コード例 #1
ファイル: Syllable.cpp プロジェクト: ybdarrenwang/ProFeXor
void Syllable::SetPitchContour(vector<double> c)
	pitchContour = c;
	onset->SetPitchContour(subVec(c, 0, onset->GetDuration()-1));
	nuclei->SetPitchContour(subVec(c, onset->GetDuration(), onset->GetDuration()+nuclei->GetDuration()-1));
	coda->SetPitchContour(subVec(c, onset->GetDuration()+nuclei->GetDuration(), this->GetDuration()-1));
コード例 #2
ファイル: SRIStylizer.cpp プロジェクト: ybdarrenwang/ProFeXor
void SRIStylizer::Stylize(Utterance* u)

	vector<double> tmpPitchContour = u->GetPitchContour();
	int pitchContourLength = tmpPitchContour.size();
	vector<double> stylizedPitchContour = Vector_Zeros(pitchContourLength);
	vector<double> tmp_axe;
	for(int s=0; s<u->GetNumberOfSyllables(); s++)
		if(u->GetSyllable(s)->GetPrevPause() != 0 || s==0)
			// the region for stylization includes all the frames between two pauses
			int stylizeRegionBeginTime = u->GetSyllable(s)->GetNuclei()->GetBeginTime();
			while(s!=u->GetNumberOfSyllables() && u->GetSyllable(s)->GetPrevPause()==0) s++;
			int stylizeRegionEndTime = u->GetSyllable(s)->GetNuclei()->GetEndTime();

			vector<double> tmpStylizedPitchContour = PiecewiseLinearApprox(subVec(tmpPitchContour,stylizeRegionBeginTime,stylizeRegionEndTime-1));

				for(int i=0;i<stylizeRegionEndTime-stylizeRegionBeginTime;i++)

コード例 #3
ファイル: CFunctionToBspline.cpp プロジェクト: Felipeasg/tigl
std::vector<ChebSegment> CFunctionToBspline::CFunctionToBsplineImpl::approxSegment(double umin, double umax, int depth)
    // to estimate the error, we do a chebycheff approximation at higher
    // degree and evaluate the coefficients
    int K = _degree + 4;
    double alpha = 0.5;
    math_Vector cx = cheb_approx(_xfunc, K+1, umin, umax);
    math_Vector cy = cheb_approx(_yfunc, K+1, umin, umax);
    math_Vector cz = cheb_approx(_zfunc, K+1, umin, umax);
    // estimate error
    double errx=0., erry = 0., errz = 0.;
    for (int i = _degree+1; i < K+1; ++i) {
        errx += fabs(cx(i));
        erry += fabs(cy(i));
        errz += fabs(cz(i));
    double error = sqrt(errx*errx + erry*erry + errz*errz);
    if (error < _tol || depth >= _maxDepth) {
        // we can use this approximation, store to structure
        ChebSegment seg(_degree);
        seg.cx = subVec(cx, 0, _degree);
        seg.cy = subVec(cy, 0, _degree);
        seg.cz = subVec(cz, 0, _degree);
        seg.error = error;
        seg.umin = umin;
        seg.umax = umax;
        std::vector<ChebSegment> list;
        return list;
    else {
        // we have to split the range in two parts and do the approximation for each of them
        std::vector<ChebSegment> list1 = approxSegment(umin, umin + (umax-umin)*alpha, depth + 1);
        std::vector<ChebSegment> list2 = approxSegment(umin + (umax-umin)*alpha, umax, depth + 1);
        // combine lists
        list1.insert(list1.end(), list2.begin(), list2.end());
        return list1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TaskTokenizer.cpp プロジェクト: 9gix/DoLah
    std::vector<std::tm> TaskTokenizer::findAndRemoveDate(std::vector<std::string> &lineArr) {
        TaskTokenizer ct;
        std::vector<std::tm> output;

        try {
            for (size_t i = lineArr.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                if (ParserLibrary::inStringArray(DEADLINE_INDICATOR, ParserLibrary::tolowercase(lineArr.at(i)))) {
                    std::vector<std::string> subVec(lineArr.begin() + i + 1, lineArr.end());

                    std::tm time = DateTimeParser::toDateFormat(subVec);

                    lineArr.erase(lineArr.begin() + i, lineArr.end());
                    return output;
                } else if (SCHEDULE_INDICATOR == ParserLibrary::tolowercase(lineArr.at(i))) {
                    std::vector<std::string> subVec(lineArr.begin() + i + 1, lineArr.end());
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < subVec.size(); j++) {
                        if (ParserLibrary::inStringArray(SCHEDULE_SEPARATOR, ParserLibrary::tolowercase(subVec.at(j)))) {
                            std::vector<std::string> startDateArr(subVec.begin(), subVec.begin() + j);
                            std::vector<std::string> endDateArr(subVec.begin() + j + 1, subVec.end());

