static bool get_next_test_vector(test_vector_t *test) { param_t param = PARAM_UNKNOWN; char line[512]; memset(test, 0, sizeof(test_vector_t)); while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), { enumerator_t *enumerator; chunk_t value = chunk_empty; char *token; int i; switch (line[0]) { case '\n': case '\r': case '#': case '\0': /* copy comments, empty lines etc. directly to the output */ if (param != PARAM_UNKNOWN) { /* seems we got a complete test vector */ return TRUE; } fputs(line, ctx.out); continue; case '[': /* control directives */ fputs(line, ctx.out); if (strpfx(line, "[ENCRYPT]")) { ctx.decrypt = FALSE; } else if (strpfx(line, "[DECRYPT]")) { ctx.decrypt = TRUE; } else if (strcasepfx(line, "[IVlen = ")) { ctx.ivlen = atoi(line + strlen("[IVlen = ")); } else if (strcasepfx(line, "[Taglen = ")) { ctx.icvlen = atoi(line + strlen("[Taglen = ")); } continue; default: /* we assume the rest of the lines are PARAM = VALUE pairs*/ fputs(line, ctx.out); break; } i = 0; enumerator = enumerator_create_token(line, "=", " \n\r"); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &token)) { switch (i++) { case 0: /* PARAM */ param = parse_parameter(token); continue; case 1: /* VALUE */ if (param != PARAM_UNKNOWN && param != PARAM_COUNT) { value = chunk_from_hex(chunk_from_str(token), NULL); } else { value = chunk_empty; } continue; default: break; } break; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (i < 2) { value = chunk_empty; } switch (param) { case PARAM_KEY: test->key = value; break; case PARAM_IV: test->iv = value; test->external_iv = TRUE; break; case PARAM_PLAINTEXT: test->plain = value; break; case PARAM_CIPHERTEXT: test->cipher = value; break; case PARAM_AAD: test->aad = value; break; case PARAM_ICV: test->icv = value; break; default: chunk_free(&value); break; } } if (param != PARAM_UNKNOWN) { /* could be that the file ended with a complete test vector */ return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/* * Creates a new joystick calibrator window. */ jc_struct *JCNew(gint argc, gchar **argv) { gint i, status; const gchar *s, *s2, *arg; js_data_struct *jsd; jc_struct *jc = (jc_struct *)g_malloc0(sizeof(jc_struct)); if(jc == NULL) return(jc); /* Begin resetting jc structure. */ jc->initialized = TRUE; jc->map_state = FALSE; jc->processing = FALSE; /* Reset joystick data structure values. */ jsd = &jc->jsd; jsd->name = NULL; jsd->axis = NULL; jsd->total_axises = 0; jsd->button = NULL; jsd->total_buttons = 0; jsd->device_name = NULL; jsd->calibration_file = NULL; jsd->fd = -1; jsd->flags = 0; jsd->driver_version = 0; jc->manage_toid = (guint)-1; jc->calib_file = NULL; jc->tried_load_device_on_init = FALSE; /* Set default joystick calibration file path. */ s = g_getenv(ENV_VAR_NAME_HOME); if(s == NULL) s2 = JSDefaultCalibration; else s2 = PrefixPaths(s, JSDefaultCalibration); jc->calib_file = STRDUP(s2); jc->tried_load_device_on_init = FALSE; /* Reset has changes marker. */ jc->has_changes = FALSE; /* Create widgets for the joystick calibrator window. */ status = JCCreateWidgets(jc, argc, argv); if(status) { g_free(jc); jc = NULL; return(jc); } /* Set timeout callback. */ jc->manage_toid = gtk_timeout_add( 16, /* Every 16 milliseconds. */ (GtkFunction)JCTimeoutCB, (gpointer)jc ); /* Handle arguments. */ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { arg = argv[i]; if(arg == NULL) continue; /* Specify alternate calibration file. */ if(strcasepfx(arg, "-f")) { i++; if(i < argc) { g_free(jc->calib_file); jc->calib_file = (argv[i] != NULL) ? g_strdup(argv[i]) : NULL; } else { g_printerr( "%s: Requires argument.\n", argv[i - 1] ); } } /* Specify startup device. */ else if(strcasepfx(arg, "-d")) { i++; if(i < argc) { GtkCombo *combo = (GtkCombo *)jc->js_device_combo; if(combo != NULL) gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY(combo->entry), argv[i] ); } else { g_printerr( "%s: Requires argument.\n", argv[i - 1] ); } } } return(jc); }
static bool servicing(void *data, stream_t *stream) { test_service_t *test = (test_service_t*)data; char buf[1024], hdr[256], *start, *end = NULL, *body = NULL, *type = NULL; struct tm tm; time_t t; ssize_t len, tot = 0; int nr = 0; start = buf; /* parse method and headers */ while (end != start) { len = stream->read(stream, buf + tot, sizeof(buf) - tot, TRUE); ck_assert(len > 0); tot += len; while (TRUE) { end = memchr(start, '\n', tot); if (!end) { break; } *end = '\0'; ck_assert(end > buf); ck_assert(*(--end) == '\r'); *end = '\0'; if (end == start) { body = end + strlen("\r\n"); break; } switch (nr++) { case 0: snprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr), "%s %s HTTP/1.%u", test->meth, test->path, test->minor); ck_assert_str_eq(hdr, start); break; default: if (strcasepfx(start, "Content-Length: ")) { ck_assert_int_eq( atoi(start + strlen("Content-Length: ")), test->req_len); } if (strcasepfx(start, "Content-Type: ")) { type = start + strlen("Content-Type: "); } break; } start = end + strlen("\r\n"); } } if (test->type) { ck_assert(type); ck_assert_str_eq(type, test->type); } /* request body */ if (test->req_len) { ck_assert(stream->read_all(stream, buf + tot, test->req_len - (tot - (body - buf)))); ck_assert(memeq(body, test->req, test->req_len)); } if (!test->code) { test->code = 200; } /* response headers */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "HTTP/1.%u %u OK\r\n", test->minor, test->code); ck_assert(stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); /* if the response code indicates an error the following write operations * might fail because the client already terminated the TCP connection */ #define may_fail(test, op) ck_assert(op || !HTTP_SUCCESS(test->code)) t = time(NULL); gmtime_r(&t, &tm); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", &tm); may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Server: strongSwan unit test\r\n"); may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); /* rest of response headers */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Content-Length: %u\r\n", test->res_len); may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Connection: close\r\n"); may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\r\n"); may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, buf, strlen(buf))); /* response body */ may_fail(test, stream->write_all(stream, test->res, test->res_len)); return FALSE; }