コード例 #1
double Radical::DoRadical2D(const mat& matX)
  mat matXMod;

  CopyAndPerturb(matXMod, matX);

  mat matJacobi(2,2);
  mat candidateY;

  vec thetas = linspace<vec>(0, nAngles - 1, nAngles) /
                ((double) nAngles) * M_PI / 2;
  vec values(nAngles);

  for(size_t i = 0; i < nAngles; i++) {
    double cosTheta = cos(thetas(i));
    double sinTheta = sin(thetas(i));
    matJacobi(0,0) = cosTheta;
    matJacobi(1,0) = -sinTheta;
    matJacobi(0,1) = sinTheta;
    matJacobi(1,1) = cosTheta;

    candidateY = matXMod * matJacobi;
    vec candidateY1 = candidateY.unsafe_col(0);
    vec candidateY2 = candidateY.unsafe_col(1);

    values(i) = Vasicek(candidateY1) + Vasicek(candidateY2);

  uword indOpt;
  values.min(indOpt); // we ignore the return value; we don't care about it
  return thetas(indOpt);
//    thetas = 0 : 0.1 * pi : pi;
//    phis = 0 : 0.1 * pi : 2 * pi;
//    actualValues = zeros(length(thetas), length(phis));
//    expectedValues = zeros(length(thetas), length(phis));
//    l = 1; m = -1;
//    for i = 1 : length(thetas)
//        for j = 1 : length(phis)
//            theta = thetas(i);
//            phi = phis(j);
//            currentValues = SphericalHarmonicsComputer.GetSphericalHarmonicValues(theta, phi, l);
//            actualValues(i, j) = currentValues(m + 1 + l);
//            expectedValues(i, j) = SphericalHarmonicsComputer.GetAnalyticSphericalHarmonicValue(theta, phi, l, m);
//        end
//    end
//    difference = actualValues - expectedValues;
//    norm(difference)
    FLOAT_TYPE SphericalHarmonicsComputerTests::GetSphericalHarmonicsError(int l, int m)
        const int thetasCount = 100;
        const int phisCount = 100;
        vector<FLOAT_TYPE> thetas(thetasCount);
        vector<FLOAT_TYPE> phis(phisCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < thetasCount; i++)
            thetas[i] = PI * i / thetasCount;

        for (int i = 0; i < phisCount; i++)
            phis[i] = PI * i / phisCount;

        FLOAT_TYPE error = 0.0;
        int sphericalHarmonicsCount = 2 * l + 1;
        vector< complex<FLOAT_TYPE> > harmonicValues(sphericalHarmonicsCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < thetasCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < phisCount; j++)
                FLOAT_TYPE theta = thetas[i];
                FLOAT_TYPE phi = phis[j];

                SphericalHarmonicsComputer::FillSphericalHarmonicValues(theta, phi, l, &harmonicValues);
                complex<FLOAT_TYPE> actualValue = harmonicValues[m + l];
                complex<FLOAT_TYPE> expectedValue = SphericalHarmonicsComputer::GetAnalyticalSphericalHarmonicValue(theta, phi, l, m);
                error += norm(actualValue - expectedValue);

        return error;
コード例 #3
 * A map detector ID and Q ranges
 * This method looks unnecessary as it could be calculated on the fly but
 * the parallelization means that lazy instantation slows it down due to the
 * necessary CRITICAL sections required to update the cache. The Q range
 * values are required very frequently so the total time is more than
 * offset by this precaching step
DetectorAngularCache initAngularCaches(const MatrixWorkspace *const workspace) {
  const size_t nhist = workspace->getNumberHistograms();
  std::vector<double> thetas(nhist);
  std::vector<double> thetaWidths(nhist);
  std::vector<double> detectorHeights(nhist);

