コード例 #1
ファイル: mole.cpp プロジェクト: stepankuzmin/mole
 * Mole destructor
Mole::~Mole() {
    if (this->is_conversing)

    if (this->is_connected)

    int ret = me_destroy();

    if (ret < 0)
        qDebug("[Error] Can't me_destroy (ret = 0x%.2x)", -ret);
        qDebug("[Success] destroyed successfull");
コード例 #2
soundKonverterView::soundKonverterView( Logger *_logger, Config *_config, CDManager *_cdManager, QWidget *parent )
    : QWidget( parent ),
      config( _config ),
      logger( _logger ),
      cdManager( _cdManager )
    setAcceptDrops( true );

    const int fontHeight = QFontMetrics(QApplication::font()).boundingRect("M").size().height();

    // the grid for all widgets in the main window
    QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout( this );

    fileList = new FileList( logger, config, this );
    gridLayout->addWidget( fileList, 1, 0 );
    gridLayout->setRowStretch( 1, 1 );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(fileCountChanged(int)), this, SLOT(fileCountChanged(int)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(conversionStarted()), this, SLOT(conversionStarted()) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(conversionStopped(bool)), this, SLOT(conversionStopped(bool)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(queueModeChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(queueModeChanged(bool)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(showLog(int)), this, SIGNAL(showLog(int)) );

    optionsLayer = new OptionsLayer( config, this );
    fileList->setOptionsLayer( optionsLayer );
    gridLayout->addWidget( optionsLayer, 1, 0 );
    connect( optionsLayer, SIGNAL(done(const KUrl::List&,ConversionOptions*,const QString&)), fileList, SLOT(addFiles(const KUrl::List&,ConversionOptions*,const QString&)) );
    connect( optionsLayer, SIGNAL(saveFileList()), fileList, SLOT(save()) );

    // add a horizontal box layout for the add combobutton to the grid
    QHBoxLayout *addBox = new QHBoxLayout();
    addBox->setContentsMargins( 1, 0, 1, 0 ); // extra margin - determined by experiments
    gridLayout->addLayout( addBox, 3, 0 );

    // create the combobutton for adding files to the file list
    cAdd = new ComboButton( this );
    QFont font = cAdd->font();
    //font.setWeight( QFont::DemiBold );
    font.setPointSize( font.pointSize() + 3 );
    cAdd->setFont( font );
    cAdd->insertItem( KIcon("audio-x-generic"), i18n("Add files...") );
    cAdd->insertItem( KIcon("folder"), i18n("Add folder...") );
    cAdd->insertItem( KIcon("media-optical-audio"), i18n("Add CD tracks...") );
    cAdd->insertItem( KIcon("network-workgroup"), i18n("Add url...") );
    cAdd->insertItem( KIcon("view-media-playlist"), i18n("Add playlist...") );
    cAdd->increaseHeight( 0.6*fontHeight );
    addBox->addWidget( cAdd, 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );
    connect( cAdd, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(addClicked(int)) );

    addBox->addSpacing( fontHeight );

    startAction = new KAction( KIcon("system-run"), i18n("Start"), this );
    connect( startAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), fileList, SLOT(startConversion()) );

    pStart = new KPushButton( KIcon("system-run"), i18n("Start"), this );
    pStart->setFixedHeight( pStart->size().height() );
    pStart->setEnabled( false );
    startAction->setEnabled( false );
    addBox->addWidget( pStart, 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );
    connect( pStart, SIGNAL(clicked()), fileList, SLOT(startConversion()) );

    stopActionMenu = new KActionMenu( KIcon("process-stop"), i18n("Stop"), this );
    stopActionMenu->setDelayed( false );
    killAction = new KAction( KIcon("flag-red"), i18n("Stop immediatelly"), this );
    stopActionMenu->addAction( killAction );
    connect( killAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), fileList, SLOT(killConversion()) );
    stopAction = new KAction( KIcon("flag-yellow"), i18n("Stop after current conversions are completed"), this );
    stopActionMenu->addAction( stopAction );
    connect( stopAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), fileList, SLOT(stopConversion()) );
    continueAction = new KAction( KIcon("flag-green"), i18n("Continue after current conversions are completed"), this );
    stopActionMenu->addAction( continueAction );
    connect( continueAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), fileList, SLOT(continueConversion()) );
    queueModeChanged( true );

    pStop = new KPushButton( KIcon("process-stop"), i18n("Stop"), this );
    pStop->setFixedHeight( pStop->size().height() );
    stopActionMenu->setEnabled( false );
    pStop->setMenu( stopActionMenu->menu() );
    addBox->addWidget( pStop, 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );

    addBox->addSpacing( fontHeight );

    progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator( this, ProgressIndicator::Feature( ProgressIndicator::FeatureSpeed | ProgressIndicator::FeatureTime ) );
    addBox->addWidget( progressIndicator, 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );
    connect( progressIndicator, SIGNAL(progressChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(progressChanged(const QString&)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(timeChanged(float)), progressIndicator, SLOT(timeChanged(float)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), progressIndicator, SLOT(finished(bool)) );

    Convert *convert = new Convert( config, fileList, logger, this );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(convertItem(FileListItem*)), convert, SLOT(add(FileListItem*)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(killItem(FileListItem*)), convert, SLOT(kill(FileListItem*)) );
    connect( fileList, SIGNAL(itemRemoved(FileListItem*)), convert, SLOT(itemRemoved(FileListItem*)) );
    connect( convert, SIGNAL(finished(FileListItem*,FileListItem::ReturnCode,bool)), fileList, SLOT(itemFinished(FileListItem*,FileListItem::ReturnCode,bool)) );
    connect( convert, SIGNAL(rippingFinished(const QString&)), fileList, SLOT(rippingFinished(const QString&)) );

    connect( convert, SIGNAL(finishedProcess(int,bool,bool)), logger, SLOT(processCompleted(int,bool,bool)) );

    connect( convert, SIGNAL(updateTime(float)), progressIndicator, SLOT(update(float)) );
    connect( convert, SIGNAL(timeFinished(float)), progressIndicator, SLOT(timeFinished(float)) );
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_anvato_android_player_hls_HLSNativeConverter_Stop(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
	LOGD("Stop() called");
