int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int v[5000], x, n; clock_t ti1, tf1, ti2, tf2; printf("digite o tamanho do vetor:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); array_creator(n, v); printf("digite o termo a ser procurado:\n"); scanf("%d",&x); ti1 = clock(); busca_binaria(x, n, v); tf1 = clock(); printf("Tempo da busca binária: "); tempo(ti1, tf1); ti2 = clock(); busca_sequencial(n, v, x); tf2 = clock(); printf("Tempo da busca sequencial: "); tempo(ti2,tf2); return 0; }
void get_midi_info(MIDI *midi, midi_info *mi) { dword max_dt = 0; mi->tempo_changes = 0; bool gottempo = false; if(midi==NULL) goto done; for(int i=0; midi->track[i].len>0; i++) { byte *data = midi->track[i].data; if(data==NULL) break; dword total_dt=0; mi->event=0; mi->running_status = 0; // tempo info should only be in first track, but sometimes it isn't bool gettempo = (i==0)||(!gottempo); while(!eot(mi) && data - midi->track[i].data < midi->track[i].len) { parse_mtrk(&data,mi); total_dt += mi->dt; if(gettempo && mi->event==0xFF && mi->type==0x51 && mi->tempo_changes<MAX_TEMPO_CHANGES) { mi->tempo[mi->tempo_changes] = tempo(mi->buf); int tempo_c = mi->tempo_c[mi->tempo_changes] = beats(total_dt,midi->divisions); if(mi->tempo_changes==0 && tempo_c!=0) // make sure there is a tempo at beat 0 { mi->tempo_c[0] = 0; mi->tempo_c[1] = tempo_c; mi->tempo[1] = mi->tempo[0]; mi->tempo_changes++; } mi->tempo_changes++; gottempo=true; } } max_dt = zc_max(max_dt,total_dt); } done: if(mi->tempo_changes==0) // then guess { mi->tempo_changes=1; mi->tempo[0]=120.0; mi->tempo_c[0]=0; } mi->len_beats = (midi==NULL) ? 0 : beats(max_dt,midi->divisions); mi->len_sec = (midi==NULL) ? 0 : runtime(mi->len_beats,mi); }
void BassPlayer::playPreproccessing() { emit statusChanged(media_title, LoadedMedia); BASS_CHANNELINFO info; if (BASS_ChannelGetInfo(chan, &info)) channelsCount(info.chans); else channelsCount(2); if (eq_in_use) registerEQ(); #ifdef BASS_USE_TEMPO applyTempoToChannel(); newTempoProcessing(tempo()); #endif setSampleRateQuality(); newVolumeProcessing(volume()); newPanProcessing(pan()); if (BASS_ChannelPlay(chan, true)) { // stalled with big sized video files playPostprocessing(is_paused); syncHandle = BASS_ChannelSetSync((HSYNC)chan, BASS_SYNC_END, 0, &endTrackSync, this); syncDownloadHandle = BASS_ChannelSetSync(chan, BASS_SYNC_DOWNLOAD, 0, &endTrackDownloading, this); // BASS_SYNC_STALL // mixtime only Sync when playback of the channel is stalled/resumed. // param : not used. data : 0 = stalled, 1 = resumed. } else { proceedErrorState(); qCritical() << "IS NOT PLAYED"; } }
MyBigInt generatePrime() { stringstream ss; MyBigInt tempo("0"); srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL))); // genering num_of_bits bits. ss << 1; for (int i = 0; i < num_of_bits - 1; i++) { int p = rand() % 2; if (p) { ss << i; tempo.set_value(tempo + (static_cast<MyBigInt>("2") ^ ss.str())); ss.str(""); } } // Searching for a prime number MyBigInt t(tempo); while (true) { if (Miller_Rabin(t) == "0") { tempo.set_value(tempo + static_cast<MyBigInt>("1")); cout << "Generating" << endl; t.set_value(tempo); } else { return tempo; } } return tempo; }
