コード例 #1
ファイル: altSplice.c プロジェクト: apmagalhaes/kentUtils
struct psl *loadPslsFromDb(struct sqlConnection *conn, int numTables, char **tables, 
			   char *chrom, unsigned int chromStart, unsigned int chromEnd)
/* load up all of the psls that align on a given section of the database */
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char **row = NULL;
int rowOffset = -100;
struct psl *pslList = NULL;
struct psl *psl = NULL;
int i=0;
/* for each table load up the relevant psls */
for(i = 0; i < numTables; i++)
    sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tables[i], chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, NULL, &rowOffset);
    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	psl = pslLoad(row+rowOffset);
	slSafeAddHead(&pslList, psl);
	if(weightMrna && (stringIn("refSeqAli",tables[i]) || stringIn("mrna", tables[i])))
	    psl = clonePsl(psl);
	    slSafeAddHead(&pslList, psl);
return pslList;
コード例 #2
ファイル: faSimplify.c プロジェクト: sktu/kentUtils
void faSimplify(char *inName, char *startPat, char *endPat, char *outName)
/* faFlyBaseToUcsc - Convert Flybase peptide fasta file to UCSC format. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outName, "w");
char *line;
int startSize = strlen(startPat);

while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    if (line[0] == '>')
	char *s = stringIn(startPat, line), *e;
	if (s == NULL)
	   errAbort("No %s line %d of %s", startPat, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	s += startSize;
	e = stringIn(endPat, s);
	if (e == NULL)
	   errAbort("No %s line %d of %s", endPat, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	*e = 0;
	fprintf(f, ">%s%s%s\n", prefix, s, suffix);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
コード例 #3
static boolean isFivePrime(char *s)
/* Return TRUE if s looks to have words five prime in it. */
if (s == NULL)
    return FALSE;
return stringIn("5'", s) || stringIn("Five prime", s) 
        || stringIn("five prime", s) || stringIn("5 prime", s);
コード例 #4
static boolean isThreePrime(char *s)
/* Return TRUE if s looks to have words three prime in it. */
if (s == NULL)
    return FALSE;
return stringIn("3'", s) || stringIn("Three prime", s) 
        || stringIn("three prime", s) || stringIn("3 prime", s);
コード例 #5
ファイル: IOUtils.cpp プロジェクト: rel-eng/QWinHelp
QList<QString> extractNullTerminatedStrings(const void *src,
    size_t srcSize,
    QTextCodec *codec)
    QList<QString> result;
    size_t ptr = static_cast<size_t>(0);
    size_t strStart = static_cast<size_t>(0);
    const quint8 *source = reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(src);
    while(ptr < srcSize)
        if(source[ptr] == 0)
            size_t strLen = ptr - strStart + static_cast<size_t>(1);
            if(strLen > static_cast<size_t>(1))
                QScopedArrayPointer<quint8> stringIn(new quint8[strLen]);
                    reinterpret_cast<void *>(stringIn.data()),
                    reinterpret_cast<const void *>(source + strStart), strLen);
                strStart = ptr + static_cast<size_t>(1);
                QScopedPointer<QTextDecoder> decoder(codec->makeDecoder());
                if (decoder.isNull())
                    throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create text decoder");
                result.append(decoder->toUnicode(reinterpret_cast<const char *> (
                        static_cast<int> (strLen - static_cast<size_t>(1))));
                strStart = ptr + static_cast<size_t>(1);
    if(ptr - strStart > static_cast<size_t>(0))
        size_t strLen = ptr - strStart;
        QScopedArrayPointer<quint8> stringIn(new quint8[strLen]);
        memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(stringIn.data()),
            reinterpret_cast<const void *>(source + strStart), strLen);
        QScopedPointer<QTextDecoder> decoder(codec->makeDecoder());
        if (decoder.isNull())
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create text decoder");
        result.append(decoder->toUnicode(reinterpret_cast<const char *> (
                    stringIn.data()), strLen));
    return result;
コード例 #6
int endFromFileName(char *fileName)
/* Try and figure out end from file name */
if (stringIn("_R1_", fileName))
    return 1;
else if (stringIn("_R2_", fileName))
    return 2;
else if (stringIn("_1.", fileName))
    return 1;
else if (stringIn("_2.", fileName))
    return 2;
errAbort("Couldn't deduce paired end from file name %s", fileName);
return 0;
コード例 #7
char* lookupName(  struct sqlConnection *conn , char *id)
char *name = cloneString(id);
char infoTable[128];
safef(infoTable, sizeof(infoTable), "%sInfo","bdgpGene");
if (hTableExists(infoTable))
    struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn();
    char *symbol = NULL;
    char *ptr = strchr(name, '-');
    char query[256];
    char buf[64];
    if (ptr != NULL)
	*ptr = 0;
    safef(query, sizeof(query),
	  "select symbol from %s where bdgpName = '%s';", infoTable, name);
    symbol = sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, buf, sizeof(buf));
    if (symbol != NULL)
	char *ptr = stringIn("{}", symbol);
	if (ptr != NULL)
	    *ptr = 0;
	name = cloneString(symbol);
コード例 #8
ファイル: cdwTextForIndex.c プロジェクト: davidhoover/kent
struct hash *hashTextFields(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
/* Return hash with just text (char, varchar, blob, text) fields in it, and no values */
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlDescribe(conn, table);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *field = row[0];
    char *type = row[1];
    if (stringIn("char", type) || stringIn("blob", type) || stringIn("text", type))
        hashAdd(hash, field, NULL);
return hash;
コード例 #9
ファイル: obscure.c プロジェクト: ucscGenomeBrowser/kent
long long currentVmPeak()
/* return value of peak Vm memory usage (if /proc/ business exists) */
long long vmPeak = 0;