                            std::tm startdate = DateTimeParser::toDateFormat(startDateArr);
                            std::tm enddate = DateTimeParser::toDateFormat(endDateArr);

                            lineArr.erase(lineArr.begin() + i, lineArr.end());
                            return output;
        } catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
            // do nothing

        return output;
コード例 #5
ファイル: core.c プロジェクト: Zugamifk/asteroids-mp
// Create gibs (called each time an object is destroyed)
// oa: array of objects to put gibs into
// o: object to create gibs form
// flags: state to begin gibs in
void initGib(object *oa, object *o, int flags) {
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<o->size; i++) {
		object gib;
		vector *gv = (vector*)malloc(sizeof(vector)*2);
		gib.verts = gv;
		gv->x = o->verts[i].x; gv->y = o->verts[i].y; gv++;
		if (i==o->size-1) {
			gv->x = o->verts[0].x; gv->y = o->verts[0].y;
		} else {
			gv->x = o->verts[i+1].x; gv->y = o->verts[i+1].y;
		vector mid = makeVec((gib.verts[0].x+gib.verts[1].x)/2.0,
		gib.pos = localToWorld(&mid, o);
	//	vector dv = subVec(&(gib.pos), &(o->pos));
		gib.verts[0] = subVec(&mid, &(gib.verts[0]));
		gib.verts[1] = subVec(&mid, &(gib.verts[1]));
		gib.size = 2;
		gib.dir = upVec();
		gib.ang = o->ang;
		gib.turn = 1.0+0.5*cos((float)rand());
		vector vel = makeVec(sin((float)rand()), cos((float)rand()));	
		gib.vel = scaleVec(&vel, 0.2+cos(rand()));
		gib.spd = 2.0;
		gib.type = GIB;
		gib.mode = GL_LINES;
		gib.state = flags;
		gib.lifetime = 0.5;
		oa[i] = gib;

コード例 #6
ファイル: core.c プロジェクト: Zugamifk/asteroids-mp
// Collisions
void checkCollisions(void) {

	// Laser->asteroid collisions
	int li;
	for (li=0; li<MAXSHOTS; li++) {
		object *l = LAZORZ+li;
		// If shot is inactive, skip
		if (!(l->state & LAZER_ACTIVE)) continue;
		int a;
		// Else check all asteroids for a collision
		for (a = 0; a < MAXASTEROIDS; a++) {
			// Get distance vector from laser to asteroid centre
			vector dv = subVec(&(l->pos), &((asteroids+a)->pos));

			if (asteroids[a].state & ASTEROID_ACTIVE // Asteroid active?
			 && lengthVec(&dv) < asteroids[a].radius //Laser close enough?
			 && pointPolygonCollide(asteroids+a, &(l->pos))) {//Collision?

				// Kill asteroid and deactivate laser shot
				initGib(asteroidGibs[a], asteroids+a, GIB_ACTIVE);
				l->state &= !LAZER_ACTIVE;
	// // Missile->asteroid collisions
	// if (missile.state & MISSILE_ACTIVE) {
		// int si;
		// // Check eack vertex of the ship for a collision
		// for (si=0; si<missile.size; si++) {

			// int a;
			// // Get world coordinate of ship vertex
			// vector sv = localToWorld(missile.verts+si, &missile);

			// // Check all asteroids for collision
			// for (a = 0; a < MAXASTEROIDS; a++) {

				// // Skip if asteroid is not active (destroyed)
				// if (!(asteroids[a].state & ASTEROID_ACTIVE)) continue;

				// // Get distance vector
				// vector dv = subVec( &sv, &((asteroids+a)->pos));
				// if (lengthVec(&dv) < asteroids[a].radius //Close enough?
				 // && pointPolygonCollide(asteroids+a, &sv)) {//Collision?

