static int name(void) { register int t; register char *cp; for (;;) { t = yylex(); if (t != WORD) return(-1); cp = yylval; t = yylex(); switch (t) { case 0: nstrcat(netbuf, sizeof (netbuf), cp); return(0); case '@': case '%': if (name()) return(-1); stradd(netbuf, sizeof (netbuf), '@'); nstrcat(netbuf, sizeof (netbuf), cp); return(0); case WORD: return(-1); default: nstrcat(netbuf, sizeof (netbuf), cp); stradd(netbuf, sizeof (netbuf), t); } } }
// Converts a floating point number to string. void CntrlSubGroup::ftoa(float f, char s[], int afterpoint) { // Extract integer part int ipart = (int)f; // Extract floating part float fpart = f - (float)ipart; if (fpart < 0) fpart = -fpart; // convert integer part to string char _texti[string_length]; itoa(ipart, _texti); // check for display option after point for (int i = 0; i < afterpoint; i++) { fpart *= 10; } // convert float part to string char _textf[string_length]; itoa(fpart, _textf); s[0] = 0; stradd(s, _texti); stradd(s, "."); stradd(s, _textf); }
void exec(const char *str, char *err) { // this function executes a given instruction. // all important functions are called from here. void evali(const char *str, char *err, int *eval); char asgn[ID]=""; /* assignment variable name container*/ strcpy(err,""); /* empty error container string */ int integer=0; /* integer to store integer evaluation results */ double real=0; /* double to store double evaluation results */ if(prechar(asgn,str,"=")=='=') /* check for = operator */ { if(strtrims(asgn,' ')) { // if assignment string is empty strcpy(err,"Assignment variable is not specified."); return; } char isid = id_check(asgn); if(!isid) { // assign *************************************************** printf("\nassgin: %s\n",asgn); return; } else /* is not an identifier */ { if(isid==1) /* var name starts with a number */ { strcpy(err,"Variable name cannot start with a number."); return; } else /* var name has illegal chars*/ { stradd(err,"Variable cannot contain ["); straddc(err,isid); stradd(err,"] character"); } return; } } else /* there is no assigment involved */ { // if there is no assignment then integer is considered // to be the default assignment data type for evaluation. evali(str,err,&integer); if(!strlen(err)) { printf("\nint: %d\n",integer); return; } else { return; } } return; }
void runline(const char *cmd, char *err) { // this function takes an instruction for execution. // it removes all comments and passes the statement to exec void exec(const char *str, char *err); char impurity = purity_check(cmd); if(*cmd==';') /* if statement is a comment. */ return; if(!impurity) /* if cmd is pure */ { strcpy(err,""); char *statement = NULL; if((statement=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(cmd)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *statement='\0'; char *spointer = statement; int l = 0; /* to store length of spointer */ l = strlen(cmd); int i = 0; /* loop counter */ char qt=0; for(i=0;i<l;i++,cmd++,spointer++) { if(*cmd==34||*cmd==39) /* char["] and char['] */ { if(qt==0) qt = 1; /* quotation mark starts */ else qt = 0; /* quotation mark ends */ } if(qt==0) if(*cmd==';') /* remove comments from the statement */ break; *spointer = *cmd; /* transfer cmd to str */ } *spointer='\0'; /* set termination point for string */ strtrims(statement,' '); /* now run the statement */ exec(statement,err); if(!strlen(err)) /* if eval was succesfull. */ { free(statement); statement = NULL; return; } else /* if eval was un-succesfull. */ { free(statement); statement = NULL; return; } } else /* if cmd is impure */ { stradd(err,"Character ["); straddc(err,impurity); stradd(err,"] is not allowed."); return; } }
void makeHttpResponse(const char *message, char *response) { *response = '\0'; stradd(response, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); stradd(response, "Content-length: "); char contentLengthStr[100]; sprintf(contentLengthStr, "%u", strlen(message)); stradd(response, contentLengthStr); stradd(response, "\r\n\r\n"); stradd(response, message); }
void send_channel_users_info(User *user, Node *users, char *query, char *send_line) { Node *first = users; Node *p = first; int sent = 0; User *u = (User *) p->payload; if(strcmp(u->current_channel, query) == 0) { send_user_info(user, u, send_line); sent += 1; }; p = p->next; while(p != first) { u = (User *) p->payload; if(strcmp(u->current_channel, query) == 0) { send_user_info(user, u, send_line); sent += 1; }; p = p->next; }; if(sent > 0) { send_line = strset(":"); send_line = stradd(send_line, SERVER_NAME); send_line = stradd(send_line, " "); send_line = stradd(send_line, RPL_ENDOFWHO); send_line = stradd(send_line, " "); send_line = stradd(send_line, user->name); send_line = stradd(send_line, " #"); send_line = stradd(send_line, user->current_channel); send_line = stradd(send_line, ENDOFWHO); write(user->socket, send_line, strlen(send_line)); }; };
void single_path(t_list *list, int ant) { t_list *link; t_salle *s; char *str; int i; i = 0; str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 1000); link = list; s = TC; while (TC->status != END) { link = s->link; while (link != NULL && (TC->way_value != 1 || s->dist > TC->dist || TC->status == START)) { if (TC->status == END) break ; link = link->next; } s = TC; str = stradd(TC->name, str); } while (str[i]) i++; single_path_norme(i, str, list, ant); }
void oadd(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->nstore.fmt = l.nstore.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TFLOAT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type +"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->type = TINT; res->nstore.u0.sival = l.nstore.u0.sival+r.nstore.u0.sival; break; case TFLOAT: res->nstore.u0.sfval = l.nstore.u0.sival+r.nstore.u0.sfval; break; default: error("bad rhs type +"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->nstore.u0.sfval = l.nstore.u0.sfval+r.nstore.u0.sival; break; case TFLOAT: res->nstore.u0.sfval = l.nstore.u0.sfval+r.nstore.u0.sfval; break; default: error("bad rhs type +"); } break; case TSTRING: if(r.type == TSTRING) { res->type = TSTRING; res->nstore.fmt = 's'; res->nstore.u0.sstring = stradd(l.nstore.u0.sstring, r.nstore.u0.sstring); break; } error("bad rhs for +"); case TLIST: res->type = TLIST; switch(r.type) { case TLIST: res-> = addlist(,; break; default: r.left = 0; r.right = 0; res-> = addlist(, construct(&r)); break; } } }