S3DModel* PartFilter::computeMMSE() { std::vector<Eigen::Quaterniond*, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Quaterniond*> > orient = mModelMMSE->getOrientationVec(); std::vector<Eigen::Translation3d*, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Translation3d*> > offset = mModelMMSE->getOffsetVector(); for (int i=0 ; i<mOrientationVec[0].size() ; i++) { std::vector<double> quat(4, 0); Eigen::Vector3d tempo(0, 0, 0); for (int j=0 ; j<mModels.size() ; j++) { Eigen::Vector3d offs = mOffsetVec[j][i]->vector(); tempo += mCurrentWeights[j]*offs; quat[0] += mCurrentWeights[j]*mOrientationVec[j][i]->w(); quat[1] += mCurrentWeights[j]*mOrientationVec[j][i]->x(); quat[2] += mCurrentWeights[j]*mOrientationVec[j][i]->y(); quat[3] += mCurrentWeights[j]*mOrientationVec[j][i]->z(); } (*orient[i]) = Eigen::Quaterniond(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]); orient[i]->normalize(); (*offset[i]) = Eigen::Translation3d(tempo); } this->saveMMSE(); this->saveObservations(); return mModelMMSE; }
void main(void) { clock_int_48MHz(); while (1) { nivel_alto(vermelho_pedestre); nivel_baixo(vermelho_carro); nivel_alto(verde_carro); tempo(10000); nivel_baixo(verde_carro); if (flag_pedestre) { nivel_alto(amarelo_carro); tempo_ms(1000); nivel_baixo(amarelo_carro); nivel_alto(vermelho_carro); nivel_baixo(vermelho_pedestre); nivel_alto(verde_pedestre); tempo_ms(5000); nivel_baixo(verde_pedestre); flag_pedestre = 0; } } }
void display(void){ tempo(&lastFrameTime, &elapsedTime); preformCheck(&onGame, &winlose, bloco, bola); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); drawAll(onGame, bloco, &xbarra, k, &elapsedTime, &bola, preStart, winlose); glutSwapBuffers(); }
/* Com essa função, o programa fica sabendo em que time vai jogar. BRANCO: tenta fazer a linha na vertical (cima para baixo). Além disso, o time branco sempre começa o jogo. PRETO: tenta fazer a linha na horizontal (esquerda para direita) */ void inicializaJogo(int time) { int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 14; i++ ) for( j = 0; j < 14; j++ ) tab[i][j] = 0; numJogada = numOponente = 0; corDoTime = time; srand(tempo(NULL)); /* TODO: iniciar seed de random. *//*Done*/ }
void TempoMap::setPause(int tick, qreal pause) { iTEvent e = find(tick); if (e != end()) e->second.pause = pause; else { qreal t = tempo(tick); insert(std::pair<const int, TEvent> (tick, TEvent(t, pause, TEMPO_FIX))); } normalize(); }
QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabled qtractorTempoSpinBox::stepEnabled (void) const { StepEnabled flags = StepNone; const float fTempo = tempo(); const unsigned short iBeatsPerBar = beatsPerBar(); const unsigned short iBeatDivisor = beatDivisor(); if (fTempo > 1.0f && iBeatsPerBar > 2 && iBeatDivisor > 1) flags |= StepDownEnabled; if (fTempo < 1000.0f && iBeatsPerBar < 128 && iBeatDivisor < 8) flags |= StepUpEnabled; return flags; }
void Ay_Emu::cpu_out_misc( cpu_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data ) { if ( !cpc_mode ) { switch ( addr & 0xFEFF ) { case 0xFEFD: spectrum_mode = true; apu_addr = data & 0x0F; return; case 0xBEFD: spectrum_mode = true; apu.write( time, apu_addr, data ); return; } } if ( !spectrum_mode ) { switch ( addr >> 8 ) { case 0xF6: switch ( data & 0xC0 ) { case 0xC0: apu_addr = cpc_latch & 0x0F; goto enable_cpc; case 0x80: apu.write( time, apu_addr, cpc_latch ); goto enable_cpc; } break; case 0xF4: cpc_latch = data; goto enable_cpc; } } debug_printf( "Unmapped OUT: $%04X <- $%02X\n", addr, data ); return; enable_cpc: if ( !cpc_mode ) { cpc_mode = true; change_clock_rate( cpc_clock ); set_tempo( tempo() ); } }
void qtractorTempoSpinBox::stepBy ( int iSteps ) { #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_0 qDebug("qtractorTempoSpinBox[%p]::stepBy(%d)", this, iSteps); #endif QLineEdit *pLineEdit = QAbstractSpinBox::lineEdit(); const int iCursorPos = pLineEdit->cursorPosition(); const QString& sText = pLineEdit->text(); if (iCursorPos < sText.section(' ', 0, 0).length() + 1) { const QChar& decp = QLocale().decimalPoint(); if (iCursorPos > sText.section(decp, 0, 0).length()) setTempo(tempo() + 0.1f * float(iSteps)); else setTempo(tempo() + float(iSteps)); } else if (iCursorPos > sText.section('/', 0, 0).length()) setBeatDivisor(int(beatDivisor()) + iSteps); else setBeatsPerBar(int(beatsPerBar()) + iSteps); }
