/** * @brief Get previous cell from string * * @param s : the string * @param pos : the position in string to get cell previous to * @param cell : the output buffer * @param is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into * NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells * * @returns total chars consumed by the cell * * Gets last cell from the string bounded by @a s and @a pos, and if @a cell * is not null, stores the cell data in it. */ size_t th_prev_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_t pos, struct thcell_t *cell, int is_decomp_am) { size_t n = 0; struct thcell_t acell; acell.base = acell.hilo = acell.top = 0; if (pos > 0) { do { thchar_t c = s[pos-1]; switch (th_chlevel (c)) { case 0: if (is_decomp_am && c == TIS_SARA_AM) { acell.hilo = c; } else { acell.base = c; } break; case 1: if (acell.hilo && th_chlevel(acell.hilo) == 3) { acell.top = acell.hilo; } /* fall through */ case -1: acell.hilo = c; break; case 2: acell.top = c; break; case 3: if (!acell.hilo) { acell.hilo = c; } else { acell.top = c; } break; } ++n; --pos; } while ( pos > 0 && ( is_composible (s[pos-1], s[pos]) || ( acell.hilo == TIS_SARA_AM && !acell.base && ( (!acell.top && th_isthtone (s[pos-1])) || th_isthcons (s[pos-1]) ) ) ) ); } if (cell) { *cell = acell; } return n; }
static void th_brkpos_hints (const thchar_t *str, int len, char *hints) { int i; if (len < 0) len = strlen ((const char *)str); memset (hints, 0, len); for (i = 0; i < len; /* nop */) { if (th_isthcons (str[i])) { if (i+1 < len && str[i+1] == TIS_THANTHAKHAT) { i += 2; /* the cons + THANTHAKHAT */ } else if (i+2 < len && str[i+2] == TIS_THANTHAKHAT) { i += 3; /* the cons + intermediate char + THANTHAKHAT */ } else if (i+2 < len && str[i] != TIS_KO_KAI && str[i+1] == TIS_MAITAIKHU && (str[i+2] == TIS_O_ANG || str[i+2] == TIS_WO_WAEN)) { hints[i] = 1; i += 4; /* the cons + MAITAIKHU + OANG/WOWAEN + cons */ } else if ((i > 0 && (str[i-1] == TIS_MAI_HAN_AKAT || str[i-1] == TIS_SARA_UEE)) || (i > 1 && th_isthtone (str[i-1]) && (str[i-2] == TIS_MAI_HAN_AKAT || str[i-2] == TIS_SARA_UEE))) { i++; } else { hints[i++] = 1; } } else if (str[i] == TIS_SARA_E || str[i] == TIS_SARA_AE) { hints[i] = 1; /* sara e/ae */ i += 2; /* sara e/ae + the supposedly cons */ if (i >= len) break; if (str[i] == TIS_MAITAIKHU) { i += 2; /* MAITAIKHU + the supposedly cons */ } else if (th_isupvowel (str[i])) { i++; /* the upper vowel, as part of composite vowel */ if (i < len && th_isthtone (str[i])) i++; i++; /* the supposedly cons */ } else if (i+2 < len && ((str[i+1] == TIS_SARA_AA && str[i+2] == TIS_SARA_A) || (str[i] != TIS_KO_KAI && str[i+1] == TIS_MAITAIKHU && str[i+2] != TIS_O_ANG && str[i+2] != TIS_WO_WAEN))) { i += 3; /* 2nd cons + SARA_AA + SARA_A, or * 2nd cons + MAITAIKHU + final cons */ } } else if (th_isldvowel (str[i])) { hints[i] = 1; /* the ldvowel */ i += 2; /* the ldvowel + the supposedly cons */ } else if (str[i] == TIS_RU || str[i] == TIS_LU) { hints[i++] = 1; } else { i++; } } }