コード例 #1
ファイル: WebClient.cpp プロジェクト: nsb/Calypso
char *WebClient::executeWebMethod( char *inMethod,
                                   char *inURL, int *outContentLength,
                                   char **outFinalURL,
                                   char **outMimeType,
                                   long inTimeoutInMilliseconds ) {

    char *returnString = NULL;

    if (outFinalURL) *outFinalURL = NULL;
    char *startString = "http://";

    char *urlCopy = strdup( inURL );

    char *urlStart = stringLocateIgnoreCase(  urlCopy, startString );

    char *serverStart;
    if( urlStart == NULL ) {
        // no http:// at start of URL
        serverStart = urlCopy;
    else {
        serverStart = &( urlStart[ strlen( startString ) ] );
    // find the first occurrence of "/", which is the end of the
    // server name

    char *serverNameCopy = strdup( serverStart );
    char *serverEnd = strstr( serverNameCopy, "/" );

    char *getPath = strstr( serverStart, "/" );

    if( serverEnd == NULL ) {
        serverEnd = &( serverStart[ strlen( serverStart ) ] );
        getPath = "/";
    // terminate the url here to extract the server name
    serverEnd[0] = '\0';

    int portNumber = 80;

        // look for a port number
    char *colon = strstr( serverNameCopy, ":" );
    if( colon != NULL ) {
        char *portNumberString = &( colon[1] );
        int numRead = sscanf( portNumberString, "%d",
                              & portNumber );
        if( numRead != 1 ) {
            portNumber = 80;

        // terminate the name here so port isn't taken as part
        // of the address
        colon[0] = '\0';

    HostAddress *host = new HostAddress(
        strdup( serverNameCopy ),
        portNumber );

    // will be set to true if we time out while connecting
    char timedOut;
    Socket *sock = SocketClient::connectToServer( host,
                                                  &timedOut );

    char *finalURL = strdup( inURL );
    char *mimeType = NULL;

    int receivedLength = 0;

    if( sock != NULL ) {
        SocketStream *stream = new SocketStream( sock );

        // reuse the same timeout for read operations
        stream->setReadTimeout( inTimeoutInMilliseconds );
        // method and trailing space need to be sent in the same
        // buffer to work around a bug in certain web servers
        char *methodWithSpace = new char[ strlen( inMethod ) + 2 ];
        sprintf( methodWithSpace, "%s ", inMethod );
        // send the request
        stream->writeString( methodWithSpace );
        stream->writeString( getPath );
        stream->writeString( " HTTP/1.0\r\n" );
        stream->writeString( "Host: " );
        stream->writeString( serverNameCopy );
        stream->writeString( "\r\n\r\n" );

        delete [] methodWithSpace;

        // the simplest thing to do is to read upto the
        // socket close first, then extract the content
        char *received = receiveData( stream, &receivedLength );

        char *content = NULL;

        char notFound = false;

        if( stringLocateIgnoreCase ( received, "404 Not Found" ) != NULL ) {
            notFound = true;            
        // watch for redirection headers
        if( stringLocateIgnoreCase( received, "302 Found" ) != NULL ||
            stringLocateIgnoreCase( received,
                                    "301 Moved Permanently" ) != NULL ||
            stringLocateIgnoreCase( received,
                                    "302 Object Moved" ) != NULL ) {

            // call ourself recursively to fetch the redirection
            char *locationTag = "Location: ";
            char *locationTagStart =
                stringLocateIgnoreCase( received, locationTag );

            if( locationTagStart != NULL ) {

                char *locationStart =
                    &( locationTagStart[ strlen( locationTag ) ] );

                // replace next \r with \0
                char *nextChar = locationStart;
                while( nextChar[0] != '\r' && nextChar[0] != '\0' ) {
                    nextChar = &( nextChar[1] );
                nextChar[0] = '\0';

                char *newFinalURL=NULL;
		if (strcmp(inURL,locationStart))
                  content = getWebPage( locationStart, &receivedLength,
                                      &mimeType );
                delete [] locationTagStart;
                delete [] finalURL;
                finalURL = newFinalURL;

                if( content == NULL ) {
                    // not found recursively
                    notFound = true;

        char *contentStartString = "\r\n\r\n";
        char *contentTypeStartString = "Content-type:";

        if( notFound ) {
            returnString = NULL;
        else {
            if( content == NULL ) {