void strset(char *p) { if (str != NULL) str[0] = '\0'; stradd(p); }
string stradd(string& a,string& b){ if(a.length()<b.length()) return stradd(b,a); string res(a.length(),'0'); int carry=0; int temp=0; int i=a.length()-1; int j=b.length()-1; for(;j>=0;i--,j--){ temp=(a[i]-'0')+(b[j]-'0')+carry; carry=temp/10; temp=temp%10; res[i]=temp+'0'; } for(;i>=0;i--){ temp=(a[i]-'0')+carry; carry=temp/10; temp=temp%10; res[i]=temp+'0'; } if(carry>0) return "1"+res; else return res; }
SV * getFieldTypeFromAV ( BrokerTypeDef type_def, char * key ) { AV * av; int numKeys; short type; av = newAV(); key = stradd ( key, "[]" ); gErr = awGetTypeDefFieldType ( type_def, key, &type ); if ( gErr != AW_NO_ERROR ) { warn ( "ERROR %s", awErrorToCompleteString ( gErr ) ); return ( Nullsv ); } if ( type == FIELD_TYPE_STRUCT ) av_push ( av, getFieldTypeFromHV (type_def, key) ); else av_push( av, newSViv ( type ) ); return ( newRV_noinc((SV*) av) ); }
static void optim1(char netstr[], char name[]) { char path[STSIZ], rpath[STSIZ]; register char *cp, *cp2; register int tp, nc; cp = netstr; prefer(cp); *name = '\0'; /* * If the address ultimately points back to us, * just return a null network path. */ if ((int)strlen(cp) > 1 && cp[strlen(cp) - 2] == LOCAL) return; while (*cp != 0) { *path = '\0'; tp = ntype(cp[1]); nc = cp[1]; while (*cp && tp == ntype(cp[1])) { stradd(path, sizeof (path), *cp++); cp++; } switch (netkind(tp)) { default: nstrcpy(rpath, sizeof (rpath), path); break; case IMPLICIT: optimimp(path, rpath); break; case EXPLICIT: optimex(path, rpath); break; } for (cp2 = rpath; *cp2 != 0; cp2++) { stradd(name, BUFSIZ, *cp2); stradd(name, BUFSIZ, nc); } } optiboth(name); prefer(name); }
/** Append text to clipboard (primary and default). */ static void clipboard_append(const char *jobinfo){ GdkAtom atoms[2]={GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD, GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY}; for(int iatom=0; iatom<2; iatom++){ GtkClipboard *clip=gtk_clipboard_get(atoms[iatom]); if(!clip) continue; gchar *old=gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(clip); gchar *newer=NULL; if(old){ newer=stradd(old, jobinfo, "\n", NULL); g_free(old); }else{ newer=stradd(jobinfo, "\n", NULL); } gtk_clipboard_set_text(clip, newer, -1); free(newer); } }
SType SType::operator+(const SType &other) { SType sum; sum.strString = stradd(strString, other.strString); sum.iLine = -1; sum.bCrossesStates = bCrossesStates||other.bCrossesStates; return sum; };
/** The main(). It parses the command line, setup the parms, ask the scheduler for signal to proceed, and then starts skysim to do sky coverage. */ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){ dirstart=mygetcwd(); char *scmd=argv2str(argc, argv, " "); ARG_S* arg=parse_args(argc,argv); /*In detach mode send to background and disable drawing*/ if(arg->detach){ daemonize(); }else{ redirect(); } info2("%s\n", scmd); info2("Output folder is '%s'. %d threads\n",arg->dirout, arg->nthread); skyc_version(); /*register signal handler */ register_signal_handler(skyc_signal_handler); /* Ask job scheduler for permission to proceed. If no CPUs are available, will block until ones are available. if arg->force==1, will run immediately. */ scheduler_start(scmd,arg->nthread,0,!arg->force); /*setting up parameters before asking scheduler to check for any errors. */ dirsetup=stradd("setup",NULL); PARMS_S * parms=setup_parms(arg); if(parms->skyc.dbg){ mymkdir("%s",dirsetup); } if(!arg->force){ info2("Waiting start signal from the scheduler ...\n"); /*Failed to wait. fall back to own checking.*/ int count=0; while(scheduler_wait()&& count<60){ warning_time("failed to get reply from scheduler. retry\n"); sleep(10); count++; scheduler_start(scmd,arg->nthread,0,!arg->force); } if(count>=60){ warning_time("fall back to own checker\n"); wait_cpu(arg->nthread); } } info2("Simulation started at %s in %s.\n",myasctime(),myhostname()); free(scmd); free(arg->dirout); free(arg); THREAD_POOL_INIT(parms->skyc.nthread); /*Loads the main software*/ OMPTASK_SINGLE skysim(parms); free_parms(parms); free(dirsetup); free(dirstart); rename_file(0); scheduler_finish(0); info2("End:\t%.2f MiB\n",get_job_mem()/1024.); info2("Simulation finished at %s in %s.\n",myasctime(),myhostname()); return 0; }
int main (){ FILE *input; input = fopen("text.txt", "r"); char *str = strnew(); sentence_t *currSentence = sentence_create(); text_t *text = text_create(); while (1) { char c = fgetc(input); if (c == EOF || isspace(c) || c == ',' || c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?' || c == ';') { if (strlen(str) != 0) { word_t *word = word_new(str); sentence_add(currSentence, word); free (str); word_free (word); str = strnew(); } } if (c == EOF || c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '?') { text_add (text, currSentence); sentence_free(currSentence); currSentence = sentence_create(); } if (c == EOF) break; if (isalpha(c)) { c = tolower(c); char *w = stradd(str, c); free (str); str = w; } } fclose (input); FILE *output; output = fopen("result.txt", "w"); input = fopen ("stopwords.txt", "r"); int stopCount, i; fscanf (input, "%d", &stopCount); for (i = 0; i < stopCount; i++) { char s[15]; fscanf (input, "%s", s); fprintf (output, "%s: %d\n", s, text_find (text, s)); } fclose (input); fclose (output); free (str); sentence_free(currSentence); text_free(text); return 0; }
