int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { Array intervals; Interval *currInterval; SubInterval *currSubInterval; int h,i,j; Array seqs; Seq *currSeq,testSeq; int index; Stringa buffer; Array geneTranscriptEntries; Texta geneTranscriptIds; Array alterations; Alteration *currAlteration,*nextAlteration; char *proteinSequenceBeforeIndel; char *proteinSequenceAfterIndel; int numDisabledTranscripts; Stringa disabledTranscripts; int seqLength,refLength,altLength; char *sequenceBeforeIndel = NULL; int overlapMode; int numOverlaps; int sizeIndel,indelOffset; int overlap; Array coordinates; VcfEntry *currVcfEntry; VcfGenotype *currVcfGenotype; int position; Texta alternateAlleles; int flag1,flag2; if (argc != 3) { usage ("%s <annotation.interval> <annotation.fa>",argv[0]); } intervalFind_addIntervalsToSearchSpace (argv[1],0); geneTranscriptEntries = util_getGeneTranscriptEntries (intervalFind_getAllIntervals ()); seq_init (); fasta_initFromFile (argv[2]); seqs = fasta_readAllSequences (0); fasta_deInit (); arraySort (seqs,(ARRAYORDERF)util_sortSequencesByName); buffer = stringCreate (100); disabledTranscripts = stringCreate (100); alterations = arrayCreate (100,Alteration); vcf_init ("-"); stringPrintf (buffer,"##INFO=<ID=VA,Number=.,Type=String,Description=\"Variant Annotation, %s\">",argv[1]); vcf_addComment (string (buffer)); puts (vcf_writeMetaData ()); puts (vcf_writeColumnHeaders ()); while (currVcfEntry = vcf_nextEntry ()) { if (vcf_isInvalidEntry (currVcfEntry)) { continue; } flag1 = 0; flag2 = 0; position = currVcfEntry->position - 1; // make zero-based alternateAlleles = vcf_getAlternateAlleles (currVcfEntry); for (h = 0; h < arrayMax (alternateAlleles); h++) { refLength = strlen (currVcfEntry->referenceAllele); altLength = strlen (textItem (alternateAlleles,h)); sizeIndel = abs (refLength - altLength); indelOffset = MAX (refLength,altLength) - 1; util_clearAlterations (alterations); intervals = intervalFind_getOverlappingIntervals (currVcfEntry->chromosome,position,position + indelOffset); for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (intervals); i++) { currInterval = arru (intervals,i,Interval*); overlapMode = OVERLAP_NONE; numOverlaps = 0; for (j = 0; j < arrayMax (currInterval->subIntervals); j++) { currSubInterval = arrp (currInterval->subIntervals,j,SubInterval); overlap = rangeIntersection (position,position + indelOffset,currSubInterval->start,currSubInterval->end); if (currSubInterval->start <= position && (position + indelOffset) < currSubInterval->end) { overlapMode = OVERLAP_FULLY_CONTAINED; numOverlaps++; } else if (j == 0 && overlap > 0 && position < currSubInterval->start) { overlapMode = OVERLAP_START; numOverlaps++; } else if (j == (arrayMax (currInterval->subIntervals) - 1) && overlap > 0 && (position + indelOffset) >= currSubInterval->end) { overlapMode = OVERLAP_END; numOverlaps++; } else if (overlap > 0 && overlap <= indelOffset) { overlapMode = OVERLAP_SPLICE; numOverlaps++; } } if (overlapMode == OVERLAP_NONE) { continue; } currAlteration = arrayp (alterations,arrayMax (alterations),Alteration); if (numOverlaps > 1) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"multiExonHit",currInterval,position,0); continue; } else if (numOverlaps == 1 && overlapMode == OVERLAP_SPLICE) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"spliceOverlap",currInterval,position,0); continue; } else if (numOverlaps == 1 && overlapMode == OVERLAP_START) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"startOverlap",currInterval,position,0); continue; } else if (numOverlaps == 1 && overlapMode == OVERLAP_END) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"endOverlap",currInterval,position,0); continue; } else if (numOverlaps == 1 && overlapMode == OVERLAP_FULLY_CONTAINED && altLength > refLength) { if ((sizeIndel % 3) == 0) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"insertionNFS",currInterval,position,0); } else { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"insertionFS",currInterval,position,0); } } else if (numOverlaps == 1 && overlapMode == OVERLAP_FULLY_CONTAINED && altLength < refLength) { if ((sizeIndel % 3) == 0) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"deletionNFS",currInterval,position,0); } else { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"deletionFS",currInterval,position,0); } } else if (numOverlaps == 1 && overlapMode == OVERLAP_FULLY_CONTAINED && altLength == refLength) { util_addAlteration (currAlteration,currInterval->name,"substitution",currInterval,position,0); } else { die ("Unexpected type: %d %s %s %s", currVcfEntry->position,currVcfEntry->chromosome, currVcfEntry->referenceAllele,currVcfEntry->alternateAllele); } if ((sizeIndel % 3) != 0 && altLength != refLength) { continue; } // Only run the remaining block of code if the indel is fully contained (insertion or deletion) AND does not cause a frameshift OR // if it is a substitution that is fully contained in the coding sequence stringPrintf (buffer,"%s|%s|%c|",currInterval->name,currInterval->chromosome,currInterval->strand); for (j = 0; j < arrayMax (currInterval->subIntervals); j++) { currSubInterval = arrp (currInterval->subIntervals,j,SubInterval); stringAppendf (buffer,"%d|%d%s",currSubInterval->start,currSubInterval->end,j < arrayMax (currInterval->subIntervals) - 1 ? "|" : ""); } = hlr_strdup (string (buffer)); if (!arrayFind (seqs,&testSeq,&index,(ARRAYORDERF)util_sortSequencesByName)) { die ("Expected to find %s in seqs",string (buffer)); } hlr_free (; currSeq = arrp (seqs,index,Seq); strReplace (&sequenceBeforeIndel,currSeq->sequence); seqLength = strlen (sequenceBeforeIndel); coordinates = util_getCoordinates (currInterval); // arraySort (coordinates,(ARRAYORDERF)util_sortCoordinatesByChromosomeAndTranscriptPosition); Array is already sorted by definition j = 0; stringClear (buffer); while (j < seqLength) { if (util_getGenomicCoordinate (coordinates,j,currVcfEntry->chromosome) == position) { if (altLength > refLength) { stringCat (buffer,textItem (alternateAlleles,h)); j++; continue; } else if (altLength < refLength) { stringCatChar (buffer,sequenceBeforeIndel[j]); j = j + refLength - altLength + 1; continue; } else { stringCat (buffer,textItem (alternateAlleles,h)); j = j + altLength; continue; } } stringCatChar (buffer,sequenceBeforeIndel[j]); j++; } util_destroyCoordinates (coordinates); proteinSequenceBeforeIndel = hlr_strdup (util_translate (currInterval,sequenceBeforeIndel)); proteinSequenceAfterIndel = hlr_strdup (util_translate (currInterval,string (buffer))); addSubstitution (currAlteration,proteinSequenceBeforeIndel,proteinSequenceAfterIndel,indelOffset); hlr_free (proteinSequenceBeforeIndel); hlr_free (proteinSequenceAfterIndel); } if (arrayMax (alterations) == 0) { continue; } arraySort (alterations,(ARRAYORDERF)util_sortAlterationsByGeneIdAndType); stringClear (buffer); i = 0; while (i < arrayMax (alterations)) { currAlteration = arrp (alterations,i,Alteration); stringAppendf (buffer,"%s%d:%s:%s:%c:%s",stringLen (buffer) == 0 ? "" : ",",h + 1,currAlteration->geneName,currAlteration->geneId,currAlteration->strand,currAlteration->type); stringClear (disabledTranscripts); if (currAlteration->substitution[0] != '\0') { stringAppendf (disabledTranscripts,"%s:%s:%d_%d_%s",currAlteration->transcriptName,currAlteration->transcriptId,currAlteration->transcriptLength,currAlteration->relativePosition,currAlteration->substitution); } else if (strEqual (currAlteration->type,"multiExonHit") || strEqual (currAlteration->type,"spliceOverlap") || strEqual (currAlteration->type,"startOverlap") || strEqual (currAlteration->type,"endOverlap")) { stringAppendf (disabledTranscripts,"%s:%s:%d",currAlteration->transcriptName,currAlteration->transcriptId,currAlteration->transcriptLength); } else { stringAppendf (disabledTranscripts,"%s:%s:%d_%d",currAlteration->transcriptName,currAlteration->transcriptId,currAlteration->transcriptLength,currAlteration->relativePosition); } numDisabledTranscripts = 1; j = i + 1; while (j < arrayMax (alterations)) { nextAlteration = arrp (alterations,j,Alteration); if (strEqual (currAlteration->geneId,nextAlteration->geneId) && strEqual (currAlteration->type,nextAlteration->type)) { if (nextAlteration->substitution[0] != '\0') { stringAppendf (disabledTranscripts,":%s:%s:%d_%d_%s",nextAlteration->transcriptName,nextAlteration->transcriptId,nextAlteration->transcriptLength,nextAlteration->relativePosition,nextAlteration->substitution); } else if (strEqual (nextAlteration->type,"multiExonHit") || strEqual (nextAlteration->type,"spliceOverlap") || strEqual (nextAlteration->type,"startOverlap") || strEqual (nextAlteration->type,"endOverlap")) { stringAppendf (disabledTranscripts,":%s:%s:%d",nextAlteration->transcriptName,nextAlteration->transcriptId,nextAlteration->transcriptLength); } else { stringAppendf (disabledTranscripts,":%s:%s:%d_%d",nextAlteration->transcriptName,nextAlteration->transcriptId,nextAlteration->transcriptLength,nextAlteration->relativePosition); } numDisabledTranscripts++; } else { break; } j++; } i = j; geneTranscriptIds = util_getTranscriptIdsForGeneId (geneTranscriptEntries,currAlteration->geneId); stringAppendf (buffer,":%d/%d:%s",numDisabledTranscripts,arrayMax (geneTranscriptIds),string (disabledTranscripts)); } if (flag1 == 0) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s;VA=", currVcfEntry->chromosome,currVcfEntry->position,currVcfEntry->id, currVcfEntry->referenceAllele,currVcfEntry->alternateAllele, currVcfEntry->quality,currVcfEntry->filter,currVcfEntry->info); flag1 = 1; } printf ("%s%s",flag2 == 1 ? "," : "",string (buffer)); flag2 = 1; } if (flag1 == 1) { for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (currVcfEntry->genotypes); i++) { currVcfGenotype = arrp (currVcfEntry->genotypes,i,VcfGenotype); if (i == 0) { printf ("\t%s\t",currVcfEntry->genotypeFormat); } printf ("%s%s%s%s",currVcfGenotype->genotype, currVcfGenotype->details[0] != '\0' ? ":" : "", currVcfGenotype->details[0] != '\0' ? currVcfGenotype->details : "", i < arrayMax (currVcfEntry->genotypes) - 1 ? "\t" : ""); } puts (""); } } vcf_deInit (); return 0; }
float gradepointForGrade( char* grade ) { // expects grade as a string // returns float value for corresponding grade point float gpa = 0.00; if ( (strEqual(grade, "A+")) ) { gpa = 4.00; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "A")) ) { gpa = 4.00; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "A-")) ) { gpa = 3.70; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "B+")) ) { gpa = 3.33; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "B")) ) { gpa = 3.00; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "B-")) ) { gpa = 2.70; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "C+")) ) { gpa = 2.30; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "C")) ) { gpa = 2.00; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "C-")) ) { gpa = 1.70; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "D+")) ) { gpa = 1.30; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "D")) ) { gpa = 1.00; } else if ( (strEqual(grade, "D-")) ) { gpa = 0.70; } else { println( "Grade %s not recognized. ", grade ); gpa = 0.00; } return gpa; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE* ftmp = NULL; if ((Conf = confp_open(getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"))) == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; cgiInit(); cgiHeader("text/html"); if (argc == 3) { GfrEntry *currGE; Stringa buffer; GfrPairCount *currGEPC; GfrInterRead *currGIR; int i; puts ("<html>"); puts ("<head>"); html_printGenericStyleSheet (12); puts ("<title>geneFusions Details</title>\n"); puts ("</head>"); puts ("<body>"); buffer = stringCreate (100); stringPrintf (buffer, "%s/%s.gfr", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_DIR"),argv[1]); gfr_init (string (buffer)); while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()){ fflush( stdout ); if (!strEqual (currGE->id,argv[2])) { continue; } printf ("<h1>Detailed summary for potential gene fusion candidate</h1><br>"); puts ("<table border=0 cellpadding=10>"); puts ("<tr align=left valign=top>"); puts ("<td width=400>"); puts ("<h2>Summary information</h2><br>"); printf ("<b>Identifier</b>: %s<br><br>\n",currGE->id); printf ("<b>Number of inter paired-end reads</b>: %d<br><br>\n",currGE->numInter); printf ("<b>Type</b>: %s<br><br>\n",currGE->fusionType); stringPrintf(buffer, "%s/GFF/%s.gff", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_DIR"),currGE->id); ftmp = fopen( string(buffer), "r" ); // displaying this only if data are present if (ftmp) { printf("<b>Connected Reads</b>: <a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/GFF/%s.gff target=blank>UCSC connectivity graph</a><br>\n", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript2 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"),currGE->id); fclose( ftmp ); } puts ("</td>"); puts ("<td>"); puts ("<h2>Transcript connectivity graph</h2>"); printf ("<img src=%s/IMAGES/%s.jpg alt=geneFusionImage>\n", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); puts ("</td>"); puts ("<td>"); puts ("<h2>Transcript connectivity table</h2><br>"); puts ("<table border=0>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<th width=200>Pair Type</th>"); puts ("<th width=200>Entry transcript 1</th>"); puts ("<th width=200>Entry transcript 2</th>"); puts ("<th width=200>Counts</th>"); puts ("</tr>"); fflush( stdout ); for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (currGE->pairCounts); i++) { currGEPC = arrp (currGE->pairCounts,i,GfrPairCount); printf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%.2f</td></tr>\n", getPairTypeName(currGEPC->pairType), getEntryNumber(currGEPC->number1, currGEPC->pairType, 1), getEntryNumber(currGEPC->number2, currGEPC->pairType, 2), currGEPC->count); } puts ("</table>"); puts ("</td>"); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("</table>"); puts ("<br>"); puts ("<h2>Transcript information</h2><br>"); puts ("<table border=1 cellpadding=10 width=\"80%\">"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<th width=\"20%\"></th>"); puts ("<th><font color='blue'>Transcript 1</font></th>"); puts ("<th><font color='orange'>Transcript 2</font></th>"); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Gene symbol(s)</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\"><font color='blue'>%s</font></td>\n",processString (currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1)); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\"><font color='orange'>%s</font></td>\n",processString (currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2)); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Coordinates</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%s:%d-%d</td>\n",currGE->chromosomeTranscript1,currGE->startTranscript1,currGE->endTranscript1); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%s:%d-%d</td>\n",currGE->chromosomeTranscript2,currGE->startTranscript2,currGE->endTranscript2); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Strand</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%c</td>\n",currGE->strandTranscript1); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%c</td>\n",currGE->strandTranscript2); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Gene description(s)</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%s</td>\n",processString (currGE->descriptionTranscript1)); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%s</td>\n",processString (currGE->descriptionTranscript2)); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Number of exons</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%d</td>\n",currGE->numExonsTranscript1); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%d</td>\n",currGE->numExonsTranscript2); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Number of intra paired-end reads</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%d</td>\n",currGE->numIntra1); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">%d</td>\n",currGE->numIntra2); puts ("</tr>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Links</b></td>"); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">[<a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/BED/%s_1.bed target=blank>UCSC genome browser</a>] [<a href=%s/FASTA/%s_1.fasta>FASTA file</a>]<br></td>\n", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript1 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id, confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); printf ("<td width=\"30%%\">[<a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/BED/%s_2.bed target=blank>UCSC genome browser</a>] [<a href=%s/FASTA/%s_2.fasta>FASTA file</a>]<br></td></tr>\n", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->startTranscript2 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript2 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id, confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<td