コード例 #1
    int          fd;                /* file descriptor to print on */
    int          ret;
    LONG         clock;
    TEXT        *pdate;
    int          syserror;
    TEXT         fileName[MAXNAM];

    /* get a unique name by using the pid to generate a filename */
    stnclr(fileName, sizeof(fileName));
    sprintf((psc_rtlchar_t *)fileName, "%s.%d","gemtrace",getpid());

    fd = open(fileName, CREATE_RW_APPEND, DEFLT_PERM);
    if (fd < 0)
        /* if the open failed, put a message out to the screen
         * and we will dump the stack to the screen 
        printf("Failed to open file %s errno %d", fileName, syserror);
        fd = 1;

    /* we should have a valid fileHandle, even though it might be stdout.
     * Time to call the routine to print the stack trace
    ret = write(fd, UT_TRACE_HEADING,stlen(UT_TRACE_HEADING));

    if (ret != stlen(UT_TRACE_HEADING))
        /* write failed, revert to stdout */
        fd = 1;

    /* get the date and time so we can put it into the file */
    pdate = (TEXT *)ctime(&clock);

    ret = write(fd, pdate, stlen(pdate));


    if (fd != 1)
        /* cleanup */

}  /* end uttrace */
コード例 #2
/* PROGRAM: shmCreateSegmentTable - initialize segment table for shared memory
 *                                  references
 * RETURNS: Pointer to created segment table
shmTable_t *
shmCreateSegmentTable(STPOOL *pstpool /* pointer to storage pool */)
    shmTable_t  *pshsgctl;	/* pointer to segment control */
    pshsgctl = (shmTable_t * )stGet(NULL, pstpool,sizeof(shmTable_t));
		/* Rich T. claims that we do not need pcontext here */

    pshsgctl->ipub = MAXPRIVSLT + 1; /* initialize start of public slots */
    pshsgctl->iprv = MAXPRIVSLT;     /* initialize start of private slots */
    return pshsgctl;
コード例 #3
 * PROGRAM: rlaoff -- turns off after imaging and returns status
 * This program turns off after imaging by clearing the information in the
 * masterblock used by the ai subsystems.  It does not write the masterblock
 * back out, so that must happen before it is really turned off.
 * RETURNS: 0 if ai was turned off, 1 if it was never on in the first place
rlaoff(struct mstrblk *pmstr)
    /* clear information in masterblock for after imaging, except dates */
    pmstr->mb_aisync = 0;
    pmstr->mb_aiwrtloc = 0;
    pmstr->mb_aictr = 0;
    pmstr->mb_aiflgs = 0;
    pmstr->mb_aibusy_extent = 0;

    if (pmstr->mb_ai.ainew == 0)
	/* dates are clear, after imaging was not on */
	 return 1;

    /* after imaging was on, clear remaining dates */
    stnclr((TEXT *)&pmstr->mb_ai, sizeof(AIDATES));
    return 0;

} /* rlaoff */
コード例 #4
	     TEXT    *prefix,
	     TEXT    *pname,
	     TEXT    *buf,
	     int      len,
	     int      id)
    TEXT *p, *pch;

    stnclr(buf, len);
    pch = buf;
    pch = stcopy(pch, prefix);

    /* [johnls] */
    for (p = pname; *p && (int)(pch - buf) != len; pch++, p++)
	if (*p == ':' && (*(p+1) == '\\' || *(p+1) == '/'))

	if (*p == '/' || *p == '\\' || *p == ':')
	    *pch = '.';
	    *pch = tolower(*p);
    *pch = 0;
    pch = stncop(pch, pname, MIN(8, len-11-stlen(prefix)));
    if (id >= 0)
        pch = stcopy(pch, ".");
        utitoa(id, pch);
コード例 #5
ファイル: bkiolk.c プロジェクト: TangentOrg/Gemini
/* PROGRAM: bkioCreateLkFile -- lock the database in desired mode.
 *    Create a .lk file holding the following information:
 *      a.) The mode the db is in BKIO_LKSNGL | BKIO_LKMULT
 *      b.) The process ID of the starter of the db
 *      c.) The hostname of the machine where the db was started
 *	0		database locked in requested mode.
 *	BKIO_LKSNGL	database currently locked in single-user mode,
 *			request denied.
 *	BKIO_LKMULT	database currently locked in multi-user mode,
 *			request denied.
 *      BKIO_LKSTARTUP  database is in the process of starting up
 *                      request denied.
bkioCreateLkFile (
        dsmContext_t    *pcontext,
        int		 mode,		/* desired usage mode, either
		            		   BKIO_LKSNGL or BKIO_LKMULT */
        TEXT		*dbname,	/* name of database */
        int             dispmsg)	/* if true, then display a message */