                // scan for content type
                char *contentTypeStartMarker =
                    stringLocateIgnoreCase( received, contentTypeStartString );

                if( contentTypeStartMarker != NULL ) {
                    // skip marker
                    char *contentTypeStart =
                        &( contentTypeStartMarker[
                            strlen( contentTypeStartString ) ] );

                    // extract content type
                    // make sure the buffer is big enough
                    char *contentType =
                        new char[ strlen( contentTypeStartMarker ) ];

                    int numRead = sscanf( contentTypeStart, "%s", contentType );

                    if( numRead == 1 ) {
                        // trim
                        mimeType = strdup( contentType );
                    delete [] contentType;
                    delete [] contentTypeStartMarker;

                // extract the content from what we've received
                char *contentStart = strstr( received, contentStartString );
                if( contentStart != NULL ) {
                    content =
                        &( contentStart[ strlen( contentStartString ) ] );

                    receivedLength =
                        - strlen( contentStartString )
                        - ( (long)(contentStart - received) );

                    returnString = new char[ receivedLength + 1 ];
                    returnString = (char*)memcpy( returnString,
                                                  content, receivedLength );

                    returnString[ receivedLength ] = '\0';
            else {
                // we already obtained our content recursively
                returnString = new char[ receivedLength + 1 ];
                returnString = (char*)memcpy( returnString,
                                              content, receivedLength );
                returnString[ receivedLength ] = '\0';

                delete [] content;
        delete [] received;
        delete stream;
        delete sock;

    delete  host ;

    free ( serverNameCopy ) ;

    free ( urlCopy ) ;

    if( outFinalURL != NULL ) {
        *outFinalURL = finalURL;
    else {
        free ( finalURL ) ;

    if( outMimeType != NULL ) {
        *outMimeType = mimeType;
    else {
        if( mimeType != NULL ) {
            free ( mimeType ) ;

    *outContentLength = receivedLength;
    return returnString;
コード例 #2
ファイル: WebRequest.cpp プロジェクト: MrPhil/CastleDoctrine
int WebRequest::step() {
    if( mError ) {
        return -1;

    if( mSock == NULL ) {

        // we know mLookupThread is not NULL if we get here
        if( mLookupThread->isLookupDone() ) {

            mError = true;

            mNumericalAddress = mLookupThread->getResult();

            if( mNumericalAddress != NULL ) {

                // use timeout of 0 for non-blocking
                // will be set to true if we time out while connecting
                char timedOut;
                mSock = SocketClient::connectToServer( mNumericalAddress,
                                                       &timedOut );
                if( mSock != NULL ) {
                    mError = false;

            if( mError ) {
                // lookup or socket construction failed
                if( mNumericalAddress == NULL ) {
                    printf( "Error:  "
                            "WebRequest failed to lookup %s\n",
                            mSuppliedAddress->mAddressString );
                else {
                    printf( "Error:  "
                            "WebRequest failed to construct "
                            "socket to %s:%d\n",
                            mNumericalAddress->mPort );
                return -1;
        else {
            // still looking up
            return 0;

    int connectStatus = mSock->isConnected();
    if( connectStatus == 0 ) {
        // still trying to connect
        return 0;
    else if( connectStatus < 0 ) {
        // failed to connect
        mError = true;
        printf( "Error:  "
                "WebRequest failed to connect to %s:%d\n",
                mNumericalAddress->mPort );

        return -1;
    else if( connectStatus == 1 ) {
        // connected
        if( mRequestPosition < (int)( strlen( mRequest ) ) ) {
            // try to send more
            char *remainingRequest = &( mRequest[ mRequestPosition ] );
            int numSent = mSock->send( (unsigned char *)remainingRequest,
                                       strlen( remainingRequest ),
                                       // non-blocking
                                       false );
            if( numSent == -1 ) {
                mError = true;
                printf( "Error:  "
                        "WebRequest failed to connect to "
                        "send full request\n" );

                return -1;
            if( numSent == -2 ) {
                return 0;
            mRequestPosition += numSent;