  auto inst = workspace->getInstrument();
  const auto samplePos = inst->getSample()->getPos();
  const V3D upDirVec = inst->getReferenceFrame()->vecPointingUp();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < nhist; ++i) // signed for OpenMP
    IDetector_const_sptr det;
    try {
      det = workspace->getDetector(i);
    } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
      // Catch if no detector. Next line tests whether this happened - test
      // placed
      // outside here because Mac Intel compiler doesn't like 'continue' in a
      // catch
      // in an openmp block.
    // If no detector found, skip onto the next spectrum
    if (!det || det->isMonitor()) {
      thetas[i] = -1.0; // Indicates a detector to skip
      thetaWidths[i] = -1.0;
    // We have to convert theta from radians to degrees
    const double theta = workspace->detectorSignedTwoTheta(*det) * rad2deg;
    thetas[i] = theta;
     * Determine width from shape geometry. A group is assumed to contain
     * detectors with the same shape & r, theta value, i.e. a ring mapped-group
     * The shape is retrieved and rotated to match the rotation of the detector.
     * The angular width is computed using the l2 distance from the sample
    if (auto group = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const DetectorGroup>(det)) {
      // assume they all have same shape and same r,theta
      auto dets = group->getDetectors();
      det = dets[0];
    const auto pos = det->getPos() - samplePos;
    double l2(0.0), t(0.0), p(0.0);
    pos.getSpherical(l2, t, p);
    // Get the shape
    auto shape =
        det->shape(); // Defined in its own reference frame with centre at 0,0,0
    BoundingBox bbox = shape->getBoundingBox();
    auto maxPoint(bbox.maxPoint());
    auto minPoint(bbox.minPoint());
    auto span = maxPoint - minPoint;
    detectorHeights[i] = span.scalar_prod(upDirVec);
    thetaWidths[i] = 2.0 * std::fabs(std::atan((detectorHeights[i] / 2) / l2)) *
                     180.0 / M_PI;
  DetectorAngularCache cache;
  cache.thetas = thetas;
  cache.thetaWidths = thetaWidths;
  cache.detectorHeights = detectorHeights;
  return cache;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Estep.cpp プロジェクト: jacobxk/mirt
//EAP estimates used in multipleGroup
RcppExport SEXP EAPgroup(SEXP Rlogitemtrace, SEXP Rtabdata, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Rprior, SEXP Rmu,
    SEXP Rfull, SEXP Rr, SEXP Rncores)

    const int ncores = as<int>(Rncores);
    const int full = as<int>(Rfull);
    const vector<int> r = as< vector<int> >(Rr);
    const NumericMatrix logitemtrace(Rlogitemtrace);
    const IntegerMatrix tabdata(Rtabdata);
    const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta);
    const vector<double> prior = as< vector<double> >(Rprior);
    const vector<double> mu = as< vector<double> >(Rmu);
    const int n = prior.size(); //nquad
    const int N = tabdata.nrow();
    const int nitems = tabdata.ncol();
    const int nfact = Theta.ncol();
    vector<double> scores(N * nfact);
    vector<double> scores2(N * nfact*(nfact + 1)/2);

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int pat = 0; pat < N; ++pat){

        vector<double> L(n, 0.0);
        for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
            for(int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i)
                if(tabdata(pat, i))
                    L[j] = L[j] + logitemtrace(j, i);

        vector<double> thetas(nfact, 0.0);
        double denom = 0.0;
        for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
            L[j] = exp(L[j] + log(prior[j]));
            denom += L[j];

        for(int k = 0; k < nfact; ++k){
            for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                thetas[k] += Theta(j, k) * L[j] / denom;
            scores[pat + k*N] = thetas[k];

        int ind = 0;
        vector<double> thetas2(nfact*(nfact+1)/2, 0.0);
        for(int i = 0; i < nfact; ++i){
            for(int k = 0; k < nfact; ++k){
                if(i <= k){
                    for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                        thetas2[ind] += (Theta(j, i) - thetas[i]) * (Theta(j, k) - thetas[k]) *
                            L[j] / denom;
                    thetas2[ind] += (thetas[i] - mu[i]) * (thetas[k] - mu[k]);
                    scores2[pat + ind*N] = thetas2[ind];
                    ind += 1;

        const int NN = std::accumulate(r.begin(), r.end(), 0);
        NumericMatrix fullscores(NN, nfact);
        NumericMatrix scoresmat = vec2mat(scores, N, nfact);
        int ind = 0;
        for(int pat = 0; pat < N; ++pat){
            for(int j = 0; j < r[pat]; ++j){
                for(int i = 0; i < nfact; ++i)
                    fullscores(ind, i) = scoresmat(pat, i);
    List ret;
    ret["scores"] = vec2mat(scores, N, nfact);
    ret["scores2"] = vec2mat(scores2, N, nfact*(nfact + 1)/2);

