コード例 #1
    shared_ptr<ServiceAuthState> serviceAuthState,
    apache::thrift::server::TConnectionContext* ctx) :
    AuthHandler(move(serviceAuthState), ctx) {
  cwd_ = open(".", O_RDONLY);
  if (cwd_ < 0) {
    PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to open current directory";
    throwErrno("failed to open current directory");
コード例 #2
void ShellHandler::chdir(const string& dir) {
  unique_lock<mutex> g(mutex_);

  FdGuard newCwd(openat(cwd_, dir.c_str(), O_RDONLY));
  if (newCwd < 0) {
    throwErrno("unable to change directory");

  cwd_ = newCwd.release();
コード例 #3
ファイル: extern-compiler.cpp プロジェクト: fredemmott/hhvm
std::string readline(FILE* f) {
  char* line = nullptr;
  size_t mx = 0;
  ssize_t len = 0;
  SCOPE_EXIT { free(line); };

  if ((len = getline(&line, &mx, f)) < 0) {
    throwErrno("error reading line");

  return len ? std::string(line, len - 1) : std::string();
コード例 #4
DumpReader::DumpReader(const std::string &dump)
 : m_dump(0), m_bz(0), m_dumpSize(0), m_bzStatus(BZ_OK)
	m_dump = fopen(dump.c_str(), "r");
	if (!m_dump) {
	int status;
	m_bz = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&status, m_dump, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	if (status) {
		throw std::logic_error("bzip error");
	if (fseek(m_dump, 0, SEEK_END) || 
		-1 == (m_dumpSize = ftell(m_dump)) ||
		fseek(m_dump, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
コード例 #5
void ShellHandler::pwd(string& _return) {
  unique_lock<mutex> g(mutex_);

  // TODO: this only works on linux
  char procPath[1024];
  snprintf(procPath, sizeof(procPath), "/proc/self/fd/%d", cwd_);

  char cwdPath[1024];
  ssize_t numBytes = readlink(procPath, cwdPath, sizeof(cwdPath));
  if (numBytes < 0) {
    throwErrno("failed to determine current working directory");

  _return.assign(cwdPath, numBytes);
コード例 #6
ファイル: extern-compiler.cpp プロジェクト: swtaarrs/hhvm
std::string ExternCompiler::readResult(StructuredLogEntry* log) const {
  const auto line = readline(m_out);
  const auto header = folly::parseJson(line);
  const std::string type = header.getDefault("type", "").asString();
  const std::size_t bytes = header.getDefault("bytes", 0).asInt();

  const auto logResult = [&] (auto name, auto t) {
    if (log != nullptr) log->setInt(name, t);
    FTRACE(2, "{} took {} us\n", name, t);

  if (RuntimeOption::EvalLogExternCompilerPerf) {
    if (auto parsing_time = header.get_ptr("parsing_time")) {
      logResult("extern_parsing", parsing_time->asInt());
    if (auto codegen_time = header.get_ptr("codegen_time")) {
      logResult("extern_codegen", codegen_time->asInt());
    if (auto printing_time = header.get_ptr("printing_time")) {
      logResult("extern_printing", printing_time->asInt());

  if (type == "success") {
    std::string program(bytes, '\0');
    if (bytes != 0 && fread(&program[0], bytes, 1, m_out) != 1) {
      throwErrno("reading input program");
    return program;
  } else if (type == "error") {
    // We don't need to restart the pipe -- the compiler just wasn't able to
    // build this file...
    throw CompilerFatal(
      header.getDefault("error", "[no 'error' field]").asString());
  } else {
    throw CompilerFatal("unknown message type, " + type);

コード例 #7
ファイル: extern-compiler.cpp プロジェクト: fredemmott/hhvm
std::string ExternCompiler::readProgram() const {
  const auto line = readline(m_out);
  const auto header = folly::parseJson(line);
  const std::string type = header.getDefault("type", "").asString();
  const std::size_t bytes = header.getDefault("bytes", 0).asInt();

  if (type == "hhas") {
    std::string program(bytes, '\0');
    if (fread(&program[0], bytes, 1, m_out) != 1) {
      throwErrno("reading input program");
    return program;
  } else if (type == "error") {
    // We don't need to restart the pipe -- the compiler just wasn't able to
    // build this file...
    throw std::runtime_error(
      header.getDefault("error", "[no 'error' field]").asString());
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error("unknown message type, " + type);
