static void asnCacheStart(int as) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, asres, 4096); StoreEntry *e; request_t *req; ASState *asState; method_t *method_get; method_get = urlMethodGetKnownByCode(METHOD_GET); asState = cbdataAlloc(ASState); debug(53, 3) ("asnCacheStart: AS %d\n", as); snprintf(asres, 4096, "whois://%s/!gAS%d", Config.as_whois_server, as); asState->as_number = as; req = urlParse(method_get, asres); assert(NULL != req); asState->request = requestLink(req); if ((e = storeGetPublic(asres, method_get)) == NULL) { e = storeCreateEntry(asres, null_request_flags, method_get); asState->sc = storeClientRegister(e, asState); fwdStart(-1, e, asState->request); } else { storeLockObject(e); asState->sc = storeClientRegister(e, asState); } asState->entry = e; asState->seen = 0; asState->offset = 0; storeClientRef(asState->sc, e, asState->seen, asState->offset, SM_PAGE_SIZE, asHandleReply, asState); }
/* starts swap out sequence for the digest */ static void storeDigestRewriteStart(void *datanotused) { request_flags flags; char *url; StoreEntry *e; assert(store_digest); /* prevent overlapping if rewrite schedule is too tight */ if (sd_state.rewrite_lock) { debug(71, 1) ("storeDigestRewriteStart: overlap detected, consider increasing rewrite period\n"); return; } debug(71, 2) ("storeDigestRewriteStart: start rewrite #%d\n", sd_state.rewrite_count + 1); /* make new store entry */ url = internalStoreUri("/squid-internal-periodic/", StoreDigestFileName); flags = null_request_flags; flags.cachable = 1; e = storeCreateEntry(url, flags, METHOD_GET); assert(e); sd_state.rewrite_lock = cbdataAlloc(generic_cbdata); sd_state.rewrite_lock->data = e; debug(71, 3) ("storeDigestRewriteStart: url: %s key: %s\n", url, storeKeyText(e->hash.key)); e->mem_obj->request = requestLink(urlParse(METHOD_GET, url)); /* wait for rebuild (if any) to finish */ if (sd_state.rebuild_lock) { debug(71, 2) ("storeDigestRewriteStart: waiting for rebuild to finish.\n"); return; } storeDigestRewriteResume(); }
void netdbExchangeStart(void *data) { #if USE_ICMP peer *p = data; char *uri; netdbExchangeState *ex; method_t *method_get; CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(netdbExchangeState); ex = cbdataAlloc(netdbExchangeState); cbdataLock(p); ex->p = p; uri = internalRemoteUri(p->host, p->http_port, "/squid-internal-dynamic/", "netdb"); debug(38, 3) ("netdbExchangeStart: Requesting '%s'\n", uri); assert(NULL != uri); method_get = urlMethodGetKnownByCode(METHOD_GET); ex->r = urlParse(method_get, uri); if (NULL == ex->r) { debug(38, 1) ("netdbExchangeStart: Bad URI %s\n", uri); return; } requestLink(ex->r); assert(NULL != ex->r); httpBuildVersion(&ex->r->http_ver, 1, 0); ex->e = storeCreateEntry(uri, null_request_flags, method_get); assert(NULL != ex->e); ex->sc = storeClientRegister(ex->e, ex); storeClientRef(ex->sc, ex->e, ex->seen, ex->used, SM_PAGE_SIZE, netdbExchangeHandleReply, ex); ex->r->flags.loopdetect = 1; /* cheat! -- force direct */ if (p->login) xstrncpy(ex->r->login, p->login, MAX_LOGIN_SZ); fwdStart(-1, ex->e, ex->r); #endif }
static void mimeLoadIconFile(const char *icon) { int fd; int n; request_flags flags; struct stat sb; StoreEntry *e; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, path, MAXPATHLEN); LOCAL_ARRAY(char, url, MAX_URL); char *buf; const char *type = mimeGetContentType(icon); HttpReply *reply; if (type == NULL) fatal("Unknown icon format while reading mime.conf\n"); buf = internalLocalUri("/squid-internal-static/icons/", icon); xstrncpy(url, buf, MAX_URL); if (storeGetPublic(url, METHOD_GET)) return; snprintf(path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",, icon); fd = file_open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { debug(25, 0) ("mimeLoadIconFile: %s: %s\n", path, xstrerror()); return; } if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("mimeLoadIconFile: FD %d: fstat: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return; } flags = null_request_flags; flags.cachable = 1; e = storeCreateEntry(url, url, flags, METHOD_GET); assert(e != NULL); storeSetPublicKey(e); storeBuffer(e); e->mem_obj->request = requestLink(urlParse(METHOD_GET, url)); httpReplyReset(reply = e->mem_obj->reply); httpReplySetHeaders(reply, 1.0, HTTP_OK, NULL, type, (int) sb.st_size, sb.st_mtime, -1); reply->cache_control = httpHdrCcCreate(); httpHdrCcSetMaxAge(reply->cache_control, 86400); httpHeaderPutCc(&reply->header, reply->cache_control); httpReplySwapOut(reply, e); reply->hdr_sz = e->mem_obj->inmem_hi; /* yuk */ /* read the file into the buffer and append it to store */ buf = memAllocate(MEM_4K_BUF); while ((n = read(fd, buf, 4096)) > 0) storeAppend(e, buf, n); file_close(fd); EBIT_SET(e->flags, ENTRY_SPECIAL); storeBufferFlush(e); storeComplete(e); storeTimestampsSet(e); debug(25, 3) ("Loaded icon %s\n", url); storeUnlockObject(e); memFree(buf, MEM_4K_BUF); }
int errorMapStart(const errormap * map, request_t * client_req, HttpReply * reply, const char *aclname, ERRMAPCB * callback, void *callback_data) { char squid_error[100]; int len = 0; const char *errorUrl; ErrorMapState *state; const char *tmp; http_status status; request_t *req; HttpHeaderPos hdrpos; HttpHeaderEntry *hdr; if (!client_req || !reply) return 0; status = reply->sline.status; tmp = httpHeaderGetStr(&reply->header, HDR_X_SQUID_ERROR); squid_error[0] = '\0'; if (tmp) { xstrncpy(squid_error, tmp, sizeof(squid_error)); len = strcspn(squid_error, " "); } squid_error[len] = '\0'; errorUrl = getErrorMap(map, status, squid_error, aclname); if (!errorUrl) return 0; req = urlParse(urlMethodGetKnownByCode(METHOD_GET), (char *) errorUrl); if (!req) { debug(0, 0) ("errorMapStart: Invalid error URL '%s'\n", errorUrl); return 0; } req->urlgroup = xstrdup("error"); state = cbdataAlloc(ErrorMapState); state->req = requestLink(req); state->e = storeCreateEntry(errorUrl, req->flags, req->method); state->sc = storeClientRegister(state->e, state); state->callback = callback; state->callback_data = callback_data; cbdataLock(callback_data); hdrpos = HttpHeaderInitPos; while ((hdr = httpHeaderGetEntry(&client_req->header, &hdrpos)) != NULL) { if (CBIT_TEST(client_headers, hdr->id)) httpHeaderAddClone(&req->header, hdr); } hdrpos = HttpHeaderInitPos; while ((hdr = httpHeaderGetEntry(&reply->header, &hdrpos)) != NULL) { if (CBIT_TEST(server_headers, hdr->id)) httpHeaderAddClone(&req->header, hdr); } httpHeaderPutInt(&req->header, HDR_X_ERROR_STATUS, (int) reply->sline.status); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_X_REQUEST_URI, urlCanonical(client_req)); fwdStart(-1, state->e, req); storeClientRef(state->sc, state->e, 0, 0, SM_PAGE_SIZE, errorMapFetchHeaders, state); return 1; }
static void asyncPrefetchTs(const char *url) { debug(207, 1) ("start asyncPrefetchTs async prefetch: '%s'\n", url); request_t *request = NULL; StoreEntry *entry = NULL; request = modifyRequestUrlstoreUrl(url); request->flags.cachable = CACHE; if (storeGetPublicByRequest(request) != NULL) { debug(207, 3) ("this entry has already exist,give up async prefetch: '%s'\n", request->store_url); return; } entry = storeCreateEntry(urlCanonical(request), request->flags, request->method); if (request->store_url) storeEntrySetStoreUrl(entry, request->store_url); if(Config.onoff.collapsed_forwarding) { EBIT_SET(entry->flags, KEY_EARLY_PUBLIC); storeSetPublicKey(entry); } fwdStart(-1, entry, request); requestUnlink(request); }
