コード例 #1
ファイル: lj_meta.c プロジェクト: JakSprats/Alchemy-Database
/* Lookup metamethod for object. */
cTValue *lj_meta_lookup(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, MMS mm)
  GCtab *mt;
  if (tvistab(o))
    mt = tabref(tabV(o)->metatable);
  else if (tvisudata(o))
    mt = tabref(udataV(o)->metatable);
    mt = tabref(basemt_obj(G(L), o));
  if (mt) {
    cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, mmname_str(G(L), mm));
    if (mo)
      return mo;
  return niltv(L);
コード例 #2
ファイル: lj_ffrecord.c プロジェクト: 0309/cocos2d-x
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_ipairs_aux(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  RecordIndex ix;
  ix.tab = J->base[0];
  if (tref_istab(ix.tab)) {
    if (!tvisnumber(&rd->argv[1]))  /* No support for string coercion. */
      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
    setintV(&ix.keyv, numberVint(&rd->argv[1])+1);
    settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0]));
    ix.val = 0; ix.idxchain = 0;
    ix.key = lj_opt_narrow_toint(J, J->base[1]);
    J->base[0] = ix.key = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), ix.key, lj_ir_kint(J, 1));
    J->base[1] = lj_record_idx(J, &ix);
    rd->nres = tref_isnil(J->base[1]) ? 0 : 2;
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
コード例 #3
ファイル: lj_meta.c プロジェクト: LegalEagle/Arianrhod
/* Helper for LEN. __len metamethod. */
TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_len(lua_State *L, cTValue *o)
  cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_len);
  if (tvisnil(mo)) {
    if (tvistab(o))
      tabref(tabV(o)->metatable)->nomm |= (uint8_t)(1u<<MM_len);
      lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPLEN);
    return NULL;
  return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, o);
  return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, niltv(L));
コード例 #4
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_table_insert(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  RecordIndex ix;
  ix.tab = J->base[0];
  ix.val = J->base[1];
  rd->nres = 0;
  if (tref_istab(ix.tab) && ix.val) {
    if (!J->base[2]) {  /* Simple push: t[#t+1] = v */
      TRef trlen = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, ix.tab);
      GCtab *t = tabV(&rd->argv[0]);
      ix.key = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), trlen, lj_ir_kint(J, 1));
      settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, t);
      setintV(&ix.keyv, lj_tab_len(t) + 1);
      ix.idxchain = 0;
      lj_record_idx(J, &ix);  /* Set new value. */
    } else {  /* Complex case: insert in the middle. */
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
コード例 #5
static void jit_profile_callback(lua_State *L2, lua_State *L, int samples,
				 int vmstate)
  TValue key;
  cTValue *tv;
  setlightudV(&key, (void *)&KEY_PROFILE_FUNC);
  tv = lj_tab_get(L, tabV(registry(L)), &key);
  if (tvisfunc(tv)) {
    char vmst = (char)vmstate;
    int status;
    setfuncV(L2, L2->top++, funcV(tv));
    setthreadV(L2, L2->top++, L);
    setintV(L2->top++, samples);
    setstrV(L2, L2->top++, lj_str_new(L2, &vmst, 1));
    status = lua_pcall(L2, 3, 0, 0);  /* callback(thread, samples, vmstate) */
    if (status) {
      if (G(L2)->panic) G(L2)->panic(L2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lj_meta.c プロジェクト: 449306923/uLui
/* Helper for TSET*. __newindex chain and metamethod. */
TValue *lj_meta_tset(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k)
  TValue tmp;
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) {
    cTValue *mo;
    if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) {
      GCtab *t = tabV(o);
      cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k);
      if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(tv))) {
	t->nomm = 0;  /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */
	lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
	return (TValue *)tv;
      } else if (!(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_newindex))) {
	t->nomm = 0;  /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */
	lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
	if (tv != niltv(L))
	  return (TValue *)tv;
	if (tvisnil(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NILIDX);
	else if (tvisint(k)) { setnumV(&tmp, (lua_Number)intV(k)); k = &tmp; }
	else if (tvisnum(k) && tvisnan(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NANIDX);
	return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, k);
    } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_newindex))) {
      lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX);
      return NULL;  /* unreachable */
    if (tvisfunc(mo)) {
      L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_nop, mo, o, k);
      /* L->top+2 = v filled in by caller. */
      return NULL;  /* Trigger metamethod call. */
    copyTV(L, &tmp, mo);
    o = &tmp;
  lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_SETLOOP);
  return NULL;  /* unreachable */
コード例 #7
ファイル: lj_meta.c プロジェクト: 449306923/uLui
/* Helper for TGET*. __index chain and metamethod. */
cTValue *lj_meta_tget(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k)
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) {
    cTValue *mo;
    if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) {
      GCtab *t = tabV(o);
      cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k);
      if (!tvisnil(tv) ||
	  !(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_index)))
	return tv;
    } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_index))) {
      lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX);