Cor Visao::gravaCor(){ Cor cor = Cor(); while (true){ clock_t start=tempo(); cam >> imagem; cvtColor(imagem, imagemHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV); imshow("Imagem Normal", imagem); moveWindow("Imagem Normal", 0, 0); inRange(imagemHSV, Scalar(pontos[0]-variacaoH, pontos[1]*(1-variacao), pontos[2]*(1-variacao)), Scalar(pontos[0]+variacaoH, pontos[1]*(1+variacao), pontos[2]*(1+variacao)), imagemTratada); //medianBlur(imagemTratada, imagemTratada, 3); imshow("Calibragem", imagemTratada); moveWindow("Calibragem", 640, 0); setMouseCallback("Imagem Normal", corPixel, 0); char key = waitKey(1); if (key == 27){ for (int i=0; i<10; i++){ destroyAllWindows(); waitKey(1); } break; } if (clique == true){ cor.corH = pontos[0]; cor.corS = pontos[1]; cor.corV = pontos[2]; if (key == 32){ for (int i=0; i<10; i++){ destroyAllWindows(); waitKey(1); } cout << "Cor Calibrada" << endl; clique = false; pontos[0] = 0; pontos[1] = 0; pontos[2] = 0; break; } } } return cor; }
void Gym_Emu::set_tempo_( double t ) { if ( t < min_tempo ) { set_tempo( min_tempo ); return; } if ( stereo_buf.sample_rate() ) { double denom = tempo() * 60; clocks_per_frame = (int) (clock_rate / denom); resampler.resize( (int) (sample_rate() / denom) ); } }
int Tempo_Point::handle ( int m ) { Logger log( this ); if ( m == FL_PUSH && Fl::event_button3() && ! ( Fl::event_state() & ( FL_ALT | FL_CTRL | FL_SHIFT ) ) ) { float t = _tempo; edit( &t ); tempo( t ); return 0; } return Sequence_Point::handle( m ); }
int simulator() { struct Screen { size_t width = 70, height = 25 ; } screen; Scene scene(screen.width*10,screen.height); loop(0,scene.width-screen.width,[&](auto i) { scene.update(); std::cout << scene.to_string(i,i+screen.width); tempo(60); up_to_n_lines(screen.height); }); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void main(void) { clock_int_48MHz(); TRISB = 0b00000000; TRISA = 0b000000; TRISC = 0b000; nivel_baixo(amarelo_carro); nivel_baixo(verde_carro); nivel_baixo(verde_pedestre); while (1) { nivel_alto(vermelho_pedestre); nivel_baixo(vermelho_carro); nivel_alto(verde_carro); tempo(5000); nivel_baixo(verde_carro); if (flag_pedestre) { nivel_alto(amarelo_carro); tempo_ms(1000); nivel_baixo(amarelo_carro); nivel_alto(vermelho_carro); nivel_baixo(vermelho_pedestre); nivel_alto(verde_pedestre); for (i = 20; i >= 0; i--) { for (z = 0; z < 100; z++) { dezena = i / 10; unidade = i % 10; nivel_baixo(pin_dezena); nivel_alto(pin_unidade); PORTB = seg[dezena]; tempo_ms(5); nivel_baixo(pin_unidade); nivel_alto(pin_dezena); PORTB = seg[unidade]; tempo_ms(5); } } nivel_baixo(verde_pedestre); PORTB = apagado; flag_pedestre = 0; } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Clock::getClockFormated(){ int minutes = hours * 60 ; int numberOfHours = minutes / 60, numberOfMinutes = minutes % 60; Ogre::String tempo("Time: "); if(numberOfHours < 10){ tempo.append("0"); } tempo.append( Ogre::StringConverter::toString(numberOfHours) ).append(":"); if(numberOfMinutes < 10){ tempo.append("0"); } tempo.append( Ogre::StringConverter::toString(numberOfMinutes) ); return tempo.c_str(); }
blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in ) { assert( offsetof (header_t,unused [4]) == header_size ); RETURN_ERR( rom.load( in, header_size, &header_, 0 ) ); set_track_count( header_.track_count ); RETURN_ERR( check_nsf_header( &header_ ) ); if ( header_.vers != 1 ) set_warning( "Unknown file version" ); // sound and memory blargg_err_t err = init_sound(); if ( err ) return err; // set up data nes_addr_t load_addr = get_le16( header_.load_addr ); init_addr = get_le16( header_.init_addr ); play_addr = get_le16( header_.play_addr ); if ( !load_addr ) load_addr = rom_begin; if ( !init_addr ) init_addr = rom_begin; if ( !play_addr ) play_addr = rom_begin; if ( load_addr < rom_begin || init_addr < rom_begin ) { const char* w = warning(); if ( !w ) w = "Corrupt file (invalid load/init/play address)"; return w; } rom.set_addr( load_addr % bank_size ); int total_banks = rom.size() / bank_size; // bank switching int first_bank = (load_addr - rom_begin) / bank_size; for ( int i = 0; i < bank_count; i++ ) { unsigned bank = i - first_bank; if ( bank >= (unsigned) total_banks ) bank = 0; initial_banks [i] = bank; if ( header_.banks [i] ) { // bank-switched memcpy( initial_banks, header_.banks, sizeof initial_banks ); break; } } pal_only = (header_.speed_flags & 3) == 1; #if !NSF_EMU_EXTRA_FLAGS header_.speed_flags = 0; #endif set_tempo( tempo() ); return setup_buffer( (long) (clock_rate_ + 0.5) ); }
// // ГОСТ 30.310-95 - генерація простих чисел. // Всі позначення змінних і пунктів взяті безпосередньо із ГОСТа. // void Gost() { srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL))); stringstream ss; MyBigInt N("0"); //пункт 9: MyBigInt Ps("2"); int s = 0, i = 0; double t = num_of_bits; // пункт 1: //unsigned int y0 = rand(); unsigned int y0 = 24265; //int c = rand(); int c = 7341; if (c % 2 == 0) c += 1; // пункт 2: while (t >= 17) { t /= 2; i++; } s = i; s--; // пункт 3: Ps - поідеї найменше число n-bit ss << static_cast<int>(t - 1); Ps.set_value(Ps^ss.str()); ss.str(""); MyBigInt tempo(Ps); while (true) { if (Miller_Rabin(tempo) == "0") { Ps.set_value(Ps + static_cast<MyBigInt>("1")); tempo.set_value(Ps); } else { system("cls"); break; } } // пункт 4: int m = s; // пункт 5: Jump5: double rm = t / 16; // пункт 6 - 7 - 8: Jump6: ss << y0; MyBigInt Ym(ss.str()); ss.str(""); for (int i = 0; i < rm; i++) { y0 = (19381 * y0 + c) % 65536; ss << y0; Ym.set_value(Ym + static_cast<MyBigInt>(ss.str())); ss.str(""); } ss << y0; Ym.set_value(Ym - static_cast<MyBigInt>(ss.str())); //Ym.set_value(Ym * (static_cast<MyBigInt>("2") ^ "161")); ss.str(""); // пункт 9: stringstream ko; ko << (2 * t) - 1; N.set_value((static_cast<MyBigInt>("2") ^ ko.str())); ss.str(""); ss << 16 << rm; N.set_value(N + ( ((static_cast<MyBigInt>("2") ^ ko.str()) * Ym) )); if (N % static_cast<MyBigInt>("2") == "0") N.set_value(N + "1"); ss.str(""); ko.str(""); // пункт 10: int k = 0; ss << k; // пункт 11: Jump11: MyBigInt Pm((N + ss.str())); ss.str(""); // пункт 12: ss << 2 * t; cout << Pm.get_value() << endl; if (Pm > (static_cast<MyBigInt>("2") ^ ss.str())) { ss.str(""); goto Jump6; } ss.str(""); // пункт 13: ss << k; cout << static_cast<MyBigInt>("2").Gorner((Ps * (N + ss.str())), Pm).get_value() << " " << static_cast<MyBigInt>("2").Gorner((N + ss.str()), Pm).get_value() << " " << Pm.get_value()<< endl; if (static_cast<MyBigInt>("2").Gorner((Ps * (N + ss.str())), Pm) == "1" && static_cast<MyBigInt>("2").Gorner((N + ss.str()), Pm) != "1") { system("pause"); m = m - 1; t = t * 2; // пункт 14: if (m >= 0) { goto Jump5; } else { system("cls"); cout << "Victory bitch!" << endl; system("pause"); } } else { k = k + 2; goto Jump11; } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { string gauss = "Gaussino"; string canny = "Canny"; string hough = "Hough"; string binarizar = "Binarizar"; string Otsu = "Otsu"; string image_name = ""; int number; Point min, max, start; ofstream myfile;"data.txt"); myfile << "ESCREVE QUALQUER COISA\n"; clock_t t1, t2, t3, t4; double