コード例 #1
static int set_time(void *var, char*val)
    struct ccx_boundary_time **p = (struct ccx_boundary_time **)var;
    if(val == NULL)
        return -1;

    return stringztoms(val,*p);

コード例 #2
/* Parameters */
void init_options (struct ccx_s_options *options)
#ifdef _WIN32
	options->buffer_input = 1; // In Windows buffering seems to help
	options->buffer_input = 0; // In linux, not so much.
	options->nofontcolor=0; // 1 = don't put <font color> tags
	options->notypesetting=0; // 1 = Don't put <i>, <u>, etc typesetting tags
	options->no_rollup = 0;
	options->noscte20 = 0;

	options->settings_608.direct_rollup = 0;
	options->settings_608.no_rollup = 0;
	options->settings_608.force_rollup = 0;
	options->settings_608.screens_to_process = -1;
	options->settings_608.default_color = COL_TRANSPARENT; // Defaults to transparant/no-color.

	options->extract = 1; // Extract 1st field only (primary language)
	options->cc_channel = 1; // Channel we want to dump in srt mode
	options->binary_concat=1; // Disabled by -ve or --videoedited
	options->use_gop_as_pts = 0; // Use GOP instead of PTS timing (0=do as needed, 1=always, -1=never)
	options->fix_padding = 0; // Replace 0000 with 8080 in HDTV (needed for some cards)
	options->gui_mode_reports=0; // If 1, output in stderr progress updates so the GUI can grab them
	options->no_progress_bar=0; // If 1, suppress the output of the progress to stdout
	options->enc_cfg.sentence_cap =0 ; // FIX CASE? = Fix case?
	options->enc_cfg.splitbysentence = 0; // Split text into complete sentences and prorate time?
	options->enc_cfg.nospupngocr = 0;
	options->sentence_cap_file=NULL; // Extra words file?
	options->live_stream=0; // 0 -> A regular file
	options->messages_target=1; // 1=stdout
	/* Levenshtein's parameters, for string comparison */
	options->dolevdist = 1; // By default attempt to correct typos
	options->levdistmincnt=2; // Means 2 fails or less is "the same"...
	options->levdistmaxpct=10; // ...10% or less is also "the same"
	options->investigate_packets = 0; // Look for captions in all packets when everything else fails
	options->fullbin=0; // Disable pruning of padding cc blocks
	options->nosync=0; // Disable syncing
	options->hauppauge_mode=0; // If 1, use PID=1003, process specially and so on
	options->wtvconvertfix = 0; // Fix broken Windows 7 conversion
	options->wtvmpeg2 = 0;
	options->auto_myth = 2; // 2=auto
	/* MP4 related stuff */
	options->mp4vidtrack=0; // Process the video track even if a CC dedicated track exists.
	options->extract_chapters=0; // By default don't extract chapters.
	/* General stuff */
	options->usepicorder = 0; // Force the use of pic_order_cnt_lsb in AVC/H.264 data streams
	options->xmltv=0; // 1 = full output. 2 = live output. 3 = both
	options->xmltvliveinterval=10; // interval in seconds between writting xmltv output files in live mode
	options->xmltvoutputinterval=0; // interval in seconds between writting xmltv full file output
	options->xmltvonlycurrent=0; // 0 off 1 on
	options->keep_output_closed = 0; // By default just keep the file open.
	options->force_flush = 0; // Don't flush whenever content is written.
	options->append_mode = 0; //By default, files are overwritten.
	options->ucla = 0; // By default, -UCLA not used
	options->tickertext = 0; // By default, do not assume ticker style text
	options->hardsubx = 0; // By default, don't try to extract hard subtitles
	options->dvblang = NULL; // By default, autodetect DVB language
	options->ocrlang = NULL; // By default, autodetect .traineddata file
	options->ocr_oem = 0; // By default, set Tesseract OEM mode OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY (0)
	options->ocr_quantmode = 1; // CCExtractor's internal
	options->mkvlang = NULL; // By default, all the languages are extracted 
	options->ignore_pts_jumps = 1;
	options->analyze_video_stream = 0;

	/*HardsubX related stuff*/
	options->hardsubx_ocr_mode = 0;
	options->hardsubx_subcolor = 0;
	options->hardsubx_min_sub_duration = 0.5;
	options->hardsubx_detect_italics = 0;
	options->hardsubx_conf_thresh = 0.0;
	options->hardsubx_hue = 0.0;
	options->hardsubx_lum_thresh = 95.0;

	options->transcript_settings = ccx_encoders_default_transcript_settings;

	options->write_format=CCX_OF_SRT; // 0=Raw, 1=srt, 2=SMI
	options->output_filename = NULL;
	options->debug_mask=CCX_DMT_GENERIC_NOTICES; // dbg_print will use this mask to print or ignore different types
	options->debug_mask_on_debug=CCX_DMT_VERBOSE; // If we're using temp_debug to enable/disable debug "live", this is the mask when temp_debug=1
	/* Networking */
	options->udpsrc = NULL;
	options->udpaddr = NULL;
	options->udpport=0; // Non-zero => Listen for UDP packets on this port, no files.
	options->send_to_srv = 0;
	options->tcpport = NULL;
	options->tcp_password = NULL;
	options->tcp_desc = NULL;
	options->srv_addr = NULL;
	options->srv_port = NULL;
	options->noautotimeref=0; // Do NOT set time automatically?
	options->input_source=CCX_DS_FILE; // Files, stdin or network
	options->multiprogram = 0;
	options->out_interval = -1;
	options->segment_on_key_frames_only = 0;

	options->subs_delay = 0;