int exec(const char *cmd, char *err) { int runline(const char *str, char *err); char _err[KB]=_NULL; if(*cmd==';') /* if statemnt is a comment. */ return 0; char purity_check(const char *str); char impurity = purity_check(cmd); if(!impurity) /* if cmd is pure */ { char statement[KB]=_NULL; // remove comments from the statement int l = 0; /* to store length of spointer */ l = strlen(cmd); int i = 0; /* loop counter */ for(i=0;i<l;i++) { if(*cmd==';') break; statement[i] = *cmd; cmd++; } statement[i]='\0'; // now run the statement if(!runline(statement,_err)) /* if eval was succesfull. */ return 0; else /* if eval was un-succesfull. */ strcpy(err,_err); /* transfer eval's err to err */ return 1; } else /* if cmd is impure */ { stradd(err,"Character ["); straddc(err,impurity); stradd(err,"] is not allowed."); return 1; } return 1; }
static void print_strange_sections(PE_FILE *pe) { bool aux = false; if (!pe_get_sections(pe) || !pe->num_sections) return; if (pe->num_sections <= 2) snprintf(value, MAX_MSG, "%d (low)", pe->num_sections); else if (pe->num_sections > 8) snprintf(value, MAX_MSG, "%d (high)", pe->num_sections); else snprintf(value, MAX_MSG, "%d", pe->num_sections); output("section count", value); for (unsigned i=0; i < pe->num_sections && i <= 65535; i++, aux=false) { memset(&value, 0, sizeof(value)); if (!strisprint((const char *)pe->sections_ptr[i]->Name)) stradd(value, "suspicious name", &aux); if (!pe->sections_ptr[i]->SizeOfRawData) stradd(value, "zero length", &aux); else if (pe->sections_ptr[i]->SizeOfRawData <= 512) stradd(value, "small length", &aux); // rwx or writable + executable code if (pe->sections_ptr[i]->Characteristics & 0x80000000 && (pe->sections_ptr[i]->Characteristics & 0x20 || pe->sections_ptr[i]->Characteristics & 0x20000000)) stradd(value, "self-modifying", &aux); if (!aux) strncpy(value, "normal", 7); output((char *)pe->sections_ptr[i]->Name, value); } }
bool solve(string& num1,string& num2,string num){ int maxLen=max(num1.length(),num2.length()); string res=stradd(num1,num2); string num3=num.substr(0,maxLen); if(maxLen>1&&num3[0]=='0') return false; if(res==num3&&(num3==num||solve(num2,num3,num.substr(maxLen)))) return true; num3=num.substr(0,maxLen+1); if(res==num3&&(num3==num||solve(num2,num3,num.substr(maxLen+1)))) return true; return false; }
static ssize_t cpu_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos) { char cpu_info_str[128]; long freq = __proc_global_info.tsc_freq, idx; strncpy(cpu_info_str, "cpu MHz\t\t: ", 16); idx = strlen(cpu_info_str); stradd(cpu_info_str + idx, freq / 1000000, 4); idx += 4; strncpy(cpu_info_str + idx, ".", 1); idx++; stradd(cpu_info_str + idx, freq % 1000000, 3); idx += 3; cpu_info_str[idx] = 0; return sysfs_read(buf, count, pos, cpu_info_str); }
int check_charset(char **filename,const char *charset) { char *tmppath; if (!strncmp(charset,"utf-8",6)) { *filename=strdup("utf-8"); return 1; } tmppath=find_file(stradd(charset,CHARSET_EXT),charset_path); if (tmppath&& *tmppath) { *filename=strdup(charset); free(tmppath); return 1; } return 0; }
static void promptpath(char *p, int npath, int tilde) { char *modp = p; Nameddir nd; if (tilde && ((nd = finddir(p)))) modp = tricat("~", nd->node.nam, p + strlen(nd->dir)); if (npath) { char *sptr; if (npath > 0) { for (sptr = modp + strlen(modp); sptr > modp; sptr--) { if (*sptr == '/' && !--npath) { sptr++; break; } } if (*sptr == '/' && sptr[1] && sptr != modp) sptr++; stradd(sptr); } else { char cbu; for (sptr = modp+1; *sptr; sptr++) if (*sptr == '/' && !++npath) break; cbu = *sptr; *sptr = 0; stradd(modp); *sptr = cbu; } } else stradd(modp); if (p != modp) zsfree(modp); }
void cp(char *src, char *dst) { char cmd[10], *p; int err; strcpy(cmd, "cp -fRPp"); p = stradd(cmd, " ", src, " ", dst); err = system(p); free(p); if(err) return; if(unlink(src)) alert("unlink %s: %m", src); }
main() { char linebuffer[MAXINPUT]; int linebuffersize = 0; char line[MAXINPUT]; int linesize = 0; while( (linesize = getline1(line, MAXINPUT)) > 0 ) { if(linesize > LINEMAX) { linesize = validateline(line, linesize); linebuffersize = stradd(line, linebuffer, linebuffersize); } } printf("%sBuffer=%d\n", linebuffer, linebuffersize); }
int file_mkfifo(const char *__name, uint32_t open_flags) { bool readonly = 0; switch (open_flags & O_ACCMODE) { case O_RDONLY: readonly = 1; case O_WRONLY: break; default: return -E_INVAL; } int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = filemap_alloc(NO_FD, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } char *name; const char *device = readonly ? "pipe:r_" : "pipe:w_"; if ((name = stradd(device, __name)) == NULL) { ret = -E_NO_MEM; goto failed_cleanup_file; } if ((ret = vfs_open(name, open_flags, &(file->node))) != 0) { goto failed_cleanup_name; } file->pos = 0; file->readable = readonly, file->writable = !readonly; filemap_open(file); kfree(name); return file->fd; failed_cleanup_name: kfree(name); failed_cleanup_file: filemap_free(file); return ret; }
static char *generate_file_name(bgpcorsaro_t *bgpcorsaro, const char *plugin, bgpcorsaro_interval_t *interval, int compress_type) { /* some of the structure of this code is borrowed from the FreeBSD implementation of strftime */ /* the output buffer */ /* @todo change the code to dynamically realloc this if we need more space */ char buf[1024]; char tbuf[1024]; char *bufp = buf; char *buflim = buf + sizeof(buf); char *tmpl = bgpcorsaro->template; char secs[11]; /* length of UINT32_MAX +1 */ struct timeval tv; for (; *tmpl; ++tmpl) { if (*tmpl == '.' && compress_type == WANDIO_COMPRESS_NONE) { if (strncmp(tmpl, BGPCORSARO_IO_ZLIB_SUFFIX, strlen(BGPCORSARO_IO_ZLIB_SUFFIX)) == 0 || strncmp(tmpl, BGPCORSARO_IO_BZ2_SUFFIX, strlen(BGPCORSARO_IO_BZ2_SUFFIX)) == 0) { break; } } else if (*tmpl == '%') { switch (*++tmpl) { case '\0': --tmpl; break; /* BEWARE: if you add a new pattern here, you must also add it to * bgpcorsaro_io_template_has_timestamp */ case BGPCORSARO_IO_MONITOR_PATTERN: bufp = stradd(bgpcorsaro->monitorname, bufp, buflim); continue; case BGPCORSARO_IO_PLUGIN_PATTERN: bufp = stradd(plugin, bufp, buflim); continue; case 's': if (interval != NULL) { snprintf(secs, sizeof(secs), "%" PRIu32, interval->time); bufp = stradd(secs, bufp, buflim); continue; } /* fall through */ default: /* we want to be generous and leave non-recognized formats intact - especially for strftime to use */ --tmpl; } } if (bufp == buflim) break; *bufp++ = *tmpl; } *bufp = '\0'; /* now let strftime have a go */ if (interval != NULL) { tv.tv_sec = interval->time; strftime(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), buf, gmtime(&tv.tv_sec)); return strdup(tbuf); } return strdup(buf); }
