/** * Tagging support. * Tags are a system of providing identifiers for regions of the input image. * Currently tags are just used for fragment type. */ void feature_recorder::write_tag(const pos0_t &pos0,size_t len,const string &tagName) { if(flags & FLAG_DISABLED) return; // disabled stringstream ss; string desc = pos0.alphaPart(); // This allows you to set a breakpoint at a specific position // it could be a configurable variable, I guess... #ifdef DEBUG_OFFSET if(len==DEBUG_OFFSET){ std::cerr << "write_tag debug point pos0=" << pos0 << " len=" << len <<" name=" << tagName << "\n"; } #endif /* offset is either the sbuf offset or the path offset */ uint64_t offset = pos0.offset>0 ? pos0.offset : stoi64(pos0.path); /** Create what will got to the feature file */ ss << offset << ":" << len << "\t"; if(desc.size()>0) ss << desc << '/'; ss << tagName; this->write(ss.str()); }
void Database_LevelDB::listAllLoadableBlocks(std::list<v3s16> &dst) { leveldb::Iterator* it = m_database->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions()); for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) { dst.push_back(getIntegerAsBlock(stoi64(it->key().ToString()))); } ENSURE_STATUS_OK(it->status()); // Check for any errors found during the scan delete it; }
void Database_Redis::listAllLoadableBlocks(std::list<v3s16> &dst) { redisReply *reply; reply = (redisReply*) redisCommand(ctx, "HKEYS %s", hash.c_str()); if(!reply) throw FileNotGoodException(std::string("redis command 'HKEYS %s' failed: ") + ctx->errstr); if(reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) throw FileNotGoodException("Failed to get keys from database"); for(size_t i = 0; i < reply->elements; i++) { assert(reply->element[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING); dst.push_back(getIntegerAsBlock(stoi64(reply->element[i]->str))); } freeReplyObject(reply); }
void Database_Redis::listAllLoadableBlocks(std::vector<v3s16> &dst) { redisReply *reply = static_cast<redisReply *>(redisCommand(ctx, "HKEYS %s", hash.c_str())); if (!reply) { throw FileNotGoodException(std::string( "Redis command 'HKEYS %s' failed: ") + ctx->errstr); } switch (reply->type) { case REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY: for (size_t i = 0; i < reply->elements; i++) { assert(reply->element[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING); dst.push_back(getIntegerAsBlock(stoi64(reply->element[i]->str))); } case REDIS_REPLY_ERROR: throw FileNotGoodException(std::string( "Failed to get keys from database: ") + reply->str); } freeReplyObject(reply); }
DBRedis::DBRedis(const std::string &mapdir) : m_blocksReadCount(0), m_blocksQueriedCount(0) { Settings world_mt(mapdir + "/world.mt"); std::string address; if (!world_mt.check("redis_address", address) || !world_mt.check("redis_hash", hash)) { throw std::runtime_error("Set redis_address and redis_hash in world.mt to use the redis backend"); } int port = stoi64(world_mt.get("redis_port", "6379")); ctx = redisConnect(address.c_str(), port); if(!ctx) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot allocate redis context"); else if(ctx->err) { std::string err = std::string("Connection error: ") + ctx->errstr; redisFree(ctx); throw std::runtime_error(err); } }
