コード例 #1
void CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_more_monitors()
  StackFrame frame;

  const int frame_header_size = frame.unaligned_size() + slop_factor;
  const int monitor_size = frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size() * wordSize;

  const Address stack_words_addr(Rmethod, methodOopDesc::max_stack_offset());

  Label loop_start, loop_test;

  // Extend the frame if necessary
  const Register required_bytes  = r3;
  const Register available_bytes = r4;

  __ load (required_bytes, frame_header_size + monitor_size);
  __ load (available_bytes, STATE(_stack_limit));
  __ addi (available_bytes, available_bytes, wordSize);
  __ sub (available_bytes, available_bytes, r1);
  __ maybe_extend_frame (required_bytes, available_bytes);

  // Move the expression stack contents
  const Register src = r3;
  const Register end = r4;
  const Register dst = r5;

  __ load (src, STATE(_stack));
  __ addi (src, src, wordSize);
  __ load (end, STATE(_stack_base));
  __ subi (dst, src, monitor_size);
  __ b (loop_test);
  __ bind (loop_start);
  __ load (r0, Address(src, 0));
  __ store (r0, Address(dst, 0));
  __ addi (src, src, wordSize);
  __ addi (dst, dst, wordSize);
  __ bind (loop_test);
  __ compare (src, end);
  __ blt (loop_start);

  // Move the expression stack pointers
  const Register tmp = r3;

  __ load (tmp, STATE(_stack_limit));
  __ subi (tmp, tmp, monitor_size);
  __ store (tmp, STATE(_stack_limit));
  __ load (tmp, STATE(_stack));
  __ subi (tmp, tmp, monitor_size);
  __ store (tmp, STATE(_stack));
  __ load (tmp, STATE(_stack_base));
  __ subi (tmp, tmp, monitor_size);
  __ store (tmp, STATE(_stack_base));

  // Zero the new monitor so the interpreter can find it.
  // NB tmp at this point contains _stack_base, the address
  // of the word after the expression stack -- which just
  // happens to be the address of our new monitor.
  __ load (r0, 0);
  __ store (r0, Address(tmp, BasicObjectLock::obj_offset_in_bytes()));
コード例 #2
address CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_stack_to_stack_converter(
    BasicType type)
  const Register stack = r3;

  address start = __ pc();

  switch (type) {
  case T_VOID:

  case T_BOOLEAN:
  case T_CHAR:
  case T_BYTE:
  case T_SHORT:
  case T_INT:
  case T_FLOAT:
    __ load (stack, STATE(_stack));
    __ lwz (r0, Address(stack, wordSize));
    __ stw (r0, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize);

  case T_LONG:
  case T_DOUBLE:
    __ load (stack, STATE(_stack));
    __ load (r0, Address(stack, wordSize));
    __ store (r0, Address(Rlocals, -wordSize));
#ifdef PPC32
    __ load (r0, Address(stack, wordSize * 2));
    __ store (r0, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize * 2);

  case T_OBJECT:
    __ load (stack, STATE(_stack));
    __ load (r0, Address(stack, wordSize));
    __ verify_oop (r0);
    __ store (r0, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize);

  __ blr ();

  return start;
コード例 #3
address CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_tosca_to_stack_converter(
    BasicType type)
  address start = __ pc();

  switch (type) {
  case T_VOID:

  case T_BOOLEAN:
  case T_CHAR:
  case T_BYTE:
  case T_SHORT:
  case T_INT:
    __ stw (r3, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize);
  case T_LONG:
    __ store (r3, Address(Rlocals, -wordSize));
#ifdef PPC32
    __ store (r4, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize * 2);

  case T_FLOAT:
    __ stfs (f1, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize);

  case T_DOUBLE:
    __ stfd (f1, Address(Rlocals, -wordSize));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize * 2);

  case T_OBJECT:
    __ verify_oop (r3);
    __ store (r3, Address(Rlocals, 0));
    __ subi (Rlocals, Rlocals, wordSize);

  __ blr ();

  return start;
コード例 #4
void CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_adjust_callers_stack()
  StackFrame frame;

  const int frame_header_size = frame.unaligned_size() + slop_factor;

  const Address param_words_addr(
    Rmethod, methodOopDesc::size_of_parameters_offset());
  const Address local_words_addr(
    Rmethod, methodOopDesc::size_of_locals_offset());

  const Register param_words = r3;
  const Register local_words = r4;