pid_t pid = getpid();
char temp[256];
safef(temp, sizeof(temp), "/proc/%d/status", (int) pid);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileMayOpen(temp, TRUE);
if (lf)
    char *line;
    while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
	{	// typical line: 'VmPeak:     62646196 kB'
		// seems to always be kB
	if (stringIn("VmPeak", line))
	    char *words[3];
	    chopByWhite(line, words, 3);
	    vmPeak = sqlLongLong(words[1]);	// assume always 2nd word

return vmPeak;
コード例 #10
char *cellAbbreviation(char *cell)
/* Return abbreviated version of cell-name */
if (cellLetterHash == NULL)
    return cellAbbrevDefault(cell, FALSE);

if (noLetterOk)
    // strip qualifiers (follow the '+' char)
    char *plus = stringIn("+", cell);
    if (plus)
        *plus = 0;
char *val = hashFindVal(cellLetterHash, cell);
if (val != NULL)
    return val;

if (noLetterOk)
    return cellAbbrevDefault(cell, TRUE);

if (noLetter)
    uglyf("cell %s isn't in %s\n", cell, cellLetter);
    errAbort("cell %s isn't in %s\n", cell, cellLetter);
return NULL;
コード例 #11
void noteIds(struct tenFields *tfList, char *inGff, 
	FILE *cdsFile, FILE *otherFile)
/* Look for cases where tenth field is of form
 * ID=XXX;Note=YYY.  In these cases move XXX to
 * the ninth field, and store the ID, the 
 * third (type) field, and the YYY in f */
struct tenFields *tf;
struct hash *uniqHash = newHash(19);
for (tf = tfList; tf != NULL; tf = tf->next)
    char *s = tf->fields[9];
    if (startsWith("ID=", s))
	char *id = s+3, *note = "";
	char *e = strchr(s, ';');
	if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, id))
	    hashAdd(uniqHash, id, NULL);
	    if (e != NULL)
		*e++ = 0;
		s = stringIn("Note=", e);
		if (s != NULL)
		    note = s+5;
		    cgiDecode(note, note, strlen(note));
	tf->fields[8] = id;
コード例 #12
int laneFromFileName(char *fileName)
/* Deduce lane from file name.  If there is something of form _L123_ in the midst of
 * file name we'll call it lane.  Otherwise return 0 (they start counting at 1) */
char *pat = "_L";
int patLen = strlen(pat);
char *s = fileName;
while ((s = stringIn(pat, s)) != NULL)
    s += patLen;
    char *e = strchr(s, '_');
    if (e == NULL)
    int midSize = e - s;
    if (midSize == 3)
	char midBuf[midSize+1];
	memcpy(midBuf, s, midSize);
	midBuf[midSize] = 0;
	if (isAllDigits(midBuf))
	    return atoi(midBuf);
return 0;
コード例 #13
void outputChunk(struct psl **pPslList, char *tempDir, int midIx, boolean noHead)
/* Sort and write out pslList and free it. */
char fileName[512];
FILE *f;
struct psl *psl;