            // don't start looking for response in same step,
            // even if we just sent the entire request
            // in practice, it's never ready that fast
            return 0;
        else if( mResultReady ) {
            return 1;
        else {
            // done sending request
            // still receiving response
            long bufferLength = 5000;
            unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[ bufferLength ];

            // non-blocking

            // keep reading as long as we get full buffers
            int numRead = bufferLength;
            while( numRead > 0 ) {
                numRead = mSock->receive( buffer, bufferLength, 0 );
                if( numRead > 0 ) {
                    for( int i=0; i<numRead; i++ ) {
                        mResponse.push_back( buffer[i] );
            delete [] buffer;

            if( numRead == -1 ) {
                // connection closed, done done receiving result

                // process it
                char *responseString = mResponse.getElementString();
                int responseLength = mResponse.size();
                if( stringLocateIgnoreCase( responseString, "404 Not Found" ) 
                    != NULL ) {
                    mError = true;
                    delete [] responseString;

                    printf( "Error:  "
                            "WebRequest got 404 Not Found error for URL:  %s",
                            mURL );
                    return -1;

                const char *contentStartString = "\r\n\r\n";
                char *contentStart = strstr( responseString, 
                                             contentStartString );
                if( contentStart != NULL ) {
                    // skip start string
                    char *content =
                        &( contentStart[ strlen( contentStartString ) ] );

                    // pointer arithmetic:
                    // ugly, but we don't know that result does not contain
                    // \0, so we can't use streln to find result length
                    int resultLength =
                        - strlen( contentStartString )
                        - (int)( contentStart - responseString );

                    mResult = new char[ resultLength + 1 ];
                    memcpy( mResult,
                            content, resultLength );

                    mResult[ resultLength ] = '\0';
                    mResultReady = true;
                    delete [] responseString;
                    return 1;
                else {
                    mError = true;

                    printf( "Error:  "
                            "WebRequest got badly formatted response:\n%s\n",
                            responseString );

                    delete [] responseString;
                    return -1;
            else {
                // still receiving response
                return 0;

    // should never get here
    // count it as error
    printf( "Error:  "
            "WebRequest got out of expected case tree\n" );

    return -1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: WebRequest.cpp プロジェクト: MrPhil/CastleDoctrine
WebRequest::WebRequest( const char *inMethod, const char *inURL,
                        const char *inBody, const char *inProxy )
        : mError( false ), mURL( stringDuplicate( inURL ) ),
          mRequest( NULL ), mRequestPosition( -1 ),
          mResultReady( false ), mResult( NULL ),
          mSock( NULL ) {
    const char *startString = "http://";

    char *urlCopy = stringDuplicate( inURL );

    char *urlStart = stringLocateIgnoreCase(  urlCopy, startString );

    char *serverStart;
    if( urlStart == NULL ) {
        // no http:// at start of URL
        serverStart = urlCopy;
    else {
        serverStart = &( urlStart[ strlen( startString ) ] );
    // find the first occurrence of "/", which is the end of the
    // server name

    char *serverNameCopy;
    char *requestHostNameCopy = stringDuplicate( serverStart );
    if( inProxy != NULL ) {
        serverNameCopy = stringDuplicate( inProxy );
    else {
        // will be same as parsed, request host name copy later 
        serverNameCopy = NULL;

    char *getPath;

    if( inProxy != NULL ) {
        // for proxy, pass entire URL as method target
        getPath = (char*)inURL;
    else {
        // for direct connection, pass only file sub-path from URL
        getPath = strstr( serverStart, "/" );
    char *hostNameEnd = strstr( requestHostNameCopy, "/" );
    if( hostNameEnd == NULL ) {
        hostNameEnd = &( requestHostNameCopy[ strlen( requestHostNameCopy ) ] );
        if( inProxy == NULL ) {
            getPath = (char *)"/";

    // terminate the url here to extract the host name and port
    hostNameEnd[0] = '\0';

    if( inProxy == NULL ) {
        serverNameCopy = stringDuplicate( requestHostNameCopy );

    int portNumber = 80;

