コード例 #1
 * Count the number of recurrences of \code{pattern} in \code{str} [fast but dummy bitewise compare]
 * @param str strings to search in
 * @param pattern patterns to search for
 * @return integer vector
 * @version 0.1 (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski) - use StriContainerUTF8
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski) - corrected behavior on empty str/pattern
 * @version 0.4 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-23) make StriException-friendly,
 *    use StriContainerByteSearch
SEXP stri__count_fixed_byte(SEXP str, SEXP pattern)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");

   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));
   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerByteSearch pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(INTSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = INTEGER(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
      i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
      i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
      ret_tab[i] = NA_INTEGER, ret_tab[i] = 0)

      pattern_cont.setupMatcher(i, str_cont.get(i).c_str(), str_cont.get(i).length());
      ret_tab[i] = 0;
      while (USEARCH_DONE != pattern_cont.findNext())

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END( ;/* do nothing special on error */ )
コード例 #2
 * Split a string into parts.
 * The pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input into fields.
 * The input data between the matches becomes the fields themselves.
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param n_max integer vector
 * @param opts_regex
 * @return list of character vectors
 * @version 0.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-21)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-07-10) - BUGFIX: wrong behavior on empty str
SEXP stri_split_regex(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP n_max, SEXP omit_empty, SEXP opts_regex)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");
   n_max = stri_prepare_arg_integer(n_max, "n_max");
   omit_empty = stri_prepare_arg_logical(omit_empty, "omit_empty");
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 4, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern), LENGTH(n_max), LENGTH(omit_empty));

   uint32_t pattern_flags = StriContainerRegexPattern::getRegexFlags(opts_regex);

   UText* str_text = NULL; // may potentially be slower, but definitely is more convenient!
   StriContainerUTF8      str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerInteger   n_max_cont(n_max, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerLogical   omit_empty_cont(omit_empty, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerRegexPattern pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, pattern_flags);

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, vectorize_length));

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (n_max_cont.isNA(i) || omit_empty_cont.isNA(i)) {
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_NA_strings(1));

      int  n_max_cur        = n_max_cont.get(i);
      int  omit_empty_cur   = omit_empty_cont.get(i);

      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_NA_strings(1));,
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_empty_strings((omit_empty_cur || n_max_cur == 0)?0:1));)
コード例 #3
 * Extract all capture groups of the first/last occurence of a regex pattern in each string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param opts_regex list
 * @param firs logical - search for the first or the last occurence?
 * @return character matrix
 * @version 0.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-22)
SEXP stri__match_firstlast_regex(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP opts_regex, bool first)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"); // prepare string argument
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern"); // prepare string argument
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   uint32_t pattern_flags = StriContainerRegexPattern::getRegexFlags(opts_regex);

   UText* str_text = NULL; // may potentially be slower, but definitely is more convenient!
   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerRegexPattern pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, pattern_flags);

   vector< vector<charptr_x2> > occurences(vectorize_length); // we don't know how many capture groups are there
   R_len_t occurences_max = 1;

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
         /*do nothing*/;,
         int pattern_cur_groups = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i)->groupCount();
         if (occurences_max < pattern_cur_groups+1) occurences_max=pattern_cur_groups+1;
コード例 #4
 * Split a string into parts [byte compare]
 * The pattern matches identify delimiters that separate the input into fields.
 * The input data between the matches becomes the fields themselves.
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param n_max integer vector
 * @param omit_empty logical vector
 * @version 0.1 (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-25) StriException friendly, use StriContainerUTF8
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-07-10) - BUGFIX: wrong behavior on empty str
SEXP stri__split_fixed_byte(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP n_max, SEXP omit_empty)
    str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
    pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");
    n_max = stri_prepare_arg_integer(n_max, "n_max");
    omit_empty = stri_prepare_arg_logical(omit_empty, "omit_empty");

    R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 4, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern), LENGTH(n_max), LENGTH(omit_empty));
    StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
    StriContainerByteSearch pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);
    StriContainerInteger   n_max_cont(n_max, vectorize_length);
    StriContainerLogical   omit_empty_cont(omit_empty, vectorize_length);

    SEXP ret;
    PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, vectorize_length));

    for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
            i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
            i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
        if (n_max_cont.isNA(i) || omit_empty_cont.isNA(i)) {
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_NA_strings(1));
        int  n_max_cur        = n_max_cont.get(i);
        int  omit_empty_cur   = omit_empty_cont.get(i);

        STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
                SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_NA_strings(1)); ,
                SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_empty_strings((omit_empty_cur || n_max_cur == 0)?0:1));)
コード例 #5
 * Detect if a pattern occurs in a string
 * @param str R character vector
 * @param pattern R character vector containing regular expressions
 * @param opts_regex list
 * @version 0.1 (Marcin Bujarski)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski) - use StriContainerUTF16
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski) - use StriContainerUTF16's vectorization
 * @version 0.4 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-18) use StriContainerRegexPattern + opts_regex
SEXP stri_detect_regex(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP opts_regex)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));
   // this will work for vectorize_length == 0:

   uint32_t pattern_flags = StriContainerRegexPattern::getRegexFlags(opts_regex);


   StriContainerUTF16 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   // MG: tried StriContainerUTF8 + utext_openUTF8 - this was slower
   StriContainerRegexPattern pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, pattern_flags);

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = LOGICAL(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont, ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL, ret_tab[i] = FALSE)

      RegexMatcher *matcher = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i); // will be deleted automatically
      ret_tab[i] = (int)matcher->find();

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #6
 * Detect if a character class occurs in a string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param omit_na single logical value
 * @return logical vector
 * @version 0.3-1 (Bartek Tartanus, 2014-07-25)
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-10-17)
 *                using std::vector<int> to avoid mem-leaks
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 0.4-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-04)
 *    FR #122: omit_na arg added
 * @version 1.0-3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2016-02-03)
 *    FR #216: `negate` arg added
SEXP stri_subset_charclass(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP omit_na, SEXP negate)
   bool negate_1 = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(negate, "negate");
   bool omit_na1 = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(omit_na, "omit_na");
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern"));
   R_len_t vectorize_length =
      stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerCharClass pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);

   // BT: this cannot be done with deque, because pattern is reused so i does not
   // go like 0,1,2...n but 0,pat_len,2*pat_len,1,pat_len+1 and so on
   // MG: agreed
   std::vector<int> which(vectorize_length);
   int result_counter = 0;

