char * exists_with_extension(char *s, char *ext) /****************************************************************************** purpose : return s.ext or s.EXT if it exists otherwise return NULL ******************************************************************************/ { char *t,*x; FILE *fp; t=strdup_together(s,ext); fp=fopen(t,"r"); diagnostics(4,"trying to open %s, result = %0x",t,fp); if (fp) { fclose(fp); return t; } free(t); /* now try upper case version of ext */ x=upper_case_string(ext); t=strdup_together(s,x); free(x); fp=fopen(t,"r"); diagnostics(4,"trying to open %s, result = %0x",t,fp); if (fp) { fclose(fp); return t; } free(t); return NULL; }
/****************************************************************************** purpose: returns a new string consisting of s+t+u ******************************************************************************/ char *strdup_together3(const char *s, const char *t, const char *u) { char *two, *three; two = strdup_together(s,t); three = strdup_together(two,u); free(two); return three; }
static char * SaveEquationAsFile(char *pre, char *eq, char *post) { FILE * f; char name[15]; char *tmp_dir, *fullname, *texname; static int file_number = 0; /* create needed file names */ file_number++; tmp_dir = getTmpPath(); #ifdef INLINE_EQ_ALIGN if(g_inline_eq_align&&!strcmp(pre,"$")) sprintf(name, "l2r-%04d", file_number); else #endif sprintf(name, "l2r_%04d", file_number); fullname = strdup_together(tmp_dir, name); texname = strdup_together(fullname,".tex"); diagnostics(4, "SaveEquationAsFile =%s", texname); f = fopen(texname,"w"); while (eq && (*eq == '\n' || *eq == ' ')) eq++; /* skip whitespace */ if (f) { fprintf(f, "%s", g_preamble); fprintf(f, "\\thispagestyle{empty}\n"); fprintf(f, "\\begin{document}\n"); fprintf(f, "\\setcounter{equation}{%d}\n",getCounter("equation")); if (strstr(pre, "equation")) fprintf(f, "$$%s$$", eq); #ifdef INLINE_EQ_ALIGN else if(g_inline_eq_align&&!strcmp(pre,"$")) fprintf(f, "%s.\\quad %s%s", pre, eq, post); #endif else fprintf(f, "%s%s%s", pre, eq, post); fprintf(f, "\n\\end{document}"); fclose(f); } else { free(fullname); fullname = NULL; } free(tmp_dir); free(texname); return(fullname); }
static void PutGifFile(char *s, double scale, double baseline, int full_path) /****************************************************************************** purpose : Insert GIF file (from g_home_dir) into RTF file as a PNG image ******************************************************************************/ { char *cmd, *gif, *png, *tmp_png; size_t cmd_len; diagnostics(1, "filename = <%s>", s); png = strdup_new_extension(s, ".gif", ".png"); if (png == NULL) { png = strdup_new_extension(s, ".GIF", ".png"); if (png == NULL) return; } tmp_png = strdup_tmp_path(png); gif = strdup_together(g_home_dir,s); cmd_len = strlen(gif)+strlen(tmp_png)+10; cmd = (char *) malloc(cmd_len); snprintf(cmd, cmd_len, "convert %s %s", gif, tmp_png); diagnostics(2, "system graphics command = [%s]", cmd); system(cmd); PutPngFile(tmp_png, scale, baseline, TRUE); my_unlink(tmp_png); free(tmp_png); free(cmd); free(gif); free(png); }
/****************************************************************************** purpose: returns a new string consisting of s+t+u+v ******************************************************************************/ char *strdup_together4(const char *s, const char *t, const char *u, const char *v) { char *four, *three; three = strdup_together3(s,t,u); four = strdup_together(three,v); free(three); return four; }