    TEXT	 namebuf[MAXPATHN+1];
    TEXT	 dbnamebuf[MAXPATHN+1];
    TEXT	 nodebuf[BKIO_NODESZ];
    int		 ret = 0;
    ULONG	 spid = 0;
    int          errorStatus = 0;
    int          bytesWritten;
    LONG         retWrite;
    LONG         retMakePath = 0;
    int		 lockret = 1; 
    int		 wmode = mode;
    fileHandle_t lkhandle;
    int          i;
    int          local = 0;
    dbcontext_t *pdbcontext = pcontext->pdbcontext;

    /* see if the *.lk file already exists and is valid */
                (TEXT *)".lk");
        retMakePath = utMakePathname(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), dbname, 
                                     (TEXT *)".lk");
    if (retMakePath != DBUT_S_SUCCESS)
        /* Report error */
        dbUserError(pcontext, retMakePath, errno, 0,
                    (DSMVOID *)NULL, (DSMVOID *)NULL);
                (TEXT *)".db");
        retMakePath = utMakePathname(dbnamebuf, sizeof(dbnamebuf), dbname, 
                                     (TEXT *)".db");
    if (retMakePath != DBUT_S_SUCCESS)
        /* Report error */
        dbUserError(pcontext, retMakePath, errno, 0,
                    (DSMVOID *)NULL, (DSMVOID *)NULL);

    ret = bkioTestLkFile(pcontext, dbname);

    if (ret)
	    case BKIO_LKSNGL:
	             MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG005, dbname);
	        break; /* db in use single-user */
	    case BKIO_LKMULT:
	 	     MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG006, dbname);
	        break; /* db in use multi-user */
	    case BKIO_LKNOHOST:
	         MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG007, namebuf);
	         MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG008);
                 MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG009);
                 MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG010);
	         MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG011, namebuf); break;
            case BKIO_LKTRUNC:
                break;  /* message was put out by bkioTestLkFile */
	    default:	 FATAL_MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkFTL009, dbname); break;
        /* open failed, try to creat it */
        /* 19990525-028 - small window of opportunity for two brokers    */
        /* to start on same database. Replace utOsCreat call with        */
        /* utOsOpen.                                                     */
        /* lkhandle = utOsCreat((TEXT *)namebuf, 0444, 0, &errorStatus); */
        /* 19990525-028 second try. Can only call utOsOpen if not on NFS */
        /*              See bug for details.                             */

        local = bkioIsLocalFile(pcontext,dbnamebuf);

        /* if .lk file is on NFS drive */
        if (local == 0)
            lkhandle = utOsCreat((TEXT *)namebuf, 0444, 0, &errorStatus); 
            lkhandle = utOsOpen((TEXT *)namebuf,
                                (O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY), 
                                CREATE_DATA_FILE, 0, &errorStatus);

            lkhandle = utOsOpen((TEXT *)namebuf,
                                (O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY), 
                                0444, 0, &errorStatus);

        if (lkhandle == INVALID_FILE_HANDLE) 
            /* cant open */
            MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG002, namebuf, errorStatus);
            return -1;

        /* Remove this conditional once file locking is implemented for UNIX */
        /* attempt to get a lock in the .lk file itself */
        lockret = utLockLkFile(lkhandle);

        /* if we got the lock, write out the mode, pid and nodename */
        if (lockret)
            if (mode == BKIO_LKMULT)
                wmode = BKIO_LKSTARTUP;
            /* write out the mode the database is in */
            retWrite = utWriteToFile(lkhandle, 0, (TEXT *)&wmode,
                                 sizeof(int), &bytesWritten, &errorStatus);

            /* get the process id and put that into the file */
            spid = utgetpid ();
            retWrite = utWriteToFile(lkhandle, sizeof(int), (TEXT *)&spid,
                                 sizeof(int), &bytesWritten, &errorStatus);

            stnclr(nodebuf,BKIO_NODESZ); /*fill with nulls*/
            /* get the hostname and put it into the file */
            ret = utgethostname((TEXT *)nodebuf,BKIO_NODESZ - 1);
            if (ret < 0)
                /* if the utgethostname call failed, write out an ampty
                   hostname, that will cause the .lk file checking to be 
                   more strict
                stnclr(nodebuf,BKIO_NODESZ); /*fill with nulls*/
            retWrite = utWriteToFile(lkhandle,2*(sizeof(int)),nodebuf, 
                              BKIO_NODESZ, &bytesWritten, &errorStatus);

            /* Save the handle in the lkstr structure */
            for (i = 0; i < 240; i++)
                if (lkstr[i].lkHandle == (fileHandle_t)0)
                    /* we found an empty slot, populate it */
                    lkstr[i].lkHandle = lkhandle;
                    lkstr[i].nameCrc = 
                          calc_crc((UCOUNT)0, namebuf, (COUNT)stlen(namebuf));