static void process_open_path(const image_process &p,std::string path,scanner_params::PrintOptions &po, const size_t process_path_bufsize) { /* Check for "/r" in path which means print raw */ if(path.size()>2 && path.substr(path.size()-2,2)=="/r"){ path = path.substr(0,path.size()-2); } std::string prefix = get_and_remove_token(path); int64_t offset = stoi64(prefix); /* Get the offset into the buffer process */ u_char *buf = (u_char *)calloc(process_path_bufsize,1); if(!buf){ std::cerr << "Cannot allocate " << process_path_bufsize << " buffer\n"; return; } int count = p.pread(buf,process_path_bufsize,offset); if(count<0){ std::cerr << p.image_fname() << ": " << strerror(errno) << " (Read Error)\n"; return; } /* make up a bogus feature recorder set and with a disabled feature recorder. * Then we call the path printer, which throws an exception after the printing * to prevent further printing. * * The printer is called when a PRINT token is found in the * forensic path, so that has to be added. */ feature_recorder_set fs(feature_recorder_set::SET_DISABLED,feature_recorder_set::null_hasher, feature_recorder_set::NO_INPUT,feature_recorder_set::NO_OUTDIR); pos0_t pos0(path+"-PRINT"); // insert the PRINT token sbuf_t sbuf(pos0,buf,count,count,true); // sbuf system will free scanner_params sp(scanner_params::PHASE_SCAN,sbuf,fs,po); try { process_path_printer(sp); } catch (path_printer_finished &e) { } }
static void bulk_process_feature_file(const std::string &fn) { if(ends_with(fn,".txt")==false) return; // don't process binary files if(ends_with(fn,"_histogram.txt")==true) return; // ignore histogram files const string features(fn.substr(fn.rfind('/')+1,fn.size()-fn.rfind('/')-5)); const string name(features+": "); const string SPACE(" "); const string UNKNOWN("UNKNOWN"); bool tagfile = ends_with(fn,"_tags.txt"); ifstream f(fn.c_str()); if(!f.is_open()){ cerr << "Cannot open tag input file: " << fn << "\n"; return; } try { string line; while(getline(f,line)){ if(line.size()==0 || line[0]=='#' || line.substr(0,4)=="\357\273\277#") continue; vector<string> fields = split(line,'\t'); // fields of the feature file if(fields.size()<2) continue; // improper formatting std::string &taglocation = fields[0]; std::string &tagtype = fields[1]; uint64_t offset = stoi64(taglocation); uint64_t sector = offset / opt_bulk_block_size; /* If the array hasn't been expanded to the point of this element, expand it with blanks */ while(sector > sector_typetags.size()){ sector_typetags.push_back(sector_typetag()); // expand to fill gap } if(tagfile){ // first pass /* Process a tag */ vector<string> vals = split(taglocation,':'); if(vals.size()!=2){ std::cerr << "Invalid tag file line: " << line << " (size=" << vals.size() << ")\n"; exit(1); } uint32_t len = stoi(vals[1]); // If no data for this sector, simply append this type // and then continue if(sector_typetags.size()==sector){ sector_typetags.push_back(sector_typetag(len,tagtype,string(""))); continue; } // We have new data for the same element. Which is better? if(sector_typetags[sector].specificity() < sector_typetag::specificity(tagtype)){ // New is more specific than the old. // Preserve the old one sector_typetags[sector].scomment = sector_typetags[sector].stype + string("; ") + sector_typetags[sector].scomment; sector_typetags[sector].stype = tagtype; // specify new tag type } else { // New is less specific than the old, so just make new type a comment. sector_typetags[sector].scomment = tagtype + string("; ") + sector_typetags[sector].scomment; } continue; } /* Process a feature, which will add specificity to the tag */ if(sector_typetags.size()==sector){ /* Hm... No tag (and all tags got processed first), so this is unknown */ sector_typetags.push_back(sector_typetag(opt_bulk_block_size,UNKNOWN,SPACE)); } /* append what we've learned regarding this feature */ // If we got an MD5 