if (*pPslList == NULL)
    return; 	/* Empty. */
psl = *pPslList;
//slSort(pPslList, pslCmpTarget);
makeMidName(tempDir, midIx, fileName);
if (stripVer)
    char *s = stringIn(".",psl->qName);
    if (s != NULL)
        *s = 0;
if (chunkSize ==1)
    safef(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/%s.psl",tempDir,psl->qName);
f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
if (!noHead)
for (psl = *pPslList; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next)
    pslTabOut(psl, f);
コード例 #14
struct dyString * dyStringSub(char *orig, char *in, char *out)
/* Make up a duplicate of orig with all occurences of in substituted
 * with out. */
int inLen = strlen(in), outLen = strlen(out), origLen = strlen(orig);
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(origLen + 2*outLen);
char *s, *e;

if (orig == NULL) return NULL;
for (s = orig; ;)
    e = stringIn(in, s);
    if (e == NULL)
        e = orig + origLen;
	dyStringAppendN(dy, s, e - s);
	dyStringAppendN(dy, s, e - s);
	dyStringAppendN(dy, out, outLen);
	s = e + inLen;
return dy;
コード例 #15
ファイル: featureBits.c プロジェクト: elmargb/kentUtils
bool inclChrom(char *name)
/* check if a chromosome should be included */
return  !((noRandom && (endsWith(name, "_random")
                        || startsWith("chrUn", name)
                        || sameWord("chrNA", name) /* danRer */
                        || sameWord("chrU", name)))  /* dm */
          || (noHap && stringIn( "_hap", name)));
コード例 #16
int nearCountUniqAccRows(struct htmlPage *page)
/* Count number of unique rows in table containing just hyperlinked 
 * accessions. */
char *s, *e, *row, *acc;
int count = 0;
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);

if (page == NULL)
    return -1;

/* Set s to first row. */
s = stringIn(nearStartTablePat, page->htmlText);
if (s == NULL)
    return -1;
s += strlen(nearStartTablePat);

for (;;)
    e = stringIn(nearEndRowPat, s);
    if (e == NULL)
    row = cloneStringZ(s, e-s);
    acc = qaStringBetween(row, ">", "</a>");
    if (acc == NULL)
	warn("Can't find acc text between > and </a> while counting uniq row %s",
    if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, acc))
	hashAdd(uniqHash, acc, NULL);
    s = e + strlen(nearEndRowPat);
return count;
コード例 #17
boolean orgFits(struct hash *hash)
/* Return TRUE if it's an organism that passes filter. */
char *bf;
if (organism == NULL)
    return TRUE;
bf = hashFindVal(hash, "BF");
if (bf == NULL)
    return FALSE;
return stringIn(organism, bf) != NULL;
コード例 #18
ファイル: qa.c プロジェクト: kenongit/sequencing
int qaCountBetween(char *s, char *startPattern, char *endPattern, 
	char *midPattern)
/* Count the number of midPatterns that occur between start and end pattern. */
int count = 0;
char *e;
s = stringIn(startPattern, s);
if (s != NULL)
    s += strlen(startPattern);
    e = stringIn(endPattern, s);
    while (s < e)
	if (startsWith(midPattern, s))
	s += 1;
return count;
コード例 #19
void ans01MetaOut(FILE *f, char *midString)
/* Version of function used for Anshul's TFBS uniform peak calling ENCODE Jan 2011 freeze. */
char *pattern = "0_VS_";
char *patPos = stringIn(pattern, midString);
if (patPos == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find %s in %s\n", pattern, midString);
*patPos = 0;

