static void test_002_003_execute(void) { systime_t time; msg_t msg; /* The function chSemWaitTimeout() is invoked, after return the system time, the counter and the returned message are tested.*/ test_set_step(1); { time = chVTGetSystemTimeX(); msg = chSemWaitTimeout(&sem1, MS2ST(1000)); test_assert_time_window(time + MS2ST(1000), time + MS2ST(1000) + 1, "out of time window"); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&sem1) == 0, "wrong counter value"); test_assert(MSG_TIMEOUT == msg, "wrong timeout message"); } /* The function chSemWaitTimeout() is invoked, after return the system time, the counter and the returned message are tested.*/ test_set_step(2); { time = chVTGetSystemTimeX(); msg = chSemWaitTimeout(&sem1, MS2ST(1000)); test_assert_time_window(time + MS2ST(1000), time + MS2ST(1000) + 1, "out of time window"); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&sem1) == 0, "wrong counter value"); test_assert(MSG_TIMEOUT == msg, "wrong timeout message"); } }
static void rt_test_005_001_execute(void) { /* [5.1.1] The function chSemWait() is invoked, after return the counter and the returned message are tested.*/ test_set_step(1); { msg_t msg; msg = chSemWait(&sem1); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&sem1) == 0, "wrong counter value"); test_assert(MSG_OK == msg, "wrong returned message"); } /* [5.1.2] The function chSemSignal() is invoked, after return the counter is tested.*/ test_set_step(2); { chSemSignal(&sem1); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&sem1) == 1, "wrong counter value"); } /* [5.1.3] The function chSemReset() is invoked, after return the counter is tested.*/ test_set_step(3); { chSemReset(&sem1, 2); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&sem1) == 2, "wrong counter value"); } }
static void test_002_002_execute(void) { /* The function chSemWait() is invoked, after return the counter and the returned message are tested. The semaphore is signaled by another thread.*/ test_set_step(1); { msg_t msg; msg = chSemWait(&gsem1); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&gsem1) == 0, "wrong counter value"); test_assert(MSG_OK == msg, "wrong returned message"); } /* The function chSemWait() is invoked, after return the counter and the returned message are tested. The semaphore is reset by another thread.*/ test_set_step(2); { msg_t msg; msg = chSemWait(&gsem2); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&gsem2) == 0, "wrong counter value"); test_assert(MSG_RESET == msg, "wrong returned message"); } }
static void queues1_execute(void) { unsigned i; size_t n; /* Initial empty state */ test_assert_lock(1, chIQIsEmptyI(&iq), "not empty"); /* Queue filling */ chSysLock(); for (i = 0; i < TEST_QUEUES_SIZE; i++) chIQPutI(&iq, 'A' + i); chSysUnlock(); test_assert_lock(2, chIQIsFullI(&iq), "still has space"); test_assert_lock(3, chIQPutI(&iq, 0) == Q_FULL, "failed to report Q_FULL"); /* Queue emptying */ for (i = 0; i < TEST_QUEUES_SIZE; i++) test_emit_token(chIQGet(&iq)); test_assert_lock(4, chIQIsEmptyI(&iq), "still full"); test_assert_sequence(5, "ABCD"); /* Queue filling again */ chSysLock(); for (i = 0; i < TEST_QUEUES_SIZE; i++) chIQPutI(&iq, 'A' + i); chSysUnlock(); /* Reading the whole thing */ n = chIQReadTimeout(&iq, wa[1], TEST_QUEUES_SIZE * 2, TIME_IMMEDIATE); test_assert(6, n == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE, "wrong returned size"); test_assert_lock(7, chIQIsEmptyI(&iq), "still full"); /* Queue filling again */ chSysLock(); for (i = 0; i < TEST_QUEUES_SIZE; i++) chIQPutI(&iq, 'A' + i); chSysUnlock(); /* Partial reads */ n = chIQReadTimeout(&iq, wa[1], TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, TIME_IMMEDIATE); test_assert(8, n == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, "wrong returned size"); n = chIQReadTimeout(&iq, wa[1], TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, TIME_IMMEDIATE); test_assert(9, n == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, "wrong returned size"); test_assert_lock(10, chIQIsEmptyI(&iq), "still full"); /* Testing reset */ chSysLock(); chIQPutI(&iq, 0); chIQResetI(&iq); chSysUnlock(); test_assert_lock(11, chIQGetFullI(&iq) == 0, "still full"); threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriorityX()+1, thread1, NULL); test_assert_lock(12, chIQGetFullI(&iq) == 0, "not empty"); test_wait_threads(); /* Timeout */ test_assert(13, chIQGetTimeout(&iq, 10) == Q_TIMEOUT, "wrong timeout return"); }
static void rt_test_005_006_execute(void) { binary_semaphore_t bsem; msg_t msg; /* [5.6.1] Creating a binary semaphore in "taken" state, the state is checked.*/ test_set_step(1); { chBSemObjectInit(&bsem, true); test_assert_lock(chBSemGetStateI(&bsem) == true, "not taken"); } /* [5.6.2] Resetting the binary semaphore in "taken" state, the state must not change.*/ test_set_step(2); { chBSemReset(&bsem, true); test_assert_lock(chBSemGetStateI(&bsem) == true, "not taken"); } /* [5.6.3] Starting a signaler thread at a lower priority.*/ test_set_step(3); { threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriorityX()-1, thread4, &bsem); } /* [5.6.4] Waiting for the binary semaphore to be signaled, the semaphore is expected to be taken.*/ test_set_step(4); { msg = chBSemWait(&bsem); test_assert_lock(chBSemGetStateI(&bsem) == true, "not taken"); test_assert(msg == MSG_OK, "unexpected message"); } /* [5.6.5] Signaling the binary semaphore, checking the binary semaphore state to be "not taken" and the underlying counter semaphore counter to be one.*/ test_set_step(5); { chBSemSignal(&bsem); test_assert_lock(chBSemGetStateI(&bsem) ==false, "still taken"); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&bsem.sem) == 1, "unexpected counter"); } /* [5.6.6] Signaling the binary semaphore again, the internal state must not change from "not taken".*/ test_set_step(6); { chBSemSignal(&bsem); test_assert_lock(chBSemGetStateI(&bsem) == false, "taken"); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&bsem.sem) == 1, "unexpected counter"); } }