コード例 #5
SEXP invariantSimilarityHelper(
  typename itk::Image< float , ImageDimension >::Pointer image1,
  typename itk::Image< float , ImageDimension >::Pointer image2,
  SEXP r_thetas, SEXP r_lsits, SEXP r_WM, SEXP r_scale,
  SEXP r_doreflection, SEXP r_txfn  )
  unsigned int mibins = 20;
  unsigned int localSearchIterations =
    Rcpp::as< unsigned int >( r_lsits ) ;
  std::string whichMetric = Rcpp::as< std::string >( r_WM );
  std::string txfn = Rcpp::as< std::string >( r_txfn );
  bool useprincaxis = true;
  typedef typename itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject<ImageDimension>::ImageType
  typename maskimagetype::Pointer mask = ITK_NULLPTR;
  Rcpp::NumericVector thetas( r_thetas );
  Rcpp::NumericVector vector_r( r_thetas ) ;
  Rcpp::IntegerVector dims( 1 );
  Rcpp::IntegerVector doReflection( r_doreflection );
  unsigned int vecsize = thetas.size();
  typedef float  PixelType;
  typedef double RealType;
  RealType bestscale = Rcpp::as< RealType >( r_scale ) ;
  typedef itk::Image< PixelType , ImageDimension > ImageType;
  if( image1.IsNotNull() & image2.IsNotNull() )
    typedef typename itk::ImageMomentsCalculator<ImageType> ImageCalculatorType;
    typedef itk::AffineTransform<RealType, ImageDimension> AffineType0;
    typedef itk::AffineTransform<RealType, ImageDimension> AffineType;
    typedef typename ImageCalculatorType::MatrixType       MatrixType;
    typedef itk::Vector<float, ImageDimension>  VectorType;
    VectorType ccg1;
    VectorType cpm1;
    MatrixType cpa1;
    VectorType ccg2;
    VectorType cpm2;
    MatrixType cpa2;
    typename ImageCalculatorType::Pointer calculator1 =
    typename ImageCalculatorType::Pointer calculator2 =
    calculator1->SetImage(  image1 );
    calculator2->SetImage(  image2 );
    typename ImageCalculatorType::VectorType fixed_center;
    typename ImageCalculatorType::VectorType moving_center;
      fixed_center = calculator1->GetCenterOfGravity();
      ccg1 = calculator1->GetCenterOfGravity();
      cpm1 = calculator1->GetPrincipalMoments();
      cpa1 = calculator1->GetPrincipalAxes();
        moving_center = calculator2->GetCenterOfGravity();
        ccg2 = calculator2->GetCenterOfGravity();
        cpm2 = calculator2->GetPrincipalMoments();
        cpa2 = calculator2->GetPrincipalAxes();
      catch( ... )
    catch( ... )
      // Rcpp::Rcerr << " zero image1 error ";
    if ( vnl_math_abs( bestscale - 1.0 ) < 1.e-6 )
      RealType volelt1 = 1;
      RealType volelt2 = 1;
      for ( unsigned int d=0; d<ImageDimension; d++)
        volelt1 *= image1->GetSpacing()[d];
        volelt2 *= image2->GetSpacing()[d];
      bestscale =
        ( calculator2->GetTotalMass() * volelt2 )/
        ( calculator1->GetTotalMass() * volelt1 );
      RealType powlev = 1.0 / static_cast<RealType>(ImageDimension);
      bestscale = vcl_pow( bestscale , powlev );
    unsigned int eigind1 = 1;
    unsigned int eigind2 = 1;
    if( ImageDimension == 3 )
      eigind1 = 2;
    typedef vnl_vector<RealType> EVectorType;
    typedef vnl_matrix<RealType> EMatrixType;
    EVectorType evec1_2ndary = cpa1.GetVnlMatrix().get_row( eigind2 );
    EVectorType evec1_primary = cpa1.GetVnlMatrix().get_row( eigind1 );
    EVectorType evec2_2ndary  = cpa2.GetVnlMatrix().get_row( eigind2 );
    EVectorType evec2_primary = cpa2.GetVnlMatrix().get_row( eigind1 );
    /** Solve Wahba's problem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahba%27s_problem */
    EMatrixType B = outer_product( evec2_primary, evec1_primary );
    if( ImageDimension == 3 )
      B = outer_product( evec2_2ndary, evec1_2ndary )
        + outer_product( evec2_primary, evec1_primary );
    vnl_svd<RealType>    wahba( B );
    vnl_matrix<RealType> A_solution = wahba.V() * wahba.U().transpose();
    A_solution = vnl_inverse( A_solution );
    RealType det = vnl_determinant( A_solution  );
    if( ( det < 0 ) )
      vnl_matrix<RealType> id( A_solution );
      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
        if( A_solution( i, i ) < 0 )
          id( i, i ) = -1.0;
      A_solution =  A_solution * id.transpose();
    if ( doReflection[0] == 1 ||  doReflection[0] == 3 )
        vnl_matrix<RealType> id( A_solution );