static void PutPictFile(char * s, double scale, double baseline, int full_path) /****************************************************************************** purpose : Include .pict file in RTF ******************************************************************************/ { FILE *fp; char *pict; short buffer[5]; short top, left, bottom, right; int width, height; if (full_path) pict = strdup(s); else pict = strdup_together(g_home_dir, s); diagnostics(1, "PutPictFile <%s>", pict); fp = fopen(pict, "rb"); free(pict); if (fp == NULL) return; if (fseek(fp, 514L, SEEK_SET) || fread(buffer, 2, 4, fp) != 4) { diagnostics (WARNING, "Cannot read graphics file <%s>", s); fclose(fp); return; } top = buffer[0]; left = buffer[1]; bottom = buffer[2]; right = buffer[3]; width = right - left; height = bottom - top; if (g_little_endian) { top = LETONS(top); bottom = LETONS(bottom); left = LETONS(left); right = LETONS(right); } diagnostics(4,"top = %d, bottom = %d", top, bottom); diagnostics(4,"left = %d, right = %d", left, right); diagnostics(4,"width = %d, height = %d", width, height); fprintRTF("\n{\\pict\\macpict\\picw%d\\pich%d\n", width, height); if (scale != 1.0) { int iscale = (int) (scale * 100); fprintRTF("\\picscalex%d\\picscaley%d", iscale, iscale); } fseek(fp, -10L, SEEK_CUR); PutHexFile(fp); fprintRTF("}\n"); fclose(fp); }
static char * get_latex2png_name() { #ifdef MSDOS return strdup(" /e:2048 /c latex2pn"); #else return strdup_together(g_script_path, "latex2png"); #endif }
void PutLatexFile(char *s, double scale, char *pre) /****************************************************************************** purpose : Convert LaTeX to Bitmap and insert in RTF file ******************************************************************************/ { char *png, *cmd, *l2p; int err, baseline,second_pass; size_t cmd_len; unsigned long width, height, rw, rh; unsigned long maxsize=(unsigned long) (32767.0/20.0); int resolution = g_dots_per_inch; /*points per inch */ diagnostics(4, "Entering PutLatexFile"); png = strdup_together(s,".png"); l2p = get_latex2png_name(); cmd_len = strlen(l2p)+strlen(s)+25; if (g_home_dir) cmd_len += strlen(g_home_dir); cmd = (char *) malloc(cmd_len); do { second_pass = FALSE; /* only needed if png is too large for Word */ if (g_home_dir==NULL) snprintf(cmd, cmd_len, "%s -d %d %s", l2p, resolution, s); else snprintf(cmd, cmd_len, "%s -d %d -H \"%s\" %s", l2p, resolution, g_home_dir, s); diagnostics(2, "system graphics command = [%s]", cmd); err=system(cmd); if (err) break; GetPngSize(png, &width, &height); baseline=GetBaseline(s, pre); diagnostics(4, "png size height=%d baseline=%d width=%d", height, baseline, width); if( (width>maxsize && height!=0) || (height>maxsize && width!=0) ){ second_pass = TRUE; rw=(unsigned long) ((resolution*maxsize)/width); rh=(unsigned long) ((resolution*maxsize)/height); resolution=rw<rh?(int)rw:(int)rh; } } while (resolution>10 && ( (width>maxsize) || (height>maxsize)) ); if (err==0) PutPngFile(png, scale*72.0/resolution, (double) baseline, TRUE); free(l2p); free(png); free(cmd); }
void newEnvironment(char *name, char *opt_param, char *begdef, char *enddef, int params) /************************************************************************** purpose: allocates and initializes a \newenvironment name should not begin with a '\' **************************************************************************/ { if (iNewEnvironmentCount==MAX_ENVIRONMENTS){ diagnostics(WARNING,"Too many newenvironments, ignoring %s", name); return; } NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].name=strdup(name); NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].begname=strdup_together("\\begin{",name); NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].endname=strdup_together("\\end{",name); NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].begdef=strdup(begdef); NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].enddef=strdup(enddef); NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].params=params; if (opt_param) { NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].opt_param=strdup(opt_param); if (NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].opt_param==NULL) { diagnostics(ERROR, "\nCannot allocate opt_param for \\newenvironment{%s}", name); } } else { NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].opt_param=NULL; } if (NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].name ==NULL || NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].begdef ==NULL || NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].begname==NULL || NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].endname==NULL || NewEnvironments[iNewEnvironmentCount].enddef ==NULL) { diagnostics(ERROR, "Cannot allocate memory for \\newenvironment{%s}", name); } iNewEnvironmentCount++; }
static char * strdup_new_extension(char *s, char *old_ext, char *new_ext) { char *new_name, *p; p=strstr(s,old_ext); if (p==NULL) return NULL; new_name = strdup_together(s,new_ext); p=strstr(new_name,old_ext); strcpy(p,new_ext); return new_name; }
static char * strdup_tmp_path(char *s) /****************************************************************************** purpose : create a tmp file name using only the end of the filename ******************************************************************************/ { char *tmp, *p, *fullname, c; if (s==NULL) return NULL; tmp = getTmpPath(); c = PATHSEP; p=strrchr(s,c); if (!p) fullname = strdup_together(tmp,s); else fullname = strdup_together(tmp,p+1); free(tmp); return fullname; }
void PutPngFile(char * s, double scale, double baseline, int full_path) /****************************************************************************** purpose : Include .png file in RTF ******************************************************************************/ { FILE *fp; char *png; unsigned long width, height, w, h, b; int iscale; if (full_path) png = strdup(s); else png = strdup_together(g_home_dir, s); diagnostics(2, "PutPngFile <%s>",png); GetPngSize(png, &width, &height); diagnostics(4,"width = %ld, height = %ld, baseline = %g", width, height, baseline); if (width==0 || height==0) return; fp = fopen(png, "rb"); free(png); if (fp == NULL) return; w = (unsigned long)( 100000.0*width )/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M ); h = (unsigned long)( 100000.0*height )/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M ); b = (unsigned long)( 100000.0*baseline*scale)/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M ); diagnostics(4,"width = %ld, height = %ld, baseline = %ld", w, h, b); fprintRTF("\n{"); if (b) fprintRTF("\\dn%ld",b); fprintRTF("\\pict\\pngblip\\picw%ld\\pich%ld", w, h); fprintRTF("\\picwgoal%ld\\pichgoal%ld", width*20, height*20); if (scale != 1.0) { iscale = (int) (scale * 100); fprintRTF("\\picscalex%d\\picscaley%d", iscale, iscale); } fprintRTF("\n"); rewind(fp); PutHexFile(fp); fprintRTF("}\n"); fclose(fp); }
static char * strdup_absolute_path(char *s) /****************************************************************************** purpose : return a string containing an absolute path ******************************************************************************/ { char c = PATHSEP; char *abs_path=NULL; if (s) { if (*s==c || g_home_dir==NULL) abs_path = strdup(s); else abs_path = strdup_together(g_home_dir, s); } return abs_path; }