void evali(const char *str, char *err, int *eval) { // Mathematical Expression Evaluation Function // ----------------------------------------------- // This functions solves mathematical equations. // When a complex equation is passed via *str, // the equation is broken into parts, and the // simplest part is passed on recursively onto // the function itself. This recurvise process is // repeated until the whole equation has been solved. // Results of the evaluation are stored in int eval. if(!bcheck(str)) { /* this is the core of eval where the calculations are done. at this level, the equation does not have any brackets. */ const char symbols[]="^*/%+-&"; const char se[]="Invalid Syntax"; char *tmp = NULL; if((tmp=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(str)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *tmp='\0'; /* check wether str has reached the absolute stage */ if(prechar(tmp,str,symbols)==0) { printf("\n[simple]"); if(!ncheck(str)) { printf("\nequation solved!"); *eval = strint(str); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; return; } else if(!id_check(str)) { printf("\nit's a variable!"); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; return; } else { strcpy(err,se); stradd(err,": "); stradd(err,str); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; return; } } else /* there are symbols in str */ { free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } /* now the real maths */ printf("\n[complex]"); char *pre = NULL; /* string preceding of operator */ char *pos = NULL; /* string succeding the operator */ /* now allocate the variables */ if((pre=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(str)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *pre='\0'; if((pos=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(str)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *pos='\0'; char symbol = 0; if(prechar(pre,str,"^")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"^")) symbol = '^'; } else if(prechar(pre,str,"*")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"*")) symbol = '*'; } else if(prechar(pre,str,"/")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"/")) symbol = '/'; } else if(prechar(pre,str,"%")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"%")) symbol = '%'; } else if(prechar(pre,str,"+")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"+")) symbol = '+'; } else if(prechar(pre,str,"-")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"-")) symbol = '-'; } else if(prechar(pre,str,"&")) { if(postchar(pos,str,"&")) symbol = '&'; } char *ax = NULL; /* value preceding of operator */ char *bx = NULL; /* value succeding the operator */ char *cx = NULL; /* value of ax and bx processed */ /* now allocate the variables */ if((ax=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(pre)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *ax='\0'; if((bx=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(pos)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *bx='\0'; if((cx=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(str)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *cx='\0'; /* find out the contents of bx */ char *ebx = NULL; /* temp string to build bx */ if((ebx=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(pos)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *ebx='\0'; strcpy(bx,pos); strcpy(ebx,bx); for(;;) /* infinite loop */ { if(!prechar(bx,ebx,symbols)) { strcpy(bx,ebx); free(ebx); ebx = NULL; /* de-allocate ebx */ break; } else /* here ebx is build */ strcpy(ebx,bx); } /* find out the contents of ax */ char *eax = NULL; /* temp string to build ax */ if((eax=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(pre)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *eax='\0'; strcpy(ax,pre); strcpy(eax,ax); for(;;) /* infinite loop */ { if(!postchar(ax,eax,symbols)) { strcpy(ax,eax); free(eax); eax = NULL; /* de-allocate eax */ break; } else /* here eax is build */ strcpy(eax,ax); } /* variables to store (pre-ax) and (pre-bx) */ char *prex = NULL; /* string of (pre-ax) */ char *posx = NULL; /* string of (pos-ax) */ /* now allocate prex and posx */ if((prex=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(pre)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *prex='\0'; if((posx=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(pos)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *posx='\0'; /* find prex and posx */ strlft(prex,pre,(strlen(pre)-strlen(ax))); strrht(posx,pos,(strlen(pos)-strlen(bx))); /* de-allocate pre & pos */ printf("\nsym: %c",symbol); printf("\npre: %s",pre); printf("\npos: %s",pos); free(pre); pre = NULL; free(pos); pos = NULL; /* process ax and bx to find cx */ // ***************** /* de-allocate ax & bx */ printf("\n*ax: %s",ax); printf("\n*bx: %s",bx); printf("\n*cx: %s",cx); printf("\nprx: %s",prex); printf("\npox: %s",posx); free(ax); ax = NULL; free(bx); bx = NULL; /* variable to store one-step solved equation */ char *ex = NULL; if((ex=(char *)(malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(str)+1))))==NULL) allocerr(); *ex='\0'; /* find ex using cx in prex and posx */ // ***************** /* now de-allocate cx, prex & posx */ free(cx); cx = NULL; free(prex); cx = NULL; free(posx); cx = NULL; /* recurse ex on eval for next-step solving */ // ***************** /* de-allocate ex & return */ free(ex); ex = NULL; return; } else { if(!bcount(str)) { printf("\nEquation has brackets."); return; } else { strcpy(err,"Illegal Equation, inequal number of brackets."); return; } } }
