コード例 #1
ファイル: Os.c プロジェクト: MatthewMiddleweek/ohNet
uint64_t OsTimeInUs(OsContext* aContext)
    struct timeval now, diff, adjustedNow;
    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
    /* if time has moved backwards, calculate by how much and add this to aContext->iTimeAdjustment */
    if (now.tv_sec < aContext->iPrevTime.tv_sec ||
        (now.tv_sec == aContext->iPrevTime.tv_sec && now.tv_usec < aContext->iPrevTime.tv_usec)) {
        diff = subtractTimeval(&aContext->iPrevTime, &now);
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: clock moved backwards by %llu.%03llusecs\n", (unsigned long long)diff.tv_sec, (unsigned long long)(diff.tv_usec/1000));
        aContext->iTimeAdjustment = addTimeval(&aContext->iTimeAdjustment, &diff);
    aContext->iPrevTime = now; /* stash current time to allow the next call to spot any backwards move */
    adjustedNow = addTimeval(&now, &aContext->iTimeAdjustment); /* add any previous backwards moves to the time */
    diff = subtractTimeval(&adjustedNow, &aContext->iStartTime); /* how long since we started, ignoring any backwards moves */

    return (uint64_t)diff.tv_sec * 1000000 + diff.tv_usec;
コード例 #2
ファイル: log.cpp プロジェクト: Zycon42/nat64
 * Get time difference between first and current function call.
 * @return time diff
static timeval getTimeDiff() {
    static timeval firstTime;
    static bool firstRun = true;
    // on first function call get time
    if (firstRun) {
        gettimeofday(&firstTime, NULL);
        firstRun = false;

    // get current time
    timeval curTime, time;
    gettimeofday(&curTime, NULL);

    // subtract time on first run from curent time
    subtractTimeval(&time, &curTime, &firstTime);

    return time;
コード例 #3
ファイル: net.c プロジェクト: bbroerman30/ssl-redis
int redisContextConnectSSL(redisContext *c, const char *addr, int port, char* certfile, char* certdir, struct timeval *timeout) {
    struct timeval  start_time;
    int             has_timeout = 0;
    int             is_nonblocking = 0;

    c->ssl.sd = -1;
    c->ssl.ctx = NULL;
    c->ssl.ssl = NULL;
    c->ssl.bio = NULL;

    // Set up a SSL_CTX object, which will tell our BIO object how to do its work
    SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_1_client_method());
    c->ssl.ctx = ctx;

    // Create a SSL object pointer, which our BIO object will provide.
    SSL* ssl;

    // Create our BIO object for SSL connections.
    BIO* bio = BIO_new_ssl_connect(ctx);
    c->ssl.bio = bio;

    // Failure?
    if (bio == NULL) {
        char errorbuf[1024];
        __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: Error creating BIO!\n");


        // We need to free up the SSL_CTX before we leave.
        cleanupSSL( &c->ssl );
        return REDIS_ERR;

    // Makes ssl point to bio's SSL object.
    BIO_get_ssl(bio, &ssl);
    c->ssl.ssl = ssl;

    // Set the SSL to automatically retry on failure.
    SSL_set_mode(ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);

    char* connect_str = (char *)calloc( 1, strlen( addr ) + 10 );
    sprintf( connect_str, "%s:%d", addr, port );
    c->ssl.conn_str = connect_str;

    // We're connection to the REDIS server at host:port
    BIO_set_conn_hostname(bio, connect_str);

    SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, certfile, certdir);

    // Are we supposed to be blocking or non-blocking?
    if( (c->flags & REDIS_BLOCK) == 0) {
        is_nonblocking = 1;

    // What about a timeout?
    // If we're blocking and have a timeout, we need to handle that specially
    if( NULL != timeout ) {
        has_timeout = 1;
        gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

    while(1) {
        struct timeval	cur_time,

        if (has_timeout) {
            gettimeofday(&cur_time, NULL);
            elapsed_time = subtractTimeval( cur_time, start_time );

            if (compareTimeval( elapsed_time, *timeout) > 0) {
                char errorbuf[1024];

                __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: Connection timed out.");
                cleanupSSL( &(c->ssl) );
                return REDIS_ERR;

        // Same as before, try to connect.
        if (BIO_do_connect(bio) <= 0 ) {
            if( BIO_should_retry( bio ) ) {
                // We need to retry.
            } else {
                char errorbuf[1024];
                __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: Failed to connect");
                cleanupSSL( &(c->ssl) );
                return REDIS_ERR;
        } else {
            // connect is done...

        if( has_timeout ) {
            // Do select and seelct on it
            int result;
            int fd = BIO_get_fd( bio, NULL );
            struct timeval time_left;

            if (has_timeout) {
                time_left = subtractTimeval( *timeout, elapsed_time );

            fd_set readset, writeset;
            FD_SET(fd, &readset);
            FD_SET(fd, &writeset);

            do {
                result = select( fd+1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &time_left);
            } while( result == -1 && errno == EINTR );


    while(1) {
        struct timeval	cur_time,

        if (has_timeout) {
            gettimeofday(&cur_time, NULL);
            elapsed_time = subtractTimeval( cur_time, start_time );

            if (compareTimeval( elapsed_time, *timeout) > 0) {
                char errorbuf[1024];

                __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: Connection timed out.");
                cleanupSSL( &(c->ssl) );
                return REDIS_ERR;

        // Now we need to do the SSL handshake, so we can communicate.
        if (BIO_do_handshake(bio) <= 0) {
            if( BIO_should_retry( bio ) ) {
                // We need to retry.
            } else {
                char errorbuf[1024];
                __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: handshake failure");
                cleanupSSL( &(c->ssl) );
                return REDIS_ERR;
        } else {
            // handshake is done...

        if( has_timeout ) {
            // Do select and seelct on it
            int result;
            int fd = BIO_get_fd( bio, NULL );
            struct timeval time_left;

            if (has_timeout) {
                time_left = subtractTimeval( *timeout, elapsed_time );

            fd_set readset, writeset;
            FD_SET(fd, &readset);
            FD_SET(fd, &writeset);

            do {
                result = select( fd+1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &time_left);
            } while( result == -1 && errno == EINTR );


    long verify_result = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl);
    if( verify_result == X509_V_OK) {
        X509* peerCertificate = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);

        char commonName [512];
        X509_NAME * name = X509_get_subject_name(peerCertificate);
        X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(name, NID_commonName, commonName, 512);

        // TODO: Add a redis config parameter for the common name to check for.
        //       Since Redis connections are generally done with an IP address directly,
        //       we can't just assume that the name we get on the addr is an actual name.
        //    if(strcasecmp(commonName, "BradBroerman") != 0) {
        //      __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: Error validating cert common name.\n\n" );
        //      cleanupSSL( &(c->ssl) );
        //      return REDIS_ERR;

    } else {
        char errorbuf[1024];
        __redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_OTHER,"SSL Error: Error retrieving peer certificate.\n" );
        cleanupSSL( &(c->ssl) );
        return REDIS_ERR;


    return REDIS_OK;