コード例 #1
/* Constructor */
EkfNode::EkfNode(): private_nh_("~") {

  // Create a publisher object to publish the determined state of the robot. Odometry messages contain both Pose and Twist with covariance.
  stateMapPub_ = public_nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom_map",1);
  stateOdomPub_ = public_nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom",1);

  // Create a subscriber object to subscribe to the topic 
  dwSub_ = public_nh_.subscribe("dw/t0/data",1,&EkfNode::dwSubCB,this);
  imuSub_ = public_nh_.subscribe("imu/data",1,&EkfNode::imuSubCB,this);
  encSub_ = public_nh_.subscribe("enc",1,&EkfNode::encSubCB,this);

  // Wait for time to not equal zero. A zero time means that no message has
  // been received on the /clock topic
  ros::Time timeZero(0.0);
  while (ros::Time::now() == timeZero) { }
  // Sleep for a small time to make sure publishing and subscribing works.
  // Initialize 
コード例 #2
/* Constructor */
Mapper::Mapper(): private_nh_("~") {
  // Set up the publisher and subsciber objects
  occupancyGrid_pub_ = public_nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>("mowed_map",1);
  static_grass_map_pub_ = public_nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>("grass_map", 1, true);
  // Publish the percent of the grass_map_ that has been mowed each update
  percent_pub_ = public_nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("percent_complete",1, true);
  odom_sub_ = public_nh_.subscribe("odom",10,&Mapper::odomCB,this);

  // Offer three map servers that can be queried. One returns the original grass map (statis_grass_map), one returns the current location of the grass (grass_map), and one returns the areas that have been covered (mowed_map).
  static_grass_map_srv_ = public_nh_.advertiseService("static_grass_map", &Mapper::staticGrassMapCallback, this);
  grass_map_srv_ = public_nh_.advertiseService("grass_map", &Mapper::grassMapCallback, this);
  mowed_map_srv_ = public_nh_.advertiseService("mowed_map", &Mapper::mowedMapCallback, this);

  // Callback functions that reset the map, put the pen up, and put the pen down.
  reset_map_srv_ = public_nh_.advertiseService("reset_map", &Mapper::resetMapCallback, this);
  penUp_srv_ = public_nh_.advertiseService("penup", &Mapper::penUpCallback, this);
  penDown_srv_ = public_nh_.advertiseService("pendown", &Mapper::penDownCallback, this);

  // Wait for time to not equal zero. A zero time means that no message has been received on the /clock topic
  ros::Time timeZero(0.0);
  while (ros::Time::now() == timeZero) { }
  // Sleep for a small time to make sure publishing and subscribing works.

  // TODO: Get all these parameters from the ROS parameter server.
  // Make options for defining number of cells, ppm, and meters.
  // Any two of those should deterimine the other three.
  // Cells = ppm * meters

  // Put the pen Down (Get ready to start marking).
  penDown_ = true;

  // Publish the empty map