      return NULL;  /* unreachable */
    if (tvisfunc(mo)) {
      L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, k);
      return NULL;  /* Trigger metamethod call. */
    o = mo;
  lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_GETLOOP);
  return NULL;  /* unreachable */
コード例 #8
ファイル: lj_lib.c プロジェクト: AaronDP/luajit-2.0_adbshell
void lj_lib_register(lua_State *L, const char *libname,
		     const uint8_t *p, const lua_CFunction *cf)
  GCtab *env = tabref(L->env);
  GCfunc *ofn = NULL;
  int ffid = *p++;
  BCIns *bcff = &L2GG(L)->bcff[*p++];
  GCtab *tab = lib_create_table(L, libname, *p++);
  ptrdiff_t tpos = L->top - L->base;

  /* Avoid barriers further down. */
  lj_gc_anybarriert(L, tab);
  tab->nomm = 0;

  for (;;) {
    uint32_t tag = *p++;
    MSize len = tag & LIBINIT_LENMASK;
    if (tag != LIBINIT_STRING) {
      const char *name;
      MSize nuv = (MSize)(L->top - L->base - tpos);
      GCfunc *fn = lj_func_newC(L, nuv, env);
      if (nuv) {
	L->top = L->base + tpos;
	memcpy(fn->c.upvalue, L->top, sizeof(TValue)*nuv);
      fn->c.ffid = (uint8_t)(ffid++);
      name = (const char *)p;
      p += len;
      if (tag == LIBINIT_CF)
	setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_int);
	setmref(fn->c.pc, bcff++);
      if (tag == LIBINIT_ASM_)
	fn->c.f = ofn->c.f;  /* Copy handler from previous function. */
	fn->c.f = *cf++;  /* Get cf or handler from C function table. */
      if (len) {
	/* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */
	setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, tab, lj_str_new(L, name, len)), fn);
      ofn = fn;
    } else {
      switch (tag | len) {
      case LIBINIT_SET:
	L->top -= 2;
	if (tvisstr(L->top+1) && strV(L->top+1)->len == 0)
	  env = tabV(L->top);
	else  /* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */
	  copyTV(L, lj_tab_set(L, tab, L->top+1), L->top);
      case LIBINIT_NUMBER:
	memcpy(&L->top->n, p, sizeof(double));
	p += sizeof(double);
      case LIBINIT_COPY:
	copyTV(L, L->top, L->top - *p++);
      case LIBINIT_LASTCL:
	setfuncV(L, L->top++, ofn);
      case LIBINIT_FFID:
      case LIBINIT_END:
	setstrV(L, L->top++, lj_str_new(L, (const char *)p, len));
	p += len;
コード例 #9
ファイル: lj_snap.c プロジェクト: 03050903/Urho3D
/* Unsink allocation from the trace exit state. Unsink sunk stores. */
static void snap_unsink(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T, ExitState *ex,
			SnapNo snapno, BloomFilter rfilt,
			IRIns *ir, TValue *o)
  lua_assert(ir->o == IR_TNEW || ir->o == IR_TDUP ||
	     ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI);
  if (ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
    CTState *cts = ctype_cts(J->L);
    CTypeID id = (CTypeID)T->ir[ir->op1].i;
    CTSize sz;
    CTInfo info = lj_ctype_info(cts, id, &sz);
    GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_newx(cts, id, sz, info);
    setcdataV(J->L, o, cd);
    if (ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
      uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd);
      lua_assert(sz == 4 || sz == 8);
      if (LJ_32 && sz == 8 && ir+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (ir+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (ir+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p, 4);
	if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	sz = 4;
      snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir->op2, p, sz);
    } else {
      IRIns *irs, *irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
      for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
	if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(T, ir, irs)) {
	  IRIns *iro = &T->ir[T->ir[irs->op1].op2];
	  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cd;
	  CTSize szs;
	  lua_assert(irs->o == IR_XSTORE && T->ir[irs->op1].o == IR_ADD);
	  lua_assert(iro->o == IR_KINT || iro->o == IR_KINT64);
	  if (irt_is64(irs->t)) szs = 8;
	  else if (irt_isi8(irs->t) || irt_isu8(irs->t)) szs = 1;
	  else if (irt_isi16(irs->t) || irt_isu16(irs->t)) szs = 2;
	  else szs = 4;
	  if (LJ_64 && iro->o == IR_KINT64)
	    p += (int64_t)ir_k64(iro)->u64;
	    p += iro->i;
	  lua_assert(p >= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) &&
		     p + szs <= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) + sz);
	  if (LJ_32 && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    lua_assert(szs == 4);
	    snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p,4);
	    if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	  snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, p, szs);
  } else
    IRIns *irs, *irlast;
    GCtab *t = ir->o == IR_TNEW ? lj_tab_new(J->L, ir->op1, ir->op2) :
				  lj_tab_dup(J->L, ir_ktab(&T->ir[ir->op1]));
    settabV(J->L, o, t);
    irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
    for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
      if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(T, ir, irs)) {
	IRIns *irk = &T->ir[irs->op1];
	TValue tmp, *val;
	lua_assert(irs->o == IR_ASTORE || irs->o == IR_HSTORE ||
		   irs->o == IR_FSTORE);
	if (irk->o == IR_FREF) {
	  lua_assert(irk->op2 == IRFL_TAB_META);
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  setgcref(t->metatable, obj2gco(tabV(&tmp)));
	} else {
	  irk = &T->ir[irk->op2];
	  if (irk->o == IR_KSLOT) irk = &T->ir[irk->op1];
	  lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &tmp, irk);
	  val = lj_tab_set(J->L, t, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, val);
	  if (LJ_SOFTFP && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, &tmp);
	    val->u32.hi = tmp.u32.lo;