static void queues2_execute(void) { unsigned i; size_t n; /* Initial empty state */ test_assert_lock(1, chOQIsEmptyI(&oq), "not empty"); /* Queue filling */ for (i = 0; i < TEST_QUEUES_SIZE; i++) chOQPut(&oq, 'A' + i); test_assert_lock(2, chOQIsFullI(&oq), "still has space"); /* Queue emptying */ for (i = 0; i < TEST_QUEUES_SIZE; i++) { char c; chSysLock(); c = chOQGetI(&oq); chSysUnlock(); test_emit_token(c); } test_assert_lock(3, chOQIsEmptyI(&oq), "still full"); test_assert_sequence(4, "ABCD"); test_assert_lock(5, chOQGetI(&oq) == Q_EMPTY, "failed to report Q_EMPTY"); /* Writing the whole thing */ n = chOQWriteTimeout(&oq, wa[1], TEST_QUEUES_SIZE * 2, TIME_IMMEDIATE); test_assert(6, n == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE, "wrong returned size"); test_assert_lock(7, chOQIsFullI(&oq), "not full"); threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriorityX()+1, thread2, NULL); test_assert_lock(8, chOQGetFullI(&oq) == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE, "not empty"); test_wait_threads(); /* Testing reset */ chSysLock(); chOQResetI(&oq); chSysUnlock(); test_assert_lock(9, chOQGetFullI(&oq) == 0, "still full"); /* Partial writes */ n = chOQWriteTimeout(&oq, wa[1], TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, TIME_IMMEDIATE); test_assert(10, n == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, "wrong returned size"); n = chOQWriteTimeout(&oq, wa[1], TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, TIME_IMMEDIATE); test_assert(11, n == TEST_QUEUES_SIZE / 2, "wrong returned size"); test_assert_lock(12, chOQIsFullI(&oq), "not full"); /* Timeout */ test_assert(13, chOQPutTimeout(&oq, 0, 10) == Q_TIMEOUT, "wrong timeout return"); }
static void rt_test_005_004_execute(void) { /* [5.4.1] A thread is created, it goes to wait on the semaphore.*/ test_set_step(1); { threads[0] = chThdCreateStatic(wa[0], WA_SIZE, chThdGetPriorityX()+1, thread1, "A"); } /* [5.4.2] The semaphore counter is increased by two, it is then tested to be one, the thread must have completed.*/ test_set_step(2); { chSysLock(); chSemAddCounterI(&sem1, 2); chSchRescheduleS(); chSysUnlock(); test_wait_threads(); test_assert_lock(chSemGetCounterI(&sem1) == 1, "invalid counter"); test_assert_sequence("A", "invalid sequence"); } }
static void mbox1_execute(void) { msg_t msg1, msg2; unsigned i; /* * Testing initial space. */ test_assert_lock(1, chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "wrong size"); /* * Testing enqueuing and backward circularity. */ for (i = 0; i < MB_SIZE - 1; i++) { msg1 = chMBPost(&mb1, 'B' + i, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(2, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); } msg1 = chMBPostAhead(&mb1, 'A', TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(3, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); /* * Testing post timeout. */ msg1 = chMBPost(&mb1, 'X', 1); test_assert(4, msg1 == MSG_TIMEOUT, "wrong wake-up message"); chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBPostI(&mb1, 'X'); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(5, msg1 == MSG_TIMEOUT, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostAhead(&mb1, 'X', 1); test_assert(6, msg1 == MSG_TIMEOUT, "wrong wake-up message"); chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBPostAheadI(&mb1, 'X'); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(7, msg1 == MSG_TIMEOUT, "wrong wake-up message"); /* * Testing final conditions. */ test_assert_lock(8, chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still empty"); test_assert_lock(9, chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not full"); test_assert_lock(10, mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); /* * Testing dequeuing. */ for (i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) { msg1 = chMBFetch(&mb1, &msg2, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(11, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_emit_token(msg2); } test_assert_sequence(12, "ABCDE"); /* * Testing buffer circularity. */ msg1 = chMBPost(&mb1, 'B' + i, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(13, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBFetch(&mb1, &msg2, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(14, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_assert(15, mb1.buffer == mb1.wrptr, "write pointer not aligned to base"); test_assert(16, mb1.buffer == mb1.rdptr, "read pointer not aligned to base"); /* * Testing fetch timeout. */ msg1 = chMBFetch(&mb1, &msg2, 1); test_assert(17, msg1 == MSG_TIMEOUT, "wrong wake-up message"); chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBFetchI(&mb1, &msg2); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(18, msg1 == MSG_TIMEOUT, "wrong