fprintf(f, "\twgEncode%s1", midString);
コード例 #20
void ans02MetaOut(FILE *f, char *midString)
/* Version of function used for Anshul's TFBS uniform peak calling ENCODE June 2012 freeze. */
/* NOTE: Including single-replicate data sets (Rep1).  This is different from ans01
 * Another difference is that the control dataset object is also parsed out (_VS_).
 * Input string has common prefix stripped -- starts with lab/dataType, e.g. 'HaibTfbs.*'
 * Patterns are:  *Rep[0-1].bam, *Rep[0-1]V[1-9].bam.  
 * Convert Rep0 to Rep1 to obtain a valid UCSC object name.  Rep0 is Anshul's pooling convention.*/
char *pattern;
char *patPos;
char *endString;

// parse the experiment
pattern = "Rep";
patPos = stringIn(pattern, midString);
if (patPos == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find %s in %s\n", pattern, midString);

// force to Rep1 
patPos += strlen(pattern);
*patPos++ = '1';
*patPos++ = 0;

// now the control
pattern = "bam_VS_wgEncode";
patPos = stringIn(pattern, patPos);
if (patPos == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find %s in %s\n", pattern, midString);

endString = patPos + strlen(pattern);
pattern = "Rep";
patPos = stringIn(pattern, endString);
if (patPos != NULL)
    // force to Rep1 
    patPos += strlen(pattern);
    *patPos++ = '1';
// allow for no replicates (e.g. OpenChrom)
fprintf(f, "\twgEncode%s\twgEncode%s", midString, endString);
コード例 #21
static char *cloneAndCut(char *s, char *cutAt)
/* Return copy of string that may have stuff cut off end. */
char *clone = cloneString(s);
if (cutAt != NULL)
    char *end = stringIn(cutAt, clone);
    if (end != NULL)
	*end = 0;
return clone;
コード例 #22
ファイル: IOUtils.cpp プロジェクト: rel-eng/QWinHelp
QString getNullTerminatedString(const void *src,
    size_t offset,
    size_t srcSize,
    QTextCodec *codec,
    size_t &stringLength)
    size_t ptr = offset;
    size_t strEnd = offset;
    bool nullFound = false;
    while(ptr < srcSize)
        if((reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(src))[ptr] == 0)
            strEnd = ptr;
            nullFound = true;
        throw std::runtime_error("No end of string found");
    if((strEnd + static_cast<size_t>(1)) < offset)
        throw std::runtime_error("No end of string found");
    size_t strLen = strEnd - offset + static_cast<size_t>(1);
    stringLength = strLen;
    if(strLen > static_cast<size_t>(1))
        QScopedArrayPointer<quint8> stringIn(new quint8[strLen]);
        memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(stringIn.data()),
            reinterpret_cast<const void *>(reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(src)
                offset), strLen);
        QScopedPointer<QTextDecoder> decoder(codec->makeDecoder());
        if (decoder.isNull())
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create text decoder");
        return decoder->toUnicode(reinterpret_cast<const char *> (stringIn.data(
                    )), static_cast<int> (strLen - static_cast<size_t>(1)));
        return QString();
コード例 #23
void weedLines(char *weedFile, char *file, char *output, 
	boolean invert, char *invertOutput)
/* weedLines - Selectively remove lines from file. */
struct hash *hash = hashWordsInFile(weedFile, 16);
struct hashEl *weedList = hashElListHash(hash);
verbose(2, "%d words in weed file %s\n", hash->elCount, weedFile);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(file, TRUE);
char *line, *word;
FILE *f = mustOpen(output, "w");
FILE *fInvert = NULL;
boolean embedded = optionExists("embedded");
if (invertOutput != NULL)
    fInvert = mustOpen(invertOutput, "w");

