int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { unsigned int errorCount = 0; (void)argc; /* Unused. Silent compiler warning. */ if (NULL == argv || 0 == argv[0]) return 99; oneone = has_in_name (argv[0], "11"); if (0 != curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32)) return 2; if (MHD_YES == MHD_is_feature_supported(MHD_FEATURE_THREADS)) { start_time = now(); errorCount += testInternalPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "internal select", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("internal select", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); start_time = now(); errorCount += testMultithreadedPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "multithreaded post", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("Multithreaded select", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); start_time = now(); errorCount += testMultithreadedPoolPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "thread with pool", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("thread with pool", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); } start_time = now(); errorCount += testExternalPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "external select", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("external select", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); if (errorCount != 0) fprintf (stderr, "Error (code: %u)\n", errorCount); curl_global_cleanup (); return errorCount != 0; /* 0 == pass */ }
int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { unsigned int errorCount = 0; oneone = (NULL != strrchr (argv[0], (int) '/')) ? (NULL != strstr (strrchr (argv[0], (int) '/'), "11")) : 0; if (0 != curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32)) return 2; start_time = now(); errorCount += testInternalPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "internal select", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("internal select", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); start_time = now(); errorCount += testMultithreadedPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "multithreaded post", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("Multithreaded select", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); start_time = now(); errorCount += testMultithreadedPoolPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "thread with pool", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("thread with pool", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); start_time = now(); errorCount += testExternalPost (); fprintf (stderr, oneone ? "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.1) %f/s\n" : "%s: Sequential POSTs (http/1.0) %f/s\n", "external select", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0)); GAUGER ("external select", oneone ? "Sequential POSTs (http/1.1)" : "Sequential POSTs (http/1.0)", (double) 1000 * LOOPCOUNT / (now() - start_time + 1.0), "requests/s"); if (errorCount != 0) fprintf (stderr, "Error (code: %u)\n", errorCount); curl_global_cleanup (); return errorCount != 0; /* 0 == pass */ }
int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { unsigned int errorCount = 0; oneone = (NULL != strrchr (argv[0], (int) '/')) ? (NULL != strstr (strrchr (argv[0], (int) '/'), "11")) : 0; if (0 != curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32)) return 2; errorCount += testInternalPost (); errorCount += testMultithreadedPost (); errorCount += testExternalPost (); if (errorCount != 0) fprintf (stderr, "Error (code: %u)\n", errorCount); curl_global_cleanup (); return errorCount != 0; /* 0 == pass */ }
int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { unsigned int errorCount = 0; #ifdef HAVE_GCRYPT_H gcry_control (GCRYCTL_ENABLE_QUICK_RANDOM, 0); #ifdef GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED, 0); #endif #endif oneone = (NULL != strrchr (argv[0], (int) '/')) ? (NULL != strstr (strrchr (argv[0], (int) '/'), "11")) : 0; if (0 != curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32)) return 2; errorCount += testInternalPost (); errorCount += testMultithreadedPost (); errorCount += testMultithreadedPoolPost (); errorCount += testExternalPost (); if (errorCount != 0) fprintf (stderr, "Error (code: %u)\n", errorCount); curl_global_cleanup (); return errorCount != 0; /* 0 == pass */ }