  Label loop, done;

  // Check whether extra locals are actually required
  __ lhz (param_words, param_words_addr);
  __ lhz (local_words, local_words_addr);
  __ compare (param_words, local_words);
  __ beq (done);

  // Extend the frame if necessary
  const Register required_bytes  = r5;
  const Register available_bytes = r6;

  __ shift_left (required_bytes, local_words, LogBytesPerWord);
  __ sub (available_bytes, Rlocals, r1);
  __ subi (available_bytes, available_bytes, frame_header_size);
  __ maybe_extend_frame (required_bytes, available_bytes);
  // Zero the extra locals
  const Register dst = r7;

  __ shift_left (dst, param_words, LogBytesPerWord);
  __ sub (dst, Rlocals, dst);
  __ sub (r0, local_words, param_words);
  __ mtctr (r0);
  __ load (r0, 0);
  __ bind (loop);
  __ store (r0, Address(dst, 0));
  __ subi (dst, dst, wordSize);
  __ bdnz (loop);
  __ bind (done);
コード例 #5
// sub method
// Subtract a register value from a register value
//  r[RD] = r[RD] - r[RS]
void VirtualMachine::sub() 
    clock += 1;
    if ( binaryCode.f1.I == 0 )
        int temp = reg[binaryCode.f1.RD] - reg[binaryCode.f1.RS];
        int complRS = ~reg[binaryCode.f1.RS] + 1;
        if ( reg[binaryCode.f1.RD] >= 0 && complRS >= 0 && temp < 0 )

        else if ( reg[binaryCode.f1.RD] < 0 && complRS < 0 && temp >= 0 )
        reg[binaryCode.f1.RD] = temp;

} // end sub method
コード例 #6
  address generate_call_stub(address& return_address)
    assert (!TaggedStackInterpreter, "not supported");
    StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "call_stub");
    address start = __ enter();

    const Register call_wrapper    = r3;
    const Register result          = r4;
    const Register result_type     = r5;
    const Register method          = r6;
    const Register entry_point     = r7;
    const Register parameters      = r8;
    const Register parameter_words = r9;
    const Register thread          = r10;

#ifdef ASSERT
    // Make sure we have no pending exceptions
      StackFrame frame;
      Label label;

      __ load (r0, Address(thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()));
      __ compare (r0, 0);
      __ beq (label);
      __ prolog (frame);
      __ should_not_reach_here (__FILE__, __LINE__);
      __ epilog (frame);
      __ blr ();
      __ bind (label);
#endif // ASSERT

    // Calculate the frame size
    StackFrame frame;
    for (int i = 0; i < StackFrame::max_crfs; i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < StackFrame::max_gprs; i++)
    StubRoutines::set_call_stub_base_size(frame.unaligned_size() + 3*wordSize);
    // the 3 extra words are for call_wrapper, result and result_type

    const Register parameter_bytes = parameter_words;

    __ shift_left (parameter_bytes, parameter_words, LogBytesPerWord);    

    const Register frame_size = r11;
    const Register padding    = r12;

    __ addi (frame_size, parameter_bytes, StubRoutines::call_stub_base_size());
    __ calc_padding_for_alignment (padding, frame_size, StackAlignmentInBytes);
    __ add (frame_size, frame_size, padding);

    // Save the link register and create the new frame
    __ mflr (r0);
    __ store (r0, Address(r1, StackFrame::lr_save_offset * wordSize));
    __ neg (r0, frame_size);
    __ store_update_indexed (r1, r1, r0);
#ifdef PPC64
    __ mfcr (r0);
    __ store (r0, Address(r1, StackFrame::cr_save_offset * wordSize));
#endif // PPC64

    // Calculate the address of the interpreter's local variables
    const Register locals = frame_size;

    __ addi (locals, r1, frame.start_of_locals() - wordSize);
    __ add (locals, locals, padding);
    __ add (locals, locals, parameter_bytes);

    // Store the call wrapper address and the result stuff
    const int initial_offset = 1;
    int offset = initial_offset;

    __ store (call_wrapper, Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
    __ store (result,       Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
    __ store (result_type,  Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));