static char * eps_to_pict(char *s) /****************************************************************************** purpose : create a pict file from an EPS file and return file name for the pict file. Ideally this file will contain both the bitmap and the original EPS embedded in the PICT file as comments. If a bitmap cannot be created, then the EPS is still embedded in the PICT file so that at least the printed version will be good. ******************************************************************************/ { char *cmd, *p, buffer[560]; size_t cmd_len; long ii, pict_bitmap_size, eps_size; short err,handle_size; unsigned char byte; short PostScriptBegin = 190; short PostScriptEnd = 191; short PostScriptHandle = 192; char *pict_bitmap =NULL; char *pict_eps =NULL; char *eps =NULL; char *return_value =NULL; FILE *fp_eps =NULL; FILE *fp_pict_bitmap =NULL; FILE *fp_pict_eps =NULL; diagnostics(2, "eps_to_pict filename = <%s>", s); /* Create filename for bitmap */ p = strdup_new_extension(s, ".eps", "a.pict"); if (p == NULL) { p = strdup_new_extension(s, ".EPS", "a.pict"); if (p == NULL) goto Exit; } pict_bitmap = strdup_tmp_path(p); free(p); /* Create filename for eps file */ p = strdup_new_extension(s, ".eps", ".pict"); if (p == NULL) { p = strdup_new_extension(s, ".EPS", ".pict"); if (p == NULL) goto Exit; } pict_eps = strdup_tmp_path(p); free(p); eps = strdup_together(g_home_dir,s); /* create a bitmap version of the eps file */ cmd_len = strlen(eps)+strlen(pict_bitmap)+strlen("convert -crop 0x0 -density ")+40; cmd = (char *) malloc(cmd_len); snprintf(cmd, cmd_len, "convert -crop 0x0 -density %d %s %s", g_dots_per_inch, eps, pict_bitmap); diagnostics(2, "system graphics command = [%s]", cmd); err = system(cmd); free(cmd); if (err!=0) diagnostics(WARNING, "problem creating bitmap from %s", eps); else return_value = pict_bitmap; /* open the eps file and make sure that it is less than 32k */ fp_eps = fopen (eps, "rb"); if (fp_eps==NULL) goto Exit; fseek(fp_eps, 0, SEEK_END); eps_size = ftell (fp_eps); if (eps_size > 32000) { diagnostics(WARNING, "EPS file >32K ... using bitmap only"); goto Exit; } rewind (fp_eps); diagnostics(WARNING, "eps size is 0x%X bytes", eps_size); /*open bitmap pict file and get file size */ fp_pict_bitmap = fopen(pict_bitmap, "rb"); if (fp_pict_bitmap == NULL) goto Exit; fseek(fp_pict_bitmap, 0, SEEK_END); pict_bitmap_size = ftell(fp_pict_bitmap); rewind(fp_pict_bitmap); /*open new pict file */ fp_pict_eps = fopen(pict_eps, "w"); if (fp_pict_eps == NULL) goto Exit; /*copy header 512 buffer + 40 byte header*/ if (fread( &buffer,1,512+40,fp_pict_bitmap)!=512+40) goto Exit; if (fwrite(&buffer,1,512+40,fp_pict_eps)!=512+40) goto Exit; /* insert comment that allows embedding postscript */ PicComment(PostScriptBegin,0,fp_pict_eps); /*copy bitmap 512+40 bytes of header + 2 bytes at end */ for (ii=512+40+2; ii<pict_bitmap_size; ii++) { if(fread (&byte,1,1,fp_pict_bitmap)!=1) goto Exit; if(fwrite(&byte,1,1,fp_pict_eps )!=1) goto Exit; } /*copy eps graphic (write an even number of bytes) */ handle_size = eps_size; if (odd(eps_size)) handle_size ++; PicComment(PostScriptHandle,handle_size,fp_pict_eps); for (ii=0; ii<eps_size; ii++) { if(fread(&byte,1,1,fp_eps)!=1) goto Exit; if(fwrite(&byte,1,1,fp_pict_eps)!=1) goto Exit; } if (odd(eps_size)) { byte = ' '; if(fwrite(&byte,1,1,fp_pict_eps) !=1) goto Exit; } /*close file*/ PicComment(PostScriptEnd,0,fp_pict_eps); byte = 0x00; if (fwrite(&byte,1,1,fp_pict_eps)!=1) goto Exit; byte = 0xFF; if (fwrite(&byte,1,1,fp_pict_eps)!=1) goto Exit; return_value= pict_eps; Exit: if (eps) free(eps); if (pict_eps) free(pict_eps); if (pict_bitmap) free(pict_bitmap); if (fp_eps) fclose(fp_eps); if (fp_pict_eps) fclose(fp_pict_eps); if (fp_pict_bitmap) fclose(fp_pict_bitmap); return return_value; }