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || pattern_cont.isNA(i)) {
         if (omit_na1) which[i] = FALSE;
         else {
            which[i] = NA_LOGICAL;

      const UnicodeSet* pattern_cur = &pattern_cont.get(i);
      R_len_t     str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();

      UChar32 chr = 0;
      which[i] = FALSE;
      for (R_len_t j=0; j<str_cur_n; ) {
         U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, chr);
         if (chr < 0) // invalid utf-8 sequence
            throw StriException(MSG__INVALID_UTF8);
         if (pattern_cur->contains(chr)) {
            which[i] = TRUE;
      if (negate_1) which[i] = !which[i];
      if (which[i]) result_counter++;

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = stri__subset_by_logical(str_cont, which, result_counter));
   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #7
 * Detect if a pattern occurs in a string
 * @param str R character vector
 * @param pattern R character vector containing regular expressions
 * @param negate single bool
 * @param max_count single int
 * @param opts_regex list
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marcin Bujarski)
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski)
 *          use StriContainerUTF16
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski)
 *          use StriContainerUTF16's vectorization
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-18)
 *          use StriContainerRegexPattern + opts_regex
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-05)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 1.0-2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2016-01-29)
 *    Issue #214: allow a regex pattern like `.*`  to match an empty string
 * @version 1.0-3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2016-02-03)
 *    FR #216: `negate` arg added
 * @version 1.3.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-02-08)
 *    #232: `max_count` arg added
SEXP stri_detect_regex(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP negate,
    SEXP max_count, SEXP opts_regex)
   bool negate_1 = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(negate, "negate");
   int max_count_1 = stri__prepare_arg_integer_1_notNA(max_count, "max_count");
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern"));
   R_len_t vectorize_length =
      stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   uint32_t pattern_flags = StriContainerRegexPattern::getRegexFlags(opts_regex);

   StriContainerUTF16 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
//   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length); // utext_openUTF8, see below
   StriContainerRegexPattern pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, pattern_flags);

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = LOGICAL(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (max_count_1 == 0) {
          ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL;

         pattern_cont, ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL)

      RegexMatcher *matcher = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i); // will be deleted automatically
      ret_tab[i] = (int)matcher->find(); // returns UBool
      if (negate_1) ret_tab[i] = !ret_tab[i];
      if (max_count_1 > 0 && ret_tab[i]) --max_count_1;

//      // mbmark-regex-detect1.R: UTF16 0.07171792 s; UText 0.10531605 s
//      UText* str_text = NULL;
//      UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
//      RegexMatcher *matcher = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i); // will be deleted automatically
//      str_text = utext_openUTF8(str_text, str_cont.get(i).c_str(), str_cont.get(i).length(), &status);
//      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})
//      matcher->reset(str_text);
//      ret_tab[i] = (int)matcher->find(); // returns UBool
//      utext_close(str_text);

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #8
 * Extract first or last occurences of a character class in each string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @return character vector
 * @version 0.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-08)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-15) Use StrContainerCharClass
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16) make StriException-friendly
SEXP stri__extract_firstlast_charclass(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, bool first)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerCharClass pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, vectorize_length));

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);

      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || pattern_cont.isNA(i))

      CharClass pattern_cur = pattern_cont.get(i);
      R_len_t     str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t j, jlast;
      UChar32 chr;

      if (first) {
         for (jlast=j=0; j<str_cur_n; ) {
            U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, chr);
            if (pattern_cur.test(chr)) {
               SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+jlast, j-jlast, CE_UTF8));
               break; // that's enough for first
            jlast = j;
      else {
         for (jlast=j=str_cur_n; j>0; ) {
            U8_PREV(str_cur_s, 0, j, chr); // go backwards
            if (pattern_cur.test(chr)) {
               SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+j, jlast-j, CE_UTF8));
               break; // that's enough for last
            jlast = j;

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #9
 * Compare elements in 2 character vectors, with collation
 * @param e1 character vector
 * @param e2 character vector
 * @param opts_collator passed to stri__ucol_open()
 * @param type [internal] vector of length 2,
 * type[0]: 0 for ==, -1 for < and 1 for >,
 * type[1]: 0 or 1 (whether to negate the results)
 * @return logical vector
 * @version 0.2-1  (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-03-19)
 * @version 0.2-3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-05-07)
 *          opts_collator == NA no longer allowed
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
SEXP stri_cmp_logical(SEXP e1, SEXP e2, SEXP opts_collator, SEXP type)
   // we'll perform a collator-based cmp
   // type is an internal arg, check manually, error() allowed here
   if (!Rf_isInteger(type) || LENGTH(type) != 2)
   int _type = INTEGER(type)[0];
   int _negate = INTEGER(type)[1];
   if (_type > 1 || _type < -1 || _negate < 0 || _negate > 1)

   PROTECT(e1 = stri_prepare_arg_string(e1, "e1")); // prepare string argument
   PROTECT(e2 = stri_prepare_arg_string(e2, "e2")); // prepare string argument

   // call stri__ucol_open after prepare_arg:
   // if prepare_arg had failed, we would have a mem leak
   UCollator* col = NULL;
   col = stri__ucol_open(opts_collator);


   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(e1), LENGTH(e2));

   StriContainerUTF8 e1_cont(e1, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerUTF8 e2_cont(e2, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = LOGICAL(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = 0; i < vectorize_length; ++i)
      if (e1_cont.isNA(i) || e2_cont.isNA(i)) {
         ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL;

      R_len_t     cur1_n = e1_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* cur1_s = e1_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t     cur2_n = e2_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* cur2_s = e2_cont.get(i).c_str();

      // with collation
      UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      ret_tab[i] = (_type == (int)ucol_strcollUTF8(col,
         cur1_s, cur1_n, cur2_s, cur2_n, &status
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

      if (_negate)
         ret_tab[i] = !ret_tab[i];
コード例 #10
 * Detect if a character class occurs in a string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param negate single bool
 * @param max_count single int
 * @return logical vector
 * @version 0.1-?? (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-02)
 *          Use StrContainerUTF8 and CharClass classes
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-15)
 *          Use StrContainerCharClass
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16)
 *          make StriException-friendly
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-03)
 *          detects invalid UTF-8 byte stream
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-05)
 *          StriContainerCharClass now relies on UnicodeSet
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 1.0-3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2016-02-03)
 *    FR #216: `negate` arg added
 * @version 1.3.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-02-08)
 *    #232: `max_count` arg added
SEXP stri_detect_charclass(SEXP str, SEXP pattern,
    SEXP negate, SEXP max_count)
   bool negate_1 = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(negate, "negate");
   int max_count_1 = stri__prepare_arg_integer_1_notNA(max_count, "max_count");
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern"));
   R_len_t vectorize_length =
      stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerCharClass pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = LOGICAL(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (max_count_1 == 0 || str_cont.isNA(i) || pattern_cont.isNA(i)) {
         ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL;

      const UnicodeSet* pattern_cur = &pattern_cont.get(i);
      R_len_t     str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();