as field1 and there is a second field, go with that sector_typetag &s = sector_typetags[sector]; int field = 1; if(fields.size()>2 && fields[1].size()==32 && fields[2].size()>0 && fields[2][0]=='<'){ field = 2; // go with the second field } s.scomment += " " + name + fields[field]; // append any XML if it is present if(field==1 && fields.size()>2 && fields[2].size()>0 && fields[2][0]=='<'){ s.scomment += " " + name + " " + fields[2]; } // Scan through the feature indicator table and if we find a match note the type for(int i=0;feature_indicators[i].feature_file_name;i++){ if(features!=feature_indicators[i].feature_file_name) continue; if(feature_indicators[i].feature_content==0 || fields[1].find(feature_indicators[i].feature_content)!=string::npos || fields[2].find(feature_indicators[i].feature_content)!=string::npos){ s.stype = pos0_t(fields[0]).alphaPart(); if(s.stype.size()>1){ char lastchar = s.stype.at(s.stype.size()-1); if(lastchar!='-' && lastchar!='/') s.stype += string("-"); } s.stype += feature_indicators[i].dfrws_type; } } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << " processing tagfile " << fn << "\n"; } }
int64 VString::toi64() const { return stoi64((char*)data, sz); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { #ifdef HAVE_MCHECK mtrace(); #endif /* setup */ feature_recorder::set_main_threadid(); const char *progname = argv[0]; word_and_context_list alert_list; /* shold be flagged */ word_and_context_list stop_list; /* should be ignored */ scanner_info::scanner_config s_config; // the bulk extractor phase 1 config created from the command line BulkExtractor_Phase1::Config cfg; cfg.num_threads = threadpool::numCPU(); /* Options */ const char *opt_path = 0; int opt_recurse = 0; int opt_zap = 0; int opt_h = 0; int opt_H = 0; std::string opt_sampling_params; std::string opt_outdir; bool opt_write_feature_files = true; bool opt_write_sqlite3 = false; bool opt_enable_histograms=true; /* Startup */ setvbuf(stdout,0,_IONBF,0); // don't buffer stdout std::string command_line = dfxml_writer::make_command_line(argc,argv); std::vector<std::string> scanner_dirs; // where to look for scanners /* Add the default plugin_path */ add_if_present(scanner_dirs,"/usr/local/lib/bulk_extractor"); add_if_present(scanner_dirs,"/usr/lib/bulk_extractor"); add_if_present(scanner_dirs,"."); if (getenv("BE_PATH")) { std::vector<std::string> dirs = split(getenv("BE_PATH"),':'); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = dirs.begin(); it!=dirs.end(); it++){ add_if_present(scanner_dirs,*it); } } #ifdef WIN32 setmode(1,O_BINARY); // make stdout binary threadpool::win32_init(); #endif /* look for usage first */ if(argc==1) opt_h=1; /* Process options */ int ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "A:B:b:C:d:E:e:F:f:G:g:Hhij:M:m:o:P:p:q:Rr:S:s:VW:w:x:Y:z:Z")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'A': feature_recorder::offset_add = stoi64(optarg);break; case 'b': feature_recorder::banner_file = optarg; break; case 'C': feature_recorder::context_window_default = atoi(optarg);break; case 'd': { if(strcmp(optarg,"h")==0) debug_help(); int d = atoi(optarg); switch(d){ case DEBUG_ALLOCATE_512MiB: if(calloc(1024*1024*512,1)){ std::cerr << "-d1002 -- Allocating 512MB of RAM; may be repeated\n"; } else { std::cerr << "-d1002 -- CANNOT ALLOCATE MORE RAM\n"; } break; default: cfg.debug = d; break; } be13::plugin::set_scanner_debug(cfg.debug); } break; case 'E': be13::plugin::scanners_disable_all(); be13::plugin::scanners_enable(optarg); break; case 