    // Store the registers
#ifdef PPC32
    __ mfcr (r0);
    __ store (r0, Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
#endif // PPC32
    for (int i = 14; i < 32; i++) {
      __ store (as_Register(i), Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
    const int final_offset = offset;

    // Store the location of call_wrapper
    frame::set_call_wrapper_offset((final_offset - initial_offset) * wordSize);

#ifdef ASSERT
    // Check that we wrote all the way to the end of the frame.
    // The frame may have been resized when we return from the
    // interpreter, so the start of the frame may have moved
    // but the end will be where we left it and we rely on this
    // to find our stuff.
      StackFrame frame;
      Label label;

      __ load (r3, Address(r1, 0));
      __ subi (r3, r3, final_offset * wordSize);
      __ compare (r3, locals);
      __ beq (label);
      __ prolog (frame);
      __ should_not_reach_here (__FILE__, __LINE__);
      __ epilog (frame);
      __ blr ();
      __ bind (label);
#endif // ASSERT

    // Pass parameters if any
      Label loop, done;

      __ compare (parameter_bytes, 0);
      __ ble (done);

      const Register src = parameters;
      const Register dst = padding;

      __ mr (dst, locals);
      __ shift_right (r0, parameter_bytes, LogBytesPerWord);      
      __ mtctr (r0);
      __ bind (loop);
      __ load (r0, Address(src, 0));
      __ store (r0, Address(dst, 0));
      __ addi (src, src, wordSize);
      __ subi (dst, dst, wordSize);
      __ bdnz (loop);

      __ bind (done);

    // Make the call
    __ mr (Rmethod, method);
    __ mr (Rlocals, locals);
    __ mr (Rthread, thread);
    __ mtctr (entry_point);
    __ bctrl();

    // This is used to identify call_stub stack frames
    return_address = __ pc();

    // Figure out where our stuff is stored
    __ load (locals, Address(r1, 0));
    __ subi (locals, locals, final_offset * wordSize);

#ifdef ASSERT
    // Rlocals should contain the address we just calculated.
      StackFrame frame;
      Label label;

      __ compare (Rlocals, locals);
      __ beq (label);
      __ prolog (frame);
      __ should_not_reach_here (__FILE__, __LINE__);
      __ epilog (frame);
      __ blr ();
      __ bind (label);
#endif // ASSERT
    // Is an exception being thrown?
    Label exit;

    __ load (r0, Address(Rthread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()));
    __ compare (r0, 0);
    __ bne (exit);

    // Store result depending on type
    const Register result_addr = r6;

    Label is_int, is_long, is_object;

    offset = initial_offset + 1; // skip call_wrapper
    __ load (result_addr, Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
    __ load (result_type, Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
    __ compare (result_type, T_INT);
    __ beq (is_int);
    __ compare (result_type, T_LONG);
    __ beq (is_long);
    __ compare (result_type, T_OBJECT);
    __ beq (is_object);
    __ should_not_reach_here (__FILE__, __LINE__);

    __ bind (is_int);
    __ stw (r3, Address(result_addr, 0));
    __ b (exit);
    __ bind (is_long);
#ifdef PPC32
    __ store (r4, Address(result_addr, wordSize));
    __ store (r3, Address(result_addr, 0));
    __ b (exit);
    __ bind (is_object);
    __ store (r3, Address(result_addr, 0));
    //__ b (exit);

    // Restore the registers
    __ bind (exit);
#ifdef PPC32
    __ load (r0, Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
    __ mtcr (r0);
#endif // PPC32
    for (int i = 14; i < 32; i++) {
      __ load (as_Register(i), Address(locals, offset++ * wordSize));
#ifdef PPC64
    __ load (r0, Address(r1, StackFrame::cr_save_offset * wordSize));
    __ mtcr (r0);
#endif // PPC64
    assert (offset == final_offset, "save and restore must match");

    // Unwind and return
    __ load (r1, Address(r1, StackFrame::back_chain_offset * wordSize));
    __ load (r0, Address(r1, StackFrame::lr_save_offset * wordSize));
    __ mtlr (r0);
    __ blr ();
    return start;
コード例 #7
address InterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry(bool synchronized)
  assert_different_registers(Rmethod, Rlocals, Rthread, Rstate, Rmonitor);
  Label re_dispatch;
  Label call_interpreter;
  Label call_method;
  Label call_non_interpreted_method;
  Label return_with_exception;
  Label return_from_method;
  Label resume_interpreter;
  Label return_to_initial_caller;
  Label more_monitors;
  Label throwing_exception;