      UChar32 chr = 0;
      ret_tab[i] = FALSE;
      for (R_len_t j=0; j<str_cur_n; ) {
         U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, chr);
         if (chr < 0) // invalid UTF-8 sequence
            throw StriException(MSG__INVALID_UTF8);
         if (pattern_cur->contains(chr)) {
            ret_tab[i] = TRUE;
      if (negate_1) ret_tab[i] = !ret_tab[i];
      if (max_count_1 > 0 && ret_tab[i]) --max_count_1;

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #11
 * Compare elements in 2 character vectors, without collation
 * @param e1 character vector
 * @param e2 character vector
 * @param type [internal] integer; 0 or 1 (whether to negate the results)
 * @return logical vector
 * @version 0.2-3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-05-07)
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
SEXP stri_cmp_codepoints(SEXP e1, SEXP e2, SEXP type)
   // type is an internal arg, check manually, error() allowed here
   if (!Rf_isInteger(type) || LENGTH(type) != 1)
   int _negate = INTEGER(type)[0];
   if (_negate < 0 || _negate > 1)

   PROTECT(e1 = stri_prepare_arg_string(e1, "e1")); // prepare string argument
   PROTECT(e2 = stri_prepare_arg_string(e2, "e2")); // prepare string argument


   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(e1), LENGTH(e2));

   StriContainerUTF8 e1_cont(e1, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerUTF8 e2_cont(e2, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = LOGICAL(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = 0; i < vectorize_length; ++i)
      if (e1_cont.isNA(i) || e2_cont.isNA(i)) {
         ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL;

      R_len_t     cur1_n = e1_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* cur1_s = e1_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t     cur2_n = e2_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* cur2_s = e2_cont.get(i).c_str();

      if (cur1_n != cur2_n) // different number of bytes => not equal
         ret_tab[i] = FALSE;
         ret_tab[i] = (memcmp(cur1_s, cur2_s, cur1_n) == 0);

      if (_negate)
         ret_tab[i] = !ret_tab[i];

   return ret;

   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END({/* no-op on err */})
コード例 #12
 * Count pattern occurcess in a string [with collation]
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param collator_opts passed to stri__ucol_open(),
 * if \code{NA}, then \code{stri_detect_fixed_byte} is called
 * @return integer vector
 * @version 0.1 (Marek Gagolewski)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski) - corrected behavior on empty str/pattern
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-23) make StriException-friendly,
 *    use StriContainerUStringSearch
SEXP stri_count_fixed(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP collator_opts)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");

   // call stri__ucol_open after prepare_arg:
   // if prepare_arg had failed, we would have a mem leak
   UCollator* collator = stri__ucol_open(collator_opts);
   if (!collator)
      return stri__count_fixed_byte(str, pattern);

   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));
   StriContainerUTF16 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerUStringSearch pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, collator);  // collator is not owned by pattern_cont

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(INTSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = INTEGER(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
         ret_tab[i] = NA_INTEGER,
         ret_tab[i] = 0)

      UStringSearch *matcher = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i, str_cont.get(i));
      UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      ret_tab[i] = 0;
      while (((int)usearch_next(matcher, &status) != USEARCH_DONE) && !U_FAILURE(status))
      if (U_FAILURE(status)) throw StriException(status);

   if (collator) { ucol_close(collator); collator=NULL; }
   return ret;
      if (collator) ucol_close(collator);
コード例 #13
 * Count pattern occurcess in a string [with collation]
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param opts_collator passed to stri__ucol_open()
 * @return integer vector
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski)
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski)
 *          corrected behavior on empty str/pattern
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-23)
 *          make StriException-friendly,
 *          use StriContainerUStringSearch
 * @version 0.2-3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-05-08)
 *          new fun: stri_count_coll (opts_collator == NA not allowed)
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
SEXP stri_count_coll(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP opts_collator)
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern"));

   // call stri__ucol_open after prepare_arg:
   // if prepare_arg had failed, we would have a mem leak
   UCollator* collator = NULL;
   collator = stri__ucol_open(opts_collator);

   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));
   StriContainerUTF16 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerUStringSearch pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, collator);  // collator is not owned by pattern_cont

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(INTSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = INTEGER(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_STR_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
         ret_tab[i] = NA_INTEGER,
         ret_tab[i] = 0)

      UStringSearch *matcher = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i, str_cont.get(i));
      UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      R_len_t found = 0;
      while (!U_FAILURE(status) && ((int)usearch_next(matcher, &status) != USEARCH_DONE))
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})
      ret_tab[i] = found;

   if (collator) { ucol_close(collator); collator=NULL; }
   return ret;
      if (collator) ucol_close(collator);
コード例 #14
 * Detect if a character class occurs in a string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @return logical vector
 * @version 0.1 (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-02) Use StrContainerUTF8 and CharClass classes
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-15) Use StrContainerCharClass
 * @version 0.4 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16) make StriException-friendly
SEXP stri_detect_charclass(SEXP str, SEXP pattern)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerCharClass pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, vectorize_length));
   int* ret_tab = LOGICAL(ret);

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || pattern_cont.isNA(i)) {
         ret_tab[i] = NA_LOGICAL;

      CharClass pattern_cur = pattern_cont.get(i);
      R_len_t     str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      ret_tab[i] = FALSE;
      R_len_t j;
      UChar32 chr;

      for (j=0; j<str_cur_n; ) {
         U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, chr);
         if (pattern_cur.test(chr)) {
            ret_tab[i] = TRUE;