        id = id - 2.0 * outer_product( evec2_primary , evec2_primary  );
        A_solution = A_solution * id;
    if ( doReflection[0] > 1 )
        vnl_matrix<RealType> id( A_solution );
        id = id - 2.0 * outer_product( evec1_primary , evec1_primary  );
        A_solution = A_solution * id;
    typename AffineType::Pointer affine1 = AffineType::New();
    typename AffineType::OffsetType trans = affine1->GetOffset();
    itk::Point<RealType, ImageDimension> trans2;
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
      trans[i] = moving_center[i] - fixed_center[i];
      trans2[i] =  fixed_center[i] * ( 1 );
    affine1->SetOffset( trans );
    if( useprincaxis )
      affine1->SetMatrix( A_solution );
    affine1->SetCenter( trans2 );
    if( ImageDimension > 3  )
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    vnl_vector<RealType> evec_tert;
    if( ImageDimension == 3 )
      { // try to rotate around tertiary and secondary axis
      evec_tert = vnl_cross_3d( evec1_primary, evec1_2ndary );
    if( ImageDimension == 2 )
      { // try to rotate around tertiary and secondary axis
      evec_tert = evec1_2ndary;
      evec1_2ndary = evec1_primary;
    itk::Vector<RealType, ImageDimension> axis2;
    itk::Vector<RealType, ImageDimension> axis1;
    for( unsigned int d = 0; d < ImageDimension; d++ )
      axis1[d] = evec_tert[d];
      axis2[d] = evec1_2ndary[d];
    typename AffineType::Pointer simmer = AffineType::New();
    simmer->SetCenter( trans2 );
    simmer->SetOffset( trans );
    typename AffineType0::Pointer affinesearch = AffineType0::New();
    affinesearch->SetCenter( trans2 );
    typedef  itk::MultiStartOptimizerv4         OptimizerType;
    typename OptimizerType::MetricValuesListType metricvalues;
    typename OptimizerType::Pointer  mstartOptimizer = OptimizerType::New();
    typedef itk::CorrelationImageToImageMetricv4
      <ImageType, ImageType, ImageType> GCMetricType;
    typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4
      <ImageType, ImageType, ImageType> MetricType;
    typename MetricType::ParametersType newparams(  affine1->GetParameters() );
    typename GCMetricType::Pointer gcmetric = GCMetricType::New();
    gcmetric->SetFixedImage( image1 );
    gcmetric->SetVirtualDomainFromImage( image1 );
    gcmetric->SetMovingImage( image2 );
    gcmetric->SetMovingTransform( simmer );
    gcmetric->SetParameters( newparams );
    typename MetricType::Pointer mimetric = MetricType::New();
    mimetric->SetNumberOfHistogramBins( mibins );
    mimetric->SetFixedImage( image1 );
    mimetric->SetMovingImage( image2 );
    mimetric->SetMovingTransform( simmer );
    mimetric->SetParameters( newparams );
    if( mask.IsNotNull() )
      typename itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject<ImageDimension>::Pointer so =
      so->SetImage( const_cast<maskimagetype *>( mask.GetPointer() ) );
      mimetric->SetFixedImageMask( so );
      gcmetric->SetFixedImageMask( so );
    typedef  itk::ConjugateGradientLineSearchOptimizerv4 LocalOptimizerType;
    typename LocalOptimizerType::Pointer  localoptimizer =
    RealType     localoptimizerlearningrate = 0.1;
    localoptimizer->SetLearningRate( localoptimizerlearningrate );
      localoptimizerlearningrate );
    localoptimizer->SetNumberOfIterations( localSearchIterations );
    localoptimizer->SetLowerLimit( 0 );
    localoptimizer->SetUpperLimit( 2 );
    localoptimizer->SetEpsilon( 0.1 );
    localoptimizer->SetMaximumLineSearchIterations( 50 );
    localoptimizer->SetDoEstimateLearningRateOnce( true );
    localoptimizer->SetMinimumConvergenceValue( 1.e-6 );
    localoptimizer->SetConvergenceWindowSize( 5 );
    if( true )
      typedef typename MetricType::FixedSampledPointSetType PointSetType;
      typedef typename PointSetType::PointType              PointType;
      typename PointSetType::Pointer      pset(PointSetType::New());
      unsigned int ind=0;
      unsigned int ct=0;
      itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<ImageType> It(image1,
        image1->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
      for( It.GoToBegin(); !It.IsAtEnd(); ++It )
        // take every N^th point