width=\"20%\"><b>Expression</b></td>"); stringPrintf(buffer, "%s/BGRS/%s_%s.bgr.gz", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_DIR"), argv[1], currGE->chromosomeTranscript1); ftmp = fopen( string(buffer), "r" ); // displaying this only if data are present puts("<td width=\"30%\">"); if( ftmp ) { printf ("[<a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/BGRS/%s_%s.bgr.gz target=blank>Expression %s</a>]", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript1 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), argv[1], currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->chromosomeTranscript1); fclose(ftmp); } puts("</td>"); stringPrintf(buffer, "%s/BGRS/%s_%s.bgr.gz", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_DIR"),argv[1],currGE->chromosomeTranscript2); ftmp = fopen( string(buffer), "r" ); // displaying this only if data are present puts("<td width=\"30%\">"); if( ftmp ) { printf ("[<a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/BGRS/%s_%s.bgr.gz target=blank>Expression %s</a>]", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->startTranscript2 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript2 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), argv[1], currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->chromosomeTranscript2); fclose(ftmp); } puts("</td>"); puts("</tr>"); puts ("</table><br><br>"); puts ("<h2>Breakpoint analysis</h2><br>"); puts ("<table border=1 width=\"80%\" cellpadding=10><thead><tr><th>Orientation</th><th>Alignments</th><th colspan=2>Breakpoints</th></tr></thead><tbody>"); puts ("<tr><td>Orientation AB</td>"); if (currGE->strandTranscript1=='+') { currGE->strandTranscript2=='+' ? stringPrintf(buffer, "AB_trans1F_trans2F") : stringPrintf(buffer, "AB_trans1F_trans2R"); } else if( currGE->strandTranscript1 == '-') { currGE->strandTranscript2=='+' ? stringPrintf(buffer, "AB_trans1R_trans2F") : stringPrintf(buffer, "AB_trans1R_trans2R"); } else { die("Strand informatation is not correct (transcript 1): %c", currGE->strandTranscript1); } printf ("<td align=center><a href=%s/ALIGNMENTS/%s_AB_breakPointAlignments.txt><img src=%s/IMAGES/%s.png></img> AB</a></td>", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id, confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), string(buffer)); printf ("<td align=center><a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/WIGS/%s_AB_breakPointsTranscript1.wig target=blank>Breakpoints transcript 1 UCSC Genome Browser</a></td>", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript1 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); printf ("<td align=center><a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/WIGS/%s_AB_breakPointsTranscript2.wig target=blank>Breakpoints transcript 2 UCSC Genome Browser</a></td></tr>", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->startTranscript2 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript2 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); fflush(stdout); puts ("<tr><td>Orientation BA</td>"); if (currGE->strandTranscript1 == '+') { currGE->strandTranscript2=='+' ? stringPrintf(buffer, "BA_trans1F_trans2F") : stringPrintf(buffer, "BA_trans1F_trans2R"); } else if( currGE->strandTranscript1 == '-') { currGE->strandTranscript2=='+' ? stringPrintf(buffer, "BA_trans1R_trans2F") : stringPrintf(buffer, "BA_trans1R_trans2R"); } else { die("Strand informatation is not correct (transcript2): %c", currGE->strandTranscript2); } printf ("<td align=center><a href=%s/ALIGNMENTS/%s_BA_breakPointAlignments.txt><img src=%s/IMAGES/%s.png></img> BA</a></td>", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id, confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), string(buffer)); printf ("<td align=center><a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/WIGS/%s_BA_breakPointsTranscript2.wig target=blank>Breakpoints transcript 2 UCSC Genome Browser</a></td>", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->startTranscript2 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript2 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); printf ("<td align=center><a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/WIGS/%s_BA_breakPointsTranscript1.wig target=blank>Breakpoints transcript 1 UCSC Genome Browser</a></td></tr>", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript1 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), currGE->id); puts ("</tbody></table>"); puts ("<br><br><br>"); fflush(stdout); puts ("<h2>Read coordinates</h2><br>"); puts ("<table border=0>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Pair Type</th>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Entry Transcript 1</th>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Read start transcript 1</th>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Read end transcript 1</th>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Entry Transcript 2</th>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Read start transcript 2</th>"); puts ("<th width=\"10%\">Read end transcript 2</th>"); puts ("</tr>"); for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (currGE->interReads); i++) { currGIR = arrp (currGE->interReads,i,GfrInterRead); printf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n", getPairTypeName(currGIR->pairType), getEntryNumber(currGIR->number1, currGIR->pairType, 1), currGIR->readStart1,currGIR->readEnd1, getEntryNumber(currGIR->number2,currGIR->pairType, 2), currGIR->readStart2, currGIR->readEnd2); } puts ("</table><br><br><br>"); puts ("</body>"); puts ("</html>"); fflush (stdout); } } confp_close(Conf); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { setbuf(stdout, NULL); // Make stdout unbuffered. gameNumberT gNumber; bool