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #15
ファイル: stri_sub.cpp プロジェクト: cran/stringi
 * Replace multiple substrings
 * @param str character vector
 * @param from integer vector (possibly with negative indices)
 * @param to integer vector (possibly with negative indices) or NULL
 * @param length integer vector or NULL
 * @param omit_na logical scalar
 * @param value character vector replacement
 * @return character vector
 * @version 1.3.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-02-22)
 *    #30: new function
 * @version 1.4.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-03-12)
 *    #346: na_omit for `value`
SEXP stri_sub_replacement_all(SEXP str, SEXP from, SEXP to, SEXP length, SEXP omit_na, SEXP value)
   //PROTECT(str    = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(str = stri_enc_toutf8(str, Rf_ScalarLogical(FALSE), Rf_ScalarLogical(FALSE)));
   PROTECT(from   = stri_prepare_arg_list(from, "from"));
   PROTECT(to     = stri_prepare_arg_list(to, "to"));
   PROTECT(length = stri_prepare_arg_list(length, "length"));
   PROTECT(value  = stri_prepare_arg_list(value, "value"));
   bool omit_na_1 = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(omit_na, "omit_na");

   R_len_t str_len       = LENGTH(str);
   R_len_t from_len      = LENGTH(from);
   R_len_t value_len     = LENGTH(value);

   R_len_t vectorize_len;
   if (!isNull(to))
      vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 4,
         str_len, from_len, value_len, LENGTH(to));
   else if (!isNull(length))
      vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 4,
        str_len, from_len, value_len, LENGTH(length));
      vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3, str_len, from_len, value_len);

   if (vectorize_len <= 0) {
      return Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 0);

 // no STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_BEGIN  block ---- below we can longjmp with Rf_error...

   SEXP ret, curs, tmp;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, vectorize_len)); // 6
   for (R_len_t i = 0; i<vectorize_len; ++i)
      curs = STRING_ELT(str, i%str_len);
      if (curs == NA_STRING) {
          SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);

      if (!isNull(to)) {
         PROTECT(tmp = stri__sub_replacement_all_single(curs,
              VECTOR_ELT(from, i%from_len),
              VECTOR_ELT(to, i%LENGTH(to)), R_NilValue,
              omit_na_1, VECTOR_ELT(value, i%value_len)));
      else if (!isNull(length)) {
         PROTECT(tmp = stri__sub_replacement_all_single(curs,
              VECTOR_ELT(from, i%from_len),
              R_NilValue, VECTOR_ELT(length, i%LENGTH(length)),
              omit_na_1, VECTOR_ELT(value, i%value_len)));
      else {
         PROTECT(tmp = stri__sub_replacement_all_single(curs,
              VECTOR_ELT(from, i%from_len),
              R_NilValue, R_NilValue,
              omit_na_1, VECTOR_ELT(value, i%value_len)));

      SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, tmp);
      UNPROTECT(1); //tmp

   return ret;
コード例 #16
ファイル: stri_sub.cpp プロジェクト: cran/stringi
 * Extract multiple substrings
 * @param str character vector
 * @param from list
 * @param to list
 * @param length list
 * @return list of character vectors
 * @version 1.3.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-02-21)
 *    #30: new function
SEXP stri_sub_all(SEXP str, SEXP from, SEXP to, SEXP length)
   PROTECT(str    = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(from   = stri_prepare_arg_list(from, "from"));
   PROTECT(to     = stri_prepare_arg_list(to, "to"));
   PROTECT(length = stri_prepare_arg_list(length, "length"));

   R_len_t str_len       = LENGTH(str);
   R_len_t from_len      = LENGTH(from);
   // R_len_t to_len        = LENGTH(to);
   // R_len_t length_len    = LENGTH(length);

   R_len_t vectorize_len;
   if (!isNull(to))
      vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3,
         str_len, from_len, LENGTH(to));
   else if (!isNull(length))
      vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3,
        str_len, from_len, LENGTH(length));
      vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, str_len, from_len);

   if (vectorize_len <= 0) {
      return Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, 0);

  // no STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_BEGIN  block ---- stri_sub can longjmp with Rf_error...

   SEXP ret, str_tmp, tmp;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, vectorize_len)); //5
   PROTECT(str_tmp = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 1));         //6

   for (R_len_t i = 0; i<vectorize_len; ++i)
      PROTECT(tmp = STRING_ELT(str, i%str_len));
      SET_STRING_ELT(str_tmp, 0, tmp);
      UNPROTECT(1); //tmp

      if (!isNull(to)) {
         PROTECT(tmp = stri_sub(str_tmp,
              VECTOR_ELT(from, i%from_len), VECTOR_ELT(to, i%LENGTH(to)), R_NilValue));
      else if (!isNull(length)) {
         PROTECT(tmp = stri_sub(str_tmp,
              VECTOR_ELT(from, i%from_len), R_NilValue, VECTOR_ELT(length, i%LENGTH(length))));
      else {
         PROTECT(tmp = stri_sub(str_tmp,
              VECTOR_ELT(from, i%from_len), R_NilValue, R_NilValue));

      SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, tmp);
      UNPROTECT(1); //tmp

   return ret;
コード例 #17
ファイル: stri_sub.cpp プロジェクト: cran/stringi
/** internal function - replace multiple substrings in a single string
 * can raise Rf_error
 *  @version 1.3.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-02-23)
 * @version 1.4.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-03-12)
 *    #346: na_omit for `value`
SEXP stri__sub_replacement_all_single(SEXP curs,
    SEXP from, SEXP to, SEXP length, bool omit_na_1, SEXP value)
    // curs is a CHARSXP in UTF-8

    PROTECT(value = stri_enc_toutf8(value,
        Rf_ScalarLogical(FALSE), Rf_ScalarLogical(FALSE)));
    R_len_t value_len     = LENGTH(value);

    R_len_t from_len      = 0; // see below
    R_len_t to_len        = 0; // see below
    R_len_t length_len    = 0; // see below
    int* from_tab         = 0; // see below
    int* to_tab           = 0; // see below
    int* length_tab       = 0; // see below

    R_len_t sub_protected = 1+ /* how many objects to PROTECT on ret? */
        stri__sub_prepare_from_to_length(from, to, length,
        from_len, to_len, length_len, from_tab, to_tab, length_tab);

    R_len_t vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, // does not care about value_len
      from_len, (to_len>length_len)?to_len:length_len);

    if (vectorize_len <= 0) { // "nothing" is being replaced -> return the input as-is
        return curs;
    if (value_len <= 0) { // things are supposed to be replaced with "nothing"...
        return NA_STRING;

    if (vectorize_len % value_len != 0)

    const char* curs_s = CHAR(curs); // already in UTF-8
    R_len_t curs_n = LENGTH(curs);