threshold1, threshold2, thres, minLength, maxGap; bool f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9; string Result; ostringstream convert; //int i; float temp; //for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++){ //number = i; //convert << number; //Result = convert.str(); //image_name = "a" + Result + ".JPG"; image_name = "a2.JPG"; //number++; //cout << number << endl; cout << image_name; myfile << image_name; myfile << "\n"; t1 = clock(); f1 = false; f2 = true; f3 = false; f4 = false; f5 = false; f6 = true; f7 = true; if (f7 == true){ threshold1 = 10; threshold2 = 19; } f8 = false; f9 = true; if (f9 == true){ thres = 10;// 40 minLength = 20; //50 maxGap = 30; //80 /* CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( CV_CAP_ANY ); if ( !capture ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" ); getchar(); return -1; } string original = "original.jpg"; string foto ="img"; IplImage* frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); Mat img(frame); Mat I, I1, imge; cvtColor(img,imge,CV_RGB2GRAY); imge.convertTo(I, CV_8U); equalizeHist(I,I1); Mat aux = I1; savePictures(I1, original, foto); */ //realiza a leitura e carrega a imagem para a matriz I1 // a imagem tem apenas 1 canal de cor e por isso foi usado o parametro CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE Mat lara = imread("lara.JPG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); Mat I = imread(image_name, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); if (I.empty()) return -1; resize(I, I, lara.size(), 1.0, 1.0, INTER_LINEAR); Mat I1; //Mat aux = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); equalizeHist(I, I1); Mat aux, original; aux = I1; //ShowImage(I, I1); // verifica se carregou e alocou a imagem com sucesso if (I1.empty()) return -1; // tipo Size contem largura e altura da imagem, recebe o retorno do metodo .size() //imSize = I1.size(); // Cria uma matriz do tamanho imSize, de 8 bits e 1 canal Mat I2 = Mat::zeros(I1.size(), CV_8UC1); if (f2 == true) { t2 = clock(); for (int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2) GaussianBlur(I1, I1, Size(i, i), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT); //ShowImage(aux, I1); cout << "Guassiano tempo : "; temp = tempo(t2); savePictures(I1, image_name, gauss); myfile << "Gauss: "; myfile << temp; myfile << "\n"; } if (f1 == true){ t2 = clock(); binarizacao(I1, 125); //ShowImage(aux, I1); cout << "binarizacao : "; temp = tempo(t2); savePictures(I1, image_name, binarizar); myfile << "Binarizacao: "; myfile << temp; myfile << "\n"; } if (f3 == true){ t2 = clock(); inversao(I1); cout << "inversao : "; tempo(t2); } if (f4 == true){ adaptiveThreshold(I1, I1, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, CV_THRESH_BINARY, 7, 0); } if (f5 == true) Laplacian(I1, I1, 125, 1, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT); if (f7 == true){ t2 = clock(); Canny(I1, I2, threshold1, threshold2, 3, false); cout << "canny : "; temp = tempo(t2); savePictures(I2, image_name, canny); myfile << "Canny: " + (int)(temp * 1000); myfile << "\n"; } if (f9 == true){ t2 = clock(); Hough(I2, aux, thres, minLength, maxGap); cout << "hough : "; temp = tempo(t2); savePictures(aux, image_name, hough); myfile << "Hough: "; myfile << temp; myfile << "\n"; } if (f6 == true){ t2 = clock(); threshold_type = THRESH_BINARY; threshold(aux, I1, 9, max_BINARY_value, threshold_type); cout << "Threshold : "; //savePictures(aux, image_name, Otsu); temp = tempo(t2); myfile << "Threshold/OTSU: "; myfile << temp; myfile << "\n"; } string name = Otsu + image_name; imwrite(name, aux); ShowImage(I1, aux); t2 = clock(); max = maxPoint(aux); min = minPoint(aux); /*start.y = (max.y + min.y) / 2; start.x = (max.x + min.x) /2;*/ start.x = max.x; start.y = max.y; Point end; end.x = start.x; end.y = aux.size().height; MyLine(I, start, end, image_name, 0.3); temp = tempo(t2); ShowImage(I, aux); myfile << "Rota: "; myfile << temp; myfile << "\n"; temp = tempo(t1); cout << "Final time : "; myfile << "Final Time: "; myfile << temp; myfile << "\n"; //float angle = Angle(aux, min, 5); //cout << angle; } //} myfile.close(); //ShowImage(aux, I1); //imwrite(argv[2], I2); // salva imagem I2 no arquivo definido pelo usuario em argv[2] //} return 0; }
blargg_err_t Ay_Emu::start_track_( int track ) { RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) ); byte* const mem = core.mem(); memset( mem + 0x0000, 0xC9, 0x100 ); // fill RST vectors with RET memset( mem + 0x0100, 0xFF, 0x4000 - 0x100 ); memset( mem + core.ram_addr, 0x00, core.mem_size - core.ram_addr ); // locate data blocks byte const* const data = get_data( file, file.tracks + track * 4 + 2, 14 ); if ( !data ) return BLARGG_ERR( BLARGG_ERR_FILE_CORRUPT, "file data missing" ); byte const* const more_data = get_data( file, data + 10, 6 ); if ( !more_data ) return BLARGG_ERR( BLARGG_ERR_FILE_CORRUPT, "file data missing" ); byte const* blocks = get_data( file, data + 12, 8 ); if ( !blocks ) return BLARGG_ERR( BLARGG_ERR_FILE_CORRUPT, "file data missing" ); // initial addresses unsigned addr = get_be16( blocks ); if ( !addr ) return BLARGG_ERR( BLARGG_ERR_FILE_CORRUPT, "file data missing" ); unsigned init = get_be16( more_data + 2 ); if ( !init ) init = addr; // copy blocks into memory do { blocks += 2; unsigned len = get_be16( blocks ); blocks += 2; if ( addr + len > core.mem_size ) { set_warning( "Bad data block size" ); len = core.mem_size - addr; } check( len ); byte const* in = get_data( file, blocks, 0 ); blocks += 2; if ( len > (unsigned) (file.end - in) ) { set_warning( "File data missing" ); len = file.end - in; } //dprintf( "addr: $%04X, len: $%04X\n", addr, len ); if ( addr < core.ram_addr && addr >= 0x400 ) // several tracks use low data dprintf( "Block addr in ROM\n" ); memcpy( mem + addr, in, len ); if ( file.end - blocks < 8 ) { set_warning( "File data missing" ); break; } } while ( (addr = get_be16( blocks )) != 0 ); // copy and configure driver static byte const passive [] = { 0xF3, // DI 0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init 0xED, 0x5E, // LOOP: IM 2 0xFB, // EI 0x76, // HALT 0x18, 0xFA // JR LOOP }; static byte const active [] = { 0xF3, // DI 0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init 0xED, 0x56, // LOOP: IM 1 0xFB, // EI 0x76, // HALT 0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL play 0x18, 0xF7 // JR LOOP }; memcpy( mem, passive, sizeof passive ); int const play_addr = get_be16( more_data + 4 ); if ( play_addr ) { memcpy( mem, active, sizeof active ); mem [ 9] = play_addr; mem [10] = play_addr >> 8; } mem [2] = init; mem [3] = init >> 8; mem [0x38] = 0xFB; // Put EI at interrupt vector (followed by RET) // start at spectrum speed change_clock_rate( spectrum_clock ); set_tempo( tempo() ); Ay_Core::registers_t r = { }; r.sp = get_be16( more_data ); r.b.a = r.b.b = r.b.d = r.b.h = data [8]; r.b.flags = r.b.c = r.b.e = r.b.l = data [9]; r.alt.w = r.w; r.ix = r.iy = r.w.hl; core.start_track( r, play_addr ); return blargg_ok; }
inline void Ay_Emu::enable_cpc() { change_clock_rate( cpc_clock ); set_tempo( tempo() ); }
