void key_tasklist_search_next(void) { /* {{{ */ /* handle a keyboard direction to move to next search result */ if (searchstring != NULL) { find_next_search_result(head, get_task_by_position(selline)); tasklist_check_curs_pos(); redraw = true; } else { statusbar_message(cfg.statusbar_timeout, "no active search string"); } } /* }}} */
void key_tasklist_undo(void) { /* {{{ */ /* handle a keyboard direction to run an undo */ int ret = task_background_command("task undo"); if (ret == 0) { statusbar_message(cfg.statusbar_timeout, "undo executed"); reload = true; } else { statusbar_message(cfg.statusbar_timeout, "undo execution failed (%d)", ret); } tasklist_check_curs_pos(); } /* }}} */
void key_tasklist_search(const char* arg) { /* {{{ */ /* handle a keyboard direction to search * arg - the string to search for (pass NULL to prompt user) */ check_free(searchstring); if (arg == NULL) { /* store search string */ statusbar_getstr(&searchstring, "/"); wipe_statusbar(); } else { searchstring = strdup(arg); } /* go to first result */ find_next_search_result(head, get_task_by_position(selline)); tasklist_check_curs_pos(); redraw = true; } /* }}} */
void key_tasklist_sort(const char* arg) { /* {{{ */ /* handle a keyboard direction to sort * arg - the mode to sort by (pass NULL to prompt user) * see the manual page for how sort strings are parsed */ char* uuid = NULL; /* store selected task */ struct task* cur = get_task_by_position(selline); if (cur != NULL) { uuid = strdup(cur->uuid); } tnc_fprintf(logfp, LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "sort: initial task uuid=%s", uuid); check_free(cfg.sortmode); if (arg == NULL) { /* store sort string */ cfg.sortmode = calloc(cols, sizeof(char)); statusbar_getstr(&(cfg.sortmode), "sort by: "); sb_timeout = time(NULL) + 3; } else { cfg.sortmode = strdup(arg); } /* run sort */ sort_wrapper(head); /* follow original task */ if (cfg.follow_task) { set_position_by_uuid(uuid); tasklist_check_curs_pos(); } check_free(uuid); /* force redraw */ redraw = true; } /* }}} */
void key_tasklist_edit() /* {{{ */ { /* edit selected task */ task *cur = get_task_by_position(selline); int ret; char *uuid; statusbar_message(cfg.statusbar_timeout, "editing task"); ret = task_interactive_command("task %s edit"); uuid = strdup(cur->uuid); reload_task(cur); if (cfg.follow_task) { set_position_by_uuid(uuid); tasklist_check_curs_pos(); } check_free(uuid); tasklist_command_message(ret, "edit failed (%d)", "edit succesful"); } /* }}} */
void tasklist_window() /* {{{ */ { /* ncurses main function */ int c; task *cur; char *uuid = NULL; /* get field lengths */ cfg.fieldlengths.project = max_project_length(); cfg.fieldlengths.date = DATELENGTH; /* create windows */ rows = LINES; cols = COLS; tnc_fprintf(logfp, LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "rows: %d, columns: %d", rows, cols); header = newwin(1, cols, 0, 0); tasklist = newwin(rows-2, cols, 1, 0); statusbar = newwin(1, cols, rows-1, 0); tnc_fprintf(logfp, LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "ncurses windows: h:%p, t:%p, s:%p (%d,%d)", header, tasklist, statusbar, rows, cols); if (statusbar==NULL || tasklist==NULL || header==NULL) { tnc_fprintf(logfp, LOG_ERROR, "window creation failed (rows:%d, cols:%d)", rows, cols); ncurses_end(-1); } /* set curses settings */ set_curses_mode(NCURSES_MODE_STD); /* print task list */ check_screen_size(); cfg.fieldlengths.description = COLS-cfg.fieldlengths.project-1-cfg.fieldlengths.date; task_count(); print_header(); tasklist_print_task_list(); /* main loop */ while (1) { /* set variables for determining actions */ done = false; redraw = false; reload = false; /* check for an empty task list */ if (head == NULL) { if (strcmp(active_filter,"") == 0){ tnc_fprintf(logfp, LOG_ERROR, "it appears that your task list is empty. %s does not yet support empty task lists.", PROGNAME); ncurses_end(-1); } active_filter = strdup(""); reload = true; } /* get the screen size */ rows = LINES; cols = COLS; /* check for a screen thats too small */ check_screen_size(); /* check for size changes */ check_resize(); /* apply staged window updates */ doupdate(); /* get a character */ c = wgetch(statusbar); /* handle the character */ handle_keypress(c, MODE_TASKLIST); /* exit */ if (done) break; /* reload task list */ if (reload) { cur = get_task_by_position(selline); if (cur != NULL) uuid = strdup(cur->uuid); wipe_tasklist(); reload_tasks(); task_count(); redraw = true; if (cfg.follow_task) set_position_by_uuid(uuid); check_free(uuid); uuid = NULL; tasklist_check_curs_pos(); } /* redraw all windows */ if (redraw) { cfg.fieldlengths.project = max_project_length(); cfg.fieldlengths.description = cols-cfg.fieldlengths.project-1-cfg.fieldlengths.date; print_header(); tasklist_print_task_list(); tasklist_check_curs_pos(); touchwin(tasklist); touchwin(header); touchwin(statusbar); wnoutrefresh(tasklist); wnoutrefresh(header); wnoutrefresh(statusbar); doupdate(); } statusbar_timeout(); } } /* }}} */