    // first check for NAs....
    if (!omit_na_1) {
       for (R_len_t i=0; i<vectorize_len; ++i) {
           R_len_t cur_from     = from_tab[i % from_len];
           R_len_t cur_to       = (to_tab)?to_tab[i % to_len]:length_tab[i % length_len];
           if (cur_from == NA_INTEGER || cur_to == NA_INTEGER) {
               if (omit_na_1) return curs;
               else return NA_STRING;

       for (R_len_t i=0; i<vectorize_len; ++i) {
           if (STRING_ELT(value, i%value_len) == NA_STRING) {
               return NA_STRING;

    // get the number of code points in curs, if required (for negative indexes)
    R_len_t curs_m = -1;
    if (IS_ASCII(curs)) curs_m = curs_n;
    else { // is UTF-8
        curs_m = 0;    // code points count
        R_len_t j = 0; // byte pos
        while (j < curs_n) {
            U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(curs_s, j);

    std::vector<char> buf; // convenience >> speed

    R_len_t buf_size;
    R_len_t last_pos = 0;
    R_len_t byte_pos = 0, byte_pos_last;
    for (R_len_t i=0; i<vectorize_len; ++i) {
        R_len_t cur_from     = from_tab[i % from_len];
        R_len_t cur_to       = (to_tab)?to_tab[i % to_len]:length_tab[i % length_len];

        if (cur_from == NA_INTEGER || cur_to == NA_INTEGER || STRING_ELT(value, i%value_len) == NA_STRING) {

        if (cur_from < 0) cur_from = curs_m+cur_from+1;
        if (cur_from <= 0) cur_from = 1;
        cur_from--; // 1-based -> 0-based index
        if (cur_from >= curs_m) cur_from = curs_m;

        // cur_from is in [0, curs_m]

        if (length_tab) {
            if (cur_to < 0) cur_to = 0;
            cur_to = cur_from+cur_to;
        else {
            if (cur_to < 0)  cur_to = curs_m+cur_to+1;
            if (cur_to < cur_from) cur_to = cur_from; // insertion
        if (cur_to >= curs_m) cur_to = curs_m;

        // the chunk to replace is at code points [cur_from, cur_to)

        // Rprintf("orig [%d,%d) repl [%d,%d)\n", last_pos, cur_from, cur_from, cur_to);

        if (last_pos > cur_from)
            throw StriException(MSG__OVERLAPPING_OR_UNSORTED_INDEXES);

        // first, copy [last_pos, cur_from)
        byte_pos_last = byte_pos;
        while (last_pos < cur_from) {
            U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(curs_s, byte_pos);
        buf_size = buf.size();
        memcpy(buf.data()+buf_size, curs_s+byte_pos_last, byte_pos-byte_pos_last);

        // then, copy the corresponding replacement string
        SEXP value_cur = STRING_ELT(value, i%value_len);
        const char* value_s = CHAR(value_cur);
        R_len_t value_n = LENGTH(value_cur);
        buf_size = buf.size();
        memcpy(buf.data()+buf_size, value_s, value_n);

        // lastly, update last_pos
        // ---> last_pos = cur_to;
        while (last_pos < cur_to) {
            U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE(curs_s, byte_pos);

      // finally, copy [last_pos, curs_m)
    // Rprintf("orig [%d,%d)\n", last_pos, curs_m);
    buf_size = buf.size();
    memcpy(buf.data()+buf_size, curs_s+byte_pos, curs_n-byte_pos);

    SEXP ret;
    STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_mkCharLenCE(buf.data(), buf.size(), CE_UTF8));
    return ret;
    STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #18
ファイル: stri_sub.cpp プロジェクト: cran/stringi
 * Get substring
 * @param str character vector
 * @param from integer vector (possibly with negative indices)
 * @param to integer vector (possibly with negative indices) or NULL
 * @param length integer vector or NULL
 * @return character vector
 * @version 0.1-?? (Bartek Tartanus)
 *          stri_sub
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski)
 *          use StriContainerUTF8 and stri__UChar32_to_UTF8_index
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-01)
 *          use StriContainerUTF8's UChar32-to-UTF8 index
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16)
 *          make StriException-friendly
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-03-20)
 *          Use StriContainerUTF8_indexable
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-03)
 *          Use stri__sub_prepare_from_to_length()
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 0.5-9003 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-08-05)
 *    Bugfix #183: floating point exception when to or length is an empty vector
SEXP stri_sub(SEXP str, SEXP from, SEXP to, SEXP length)
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));

   R_len_t str_len       = LENGTH(str);
   R_len_t from_len      = 0;
   R_len_t to_len        = 0;
   R_len_t length_len    = 0;
   int* from_tab         = 0;
   int* to_tab           = 0;
   int* length_tab       = 0;

   R_len_t sub_protected =  1+  /* how many objects to PROTECT on ret? */
      stri__sub_prepare_from_to_length(from, to, length,
      from_len, to_len, length_len, from_tab, to_tab, length_tab);

   R_len_t vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3,
      str_len, from_len, (to_len>length_len)?to_len:length_len);

   if (vectorize_len <= 0) {
      return Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 0);

   StriContainerUTF8_indexable str_cont(str, vectorize_len);
   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, vectorize_len));

   for (R_len_t i = str_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != str_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = str_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      R_len_t cur_from     = from_tab[i % from_len];
      R_len_t cur_to       = (to_tab)?to_tab[i % to_len]:length_tab[i % length_len];
      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || cur_from == NA_INTEGER || cur_to == NA_INTEGER) {
         SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);

      if (length_tab) {
         if (cur_to <= 0) {
            SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, R_BlankString);
         cur_to = cur_from + cur_to - 1;
         if (cur_from < 0 && cur_to >= 0) cur_to = -1;

      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();

      R_len_t cur_from2; // UTF-8 byte indices
      R_len_t cur_to2;   // UTF-8 byte indices

      stri__sub_get_indices(str_cont, i, cur_from, cur_to, cur_from2, cur_to2);

      if (cur_to2 > cur_from2) { // just copy
         SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+cur_from2, cur_to2-cur_from2, CE_UTF8));
      else {
         // maybe a warning here?
         SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, Rf_mkCharLen(NULL, 0));