void TikzToPng(char *tikzcode,char *exts) { char *fullname, *tmp_dir, *texname, *auxname, *logname, *pdfname, *pngname, *destname; FILE *f; static int file_number = 0; char name[15]; file_number++; tmp_dir = getTmpPath(); snprintf(name,15,"t2p_%04d",file_number); fullname = strdup_together(tmp_dir,name); texname = strdup_together(fullname,".tex"); pdfname = strdup_together(fullname,".pdf"); auxname = strdup_together(fullname,".aux"); logname = strdup_together(fullname,".log"); f = fopen(texname, "w"); fprintf(f,"\\documentclass[varwidth=true,border=10pt]{standalone}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\usepackage{mathtext}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\usepackage[%s]{inputenc}\n",g_charset_encoding_name); fprintf(f,"\\usepackage[russian]{babel}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\usepackage{tikz}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\usepackage{gnuplot-lua-tikz}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\begin{document}\n"); int i; for (i=0;i<tikzlibsnum;i++) { fprintf(f,"\\usetikzlibrary{%s}\n",tikzlibs[i]); } if (exts!=NULL) fprintf(f,"\\begin{tikzpicture}[%s]\n",exts); else fprintf(f,"\\begin{tikzpicture}\n"); fprintf(f,"\n%s\n",tikzcode); fprintf(f,"\\end{tikzpicture}\n"); fprintf(f,"\\end{document}\n"); fclose(f); int cmd_len = strlen("pdflatex") + strlen(texname)+32+strlen(" >/dev/null"); char *cmd = (char *)malloc(cmd_len); snprintf(cmd, cmd_len, "pdflatex %s >/dev/null",texname); char *oldcwd = (char *)malloc(1024); getcwd(oldcwd,1024); chdir(tmp_dir); int err = system(cmd); chdir(oldcwd); free(cmd); if (!err) PutPdfFile(pdfname,g_png_figure_scale,0,TRUE); if (g_figs_extract && g_processing_figure) { struct stat st ={0}; if (stat(g_figsdir, &st) == -1) { mkdir(g_figsdir,0755); } g_fignum++; char *figname = (char *)malloc(15*sizeof(char)); snprintf(figname,15,"Ris%d.png",g_fignum); destname = strdup_together(g_figsdir,"/"); pngname = strdup_together(destname,figname); cmd_len = strlen("convert -alpha off -density 300x300 ")+strlen(destname)+strlen(pdfname)+32; cmd = (char *) malloc(cmd_len); snprintf(cmd,cmd_len,"convert -density 300x300 %s -alpha off %s ",pdfname,pngname); printf(cmd); system(cmd); free(cmd); free(destname); free(pngname); } remove(texname); remove(auxname); remove(pdfname); remove(logname); free(oldcwd); free(fullname); free(texname); free(auxname); free(pdfname); free(logname); free(tmp_dir); }
long GetBaseline(char *s, char *pre) /**************************************************************************** purpose: reads a .pbm file to determine the baseline for an equation the .pbm file should have dimensions of 1xheight ****************************************************************************/ { FILE *fp; int thechar; char *pbm; char magic[250]; long baseline, width, height, items, top, bottom; /* baseline=0 if not an inline image */ if ((strcmp(pre,"$")!=0) && (strcmp(pre,"\\begin{math}")!=0) && (strcmp(pre,"\\(")!=0)) return 0; pbm = strdup_together(s,".pbm"); baseline = 4; diagnostics(4, "GetBaseline opening=<%s>",pbm); fp = fopen(pbm, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) {free(pbm); return baseline;} items = fscanf(fp,"%2s", magic); /* ensure that file begins with "P4" */ if ((items!=1) || (strcmp(magic,"P4")!