn);
		if (!xyls) {
			ERROR("Failed to open xylist from file \"%s\"", args->fn);
			return -1;
		// we don't care about FLUX and BACKGROUND columns.
		xylist_set_include_flux(xyls, FALSE);
		xylist_set_include_background(xyls, FALSE);
		if (args->xcol)
			xylist_set_xname(xyls, args->xcol);
		if (args->ycol)
			xylist_set_yname(xyls, args->ycol);

		// Find number of entries in xylist.
		xy = xylist_read_field_num(xyls, args->ext, NULL);
		freexy = xy;
		if (!xy) {
			ERROR("Failed to read FITS extension %i from file %s.\n", args->ext, args->fn);
			return -1;
		Nxy = starxy_n(xy);
		// If N is specified, apply it as a max.
		if (args->nobjs)
			Nxy = MIN(Nxy, args->nobjs);
		//logmsg("%g s to read xylist\n", timenow()-t0);
	} else {
		starxy_from_dl(&myxy, args->xyvals, FALSE, FALSE);
		xy = &myxy;
		Nxy = starxy_n(xy);

	// Transform through WCSes.
	if (args->wcs) {
		double ra, dec, x, y;
		 // check for any overlap.
		 double pralo,prahi,pdeclo,pdechi;
		 double ralo,rahi,declo,dechi;
		 anwcs_get_radec_bounds(pargs->wcs, 100, &pralo, &prahi, &pdeclo, &pdechi);
		 anwcs_get_radec_bounds(args->wcs, 100, &ralo, &rahi, &declo, &dechi);
		 if (
		for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
								// I used to add 1 here
								starxy_getx(xy, i), starxy_gety(xy, i),
								&ra, &dec);
			if (!plotstuff_radec2xy(pargs, ra, dec, &x, &y))
			logverb("  xy (%g,%g) -> RA,Dec (%g,%g) -> plot xy (%g,%g)\n",
					starxy_getx(xy,i), starxy_gety(xy,i), ra, dec, x, y);

			// add shift and scale...
			// FIXME -- not clear that we want to do this here...
			 starxy_setx(xy, i, args->scale * (x - args->xoff));
			 starxy_sety(xy, i, args->scale * (y - args->yoff));
			 starxy_setx(xy, i, x-1);
			 starxy_sety(xy, i, y-1);

			// Output coords: FITS -> 0-indexed image
			starxy_setx(xy, i, x-1);
			starxy_sety(xy, i, y-1);
	} else {
		// Shift and scale xylist entries.
		if (args->xoff != 0.0 || args->yoff != 0.0) {
			for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
				starxy_setx(xy, i, starxy_getx(xy, i) - args->xoff);
				starxy_sety(xy, i, starxy_gety(xy, i) - args->yoff);
		if (args->scale != 1.0) {
			for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
				starxy_setx(xy, i, args->scale * starxy_getx(xy, i));
				starxy_sety(xy, i, args->scale * starxy_gety(xy, i));

	// Plot markers.
#if 0
	t0 = timenow();
	for (i=args->firstobj; i<Nxy; i++) {
		double x = starxy_getx(xy, i);
		double y = starxy_gety(xy, i);
		if (plotstuff_marker_in_bounds(pargs, x, y))
			plotstuff_stack_marker(pargs, x, y);
	plotstuff_plot_stack(pargs, cairo);
	//logmsg("%g s to plot xylist\n", timenow()-t0);

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_tweak.c プロジェクト: dstndstn/astrometry.net
static sip_t* run_test(CuTest* tc, sip_t* sip, int N, double* xy, double* radec) {
    int i;
    starxy_t* sxy;
    tweak_t* t;
    sip_t* outsip;
    il* imcorr;
    il* refcorr;
    dl* weights;
    tan_t* tan = &(sip->wcstan);

    printf("Input SIP:\n");
    sip_print_to(sip, stdout);

    sxy = starxy_new(N, FALSE, FALSE);
    starxy_set_xy_array(sxy, xy);

    imcorr = il_new(256);
    refcorr = il_new(256);
    weights = dl_new(256);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        il_append(imcorr, i);
        il_append(refcorr, i);
        dl_append(weights, 1.0);

    t = tweak_new();
    tweak_push_wcs_tan(t, tan);

    outsip = t->sip;
    outsip->a_order = outsip->b_order = sip->a_order;
    outsip->ap_order = outsip->bp_order = sip->ap_order;

    t->weighted_fit = TRUE;
    tweak_push_ref_ad_array(t, radec, N);
    tweak_push_image_xy(t, sxy);
    tweak_push_correspondence_indices(t, imcorr, refcorr, NULL, weights);

    // push correspondences
    // push image xy
    // push ref ra,dec
    // push ref xy (tan)
    // push tan

    tweak_go_to(t, TWEAK_HAS_LINEAR_CD);

    printf("Output SIP:\n");
    sip_print_to(outsip, stdout);

    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->imagew, outsip->wcstan.imagew, 1e-10);
    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->imageh, outsip->wcstan.imageh, 1e-10);