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #19
ファイル: stri_sub.cpp プロジェクト: cran/stringi
 * Substring replacement function
 * @param str character vector
 * @param from integer vector (possibly with negative indices)
 * @param to integer vector (possibly with negative indices) or NULL
 * @param length integer vector or NULL
 * @param omit_na logical scalar
 * @param value character vector replacement
 * @return character vector
 * @version 0.1-?? (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski)
 *          use StriContainerUTF8 and stri__UChar32_to_UTF8_index
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-01)
 *          use StriContainerUTF8's UChar32-to-UTF8 index
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16)
 *          make StriException-friendly
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-03-20)
 *          Use StriContainerUTF8_indexable
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-03)
 *          Use stri__sub_prepare_from_to_length()
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 0.5-9003 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-08-05)
 *    Bugfix #183: floating point exception when to or length is an empty vector
 * @version 1.0-2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2016-01-31)
 *    FR #199: new arg: `omit_na`
 *    FR #207: allow insertions
 * @version 1.4.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2019-03-12)
 *    #346: na_omit for `value`
SEXP stri_sub_replacement(SEXP str, SEXP from, SEXP to, SEXP length, SEXP omit_na, SEXP value)
   PROTECT(str   = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(value = stri_prepare_arg_string(value, "value"));
   bool omit_na_1 = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(omit_na, "omit_na");

   R_len_t value_len     = LENGTH(value);
   R_len_t str_len       = LENGTH(str);
   R_len_t from_len      = 0; // see below
   R_len_t to_len        = 0; // see below
   R_len_t length_len    = 0; // see below
   int* from_tab         = 0; // see below
   int* to_tab           = 0; // see below
   int* length_tab       = 0; // see below

   R_len_t sub_protected =  2+ /* how many objects to PROTECT on ret? */
      stri__sub_prepare_from_to_length(from, to, length,
      from_len, to_len, length_len, from_tab, to_tab, length_tab);

   R_len_t vectorize_len = stri__recycling_rule(true, 4,
      str_len, value_len, from_len, (to_len>length_len)?to_len:length_len);

   if (vectorize_len <= 0) {
      return Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 0);

   StriContainerUTF8_indexable str_cont(str, vectorize_len);
   StriContainerUTF8 value_cont(value, vectorize_len);
   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, vectorize_len));
   String8buf buf(0); // @TODO: estimate bufsize a priori

   for (R_len_t i = str_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != str_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = str_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      R_len_t cur_from     = from_tab[i % from_len];
      R_len_t cur_to       = (to_tab)?to_tab[i % to_len]:length_tab[i % length_len];

      if (str_cont.isNA(i)) {
          SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);
      if (cur_from == NA_INTEGER || cur_to == NA_INTEGER || value_cont.isNA(i)) {
         if (omit_na_1) {
            SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, str_cont.toR(i));
         else {
            SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);

      if (length_tab) {
         if (cur_to <= 0) {
            // SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, R_BlankString);
            // continue;
            cur_to = 0;
         else {
            cur_to = cur_from + cur_to - 1;
            if (cur_from < 0 && cur_to >= 0) cur_to = -1;

      const char* str_cur_s   = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t str_cur_n       = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* value_cur_s = value_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t value_cur_n     = value_cont.get(i).length();

      R_len_t cur_from2; // UTF-8 byte indices
      R_len_t cur_to2;   // UTF-8 byte indices

      stri__sub_get_indices(str_cont, i, cur_from, cur_to, cur_from2, cur_to2);
      if (cur_to2 < cur_from2) cur_to2 = cur_from2;

      R_len_t buflen = str_cur_n-(cur_to2-cur_from2)+value_cur_n;
      buf.resize(buflen, false/*destroy contents*/);
      memcpy(buf.data(), str_cur_s, (size_t)cur_from2);
      memcpy(buf.data()+cur_from2, value_cur_s, (size_t)value_cur_n);
      memcpy(buf.data()+cur_from2+value_cur_n, str_cur_s+cur_to2, (size_t)str_cur_n-cur_to2);
      SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, Rf_mkCharLenCE(buf.data(), buflen, CE_UTF8));

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #20
 * Trim characters from a charclass from left AND/OR right side of the string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param left from left?
 * @param right from left?
 * @return character vector
 * @version 0.1-?? (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-04)
 *          Use StriContainerUTF8 and CharClass
 * @version 0.1-?? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16)
 *          make StriException-friendly & Use StrContainerCharClass
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-03)
 *          detects invalid UTF-8 byte stream
 * @version 0.2-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-05)
 *          StriContainerCharClass now relies on UnicodeSet
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
SEXP stri__trim_leftright(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, bool left, bool right)
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern"));
   R_len_t vectorize_length =
      stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerCharClass pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, vectorize_length));

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || pattern_cont.isNA(i)) {
         SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);

      const UnicodeSet* pattern_cur = &pattern_cont.get(i);
      R_len_t     str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t jlast1 = 0;
      R_len_t jlast2 = str_cur_n;

      if (left) {
         UChar32 chr;
         for (R_len_t j=0; j<str_cur_n; ) {
            U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, chr); // "look ahead"
            if (chr < 0) // invalid utf-8 sequence
               throw StriException(MSG__INVALID_UTF8);
            if (pattern_cur->contains(chr)) {
               break; // break at first occurrence
            jlast1 = j;

      if (right && jlast1 < str_cur_n) {
         UChar32 chr;
         for (R_len_t j=str_cur_n; j>0; ) {
            U8_PREV(str_cur_s, 0, j, chr); // "look behind"
            if (chr < 0) // invalid utf-8 sequence
               throw StriException(MSG__INVALID_UTF8);
            if (pattern_cur->contains(chr)) {
               break; // break at first occurrence
            jlast2 = j;

      // now jlast is the index, from which we start copying
      SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i,
         Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+jlast1, (jlast2-jlast1), CE_UTF8));

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #21
 * Split a string into text lines
 * @param str character vector
 * @param n_max integer vector
 * @param omit_empty logical vector
 * @return list of character vectors
 * @version 0.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-08-04)
SEXP stri_split_lines(SEXP str, SEXP n_max, SEXP omit_empty)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   n_max = stri_prepare_arg_integer(n_max, "n_max");
   omit_empty = stri_prepare_arg_logical(omit_empty, "omit_empty");
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(n_max), LENGTH(omit_empty));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerInteger   n_max_cont(n_max, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerLogical   omit_empty_cont(omit_empty, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, vectorize_length));

   for (R_len_t i = str_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != str_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = str_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (str_cont.isNA(i)) {
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_NA_strings(1));