static int putpromptchar(int doprint, int endchar, unsigned int *txtchangep) { char *ss, *hostnam; int t0, arg, test, sep, j, numjobs; struct tm *tm; struct timezone dummy_tz; struct timeval tv; time_t timet; Nameddir nd; for (; *bv->fm && *bv->fm != endchar; bv->fm++) { arg = 0; if (*bv->fm == '%' && isset(PROMPTPERCENT)) { int minus = 0; bv->fm++; if (*bv->fm == '-') { minus = 1; bv->fm++; } if (idigit(*bv->fm)) { arg = zstrtol(bv->fm, &bv->fm, 10); if (minus) arg *= -1; } else if (minus) arg = -1; if (*bv->fm == '(') { int tc, otruncwidth; if (idigit(*++bv->fm)) { arg = zstrtol(bv->fm, &bv->fm, 10); } else if (arg < 0) { /* negative numbers don't make sense here */ arg *= -1; } test = 0; ss = pwd; switch (tc = *bv->fm) { case 'c': case '.': case '~': if ((nd = finddir(ss))) { arg--; ss += strlen(nd->dir); } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case '/': case 'C': /* `/' gives 0, `/any' gives 1, etc. */ if (*ss++ == '/' && *ss) arg--; for (; *ss; ss++) if (*ss == '/') arg--; if (arg <= 0) test = 1; break; case 't': case 'T': case 'd': case 'D': case 'w': timet = time(NULL); tm = localtime(&timet); switch (tc) { case 't': test = (arg == tm->tm_min); break; case 'T': test = (arg == tm->tm_hour); break; case 'd': test = (arg == tm->tm_mday); break; case 'D': test = (arg == tm->tm_mon); break; case 'w': test = (arg == tm->tm_wday); break; } break; case '?': if (lastval == arg) test = 1; break; case '#': if (geteuid() == (uid_t)arg) test = 1; break; case 'g': if (getegid() == (gid_t)arg) test = 1; break; case 'j': for (numjobs = 0, j = 1; j <= maxjob; j++) if (jobtab[j].stat && jobtab[j].procs && !(jobtab[j].stat & STAT_NOPRINT)) numjobs++; if (numjobs >= arg) test = 1; break; case 'l': *bv->bp = '\0'; countprompt(bv->bufline, &t0, 0, 0); if (minus) t0 = zterm_columns - t0; if (t0 >= arg) test = 1; break; case 'e': { Funcstack fsptr = funcstack; test = arg; while (fsptr && test > 0) { test--; fsptr = fsptr->prev; } test = !test; } break; case 'L': if (shlvl >= arg) test = 1; break; case 'S': if (time(NULL) - shtimer.tv_sec >= arg) test = 1; break; case 'v': if (arrlen(psvar) >= arg) test = 1; break; case 'V': if (arrlen(psvar) >= arg) { if (*psvar[(arg ? arg : 1) - 1]) test = 1; } break; case '_': test = (cmdsp >= arg); break; case '!': test = privasserted(); break; default: test = -1; break; } if (!*bv->fm || !(sep = *++bv->fm)) return 0; bv->fm++; /* Don't do the current truncation until we get back */ otruncwidth = bv->truncwidth; bv->truncwidth = 0; if (!putpromptchar(test == 1 && doprint, sep, txtchangep) || !*++bv->fm || !putpromptchar(test == 0 && doprint, ')', txtchangep)) { bv->truncwidth = otruncwidth; return 0; } bv->truncwidth = otruncwidth; continue; } if (!doprint) switch(*bv->fm) { case '[': while(idigit(*++bv->fm)); while(*++bv->fm != ']'); continue; case '<': while(*++bv->fm != '<'); continue; case '>': while(*++bv->fm != '>'); continue; case 'D': if(bv->fm[1]=='{') while(*++bv->fm != '}'); continue; default: continue; } switch (*bv->fm) { case '~': promptpath(pwd, arg, 1); break; case 'd': case '/': promptpath(pwd, arg, 0); break; case 'c': case '.': promptpath(pwd, arg ? arg : 1, 1); break; case 'C': promptpath(pwd, arg ? arg : 1, 0); break; case 'N': promptpath(scriptname ? scriptname : argzero, arg, 0); break; case 'h': case '!': addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); convbase(bv->bp, curhist, 10); bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; case 'j': for (numjobs = 0, j = 1; j <= maxjob; j++) if (jobtab[j].stat && jobtab[j].procs && !(jobtab[j].stat & STAT_NOPRINT)) numjobs++; addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); sprintf(bv->bp, "%d", numjobs); bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; case 'M': queue_signals(); if ((hostnam = getsparam("HOST"))) stradd(hostnam); unqueue_signals(); break; case 'm': if (!arg) arg++; queue_signals(); if (!(hostnam = getsparam("HOST"))) break; if (arg < 0) { for (ss = hostnam + strlen(hostnam); ss > hostnam; ss--) if (ss[-1] == '.' && !++arg) break; stradd(ss); } else { for (ss = hostnam; *ss; ss++) if (*ss == '.' && !--arg) break; stradd(*ss ? dupstrpfx(hostnam, ss - hostnam) : hostnam); } unqueue_signals(); break; case 'S': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTSTANDOUT, TXTNOSTANDOUT); txtset(TXTSTANDOUT); tsetcap(TCSTANDOUTBEG, TSC_PROMPT); break; case 's': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOSTANDOUT, TXTSTANDOUT); txtunset(TXTSTANDOUT); tsetcap(TCSTANDOUTEND, TSC_PROMPT|TSC_DIRTY); break; case 'B': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTBOLDFACE, TXTNOBOLDFACE); txtset(TXTBOLDFACE); tsetcap(TCBOLDFACEBEG, TSC_PROMPT|TSC_DIRTY); break; case 'b': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOBOLDFACE, TXTBOLDFACE); txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOSTANDOUT, TXTSTANDOUT); txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOUNDERLINE, TXTUNDERLINE); txtunset(TXTBOLDFACE); tsetcap(TCALLATTRSOFF, TSC_PROMPT|TSC_DIRTY); break; case 'U': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTUNDERLINE, TXTNOUNDERLINE); txtset(TXTUNDERLINE); tsetcap(TCUNDERLINEBEG, TSC_PROMPT); break; case 'u': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOUNDERLINE, TXTUNDERLINE); txtunset(TXTUNDERLINE); tsetcap(TCUNDERLINEEND, TSC_PROMPT|TSC_DIRTY); break; case 'F': arg = parsecolorchar(arg, 1); if (arg >= 0 && !(arg & TXTNOFGCOLOUR)) { txtchangeset(txtchangep, arg & TXT_ATTR_FG_ON_MASK, TXTNOFGCOLOUR); txtset(arg & TXT_ATTR_FG_ON_MASK); set_colour_attribute(arg, COL_SEQ_FG, TSC_PROMPT); break; } /* else FALLTHROUGH */ case 'f': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOFGCOLOUR, TXT_ATTR_FG_ON_MASK); txtunset(TXT_ATTR_FG_ON_MASK); set_colour_attribute(TXTNOFGCOLOUR, COL_SEQ_FG, TSC_PROMPT); break; case 'K': arg = parsecolorchar(arg, 0); if (arg >= 0 && !