=0)) goto Exit; items = fscanf(fp," %s", magic); while ((items==1) && (magic[0]=='#')) { /* skip any comment lines in pbm file */ if (!ReadLine(fp)) goto Exit; items = fscanf(fp,"%s", magic); } items = sscanf(magic, "%ld", &width); /* make sure image width is 1 */ if ((items != 1) || (width != 1)) goto Exit; items=fscanf(fp," %ld", &height); /* read height */ if (items != 1) goto Exit; diagnostics(4, "width=%ld height=%ld", width, height); if (!ReadLine(fp)) goto Exit; /* pixel map should start on next line */ for (top=height; top>0; top--) { /* seek first black pixel (0x00) */ thechar = getc(fp); if (thechar == EOF) goto Exit; if (thechar != 0 ) break; } for (bottom=top-1; bottom>0; bottom--) { /* seek first black pixel (0x00) */ thechar = getc(fp); if (thechar == EOF) goto Exit; if (thechar == 0 ) break; } baseline = (bottom+top)/2; diagnostics(4, "top=%ld bottom=%ld baseline=%ld", top, bottom, baseline); Exit: free(pbm); fclose(fp); return baseline; }
static void PutWmfFile(char *s, double scale, double baseline, int full_path) /****************************************************************************** purpose : Insert WMF file (from g_home_dir) into RTF file ******************************************************************************/ { FILE *fp; char *wmf; unsigned long Key; /* Magic number (always 0x9AC6CDD7) */ unsigned short FileType; /* Type of metafile (0=memory, 1=disk) */ unsigned short HeaderSize; /* Size of header in WORDS (always 9) */ unsigned short Handle; /* Metafile HANDLE number (always 0) */ short Left; /* Left coordinate in twips */ short Top; /* Top coordinate in twips */ short Right; /* Right coordinate in twips */ short Bottom; /* Bottom coordinate in twips */ int width, height; unsigned long int magic_number = (unsigned long int) 0x9AC6CDD7; /* open the proper file */ wmf = strdup_together(g_home_dir,s); diagnostics(1, "PutWmfFile <%s>", wmf); fp = fopen(wmf, "rb"); free(wmf); if (fp == NULL) return; /* verify file is actually WMF and get size */ if (fread(&Key,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (!g_little_endian) Key = LETONL(Key); if (Key == magic_number) { /* file is placeable metafile */ if (fread(&Handle,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&Left,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&Top,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&Right,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&Bottom,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (!g_little_endian) { Left = LETONS(Left); Top = LETONS(Top); Right = LETONS(Right); Bottom = LETONS(Bottom); } width = abs(Right - Left); height = abs(Top-Bottom); } else { /* file may be old wmf file with no size */ rewind(fp); if (fread(&FileType,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&HeaderSize,2,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (!g_little_endian) { FileType = (unsigned short) LETONS(FileType); HeaderSize = (unsigned short) LETONS(HeaderSize); } if (FileType != 0 && FileType != 1) goto out; if (HeaderSize != 9) goto out; /* real wmf file ... just assume size */ width = 200; height = 200; } diagnostics(4,"width = %d, height = %d", width, height); fprintRTF("\n{\\pict\\wmetafile1\\picw%d\\pich%d\n", width, height); if (scale != 1.0) { int iscale = (int) (scale * 100); fprintRTF("\\picscalex%d\\picscaley%d", iscale, iscale); } rewind(fp); PutHexFile(fp); fprintRTF("}\n"); fclose(fp); return; out: diagnostics(WARNING,"Problem with file %s --- not included",s); fclose(fp); }