      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      int  n_max_cur        = n_max_cont.get(i);
      int  omit_empty_cur   = omit_empty_cont.get(i);

      if (n_max_cur < 0)
         n_max_cur = INT_MAX;
      else if (n_max_cur == 0) {
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 0));


//      int counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_LAST];
//      for (R_len_t j=0; j<STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_LAST; ++j)
//         counts[j] = 0;

      UChar32 c;
      R_len_t jlast, k=1;
      deque<R_len_t_x2> occurences;
      occurences.push_back(R_len_t_x2(0, 0));
      for (R_len_t j=0; j < str_cur_n && k < n_max_cur; /* null */) {
         jlast = j;
         U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, c);

         switch (c) {
            case ASCII_CR: /* CR */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_CR]++;
               /* check if next is LF */
               if (str_cur_s[j] == ASCII_LF) { // look ahead one byte
//                  counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_LF]++;
//                  counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_CRLF]++;
                  j++; // just one byte

            case ASCII_LF: /* LF */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_LF]++;

            case UCHAR_NEL: /* NEL */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_NEL]++;

            case ASCII_VT: /* VT */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_VT]++;

            case ASCII_FF: /* FF */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_FF]++;

            case UCHAR_LS: /* LS */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_LS]++;

            case UCHAR_PS: /* PS */
//               counts[STRI_INDEX_NEWLINE_PS]++;

               /* not a newline character */
               occurences.back().v2 = j;

         // if here, then at newline
         if (omit_empty_cur && occurences.back().v2 == occurences.back().v1)
            occurences.back().v1 = occurences.back().v2 = j; // don't start new field
         else {
            occurences.back().v2 = jlast;
            occurences.push_back(R_len_t_x2(j, j));
            ++k; // another field

      if (k == n_max_cur)
         occurences.back().v2 = str_cur_n;
      if (omit_empty_cur && occurences.back().v1 == occurences.back().v2)

      SEXP ans;
      PROTECT(ans = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, (R_len_t)occurences.size()));

      deque<R_len_t_x2>::iterator iter = occurences.begin();
      for (R_len_t l = 0; iter != occurences.end(); ++iter, ++l) {
         R_len_t_x2 curoccur = *iter;
         SET_STRING_ELT(ans, l, Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+curoccur.v1, curoccur.v2-curoccur.v1, CE_UTF8));

      SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, ans);

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #22
ファイル: stri_pad.cpp プロジェクト: mmcnulty0531/stringi
 * Pad a string
 * vectorized over str, length and pad
 * if str or pad or length is NA the result will be NA
 * @param str character vector
 * @param min_length integer vector
 * @param side [internal int]
 * @param pad character vector
 * @param use_length single logical value
 * @return character vector
 * @version 0.1-?? (Bartlomiej Tartanus)
 * @version 0.2-2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-20)
 *          use stri_error_handler, pad should be a single code point, not byte
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-04-22)
 *    `use_length` arg added,
 *    second argument renamed `width`
SEXP stri_pad(SEXP str, SEXP width, SEXP side, SEXP pad, SEXP use_length)
   // this is an internal arg, check manually, error() allowed here
   if (!Rf_isInteger(side) || LENGTH(side) != 1)
   int _side = INTEGER(side)[0];
   if (_side < 0 || _side > 2)

   bool use_length_val = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(use_length, "use_length");
   PROTECT(str         = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(width       = stri_prepare_arg_integer(width, "width"));
   PROTECT(pad         = stri_prepare_arg_string(pad, "pad"));

//   side       = stri_prepare_arg_string(side, "side");
//   const char* side_opts[] = {"left", "right", "both", NULL};

   R_len_t str_length     = LENGTH(str);
   R_len_t width_length  = LENGTH(width);
//   R_len_t side_length    = LENGTH(side);
   R_len_t pad_length     = LENGTH(pad);

   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3,
      str_length, width_length, /*side_length, */ pad_length);

   StriContainerUTF8       str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerInteger  width_cont(width, vectorize_length);
//   StriContainerUTF8      side_cont(side, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerUTF8       pad_cont(pad, vectorize_length);

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, vectorize_length));

   String8buf buf(0); // TODO: prealloc
   for (R_len_t i=0; i<vectorize_length; ++i) {
      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || pad_cont.isNA(i)
          || /*side_cont.isNA(i) ||*/ width_cont.isNA(i)) {
         SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, NA_STRING);

      // get the current string
      R_len_t str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t str_cur_width;

      // get the width/length of padding code point(s)
      R_len_t pad_cur_n = pad_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* pad_cur_s = pad_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t pad_cur_width;
      if (use_length_val) {
         pad_cur_width = 1;
         str_cur_width = str_cont.get(i).countCodePoints();
         R_len_t k = 0;
         UChar32 pad_cur = 0;
         U8_NEXT(pad_cur_s, k, pad_cur_n, pad_cur);
         if (pad_cur <= 0 || k < pad_cur_n)
            throw StriException(MSG__NOT_EQ_N_CODEPOINTS, "pad", 1);
      else {
         pad_cur_width = stri__width_string(pad_cur_s, pad_cur_n);
         str_cur_width = stri__width_string(str_cur_s, str_cur_n);
         if (pad_cur_width != 1)
            throw StriException(MSG__NOT_EQ_N_WIDTH, "pad", 1);

      // get the minimal width
      R_len_t width_cur = width_cont.get(i);

      if (str_cur_width >= width_cur)  {
         // no padding at all
         SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, str_cont.toR(i));

      R_len_t padnum = width_cur-str_cur_width;
      buf.resize(str_cur_n+padnum*pad_cur_n, false);

      char* buftmp = buf.data();
      R_len_t k = 0;
      switch(_side) {

         case 0: // left
            for (k=0; k<padnum; ++k) {
               memcpy(buftmp, pad_cur_s, pad_cur_n);
               buftmp += pad_cur_n;
            memcpy(buftmp, str_cur_s, str_cur_n);
            buftmp += str_cur_n;

         case 1: // right
            memcpy(buftmp, str_cur_s, str_cur_n);
            buftmp += str_cur_n;
            for (k=0; k<padnum; ++k) {
               memcpy(buftmp, pad_cur_s, pad_cur_n);
               buftmp += pad_cur_n;

         case 2: // both
            for (k=0; k<padnum/2; ++k) {
               memcpy(buftmp, pad_cur_s, pad_cur_n);
               buftmp += pad_cur_n;
            memcpy(buftmp, str_cur_s, str_cur_n);
            buftmp += str_cur_n;
            for (; k<padnum; ++k) {
               memcpy(buftmp, pad_cur_s, pad_cur_n);
               buftmp += pad_cur_n;