  // We use the same code for synchronized and not
  if (normal_entry)
    return normal_entry;

  address start = __ pc();

  // There are two ways in which we can arrive at this entry.
  // There is the special case where a normal interpreted method
  // calls another normal interpreted method, and there is the
  // general case of when we enter from somewhere else: from
  // call_stub, from C1 or C2, or from a fast accessor which
  // deferred. In the special case we're already in frame manager
  // code: we arrive at re_dispatch with Rstate containing the
  // previous interpreter state.  In the general case we arrive
  // at start with no previous interpreter state so we set Rstate
  // to NULL to indicate this.
  __ bind (fast_accessor_slow_entry_path);
  __ load (Rstate, 0);
  __ bind (re_dispatch);

  // Adjust the caller's stack frame to accomodate any additional
  // local variables we have contiguously with our parameters.

  // Allocate and initialize our stack frame.

  // Call the interpreter ==============================================
  __ bind (call_interpreter);

  // We can setup the frame anchor with everything we want at
  // this point as we are thread_in_Java and no safepoints can
  // occur until we go to vm mode. We do have to clear flags
  // on return from vm but that is it
  __ set_last_Java_frame ();

  // Call interpreter
  address interpreter = JvmtiExport::can_post_interpreter_events() ?
    CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, BytecodeInterpreter::runWithChecks) :
    CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, BytecodeInterpreter::run);    

  __ mr (r3, Rstate);
  __ call (interpreter);
  __ fixup_after_potential_safepoint ();

  // Clear the frame anchor
  __ reset_last_Java_frame ();

  // Examine the message from the interpreter to decide what to do
  __ lwz (r4, STATE(_msg));
  __ compare (r4, BytecodeInterpreter::call_method);
  __ beq (call_method);
  __ compare (r4, BytecodeInterpreter::return_from_method);
  __ beq (return_from_method);
  __ compare (r4, BytecodeInterpreter::more_monitors);
  __ beq (more_monitors);
  __ compare (r4, BytecodeInterpreter::throwing_exception);
  __ beq (throwing_exception);

  __ load (r3, (intptr_t) "error: bad message from interpreter: %d\n");
  __ call (CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, printf));
  __ should_not_reach_here (__FILE__, __LINE__);

  // Handle a call_method message ======================================
  __ bind (call_method);

  __ load (Rmethod, STATE(_result._to_call._callee));
  __ verify_oop(Rmethod);
  __ load (Rlocals, STATE(_stack));
  __ lhz (r0, Address(Rmethod, methodOopDesc::size_of_parameters_offset()));
  __ shift_left (r0, r0, LogBytesPerWord);
  __ add (Rlocals, Rlocals, r0);

  __ load (r0, STATE(_result._to_call._callee_entry_point));
  __ load (r3, (intptr_t) start);
  __ compare (r0, r3);
  __ bne (call_non_interpreted_method);

  // Interpreted methods are intercepted and re-dispatched -----------
  __ load (r0, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(intptr_t, RecursiveInterpreterActivation));
  __ mtlr (r0);
  __ b (re_dispatch);

  // Non-interpreted methods are dispatched normally -----------------
  __ bind (call_non_interpreted_method);
  __ mtctr (r0);
  __ bctrl ();

  // Restore Rstate
  __ load (Rstate, Address(r1, StackFrame::back_chain_offset * wordSize));
  __ subi (Rstate, Rstate, sizeof(BytecodeInterpreter));

  // Check for pending exceptions
  __ load (r0, Address(Rthread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()));
  __ compare (r0, 0);
  __ bne (return_with_exception);

  // Convert the result and resume
  __ b (resume_interpreter);

  // Handle a return_from_method message ===============================
  __ bind (return_from_method);

  __ load (r0, STATE(_prev_link));
  __ compare (r0, 0);
  __ beq (return_to_initial_caller);

  // "Return" from a re-dispatch -------------------------------------


  // Resume the interpreter
  __ bind (resume_interpreter);