static void PutEmfFile(char *s, double scale, double baseline, int full_path) { FILE *fp; char *emf; unsigned long RecordType; /* Record type (always 0x00000001)*/ unsigned long RecordSize; /* Size of the record in bytes */ long BoundsLeft; /* Left inclusive bounds */ long BoundsRight; /* Right inclusive bounds */ long BoundsTop; /* Top inclusive bounds */ long BoundsBottom; /* Bottom inclusive bounds */ long FrameLeft; /* Left side of inclusive picture frame */ long FrameRight; /* Right side of inclusive picture frame */ long FrameTop; /* Top side of inclusive picture frame */ long FrameBottom; /* Bottom side of inclusive picture frame */ unsigned long Signature; /* Signature ID (always 0x464D4520) */ unsigned long w,h,width,height; if (full_path) emf = strdup(s); else emf = strdup_together(g_home_dir, s); diagnostics(1, "PutEmfFile <%s>",emf); fp = fopen(emf,"rb"); free(emf); if (fp == NULL) return; /* extract size information*/ if (fread(&RecordType,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&RecordSize,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&BoundsLeft,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&BoundsTop,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&BoundsRight,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&BoundsBottom,4,1,fp)!= 1) goto out; if (fread(&FrameLeft,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&FrameRight,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&FrameTop,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&FrameBottom,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (fread(&Signature,4,1,fp) != 1) goto out; if (!g_little_endian) { RecordType = LETONL(RecordType); RecordSize = LETONL(RecordSize); BoundsLeft = LETONL(BoundsLeft); BoundsTop = LETONL(BoundsTop); BoundsRight = LETONL(BoundsRight); BoundsBottom = LETONL(BoundsBottom); FrameLeft = LETONL(FrameLeft); FrameRight = LETONL(FrameRight); FrameTop = LETONL(FrameTop); FrameBottom = LETONL(FrameBottom); Signature = LETONL(Signature); } if (RecordType != 1 || Signature != 0x464D4520) goto out; height = (unsigned long) (BoundsBottom-BoundsTop); width = (unsigned long) (BoundsRight-BoundsLeft); w = (unsigned long)(( 100000.0*width )/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M )); h = (unsigned long)(( 100000.0*height )/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M )); diagnostics(4,"width = %ld, height = %ld", width, height); fprintRTF("\n{\\pict\\emfblip\\picw%ld\\pich%ld", w, h); fprintRTF("\\picwgoal%ld\\pichgoal%ld\n", width*20, height*20); if (scale != 1.0) { int iscale = (int) (scale * 100); fprintRTF("\\picscalex%d\\picscaley%d", iscale, iscale); } /* write file */ rewind(fp); PutHexFile(fp); fprintRTF("}\n"); fclose(fp); return; out: diagnostics(WARNING,"Problem with file %s --- not included",s); fclose(fp); }
static void PutJpegFile(char * s, double scale, double baseline, int full_path) /****************************************************************************** purpose : Include .jpeg file in RTF ******************************************************************************/ { FILE *fp; char *jpg; unsigned short buffer[2]; int m,c; unsigned short width, height; unsigned long w, h; jpg = strdup_together(g_home_dir,s); fp = fopen(jpg, "rb"); free(jpg); if (fp == NULL) return; if ((c=fgetc(fp)) != 0xFF && (c=fgetc(fp)) != 0xD8) { fclose(fp); diagnostics(WARNING, "<%s> is not really a JPEG file --- skipping"); return; } do { /* Look for SOFn tag */ while (!feof(fp) && fgetc(fp) != 0xFF){} /* Find 0xFF byte */ while (!feof(fp) && (m=fgetc(fp)) == 0xFF){} /* Skip multiple 0xFFs */ } while (!feof(fp) && m!=0xC0 && m!=0xC1 && m!=0xC2 && m!=0xC3 && m!=0xC5 && m!=0xC6 && m!=0xC7 && m!=0xC9 && m!=0xCA && m!=0xCB && m!=0xCD && m!=0xCE && m!=0xCF ); if (fseek(fp, 3, SEEK_CUR) || fread(buffer,2,2,fp) != 2) { diagnostics (WARNING, "Cannot read graphics file <%s>", s); fclose(fp); return; } width = buffer[1]; height = buffer[0]; if (g_little_endian) { width = (unsigned short) LETONS(width); height = (unsigned short) LETONS(height); } diagnostics(4,"width = %d, height = %d", width, height); w = (unsigned long)( 100000.0*width )/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M ); h = (unsigned long)( 100000.0*height )/ ( 20* POINTS_PER_M ); fprintRTF("\n{\\pict\\jpegblip\\picw%ld\\pich%ld", w, h); fprintRTF("\\picwgoal%ld\\pichgoal%ld\n", width*20, height*20); if (scale != 1.0) { int iscale = (int) (scale * 100); fprintRTF("\\picscalex%d\\picscaley%d", iscale, iscale); } rewind(fp); PutHexFile(fp); fprintRTF("}\n"); fclose(fp); }