    // look for a port number
    char *colon = strstr( serverNameCopy, ":" );
    if( colon != NULL ) {
        char *portNumberString = &( colon[1] );
        int numRead = sscanf( portNumberString, "%d",
                              & portNumber );
        if( numRead != 1 ) {
            portNumber = 80;

        // terminate the name here so port isn't taken as part
        // of the address
        colon[0] = '\0';

    mSuppliedAddress = new HostAddress(
        stringDuplicate( serverNameCopy ),
        portNumber );

    mNumericalAddress = NULL;

    mLookupThread = NULL;

    // launch right into name lookup
    mLookupThread = new LookupThread( mSuppliedAddress );

    mSock = NULL;
    // compose the request into a buffered stream
    StringBufferOutputStream tempStream;

    tempStream.writeString( inMethod );
    tempStream.writeString( " " );
    tempStream.writeString( getPath );
    tempStream.writeString( " HTTP/1.0\r\n" );
    tempStream.writeString( "Host: " );
    tempStream.writeString( requestHostNameCopy );
    tempStream.writeString( "\r\n" );
    if( inBody != NULL ) {
        char *lengthString = autoSprintf( "Content-Length: %d\r\n",
                                          strlen( inBody ) );
        tempStream.writeString( lengthString );
        delete [] lengthString;
            "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n" );
        tempStream.writeString( inBody );
    else {
        tempStream.writeString( "\r\n" );
    mRequest = tempStream.getString();
    mRequestPosition = 0;

    delete [] serverNameCopy;
    delete [] requestHostNameCopy;
    delete [] urlCopy;    
コード例 #4
ファイル: searchthread.cpp プロジェクト: nsb/Calypso
void SearchThread::run()
  running = true;

  /*  search in cache */
  char *searchString = strdup((char *) this->searchTerms.toUtf8 ().constData ());
  SimpleVector < char *>*tokens = tokenizeString (searchString);
  int numSearchTerms = tokens->size ();
  int pos;

  bool locked = semCache.tryAcquire(1,1000);
  for (pos = 0; pos < nbCache; pos++)

	  if(address!="" && address !="ALL" && Cache[pos].host != address) continue;
      // check if this is a hash-only search
      char hashOnlySearch = false;
      const char *hashStart = "hash_";
      char *hashString = (char *)malloc(41);
      char *pointerToHashStart = strstr (searchString, hashStart);

      if (pointerToHashStart != NULL)

    	  // search contains a hash-only search.
    	  // extract hash, and ignore any other search terms
    	  char *pointerToHash = &(pointerToHashStart[strlen (hashStart)]);

    	  // hash should be at most 40 characters long
    	  int numRead = sscanf (pointerToHash, "%40s", hashString);
    	  if (numRead == 1)
    		  searchString = hashString;
    		  hashOnlySearch = true;

      char hitAll = true;

      if (!hashOnlySearch)

    	  // check each term
    	  for (int j = 0; j < numSearchTerms && hitAll; j++)
    		  char *term = *(tokens->getElement (j));
    		  char * tmpstr = stringLocateIgnoreCase (Cache[pos].name, term);
    		  if (tmpstr == NULL)

    			  // missed this term
    			  hitAll = false;
    		  else delete [] tmpstr;
    	  char *hashTerm = *(tokens->getElement (0));
    	  if (strcasecmp (hashString, hashTerm) != 0)
    		  hitAll = false;
      if (hitAll)
            QTextCodec *codecutf=QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8");
            QTextCodec *codeclat=QTextCodec::codecForName("iso8859-1");
            QString qstr;
	    // try to convert string from utf8
	    // test if conversion is reversible
	      // if not reversible, it's not utf8, convert from iso8859 :
	  QApplication::postEvent (eventReceiver,
				   new SearchResultEvent (qstr,
  if(locked) semCache.release(1);
  for (int i = 0; i < numSearchTerms; i++)
      delete[](*(tokens->getElement (i)));
  delete tokens;
  free( searchString );

  MuteLayer::muteLayerSearch ((char *) this->searchTerms.
			      toLatin1 ().constData (),
			      SearchThread::muteSearchHandler, this, 3000,
			      (char *) this->address.
			      toLatin1 ().constData ());