'e': be13::plugin::scanners_enable(optarg); break; case 'F': FindOpts::get().Files.push_back(optarg); break; case 'f': FindOpts::get().Patterns.push_back(optarg); break; case 'G': cfg.opt_pagesize = scaled_stoi64(optarg); break; case 'g': cfg.opt_marginsize = scaled_stoi64(optarg); break; case 'i': std::cout << "info mode:\n"; cfg.opt_info = true; break; case 'j': cfg.num_threads = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': scanner_def::max_depth = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': cfg.max_bad_alloc_errors = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': opt_outdir = optarg;break; case 'P': scanner_dirs.push_back(optarg);break; case 'p': opt_path = optarg; break; case 'q': if(atoi(optarg)==-1) cfg.opt_quiet = 1;// -q -1 turns off notifications else cfg.opt_notify_rate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': if(alert_list.readfile(optarg)){ err(1,"Cannot read alert list %s",optarg); } break; case 'R': opt_recurse = 1; break; case 'S': { std::vector<std::string> params = split(optarg,'='); if(params.size()!=2){ std::cerr << "Invalid paramter: " << optarg << "\n"; exit(1); } s_config.namevals[params[0]] = params[1]; continue; } case 's': #if defined(HAVE_SRANDOM) && !defined(HAVE_SRANDOMDEV) srandom(time(0)); #endif #if defined(HAVE_SRANDOMDEV) srandomdev(); // if we are sampling initialize #endif opt_sampling_params = optarg; break; case 'V': std::cout << "bulk_extractor " << PACKAGE_VERSION << "\n"; exit (1); case 'W': fprintf(stderr,"-W has been deprecated. Specify with -S word_min=NN and -S word_max=NN\n"); exit(1); break; case 'w': if(stop_list.readfile(optarg)){ err(1,"Cannot read stop list %s",optarg); } break; case 'x': be13::plugin::scanners_disable(optarg); break; case 'Y': { std::string optargs = optarg; size_t dash = optargs.find('-'); if(dash==std::string::npos){ cfg.opt_offset_start = stoi64(optargs); } else { cfg.opt_offset_start = scaled_stoi64(optargs.substr(0,dash)); cfg.opt_offset_end = scaled_stoi64(optargs.substr(dash+1)); } break; } case 'z': cfg.opt_page_start = stoi64(optarg);break; case 'Z': opt_zap=true;break; case 'H': opt_H++;continue; case 'h': opt_h++;continue; } } cfg.validate(); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if(cfg.debug & DEBUG_PRINT_STEPS) std::cerr << "DEBUG: DEBUG_PRINT_STEPS\n"; if(cfg.debug & DEBUG_PEDANTIC) validateOrEscapeUTF8_validate = true; /* Create a configuration that will be used to initialize the scanners */ scanner_info si; s_config.debug = cfg.debug; si.config = &s_config; /* Make individual configuration options appear on the command line interface. */ si.get_config("work_start_work_end",&worker::opt_work_start_work_end, "Record work start and end of each scanner in report.xml file"); si.get_config("enable_histograms",&opt_enable_histograms, "Disable generation of histograms"); si.get_config("debug_histogram_malloc_fail_frequency",&HistogramMaker::debug_histogram_malloc_fail_frequency, "Set >0 to make histogram maker fail with memory allocations"); si.get_config("hash_alg",&be_hash_name,"Specifies hash algorithm to be used for all hash calculations"); si.get_config("dup_data_alerts",&be13::plugin::dup_data_alerts,"Notify when duplicate data is not processed"); si.get_config("write_feature_files",&opt_write_feature_files,"Write features to flat files"); si.get_config("write_feature_sqlite3",&opt_write_sqlite3,"Write feature files to report.sqlite3"); /* Make sure that the user selected a valid hash */ { uint8_t buf[1]; be_hash_func(buf,0); } /* Load all the scanners and enable the ones we care about */ be13::plugin::load_scanner_directories(scanner_dirs,s_config); be13::plugin::load_scanners(scanners_builtin,s_config); be13::plugin::scanners_process_enable_disable_commands(); /* Print usage if necessary */ if(opt_H){ be13::plugin::info_scanners(true,true,scanners_builtin,'e','x'); exit(0);} if(opt_h){ usage(progname);be13::plugin::info_scanners(false,true,scanners_builtin,'e','x'); exit(0);} /* Give an error if a find list was specified * but no scanner that uses the find list is enabled. */ if(!FindOpts::get().empty()) { /* Look through the enabled scanners and make sure that * at least one of them is a FIND scanner */ if(!be13::plugin::find_scanner_enabled()){ errx(1,"find words are specified with -F but no find scanner is enabled.\n"); } } if(opt_path){ if(argc!=1) errx(1,"-p requires a single argument."); process_path(argv[0],opt_path,cfg.opt_pagesize,cfg.opt_marginsize); exit(0); } if(opt_outdir.size()==0) errx(1,"error: -o outdir must be specified"); /* The zap option wipes the contents of a directory, useful for debugging */ if(opt_zap){ DIR *dirp = opendir(opt_outdir.c_str()); if(dirp){ struct dirent *dp; while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL){ std::string name = dp->d_name; if(name=="." || name=="..") continue; std::string fname = opt_outdir + std::string("/") + name; unlink(fname.c_str()); std::cout << "erasing " << fname << "\n"; } } if(rmdir(opt_outdir.c_str())){ std::cout << "rmdir " << opt_outdir << "\n"; } } /* Start the clock */ aftimer timer; timer.start(); /* If output directory does not exist, we are not restarting! */ std::string reportfilename = opt_outdir + "/report.xml"; BulkExtractor_Phase1::seen_page_ids_t seen_page_ids; // pages that do not need re-processing image_process *p = 0; // the image process iterator /* Get image or directory */ if (*argv == NULL) { if (opt_recurse) { fprintf(stderr,"filedir not provided\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"imagefile not provided\n"); } exit(1); } std::string image_fname = *argv; if(opt_outdir.size()==0){ fprintf(stderr,"output directory not provided\n"); exit(1); } if(directory_missing(opt_outdir) || directory_empty(opt_outdir)){ /* First time running */ /* Validate the args */ if ( argc !=1 ) errx(1,"Disk image option not provided. Run with -h for help."); validate_fn(image_fname); if (directory_missing(opt_outdir)) be_mkdir(opt_outdir); } else { /* Restarting */ std::cout << "Restarting from " << opt_outdir << "\n"; bulk_extractor_restarter r(opt_outdir,reportfilename,image_fname,seen_page_ids); /* Rename the old report and create a new one */ std::string old_reportfilename = reportfilename + "." + itos(time(0)); if(rename(reportfilename.c_str(),old_reportfilename.c_str())){ std::cerr << "Could not rename " << reportfilename << " to " << old_reportfilename << ": " << strerror(errno) << "\n"; exit(1); } } /* Open the image file (or the device) now */ p = image_process::open(image_fname,opt_recurse,cfg.opt_pagesize,cfg.opt_marginsize); if(!p) err(1,"Cannot open %s: ",image_fname.c_str()); /*** *** Create the feature recording set. *** Initialize the scanners. ****/ /* Determine the feature files that will be used */ feature_file_names_t feature_file_names; be13::plugin::get_scanner_feature_file_names(feature_file_names); uint32_t flags = 0; if (stop_list.size()>0) flags |= feature_recorder_set::CREATE_STOP_LIST_RECORDERS; if (opt_write_sqlite3) flags |= feature_recorder_set::ENABLE_SQLITE3_RECORDERS; if (!opt_write_feature_files) flags |= feature_recorder_set::DISABLE_FILE_RECORDERS; { feature_recorder_set fs(flags,be_hash,image_fname,opt_outdir); fs.init(feature_file_names); if(opt_enable_histograms) be13::plugin::add_enabled_scanner_histograms_to_feature_recorder_set(fs); be13::plugin::scanners_init(fs); fs.set_stop_list(&stop_list); fs.set_alert_list(&alert_list); /* Look for commands that impact per-recorders */ for(scanner_info::config_t::const_iterator it=s_config.namevals.begin();it!