    // should be exactly equal.
    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->crpix[0], outsip->wcstan.crpix[0], 1e-10);
    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->crpix[1], outsip->wcstan.crpix[1], 1e-10);

    t->sip = NULL;
    return outsip;
コード例 #3
ファイル: solve-field.c プロジェクト: Carl4/astrometry.net
// This runs after "astrometry-engine" is run on the file.
static void after_solved(augment_xylist_t* axy,
						 solve_field_args_t* sf,
						 anbool makeplots,
						 const char* me,
						 anbool verbose,
						 const char* tempdir,
						 sl* tempdirs,
						 sl* tempfiles,
						 double plotscale,
						 const char* bgfn) {
	sip_t wcs;
	double ra, dec, fieldw, fieldh;
	char rastr[32], decstr[32];
	char* fieldunits;

	// print info about the field.
	logmsg("Field: %s\n", axy->imagefn ? axy->imagefn : axy->xylsfn);
	if (file_exists(axy->wcsfn)) {
		double orient;
		if (axy->wcs_last_mod) {
			time_t t = file_get_last_modified_time(axy->wcsfn);
			if (t == axy->wcs_last_mod) {
				logmsg("Warning: there was already a WCS file, and its timestamp has not changed.\n");
		if (!sip_read_header_file(axy->wcsfn, &wcs)) {
			ERROR("Failed to read WCS header from file %s", axy->wcsfn);
		sip_get_radec_center(&wcs, &ra, &dec);
		sip_get_radec_center_hms_string(&wcs, rastr, decstr);
		sip_get_field_size(&wcs, &fieldw, &fieldh, &fieldunits);
		orient = sip_get_orientation(&wcs);
		logmsg("Field center: (RA,Dec) = (%3.6f, %3.6f) deg.\n", ra, dec);
		logmsg("Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (%s, %s).\n", rastr, decstr);
		logmsg("Field size: %g x %g %s\n", fieldw, fieldh, fieldunits);
		logmsg("Field rotation angle: up is %g degrees E of N\n", orient);
	} else {
		logmsg("Did not solve (or no WCS file was written).\n");

	// create new FITS file...
	if (axy->fitsimgfn && sf->newfitsfn && file_exists(axy->wcsfn)) {
		logmsg("Creating new FITS file \"%s\"...\n", sf->newfitsfn);
		if (new_wcs(axy->fitsimgfn, axy->wcsfn, sf->newfitsfn, TRUE)) {
			ERROR("Failed to create FITS image with new WCS headers");

	// write list of index stars in image coordinates
	if (sf->indxylsfn && file_exists(axy->wcsfn) && file_exists(axy->rdlsfn)) {
		// index rdls to xyls.
		if (wcs_rd2xy(axy->wcsfn, 0, axy->rdlsfn, sf->indxylsfn,
			ERROR("Failed to project index stars into field coordinates using wcs-rd2xy");

	if (makeplots && file_exists(sf->indxylsfn) && file_readable(axy->matchfn) && file_readable(axy->wcsfn)) {
		logmsg("Creating index object overlay plot...\n");
		if (plot_index_overlay(axy, me, sf->indxylsfn, sf->redgreenfn, plotscale, bgfn)) {
			ERROR("Plot index overlay failed.");

	if (makeplots && file_readable(axy->wcsfn)) {
		logmsg("Creating annotation plot...\n");
		if (plot_annotations(axy, me, verbose, sf->ngcfn, plotscale, bgfn)) {
			ERROR("Plot annotations failed.");

	if (axy->imagefn && sf->kmzfn && file_exists(axy->wcsfn)) {
		logmsg("Writing kmz file...\n");
		if (write_kmz(axy, sf->kmzfn, tempdir, tempdirs, tempfiles)) {
			ERROR("Failed to write KMZ.");

	if (sf->scampfn && file_exists(axy->wcsfn)) {
		//char* hdrfile = NULL;
		qfits_header* imageheader = NULL;
		starxy_t* xy;
		xylist_t* xyls;

		xyls = xylist_open(axy->axyfn);
		if (!xyls) {
			ERROR("Failed to read xylist to write SCAMP catalog");
		if (axy->xcol)
			xylist_set_xname(xyls, axy->xcol);
		if (axy->ycol)
			xylist_set_yname(xyls, axy->ycol);
		//xylist_set_include_flux(xyls, FALSE);
		xylist_set_include_background(xyls, FALSE);
		xy = xylist_read_field(xyls, NULL);

		if (axy->fitsimgfn) {
			//hdrfile = axy->fitsimgfn;
			imageheader = anqfits_get_header2(axy->fitsimgfn, 0);
		if (axy->xylsfn) {
			char val[32];
			//hdrfile = axy->xylsfn;
			imageheader = anqfits_get_header2(axy->xylsfn, 0);
			fits_header_mod_int(imageheader, "NAXIS", 2, NULL);
			sprintf(val, "%i", axy->W);
			qfits_header_add_after(imageheader, "NAXIS",  "NAXIS1", val, "image width", NULL);
			sprintf(val, "%i", axy->H);
			qfits_header_add_after(imageheader, "NAXIS1", "NAXIS2", val, "image height", NULL);
			//fits_header_add_int(imageheader, "NAXIS1", axy->W, NULL);
			//fits_header_add_int(imageheader, "NAXIS2", axy->H, NULL);
			logverb("Using NAXIS 1,2 = %i,%i\n", axy->W, axy->H);

		if (scamp_write_field(imageheader, &wcs, xy, sf->scampfn)) {
			ERROR("Failed to write SCAMP catalog");
		if (imageheader)

	if (sf->scampconfigfn) {
		if (scamp_write_config_file(axy->scampfn, sf->scampconfigfn)) {
			ERROR("Failed to write SCAMP config file snippet to %s", sf->scampconfigfn);