コード例 #1
static tb_bool_t tb_directory_walk_impl(tb_char_t const* path, tb_bool_t recursion, tb_bool_t prefix, tb_directory_walk_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path && func, tb_false);

    // last
    tb_long_t       last = tb_strlen(path) - 1;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(last >= 0, tb_false);

    // done 
    tb_bool_t       ok = tb_true;
    tb_char_t       temp[4096] = {0};
    DIR*            directory = tb_null;
    if ((directory = opendir(path)))
        // walk
        struct dirent* item = tb_null;
        while ((item = readdir(directory)))
            // check

            // the item name
            tb_char_t name[1024] = {0};
            tb_strncpy(name, item->d_name, tb_min(item->d_reclen, sizeof(name) - 1));
            if (tb_strcmp(name, ".") && tb_strcmp(name, ".."))
                // the temp path
                tb_long_t n = tb_snprintf(temp, 4095, "%s%s%s", path, path[last] == '/'? "" : "/", name);
                if (n >= 0) temp[n] = '\0';

                // the file info
                tb_file_info_t info = {0};
                if (tb_file_info(temp, &info))
                    // do callback
                    if (prefix) ok = func(temp, &info, priv);

                    // walk to the next directory
                    if (info.type == TB_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY && recursion) ok = tb_directory_walk_impl(temp, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
                    // do callback
                    if (!prefix) ok = func(temp, &info, priv);

        // exit directory

    // continue ?
    return ok;
コード例 #2
ファイル: directory.c プロジェクト: 1060460048/tbox
tb_void_t tb_directory_walk(tb_char_t const* path, tb_bool_t recursion, tb_bool_t prefix, tb_directory_walk_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(path && func);

    // the full path
    tb_wchar_t full[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    if (tb_path_full_w(path, full, TB_PATH_MAXN))
        tb_directory_walk_impl(full, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
コード例 #3
tb_void_t tb_directory_walk(tb_char_t const* path, tb_bool_t recursion, tb_bool_t prefix, tb_directory_walk_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(path && func);

    // exists?
    tb_file_info_t info = {0};
    if (tb_file_info(path, &info) && info.type == TB_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) 
        tb_directory_walk_impl(path, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
        // the absolute path
        tb_char_t full[TB_PATH_MAXN];
        path = tb_path_absolute(path, full, TB_PATH_MAXN);

        // walk
        tb_directory_walk_impl(path, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
コード例 #4
ファイル: directory.c プロジェクト: 1060460048/tbox
static tb_void_t tb_directory_walk_impl(tb_wchar_t const* path, tb_bool_t recursion, tb_bool_t prefix, tb_directory_walk_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(path && func);

    // last
    tb_long_t           last = tb_wcslen(path) - 1;
    tb_assert_and_check_return(last >= 0);

    // add \*.*
    tb_wchar_t          temp_w[4096] = {0};
    tb_char_t           temp_a[4096] = {0};
    tb_swprintf(temp_w, 4095, L"%s%s*.*", path, path[last] == L'\\'? L"" : L"\\");

    // init info
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW    find = {0};
    HANDLE              directory = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != (directory = FindFirstFileW(temp_w, &find)))
        // walk
            // check
            if (tb_wcscmp(find.cFileName, L".") && tb_wcscmp(find.cFileName, L".."))
                // the temp path
                tb_long_t n = tb_swprintf(temp_w, 4095, L"%s%s%s", path, path[last] == L'\\'? L"" : L"\\", find.cFileName);
                if (n >= 0 && n < 4096) temp_w[n] = L'\0';

                // wtoa temp
                n = tb_wtoa(temp_a, temp_w, 4095);
                if (n >= 0 && n < 4096) temp_a[n] = '\0';

                // the file info
                tb_file_info_t info = {0};
                if (tb_file_info(temp_a, &info))
                    // do callback
                    if (prefix) func(temp_a, &info, priv);

                    // walk to the next directory
                    if (info.type == TB_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY && recursion) tb_directory_walk_impl(temp_w, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
                    // do callback
                    if (!prefix) func(temp_a, &info, priv);

        } while (FindNextFileW(directory, &find));

        // exit directory
コード例 #5
ファイル: directory.c プロジェクト: ljx0305/tbox
tb_void_t tb_directory_walk(tb_char_t const* path, tb_long_t recursion, tb_bool_t prefix, tb_directory_walk_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(path && func);

    // walk it directly if rootdir is relative path
    tb_file_info_t info = {0};
    if (!tb_path_is_absolute(path) && tb_file_info(path, &info) && info.type == TB_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) 
        tb_wchar_t path_w[TB_PATH_MAXN];
        if (tb_atow(path_w, path, tb_arrayn(path_w)) != -1)
            tb_directory_walk_impl(path_w, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
        // the absolute path (translate "~/")
        tb_wchar_t full_w[TB_PATH_MAXN];
        if (tb_path_absolute_w(path, full_w, TB_PATH_MAXN))
            tb_directory_walk_impl(full_w, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
コード例 #6
tb_bool_t tb_directory_remove(tb_char_t const* path)
    // the absolute path
    tb_char_t full[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    path = tb_path_absolute(path, full, TB_PATH_MAXN);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path, tb_false);

    // walk remove
    tb_directory_walk_impl(path, tb_true, tb_false, tb_directory_walk_remove, tb_null);

    // remove it
    return !remove(path)? tb_true : tb_false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: directory.c プロジェクト: ljx0305/tbox
tb_bool_t tb_directory_remove(tb_char_t const* path)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path, tb_false);

    // the absolute path
    tb_wchar_t full[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    if (!tb_path_absolute_w(path, full, TB_PATH_MAXN)) return tb_false;

    // walk remove
    tb_directory_walk_impl(full, -1, tb_false, tb_directory_walk_remove, tb_null);

    // remove it
    return RemoveDirectoryW(full)? tb_true : tb_false;
コード例 #8
tb_bool_t tb_directory_copy(tb_char_t const* path, tb_char_t const* dest)
    // the absolute path
    tb_char_t full0[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    path = tb_path_absolute(path, full0, TB_PATH_MAXN);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path, tb_false);

    // the dest path
    tb_char_t full1[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    dest = tb_path_absolute(dest, full1, TB_PATH_MAXN);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(dest, tb_false);

    // walk copy
    tb_value_t tuple[3];
    tuple[0].cstr = dest;
    tuple[1].ul = tb_strlen(path);
    tuple[2].b = tb_true;
    tb_directory_walk_impl(path, tb_true, tb_true, tb_directory_walk_copy, tuple);

    // ok?
    return tuple[2].b;