option_ForceReplace = false; bool option_PreGameComments = true; uint pgnFileSize = 0; char *progname = argv[0]; fileNameT fname; fileNameT baseName; uint argsleft = argc - 1; char ** nextArg = argv + 1; // Parse command-line argments: while (argsleft > 0 && nextArg[0][0] == '-') { if (! strCompare (*nextArg, "-f")) { option_ForceReplace = true; } else if (! strCompare (*nextArg, "-x")) { option_PreGameComments = false; } else { usage (progname); } argsleft--; nextArg++; } if (argsleft != 1 && argsleft != 2) { usage (progname); } char * pgnName = *nextArg; MFile pgnFile; pgnFileSize = fileSize (pgnName, ""); // Ensure positive file size counter to avoid division by zero: if (pgnFileSize < 1) { pgnFileSize = 1; } // Make baseName from pgnName if baseName is not provided: if (argsleft == 1) { strCopy (baseName, pgnName); // If a gzip file, remove two suffixes, the first being ".gz": const char * lastSuffix = strFileSuffix (baseName); if (lastSuffix != NULL && strEqual (lastSuffix, GZIP_SUFFIX)) { strTrimFileSuffix (baseName); } // Trim the ".pgn" suffix: strTrimFileSuffix (baseName); } else { strCopy (baseName, nextArg[1]); } // Check for existing database, avoid overwriting it: if (! option_ForceReplace) { if (fileSize (baseName, INDEX_SUFFIX) > 0) { // Scid index file already exists: fprintf (stderr, "%s: database already exists: %s\n", progname, baseName); fprintf (stderr, "You can use: %s -f %s to overwrite" " the existing database.\n", progname, pgnName); exit(1); } } if (pgnFile.Open (pgnName, FMODE_ReadOnly) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not open file %s\n", progname, pgnName); exit(1); } // Try opening the log file: strCopy (fname, baseName); strAppend (fname, ".err"); FILE * logFile = fopen (fname, "w"); if (logFile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not open log file: %s\n", progname, fname); exit(1); } printf ("Converting file %s to Scid database %s:\n", pgnName, baseName); printf ("Errors/warnings will be written to %s.\n\n", fname); scid_Init(); GFile * gameFile = new GFile; if ((gameFile->Create (baseName, FMODE_WriteOnly)) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: could not create the file %s%s\n", progname, baseName, GFILE_SUFFIX); fprintf (stderr, "The file may already exist and be read-only, or\n"); fprintf (stderr, "you may not have permission to create this file.\n"); exit(1); } NameBase * nb = new NameBase; Index * idx = new Index; IndexEntry * ie = new IndexEntry; idx->SetFileName (baseName); idx->CreateIndexFile (FMODE_WriteOnly); Game * game = new Game; ProgBar progBar(stdout); progBar.Start(); ByteBuffer *bbuf = new ByteBuffer; bbuf->SetBufferSize (BBUF_SIZE); // 32768 PgnParser pgnParser (&pgnFile); pgnParser.SetErrorFile (logFile); pgnParser.SetPreGameText (option_PreGameComments); // TODO: Add command line option for ignored tags, rather than // just hardcoding PlyCount as the only ignored tag. pgnParser.AddIgnoredTag ("PlyCount"); // Add each game found to the database: while (pgnParser.ParseGame(game) != ERROR_NotFound) { ie->Init(); if (idx->AddGame (&gNumber, ie) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "\nLimit of %d games reached!\n", MAX_GAMES); exit(1); } // Add the names to the namebase: idNumberT id = 0; if (nb->AddName (NAME_PLAYER, game->GetWhiteStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_PLAYER); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_PLAYER, id, 1); ie->SetWhite (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_PLAYER, game->GetBlackStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_PLAYER); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_PLAYER, id, 1); ie->SetBlack (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_EVENT, game->GetEventStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_EVENT); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_EVENT, id, 1); ie->SetEvent (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_SITE, game->GetSiteStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_SITE); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_SITE, id, 1); ie->SetSite (id); if (nb->AddName (NAME_ROUND, game->GetRoundStr(), &id) != OK) { fatalNameError (NAME_ROUND); } nb->IncFrequency (NAME_ROUND, id, 1); ie->SetRound (id); bbuf->Empty(); if (game->Encode (bbuf, ie) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error encoding game!\n"); abort(); } uint offset = 0; if (gameFile->AddGame (bbuf, &offset) != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error writing game file!\n"); abort(); } ie->SetOffset (offset); ie->SetLength (bbuf->GetByteCount()); idx->WriteEntries (ie, gNumber, 1); // Update the progress bar: if (! (gNumber % 100)) { int bytesSeen = pgnParser.BytesUsed(); int percentDone = 1 + ((bytesSeen) * 100 / pgnFileSize); progBar.Update (percentDone); } } uint t = 0; // = time(0); nb->SetTimeStamp(t); nb->SetFileName (baseName); if (nb->WriteNameFile() != OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error writing name file!\n"); exit(1); } progBar.Finish(); printf ("\nDatabase `%s': %d games, %d players, %d events, %d sites.\n", baseName, idx->GetNumGames(), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_PLAYER), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_EVENT), nb->GetNumNames (NAME_SITE)); fclose (logFile); if (pgnParser.ErrorCount() > 0) { printf ("There were %u errors or warnings; ", pgnParser.ErrorCount()); printf ("examine the file \"%s.err\"\n", baseName); } else { printf ("There were no warnings or errors.