while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    boolean doWeed = FALSE;
    char *dupe = NULL;
    if (embedded)
	struct hashEl *hel;
	for (hel = weedList; hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
	    if (stringIn(hel->name, line))
	        doWeed = TRUE;
	dupe = cloneString(line);
	while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
	    if (hashLookup(hash, word))
		doWeed = TRUE;
	line = dupe;
    if (invert)
	doWeed = !doWeed;
    if (!doWeed)
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
	if (fInvert != NULL)
	    fprintf(fInvert, "%s\n", line);
コード例 #24
ファイル: blastParse.c プロジェクト: blumroy/kentUtils
struct blastQuery *blastFileNextQuery(struct blastFile *bf)
/* Read all alignments associated with next query.  Return NULL at EOF. */
char *line;
struct blastQuery *bq;
struct blastGappedAli *bga;

verbose(TRACE_LEVEL, "blastFileNextQuery\n");

/* find and parse Query= */
line = bfSearchForLine(bf, "Query=");
if (line == NULL)
    return NULL;
parseQueryLines(bf, line, bq);

/* find and parse Database: */
line = bfSearchForLine(bf, "Database:");
if (line == NULL)
parseDatabaseLines(bf, line, bq);

/* Seek to beginning of first gapped alignment. */
for (;;)
    line = bfNeedNextLine(bf);
    if (line[0] == '>')
    else if (isRoundLine(line))
        parseRoundLine(line, bq);
    else if (stringIn("No hits found", line) != NULL)

/* Read in gapped alignments. */
while ((bga = blastFileNextGapped(bf, bq)) != NULL)
    slAddHead(&bq->gapped, bga);
if (verboseLevel() >= DUMP_LEVEL)
    verbose(DUMP_LEVEL, "blastFileNextQuery result:\n");
    blastQueryPrint(bq, stderr);
return bq;
コード例 #25
ファイル: replaceTextBetween.c プロジェクト: sktu/kentUtils
void replaceTextBetween(char *start, char *end, char *outerFile, char *middleFile)
/* replaceTextBetween - Replaces a section of text in the middle of a file.. */
/* Read outer file into memory. */
char *outer;
size_t outerSize;
readInGulp(outerFile, &outer, &outerSize);

/* Figure out the boundaries of the region we want to replace. */
char *s = stringIn(start, outer);
if (s == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find '%s' in %s", start, outerFile);
char *e = stringIn(end, s);
if (e == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find '%s' in %s", end, outerFile);
if (withEnds)
    e += strlen(end);
    s += strlen(start);

/* Read middle file into memory. */
char *middle;
size_t middleSize;
readInGulp(middleFile, &middle, &middleSize);

/* Write out file in three parts. */
int startSize = s - outer;
mustWrite(stdout, outer, startSize);
mustWrite(stdout, middle, middleSize);
int endSize = outer + outerSize - e;
mustWrite(stdout, e, endSize);
コード例 #26
ファイル: altSplice.c プロジェクト: apmagalhaes/kentUtils
void loadPslsFromDatabase(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *db, char *chrom) 
/** Load all of the desired alignments into the chromkeeper structure
    from the desired pslTables. */
int i = 0;
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char **row = NULL;
int rowOffset = 0;
struct psl *pslList = NULL, *psl = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < numDbTables; i++)
    sr = hChromQuery(conn, dbTables[i], chrom, NULL, &rowOffset); 
    while((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	psl = pslLoad(row+rowOffset);
	slAddHead(&pslList, psl);
	minPslStart = min(psl->tStart, minPslStart);
	maxPslEnd = max(psl->tEnd, maxPslEnd);
	/* This just adds the mrna twice to the list, cheat way to add more
	   weight to certain tables. */
	if(weightMrna && (stringIn("refSeqAli", dbTables[i]) || stringIn("mrna", dbTables[i])))
	    psl = clonePsl(psl);
	    slAddHead(&pslList, psl);