      SET_STRING_ELT(ret, i, Rf_mkCharLenCE(buf.data(), (int)(buftmp-buf.data()), CE_UTF8));

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #23
 * Extract all occurences of a character class in each string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @return list of character vectors
 * @version 0.1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-08)
 * @version 0.2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-15) Use StrContainerCharClass
 * @version 0.3 (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-16) make StriException-friendly
SEXP stri_extract_all_charclass(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP merge)
   str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str");
   pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern");
   merge = stri_prepare_arg_logical(merge, "merge");
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 3, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern), LENGTH(merge));

   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerCharClass pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerLogical merge_cont(merge, vectorize_length);

   SEXP notfound; // this vector will be set iff not found or NA
   PROTECT(notfound = stri__vector_NA_strings(1));

   SEXP ret;
   PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, vectorize_length));

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      if (pattern_cont.isNA(i) || str_cont.isNA(i) || merge_cont.isNA(i)) {
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, notfound);

      bool merge_cur = merge_cont.get(i);
      CharClass pattern_cur = pattern_cont.get(i);
      R_len_t     str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t j, jlast;
      UChar32 chr;
      deque<R_len_t_x2> occurences; // codepoint based-indices

      for (jlast=j=0; j<str_cur_n; ) {
         U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, chr);
         if (pattern_cur.test(chr)) {
            occurences.push_back(R_len_t_x2(jlast, j));
         jlast = j;

      R_len_t noccurences = (R_len_t)occurences.size();
      if (noccurences == 0)
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, notfound);
      else if (merge_cur && noccurences > 1) {
         // do merge
         deque<R_len_t_x2> occurences2;
         deque<R_len_t_x2>::iterator iter = occurences.begin();
         for (++iter; iter != occurences.end(); ++iter) {
            R_len_t_x2 curoccur = *iter;
            if (occurences2.back().v2 == curoccur.v1) { // continue seq
               occurences2.back().v2 = curoccur.v2;  // change `end`
            else { // new seq

         // create resulting matrix from occurences2
         R_len_t noccurences2 = (R_len_t)occurences2.size();
         SEXP cur_res;
         PROTECT(cur_res = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, noccurences2));
         iter = occurences2.begin();
         for (R_len_t f = 0; iter != occurences2.end(); ++iter, ++f) {
            R_len_t_x2 curo = *iter;
            SET_STRING_ELT(cur_res, f, Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+curo.v1, curo.v2-curo.v1, CE_UTF8));
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, cur_res);
      else {
         // do not merge
         SEXP cur_res;
         PROTECT(cur_res = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, noccurences));
         deque<R_len_t_x2>::iterator iter = occurences.begin();
         for (R_len_t f = 0; iter != occurences.end(); ++iter, ++f) {
            R_len_t_x2 curo = *iter;
            SET_STRING_ELT(cur_res, f, Rf_mkCharLenCE(str_cur_s+curo.v1, curo.v2-curo.v1, CE_UTF8));
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, cur_res);

   return ret;
   STRI__ERROR_HANDLER_END(;/* nothing special to be done on error */)
コード例 #24
ファイル: stri_time_calendar.cpp プロジェクト: cran/stringi
/** Date-time artithmetic
 * @param time
 * @param value
 * @param units
 * @param tz
 * @param locale
 * @return POSIXst
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-30)
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-03-06) tz arg added
SEXP stri_datetime_add(SEXP time, SEXP value, SEXP units, SEXP tz, SEXP locale) {
   PROTECT(time = stri_prepare_arg_POSIXct(time, "time"));
   PROTECT(value = stri_prepare_arg_integer(value, "value"));
   if (!isNull(tz)) PROTECT(tz = stri_prepare_arg_string_1(tz, "tz"));
   else             PROTECT(tz); /* needed to set tzone attrib */

   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(time), LENGTH(value));

   const char* units_val = stri__prepare_arg_string_1_notNA(units, "units");
   const char* units_opts[] = {"years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds", NULL};
   int units_cur = stri__match_arg(units_val, units_opts);

   const char* locale_val = stri__prepare_arg_locale(locale, "locale", true);

   TimeZone* tz_val = stri__prepare_arg_timezone(tz, "tz", true/*allowdefault*/);

   Calendar* cal = NULL;
   StriContainerDouble time_cont(time, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerInteger value_cont(value, vectorize_length);

   UCalendarDateFields units_field;
   switch (units_cur) {
      case 0: units_field = UCAL_YEAR;                   break;
      case 1: units_field = UCAL_MONTH;                  break;
      case 2: units_field = UCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR;           break;
      case 3: units_field = UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH;           break;
      case 4: units_field = UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY;            break;
      case 5: units_field = UCAL_MINUTE;                 break;
      case 6: units_field = UCAL_SECOND;                 break;
      case 7: units_field = UCAL_MILLISECOND;            break;
      default: throw StriException(MSG__INCORRECT_MATCH_OPTION, "units");

   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   cal = Calendar::createInstance(locale_val, status);
   STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

   tz_val = NULL; /* The Calendar takes ownership of the TimeZone. */

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, vectorize_length));
   double* ret_val = REAL(ret);
   for (R_len_t i=0; i<vectorize_length; ++i) {
      if (time_cont.isNA(i) || value_cont.isNA(i)) {
         ret_val[i] = NA_REAL;
      status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      cal->setTime((UDate)(time_cont.get(i)*1000.0), status);
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

      status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      cal->add(units_field, value_cont.get(i), status);
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

      status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      ret_val[i] = ((double)cal->getTime(status))/1000.0;
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

   if (!isNull(tz)) Rf_setAttrib(ret, Rf_ScalarString(Rf_mkChar("tzone")), tz);
   if (tz_val) { delete tz_val; tz_val = NULL; }
   if (cal) { delete cal; cal = NULL; }
   return ret;
      if (tz_val) { delete tz_val; tz_val = NULL; }
      if (cal) { delete cal; cal = NULL; }