wake-up message"); /* * Testing final conditions. */ test_assert_lock(19, chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not empty"); test_assert_lock(20, chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still full"); test_assert_lock(21, mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); /* * Testing I-Class. */ chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBPostI(&mb1, 'A'); test_assert(22, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostI(&mb1, 'B'); test_assert(23, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostI(&mb1, 'C'); test_assert(24, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostI(&mb1, 'D'); test_assert(25, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostI(&mb1, 'E'); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(26, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_assert(27, mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); for (i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) { chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBFetchI(&mb1, &msg2); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(28, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_emit_token(msg2); } test_assert_sequence(29, "ABCDE"); test_assert_lock(30, chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not empty"); test_assert_lock(31, chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still full"); test_assert(32, mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBPostAheadI(&mb1, 'E'); test_assert(33, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostAheadI(&mb1, 'D'); test_assert(34, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostAheadI(&mb1, 'C'); test_assert(35, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostAheadI(&mb1, 'B'); test_assert(36, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBPostAheadI(&mb1, 'A'); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(37, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_assert(38, mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); for (i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) { chSysLock(); msg1 = chMBFetchI(&mb1, &msg2); chSysUnlock(); test_assert(39, msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_emit_token(msg2); } test_assert_sequence(40, "ABCDE"); test_assert_lock(41, chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not empty"); test_assert_lock(42, chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still full"); test_assert(43, mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); /* * Testing reset. */ chMBReset(&mb1); /* * Re-testing final conditions. */ test_assert_lock(44, chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not empty"); test_assert_lock(45, chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still full"); test_assert_lock(46, mb1.buffer == mb1.wrptr, "write pointer not aligned to base"); test_assert_lock(47, mb1.buffer == mb1.rdptr, "read pointer not aligned to base"); }
static void test_008_001_execute(void) { msg_t msg1, msg2; unsigned i; /* [8.1.1] Testing the mailbox size.*/ test_set_step(1); { test_assert_lock(chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "wrong size"); } /* [8.1.2] Resetting the mailbox, conditions are checked, no errors expected.*/ test_set_step(2); { chMBReset(&mb1); test_assert_lock(chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not empty"); test_assert_lock(chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still full"); test_assert_lock(mb1.buffer == mb1.wrptr, "write pointer not aligned to base"); test_assert_lock(mb1.buffer == mb1.rdptr, "read pointer not aligned to base"); } /* [8.1.3] Filling the mailbox using chMBPost() and chMBPostAhead() once, no errors expected.*/ test_set_step(3); { for (i = 0; i < MB_SIZE - 1; i++) { msg1 = chMBPost(&mb1, 'B' + i, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); } msg1 = chMBPostAhead(&mb1, 'A', TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); } /* [8.1.4] Testing intermediate conditions. Data pointers must be aligned, semaphore counters are checked.*/ test_set_step(4); { test_assert_lock(chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still empty"); test_assert_lock(chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not full"); test_assert_lock(mb1.rdptr == mb1.wrptr, "pointers not aligned"); } /* [8.1.5] Emptying the mailbox using chMBFetch(), no errors expected.*/ test_set_step(5); { for (i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) { msg1 = chMBFetch(&mb1, &msg2, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); test_emit_token(msg2); } test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "wrong get sequence"); } /* [8.1.6] Posting and then fetching one more message, no errors expected.*/ test_set_step(6); { msg1 = chMBPost(&mb1, 'B' + i, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); msg1 = chMBFetch(&mb1, &msg2, TIME_INFINITE); test_assert(msg1 == MSG_OK, "wrong wake-up message"); } /* [8.1.7] Testing final conditions. Data pointers must be aligned to buffer start, semaphore counters are checked.*/ test_set_step(7); { test_assert_lock(chMBGetFreeCountI(&mb1) == MB_SIZE, "not empty"); test_assert_lock(chMBGetUsedCountI(&mb1) == 0, "still full"); test_assert(mb1.buffer == mb1.wrptr, "write pointer not aligned to base"); test_assert(mb1.buffer == mb1.rdptr, "read pointer not aligned to base"); } }