        if ( ct % 10 == 0  )
          PointType pt;
          image1->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( It.GetIndex(), pt);
          pset->SetPoint(ind, pt);
      mimetric->SetFixedSampledPointSet( pset );
      mimetric->SetUseFixedSampledPointSet( true );
      gcmetric->SetFixedSampledPointSet( pset );
      gcmetric->SetUseFixedSampledPointSet( true );
    if ( whichMetric.compare("MI") == 0  ) {
      typedef itk::RegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShift<MetricType>
      typename RegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShiftType::Pointer
      shiftScaleEstimator =
      shiftScaleEstimator->SetMetric( mimetric );
      shiftScaleEstimator->SetTransformForward( true );
      typename RegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShiftType::ScalesType
      movingScales( simmer->GetNumberOfParameters() );
      shiftScaleEstimator->EstimateScales( movingScales );
      mstartOptimizer->SetScales( movingScales );
      mstartOptimizer->SetMetric( mimetric );
      localoptimizer->SetMetric( mimetric );
      localoptimizer->SetScales( movingScales );
    if ( whichMetric.compare("MI") != 0  ) {
      typedef itk::RegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShift<GCMetricType>
      typename RegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShiftType::Pointer
        shiftScaleEstimator =
      shiftScaleEstimator->SetMetric( gcmetric );
      shiftScaleEstimator->SetTransformForward( true );
      typename RegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShiftType::ScalesType
      movingScales( simmer->GetNumberOfParameters() );
      shiftScaleEstimator->EstimateScales( movingScales );
      mstartOptimizer->SetScales( movingScales );
      mstartOptimizer->SetMetric( gcmetric );
      localoptimizer->SetMetric( gcmetric );
      localoptimizer->SetScales( movingScales );
    typename OptimizerType::ParametersListType parametersList =
    affinesearch->SetCenter( trans2 );
    affinesearch->SetOffset( trans );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vecsize; i++ )
      RealType ang1 = thetas[i];
      RealType ang2 = 0; // FIXME should be psi
      vector_r[ i ]=0;
      if( ImageDimension == 3 )
        for ( unsigned int jj = 0; jj < vecsize; jj++ )
        affinesearch->SetCenter( trans2 );
        affinesearch->SetOffset( trans );
        if( useprincaxis )
          affinesearch->SetMatrix( A_solution );
        affinesearch->Rotate3D(axis1, ang1, 1);
        affinesearch->Rotate3D(axis2, ang2, 1);
        affinesearch->Scale( bestscale );
        simmer->SetMatrix(  affinesearch->GetMatrix() );
        parametersList.push_back( simmer->GetParameters() );
      if( ImageDimension == 2 )
        affinesearch->SetCenter( trans2 );
        affinesearch->SetOffset( trans );
        if( useprincaxis )
          affinesearch->SetMatrix( A_solution );
        affinesearch->Rotate2D( ang1, 1);
        affinesearch->Scale( bestscale );
        simmer->SetMatrix(  affinesearch->GetMatrix() );
        typename AffineType::ParametersType pp =
        parametersList.push_back( simmer->GetParameters() );
    mstartOptimizer->SetParametersList( parametersList );
    if( localSearchIterations > 0 )
      mstartOptimizer->SetLocalOptimizer( localoptimizer );
    typename AffineType::Pointer bestaffine = AffineType::New();
    bestaffine->SetCenter( trans2 );
    bestaffine->SetParameters( mstartOptimizer->GetBestParameters() );
    if ( txfn.length() > 3 )
      typename AffineType::Pointer bestaffine = AffineType::New();
      bestaffine->SetCenter( trans2 );
      bestaffine->SetParameters( mstartOptimizer->GetBestParameters() );
      typedef itk::TransformFileWriter TransformWriterType;
      typename TransformWriterType::Pointer transformWriter =
      transformWriter->SetInput( bestaffine );
      transformWriter->SetFileName( txfn.c_str() );
    metricvalues = mstartOptimizer->GetMetricValuesList();
    for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < metricvalues.size(); k++ )
      vector_r[k] = metricvalues[k];
    dims[0] = vecsize;
    vector_r.attr( "dim" ) = vecsize;
    return Rcpp::wrap( vector_r );
    return Rcpp::wrap( vector_r );