void urnStart(request_t * r, StoreEntry * e) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, urlres, 4096); request_t *urlres_r = NULL; const char *t; char *host; UrnState *urnState; StoreEntry *urlres_e; ErrorState *err; debug(52, 3) ("urnStart: '%s'\n", storeUrl(e)); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(UrnState); urnState = cbdataAlloc(UrnState); urnState->entry = e; urnState->request = requestLink(r); storeLockObject(urnState->entry); if (strncasecmp(strBuf(r->urlpath), "menu.", 5) == 0) { char *new_path = xstrdup(strBuf(r->urlpath) + 5); urnState->flags.force_menu = 1; stringReset(&r->urlpath, new_path); xfree(new_path); } if ((t = strChr(r->urlpath, ':')) != NULL) { strSet(r->urlpath, t, '\0'); host = xstrdup(strBuf(r->urlpath)); strSet(r->urlpath, t, ':'); } else { host = xstrdup(strBuf(r->urlpath)); } snprintf(urlres, 4096, "http://%s/uri-res/N2L?urn:%s", host, strBuf(r->urlpath)); safe_free(host); urlres_r = urlParse(METHOD_GET, urlres); if (urlres_r == NULL) { debug(52, 3) ("urnStart: Bad uri-res URL %s\n", urlres); err = errorCon(ERR_URN_RESOLVE, HTTP_NOT_FOUND); err->url = xstrdup(urlres); errorAppendEntry(e, err); return; } httpHeaderPutStr(&urlres_r->header, HDR_ACCEPT, "text/plain"); if ((urlres_e = storeGetPublic(urlres, METHOD_GET)) == NULL) { urlres_e = storeCreateEntry(urlres, urlres, null_request_flags, METHOD_GET); urnState->sc = storeClientListAdd(urlres_e, urnState); fwdStart(-1, urlres_e, urlres_r); } else { storeLockObject(urlres_e); urnState->sc = storeClientListAdd(urlres_e, urnState); } urnState->urlres_e = urlres_e; urnState->urlres_r = requestLink(urlres_r); storeClientCopy(urnState->sc, urlres_e, 0, 0, 4096, memAllocate(MEM_4K_BUF), urnHandleReply, urnState); }
static void peerCountMcastPeersStart(void *data) { peer *p = data; ps_state *psstate; StoreEntry *fake; MemObject *mem; icp_common_t *query; int reqnum; method_t *method_get; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, url, MAX_URL); assert(p->type == PEER_MULTICAST); method_get = urlMethodGetKnownByCode(METHOD_GET); p->mcast.flags.count_event_pending = 0; snprintf(url, MAX_URL, "http://%s/", inet_ntoa(p->in_addr.sin_addr)); fake = storeCreateEntry(url, null_request_flags, method_get); psstate = cbdataAlloc(ps_state); psstate->request = requestLink(urlParse(method_get, url)); psstate->entry = fake; psstate->callback = NULL; psstate->callback_data = p; cbdataLock(psstate->callback_data); psstate->ping.start = current_time; mem = fake->mem_obj; mem->request = requestLink(psstate->request); mem->start_ping = current_time; mem->ping_reply_callback = peerCountHandleIcpReply; mem->ircb_data = psstate; mcastSetTtl(theOutIcpConnection, p->mcast.ttl); p-> = mem->id; reqnum = icpSetCacheKey(fake->hash.key); query = icpCreateMessage(ICP_QUERY, 0, url, reqnum, 0); icpUdpSend(theOutIcpConnection, &p->in_addr, query, LOG_ICP_QUERY, 0); fake->ping_status = PING_WAITING; eventAdd("peerCountMcastPeersDone", peerCountMcastPeersDone, psstate, Config.Timeout.mcast_icp_query / 1000.0, 1); p->mcast.flags.counting = 1; peerCountMcastPeersSchedule(p, MCAST_COUNT_RATE); }
static void peerMonitorRequest(void *data) { PeerMonitor *pm = data; char *url; request_t *req; if (!cbdataValid(pm->peer)) { cbdataFree(pm); return; } url = pm->peer->monitor.url; if (!url) { cbdataFree(pm); return; } req = urlParse(METHOD_GET, url); if (!req) { debug(DBG, 1) ("peerMonitorRequest: Failed to parse URL '%s' for cache_peer %s\n", url, pm->peer->name); cbdataFree(pm); return; } pm->last_probe = squid_curtime; pm->running.timeout_set = 1; eventAdd(pm->name, peerMonitorTimeout, pm, (double) (pm->peer->monitor.timeout ? pm->peer->monitor.timeout : pm->peer->monitor.interval), 0); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_ACCEPT, "*/*"); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_USER_AGENT, full_appname_string); if (pm->peer->login) xstrncpy(req->login, pm->peer->login, MAX_LOGIN_SZ); pm->running.req = requestLink(req); pm->running.e = storeCreateEntry(url, req->flags, req->method); pm-> = storeClientRegister(pm->running.e, pm); pm->running.buf = memAllocate(MEM_4K_BUF); fwdStartPeer(pm->peer, pm->running.e, pm->running.req); storeClientCopy(pm->, pm->running.e, 0, 0, 4096, pm->running.buf, peerMonitorFetchReplyHeaders, pm); return; }