  __ store (Rlocals, STATE(_stack));
  __ load (Rlocals, STATE(_locals));
  __ load (Rmethod, STATE(_method));
  __ verify_oop(Rmethod);
  __ load (r0, BytecodeInterpreter::method_resume);
  __ stw (r0, STATE(_msg));
  __ b (call_interpreter);

  // Return to the initial caller (call_stub etc) --------------------
  __ bind (return_to_initial_caller);

  __ blr ();

  // Handle a more_monitors message ====================================
  __ bind (more_monitors);


  __ load (r0, BytecodeInterpreter::got_monitors);
  __ stw (r0, STATE(_msg));
  __ b (call_interpreter);

  // Handle a throwing_exception message ===============================
  __ bind (throwing_exception);

  // Check we actually have an exception
#ifdef ASSERT
    Label ok;
    __ load (r0, Address(Rthread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()));
    __ compare (r0, 0);
    __ bne (ok);
    __ should_not_reach_here (__FILE__, __LINE__);
    __ bind (ok);

  // Return to wherever
  __ bind (return_with_exception);
  __ compare (Rstate, 0);
  __ bne (resume_interpreter);
  __ blr ();

  normal_entry = start;
  return start;
コード例 #8
ファイル: encode_op.c プロジェクト: occho/cpu
int encode_op(char *opcode, char *op_data)
	int rd,rs,rt,imm,funct,shaft,target;
	char tmp[256];
	const char *fi = "%s %d";
	const char *fg = "%s %%g%d";
	const char *ff = "%s %%f%d";
	const char *fl = "%s %s";
	const char *fgi = "%s %%g%d, %d";
	const char *fgl = "%s %%g%d, %s";
	const char *fgg = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d";
	const char *fggl = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d, %s";
	const char *fggi = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d, %d";
	const char *fggg = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d, %%g%d";
	const char *fff = "%s %%f%d, %%f%d";
	const char *fgf = "%s %%g%d, %%f%d";
	const char *ffg = "%s %%f%d, %%g%d";
	const char *fffl = "%s %%f%d, %%f%d, %s";
	const char *ffff = "%s %%f%d, %%f%d, %%f%d";
	const char *ffgi = "%s %%f%d, %%g%d, %d";
	const char *ffgg = "%s %%f%d, %%g%d, %%g%d";
	char lname[256];

	shaft = funct = target = 0;

	if(strcmp(opcode, "mvhi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return mvhi(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "mvlo") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return mvlo(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "add") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return add(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "nor") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return nor(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "sub") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return sub(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "mul") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return mul(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "addi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return addi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "subi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return subi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "muli") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return muli(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "input") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rd) == 2)
		    return input(0,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "inputw") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rd) == 2)
		    return inputw(0,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "inputf") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ff, tmp, &rd) == 2)
		    return inputf(0,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "output") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return output(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "outputw") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return outputw(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "outputf") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ff, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return outputf(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "and") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return _and(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "or") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return _or(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "sll") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return sll(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "srl") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return srl(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "slli") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return slli(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "srli") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return srli(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "b") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return b(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jmp") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fl, tmp, lname) == 2) {
		    return jmp(label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jeq") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jeq(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jne") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jne(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jlt") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jlt(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jle") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jle(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "call") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fl, tmp, lname) == 2)  {
		    return call(label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "callR") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return callr(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "return") == 0){
		    return _return(0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "ld") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return ld(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "ldi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return ldi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "ldlr") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return ldlr(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fld") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return fld(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "st") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return st(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "sti") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return sti(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "stlr") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return stlr(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fst") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return fst(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fadd") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fadd(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fsub") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fsub(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fmul") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fmul(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fdiv") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fdiv(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fsqrt") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return fsqrt(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fabs") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return _fabs(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fmov") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return fmov(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fneg") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return fneg(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fldi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return fldi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fsti") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return fsti(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fjeq") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fffl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return fjeq(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fjlt") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fffl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return fjlt(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "halt") == 0){
		    return halt(0,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "setL") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgl, tmp, &rd, lname) == 3) {
		    return setl(0,rd,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "padd") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rt, &imm) == 3) {
		    return padd(0,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "link") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fi, tmp, &imm) == 2) {
		    return link(0,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "movlr") == 0){
		return movlr(0,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "btmplr") == 0){
		return btmplr(0,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "padd") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgg, tmp, &rd, &rt) == 3) {
		    return padd(0,rt,d,0);

	return -1;