static void putlist_test(void *db, const char *command, int num, int vsiz, int batch, unsigned int seed) { TCADB *adb = db; struct keygen keygen; char *value = xmalloc(vsiz); TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); int i; keygen_init(&keygen, seed); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { tclistpush2(list, keygen_next_key(&keygen)); tclistpush(list, value, vsiz); if (tclistnum(list) / 2 >= batch) { tclistdel(do_tcadbmisc(adb, command, list)); tclistclear(list); } } if (tclistnum(list)) tclistdel(do_tcadbmisc(adb, command, list)); tclistdel(list); free(value); }
static void getlist_test(void *db, const char *command, int num, int vsiz, int batch, unsigned int seed) { TCADB *adb = db; struct keygen keygen; struct keygen keygen_for_check; TCLIST *list = tclistnew(); TCLIST *recs; int i; keygen_init(&keygen, seed); keygen_init(&keygen_for_check, seed); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { tclistpush2(list, keygen_next_key(&keygen)); if (tclistnum(list) >= batch) { recs = do_tcadbmisc(adb, command, list); check_records(recs, &keygen_for_check, vsiz, tclistnum(list)); tclistdel(recs); tclistclear(list); } } if (tclistnum(list)) { recs = do_tcadbmisc(adb, command, list); check_records(recs, &keygen_for_check, vsiz, tclistnum(list)); tclistdel(recs); } tclistdel(list); }
static void rangeout_test(void *db, const char *command, int num, int vsiz, int batch, unsigned int seed) { TCADB *adb = db; struct keygen keygen; TCLIST *args = tclistnew(); char start_key[KEYGEN_PREFIX_SIZE + 1]; char max[100]; char end_key[KEYGEN_PREFIX_SIZE + 1]; char binc[2]; keygen_init(&keygen, seed); keygen_prefix(&keygen, start_key); sprintf(max, "%d", batch); keygen_prefix(&keygen, end_key); end_key[KEYGEN_PREFIX_SIZE - 1] = '-' + 1; sprintf(binc, "0"); tclistpush2(args, start_key); tclistpush2(args, max); tclistpush2(args, end_key); tclistpush2(args, binc); while (1) { TCLIST *recs; recs = do_tcadbmisc(adb, command, args); if (tclistnum(recs) == 0) break; if (debug) { const char *num_recs = tclistval2(recs, 0); num -= atoi(num_recs); if (num != 0 && atoi(num_recs) != batch) die("Unexpected number of records are deleted"); } tclistdel(recs); } if (debug && num != 0) die("Unexpected number of records are deleted"); tclistdel(args); }
static void range_atomic_test(void *db, int num, int vsiz, int batch, unsigned int seed) { TCADB *adb = db; struct keygen keygen; TCLIST *args = tclistnew(); char start_key[KEYGEN_PREFIX_SIZE + 1]; char max[100]; char end_key[KEYGEN_PREFIX_SIZE + 1]; char binc[2]; keygen_init(&keygen, seed); keygen_prefix(&keygen, start_key); sprintf(max, "%d", batch); keygen_prefix(&keygen, end_key); end_key[KEYGEN_PREFIX_SIZE - 1] = '-' + 1; sprintf(binc, "0"); tclistpush2(args, start_key); tclistpush2(args, max); tclistpush2(args, end_key); tclistpush2(args, binc); while (1) { TCLIST *recs; int num_recs; recs = do_tcadbmisc(adb, "range_atomic", args); num_recs = tclistnum(recs) / 2; if (!num_recs) break; check_records(recs, &keygen, vsiz, num < batch ? num : batch); tclistover2(args, 0, tclistval2(recs, 2 * (num_recs - 1))); tclistdel(recs); num -= num_recs; } if (debug && num) die("Unexpected record num: %d", num); tclistdel(args); }
/* parse arguments of import command */ static int runimport(int argc, char **argv){ char *dbpath = NULL; TCLIST *files = tcmpoollistnew(tcmpoolglobal()); TCLIST *sufs = tcmpoollistnew(tcmpoolglobal()); for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!dbpath && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-suf")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); tclistpush2(sufs, argv[i]); } else { usage(); } } else if(!dbpath){ dbpath = argv[i]; } else { tclistpush2(files, argv[i]); } } if(!dbpath || tclistnum(files) < 1) usage(); tclistpush2(sufs, ".tpw"); int rv = procimport(dbpath, files, sufs); return rv; }
TCLIST *explode(const char *delimiter , char *str) { TCLIST *data = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *next = NULL; data = tclistnew2(30); next = strtok_r(str, delimiter, &tmp); while (next != NULL) { tclistpush2(data, next); next = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &tmp); } return data; }
/* parse arguments of misc command */ static int runmisc(int argc, char **argv){ char *name = NULL; char *func = NULL; TCLIST *args = tcmpoollistnew(tcmpoolglobal()); bool sx = false; int sep = -1; bool px = false; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!name && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sx")){ sx = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sep")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); sep = sepstrtochr(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-px")){ px = true; } else { usage(); } } else if(!name){ name = argv[i]; } else if(!func){ func = argv[i]; } else { if(sx){ int size; char *buf = tchexdecode(argv[i], &size); tclistpush(args, buf, size); tcfree(buf); } else if(sep > 0){ int size; char *buf = strtozsv(argv[i], sep, &size); tclistpush(args, buf, size); tcfree(buf); } else { tclistpush2(args, argv[i]); } } } if(!name || !func) usage(); int rv = procmisc(name, func, args, sep, px); return rv; }