blargg_err_t Ay_Emu::start_track_( int track ) { RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) ); memset( mem.ram + 0x0000, 0xC9, 0x100 ); // fill RST vectors with RET memset( mem.ram + 0x0100, 0xFF, 0x4000 - 0x100 ); memset( mem.ram + ram_start, 0x00, sizeof mem.ram - ram_start ); memset( mem.padding1, 0xFF, sizeof mem.padding1 ); memset( mem.ram + 0x10000, 0xFF, sizeof mem.ram - 0x10000 ); // locate data blocks byte const* const data = get_data( file, file.tracks + track * 4 + 2, 14 ); if ( !data ) return "File data missing"; byte const* const more_data = get_data( file, data + 10, 6 ); if ( !more_data ) return "File data missing"; byte const* blocks = get_data( file, data + 12, 8 ); if ( !blocks ) return "File data missing"; // initial addresses cpu::reset( mem.ram ); r.sp = get_be16( more_data ); r.b.a = r.b.b = r.b.d = r.b.h = data [8]; r.b.flags = r.b.c = r.b.e = r.b.l = data [9]; r.alt.w = r.w; r.ix = r.iy = r.w.hl; unsigned addr = get_be16( blocks ); if ( !addr ) return "File data missing"; unsigned init = get_be16( more_data + 2 ); if ( !init ) init = addr; // copy blocks into memory do { blocks += 2; unsigned len = get_be16( blocks ); blocks += 2; if ( addr + len > 0x10000 ) { set_warning( "Bad data block size" ); len = 0x10000 - addr; } check( len ); byte const* in = get_data( file, blocks, 0 ); blocks += 2; if ( len > blargg_ulong (file.end - in) ) { set_warning( "Missing file data" ); len = file.end - in; } //debug_printf( "addr: $%04X, len: $%04X\n", addr, len ); if ( addr < ram_start && addr >= 0x400 ) // several tracks use low data debug_printf( "Block addr in ROM\n" ); memcpy( mem.ram + addr, in, len ); if ( file.end - blocks < 8 ) { set_warning( "Missing file data" ); break; } } while ( (addr = get_be16( blocks )) != 0 ); // copy and configure driver static byte const passive [] = { 0xF3, // DI 0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init 0xED, 0x5E, // LOOP: IM 2 0xFB, // EI 0x76, // HALT 0x18, 0xFA // JR LOOP }; static byte const active [] = { 0xF3, // DI 0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init 0xED, 0x56, // LOOP: IM 1 0xFB, // EI 0x76, // HALT 0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL play 0x18, 0xF7 // JR LOOP }; memcpy( mem.ram, passive, sizeof passive ); unsigned play_addr = get_be16( more_data + 4 ); //debug_printf( "Play: $%04X\n", play_addr ); if ( play_addr ) { memcpy( mem.ram, active, sizeof active ); mem.ram [ 9] = play_addr; mem.ram [10] = play_addr >> 8; } mem.ram [2] = init; mem.ram [3] = init >> 8; mem.ram [0x38] = 0xFB; // Put EI at interrupt vector (followed by RET) memcpy( mem.ram + 0x10000, mem.ram, 0x80 ); // some code wraps around (ugh) beeper_delta = int (apu.amp_range * 0.65); last_beeper = 0; apu.reset(); next_play = play_period; // start at spectrum speed change_clock_rate( spectrum_clock ); set_tempo( tempo() ); spectrum_mode = false; cpc_mode = false; cpc_latch = 0; return 0; }
void parse_msr( void ) { while ( 1 ) { int f; char *p = gettoken( &f ); //char a; if ( !p ) break; //a = *p; if ( f & TT_LABEL ) { int n = strlen(p); if ( p[n-1] == ':' ) p[n-1] = 0; RegLabel( p ); } else if ( f & TT_NUMBER ) { cgout1( getnum( p ) ); } else if ( f & TT_STRING ) { int i, n = strlen( p ); if ( n > 2 && p[0] == p[n-1] ) n--; for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) cgout1( p[i] ); } else if ( f & TT_OTHER ) { HASHDATA *phd = SearchHash( p ); if ( phd ) { if ( phd->type == TYPE_RESERVED ) switch ( phd->value ) { case RSV_ADRS: adrs(); break; case RSV_ADRSM: adrsm(); break; case RSV_ADRSD: adrsd(); break; case RSV_INCLUDE: include(); break; case RSV_GOTO: _goto(); break; case RSV_TEMPO: tempo(); break; case RSV_PARTN: partn(); break; case RSV_PHRASE: phrase(); break; } else if ( phd->type & TYPE_DIRECTCODE ) { cgout1( phd->value ); } } else { error( "Unkown commands '%s'.", p ); } } else if ( f & TT_MML ) { parse_mml_line( -1, p ); } } }