            /* we did no succeed in locking the .lk file */
            MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, bkMSG131, namebuf, errorStatus);
            return -1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: bkiolk.c プロジェクト: TangentOrg/Gemini
/* PROGRAM: bkioTestLkFile -- examine the database to see if it is locked, and
 *		if so return the mode, i.e. single-user or multi-user.
 *		This version uses a special file, ".lk", instead of the
 *		UNIX locking call.
 * RETURNS:	Returns 0 if the database is not locked, else returns
bkioTestLkFile (
        dsmContext_t    *pcontext,
	TEXT		*dbname)	/* path name for ".db" file */

     TEXT		namebuf[MAXPATHN+1];
     TEXT		nodebuf[BKIO_NODESZ];
     TEXT		mynode[BKIO_NODESZ];
     LONG		retRead;
     ULONG		spid = 0;
     int		lkmode = 0;
     int		errorStatus = 0;
     int                bytesRead;
     LONG               retMakePath = 0;
     fileHandle_t       lkhandle;
     int                lockret = 0;

    /* form path name for *.lk file, see if it's there and current */
                         (TEXT *)".lk");
        retMakePath = utMakePathname(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), dbname, 
                                    (TEXT *)".lk");
    if (retMakePath != DBUT_S_SUCCESS)
        /* Report Error */
        dbUserError(pcontext, retMakePath, errno, 0,
                    (DSMVOID *)NULL, (DSMVOID *)NULL);

    lkhandle = utOsOpen(namebuf, OPEN_RW, DEFLT_PERM, OPEN_SEQL, &errorStatus);
    lkhandle = utOsOpen(namebuf, OPEN_R, DEFLT_PERM, OPEN_SEQL, &errorStatus);

    if (lkhandle == INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
        /* open failed, either db not in use, or permission screwed up */
	if (errorStatus != ENOENT)
            FATAL_MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, svFTL013, namebuf, errorStatus);
        /* read lock mode and server pid out of lock file */
	/* the following loop takes care of a timing window that exists
	*  when the server creates the .lk file, and the client attempts
	*  to read the file before the server has written the lock mode
	*  and its pid into the file. This loop should also handle interrupted
	*  system call under Unix, and hence no special case for EINTR

        /* Remove this conditional once file locking is implemented for UNIX */
        /* Try to lock the .lk file */
        lockret = utLockLkFile(lkhandle);
        /* We got a lock, so the .lk file is invalid. Now unlock so it 
         * can be overwritten.
        if (lockret)
            lockret = utUnlockLkFile(&lkhandle);
            /* 19990525-028 - If we are going to change behavior such   */
            /* that the .lk file is only created if it does not already */
            /* exist, then if the .lk file is invalid we must delete it */
            bkioRemoveLkFile(pcontext, dbname);
            return (0);
            /* The .lk file exists, we can't lock it, so it is valid */
	    retRead = utReadFromFile(lkhandle, 0, (TEXT *)&lkmode,
                                 sizeof (int), &bytesRead, &errorStatus);

	    if ( bytesRead != sizeof(int))
	        MSGN_CALLBACK(pcontext, svMSG005);
                return BKIO_LKTRUNC;

	    /* get PID and HOST name from file-- if its the same HOST as we
               are on, it is then safe to test the PID and erase .lk if its
	       not a live process on this same machine and allow login.

	       if the HOSTS are different, or gethostname() is not supported 
               on this machine, the PID cannot be guaranteed to be valid 
               because of NFS so return BKIO_LKNOHOST */

	    retRead = utReadFromFile(lkhandle, sizeof(int), (TEXT *)&spid,
                                 sizeof(int), &bytesRead, &errorStatus);
	    if ( spid )

	        utgethostname((TEXT *)mynode,BKIO_NODESZ -1);
	        retRead = utReadFromFile(lkhandle, 2 * sizeof(int), 
                            (TEXT *)nodebuf, BKIO_NODESZ, &bytesRead, 
	        if ( bytesRead == BKIO_NODESZ)
		    if (nodebuf[0] == '\0') /* No hostname in the .lk file */
                        return BKIO_LKNOHOST;
		    if (stpcmp(nodebuf,mynode) == 0) /*see if nodes match*/
                        if ( (kill ( spid, 0 ) == -1) && (errno == ESRCH) )
			    lkmode= 0;

#endif /* UNIX */

    if (lkhandle != INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
        utOsClose(lkhandle, OPEN_SEQL);
        if (lkmode == 0)
            bkioRemoveLkFile(pcontext, dbname);