(arg & TXTNOBGCOLOUR)) { txtchangeset(txtchangep, arg & TXT_ATTR_BG_ON_MASK, TXTNOBGCOLOUR); txtset(arg & TXT_ATTR_BG_ON_MASK); set_colour_attribute(arg, COL_SEQ_BG, TSC_PROMPT); break; } /* else FALLTHROUGH */ case 'k': txtchangeset(txtchangep, TXTNOBGCOLOUR, TXT_ATTR_BG_ON_MASK); txtunset(TXT_ATTR_BG_ON_MASK); set_colour_attribute(TXTNOBGCOLOUR, COL_SEQ_BG, TSC_PROMPT); break; case '[': if (idigit(*++bv->fm)) arg = zstrtol(bv->fm, &bv->fm, 10); if (!prompttrunc(arg, ']', doprint, endchar, txtchangep)) return *bv->fm; break; case '<': case '>': /* Test (minus) here so -0 means "at the right margin" */ if (minus) { *bv->bp = '\0'; countprompt(bv->bufline, &t0, 0, 0); arg = zterm_columns - t0 + arg; if (arg <= 0) arg = 1; } if (!prompttrunc(arg, *bv->fm, doprint, endchar, txtchangep)) return *bv->fm; break; case '{': /*}*/ if (!bv->dontcount++) { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++ = Inpar; } if (arg <= 0) break; /* else */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'G': if (arg > 0) { addbufspc(arg); while (arg--) *bv->bp++ = Nularg; } else { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++ = Nularg; } break; case /*{*/ '}': if (bv->trunccount && bv->trunccount >= bv->dontcount) return *bv->fm; if (bv->dontcount && !--bv->dontcount) { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++ = Outpar; } break; case 't': case '@': case 'T': case '*': case 'w': case 'W': case 'D': { char *tmfmt, *dd, *tmbuf = NULL; switch (*bv->fm) { case 'T': tmfmt = "%K:%M"; break; case '*': tmfmt = "%K:%M:%S"; break; case 'w': tmfmt = "%a %f"; break; case 'W': tmfmt = "%m/%d/%y"; break; case 'D': if (bv->fm[1] == '{' /*}*/) { for (ss = bv->fm + 2; *ss && *ss != /*{*/ '}'; ss++) if(*ss == '\\' && ss[1]) ss++; dd = tmfmt = tmbuf = zalloc(ss - bv->fm); for (ss = bv->fm + 2; *ss && *ss != /*{*/ '}'; ss++) { if(*ss == '\\' && ss[1]) ss++; *dd++ = *ss; } *dd = 0; bv->fm = ss - !*ss; if (!*tmfmt) { free(tmbuf); continue; } } else tmfmt = "%y-%m-%d"; break; default: tmfmt = "%l:%M%p"; break; } gettimeofday(&tv, &dummy_tz); tm = localtime(&tv.tv_sec); /* * Hack because strftime won't say how * much space it actually needs. Try to add it * a few times until it works. Some formats don't * actually have a length, so we could go on for * ever. */ for(j = 0, t0 = strlen(tmfmt)*8; j < 3; j++, t0*=2) { addbufspc(t0); if (ztrftime(bv->bp, t0, tmfmt, tm, tv.tv_usec) >= 0) break; } /* There is enough room for this because addbufspc(t0) * allocates room for t0 * 2 bytes. */ metafy(bv->bp, -1, META_NOALLOC); bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); zsfree(tmbuf); break; } case 'n': stradd(get_username()); break; case 'l': if (*ttystrname) { ss = (strncmp(ttystrname, "/dev/tty", 8) ? ttystrname + 5 : ttystrname + 8); stradd(ss); } else stradd("()"); break; case 'y': if (*ttystrname) { ss = (strncmp(ttystrname, "/dev/", 5) ? ttystrname : ttystrname + 5); stradd(ss); } else stradd("()"); break; case 'L': addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); #if defined(ZLONG_IS_LONG_LONG) && defined(PRINTF_HAS_LLD) sprintf(bv->bp, "%lld", shlvl); #else sprintf(bv->bp, "%ld", (long)shlvl); #endif bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; case '?': addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); #if defined(ZLONG_IS_LONG_LONG) && defined(PRINTF_HAS_LLD) sprintf(bv->bp, "%lld", lastval); #else sprintf(bv->bp, "%ld", (long)lastval); #endif bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; case '%': case ')': addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++ = *bv->fm; break; case '#': addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++ = privasserted() ? '#' : '%'; break; case 'v': if (!arg) arg = 1; else if (arg < 0) arg += arrlen(psvar) + 1; if (arg > 0 && arrlen(psvar) >= arg) stradd(psvar[arg - 1]); break; case 'E': tsetcap(TCCLEAREOL, TSC_PROMPT); break; case '^': if (cmdsp) { if (arg >= 0) { if (arg > cmdsp || arg == 0) arg = cmdsp; for (t0 = cmdsp - 1; arg--; t0--) { stradd(cmdnames[cmdstack[t0]]); if (arg) { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++=' '; } } } else { arg = -arg; if (arg > cmdsp) arg = cmdsp; for (t0 = arg - 1; arg--; t0--) { stradd(cmdnames[cmdstack[t0]]); if (arg) { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++=' '; } } } } break; case '_': if (cmdsp) { if (arg >= 0) { if (arg > cmdsp || arg == 0) arg = cmdsp; for (t0 = cmdsp - arg; arg--; t0++) { stradd(cmdnames[cmdstack[t0]]); if (arg) { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++=' '; } } } else { arg = -arg; if (arg > cmdsp) arg = cmdsp; for (t0 = 0; arg--; t0++) { stradd(cmdnames[cmdstack[t0]]); if (arg) { addbufspc(1); *bv->bp++=' '; } } } } break; case 'r': if(bv->rstring) stradd(bv->rstring); break; case 'R': if(bv->Rstring) stradd(bv->Rstring); break; case 'e': { int depth = 0; Funcstack fsptr = funcstack; while (fsptr) { depth++; fsptr = fsptr->prev; } addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); sprintf(bv->bp, "%d", depth); bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; } case 'I': if (funcstack && funcstack->tp != FS_SOURCE && !IN_EVAL_TRAP()) { /* * We're in a function or an eval with * EVALLINENO. Calculate the line number in * the file. */ zlong flineno = lineno + funcstack->flineno; /* take account of eval line nos. starting at 1 */ if (funcstack->tp == FS_EVAL) lineno--; addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); #if defined(ZLONG_IS_LONG_LONG) && defined(PRINTF_HAS_LLD) sprintf(bv->bp, "%lld", flineno); #else sprintf(bv->bp, "%ld", (long)flineno); #endif bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; } /* else we're in a file and lineno is already correct */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'i': addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); #if defined(ZLONG_IS_LONG_LONG) && defined(PRINTF_HAS_LLD) sprintf(bv->bp, "%lld", lineno); #else sprintf(bv->bp, "%ld", (long)lineno); #endif bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); break; case 'x': if (funcstack && funcstack->tp != FS_SOURCE && !IN_EVAL_TRAP()) promptpath(funcstack->filename ? funcstack->filename : "", arg, 0); else promptpath(scriptfilename ? scriptfilename : argzero, arg, 0); break; case '\0': return 0; case Meta: bv->fm++; break; } } else if(*bv->fm == '!' && isset(PROMPTBANG)) { if(doprint) { if(bv->fm[1] == '!') { bv->fm++; addbufspc(1); pputc('!'); } else { addbufspc(DIGBUFSIZE); convbase(bv->bp, curhist, 10); bv->bp += strlen(bv->bp); } } } else { char c = *bv->fm == Meta ? *++bv->fm ^ 32 : *bv->fm; if (doprint) { addbufspc(1); pputc(c); } } } return *bv->fm; }
void oadd(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; if(n->right == nil){ /* unary + */ expr(n->left, res); return; } expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->fmt = l.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TFLOAT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type +"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->type = TINT; res->ival = l.ival+r.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->fval = l.ival+r.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type +"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->fval = l.fval+r.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->fval = l.fval+r.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type +"); } break; case TSTRING: if(r.type == TSTRING) { res->type = TSTRING; res->fmt = 's'; res->string = stradd(l.string, r.string); break; } if(r.type == TINT) { res->type = TSTRING; res->fmt = 's'; res->string = straddrune(l.string, r.ival); break; } error("bad rhs for +"); case TLIST: res->type = TLIST; switch(r.type) { case TLIST: res->l = addlist(l.l, r.l); break; default: r.left = 0; r.right = 0; res->l = addlist(l.l, construct(&r)); break; } } }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { printf("CasAES_CL2 Hyperthreaded AES-256 Encryption for OpenCL 2.0 processors - compiled 4/4/2015 Rev. 3\nCarter McCardwell, Northeastern University NUCAR - -\n\nPlease Wait...\n"); clock_t c_start, c_stop; c_start = clock(); //Create a clock to benchmark the time taken for execution FILE *infile; FILE *keyfile; FILE *outfile; FILE *cl_code; infile = fopen(argv[2], "r"); //The second argument is the infile if (infile == NULL) { printf("error_in"); return(1); } keyfile = fopen(argv[3], "rb"); //The third argument is the keyfile, it must be in hex and broken into two charactor parts (eg. AA BB CC ...) if (keyfile == NULL) { printf("error_key"); return(1); } outfile = fopen(argv[4], "w"); //The outfile, the encrypted results will be written here if (outfile == NULL) { printf("error (permission error: run with sudo or in directory the user owns)"); return (1); } int hexMode = 1; //The first argument dictates the mode the data is read in, 'h' indicates hex (AA BB CC is read in as AA BB CC), 'a' indicates ASCII/binary as the data is read verbatim if (strcmp(argv[1], "h") == 0) { hexMode = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "a") == 0) { hexMode = 0; } else { printf("error: first argument must be \'a\' for ASCII interpretation or \'h\' for hex interpretation\n"); return(1); } uint8_t key[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { fscanf(keyfile, "%x", &key[i]); //Read the private key in } //Calculate expanded key on the CPU K_Exp(&key); //The expansion runtime is faster to execute on the CPU (no kernel startup time) and we are able to store it in constant memory (see below) char *append_str = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable\n#define Nb 4\n#define Nr 14\n#define Nk 8\n\n__constant uint eK[60]={"; char *key_element; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) //The private key will be dynamically added to the source of the kernel before it is compiled, this means that it will be stored in constant memory { key_element = (char *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); sprintf(key_element, "%x", expanded_key[i]); append_str = stradd(append_str, "0x"); append_str = stradd(append_str, key_element); if (i != 59) { append_str = stradd(append_str, ","); } } free(key_element); append_str = stradd(append_str, "};\n"); cl_code = fopen("", "r"); if (cl_code == NULL) { printf("\nerror: clfile\n"); return(1); } char *source_str = (char *)malloc(MAX_SOURCE_SIZE); fread(source_str, 1, MAX_SOURCE_SIZE, cl_code); fclose(cl_code); append_str = stradd(append_str, source_str); size_t length = strlen(append_str); //Set OpenCL Context cl_int err; cl_platform_id platform; cl_context context; cl_command_queue queue; cl_device_id device; err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("platformid"); } err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("getdeivceid %i", err); } cl_uint numberOfCores; clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof(numberOfCores), &numberOfCores, NULL); printf("\nRunning with %i compute units", numberOfCores); //Utilize the maximum number of compute units cl_uint maxThreads; clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(maxThreads), &maxThreads, NULL); printf("\nRunning with %i threads per compute units", maxThreads); //Utilize the maximum number of threads/cu context = clCreateContext(0, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("context"); } queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, 0, &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("queue"); } cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &append_str, &length, &err); //Compile program with expanded key included in the source if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("createprogram"); } err = clBuildProgram(program, 