void testBSONExportImport(void) { EJDB *jb = ejdbnew(); CU_ASSERT_TRUE_FATAL(ejdbopen(jb, "dbt4_export", JBOWRITER | JBOCREAT | JBOTRUNC)); EJCOLL *coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "col1", NULL); if (!coll) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "testBSONExportImport"); } CU_ASSERT_TRUE(coll != NULL); bson_oid_t oid; bson bv1; bson_init(&bv1); bson_append_int(&bv1, "a", 1); bson_append_string(&bv1, "c", "d"); bson_finish(&bv1); ejdbsavebson(coll, &bv1, &oid); bson_destroy(&bv1); EJCOLLOPTS copts = {0}; copts.large = true; copts.records = 200000; coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "col2", &copts); if (!coll) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "testBSONExportImport"); } CU_ASSERT_TRUE(coll != NULL); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(ejdbsetindex(coll, "f", JBIDXSTR | JBIDXNUM)); bson_init(&bv1); bson_append_int(&bv1, "e", 1); bson_append_string(&bv1, "f", "g"); bson_finish(&bv1); ejdbsavebson(coll, &bv1, &oid); bson_destroy(&bv1); bson_init(&bv1); bson_append_int(&bv1, "e", 2); bson_append_string(&bv1, "f", "g2"); bson_finish(&bv1); ejdbsavebson(coll, &bv1, &oid); bson_destroy(&bv1); TCXSTR *log = tcxstrnew(); TCLIST *cnames = tclistnew(); tclistpush2(cnames, "col1"); tclistpush2(cnames, "col2"); bool rv = ejdbexport(jb, "testBSONExportImport", NULL, 0, log); if (!rv) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "testBSONExportImport"); } CU_ASSERT_TRUE(rv); bson *ometa = ejdbmeta(jb); CU_ASSERT_TRUE_FATAL(ometa != NULL); ejdbclose(jb); ejdbdel(jb); //Restore data: jb = ejdbnew(); CU_ASSERT_TRUE_FATAL(ejdbopen(jb, "dbt4_export", JBOWRITER | JBOCREAT)); coll = ejdbgetcoll(jb, "col1"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(coll); bson_init(&bv1); bson_append_int(&bv1, "e", 2); bson_finish(&bv1); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(ejdbsavebson(coll, &bv1, &oid)); bson_destroy(&bv1); rv = ejdbimport(jb, "testBSONExportImport", cnames, JBIMPORTREPLACE, log); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(rv); //fprintf(stderr, "\n\n%s", TCXSTRPTR(log)); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(strstr(TCXSTRPTR(log), "Replacing all data in 'col1'")); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(strstr(TCXSTRPTR(log), "1 objects imported into 'col1'")); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(strstr(TCXSTRPTR(log), "2 objects imported into 'col2'")); bson *nmeta = ejdbmeta(jb); CU_ASSERT_TRUE_FATAL(nmeta != NULL); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "", strlen("")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.0.records", strlen("collections.0.records")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "", strlen("")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.records", strlen("collections.1.records")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.options.buckets", strlen("collections.1.options.buckets")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.options.large", strlen("collections.1.options.large")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.indexes.0.field", strlen("collections.1.indexes.0.field")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.indexes.0.type", strlen("collections.1.indexes.0.type")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.indexes.0.records", strlen("collections.1.indexes.0.records")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.indexes.1.field", strlen("collections.1.indexes.1.field")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.indexes.1.type", strlen("collections.1.indexes.1.type")) == 0); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(bson_compare(bson_data(ometa), bson_data(nmeta), "collections.1.indexes.1.records", strlen("collections.1.indexes.1.records")) == 0); ejdbclose(jb); ejdbdel(jb); jb = ejdbnew(); CU_ASSERT_TRUE_FATAL(ejdbopen(jb, "dbt4_export", JBOWRITER | JBOCREAT | JBOTRUNC)); coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "col1", NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(coll); bson_init(&bv1); bson_append_int(&bv1, "e", 2); bson_finish(&bv1); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(ejdbsavebson(coll, &bv1, &oid)); EJQ *q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bv1, NULL, 0, NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(q); uint32_t count = 0; ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1); rv = ejdbimport(jb, "testBSONExportImport", NULL, JBIMPORTUPDATE, NULL); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(rv); coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "col1", NULL); ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1); ejdbquerydel(q); bson_destroy(&bv1); ejdbclose(jb); ejdbdel(jb); bson_del(ometa); bson_del(nmeta); tcxstrdel(log); tclistdel(cnames); }