					// // Kill asteroid and ship, display lose message
					// killAsteroid(asteroids+a);
				// //	initGib(shipGibs, &ship, GIB_ACTIVE);
					// initGib(asteroidGibs[a], asteroids+a, GIB_ACTIVE);
				// //	initMessage();
					// missile.state &= !MISSILE_ACTIVE;				
					// break;			
				// }		
			// }
		// }
	// }

	// Ship->asteroid collisions
	int si;
	object *ship;
	for ( si = 0; si < MAXSHIPS; si++ ) {
		ship = ships+si;

		if ( !(ship->state & ( SHIP_DED | SHIP_INACTIVE)) ) {
			int si;
			// Check eack vertex of the ship for a collision
			for (si=0; si<ship->size; si++) {

				int a;
				// Get world coordinate of ship vertex
				vector sv = localToWorld(ship->verts+si, ship);

				// Check all asteroids for collision
				for (a = 0; a < MAXASTEROIDS; a++) {

					// Skip if asteroid is not active (destroyed)
					if (!(asteroids[a].state & ASTEROID_ACTIVE)) continue;

					// Get distance vector
					vector dv = subVec( &sv, &((asteroids+a)->pos));
					if (lengthVec(&dv) < asteroids[a].radius //Close enough?
					 && pointPolygonCollide(asteroids+a, &sv)) {//Collision?

						// Kill asteroid and ship, display lose message
						initGib(shipGibs+si*ship->size, ship, GIB_ACTIVE);
						initGib(asteroidGibs[a], asteroids+a, GIB_ACTIVE);
						ship->state += SHIP_DED;				
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Samee-Swartz/PDTWProject
// both incoming files should be PAA'd already
DTWData DTWaFile(std::string dataFile, std::string queryFile) {
    std::ifstream data(getPAAFilename(dataFile).c_str()); // bigger file
    std::ifstream query(getPAAFilename(queryFile).c_str()); // smaller file

    if (!data) {
            std::cout << "ERROR: ifstream failed on " << dataFile << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
            return DTWData();
    if (!query) {
            std::cout << "ERROR: ifstream failed on " << queryFile << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
            return DTWData();

    std::string dataTimePoints;
    std::string queryData;

    std::vector<double> dataVector;
    std::vector<double> queryVector;
    int curTimeSeries = -1;
    int bestMatchTimeSeries = 1;
    int bestMatchIdx = 1;
    int bestMatchBlkSz = 2;
    double bestMatchDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    // turn query into vector
    std::getline(query, queryData);
    std::size_t prev = 0, pos;
    while ((pos = queryData.find_first_of(" ,", prev)) != std::string::npos) {
        if (pos > prev)
            queryVector.push_back(stod(queryData.substr(prev, pos-prev)));
        prev = pos+1;
    if (prev < queryData.length())
        queryVector.push_back(stod(queryData.substr(prev, std::string::npos)));

    while (dataTimePoints.empty() && data.good())
        std::getline(data, dataTimePoints);

    while (data.good()) {
        // get the next data timeseries
        // split the timeseries numbers on space or comma
        std::size_t prev = 0, pos;
        while ((pos = dataTimePoints.find_first_of(" ,", prev)) != std::string::npos) {
            if (pos > prev)
                dataVector.push_back(stod(dataTimePoints.substr(prev, pos-prev)));
            prev = pos+1;
        if (prev < dataTimePoints.length())
            dataVector.push_back(stod(dataTimePoints.substr(prev, std::string::npos)));

        // run through all combinations from query
        for (int blkSz = 2; blkSz <= (int)dataVector.size(); blkSz++) {
            for (int startIdx = 0; startIdx+blkSz <= (int)dataVector.size(); startIdx++) {
                std::vector<double> subVec(dataVector.begin()+startIdx, dataVector.begin()+startIdx+blkSz);
                double newBest = std::min(simpleDTW(queryVector, subVec), bestMatchDistance);
                if (newBest != bestMatchDistance) {
                            bestMatchDistance = newBest;
                            bestMatchIdx = startIdx;
                            bestMatchBlkSz = blkSz;
                            bestMatchTimeSeries = curTimeSeries;

        // get the next data timeseries
        dataTimePoints = "";
        while (dataTimePoints.empty() && data.good())
            std::getline(data, dataTimePoints);
    return DTWData(bestMatchDistance, bestMatchTimeSeries, bestMatchIdx, bestMatchBlkSz);