	/* Select subtitle codec */
	options->demux_cfg.codec = CCX_CODEC_ANY;
	options->demux_cfg.nocodec = CCX_CODEC_NONE;

	options->demux_cfg.auto_stream = CCX_SM_AUTODETECT;
	options->demux_cfg.m2ts = 0;
	options->demux_cfg.ts_autoprogram =0; // Try to find a stream with captions automatically (no -pn needed)
	options->demux_cfg.ts_cappids[0] = 0; // PID for stream that holds caption information
	options->demux_cfg.nb_ts_cappid = 0;
	options->demux_cfg.ts_forced_program = -1; // Specific program to process in TS files, if ts_forced_program_selected==1
	options->demux_cfg.ts_datastreamtype = CCX_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWNSTREAM; // User WANTED stream type (i.e. use the stream that has this type)
	options->demux_cfg.ts_forced_streamtype=CCX_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWNSTREAM; // User selected (forced) stream type

	options->enc_cfg.autodash=0; // Add dashes (-) before each speaker automatically?
	options->enc_cfg.trim_subs=0; // "	Remove spaces at sides?	"
	options->enc_cfg.in_format = 1;
	options->enc_cfg.line_terminator_lf=0; // 0 = CRLF
	options->enc_cfg.encoding = CCX_ENC_UTF_8;
	options->enc_cfg.no_bom = 0; // Use BOM by default.
	options->enc_cfg.services_charsets = NULL;
	options->enc_cfg.all_services_charset = NULL;
	options->enc_cfg.with_semaphore = 0;

	options->settings_dtvcc.enabled = 0;
	options->settings_dtvcc.active_services_count = 0;
	options->settings_dtvcc.print_file_reports = 1;
	options->settings_dtvcc.no_rollup = 0;
	options->settings_dtvcc.report = NULL;
	memset(options->settings_dtvcc.services_enabled, 0, CCX_DTVCC_MAX_SERVICES);

	options->sharing_enabled = 0;
	options->sharing_url = NULL;
	options->translate_enabled = 0;
	options->translate_key = NULL;
	options->translate_langs = NULL;
	options->curlposturl = NULL;

	// Prepare time structures
	init_boundary_time (&options->extraction_start);
	init_boundary_time (&options->extraction_end);

	/* Credit stuff */
	init_boundary_time (&options->enc_cfg.startcreditsnotbefore);
	init_boundary_time (&options->enc_cfg.startcreditsnotafter);
	init_boundary_time (&options->enc_cfg.startcreditsforatleast);
	init_boundary_time (&options->enc_cfg.startcreditsforatmost);
	init_boundary_time (&options->enc_cfg.endcreditsforatleast);
	init_boundary_time (&options->enc_cfg.endcreditsforatmost);

	// Sensible default values for credits
	stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSNOTBEFORE, &options->enc_cfg.startcreditsnotbefore);
	stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSNOTAFTER, &options->enc_cfg.startcreditsnotafter);
	stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSFORATLEAST, &options->enc_cfg.startcreditsforatleast);
	stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSFORATMOST, &options->enc_cfg.startcreditsforatmost);
	stringztoms (DEF_VAL_ENDCREDITSFORATLEAST, &options->enc_cfg.endcreditsforatleast);
	stringztoms (DEF_VAL_ENDCREDITSFORATMOST, &options->enc_cfg.endcreditsforatmost);

    options->python_param_count = 0;
    options->python_params = malloc(options->python_param_count * sizeof *options->python_params);
コード例 #3
/* Parameters */
void init_options (struct ccx_s_options *options)
#ifdef _WIN32
    options->buffer_input = 1; // In Windows buffering seems to help
    options->no_bom = 0;
    options->buffer_input = 0; // In linux, not so much.
    options->no_bom = 1;
    options->nofontcolor=0; // 1 = don't put <font color> tags
    options->notypesetting=0; // 1 = Don't put <i>, <u>, etc typesetting tags

    options->no_bom = 0; // Use BOM by default.

    options->settings_608.direct_rollup = 0;
    options->settings_608.no_rollup = 0;
    options->settings_608.force_rollup = 0;
    options->settings_608.screens_to_process = -1;
    options->settings_608.default_color = COL_TRANSPARENT; // Defaults to transparant/no-color.