chromPslBin = binKeeperNew(minPslStart, maxPslEnd);
agxSeenBin = binKeeperNew(minPslStart, maxPslEnd);
for(psl = pslList; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next)
    binKeeperAdd(chromPslBin, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, psl);
コード例 #27
ファイル: mimeDecodeTest.c プロジェクト: blumroy/kentUtils
static void handleCID(char **html, char *ctMain)
/* Handle CID replacements if needed */
if (optionExists("cid") && ctMain && sameWord(ctMain,"text/html"))
    struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(cidHash);
	char *cid=addSuffix("cid:",el->name);
	if (stringIn(cid,*html))
	    char *new = replaceChars(*html, cid, el->val);
	    *html = new;
	// support for content-location
	if (stringIn(el->name,*html))
	    char *new = replaceChars(*html, el->name, el->val);
	    *html = new;
コード例 #28
ファイル: qa.c プロジェクト: kenongit/sequencing
char *qaStringBetween(char *text, char *startPattern, char *endPattern)
/* Return text that occurs between startPattern and endPattern,
 * or NULL if no startPattern.  (Will return up to 100 characters
 * after startPattern if there is no endPattern) */
char *startMid = stringIn(startPattern, text);
if (startMid != NULL)
    char *endMid;
    int midSize;
    startMid += strlen(startPattern);
    endMid = stringIn(startMid, endPattern);
    if (endMid == NULL)
	midSize = strlen(startMid);
	if (midSize > 100)
	    midSize = 100;
        midSize = endMid - startMid;
    return cloneStringZ(startMid, midSize);
return NULL;
コード例 #29
void testColInfo(struct htmlPage *dbPage, char *org, char *db, char *col) 
/* Click on all colInfo columns. */
struct htmlPage *infoPage = 
    quickSubmit(dbPage, NULL, org, db, col, NULL, "colInfo", colInfoVarName, col);

if (infoPage != NULL)
    if (stringIn("No additional info available", infoPage->htmlText))
		"%s failed - no %s.html?", colInfoVarName, col);
コード例 #30
ファイル: IOUtils.cpp プロジェクト: rel-eng/QWinHelp
QString readFixedLengthStringFromBuffer(const void *buffer,
    size_t bufferSize,
    size_t pos,
    uint length,
    QTextCodec *codec)
    if(codec == NULL)
        throw std::runtime_error("Codec is NULL");
    QScopedArrayPointer<quint8> stringIn(
        new quint8[static_cast<size_t>(length)]);
    if((pos + static_cast<size_t>(length)) <= bufferSize)
        size_t last = pos + static_cast<size_t>(length);
        size_t strPtr = static_cast<size_t>(0);
        for(size_t ptr = pos; ptr < last; ptr++)
            stringIn[strPtr] = (reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(buffer))[ptr];
        size_t last = bufferSize;
        size_t strPtr = static_cast<size_t>(0);
        for(size_t ptr = pos; ptr < last; ptr++)
            stringIn[strPtr] = (reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(buffer))[ptr];
        for(size_t ptr = strPtr; ptr < static_cast<size_t>(length); ptr++)
            stringIn[ptr] = 0;
    uint stringLength = qstrnlen(
        reinterpret_cast<char *> (stringIn.data()), length);
    QScopedPointer<QTextDecoder> decoder(codec->makeDecoder());
    if (decoder.isNull())
        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create text decoder");
    return decoder->toUnicode(
        reinterpret_cast<const char *> (stringIn.data()),
        static_cast<int> (stringLength));