/* ask store for a digest */ static void peerDigestRequest(PeerDigest * pd) { peer *p = pd->peer; StoreEntry *e, *old_e; char *url; const cache_key *key; request_t *req; DigestFetchState *fetch = NULL; pd->req_result = NULL; pd->flags.requested = 1; /* compute future request components */ if (p->digest_url) url = xstrdup(p->digest_url); else url = internalRemoteUri(p->host, p->http_port, "/squid-internal-periodic/", StoreDigestFileName); key = storeKeyPublic(url, METHOD_GET); debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestRequest: %s key: %s\n", url, storeKeyText(key)); req = urlParse(METHOD_GET, url); assert(req); /* add custom headers */ assert(!req->header.len); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_ACCEPT, StoreDigestMimeStr); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_ACCEPT, "text/html"); if (p->login) xstrncpy(req->login, p->login, MAX_LOGIN_SZ); /* create fetch state structure */ fetch = memAllocate(MEM_DIGEST_FETCH_STATE); cbdataAdd(fetch, memFree, MEM_DIGEST_FETCH_STATE); fetch->request = requestLink(req); fetch->pd = pd; fetch->offset = 0; /* update timestamps */ fetch->start_time = squid_curtime; pd->times.requested = squid_curtime; pd_last_req_time = squid_curtime; req->flags.cachable = 1; /* the rest is based on clientProcessExpired() */ req->flags.refresh = 1; old_e = fetch->old_entry = storeGet(key); if (old_e) { debug(72, 5) ("peerDigestRequest: found old entry\n"); storeLockObject(old_e); storeCreateMemObject(old_e, url, url); storeClientListAdd(old_e, fetch); } e = fetch->entry = storeCreateEntry(url, url, req->flags, req->method); assert(EBIT_TEST(e->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)); storeClientListAdd(e, fetch); /* set lastmod to trigger IMS request if possible */ if (old_e) e->lastmod = old_e->lastmod; /* push towards peer cache */ debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestRequest: forwarding to fwdStart...\n"); fwdStart(-1, e, req); cbdataLock(fetch); cbdataLock(fetch->pd); storeClientCopy(e, 0, 0, 4096, memAllocate(MEM_4K_BUF), peerDigestFetchReply, fetch); }
void storeUpdate(StoreEntry * entry, request_t * request) { StoreUpdateState *state; request_flags flags = null_request_flags; const char *vary; if (!request) request = entry->mem_obj->request; if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) return; /* Nothing to do here... */ if (!Config.onoff.update_headers) return; /* Disabled */ CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(StoreUpdateState, free_StoreUpdateState); if (entry->mem_obj) entry->mem_obj->refresh_timestamp = 0; state = cbdataAlloc(StoreUpdateState); state->oldentry = entry; storeLockObject(state->oldentry); flags.cachable = 1; state->newentry = storeCreateEntry(storeUrl(entry), flags, entry->mem_obj->method); storeRegisterAbort(state->newentry, storeUpdateAbort, state); state->sc = storeClientRegister(state->oldentry, state); state->offset = entry->mem_obj->reply->hdr_sz; storeBuffer(state->newentry); httpReplySwapOut(httpReplyClone(entry->mem_obj->reply), state->newentry); state->newentry->timestamp = entry->timestamp; state->newentry->lastref = entry->lastref; state->newentry->expires = entry->expires; state->newentry->lastmod = entry->lastmod; state->newentry->refcount = entry->refcount; if (request) { state->newentry->mem_obj->request = requestLink(request); vary = httpMakeVaryMark(request, state->newentry->mem_obj->reply); if (vary) { state->newentry->mem_obj->vary_headers = xstrdup(vary); if (strBuf(request->vary_encoding)) state->newentry->mem_obj->vary_encoding = xstrdup(strBuf(request->vary_encoding)); } } else { if (entry->mem_obj->vary_headers) state->newentry->mem_obj->vary_headers = xstrdup(entry->mem_obj->vary_headers); if (entry->mem_obj->vary_encoding) state->newentry->mem_obj->vary_encoding = xstrdup(entry->mem_obj->vary_encoding); } storeSetPublicKey(state->newentry); storeBufferFlush(state->newentry); if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { /* * the above storeBufferFlush() call could ABORT this entry, * in that case, there's nothing for us to do. */ debug(20, 1) ("storeUpdate: Aborted on write\n"); return; } storeClientCopy(state->sc, state->oldentry, state->offset, state->offset, sizeof(state->buf), state->buf, storeUpdateCopy, state); return; }