\n"); removeFile (baseName, ".err"); } gameFile->Close(); idx->CloseIndexFile(); // If there is a tree cache file for this database, it is out of date: removeFile (baseName, TREEFILE_SUFFIX); #ifdef ASSERTIONS printf("%d asserts were tested\n", numAsserts); #endif return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *queryString; if ((Conf = confp_open(getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"))) == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; cgiInit(); cgiHeader("text/html"); queryString = cgiGet2Post(); if (queryString[0] == '\0') { puts ("<html>"); puts ("<head>"); html_printGenericStyleSheet (12); puts ("<title>geneFusions</title>\n"); puts ("</head>"); puts ("<body>"); puts ("<h1>Identification of potential gene fusions using paired-end reads</h1><br><br>"); printf ("<form action=%s/geneFusions_cgi method=get>", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_URL_CGI")); puts ("<b>Data prefix</b>: "); puts ("<input type=text name=prefix>"); puts ("<br><br><br>"); puts ("<b>Minimum number of paired-end reads connecting two genes</b>: "); puts ("<select name=minNum>"); puts ("<option value=2>2"); puts ("<option value=3>3"); puts ("<option value=5 selected>5"); puts ("<option value=10>10"); puts ("</select>"); puts ("<br><br><br>"); puts ("<b>Type of gene fusion</b>: "); puts ("<select name=type>"); puts ("<option value=read-through>Read-through events"); puts ("<option value=cis>Cis events"); puts ("<option value=intra>Intra-chromosomal events"); puts ("<option value=same>Genes on the same chromosome"); puts ("<option value=inter>Genes on different chromosomes"); puts ("<option value=all selected>All potential gene fusions"); puts ("</select>"); puts ("<br><br><br>"); puts ("<input type=submit value=Submit>"); puts ("<input type=reset value=Reset>"); puts ("</form>"); puts ("</body>"); puts ("</html>"); fflush (stdout); } else { int first; Stringa item = stringCreate (20); Stringa value = stringCreate (20); char *iPtr,*vPtr,*prefix,*type; int minNum; first = 1; cgiGetInit (); while (cgiGetNextPair (&first,item,value)) { iPtr = string (item); vPtr = string (value); if (strEqual (iPtr,"prefix")) { prefix = hlr_strdup (vPtr); } if (strEqual (iPtr,"type")) { type = hlr_strdup (vPtr); } if (strEqual (iPtr,"minNum")) { minNum = atoi (vPtr); } } generateOutput (prefix,type,minNum); } confp_close(Conf); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void generateOutput (char* prefix, char* typeSelected, int minNum) { GfrEntry *currGE; Stringa buffer; char *pos; puts ("<html>"); puts ("<head>"); puts ("<title>Results - Gene Fusions</title>"); html_printGenericStyleSheet (12); puts ("</head>"); puts ("<body>"); if (prefix[0] == '\0') { die ("Invalid prefix"); } printf ("<h1>Results - %s</h1><br><br><br>",prefix); buffer = stringCreate(50); //Chromosome expression, if present LineStream ls; char* chrSignal=NULL; stringPrintf(buffer, "ls -1 %s/BGRS/%s_chr*.bgr.gz 2> /dev/null", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_DIR"), prefix); ls = ls_createFromPipe(string(buffer)); int countCol = 0; puts ("Expression signal: "); fflush(stdout); while( chrSignal = ls_nextLine(ls)) { char* chrTmp = stringBetween( prefix, ".bgr.gz", chrSignal ); chrTmp++; int flankingRegion = atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")); char* link = htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC( "hg18","vertebrate", "human", chrTmp, flankingRegion, 50000000 + flankingRegion); printf ("[<a href=%s&hgt.customText=%s/BGRS/%s_%s.bgr.gz target='blank'>%s</a>] ", link, confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_LINK"), prefix, chrTmp, chrTmp); if (countCol > 10) { puts( "<BR>" ); countCol=0; } countCol++; } if( countCol==0) puts( "No data available yet" ); ls_destroy(ls); puts ("<br><br>"); puts ("For a definition of SPER, DASPER and RESPER see <a href=>FusionSeq</a>"); puts ("<br><br>"); puts ("<br><table border=0 width=100% align=center cellpadding=10>"); puts ("<tr align=left>"); puts ("<th>SPER</th>"); puts ("<th>DASPER</th>"); puts ("<th>RESPER</th>"); puts ("<th>Number of inter paired-end reads</th>"); puts ("<th>Type</th>"); puts ("<th>Genomic coordinates</th>"); puts ("<th>Gene symbol</th>"); puts ("<th>Description</th>"); puts ("<th>Genomic coordinates</th>"); puts ("<th>Gene symbol</th>"); puts ("<th>Description</th>"); puts ("<th></th>"); puts ("</tr>"); fflush(stdout); stringPrintf (buffer,"%s/%s.gfr", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_DATA_DIR"), prefix); gfr_init (string (buffer)); int countElements = 0; while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) { if (currGE->numInter < minNum) { continue; } if (strEqual (typeSelected,"all") || strEqual (currGE->fusionType,typeSelected) || ( strEqual(currGE->fusionType,"cis") && strEqual( typeSelected,"same") ) || ( strEqual(currGE->fusionType,"read-through") && strEqual( typeSelected,"same") ) ) { if (pos = strchr (currGE->descriptionTranscript1,'|')) { *pos = '\0'; } if (pos = strchr (currGE->descriptionTranscript2,'|')) { *pos = '\0'; } puts ("<tr>"); printf ("<td align=left>%1.3f</td>\n",currGE->SPER); printf ("<td align=left>%1.3f</td>\n",currGE->DASPER); printf ("<td align=left>%1.3f</td>\n",currGE->RESPER); printf ("<td align=left>%d</td>\n",currGE->numInter); printf ("<td align=left>%s</td>\n",currGE->fusionType); printf ("<td align=left><a href=%s target=blank>%s:%d-%d</a></td>\n", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript1 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), currGE->chromosomeTranscript1,currGE->startTranscript1,currGE->endTranscript1); printf ("<td align=left>%s</td>\n",processString (currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1)); printf ("<td align=left>%s</td>\n",currGE->descriptionTranscript1); printf ("<td align=left><a href=%s target=blank>%s:%d-%d</a></td>\n", htmlLinker_generateLinkToGenomeBrowserAtUCSC ("hg18","vertebrate","human", currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->startTranscript2 - atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION")), currGE->endTranscript2 + atoi(confp_get(Conf, "UCSC_GENOME_BROWSER_FLANKING_REGION"))), currGE->chromosomeTranscript2,currGE->startTranscript2,currGE->endTranscript2); printf ("<td align=left>%s</td>\n",processString (currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2)); printf ("<td align=left>%s</td>\n",currGE->descriptionTranscript2); printf ("<td align=left><a href=%s/showDetails_cgi?