    /* Select subtitle codec */
    options->demux_cfg.codec = CCX_CODEC_ANY;
    options->demux_cfg.nocodec = CCX_CODEC_NONE;

    /* Credit stuff */
    options->extract = 1; // Extract 1st field only (primary language)
    options->cc_channel = 1; // Channel we want to dump in srt mode
    options->binary_concat=1; // Disabled by -ve or --videoedited
    options->use_gop_as_pts = 0; // Use GOP instead of PTS timing (0=do as needed, 1=always, -1=never)
    options->fix_padding = 0; // Replace 0000 with 8080 in HDTV (needed for some cards)
    options->trim_subs=0; // "	Remove spaces at sides?	"
    options->gui_mode_reports=0; // If 1, output in stderr progress updates so the GUI can grab them
    options->no_progress_bar=0; // If 1, suppress the output of the progress to stdout
    options->sentence_cap =0 ; // FIX CASE? = Fix case?
    options->sentence_cap_file=NULL; // Extra words file?
    options->live_stream=0; // 0 -> A regular file
    options->messages_target=1; // 1=stdout
    /* Levenshtein's parameters, for string comparison */
    options->levdistmincnt=2; // Means 2 fails or less is "the same"...
    options->levdistmaxpct=10; // ...10% or less is also "the same"
    options->investigate_packets = 0; // Look for captions in all packets when everything else fails
    options->fullbin=0; // Disable pruning of padding cc blocks
    options->nosync=0; // Disable syncing
    options->hauppauge_mode=0; // If 1, use PID=1003, process specially and so on
    options->wtvconvertfix = 0; // Fix broken Windows 7 conversion
    options->wtvmpeg2 = 0;
    options->auto_myth = 2; // 2=auto
    /* MP4 related stuff */
    options->mp4vidtrack=0; // Process the video track even if a CC dedicated track exists.
    /* General stuff */
    options->usepicorder = 0; // Force the use of pic_order_cnt_lsb in AVC/H.264 data streams
    options->autodash=0; // Add dashes (-) before each speaker automatically?
    options->xmltv=0; // 1 = full output. 2 = live output. 3 = both
    options->xmltvliveinterval=10; // interval in seconds between writting xmltv output files in live mode
    options->xmltvoutputinterval=0; // interval in seconds between writting xmltv full file output
    options->xmltvonlycurrent=0; // 0 off 1 on

    options->transcript_settings = ccx_encoders_default_transcript_settings;

    options->encoding = CCX_ENC_UTF_8;
    options->write_format=CCX_OF_SRT; // 0=Raw, 1=srt, 2=SMI
    options->debug_mask=CCX_DMT_GENERIC_NOTICES; // dbg_print will use this mask to print or ignore different types
    options->debug_mask_on_debug=CCX_DMT_VERBOSE; // If we're using temp_debug to enable/disable debug "live", this is the mask when temp_debug=1
    options->demux_cfg.ts_autoprogram =0; // Try to find a stream with captions automatically (no -pn needed)
    options->demux_cfg.ts_cappids[0] = 0; // PID for stream that holds caption information
    options->demux_cfg.nb_ts_cappid = 0;
    options->demux_cfg.ts_forced_program = -1; // Specific program to process in TS files, if ts_forced_program_selected==1
    options->demux_cfg.ts_datastreamtype = CCX_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWNSTREAM; // User WANTED stream type (i.e. use the stream that has this type)
    options->demux_cfg.ts_forced_streamtype=CCX_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWNSTREAM; // User selected (forced) stream type
    /* Networking */
    options->udpaddr = NULL;
    options->udpport=0; // Non-zero => Listen for UDP packets on this port, no files.
    options->send_to_srv = 0;
    options->tcpport = NULL;
    options->tcp_password = NULL;
    options->tcp_desc = NULL;
    options->srv_addr = NULL;
    options->srv_port = NULL;
    options->line_terminator_lf=0; // 0 = CRLF
    options->noautotimeref=0; // Do NOT set time automatically?
    options->input_source=CCX_DS_FILE; // Files, stdin or network
    options->demux_cfg.auto_stream = CCX_SM_AUTODETECT;
    options->demux_cfg.m2ts = 0;
    options->multiprogram = 0;

    // Prepare time structures
    init_boundary_time (&options->extraction_start);
    init_boundary_time (&options->extraction_end);
    init_boundary_time (&options->startcreditsnotbefore);
    init_boundary_time (&options->startcreditsnotafter);
    init_boundary_time (&options->startcreditsforatleast);
    init_boundary_time (&options->startcreditsforatmost);
    init_boundary_time (&options->endcreditsforatleast);
    init_boundary_time (&options->endcreditsforatmost);

    // Sensible default values for credits
    stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSNOTBEFORE, &options->startcreditsnotbefore);
    stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSNOTAFTER, &options->startcreditsnotafter);
    stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSFORATLEAST, &options->startcreditsforatleast);
    stringztoms (DEF_VAL_STARTCREDITSFORATMOST, &options->startcreditsforatmost);
    stringztoms (DEF_VAL_ENDCREDITSFORATLEAST, &options->endcreditsforatleast);
    stringztoms (DEF_VAL_ENDCREDITSFORATMOST, &options->endcreditsforatmost);