void HTTPRequest::AppendDateField() { Assert(OSThread::GetCurrent() != NULL); DateBuffer* theDateBuffer = OSThread::GetCurrent()->GetDateBuffer(); theDateBuffer->InexactUpdate(); // Update the date buffer to the current date & time StrPtrLen theDate(theDateBuffer->GetDateBuffer(), DateBuffer::kDateBufferLen); // Append date this->AppendResponseHeader(httpDateHeader, &theDate); }
void HTTPRequest::AppendDateAndExpiresFields() { Assert(OSThread::GetCurrent() != NULL); DateBuffer* theDateBuffer = OSThread::GetCurrent()->GetDateBuffer(); theDateBuffer->InexactUpdate(); // Update the date buffer to the current date & time StrPtrLen theDate(theDateBuffer->GetDateBuffer(), DateBuffer::kDateBufferLen); // Append dates, and have this response expire immediately this->AppendResponseHeader(httpDateHeader, &theDate); this->AppendResponseHeader(httpExpiresHeader, &theDate); }
void RTSPRequestInterface::AppendDateAndExpires() { if (!fStandardHeadersWritten) this->WriteStandardHeaders(); Assert(OSThread::GetCurrent() != NULL); DateBuffer* theDateBuffer = OSThread::GetCurrent()->GetDateBuffer(); theDateBuffer->InexactUpdate(); // Update the date buffer to the current date & time StrPtrLen theDate(theDateBuffer->GetDateBuffer(), DateBuffer::kDateBufferLen); // Append dates, and have this response expire immediately this->AppendHeader(qtssDateHeader, &theDate); this->AppendHeader(qtssExpiresHeader, &theDate); }
void DocDigestDetailView::documentListing( TextTemplate *tmpl, int year, int month ) { QString minDate; QString maxDate; if( month > -1 ) { QDate theDate(year, month, 1); // not a year minDate = theDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); int lastDay = theDate.daysInMonth(); theDate.setDate(year, month, lastDay); maxDate = theDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { // is is a year minDate = QString::number(year)+"-01-01"; maxDate = QString::number(year)+"-12-31"; } // read data in the given timeframe from database QSqlQuery q; const QString query = QString("SELECT archDocID, ident, MAX(printDate) FROM archdoc WHERE " "date BETWEEN date('%1') AND date('%2') " "GROUP BY ident").arg(minDate, maxDate); // qDebug() << "***" << query; QMap<QString, QPair<int, Geld> > docMatrix; q.prepare(query); q.exec(); while( q.next() ) { dbID archDocId(q.value(0).toInt()); const ArchDoc doc(archDocId); const QString docType = doc.docType(); Geld g; int n = 0; if( docMatrix.contains(docType)) { g = docMatrix[docType].second; n = docMatrix[docType].first; } Geld g1 = doc.nettoSum(); g += g1; docMatrix[docType].first = n+1; docMatrix[docType].second = g; } // now create the template tmpl->setValue("I18N_AMOUNT", i18n("Amount")); tmpl->setValue("I18N_TYPE", i18n("Type")); tmpl->setValue("I18N_SUM", i18n("Sum")); QStringList doctypes = docMatrix.keys(); doctypes.sort(); foreach( const QString dtype, doctypes ) { qDebug() << "creating doc list for "<<dtype; tmpl->createDictionary( "DOCUMENTS" ); tmpl->setValue("DOCUMENTS", "DOCTYPE", dtype); const QString am = QString::number(docMatrix[dtype].first); tmpl->setValue("DOCUMENTS", "AMOUNT", am); const QString sm = docMatrix[dtype].second.toString(DefaultProvider::self()->locale()); tmpl->setValue("DOCUMENTS", "SUM", sm); }
TVerdict CTPKCS7ValidTest::doTestStepL() { if (TestStepResult() != EPass) { return TestStepResult(); } __UHEAP_MARK; TBool expectedValid; if (GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),_L("IsValid"), expectedValid) == EFalse) { expectedValid = ETrue; } TInt err; CPKCS7ContentInfo * contentInfo = NULL; TRAP (err, contentInfo = CPKCS7ContentInfo::NewL(iRawData->Des())); if(err == KErrNone) { CPKCS7SignedObject * p7 = NULL; if( contentInfo->ContentType() == KPkcs7SignedData) { TRAP (err, p7 = CPKCS7SignedObject::NewL(*contentInfo)); //expired, and the case where certificate chain root is not on the device if (!expectedValid) { if (err != KErrNone) { SetTestStepResult(EPass); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Got %d building PKCS7 object"), err); return TestStepResult(); } } if (err != KErrNone) { SetTestStepResult(EFail); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Got %d building PKCS7 object"), err); } else { CleanupStack::PushL (p7); const RPointerArray<CPKCS7SignerInfo>& signers = p7->SignerInfo(); TBool isValid = EFalse; HBufC8* certificateEncoding = NULL; if(!p7->ValidateSignerL(*signers[0], certificateEncoding)) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Couldn't validate signer")); } else { CActiveScheduler* sched = NULL; if (CActiveScheduler::Current() == NULL) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Installing scheduler")); sched = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler(); CleanupStack::PushL (sched); __UHEAP_MARK; CActiveScheduler::Install (sched); } RPointerArray<CX509Certificate> roots (&iRootCertificate, 1); CPKIXCertChain * chain = CPKIXCertChain::NewLC(iFs, *certificateEncoding, roots); TTime tm; _LIT(KDateCorrect1,"20040801:"); TBuf <24> theDate(KDateCorrect1); TInt err=tm.Set(theDate); if(err) { tm.HomeTime(); } CPKIXValidationResult* result = CPKIXValidationResult::NewLC(); CTPKCS7Validator* validator = new (ELeave) CTPKCS7Validator (chain, result, &tm); CleanupStack::PushL (validator); validator->doValidate (); sched->Start (); if (result->Error().iReason == EValidatedOK) { isValid = ETrue; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Validation success")); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Validation failed: %d"), result->Error().iReason); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(validator); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(result); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(chain); if (sched) { CActiveScheduler::Install (NULL); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (sched); } } if (certificateEncoding) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certificateEncoding); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (p7); if (isValid != expectedValid) { SetTestStepResult(EFail); if (expectedValid) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected valid, got invalid")); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected invalid, got valid")); } } } } } else { SetTestStepResult(EFail); } __UHEAP_MARKEND; return TestStepResult(); }
TVerdict CT_LbsStep_ClearLog::doTestStepL() { SetTestStepResult(EPass); // Create necessary variables for Log reading RFs theFs; CLogClient* client; CLogViewEvent* view; CT_LbsAsyncWaiter* activeWaiter; // Initialise variables TInt ErrorCode = theFs.Connect(); if(ErrorCode) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\t Error: Open FileServer failed.")); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } client = CLogClient::NewL(theFs, CActive::EPriorityStandard); view = CLogViewEvent::NewL(*client, CActive::EPriorityStandard); activeWaiter = CT_LbsAsyncWaiter::NewL(); // NEW activeWaiter // Setup a time in the future, before which all events will be deleted _LIT(KDateCorrect1,"20900101:"); TTime time; TBuf <10> theDate(KDateCorrect1); TInt err=time.Set(theDate); // Ensure time has been set correctly if(err != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to set time")); } if(err == KErrGeneral) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Time syntax is incorrect")); } // Set the filter to view ALL logs CLogFilter* filter = CLogFilter::NewL(); // NEW FILTER CleanupStack::PushL(filter); TBool res = view->SetFilterL(*filter, activeWaiter->iStatus); if (res == EFalse) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("\t No such events to filter in the view.")); client->Cancel(); } else { // else If there are logs, flush them // Cancel outstanding requests client->Cancel(); activeWaiter->StartAndWait(); if (activeWaiter->iStatus != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("\t Error: Cancel returned error %d."),activeWaiter->iStatus.Int()); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } // Clear ALL logs client->ClearLog(time, activeWaiter->iStatus); activeWaiter->StartAndWait(); if (activeWaiter->iStatus != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("\t Error: Clear log returned error %d."),activeWaiter->iStatus.Int()); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } //Confirm log is cleared if(view->CountL() != 0) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("<FONT><B>ERROR: Log still has %d entries</B></FONT>"),view->CountL()); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(filter); // Cleanup everything view->Cancel(); client->Cancel(); delete view; delete client; theFs.Close(); delete activeWaiter; return TestStepResult(); }