%s+%s>Details</a></td>\n", confp_get(Conf, "WEB_URL_CGI"), prefix,currGE->id); puts ("</tr>"); countElements++; } } gfr_deInit (); stringDestroy (buffer); puts ("</table><br><br>"); if( countElements == 0) puts("No fusion candidates can be found satisfying all specified criteria."); puts ("</body>"); puts ("</html>"); fflush (stdout); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GfrEntry *currGE; BLEntry *currBLE; BLEntry currQuery; FILE *fp; char *line; int count; int countRemoved; int index; WordIter w; Array blackList = arrayCreate(20, BLEntry); config *Conf; if ((Conf = confp_open(getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"))) == NULL) { die("%s:\tCannot find .fusionseqrc: %s", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH")); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( confp_get( Conf, "ANNOTATION_DIR")==NULL ) { die("%s:\tCannot find ANNOTATION_DIR in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( confp_get( Conf, "BLACKLIST_FILENAME")==NULL ) { die("%s:\tCannot find BLACKLIST_FILENAME in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } Stringa buffer=stringCreate( 100 ); stringPrintf( buffer, "%s/%s", confp_get( Conf, "ANNOTATION_DIR"), confp_get( Conf, "BLACKLIST_FILENAME") ); /* fp = fopen( string( buffer ), "r" ); if( !fp ) die("Unable to open file: %s", string(buffer)); stringDestroy( buffer ); */ // reading blacklist file LineStream ls = ls_createFromFile( string(buffer) ); while( line = ls_nextLine(ls) ) { w = wordIterCreate( line, "\t", 1); currBLE = arrayp( blackList, arrayMax(blackList), BLEntry); currBLE->gene1 = hlr_strdup ( wordNext(w) ); currBLE->gene2 = hlr_strdup ( wordNext(w) ); wordIterDestroy(w); } //fclose(fp); ls_destroy( ls ); stringDestroy( buffer ); arraySort( blackList, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1); // beginFiltering count = 0; countRemoved = 0; gfr_init ("-"); puts (gfr_writeHeader ()); while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) { // reading the gfr if( currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1 == NULL ) { die("Gene symbols are not present in the GFR file. Please run gfrAddInfo before gfrBlackListFilter."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // creating a new query to the black list currQuery.gene1 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1; currQuery.gene2 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2; if( strEqual( currQuery.gene1 , currQuery.gene2 ) ) { countRemoved++; continue; } // searching against read_1/read_2 int res = arrayFind( blackList, &currQuery, &index, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1); if( !res ) { // not found, then searching against read_2/read_1 currQuery.gene1 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript2; currQuery.gene2 = currGE->geneSymbolTranscript1; res = arrayFind( blackList, &currQuery, &index, (ARRAYORDERF) sortBlackListByName1 ); if( !res ) { // not found, write the instance to stdout, update the counts puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE)); count++; } else { // found: read2/read1 countRemoved++; } } else { //found: read1/read2 countRemoved++; } } gfr_deInit (); arrayDestroy( blackList ); warn ("%s_BlackListFilter: %s",argv[0], confp_get( Conf, "BLACKLIST_FILENAME")); warn ("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0],countRemoved); warn ("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count); confp_close( Conf); return 0; }
local int cmdDoOptDeveloper(String arg) { int rc = 0; if (!arg[0]) rc = -1; if (strAEqual("trap", arg)) { cmdTrapFlag = true; } else if (strAEqual("check", arg)) { _dont_assert = false; /* Test assertions. */ stoCtl(StoCtl_Wash, true); /* Initialize of store. */ } else if (strAEqual("no-fatal", arg)) _fatal_assert = false; /* Make assertions non-fatal. */ else if (strAEqual("runtime", arg)) genSetRuntime(); else if (strEqual("debug", arg)) genSetDebugWanted(true); else if (strEqual("debugger", arg)) genSetDebuggerWanted(true); else if (strEqual("depend", arg)) emitSetDependsWanted(true); else if (strEqual("small-hcodes", arg)) genSetSmallHashCodes(true); else if (strEqual("lazy-catch", arg)) gfSetLazyCatch(true); else if (strEqual("dumb-import", arg)) stabSetDumbImport(true); else if (strEqual("trace-cfuns", arg)) gencSetTraceFuns(true); else if (strEqual("no-where", arg)) NoWhereHack = true; else if (strAEqual("runtime-hashcheck", arg)) genSetHashcheck(); else if (strAIsPrefix("keyword", arg)) { String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "keyword", NULL); cmdDoKeywordStatus(darg, true); } else if (strAIsPrefix("no-keyword", arg)) { String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "no-keyword", NULL); cmdDoKeywordStatus(darg, false); } else if (strEqual("no-negated-tests", arg)) jflowSetNegate(false); else if (strAEqual("audit", arg)) foamAuditSetAll(); else if (strAEqual("nhash", arg)) genSetAxiomAx(true); else if (strAEqual("missing-ok", arg)) tiSetSoftMissing(true); else if (strAEqual("sexpr", arg)) { cmdSExprFlag = true; } else if (strAEqual("seval", arg)) { cmdSEvalFlag = true; } else if (strAEqual("no-gc", arg)) { /* Handled already - no action need be taken here */ } else if (strAEqual("gc", arg)) { /* Handled already - no action need be taken here */ cmdGcFlag = true; } else if (strAEqual("gcfile", arg)) { /* Handled already - no action need be taken here */ cmdGcFileFlag = true; } else if (strAEqual("loops", arg)) { optSetLoopOption(); } else if (strAEqual("emerge-noalias", arg)) { emSetNoAlias(); } else if (strAIsPrefix("test", arg)) { String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "test", NULL); testSelf(darg); exitSuccess(); } else if (strAIsPrefix("rtcache", arg)) { String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "rtcache", NULL); long rtsize; extern void gen0SetRtCacheSize(AInt); sscanf(darg, "%ld", &rtsize); gen0SetRtCacheSize((AInt)rtsize); } else if (strAIsPrefix("D", arg)) { char sep; String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "D", &sep); rc = cmdDDebug(darg, sep == '+'); } else if (strAIsPrefix("T", arg)) { rc = phTraceOption(arg+strlen("T")); } else if (strAIsPrefix("name", arg)) { String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "name", NULL); emitSetFileIdName(darg); } else if (strAIsPrefix("prefix", arg)) { String darg = cmdDGetOptArg(arg, "prefix", NULL); emitSetFileIdPrefix(darg); } else if (strAEqual("floatrep", arg)) { cmdFloatRepFlag = true; } else rc = -1; return rc; }
TEST(misc, testConsoleLogic) { print("******************************************* testConsoleLogic\r\n"); resetConsoleActions(); helpCommand(); char * cmd = "he ha"; ASSERT_EQ(2, findEndOfToken(cmd)); cmd = "\"hee\" ha"; ASSERT_EQ(5, findEndOfToken(cmd)); cmd = "\"h e\" ha"; ASSERT_EQ(5, findEndOfToken(cmd)); strcpy(buffer, "echo"); ASSERT_TRUE(strEqual("echo", unquote(buffer))); strcpy(buffer, "\"echo\""); ASSERT_TRUE(strEqual("echo", unquote(buffer))) << "unquote quoted"; char *ptr = validateSecureLine(UNKNOWN_COMMAND); ASSERT_EQ(0, strcmp(UNKNOWN_COMMAND, ptr)); ASSERT_EQ(10, tokenLength(UNKNOWN_COMMAND)); // handling invalid token should work strcpy(buffer, "sdasdafasd asd"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); print("\r\naddConsoleActionI\r\n"); addConsoleActionI("echoi", testEchoI); strcpy(buffer, "echoi 239"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(239, lastInteger); print("\r\naddConsoleActionI 240 with two spaces\r\n"); strcpy(buffer, "echoi 240"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(240, lastInteger); print("\r\naddConsoleActionII\r\n"); addConsoleActionII("echoii", testEchoII); strcpy(buffer, "echoii 22 239"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(22, lastInteger); ASSERT_EQ(239, lastInteger2); print("\r\naddConsoleActionII three spaces\r\n"); strcpy(buffer, "echoii 21 220"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(21, lastInteger); ASSERT_EQ(220, lastInteger2); print("\r\addConsoleActionSSS\r\n"); addConsoleActionSSS("echosss", testEchoSSS); strcpy(buffer, "echosss 111 222 333"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(111, atoi(lastFirst)); ASSERT_EQ(333, atoi(lastThird)); strcpy(buffer, "echosss \" 1\" 222 333"); handleConsoleLine(buffer); ASSERT_TRUE(strEqual("\" 1\"", lastFirst)); //addConsoleActionSSS("GPS", testGpsParser); }
int calc(Vnode* expr, VM* vm, Contexts* contexts, Method** methods){ // Already calculated if(expr->obj){ return 0; } // Variable if(expr->name){ if(strEqual(expr->name, "assign") || strEqual(expr->name, "$") || strEqual(expr->name, "lamda")){ expr->isMethod = true; }else{ for(int i = 0; methods[i]; i++){ if(strEqual(expr->name, methods[i]->name)){ expr->isMethod = true; break; } } } if(!expr->isMethod){ expr->obj = findFromContexts(contexts, expr->name); assert(expr->obj, "Error: %s not defined!", expr->name); } } // Calculate if(expr->childrenNum){ calc(expr->children[0], vm, contexts, methods); Vnode* firstNode = expr->children[0]; int argNum = expr->childrenNum - 1; printf("====================== Calc =======================\n"); printf("Calc: %s \n", firstNode->name); printContexts(contexts); printf("End : %s\n", firstNode->name); // Native method if(firstNode->isMethod){ if(strEqual(firstNode->name, "assign") || strEqual(firstNode->name, "$")){ assert(argNum == 2 && expr->children[1]->name, "Error: Wrong arguments for def!"); char* key = expr->children[1]->name; calc(expr->children[2], vm, contexts, methods); Object* value = expr->children[2]->obj; Context* curr = getTopContext(contexts); defineInContext(curr, key, value); }else if(strEqual(firstNode->name, "lamda")){ expr->obj = pushLamda(vm, expr->node); expr->obj->lamdaId = lamdaNum; lamdaContexts[lamdaNum] = copyContexts(contexts, NULL); lamdaNum++; }else{ for(int i = 0; methods[i]; i++){ if(strEqual(firstNode->name, methods[i]->name)){ Object** args = malloc(sizeof(Object*) * argNum); for(int i = 0; i < argNum; i++){ calc(expr->children[i+1], vm, contexts, methods); args[i] = cloneObject(vm, expr->children[i+1]->obj); } expr->obj = methods[i]->callee(argNum, args, vm); break; } } } return 0; } Object* firstVal = firstNode->obj; // First value if(firstVal->type != OBJ_LAMDA){ expr->obj = cloneObject(vm, firstVal); return 0; } // Lamda call // get args Contexts* cxts = copyContexts(lamdaContexts[firstVal->lamdaId], NULL); Context* runCxt = newContext(); for(int i = 0; i < argNum; i++){ calc(expr->children[i+1], vm, contexts, methods); defineInContext(runCxt, firstVal->args[i], cloneObject(vm, expr->children[i+1]->obj)); } pushContext(cxts, runCxt); Vnode* vn = getVnode(firstVal->grammarTree->root, vm); calc(vn, vm, cxts, methods); expr->obj = vn->obj; return 0; } return 0; }
int myStrEqual(char* a, char* b) { return strEqual(a, b); }