=s_config.namevals.end();it++){ /* see if there is a <recorder>: */ std::vector<std::string> params = split(it->first,':'); if(params.size()>=3 && params.at(0)=="fr"){ feature_recorder *fr = fs.get_name(params.at(1)); const std::string &cmd = params.at(2); if(fr){ if(cmd=="window") fr->set_context_window(stoi64(it->second)); if(cmd=="window_before") fr->set_context_window_before(stoi64(it->second)); if(cmd=="window_after") fr->set_context_window_after(stoi64(it->second)); } } /* See if there is a scanner? */ } /* Store the configuration in the XML file */ dfxml_writer *xreport = new dfxml_writer(reportfilename,false); dfxml_create(*xreport,command_line,cfg); xreport->xmlout("provided_filename",image_fname); // save this information /* provide documentation to the user; the DFXML information comes from elsewhere */ if(!cfg.opt_quiet){ std::cout << "bulk_extractor version: " << PACKAGE_VERSION << "\n"; #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME char hostname[1024]; gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname)); std::cout << "Hostname: " << hostname << "\n"; #endif std::cout << "Input file: " << image_fname << "\n"; std::cout << "Output directory: " << opt_outdir << "\n"; std::cout << "Disk Size: " << p->image_size() << "\n"; std::cout << "Threads: " << cfg.num_threads << "\n"; } /**************************************************************** *** THIS IS IT! PHASE 1! ****************************************************************/ if ( fs.flag_set(feature_recorder_set::ENABLE_SQLITE3_RECORDERS )) { fs.db_transaction_begin(); } BulkExtractor_Phase1 phase1(*xreport,timer,cfg); if(cfg.debug & DEBUG_PRINT_STEPS) std::cerr << "DEBUG: STARTING PHASE 1\n"; if(opt_sampling_params.size()>0) BulkExtractor_Phase1::set_sampling_parameters(cfg,opt_sampling_params); xreport->add_timestamp("phase1 start"); phase1.run(*p,fs,seen_page_ids); if(cfg.debug & DEBUG_PRINT_STEPS) std::cerr << "DEBUG: WAITING FOR WORKERS\n"; std::string md5_string; phase1.wait_for_workers(*p,&md5_string); delete p; // not strictly needed, but why not? p = 0; if ( fs.flag_set(feature_recorder_set::ENABLE_SQLITE3_RECORDERS )) { fs.db_transaction_commit(); } xreport->add_timestamp("phase1 end"); if(md5_string.size()>0){ std::cout << "MD5 of Disk Image: " << md5_string << "\n"; } /*** PHASE 2 --- Shutdown ***/ if(cfg.opt_quiet==0) std::cout << "Phase 2. Shutting down scanners\n"; xreport->add_timestamp("phase2 start"); be13::plugin::phase_shutdown(fs); xreport->add_timestamp("phase2 end"); /*** PHASE 3 --- Create Histograms ***/ if(cfg.opt_quiet==0) std::cout << "Phase 3. Creating Histograms\n"; xreport->add_timestamp("phase3 start"); if(opt_enable_histograms) fs.dump_histograms(0,histogram_dump_callback,0); // TK - add an xml error notifier! xreport->add_timestamp("phase3 end"); /*** PHASE 4 --- report and then print final usage information ***/ xreport->push("report"); xreport->xmlout("total_bytes",phase1.total_bytes); xreport->xmlout("elapsed_seconds",timer.elapsed_seconds()); xreport->xmlout("max_depth_seen",be13::plugin::get_max_depth_seen()); xreport->xmlout("dup_data_encountered",be13::plugin::dup_data_encountered); xreport->pop(); // report xreport->flush(); xreport->push("scanner_times"); fs.get_stats(xreport,stat_callback); xreport->pop(); xreport->add_rusage(); xreport->pop(); // bulk_extractor xreport->close(); if(cfg.opt_quiet==0){ float mb_per_sec = (phase1.total_bytes / 1000000.0) / timer.elapsed_seconds(); std::cout.precision(4); printf("Elapsed time: %g sec.