1, &device, "-I ./ -cl-std=CL2.0", NULL, NULL); //The fourth parameter is specific to OpenCL 2.0 if (err == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) { printf("\nBuild Error = %i", err); // Determine the size of the log size_t log_size; clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &log_size); // Allocate memory for the log char *log = (char *) malloc(log_size); // Get the log clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, log_size, log, NULL); // Print the log printf("%s\n", log); } int BASIC_UNIT = 1024; int MAX_WORK_ITEMS = 256; unsigned int RUNNING_THREADS = MAX_WORK_ITEMS * BASIC_UNIT; printf("\nTotal states per cycle: %i", RUNNING_THREADS); //Generic platform-agnostic dispatch <iThreadDSP 1> <CPU/HPTCP Symol> uint8_t states[16 * RUNNING_THREADS]; for (int i = 0; i < 16*RUNNING_THREADS; i++) { states[i] = 0x00; } int ch = 0; unsigned int spawn = 0; int end = 1; unsigned int currentOffset = 0; while (end) { spawn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RUNNING_THREADS; i++) //Dispatch many control threads that will report back to main (for now 5x) - 1 worker per state { currentOffset = i*16; spawn++; for (int ix = 0; ix < 16; ix++) { if (hexMode == 1) { if (fscanf(infile, "%x", &states[currentOffset+ix]) != EOF) { ; } else { if (ix > 0) { for (int ixx = ix; ixx < 16; ixx++) { states[currentOffset+ixx] = 0x00; } } else { spawn--; } i = RUNNING_THREADS + 1; end = 0; break; } } else { ch = getc(infile); if (ch != EOF) { states[currentOffset+ix] = ch; } else { if (ix > 0) { for (int ixx = ix; ixx < 16; ixx++) { states[currentOffset+ixx] = 0x00; } } else { spawn--; } i = RUNNING_THREADS + 1; end = 0; break; } } } } if (spawn == 0) { break; } //arrange data correctly for (int i = 0; i < spawn; i++) { currentOffset = i*16; uint8_t temp[16]; memcpy(&temp[0], &states[currentOffset], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[4], &states[currentOffset+1], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[8], &states[currentOffset+2], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[12], &states[currentOffset+3], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[1], &states[currentOffset+4], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[5], &states[currentOffset+5], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[9], &states[currentOffset+6], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[13], &states[currentOffset+7], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[2], &states[currentOffset+8], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[6], &states[currentOffset+9], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[10], &states[currentOffset+10], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[14], &states[currentOffset+11], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[3], &states[currentOffset+12], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[7], &states[currentOffset+13], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[11], &states[currentOffset+14], sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&temp[15], &states[currentOffset+15], sizeof(uint8_t)); for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) { memcpy(&states[currentOffset+c], &temp[c], sizeof(uint8_t)); } } //Set data for workers---------- cl_mem dev_states; cl_int status = CL_SUCCESS; dev_states = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, 16*spawn*sizeof(uint8_t), states, &status); if (status != CL_SUCCESS || dev_states == NULL) { printf("\nclCreateBuffer: %i", status); } //status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, dev_states, CL_TRUE, 0, 16*spawn*sizeof(uint8_t), &states, 0, NULL, NULL); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("\nclEnqueueWriteBuffer: %i", status); } cl_kernel aesKernel = clCreateKernel(program, "CLRunnerntrl", &status); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("\nclCreateKernel: %i", status); } //status = clSetKernelArg(aesKernel, 0, 16*spawn*sizeof(uint8_t), &dev_states); status = clSetKernelArg(aesKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_states); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("\nclSetKernelArg: %i", status); } const size_t global_ws = spawn; size_t local_ws; if (spawn < BASIC_UNIT) { local_ws = 1; } else if (spawn % BASIC_UNIT > 0) { local_ws = (spawn/BASIC_UNIT) + 1; } else { local_ws = (spawn/BASIC_UNIT); } //printf("\nLocal: %i - Global: %i", local_ws, global_ws); cl_event event; status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, aesKernel, 1, NULL, &global_ws, &local_ws, 0, NULL, &event); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("\nclEnqueueNDRangeKernel: %i", status); } clWaitForEvents(1, &event); status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, dev_states, CL_TRUE, 0, 16*spawn*sizeof(uint8_t), &states, 0, NULL, NULL); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("\nclEnqueueReadBuffer: %i", status); } clReleaseMemObject(dev_states); for (int i = 0; i < spawn; i++) { currentOffset = i*16; for (int ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++) { char hex[3]; sprintf(hex, "%02x", states[currentOffset+ix]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { putc(hex[i], outfile); } sprintf(hex, "%02x", states[currentOffset+ix+4]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { putc(hex[i], outfile); } sprintf(hex, "%02x", states[currentOffset+ix+8]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { putc(hex[i], outfile); } sprintf(hex, "%02x", states[currentOffset+ix+12]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { putc(hex[i], outfile); } } } } c_stop = clock(); float diff = (((float)c_stop - (float)c_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) * 1000; printf("Done - Time taken: %f ms\n", diff); fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); fclose(keyfile); free(source_str); clReleaseContext(context); clReleaseCommandQueue(queue); return 0; }