/* parse arguments of search command */ static int runsearch(int argc, char **argv){ char *path = NULL; TCLIST *conds = tcmpoollistnew(tcmpoolglobal()); char *oname = NULL; char *otype = NULL; int omode = 0; int max = -1; int skip = -1; bool pv = false; bool px = false; bool kw = false; bool ph = false; int bt = 0; bool rm = false; char *mtype = NULL; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!path && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nl")){ omode |= TDBONOLCK; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nb")){ omode |= TDBOLCKNB; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-ord")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); oname = argv[i]; if(++i >= argc) usage(); otype = argv[i]; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-m")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); max = tcatoix(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sk")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); skip = tcatoix(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-kw")){ kw = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-pv")){ pv = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-px")){ px = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-ph")){ ph = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-bt")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); bt = tcatoix(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-rm")){ rm = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-ms")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); mtype = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } else if(!path){ path = argv[i]; } else { tclistpush2(conds, argv[i]); } } if(!path || tclistnum(conds) % 3 != 0) usage(); int rv = procsearch(path, conds, oname, otype, omode, max, skip, pv, px, kw, ph, bt, rm, mtype); return rv; }
/* parse arguments of put command */ static int runput(int argc, char **argv){ char *path = NULL; char *pkey = NULL; TCLIST *vals = tcmpoollistnew(tcmpoolglobal()); int omode = 0; int dmode = 0; bool sx = false; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!path && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nl")){ omode |= TDBONOLCK; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nb")){ omode |= TDBOLCKNB; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-dk")){ dmode = -1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-dc")){ dmode = 1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-dai")){ dmode = 10; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-dad")){ dmode = 11; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sx")){ sx = true; } else { usage(); } } else if(!path){ path = argv[i]; } else if(!pkey){ pkey = argv[i]; } else { tclistpush2(vals, argv[i]); } } if(!path || !pkey) usage(); TCMAP *cols = tcmapnew(); char *pkbuf; int pksiz; if(sx){ pkbuf = tchexdecode(pkey, &pksiz); for(int i = 0; i < tclistnum(vals) - 1; i += 2){ const char *name = tclistval2(vals, i); const char *value = tclistval2(vals, i + 1); int nsiz; char *nbuf = tchexdecode(name, &nsiz); int vsiz; char *vbuf = tchexdecode(value, &vsiz); tcmapput(cols, nbuf, nsiz, vbuf, vsiz); tcfree(vbuf); tcfree(nbuf); } } else { pksiz = strlen(pkey); pkbuf = tcmemdup(pkey, pksiz); for(int i = 0; i < tclistnum(vals) - 1; i += 2){ const char *name = tclistval2(vals, i); const char *value = tclistval2(vals, i + 1); tcmapput2(cols, name, value); } } int rv = procput(path, pkbuf, pksiz, cols, omode, dmode); tcmapdel(cols); tcfree(pkbuf); return rv; }
/* perform import command */ static int procimport(const char *dbpath, TCLIST *files, TCLIST *sufs){ TCTDB *tdb = tctdbnew(); if(!tctdbtune(tdb, TUNEBNUM, TUNEAPOW, TUNEFPOW, 0)){ printdberr(tdb); tctdbdel(tdb); return 1; } if(!tctdbopen(tdb, dbpath, TDBOWRITER | TDBOCREAT)){ printdberr(tdb); tctdbdel(tdb); return 1; } bool err = false; if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "name", TDBITLEXICAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "cdate", TDBITDECIMAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "mdate", TDBITDECIMAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "xdate", TDBITDECIMAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } tclistinvert(files); char *fpath; while((fpath = tclistpop2(files)) != NULL){ TCLIST *cfiles = tcreaddir(fpath); if(cfiles){ tclistsort(cfiles); for(int i = tclistnum(cfiles) - 1; i >= 0; i--){ const char *cfile = tclistval2(cfiles, i); bool hit = false; for(int j = 0; j < tclistnum(sufs); j++){ if(tcstribwm(cfile, tclistval2(sufs, j))){ hit = true; break; } } if(!hit) continue; char *lpath = tcsprintf("%s/%s", fpath, cfile); tclistpush2(files, lpath); tcfree(lpath); } tclistdel(cfiles); } else { int isiz; char *ibuf = tcreadfile(fpath, IOMAXSIZ, &isiz); if(ibuf){ TCMAP *cols = tcmapnew2(TINYBNUM); wikiload(cols, ibuf); const char *name = tcmapget2(cols, "name"); if(name && *name != '\0'){ int64_t id = tcatoi(tcmapget4(cols, "id", "")); if(dbputart(tdb, id, cols)){ id = tcatoi(tcmapget4(cols, "id", "")); printf("%s: imported: id=%lld name=%s\n", fpath, (long long)id, name); } else { printdberr(tdb); err = true; } } else { printf("%s: ignored because there is no name\n", fpath); } tcmapdel(cols); tcfree(ibuf); } } tcfree(fpath); } if(!tctdbclose(tdb)){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } tctdbdel(tdb); return err ? 1 : 0; }