void CmdGraphics(int code) /* \includegraphics[parameters]{filename} where parameters is a comma-separated list of any of the following: bb=llx lly urx ury (bounding box), width=h_length, height=v_length, angle=angle, scale=factor, clip=true/false, draft=true/false. code=0 => includegraphics code=1 => epsffile code=2 => epsfbox code=3 => \BoxedSPSF code=4 => psfig */ { char *options,*options2; char *filename,*fullpathname, *fullname; double scale=1.0; double baseline=0.0; double x; char *p; if (code==0) { /* could be \includegraphics*[0,0][5,5]{file.pict} */ options = getBracketParam(); options2 = getBracketParam(); if (options2) free(options2); if (options) { /* \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{file.png} */ p = strstr(options,"scale"); if (p) { p = strchr(p,'='); if (p && (sscanf(p+1,"%lf", &x) == 1)) scale = x; } free(options); } filename = getBraceParam(); diagnostics(1, "image scale = %g", scale); if (g_figs_extract && g_processing_figure) { struct stat st ={0}; if (stat(g_figsdir, &st) == -1) { mkdir(g_figsdir,0755); } g_fignum++; char *name = (char *)malloc(15*sizeof(char)); snprintf(name,15,"Ris%d.png",g_fignum); char *destname = strdup_together(g_figsdir,"/"); char *pngname = strdup_together(destname,name); int cmd_len = strlen("convert -alpha off -density 300x300 ") + strlen(destname) + strlen(filename)+32; char *cmd = (char *) malloc(cmd_len); snprintf(cmd,cmd_len,"convert -density 300x300 %s -alpha off %s ",filename,pngname); system(cmd); free(cmd); free(destname); free(pngname); free(name); } } if (code==1) { /* \epsffile{filename.eps} */ filename = getBraceParam(); } if (code==2) { /* \epsfbox[0 0 30 50]{} */ options = getBracketParam(); if (options) free(options); filename = getBraceParam(); } if (code==3) { /* \BoxedEPSF{filename [scaled nnn]} */ char *s; filename = getBraceParam(); s= strchr(filename,' '); if (s) *s='\0'; } if (code==4) { /* \psfig{figure=filename,height=hhh,width=www} */ char *s, *t; filename = getBraceParam(); s = strstr(filename,"figure="); if (!s) return; s += strlen("figure="); t = strchr(s,','); if (t) *t='\0'; t = strdup(s); free(filename); filename = t; } SetTexMode(MODE_HORIZONTAL); fullname=strdup_absolute_path(filename); fullpathname=append_graphic_extension(fullname); free(fullname); if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".pict")) PutPictFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".png")) PutPngFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".gif")) PutGifFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".emf")) PutEmfFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".wmf")) PutWmfFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".eps")) PutEpsFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".pdf")) PutPdfFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".ps")) PutEpsFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".tiff")) PutTiffFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".tif")) PutTiffFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".jpg")) PutJpegFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else if (has_extension(fullpathname, ".jpeg")) PutJpegFile(fullpathname, scale, baseline, TRUE); else diagnostics(WARNING, "Conversion of '%s' not supported", filename); free(filename); free(fullpathname); }