\n",timer.elapsed_seconds()); printf("Total MB processed: %d\n",int(phase1.total_bytes / 100000)); printf("Overall performance: %g MBytes/sec (%g MBytes/sec/thread)\n", mb_per_sec,mb_per_sec/cfg.num_threads); if (fs.has_name("email")) { feature_recorder *fr = fs.get_name("email"); if(fr){ std::cout << "Total " << fr->name << " features found: " << fr->count() << "\n"; } } } } #ifdef HAVE_MCHECK muntrace(); #endif exit(0); }
void process_path_printer(const scanner_params &sp) { /* 1. Get next token * 2. if prefix part is a number, skip forward that much in sbuf and repeat. * if the prefix is PRINT, print the buffer * if next part is a string, strip it and run that decoder. * if next part is a |, print * 3. If we are print, throw an exception to prevent continued analysis of buffer. */ std::string new_path = sp.sbuf.pos0.path; std::string prefix = get_and_remove_token(new_path); /* Time to print ?*/ if(prefix.size()==0 || prefix=="PRINT"){ uint64_t print_start = 0; uint64_t print_len = 4096; /* Check for options */ scanner_params::PrintOptions::iterator it; it = sp.print_options.find("Content-Length"); if(it!=sp.print_options.end()){ print_len = stoi64(it->second); } it = sp.print_options.find("Range"); if(it!=sp.print_options.end()){ if(it->second[5]=='='){ size_t dash = it->second.find('-'); std::string v1 = it->second.substr(6,dash-6); std::string v2 = it->second.substr(dash+1); print_start = stoi64(v1); print_len = stoi64(v2)-print_start+1; } } if(print_start>sp.sbuf.bufsize){ print_len = 0; // can't print anything } if(print_len>0 && print_start+print_len>sp.sbuf.bufsize){ print_len = sp.sbuf.bufsize-print_start; } switch(scanner_params::getPrintMode(sp.print_options)){ case scanner_params::MODE_HTTP: std::cout << "Content-Length: " << print_len << HTTP_EOL; std::cout << "Content-Range: bytes " << print_start << "-" << print_start+print_len-1 << HTTP_EOL; std::cout << "X-Range-Available: bytes " << 0 << "-" << sp.sbuf.bufsize-1 << HTTP_EOL; std::cout << HTTP_EOL; sp.sbuf.raw_dump(std::cout,print_start,print_len); // send to stdout as binary break; case scanner_params::MODE_RAW: std::cout << print_len << HTTP_EOL; std::cout.flush(); sp.sbuf.raw_dump(std::cout,print_start,print_len); // send to stdout as binary break; case scanner_params::MODE_HEX: sp.sbuf.hex_dump(std::cout,print_start,print_len); break; case scanner_params::MODE_NONE: break; } throw printing_done; //return; // our job is done } /* If we are in an offset block, process recursively with the offset */ if(isdigit(prefix[0])){ uint64_t offset = stoi64(prefix); if(offset>sp.sbuf.bufsize){ printf("Error: %s only has %u bytes; can't offset to %u\n", new_path.c_str(),(unsigned int)sp.sbuf.bufsize,(unsigned int)offset); return; } process_path_printer(scanner_params(scanner_params::PHASE_SCAN, sbuf_t(new_path,sp.sbuf+offset), sp.fs,sp.print_options)); return; } /* Find the scanner and use it */ scanner_t *s = be13::plugin::find_scanner(lowerstr(prefix)); if(s){ (*s)(scanner_params(scanner_params::PHASE_SCAN, sbuf_t(new_path,sp.sbuf), sp.fs,sp.print_options), recursion_control_block(process_path_printer,prefix)); return; } std::cerr << "Unknown name in path: " << prefix << "\n"; }